Goblin Slayer [IC]

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Cheeky Nuggie
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Thursday Night, 5:00PM
Gunryd's Drafting Room, 2nd Floor of the Frontiers Guild

"Alright. Down to business then."

"What?? No madeira or other refreshments?!"

"I'd like a shot of dragon-fire if anyone's going to make a run."

"A fruit and veggie plate would be nice. It's the least you could do Gunryd."

"I missed supper to make this meeting."

Sitting with his hands folded in his lap, the Register Clerk watched a familiar scene unfold in front of him, a smile half-cocked on his face. Just like the old days, he thought. Gunryd, in his typical fashion, called a meeting together but forgot to provide any libations. And now he had to defend his sense of propriety as the others hurled both accusation and insult at their old friend.

It had been a long time since they were all assembled in the same place. There were 6 of them, including Gunryd, all gathered around a large table. Devlin, a small river-folk man, leaned up against a bookcase in the corner, picking at his sharp canines with a clawed pinky. Devlin owned the tavern in Gunryd Row but he was also the senior customs official for Alexandria's Customs House. Anything going in or out of the city, he saw to it that it passed through accounted for.

Firmly planted with her hands splayed out on the map on Gunryd's drafting table was master smith, former adventurer, and Gunryd's new wife, Audhild BattleHammer. Despite the newness of their relationship, Audhild and Gunryd were both a part of the original expedition into the Frontier. They never loved each other back then, and still don't now. But in dwarven fashion, it was a marriage out of necessity.

Then there was the dark elf Sothliss Aranas--the one who asked for fruits and veggies-- Headmaster of Pan's Institute of the Arcane and Sciences. Sothliss idly thumbed at some of the notes tacked to a hanging map. He was a gentle and soft spoken man who loved teaching and learning more than anything else. Most people would never guess that he was once retained the rank of platinum adventurer.

And lastly, standing in a chair pointing an accusatory finger at Gunryd was the halfling bard, Euphemia Cobbleblossom. Her hair was sand colored and curly, her eyes a cunning amber. One of her teeth was golden and she told everyone she stole it from the mouth of a Necromancer.

There were a few empty spaces that years ago would've been occupied by other members of their former crew. In reverence, not a single one of them sat or stood in those places.

Several minutes after Euphemia unearthed a bottle of brandy from Gunryd's secret stash, Gunryd had begun to explain why he had called this meeting. He was standing near the hanging map that Sothliss had been looking at, his finger pointing to the tacked notes.

"This scout report is from four days ago. This one right here," his thick dwarven pointer drifted over to intersecting lines that showed a river on the Frontier, "Was given to me at about the same time." Several circles were drawn on the map interconnected by straight lines of string. On the right side of the map was Alexandria, drawn in stunning detail. It looked as if she was being cornered by black circles and string.

Devlin with his hand on his chin cleared his throat and commented, "That's odd cause it looks to me like the little buggers are coordinated. Movin' together as a whole."

"There could be an intelligence behind them." Sothliss said softly. They all looked from him to Gunryd with pensive expressions.

Euphemia shook her head. "But that doesn't make any sense. If these were orcs or gnolls, or demons we could expect some level of sophistication but these are just damned impish-"

"Goblins." The Register Clerk interrupted with an even-tempered expression. A quiet descended on the room. They remained like this for a few breaths, staring intently at the map or looking out at the Forum through the large window on the opposite end of the room. The near evening summer sun poured through in abundance. Cowled in its light was the statue of Eyedis, the hero who played a significant role in repelling the orc hordes ten years ago.

And now it seemed like another horde might be upon them.

"That's ridiculous!" Audhild's forge-bellow voice boomed as she laughed. "Your scouts must have it wrong Gunryd. Goblins are little more than rats. We're probably dealing with a group of disgraced orcs leading a bunch of fodder. Send some adventurers to deal with em' and that'll be the end of it"

Gunryd huffed, chuckled, and then resigned to the opinion of his wife. "You're probably right. I must be gettin' old. I seem to see a horde on the horizon every other week now." He walked over to the window and looked out at the statue of his former wife. "I'm sorry to have called you all down for nothin'."

"Gunny, my boy, you're doin' a great job keepin' the city safe." Devlin started toward the door "Come down to the Queen's Dangly Bits and take a load off sometime. All drinks are on me." He flashed a toothy smile and then opened the door.

Gunryd turned around to look at Devlin with a grin, "You'll never see me in that backwater shite hole until you change that stupid name."

"Not until we get news of Percia puttin' a young prince or princess on the throne." Devlin winked and then walked out the door.

Audhild and Euphemia followed him soon after saying their own farewells. Sothliss then trailed behind them after his stomach growled, protesting against the idea of idle chitchat. The door closed behind the dark elf and it was just Gunryd and the Register Clerk.

"Tell me your opinion old friend." Gunryd asked at last. "Do you think I'm just seein' things?"

" I would answer your question with a question; why send out scouts if you're not going to trust their information?"

"I trust their information, just not my interpretation of said information."

A long pause passed between them, the Register Clerk's eyes locked on his dwarven friend.

"Lately the Guild has been getting a lot of goblin bounties. The outlying communities are suffering more than usual," the Register Clerk's hands balled into fists as his expression darkened, "More homes are sacked, more villagers are killed, babies murdered in their beds, maidens dragged--" He shut his mouth abruptly, his jaw clenched tightly.

"I'm sorry old friend." Gunryd's eyes faltered as the light pouring in from the window began to wane. He let out a small humorless chuckle, "We work in the same building and I can't even be bothered to go downstairs for a little chat, corroborate the reports of my scouts with the sour tidings of the villages… Some Guild Leader I am."

