ALWAYS OPEN A x A ☆ ✨ found family but it's fantasy !!

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Willow Rue

Whispering Pines Native
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. No Preferences
Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, Quest, Dystopian, Apocalypse, Modern, Sci-Fi, Steampunk
"You saw through me, all this time -- I'd forgotten people are kind."

❤️ Current Plot Cravings

⭐ A child is born with/given a gift from the gods, making them incredibly valuable. Fleeing from those who would exploit that gift, they're met with a variety of characters with their own motives for helping the child completely their quest.

⭐ A group of characters is captured by a cult believing they are all keys to awakening their sleeping god. But they manage to escape at the last moment, working together to avoid capture and undo the cult's dark machinations.

⭐ A goddess agrees to revive a dying earth spirit if a group of chosen characters, those who remain pure of heart, are able to prove that there is still some good in humanity.​
code by MaryGold, heavily inspired by winnie

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    Howdy! Feel free to call me Willow or Rue. So I've been on this site for a while, but as with many people, my living situation suddenly changed and I had to sacrifice some hobbies in the process. But I'm back and I craving a juicy story. Something wholesome and full of adventures (think Studio Ghibli or maybe even Frieren) and I'm looking for a partner who loves writing multiple characters, crafting lore rich settings and following a long term plot with good ole character bonding. But first, here:


    This thread is best enjoyed with a cup of elf ear tea. I don't make the rules.

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    Writing Style:
    My length ranges from 500 - 1000+ words. I write in third person only and expect the same from you.

    Response Time:
    I do have ADHD that makes it hard for me to focus, even when I REALLY want to respond. I also go to school and work so I just ask for patience for IC responses. Please don't hound me for responses, it stresses me out. But real talk is that if I feel I can't commit, I will let you know so that you can find a partner who can.

    Theme/Pairing Craving:
    Found Family • Best Friends • LGBTQ+ Purely Platonic • Sapphic • Achillean • Nonbinary Rep • Transgender Rep • Straight • Ace/Aro Rep • Siblings • Aunts/Uncles • Adoption Plotline • Mentor/Student (Platonic) • Slowburn • Instant Connection • Soulmates • Crushes • Unlikely Friends • Unlikely Parents • Grandparents • Pets 🐾

    Location Preference:
    I prefer personal messages, but if you're someone who prefers threads, that's not a deal breaker.

    OC Preferences:
    For face claims, I generally stick to art. But it's not like I'll turn you away if you use anime, realistic or any other medium of face claims. Character sheets are always appreciated so I can go back to reference things (and probably brainrot of your beautiful character) but it's not mandatory. Other than these two things, its pretty much free game.

    Other expectations:
    Please be friendly, pleeaaase, I really hate feeling I have to walk on on eggshells with. I'm pretty chatty OOC sometimes too, I like to get to bond with my partner but I absolutely respect boundaries and won't ask you any personal questions. Otherwise, I love sending things like character playlists, moodboards, silly tiktoks that remind me of our babies. I might even draw something if I feel inspired to.

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    Let's get down to business. To defeat. The Huns. Here's some more specific cravings (parings, tropes, single scenes, etc) that I haven't been able to forget and would love to include. Not mandatory of course. The next tab will have some more fleshed out plots to get our inspiration going.

    OC Archetype Cravings:
    Bard (Anything) • Bumbling Buccaneer • Child at Heart • Child Too Good for this Rotten World • Grandpop Wizard • Gremlin Kiddo • Healer Who Would Chose Violence • Hurt x Innocent • Loveable Goofball • Nerdy Artificer • Overprotective Paladin • Secret Royalty • Seriously Scary Assassin • Shady Merchant • Spellsword • Thief with a 💛 of Gold

    Trope Cravings: (Romantic OR Platonic)
    Admirable Rivals • Assassin x Healer • Chaotic x Calm • Chaotic x Chaotic • Childhood Friends • Cinnamon Roll Everyone Protects • Exiled Knight • Friends to Lovers • Hot Headed x Sunshine • Monster in Hiding • Overthinker x No Thoughts • Partners in Crime • Practically Married • Puppy Energy x Troublemaker • Redeemed Villain x Sunshine • Serious x Dramatic • Sunshine x Grumpy • Tired Mom/Dad Friends • Witchhunter x Smol!Witch

    Pet Archetype Cravings:
    Cat who barely tolerates Anyone • Cursed character trapped in an Animal's body • Exotic Little Critter who won't leave the Party alone • Judgemental Owl • A Doggo (Very Good Boy/Girl) • Mischievous Raven • Sassy Horse

    Genre Cravings:
    Adventure • Cosmic Horror • High Fantasy • Humor/Comic Relief • Low Fantasy • Medieval • Mystery • Romance • Quest • Slice of Life

    Baseline Races: (Not Limited)
    Changelings • Dark Elves • Dragonborn • Dwarves • Fae • Fairy • Foxfolk • Half Elves • Half Orcs • High Elves • Humans • Kobold • Lizardfolk • Loenin • Moon Elves • Orcs • Snow Elves • Sun Elves • Tabaxi • Tiefling • Tigerfolk • Wolfkind • Warforged • Wood Elves

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    But what are we even going to do with our characters if we don't have a story to write them in? Here's some lose ideas, stepping stones that can be used to refine them. Because I, uh. UH. I love worldbuilding. I love placing characters in uncomfortable predicaments so they can grow. So what kind of trouble can we get our babies into:

    Baseline Plots: (Starters)
    » An prophesied hero story turned on it's head. The villain and the hero join forces to write their own destiny, rounding up other characters with their own destines seeking their own lives of their choosing. But the gods may not approve of this.
    » The world is ending and a group of survivors cross paths in the most unlikely ways. As they process their separate traumas and come to terms with the new state of the world, they come to realize that they can only depend on each.
    » A child is born with/given a gift from the gods, making them incredibly valuable. Fleeing from those who would exploit that gift, they're met with a variety of characters with their own motives for helping the child completely their quest.
    » A group of characters is captured by a cult believing they are all keys to awakening their sleeping god. But they manage to escape at the last moment, working together to avoid capture and undo the cult's dark machinations.

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  • Nice Execution!
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