IC Greenwich

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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
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romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

feeding the people

This sparsely-populated village is the largest and greenest place in the country, which is why most of the country's agriculture is rooted here. They provide half of the fresh produce in the country. Their population is mostly Fae, who live best off of the land.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 7:30 PM. Night.

WEATHER: 68.8°F (20.4°C). Comfortably warm and slightly humid.


The quiet farm village is buzzier than usual, with shops reopening up for spooky events and bargain sales. The downtown center is busy, and trails leading to and from it are not as empty as usual.


Nothing for now.


Fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


Evermore Orchard & Cider Mill
Fresh Valley Market
Sweet Clover Fields

[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: wren.
"Alright everyone, you can start heading out for the day! Thanks for all your help!" Huxley calls out, bleating out several variations of the same message as they traverse their many acres of land so that all of their remaining farmhands get the message. While there's really no such thing as a break as a farmer, they try to be considerate of their employee's time and make sure they all get off around dinner time. Today, work has run long, preparing for upcoming festivities, but they have plenty of loyal farmhands willing to work overtime for some extra money. By this point, all of the crops have been tended to, the stench of fertilizer strong in the air but so familiar that it barely stings their nostrils.

They find Eira knelt amongst the beets, seemingly checking the moisture level. They reach out to clap a hand over their shoulder instinctively but catch themself right in time. Eira's not much of a fan of physical contact, although Huxley could probably get away with it. Instead, Huxley clears their throat to announce their presence. Having grown up together, they have always been close, so Huxley feels little guilt in asking, "Would you mind helping me corral the livestock before you go? I'll give you a jar of honey in exchange." Which is a pretty hefty gift given how much Huxley loves the stuff.

Normally, they'd keep the animals outside in the pasture at night since it's better for them, but given that it's supposed to start raining soon, it's better to get them inside. So, once Eira agrees, they round them all up and get them secured in their assigned barns and stalls. Using the feed, they coax the chickens back into their coops.

"C'mon then," Huxley grins once they're finished, waving Eira to follow them toward the house. They spend a while wiping their boots off on the mat outside the front door to track the least amount of mud across the kitchen floor as possible, then make their way inside and toward the cabinets. "These just got collected from the hives earlier this week, so it should be particularly fresh," they preen, moving around various jars of non-perishables before finding the few jars of honey. Selecting one at random, they hand it off to their friend.

"I'm going to wash up and start making dinner; you're welcome to stay if you want." Huxley has always loved cooking, especially using their own goods, so it's always nice when they have an excuse to cook for other people. Given that Eira is a vegan, they've learned to make various new dishes to accommodate their preferences. "But don't let me stop you if you have any plans."
code by wren.
Eira keeps eyeing the sky, sunny and bright. It was misty and dew-filled in the morning while Eira was just arriving to Huxley's farm, and they loved it. It's only about a mile walk for Eira anyway, their long legs carrying them faster than anyone else in their family, and they found that working on the damp ground was much more preferable than hard, dry earth. The moisture hangs in the air now, warm and heavy from the humidity.

Eira is kneeling over the vegetables, sticking the moisture analyzer at the root of each cropping just to make sure they didn't need another watering before the storm hit. They're so engrossed in their task that they don't hear Hux approach until they're directly behind Eira, clearing their throat to get Eira's attention.

They whip their head around and smile at Huxley, giving them a small wave with a dirt-caked glove. At Huxley's request, Eira jumps to their feet and sticks their gloves and tools into the large pockets of their overalls.

Your honey? Eira signs, overjoyed with this offering, though they would've done it for nothing in return, especially for Huxley. But Hux's honey is something to be excited about—and they've always been a fan of sweets—so Eira follows them to gather the various animals and be rewarded with a treat!

Once they get back to Huxley's home, where it's slightly warmer inside, Eira is giddy about the honey. Eira wouldn't normally indulge in honey for fear of unsettling a hive or causing danger to bees, but the way Hux procures them proves it can be obtained without disturbing or endangering such an ecosystem.