They sat in silence for a moment longer. Outside, the hustle and bustle of the Forum was dying down as everyone began to start on their way home for supper, or to the tavern for drink.

"How many adventurers do you think we have that would be willing to take a goblin bounty?" Gunryd asked.

"Not many. Among those not deployed; maybe six--and that's assuming there isn't a better quest available. They're only rank obsidian and steel. It's good work for them if the risk is worth it." The Register Clerk motioned for the bottle of brandy. He took an empty glass sitting on the table as Gunryd grabbed the bottle and began to pour. "You could always just pass an emergency ordinance. Any available adventurers of any rank would then deal with the goblins and in turn, potentially confirm what your scouts are reporting."

"Ha!" Gunryd laughed loud and full, "How about you do it? They like you cause you get them their jobs. I'm sure they'd love me after I forced em' to hunt puny goblins." Gunryd began to tap his finger against his temple, before taking a swig out of the open bottle of brandy. "How many porcelain adventurers do you have?"

The Register Clerk's eyes narrowed at Gunryd before he downed the rest of his glass in one hearty gulp. "Not many. I'm sure you can guess why."

"Blast it--" Gunryd started, the tapping on his face intensified. Then his eyes widened and he raised his finger in the air, "I got it! What if we gather a little pot together. Dangle a little carrot, if ya' catch my meanin'. Any solo or party that can confirm my scouts suspicions will earn a handsome sum."

The Register Clerk grinned, "Now that's an idea I can drink to." He extended the empty glass out to Gunryd. Gunryd tipped the bottle and a swirl of amber liquid practically danced into the cup. They spent the rest of the sun's remaining light finishing the bottle of brandy and having a long overdue chat.

Monday Morning, Between 9:00-10:00AM
The Frontier Guild Main Lobby

You've all trickled into the Frontier Guild Main Lobby at some point during the morning. As you step in through the heavy wooden double doors you notice that the interior of the Guild is probably what you would call… unique.

It seems to have been a creation cobbled together during the formative years of Alexandria. For instance, to the left of the staircase is a long mahogany counter that runs to the wall. Behind it is a collection of carefully stacked pieces of storage; small postal nooks, cabinets, and drawers, pieced together out of the what looks like the remains of an old caravan.

You approach the mahogany desk at some point and register to become an adventurer. The Register Clerk behind the counter passes you some paperwork and asks you to fill it out. When you're done he hands you a small dog tag made of porcelain. It has the Frontiers Guild logo on one side, and your identifying information on the other. He then asks you to wait in the lobby for a while--he will have a quest for you soon.

Acacia, you know this man. He's been on familiar terms with you and your parents for most of your life. As he hands you your dog tag he smiles at you and makes a remark that you'll do your parents proud. Despite this familiarity, you get the sense that you don't really know this man. There is a heaviness in his eyes that you think you've seen somewhere before… in the eyes of other adventurers maybe? You resolve to worry about it later.
For now you walk away from the counter, looking on at the dog tag that hangs from your palm in awe.

Cas you feel the Register Clerk's eyes on the top of your head as you fill in your paperwork. You feel that he's sizing you up and it's slightly unnerving. When you pass him your registration, however, he looks it over with a pleased expression. You are grateful to have passed his silent test. "A huntsman." He states pointedly. "I have no doubt that you'll become a fine adventurer." He says it with a smile, but you also get the sense that his words of reassurance might be for himself and not for you.
You walk away scratching your head, hoping that the start of your new life has more promise on the horizon.

As the that piece of paper left your fingertips, you--Hanako--felt your dreams get a little closer to reality. You became so lost in thought you missed the Register Clerk's arched eyebrow as his eyes went from the paperwork, back to you and your equipment, and then back to the paperwork again. If you hadn't been so lost in daydream you might've noticed that he was seriously hesitant about handing you a porcelain dog-tag. You thought you might've heard him say something under his breath, but you shrug it off and walk away.
You clutch the dog tag to your breast in joy; you're finally taking the first step to becoming a hero.

"Ah you're with the caravan." The Register Clerk states as he scans your paperwork. He looks back to you and says, "Interesting." Luca, you have no reason to take it as an insult, so you're not sure why his statement troubles you. Either way you can't help but grin broadly when he threads that small porcelain tag onto the chain and extends his hand out to you, dangling the tag for you to take. You snatch it up and the Register Clerk tips his head to you.
You pull the chain over your head and then shrug your pack higher up onto your shoulders. You're excited for the start of an adventure.

You all scope out the lobby and see each-other idly standing in some place or another. You also notice there are a few other adventurers here too, all wearing dog tags. One is a young man with a red shirt on, already wearing his chain shirt, his weapon strapped on his back. His face is buried in a leather bound book.

You also see a dark haired elven boy clutching onto his staff. He's hesitant to make eye-contact with any one of you, but when he does, he smiles genuinely. He wears robes of blue and black that mark him as being from the magic academy here in Gunryd row. A spell-book is strapped to his hip.
young aloth.png
Class name: Neophyte

Favored Attributes: Magic, Intelligence

Proficiencies: Evocation, Arcane Lore, Staves

Magic Spells: Magic Missile, x2 , Burning Hands x1

Equipment: Spellcasters robes, Spell Book, Staff, Wand

There is a woman who is older than all of you. She looks to be around 22 but despite that she still has a porcelain dog tag around her neck. She's stout and dwarven, with a copper colored beard even. Some of you may have always known that dwarven women could grow beards; it was majestic. She has a short two handed hammer strapped to her back and an impressive breastplate decorated with some fancy gold inlay.
dwarf companion.jpg
Class name: Brute

Favored Attributes: Strength, Endurance

Proficiencies: Heavy Hammers, Heavy Armor, Athleticism

Equipment: Breastplate, Two handed Hammer, a dagger strapped to her boot

Then there is the long legged lizard girl who looks like she might be the youngest of you all. She wears simple garb and is strapped with two daggers, but the bone necklace around her neck suggests she might be a shaman.
lizard companion.jpg
Class name: This should evolve over time, so choose something basic.

