Fullmetal Alchemist

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Watch Me Burn
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Okay so my plot primarily revolves around Roy & Riza and the family they form, but it can be adjusted for others as well. So we start out with Riza and Roy helping in the effort to rebuild Ishval with the Amestris military, led by Grumman, Riza's grandfather, and current Führer. During the efforts to rebuild a place that holds a significant place in both Roy and Riza, Roy falls for Riza. He stops trying to hide his feelings for her, ignoring the fraternization law the military holds over it's service members. He tries very hard to get Riza to see that they can still seek out ways to make amends for the atrocities they both had committed in Ishval, and forgive themselves and allow themselves the ability to let the bad memories they share fade and let them go but not forget the lessons they took away.

Roy ends up getting Riza to acknowledge her long-standing feelings for Roy, he tells her straight away he wants to marry her, to be by her side in all things. That he will go to her grandfather and get him to amend the law to allow for their marriage. They end up having a small ceremony of sorts in Ishval where they dance after helping rebuild many homes for the Ishvalan refugees where they dance under the stars. They share a tender moment.

Later he marries Riza as he sets out to do. Her grandfather absolutely wants him to make her happy. He was pushing for them to be a couple every time they played chess. They get married; they go on a honeymoon and its Roy figuring out the steps he needs to take to be a good leader. But they later have a very intimate moment where they consummate their marriage and they both want it, but they are still new to this idea that they can actually have what they want. So its a back and forth, he'll do something, she'll do something.

Later on down the road she has their son, their son is special. Their son will learn Flame Alchemy from having studied it off Riza's back as a child. When he gets to be around 13, he enters an academy in the military. But things start popping off. Shou Tucker (He dies in Brotherhood, but in FMA he becomes a chimera.), steal Selim and Bradleys remains, goes to Drachma and revives Wrath using Selim's philosopher's stone. Bradley take over Drachma, then assaults Briggs about the time Roy and Riza's son turns 16. Their son has become an alchemist, the Ironheart Alchemist. Their son is under the command of General Armstrong, Alex's sister. He's quite capable, having adjusted the Flame Alchemy to burn phosphorus rather than gunpowder so it burns blue flames when ignited. But he ends up fighting against Bradley helping in his eventual defeat