They already know this jar of honey won't last long in their home—Eira's siblings are monstrous when it comes to eating or sharing—but it's worth it. Eira is already thinking about breakfast tomorrow morning, their father's gluten-free pancakes with fruit, topped with honey, when Huxley interrupts their thoughts with a loose invitation to dinner.

Eira scoffs at the mention of already having plans—they're more of a go with the flow type of being—and waves away the concern for the storm, though if it's going to be a dangerous one, Eira's better off staying close to home, anyway. They would probably suggest the same of their family and Huxley themself.

Like you even have to ask, Eira gestures, accepting the invitation. Eira, being the youngest in their large family, has never needed to cook, or to learn how. Sure, they have a general idea, but leave them alone in the kitchen? Probably not the best idea.

Unsurprisingly, Huxley is a great cook. Eira's seen them work their magic in the kitchen a number of times, and couldn't possibly turn down another pleasing offer. Besides, Eira in good conscience couldn't leave Hux to have dinner alone, not when they could have company.

Eira signs enthusiastically, What are we having? I'll help!

Though they might not be a natural in the kitchen, with some direction and easy tasks to oversee, it shouldn't be too hard. At least, Eira hopes so.
Code by Jenamos
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  • Sweet
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.
While Huxley isn't the best at sign language, they are proficient enough because of Eira's company that communicating isn't too difficult. As such, they understand their request to help, which they wave off amicably. "Aw, c'mon, you're my guest so you shouldn't have to cook," they insist. While they appreciate their friend's alacrity, cooking for others has been a longstanding way of showing their affection. Not to mention, they tend to get a bit irritated with other people invading their space in the kitchen. They aren't particular about most things, but cooking is the exception. "Let me wash up, and while I'm gone, you can think about what you'd like to eat."

Before Eira can argue, they toe off their shoes by the closet and rush upstairs to take a shower. They're as quick as they can be, not wanting to leave their friend alone with nothing to do but explore their admittedly mundane cottage. While they have a lot of trinkets decorating the place, it's a very unimpressive and cluttered place, the pinnacle of its rural origins. Afterward, they change into a loose cream-colored button-up and some brown shorts, reclining into relaxation now that today's work is over. "So, did you decide?" they ask once they've entered the kitchen again, combing their hair back with their fingers.

Once they've agreed on cooking some stuffed mushrooms, Huxley gets to work measuring out the ingredients ahead of time. This isn't the first time they've made stuffed mushrooms, and even if it were, their mental pantry of recipes would provide a suitable map for making them. Luckily for Eira, Huxley has recently harvested and already rinsed some portobello mushrooms, and they make sure to wipe them off gently to avoid breaking the delicate fungi. After cutting off the stems, they toss them into a pan with some butter and garlic, adding some salt and pepper to taste as well as some breadcrumbs. They mix together some parsley, thyme, and some more salt and pepper. Given that Eira is vegan, they toss in some vegan cream cheese and almond cheese they keep specifically for them. "Here, you can mix, if you'd like," they offer, handing the bowl off to Eira after tossing all of the ingredients in as a compromise.

After the mushrooms have finished cooling and the mixture is complete, they fill the mushroom caps and let them bake. Once they're completely done, they use some more parsley as a garnish on each, serving the eight mushrooms on a nice plate in the centre of the dining table. Grabbing a couple of plates for the both of them, Huxley takes the seat opposite Eira, carefully grabbing one of the finished treats. "I hope you like them."
code by wren.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: MaryGold

The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: Up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 68.8°F (20.4°C). Comfortably warm and slightly humid.


Haunted barns and lantern-lit paths! The villages take time to celebrate the holiday of Halloween!

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Location: Greenwich Elementary School. | Tag: @PavellumPendulum 's Tenet & Dawn
I listened to this instrumental the whole time and it was relaxing af.
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It was a sunny autumn Sunday afternoon in Greenwich. Autumn warmed the crisp day into rich honey shades through the turning leaves; and spiced the air with hints of the harvest season when a breeze caught just right.