Favored Attributes: Agility, Willpower

Proficiencies: Short-blades, Pact with Nezerrine, No- Armor

Divine Incantations: Conjure Ancestor x1, Soothing Song x2

Equipment: Two daggers, simple clothing, a necklace threaded with charms
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Hanako's arrival in the city had been exactly how she imagined it, the massive buildings she had only seen at a distance seemed much larger up close... And just where she entered there were more people than she had seen in her entire life! Admittedly after the initial thrill the hustle and bustle of the city had been a tad overwhelming for the country girl, and after finding an inn it had actually taken her a full day to find the guild, and then a few more hours of watching and asking to figure out who she was supposed to talk to, though it was all worth it when she finally had everything filled out and held within her hand a Porcelain dog tag, this was it! What she had dreamed about! Well... she had dreamed about a bit more than this... But the higher rank and pretty armor and all that could wait until she had proven herself in battle, saving lives and slaying evil!

Completely ignoring whatever the man had said (it was probably nothing important right?) Hanako donned her tags like they were some sort of medal, practically radiating pride... Despite the fact that she had pretty much accomplished nothing, and though unknown to her, the clerk had barely agreed to give her the tag, but it was a big step for Hanako!
Knowing enough to realize she would need a party, and while there were plenty of other new adventurers she could talk to... The first that caught her eye was a red headed woman who had the look of a warrior, hoping to make a friend and maybe even the starts of a part she approached.
"Hiya! My name's Hanako! Umm, nice to meetcha!"
She greeted with a smile and a cheery tone, her country tinged accent shining through despite Hanako's best attempts to keep it under control.
Luca dawdled away from the register counter, lifting the neck-strung porcelain in front of his eyes. It was smooth, glossy, and -- his tongue slipped over the white pendant -- tasted like glass. Letting the dog tag rest above the low collar of his sleeveless hoodie, he shrugged his spear more comfortably onto his shoulder. Leaning next to the window frame, morning light shone down in squares in front of him. With his free hand, the Elf rummaged within his hip bag until finding the bag of koin nuts.

Papers shuffled, nuts munched, and a few low voices mumbled amongst themselves. It was somber, a bit quieter than Luca enjoyed. That clerk registrar, though; he had seemed to know Luca's caravan. "Interesting" he called it. Sounded like some type of fancy human insult.

Luca sucked on another of the smoky flavored seeds. Scratched at his cheek. No doors were opening and nobody important-looking was about yet. Boring. He huffed and lazed his eyes about the lobby until spotting a possibly older human boy leaned over some book, red-tinged black hair hanging over his forehead, similar to Luca's own red streaks.

Pulling himself out of the lean, Luca chewed on another nut as he ambled to the tables -- brushing past some small, country girl -- when his swagger was brought to a slow. Leaning his head to the side to look past the black-haired man, Luca's brow raised.

Another black-haired fellow sitting by himself, long tresses pulled back behind his pointed ears and falling down to his fancy blue cloak with a staff firmly held against his frame. The boy's shy gaze seemed to alternate between looking about the lobby and looking at the floor, until flickering in Luca's direction. His eyes shook, nervous embarrassment, until he tilted his head and a warm smile widened across his face.

That settled it. Swaggering around the red-black haired boy, Luca came to the other elf's table. Palming his spear onto the tabletop, Luca plopped down into the bench across him. The corner's of his fanged mouth raised into an impish grin as his low-lidded eyes bore into the other elf's hesitant, blue eyes.

Luca outstretched his gauntlet holding the bag of koin nuts to the elf. "Your robes..." he said, a minor roll to his r's. "Zey make you a magician, yes? My family iz full of magicians." He brought his chin down to rest over his glove, all smiles. "What kinda magic can you do?"
@Desert Bee @Mahou-Shoujo

Luca outstretched his gauntlet holding the bag of koin nuts to the elf. "Your robes..." he said, a minor roll to his r's. "Zey make you a magician, yes? My family iz full of magicians." He brought his chin down to rest over his glove, all smiles. "What kinda magic can you do?"

Aloth's face flushed apple red and his lips spread into a nervous smile. His fingers fidgeted around the haft of his staff as his eyes glued themselves to the bag of nuts in Luca's outstretched hand. He didn't answer Luca immediately. Instead he dipped his head in gratitude as he reached out with an unsteady hand and fished around in the bag until he pulled out some nuts. Palming the small handful into his mouth, he chewed, and then let out a small noise of delight.

"Thank you," he said after he swallowed, "Those are delicious." Clearing his throat he began again. "Yes. My family is full of mages too." His eyes brightened as they glossed over the dog-tag that hung just below Luca's collarbone. "I mainly study the art of evocation, though I have dabbled in illusion and enchantment."

Finally Aloth's eyes met with the Luca's half-lidded gaze. There was a brief tension for the young elf, of what kind he could not tell. But he found himself enjoying his new porcelain companion. "M-my name is Aloth," he stammered through a friendly smile "Aloth Aldemyr. Your accent is… unique. I've never heard it before."

Knowing enough to realize she would need a party, and while there were plenty of other new adventurers she could talk to... The first that caught her eye was a red headed woman who had the look of a warrior, hoping to make a friend and maybe even the starts of a part she approached.
"Hiya! My name's Hanako! Umm, nice to meetcha!"
She greeted with a smile and a cheery tone, her country tinged accent shining through despite Hanako's best attempts to keep it under control.

