CHARACTER Frost's Character

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God's in His Heaven, All's Right With the World.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Whenever you're asleep, thanks time zones.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-Fi, Modern, and Horror.



Human / Ɖeinian

Expedition Quartermaster

Where Elea's people are seen by the Persians as a boisterous and powerful lot, Elea strikes a more subdued aspect of her strange people from the North. Meek and delicate, Elea moves through life as an afterthought of others, sticking to the side and allowing anyone but her to take the stage. She is accommodating and cheerful, known to speak in hushed tones, her voice steady and restrained while her eyes sit peacefully upon others, prepared to placate and dissuade them should misunderstandings arise. Though her mouth and her eyes paint the picture of an ideal servant, her hands play to the tune of a life she claims to have since left behind.

Born amongst the snow-blanketed valleys belonging to the Mysnfelt, Elea was the only child of a mildly successful fur trapper and trader. Her mother had passed during her birth and her father, though good to Elea, was seldom around as he left on trapping expeditions and trading ventures to neighboring villages. Raised almost entirely by the elderly women of her village, she grew into a reserved young girl quietly yearning to leave the stuffy weaving halls and frigid grazing fields of her home village. One day when her father had returned from a particularly good trapping season, she was told she would be taken with him South, to the lands of Greece and if they were lucky, maybe even beyond. They would set out soon after, making good time down thawing rivers and across valleys she'd never laid eyes on.

Elea reached Greece, and, with her father's guidance and a steady hand managed to go beyond to the lands of Egypt. They had arrived on the shores of Misr and business was good for the first few days. Here, though the sights were beyond Elea's wildest imagining, her father's journey would end. Struck down by sudden illness, Elea found herself alone in a land of strangers. Surrounded by a language she knew nothing of, a culture she couldn't even begin to grasp, and a sun that blazed as hot as Muspel, Elea found her yearning for adventure dashed across the Egyptian sands. She starved for a while, stole for a while longer, and found herself unwillingly employed by less than savory members of Egyptian society on more than one occasion. Despite her rough beginnings she managed to find her way into the employ of one of the myriad instruments of Persian governance in Egypt through the form of the Explorer's Guild in Cairo, grasping tightly to the relative safety such a position grants a person in Persian society.

  • Projection - As all Ɖein's before her, and; if it be the will of the Gods; all Ɖein's to follow, Elea is gifted with the Ɖeinian ability to project. Her thoughts are made manifest in the minds of others, whether they wished it or not.
  • Literate in and capable of speaking with exceptional Persian for a Ɖein.
  • Trickster Fingers - Coming of age alone in a world full of strangers and oddities offers little in the way of comfort, though there are many opportunities for learning.

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