Inside the Greenwich Elementary School, only a few classrooms were illuminated for use. A teacher might have had a pile of grading that they preferred to do on campus; or decorations to change out before the next week. In Miss Thornbrook's classroom, filled with floral paper crafts, Dahlia was rounding out a tutoring session with one student.

The extra time with their materials, with one-on-one discussion and new angles on the topics - her student, Dawn, had flourished. Honestly, whenever a student progressed so well, and gained their confidence, Dahlia felt she could burst for pride in them.

Dawn seemed happier with the material now that she had a command of it. Rather than grasp and slip behind, the girl could now pose curious questions that leapt ahead and connected topics.

By the conclusion of their final hour together, it'd become something of creative discussion. Dawn could 'teach' Miss Thornbrook now, and Dahlia was more than happy to nod along while Dawn explained.

They'd begun with their first session primarily focusing on common fae history. This was background that Dahlia and Dawn shared, giving them something to connect on. Dawn told Miss Thornbrook about the major different powers common fae possessed, and explained how there were many uses across modern industries.

It was so fulfilling to see a child go from ambivalence to investment. Dawn was bright and lovely, she just had needed the right shift in presentation from the school to find her spark.

By the top of the hour (though that old classroom clock was a little fast), about when Dawn's father was scheduled to pick her up, Dawn was explaining to her teacher how animal transformation had such fun and functional uses - something Dawn was more familiar with at home.

The classroom door was open, allowing fresh autumn air to sneak in sometimes, and to welcome Mr. Briars to step inside at his leisure. Dahlia was happy to hear Dawn's enthusiasm for as long as was needed. Dawn seemed to be winding down on what she shared, though, seeming content with herself.

"Those are such clever uses of animal transformation, Dawn." Miss Thornbrook encouraged - and meant it. "You should be proud of what you and your family can accomplish. Common fae have a very special place in the world. You did so well today, too! This was fun, don't you think?"

She hoped to see the girl continue on in a bright, encouraged way. Dahlia heeded the door with only an attentive ear, keeping her fuchsia eyes happily fixed toward her student. Coming in voluntarily on a Saturday was a big deal, and so was ensuring that Dawn knew it.

"You'll do so well on that test next week, you would have passed it today even!" She enthused, determined to reinforce her student's confidence. It wasn't a false confidence, it'd just been one the girl had needed to realize she could have all along.

"Do you have any questions for me?" Miss Thornbrook posed.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
Dawn liked Miss Thornbrook, this much Tenet already knew. It didn't take a genius to see how she brightened when the woman followed her train of thought, coaxing her forwards to share more with well-placed questions and observations. The little girl wasn't the highest achieving student in class, but it was hard to tell the difference between her and a more studious student when all the others were gone and she was shining her brightest under Dahlia's gentle tutelage. She drew pictures, she rambled, she made connections and told stories, all in the pursuit of demonstrating her knowledge and it wasn't hard to know that she was smiling underneath her plastic pumpkin head, what with the excited vibrating of her little legs against her chair.

Dahlia was the only teacher so far that Dawn had even taken her pumpkin off with, news that had surprised Tenet when he'd heard of it. When Thornbrook had suggested that they continue the tutoring sessions more regularly after a supposed one-off catch up session after school, Tenet had agreed without a single second of hesitation. Anything for his daughters, anything for their happiness and success.

And so, with Daisy's pudgy little hand in his, a crown of freshly picked wild aster and bloodroot blooming atop her head and still leaking milky latex, Tenet arrived at the classroom door with a hefty and worn picnic basket in his other arm. Within, Dawn was stood up, hands in the air and loudly asking, "Did you know my papa shifted into a sparrow once so I could hold him? He was thiiiiiis teensy." She pinched her fingers together, before spinning around in place to see her family in the doorway. "Papa! Daisy!"