Ferida had spent her entire morning waiting on the Register Clerk to sign up the new meat and then sift through his various nooks and crannies he had behind his desk to get her a bounty worth her stock. At this point there was a look that characterized her eyes, an unpleasant grumpiness punctuated by her cross armed stance. Then the smallest of all the "new meat" (which to Ferida, they were about the same height, except the dwarf was much stockier) approached her with a smile and tone that screamed naivety.

Ferida looked her up and down, her nose and mouth scrunched into an unfriendly look of what some might perceive as disgust. She began to wonder why they let this girl become an adventurer, because, as Ferida thought, she was nowhere near the league of the noble dwarf who was still only the rank of porcelain despite her family lineage and talent. She huffed and began tapping her foot impatiently.

"I didn't ask for your name." Ferida groused in a low tone, a frown tugging her face down as if the dwarf was trying to look down on Hanako.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Acacia's eyes idled over the porcelain tag given to her; the beginning of her calling in this life. The path that her parents, grandparents, and ancestors had gone down, and now it was her turn. She appreciated the Clerk's words regarding her parents and how proud they would be, but Acacia had a lot of work to do before she could consider herself someone worthy of such pride. Her mother and father busted their backs to get where they were, and Acacia wouldn't even consider herself good enough for compliments until she was at least of Sapphire rank.

If she made it that long that is.

She put the dog tag around her neck then scanned the room to take in her options. Which weren't that many. Acacia could see a few Porcelain tags all in a group, which she decided she would have to join. The more the merrier, right?

So many people in the room, but the ones that truly stood out were the dwarf (amazing beard by the way), the elf, and a lizard girl who looked to be a shaman.

Acacia decided to approach the lizard girl. She looked friendly enough and didn't seem occupied. Plus, it was best not to judge a book by its cover.

"Hello," She greeted, "Is this your first quest too?"
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As the register clerk sized him up and stared at his sheet, Caspian's fingers quietly drummed on the counter he was leaning on. He gave a tight-lipped smile when he said he had no doubt Cas would be a fine adventurer, he couldn't help but take it a bit sarcastically. He took the dogtag, slipping it over his neck, and turning to the lobby behind him. There were a few other porcelain tag people, all seemingly joined around the same time he did. That was coincidental.

He looked a bit closer at the porcelain piece around his neck, trembling fingers flipping it over to look at the other side. He was nervous, that was for sure, but in a good way. He felt ready for at least some sort of adventure. He had no grandiose ideas as of yet, as his father taught him to always expect disappointment, but deep down he hoped he would become a good warrior in time.

He scanned the other adventurers before him, taking note of their features and various weapons of choice. It seemed he was the only one with a bow. He looked for each person's tag, noting they were porcelain as well. They'd probably all end up on a mission together if that's what the clerk meant. He wasn't entirely sure if he should approach any of them, as some seemed less friendly than others. Plus, he wasn't exactly good with people, he was better at hunting and being a woodsman. Living like a hermit didn't give him many opportunities to talk with people. Still, he figured he would need to speak to at least one person.

Most everyone had already started talking to each other, leaving only small groups, or talking to the person who was reading a book. Instead of bothering him and potentially angering the male, he approached what seemed to be a fresh conversation- A woman who he could only assume was a human, and a small lizard girl. He gave the two a nod of greeting as he approached.

"Well! Seems like the lot of us are new here."
Hanako continued smiling obliviously for a moment after the dwarf's rather rude response... Then it sunk in and her smile became a little less bright, well that was RUDE! Sure she didn't know her, but they were both newly minted adventurers! They were practically friends already! And might even end up working together, so it only made sense to be on good terms right?
"Umm... Well yeah, that IS true... But it's usually polite to reply with your own name when someone does introduce themselves right? And besides... We are adventurers! We should be building umm, camaraderie and friendship like proper heroes!

The sadly ill informed girl declared, even as a small piece of her hand made armor fell off, nothing important, but it was hardly a great impression to make on the surrounding adventurers, Hanako didn't mind though, she made it herself and was sure it would hold together when it counted!
It seemed Hanako could bounce back pretty easily, as her cheery mood and bright smile were back, if politeness wouldn't work maybe she could wear down the gruff dwarf with the pure sunshine that was her mood at that moment!
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Luca's hand-resting face listed to the side, corners of his grinning lips inching wider as he studied the mage Elf's reddening face and tiny gasps after swallowing. What an earnest boy this Elf was. Hungry, too. Remaining within the cloth pouch were only empty koin nut shells and flecks. He sniffed with his left nostril, lips pursed in a straight line.

The other Elf was gleaming. "Thank you. Those are delicious."

"Yes zey were..." Breathed Luca in response, mostly to himself, and dropped the pouch to his hip bag, hearing a tiny squeak in reply.

The one happily introducing himself as Aloth Aldemyr -- a right and proper High Elf name if ever there was one -- listed off the mage disciplines he had studied. Luca eyed his lips as Aloth spoke, heavy with his trueborn accent and shaky speech.

Luca had only met few other High Elves outside his caravan, and they had all lived up to his family's stories. Turned up noses, wary of being robbed, insulting of Rosu cuisine. For the long lived Elfkind, it only took a couple bad rumors to fester into hundreds of years worth of ill informed prejudice. Not to say all the rumors were untrue, though. That was what made Aloth here so interesting, he didn't seem to recognize a Rosu when one was sitting right in front of him.

It would get boring again if Aloth decided to leave, so no real reason for truth to spoil the fun now.

