From Beneath the Waves

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Korrin sighed softly at the idea of getting used to everything, though it was more weariness than annoyance. As exciting as it was to see all the human things around, he had a feeling it was going to be exhausting trying to keep up with all the things he was learning. Hopefully he would be able to retain it all.

"Thank you," he said softly, for both the reassurance and the advice, and took a seat again to untie the shoes and get them off. He assumed he was supposed to buy them before wearing them, and to put socks on as well. "Sorry if I ask too many questions."

She was his friend and she was very patient with him, but he knew constantly answering questions would probably get tiring for her, too. They were tackling learning the human world together, he knew she had meant it when she said things of the same sort, and yet it still felt like a burden. Maybe next they could do something she liked so it wouldn't be such a chore. He did honestly want to learn about the things she liked to do, most of all.
She shook her head a little, "you don't have to apologise for that Korrin, I love your curiosity." "Besides how will you learn if you don't ask?"

She took the box from him once he'd put the shoes back in, "anyway i like teaching, I just hope I'm doing an okay job." "I forget to explain things that I just know naturally sometimes."

She smiled a little, "I hope I can teach you some of the fun stuff i like to do sometime." "Around here and back home, if you wanted to visit one day."
How will you learn if you don't ask. It was something he'd always tried to tell people, given how he liked to know about every little thing around him. He was sure he had driven Minamet a bit insane over the years, constantly questing for answers, but she had been a bit of a scholar herself so he supposed she couldn't blame him for following in her footsteps.

"I think you're doing okay," he reassured with an almost shy little smile, not knowing how to make it easier for her besides occasionally bombarding her with questions, and followed her towards where they would need to pay for the shoes. "I would really like to learn the things you like to do. It's a good place to start, and it helps me know you better."

They had talked a lot in the short time they'd known each other, but there was still so much he had to learn about his new friend. And now that he traveled more freely between water and land, and knew that he could trust her with anything, he could tell her more about himself, too.
She paid for the shoes, adding them to the bag of clothes she was carrying. "Thanks." She said softly, a little shy herself. "If I can be better though, please tell me alright?"

She paused a moment to think, as she led them out. "Well I like a lot of stuff, how about for today we check out a few stores and grab something to eat at my favourite cafe around here."

"It's all about chocolate and desserts, it's delicious."
She smiled a little, "then depending on how long you plan on staying, we can make a couple of day trips to the other city."
"If I have more questions, I promise to ask," Korrin assured, because he really wasn't sure what she could be doing that would make her a better teacher. He hardly knew enough to know what he was missing, after all, and quite frankly had so many questions it was best to just wait until one or two came to him in the moment to ask any.

"Ooh, I like chocolate." He said with a soft hum of interest when she mentioned the cafe. If it was half as good as the things she made him, he was sure he would like it. Some things were very sweet and he wasn't used to it, but he did like chocolate and desserts.

How long he would stay was another matter entirely. There was so much to think about, he didn't really know how to answer. He knew in his heart he needed to go back to the sea eventually and face his hurting feelings, but there was so much on the surface to explore. He was just running away, but he really did want to see it all.

"If it's okay . . ." He started off hesitantly, knowing she welcomed him but not wanting to overtake her home, even if it was only a temporary one to her. "I'd like to stay for a few days. . . Two, at least." Maybe three or four. Enough time to explore a little, to spend time with his thoughts and with the outside world he apparently should have been part of. If he were lucky, perhaps some of it might even help him remember how he had grown up as a child. Part of him was still uncertain if he wanted that.
She smiled and nodded, "Alright, sounds good." She really wanted to help him learn all he could, so she was glad he was confident enough to ask questions if he didn't fully understand.

She thought he'd enjoy the cafe, of the things she'd made him, she'd noticed he'd enjoyed chocolate. "They make really good hot chocolate, oh and they have amazing churros."

His hesitation did not go unoticed, but she didn't mention it, letting him take his time to think it through before he answered.

His answer surprised her a little, in fact she seemed a little disappointed. She had expected him to want to stay longer, and she was surprised at how excited she was for him to stay.

She didn't want him to feel pressured, that would be selfish, so she just smiled and nodded. "That's perfectly fine Korrin, you're welcome to stay as long as you want too." It was clear she meant it, a smile on her face.
Korrin was worried initially about overstaying his welcome, but at her reassurance gave a soft, not quite shy smile. "Thank you," he said very quietly, following quietly after her for a moment as he let the warm feeling settle in his chest. It had been a long time since he had been welcomed so openly.

"What's a . . . churro?" He asked after a pause, soothed enough to begin feeling curious again, though his eyes didn't wander far enough for him to fall behind. "Are there other stores that aren't for clothes?"
"Churros are like sticks made of fried dough from Spain, so they have a nice crunch on the outside and they're soft and fluffy on the inside." She explained as they walked, "then they're covered with cinnamon and sugar, and you eat them warm, with dipping sauce if you want."

"Oh yeah of course, there are stores for pretty much anything."
She answered with a smile, "there are places to buy flowers, furniture, stationery, beauty stuff, toys, video games, candles, trinkets and decorations. ..."

She shrugged a little, "honestly I could go on forever."
Korrin wasn't extremely sure where Spain was, though he did vaguely recall the idea of a world map, but what she was describing was something he thought he would like to try. "Ooh, they sound delicious. . ." Churros. He would have to remember that word.

"That's a lot of things." He supposed there were similar specialists underwater, though they were on a much smaller scale. It made a bit of sense, given how many people were living in the area. ". . . Can we see the place with flowers, some day?" Flowers were always very pretty, and he didn't get to see many from the ocean. The amount of different plants he had already seen was fascinating.
She laughed a little, a small sheepish smile on her face. "Oh they are, theyre amazing, I probably eat them way more than I should do."