And then she was sprinting, nearly knocking her sister to the ground, who squealed excitedly as they chanted each other's names. The faintest trace of a smile graced Tenet's lips, but faded before he slid his gaze over to Miss Thornbrook. The sight of her rosy hair reminded him of the contents of his picnic basket, the syrupy peach slices in mason jars making most of the actual weight within. He gave her a slight nod of acknowledgement. "Afternoon. Appreciate it as always, Miss."

Dawn jumped up and down. "We're going on a picnic before we go trick-or-treating! You should come with us, Miss Thornbrook!"

Daisy nodded and mimicked her sister, hopping up and down, her dark hair flipflopping against her shoulders, "Yeah, yeah! I helped papa make sandwiches. With cheese!"

Tenet tilted his head slightly, eyes flicked down towards his daughters, before he gave the teacher a slight shrug, "... If you'd like joining us, it's no problem."
code by wren.
  • Thank You
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Location: Greenwich Elementary School. | Tag: @PavellumPendulum 's Tenet & Dawn
I listened to this instrumental the whole time and it was relaxing af.
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That day had fully belonged to Dawn. She'd brightened through her reservations when one-on-one, performing as well as any of the best students her age. And, with it Halloween, her pumpkin bobble couldn't possibly draw odd attention from others. It was a pumpkin's perfect day, really, if there ever was to be one.

Some kids teased about the pumpkin head. Some others simply shied away. A few were curious and friendly. But it wouldn't be hard to comprehend that absorbing in those perceptions from her peers might instruct Dawn to stay hidden within her pumpkin world. Dahlia fended off teasing whenever she caught it, but she'd never catch every instance of it.

"A sparrow!" Miss Thornbrook hummed more like a delighted surprise than a question. She'd cupped her hands to create an imaginary sparrow nest within her palms to reenact the moment Dawn described.

Dawn wheeled around, chirping to her family with a sparrow song of her own.

Dahlia watched the sisters collide, relieved that the younger laughed and joined in the cheery name chants rather than squalling. It was a blessing to be such good friends with one's siblings.

"Happy Halloween!" Dahlia gave as her greeting reply. "Of course, it was a pleasure as always." She'd made polite eye contact with Dawn's father. He seemed as reserved as someone hiding inside of a pumpkin, too.

"Miss Daisy!" She continued, greeting the younger child while she stood now, after organizing aside a few learning materials.

"Did you know that your sister is one of the best students? You should be very proud of her." Her glance welcomed Mr. Briars and Dawn into the sentiment with a magenta flick toward each of them for a moment. "I certainly am!" She hoped to catch glimpses of how each might celebrate Dawn – including Dawn herself.

And then, with much enthusiasm, Dahlia found herself invited to the family picnic. She gave a curious grin toward Dawn first, to acknowledge her and her voice in the matter before shifting her gaze toward her father - ...nope! Right back toward Daisy as she boisterously chimed in next, and surely should not have her commentary disregarded either!

"WITH cheese? Well, I don't know how I could refuse..." she trailed. Dahlia sought out Mr. Briars' glance now to see how the matter might ultimately sort. Her entire chest felt like it had filled with pride and contentment that the girls would so eagerly invite her – though she also didn't want to intrude on anything if there were more private plans involved.

And then? She found herself with an invitation from all three, and her grin eased fully toward happy, relaxed acceptance.

"A Halloween afternoon picnic with some of the best people in the world? Hmm...." She hummed to make it seem as though she had to think about it, patting a fingertip to the right side of her mouth. She was flattered and happy to go of course. She just wanted to tease up a reaction from the girls.

She didn't entirely know Dawn's father or younger sister as well as Dawn – being her student. But she'd encountered them just enough that she'd go with that description for them to carry the good atmosphere onward.

"Alright! I'm honored, I'd love to join. I don't have anything to bring – unless, oh! If you'd like to bring any of the crafts from the classroom, they're all yours for the day! The bike? The kite?" The class had a few 'rental' items the kids could rotate using through the week, pretending to rent out when their turn came up.