"Well, Magic Meista, Lucaru is a unique kinda elf," replied Luca. "Who can do a lotta things you've neva experienced before... wanna see?"

Reaching below the table, Luca's hand rummaged inside his bag before pulling it out. Gently lowered onto the table, wiggling the whiskers around its tiny pink nose, was a small white mouse. Luca flourished an arm around his waist, raised the other into the air with the flick of his wrist and snapped. "Beholda! Minet, ze adventure mouse!"

Minet sniffed at an old stain on the hardwood, then started chasing its tail.

Luca lowered his head to his folded arms and blew air at the rodent. Minet looked back, all fidgets and whiskers. Gentle pokes against the mouse's stomach prodded it to start somersaulting around the table like a runaway dumpling.

"Some people use birds or wolves but I think, no. Wolves are too big and birds can only go up top." Luca's eyes flicked up from Minet back to Aloth, a glint reflecting from the window panes. "Sometimes you need somethin more flexible, to slide into all sorts of dark crevices... Zat said, she's not exactly a fighta."

Minet tumble rolled into Aloth's perched elbow. Returning to all fours, it began sniffing around once more, homing in on traces of the nuts Aloth had left behind.
Acacia decided to approach the lizard girl. She looked friendly enough and didn't seem occupied. Plus, it was best not to judge a book by its cover.

"Hello," She greeted, "Is this your first quest too?"

Nagosi's reptilian gaze darted to Acacia as she approached. Her head bobbed up and down as her mouth opened, revealing rows of dagger-pointed teeth. "Indeed, it is softskin. I have just registered." Her voice was even and flat.

Acacia you know, from your time spent living in the city, that lizard-kind are somewhat more peculiar than most the inhabitants of Alexandria. Their faces and voices often lack expression or inflection, which is why they heavily use metaphor in their speech, as a way to bridge the gap between people not of their kind. The term softskin, as you know it, is not a pejorative intending offense.

"It is cool rain on my scales to know I am not the only hatchling." Her clawed hand motioned towards the others in the room before it settled to point at an approaching young man.

Most everyone had already started talking to each other, leaving only small groups, or talking to the person who was reading a book. Instead of bothering him and potentially angering the male, he approached what seemed to be a fresh conversation- A woman who he could only assume was a human, and a small lizard girl. He gave the two a nod of greeting as he approached.

"Well! Seems like the lot of us are new here."

Nagosi nodded once more, her mouth widening into what one could assume might be a grin. "I extend the claw of greeting. My name is Nagosi."

She held her clawed hand out to both Cas and Acacia.

"Umm... Well yeah, that IS true... But it's usually polite to reply with your own name when someone does introduce themselves right? And besides... We are adventurers! We should be building umm, camaraderie and friendship like proper heroes!

Ferida's foot tapping immediately ceased, and her eyes flashed in anger. It was so quick that she failed to notice that a scrap of Hanako's armor had drifted sadly to the floor. Ferida lifted her chest, her crossed arms untangling themselves as her hands balled into fists. Then she shoved a hard finger into Hanako's sternum.

"Are you accusing me of impropriety? ME?!" Ferida's thick dwarvish accent nearly broke into a squeal as she continued to spike pressure into poor Hanako's chest. "You're little more than a dust caked farmer!" Ferida pulled back her finger and crossed her arms again, exhaling deeply, her livid eyes locked on Hanako from underneath her thick and furrowed brows.

Hanako, Ferida's anger flashed so hotly and suddenly that you almost shrink reflexively. Your own face flushes, stunned by the dwarf's brief outburst. Then you hear the quick patter of boot-steps making their way toward you and Ferida.

A young man with black wispy hair and steel blue eyes stopped at the edge of Hanako and Ferida's brief entanglement, a leather bound book tucked under his arm. "She didn't mean it as an insult cousin." He says addressing Ferida, his own boyish voice heavily accented like a dwarf. This may have seemed strange because he was as tall as any human and had to look down to the fire-bearded woman.

"It's plain she's not been in the city for very long. You can't fault her for not knowin' who you are." He pointed out diplomatically.

Ferida resumed her foot tapping and huffed. She looked from the boy back to Hanako, and then back to the boy again. "Yeah, you're probably right Dunryd." Then she turned her gaze back to Hanako, her eyes alight,."You listen here lass. My name is Ferida of clan BattleHammer, and you're not a true adventurer until you've survived your first quest," she dipped down to pick up the disheveled and frayed scrap that fell off of Hanako's make shift armor, "For the love of sod, get some decent armor you cowpoke!" Ferida tossed the scrap at Hanako with a flick of her wrist and then stormed off.

"You've made quite the impression there. I've not seen Ferida get that worked up in some time." Dunryd chuckled.
"She's right though, you'll need new armor if you're going to be an adventurer," he extended his hand out towards Hanako,
"My name's Dunryd. It's good to meet a fellow newbie."
"Beholda! Minet, ze adventure mouse!"

Minet sniffed at an old stain on the hardwood, then started chasing its tail.

Luca lowered his head to his folded arms and blew air at the rodent. Minet looked back, all fidgets and whiskers. Gentle pokes against the mouse's stomach prodded it to start somersaulting around the table like a runaway dumpling.

"Some people use birds or wolves but I think, no. Wolves are too big and birds can only go up top." Luca's eyes flicked up from Minet back to Aloth, a glint reflecting from the window panes. "Sometimes you need somethin more flexible, to slide into all sorts of dark crevices... Zat said, she's not exactly a fighta."

Minet tumble rolled into Aloth's perched elbow. Returning to all fours, it began sniffing around once more, homing in on traces of the nuts Aloth had left behind.