She smiled and nodded, "yeah of course, the grocery store sells some but the other town has a pretty good florist." "But even better, there's a huge botanical garden there we can visit too."
Korrin smiled at the sound of her laugh, almost helplessly. He couldn't help but like making her happy, even if she was just amused by something he said or did that was silly. He'd been living alone too long, he was sure, if just the sound of someone laughing made him feel so warm inside.

"Ooh, a garden?" He repeated, all but starry-eyed at the thought of being surrounded by flowers, though his visions were much smaller scale than hers. "Is it close by? It would be so pretty to see. All the plants that grow . . . here are very pretty. I haven't been able to see very many."
She smiled at the eagerness she saw in his eyes at the thought of the garden, it made her happy to see him so excited. "I think you'll love it, they've got hundreds of different flowers and plants, they're all split up into different themed gardens."

"So you can take your time wandering through each one, looking at everything."
She smiled as she nodded, "it's about an hour away so not too far."

"Why don't we get up early tomorrow and go see it?" "We can check out some other fun places there too if you want, I think you'd enjoy the museum."
"Hundreds?" Korrin's shock was palpable, eyes gone wide and attention drifting away as he tried to picture it all. So much greenery in one place. "That sounds amazing! I would love to go!" An hour didn't sound so long for something so wonderful. He'd swam for much longer at a time to get to where he needed to be. It would help him get used to being in the car, too.

In his excitement he almost missed the rest of her words, and though he was still smiling a bit helplessly the look he gave her was still mildly confused. "What do they keep in museums? They're full of old things to look at, aren't they? Like a shipwreck." But on land. He thought it was like that, anyway. He could only recall a little of the idea of what they were, and most of it had come from the stories Minamet would tell him about the surface world.
Her smile widened at his enthusiasm, "perfect, that's settled then." She answered happily, feeling pretty excited about it herself.

Aside from it just being more fun to visit places like that with a friend, Korrins curiosity and excited eagerness were an added bonus, and fairly contagious.

"Yeah sort of, they're different types of museums but basically they're places to learn and study history." "So there could be artefacts, art, fossils, a lot of them have interactive exhibits that teach you science and things in fun ways."
With more and more interesting things waiting just beyond the horizon, it was easier to feel less sad, to let the strange, directionless dread that had been crushing his chest since the night before begin to fade. Life was changing, and many things that changed were frightening and worrisome, but even if it wasn't forever he had a friend at his side for now, and if he had to he could always go a back to the sea. It would be okay, he reassured himself when there were bright skies and brighter smiles around him. Eventually, everything would be okay.

"They sound interesting," he murmured, trying to picture what a museum might look like. All his brain could conjure up was the vague idea of large rooms and glass walls with things behind it he couldn't properly picture. "I wonder what old things look like up here. Things in the water get broken to bits, after a long time." The currents and the properties of ocean water were very good at wearing things down into little pieces. Maybe away from the water with only the air to hold them they could be studied more closely.
She nodded thoughtfully, "I suppose that would happen to anything lost in the ocean after a while." "Some things do get damaged or degrade over time, but there's still a lot of really well preserved stuff."

"I love seeing the fossils and things from ancient animals, like dinosaur skeletons."
She said with a smile while they walked, leading him past and into different shops she though he might find interesting as they went.
Korrin made soft, interested sounds to show he was listening even as his eyes wandered, looking over the items in different shop windows. "Fossils . . . Fossils . . . Like bones?" He asked, curious despite distraction, and followed her into a shop full of things he could not find the connection between. Looking at a few made it feel like they were just purposeless decorations, though strange ones.

"Ooh, these are very pretty," he commented, running his hand gently underneath a hanging necklace with a shiny little stone at the end. With a perplexed sort of from, he picked up one that had a strange off-white stone at the end and gave it a little tap with his fingernails, then looked at Olivia with clear confusion on his face. "Is this . . . supposed to be a tooth?"

It looked like it was supposed to be some sort of shark's tooth, but it wasn't made from a real one. He wondered if they knew, or if someone had made them on purpose. It looked rather realistic if one didn't touch it, he supposed, and he couldn't help wondering how they'd done it. Even the discoloration on the tooth looked normal from a slight distance.
She had no problem with him being distracted whilst she talked, she could tell he was still listening and even if he wasn't, she could always explain it again later. "Yup, bones, shells, sometimes even skin but it's incredibly rare."

"Yeah it's quite nice."
She agreed easily enough, and it was cute but she'd seen much nicer. Then again the jewellery here was still pretty good, for cheap touristy fodder.

"Looks like it yeah." She confirmed, wondering what he thought of it. "Because this is a beach side town, there're a lot of ocean themed souvenirs for sale, like this one."
Korrin nodded a little as she explained, letting the necklace go though he thought it was strange for someone to want to wear a shark's tooth around their neck if they hadn't been the ones to kill it. Maybe they just thought it was interesting? Maybe they had found some washed up on the beach but not enough to sell to people? He really wasn't sure what the reasoning was behind it.

"I do see a lot of starfish and shells," he agreed, having only noticed them in passing but focused more on them as she pointed it out. "You must all really like looking at fish."

He could understand that too, if he thought about it more. Humans weren't built for diving into the sea without heavy gear and incredible limitations still. It must be interesting for them, getting to see the likeness of something they might never see in person.
There was something in the way he spoke about it that struck her as funny, perhaps the idea that to him this stuff was all pretty boring.

"Well yeah i suppose so." She said with a little shrug, "I mean the average person can't explore much of the ocean and even those with the resources too have barely been able to scratch the surface so to speak."

"The ocean is mysterious and full of so many weird and wonderful creatures, it captures people's interest and imagination."