"If we're off to picnic, call me Dahlia!" She declared to Mr. Briars with her approach to, at last, stand in the family's midst. Although it was late autumn, the floral fae persisted in wearing springtime colors. She joined the Briar crew in a long-sleeved white blouse and light green skirt to her ankles.

"Should I wear a mask?" She asked after the girls. It was Halloween, if if the sun was still out. "I'm not so good at picking the perfect mask, though, will you help me?" She asked of Dawn and Daisy, giving to their expert advice.

"If you drove, I'll ride along," She asserted, then explained. "I walk to school, being so close by. Ohh, this should be fun. And! You all can tell me about your trick-or-treat plans!"

Dahlia was also already scheming about the possibility to talk to the family about any of the upcoming school plays and events. Maybe Dawn would feel up to being involved! Her father, too. But she just managed to keep from spilling all of her enthusiasm at once. For now.

Above all else, Tenet loved his kids. Though he wasn't all that convinced on the necessity of showing it on his face, he always did with his actions and words and that seemed to be enough for his girls to understood what he wanted to communicate. It'd never come easy to him, even worse when Tanya had passed, but they made their own happiness where they could together. There was a simple joy to find in watching Dawn and Daisy happily babble to Miss Thornbrook and seeing how ecstatic they were to have that same energy returned. Tenet watched silently, more than happy to let the three of them have their conversation without him getting involved.

Dawn did a little dance with her pudgy limbs at the compliments, her wings fluttering out of beat with one another, her body bobbing and swaying to an unheard tune. She raised her hands up high, giggling loudly while Daisy, as immediate as an echo, mirrored her but completely out of time, as though the two of them were dancing to completely different songs. With all the movement, Dawn's plastic pumpkin even slipping down, lopsided against her head now, but she didn't seem to mind, not even adjusting it back to its rightful position until she was done celebrating. If Tenet had a look of approval on his face, it was so subtle that the teacher likely wouldn't catch it.

"Yeah! And Papa made the cheese before. And I supservived." Daisy told her knowingly, likely meaning she supervised, a very mature and intelligent air to her. Dawn clapped and picked her sister up, too excited to know what to do with her body in the moment.

When told that perhaps they could bring something out from the class, the girls were quick to pick out the kite, flapping it around in the unmoving air of the classroom to mimic fae wings, giggling to each other in a language of their own. They left the adults to their own devices, which left Tenet giving Dahlia a measured nod, responding after a pause, "... Tenet."

While Daisy held the kite adoringly, as though it were a large kitten needing to be soothed, Dawn picked out a mask for Dahlia before they let the classroom rest for the day. It was a paper mask, made by Dawn herself and definitely chosen out of pride and bias, attachable around the back with a knot of macrame rope. She'd made a peach out of craft paper and cut out eyeholes for it, so paired with her teacher's pink hair, she could most certainly pull off being a peach for the rest of the day.

The school was quiet around them as they exited out into the modest parking lot, where Tenet's family car was parked. It was dirtied by mud and dirt and most definitely two decades or more in age at this point, showing clear signs of wear and tear on the dark green paint job. Still, the family did not veer towards it, Tenet explaining, "We were going to eat in the park. ... But we can drive you home afterwards, if you want."

There was a little tot lot with a spread of grass near the river, only a ten minute walk away from the school, one that the Briars family frequented often, as did many other families in the area, especially since it sported a squeaky swing set and a colourful mini play structure.

The cool air around them was warmed by the gentle sun, still travelling downwards, signalling the sunset in an hour or two. Dawn and Daisy, full of energy, jumped and skipped ahead of them, both in grass-stained comfortable pants and patchwork shirts, lovingly hand stitched and kept alive from frankensteining old garments. Tenet walked in a leisurely fashion, the basket on his arm, his own clothes very similar to his kids'. "... You do good work with her." he told Dahlia, staring ahead instead of looking at her, "She's happier to go to school this year."
code by wren.
  • Love
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