Aloth chuckled, delighted at Luca's dazzling performance. He used a finger to scritch along the mouse's back as it began trekking up Aloth's arm, fruitlessly sniffing after table scraps.

"Flexible and useful in dark crevices, eh?" There was a tinge of sarcastic disbelief in Aloth's voice as he slipped his hand underneath the pudgy mouse and placed her gently back on the table top. Whiskers twitching once again, she trotted around in circles, looking to catch the scent of something edible. "Seems her primary concern is food." Aloth giggled, sliding from his seat.

Luca, you notice that as Aloth slides from his seat, his legs appear to shake unsteadily. He uses his planted staff to pull himself onto his feet. You also notice that the end of his staff has an worn down blade on the end of it.

"She could use a friend I imagine." Aloth's fingers disappeared into a cloth pouch that hung on his hip, returning to view with a palm full of sand, freckling with light from the window. He balled up the sand, bringing his hand to his lips and mouthing a light incantation. The crystal focus roughly tethered to the top of his staff sparkled with arcane energy. Then Aloth uncurled his fist slowly, tendrils of falling sand dancing towards the tabletop until they coalesced into what appeared to be a small mouse with a chocolate colored fur.

Luca, you know know that what Aloth has done is known as Illusion magic. It's beginner level arcane magic that you've probably witnessed members of your own tribe perform, most likely as a parlor trick.

The illusory mouse lifts its nose in the air, standing on its hind legs. Then it lands back on all fours, closing the gap to Minet. The mouse's whiskers wriggled in a frenzy of communication, perhaps discussing the finer philosophical points of what it means--existentially--to be an illusion, and if perhaps Minet's own existence might be some sort of fiction.

Aloth attempted his own stage bow which was much less graceful than Luca's own. "Behold! Umm..." He tapped a finger to his pursed lips trying to conjure up a name for the transient mouse. "Admittedly, I'm bad at naming things." He said, his mouth curling into a helpless smile.

@Mahou-Shoujo @Jessica2477 @Tarieles @Desert Bee
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The sudden anger caught Hanako completely off guard! She had just been acting like heroes she had read about and trying to be polite! Had she accidentally insulted her? Or broken some unspoken rule of adventurers?
Either way she was more than a little scared, she could handle a sword but had few doubts that this woman could put her out with a single well placed blow at that moment... And though it might turn out to be valuable experience, she highly doubted being knocked out mere minutes after becoming an adventurer would do any good for her reputation...

"I..Impro what?...Oh! Is that a dwarven term? Did I say something bad? I'm sorry I don't talk to many people other than humans..."
She fumbled her words a little, still trying to be polite for now, the pressure on her chest was a little concerning admittedly, but not as much as what she hard next!
"Hey! I bathe all the time! So I ain't dusty... And farmers are important! Without us no one would have any food, so what's so insulting about being called one?"
She questioned, quickly regretting her words... Until someone came along to her rescue!

She was glad that he helped her, though she did have to bite down the temptation to point out that Ferida had only just registered... So it wasn't like SHE was a proper adventurer according to her own words, she didn't really get the importance of clan battlehammer though, maybe they were rich or something? Oh well, none of her business, she would just avoid angry dwarves in the future.
"Ahh... Yeah... I made this myself but it's not very good... Turns out normal thread ain't very good for keeping thick leather together..."
She replied with a forced grin.
"My Name's Hanako! Pleasure ta meet ya!"
She replied, her country roots bleeding through despite her attempts to control her accent and speech patterns.
"By the way, what's a cowpoke?"
She asked, pocketing the scrap of armor with the intention of sewing it back on later.

Luca's low-lidded eyes, level with the table as he squatted behind it, fully widened as Aloth illuded the hazel mouse, his lips parting slightly into a circle. The mage elf could conjure lies just like Luca's clan! Maybe this type of magic was common in proper mage circles -- though most marks never seemed to quite grasp the concept of an illusion – but regardless of the circumstances, the Rosu Elf couldn't help but excite at seeing someone else practice similar magics to his family. "Mmm… … Koko. Koko isa good choice."

The illuded brown mouse, Koko, and the ivory adventure mouse, Minet, chased each up along the shaft of Luca's spear he'd previously laid onto the table. Their bemused squeaks were unfortunate given only one mouse was truly squeaking whilst the other was only a temporary dream, but no need for Minet's fun to be killed just because Koko was going to disappear. Rising from his crouch, Luca slow stepped about the right of the table, dragged the index tip of his gauntlet along the wood's edge. "I think we could all use friends," he intoned, the smile of Luca's eyes lowering back to their normative, impish sharpness. "Zometimes for namin tiny animals, other times…"

Having rounded the table to Aloth's shaky side, the Rosu Elf grinned a foot from the Mage Elf's own flustered smile. Then Luca in a confidant scoop swooped up Aloth, staff and all, into his arms in what humans have sometimes called a bridal carry, whatever that meant. "Other times for leadin adventure!" Then he frowned, as pleasant as this all was, they really needed to get a move on toward making adventure money; and by Luca's clock, whatever they were waiting on had already taken an hour, at least!

Separated from most others sat an ugly but muscular dwarf woman in agitated fashion. Injected into her personal space was Luca's boot, planted flexibly onto the table top while still holding a very shaken Aloth, who was cradling a staff and spear in his arms. "You zere, bearded hammer-woman," Luca said to the dwarf. "You seem strong. What say we and zis magic elf start ze adventure already, yes? Zere is no gold to be made sitting here for days." Two mice gripping Luca's left shoulder sat quietly, their beady shining black eyes seeming to wait for the Elf to give commands. Or maybe they were just tired and somewhat sleepy.

@Desert Bee
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"My Name's Hanako! Pleasure ta meet ya!"
She replied, her country roots bleeding through despite her attempts to control her accent and speech patterns.
"By the way, what's a cowpoke?"

Dunryd raised his hands and shrugged, "I don't know. Like a bumpkin. A yokel. I'm not entirely sure"

"You zere, bearded hammer-woman," Luca said to the dwarf. "You seem strong. What say we and zis magic elf start ze adventure already, yes? Zere is no gold to be made sitting here for days."

Surprised and blushing, Aloth was quite surprised by the quickness with which he was whisked off his feet. Then Luca set him down near where the Ferida was stewing in irritation.

For once Ferida agreed, but the fact was that Luca and Aloth were fresh adventurers. She looked at Luca and told him she wouldn't join a party with anyone who had never done a quest before.

Before you have time to respond you hear the voice of the Register Clerk.

"Party of seven. I need a party of seven porcelains." You all amble your way over to the desk and the Register clerks looks each and every one of you over. As his eyes pass over Dunryd, he gives the young man a nod of recognition. As his gaze meets with Hanako's he hands her a voucher, for a… better piece of armor from the requisitions desk. (So by your next post, you'll be outfitted in something more put together than your current piece of armor.)

The only one from the lobby earlier who isn't among you was the angry bearded dwarf girl.

The Register Clerk explains that they've received a bounty from a town 5 miles from Alexandria a few days ago. The Guild hasn't managed to get anyone willing to take the quest because it involves Goblins. Goblins are considered weaker prey, not typically worthy of the higher ranks. However, he reminds everyone with a grave look, they are still very dangerous to the inexperienced.

A small sum of 210g was collected for the quest. Among the seven of you that would net you 70g. Your job is to exterminate a nest of goblins living somewhere near the village of Pemberton about 5 miles away from Alexandria.

Do you accept?
Of course you do, because I'm moving this pain train along.

The party travels along a worn road by foot. It takes you a little less than two hours, and the hot noon soon beings beating on you from directly overhead. You arrive at the village of Pemberton. It's a small farming community, but the evidence of a goblin attack becomes painfully clear as you make your way to the heart of the village.

You see smoke stained houses and broken windows, as well as dried pools of old blood here and there, that someone seems to have attempted to clean at some point.
Before you left the Guild, the Register Clerk told you that you needed to talk to their contact Yusef, who brought the bounty in the first place. He was described as an older human man, with a long braided black beard with longer hair pulled back into a braid as well.

Where you're at now, you see the center of the village. There's a central well in the middle of a dusty open area, a few buildings surround you. There's a trading post, a small pavillion where people probably gather for public announcements and things of that nature. There's a small tavern to your south, and smaller house next to it.

You see a few people ambling about, and they all look at you varying expressions: some with disdain, some are confused, and some look at you with mild amusement. There is one fair haired woman hanging on the steps, and when she notices you, her eyes shoot wide as she sees you, and more specifically as she sees the dog tags that hang around your neck.

She begins towards you at a fast walk and then breaks into a limping run. You can hear her at a distance, "Oh thank the gods, you're here, you're finally here!" There is distress and relief in her cry as she makes her way towards the group. She collapses into Acacia when she gets there and you can see that she's a smaller human woman, probably no older than 30.

Acacia you can see her eyes are ringed in red, and tear marks stain her dirty cheeks.

Hanako you notice that underneath her linen skirt, a dark spot begins to pool up where her upper thigh would be.

"They took my little girl." The woman says, almost feverishly. "They took her and I need you to get her back." Her last words were choked through some tears. At this point the man you suspect you were looking for, steps out of the tavern doors and begins making his way towards you all.
Hanako was glad to accept her first quest as an adventurer, sure it was no grand quest to slay a dragon and save a princess, but even Hanako wasn't idealistic enough to think she could jump right into the deep end and fight powerful monsters... And goblins were plenty evil and deserved slaying!
She had to admit having a party was very comforting, she had never actually fought anything living before, and was glad that the other adventurers would be there to help her out if she turned out to be terrible at it.
The pay was something that REALLY impressed her... She had never even seen that much gold! And this was just a low level quest... The things she could buy with that... It almost made her drool.

The town... Was not a good sight, it looked like there had been a fight there, fortunately Hanako could deal with sight of blood, her parents often had her help when it came time to slaughtering stock for the markets she she could handle rather a lot of it.
She was glad when the person they came to find sought them out... But the country Bumpkin comment she had gotten at the guild made her think twice about talking to them... Despite the fact that country bumpkin could like be used to describe a good portion of the people in the village! At least where nobles were concerned anyway.
She did however speak up out of concern towards the woman who had greeted them, figuring she couldn't mess up the mission with something like that, right?
"Umm... Are you alright miss? That dark spot... Are you bleeding? Or have you torn a water pouch... It's surprisingly easy to do that, I always tore mine even when i could have sworn it was fine..."
Caspian was not used to the amount of money promised. Usually he and his father would spend only small sums for items they needed, but they mostly only dealt in trade. He wasn't sure what he would do with that money, but he would definitely figure out something. As the group went to the village, he made sure to at least introduce himself to the rest of his party, as he hadn't really met any of them beyond some simple small talk back at the guild.

Entering the village, the woman collapsing herself onto one of the group members, Caspian looked about, noticing an older man coming towards them. He looked similar enough to the description, he assumed that this was their contact. He raised a hand in greeting as the man approached the party.

"Yusef, I assume? We're all from the guild." The man probably already knew that. Cas made sure to keep an eye out on the outskirts of the village as well, just to make sure nothing else was amiss. He didn't exactly have to deal with goblins, he didn't really know their habits or if they would attack mid-day. He figured it would be better to be safe than sorry at this point.
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"Umm... Are you alright miss? That dark spot... Are you bleeding? Or have you torn a water pouch... It's surprisingly easy to do that, I always tore mine even when i could have sworn it was fine..."

The woman looks at Hanako as her eyes widen in shock. She plies herself from Acacia and cranes her head to see the wound on her thigh. It most certainly is blood. She begins to tremble and seems at a loss. The man Yusef steadies her with his hands.

"Yusef, I assume? We're all from the guild." The man probably already knew that.

"Yeah I know who you are." His words are curt and clipped. Weariness pulls on his expression in weathered lines.
He turns away from the party and pulls the woman's chin up to meet his gaze.

"Lira your wound has opened up again. Please go rest inside."
She clutches at Yusef's collar, "Tell them to find my baby girl. Please." Yusef nods solemnly. Steadying her along the way, Yusef leads her back inside the tavern, and re-emerges shortly after.

Once again he walks back to the group, this time with more urgency in his step. You can all tell he's angry, and he's focused on the dog-tag that reflects brightly in the sunlight.

"I asked the Guild to send me experienced adventurers." Yusef's even flat tone is strained underneath the surface. He opens his mouth to say more, but then he shuts it abruptly.

"Please tell me you can deal with the goblins?. His gaze passes over each and every one of you, and you can see there is a dangerous mixture of anger and desperation in his eyes.
The little bit of gold given to her for the quest didn't bother her all that much, at least for now. Having pay expectations of a sapphire when she was just a porcelain would only lead to disappointment and loss of motivation to continue. Acacia didn't want to believe it, but she was borderline pathetic right now. She could receive all the training in the world, but if she didn't gain the experience necessary to take on more difficult quests, then what good was she? Acacia would have to accept the pathetic payment and allow no room for mistakes.

The sooner she rose the ranks, the sooner she could become respectable enough for higher pay...

For now, she focused on the present.

The village they arrived to looked worn and torn, looking to barely be standing. Acacia swallowed the lump in her throat, clenching her jaw to steel herself. Her mother had warned her that she would be meeting many kinds people, varying in appearances, personalities, and mental wellness. Nothing could ever mentally prepare herself for those experiences first hand, but at the least she could know to expect it.

Acacia ignored the looks they received. Those looks were going to change really quickly once this quest was successfully completed.

"Oh thank the gods, you're here, you're finally here!" She heard from the distance.

Acacia turned towards the source just in time for the woman to collapse on her, the pink haired girl catching her and holding her up. This poor woman had been crying, judging from her eyes and the clean trails on her dirty cheeks. She felt her throat tighten with emotion, feeling sympathy for this lady.

'We can't fail.' She thought to herself. Acacia couldn't bear the idea of letting this lady down... She'd been through so much; the least she deserved was getting her daughter back.

The woman pulled away at the mention of her opened wound. Acacia had stolen a glance, but unfortunately, she couldn't see it clearly to properly access the damage. She was happy the woman could still stand at the least.

The man, Yusef she assumed, had come and helped the woman back on her feet. His gaze was hard and unwavering, one that reminded her of her father...

She felt her heart skip a beat; Yusef's gaze had reminded her of her father, and thus, her goals. This was the first step towards that goal, and if she and her team failed, Acacia would become a failure...

"Failure isn't an option." Acacia said to Yusef, though this sentence was more directed towards her own group than to him.

Her mother had told her that Goblins worked like ants; pathetic alone but strong in numbers. If what her mother said was true, then this would be the equivalent of kicking around small children so long as they kept each other from getting swarmed.
"Failure isn't an option."

For a moment you can see that Yusef hears your words and his expression wavers briefly, in a flash of what you can only call... hope. But then the memory of the attack, the horror and bloodshed all come rushing back to him in an instant, and once again he's the angry man who had hoped for the certainty of more experienced adventurers.

Acacia, you find a strong hand placed on your shoulder. You see Dunryd step up at your side, his chain mail shirt gleaming in the sun. "We promise, on the honor of my clan." Acacia, you can see the determination in his expression mirrors your own. "Failure is not an option."

Yusef gives Dunryd a long questioning stare. "I didn't take you for a dwarf, boy."

"Only half." Dunryd replies quickly, a hint of a smile plays at his lips. You all can tell that despite Dunryd's and Acacias promise of success, or at least not failure, Yusef dire expression never changes.

He shakes his head. "Alright. I'll lead you all to the edge of town where the trail starts. I trust you can find your way from there?"

A few of you nod your heads, but the hunter among you, Caspian, asserts that he can confidently follow the trail and find the lair of the goblins.

Yusef quietly leads you to the outskirts of the village on the west side of town. He points them out. Caspian notices they are not as deep as he'd like, since they'd come during the dry season the goblin tracks aren't as pronounced otherwise. But still they're visible, the worn path dotted by small humanoid feet. Caspian notices the small feet-like track, but you can all see the drag marks, the unmistakable trail of human blood.

Luca, you know from your experience living outside the city that most monsters operate by night, and that you'd all do well getting on with a quick pace towards the lair.

The Lizard Shaman Nagosi uses a spell, peppering you all with droplets of water. In a moment you feel refreshed, ready to walk who knows how long in hunt of your quarry.

Later on, as the sun is in the waning hours of daylight, you find the cave. It's a dark yawn of an entrance hidden behind a large butte in the vast lands of the Frontier. From where you stand you can smell a putrid odor coming from the mouth of the cave. For some of you, it's enough to make you want to vomit. You know the goblins are in there.

What would you like to do?

@Mahou-Shoujo @Desert Bee @Jessica2477
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