CLOSED SIDE STORY Heartless Shell -- A Rescue Mission

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'But that was more of a product of who Luer was rather than a general rule.' Get in line, brother.

But now wasn't the time to be annoyed at Luer's general existence, now was a time for planning and executing. To Alande's question of if the conveyor belt could be disassembled, the frog would have given him an eye roll, considering he already saw what happened to the boxes. "Oh, I don't know, is there going to be an issue if you suddenly stopped breathing?" He asked rhetorically. "Here you are asking a smart question, and now suddenly you ask a stupid one. Are you actually the smartest one in this group or just pretending to be?"

It then sighed in frustration, before continuing in a less patronizing tone of voice. "Hold on..." He closed his eyes to concentrate. Soon, his little froggy body began to vibrate, and a light green aura appeared around its body. In a matter of minutes, it formed into a almost blinding light, before exploding in a puff.

Like that, the room had changed. No longer were the boxes repeating, they were different each time one came out the walls. Time was no longer repeating itself. "There. You have a few minutes to do whatever you need to do, but be quick about it. It tires me out greatly, and I'm not doing it again once things start repeating again."
The Grail Warden, Pip
WITHIN THE SHELL @Wade Von Doom @Valkan @The Lotus Archives

The minute jealousy over Roy's armor dissipated in an instant. BANG BANG. The shots rang through her ears and right through his chest plate and she watched as his body simply faded away into ash. There were spells she could perform, ones not memorized but without a body... Pip's heart burst open, partially because her magic was affected by her emotions and partially because mushroom hours had heightened said abilities to a point she rarely experienced. Pip transformed faster than she had done ever before and shoved a few of the 'scattered' behind her before rushing forward.

The room was darkening in her peripherals with each bound, but the shadows refused to permeate the rose-gold glow that surrounded Pip. In a way, it was like being back home on Phantasya, the darkness shying away from the little match that made her way through the monsters. She repeated her divine mantra as she ran, sliding her fingers along the ridge of her blade, voice equal parts divine and incomprehensible.

Pip swung her blade at two of the humanoid shadow creatures who were in her path, but she didn't stop to finish them or even see if blade met shadow— she was beneath the bridge now and Pip casted Gambol Stride, leaping, rose-gold discs of light forming beneath her ephemeral feet as she lunged upwards, strength and magic providing all that she needed to land with her own BANG BANG atop the metal and grate bridge before the mystery man.

Pip did not give him time to move; as soon as she was solid she released Bow Before the Grail, instructing all of those caught within it's grasp to grovel beneath the weight of the Holy Grail. The ends of her elongated hair lifted, the bridge they stood upon trembled, and the very air held its breath as she stalked forward. Pip waited for his sins to reveal themselves and readied her kukri of light, tired of watching those around her die.
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Tokui Uchiha

After hearing Randi's voice cut off, the shinobi and his clones said in unison "You heard the man, let's get moving." Whether or not they listened wasn't much of a priority to Tokui. He wasn't going to save someone who didn't want to save themselves. Once out of the shaft, Tokui's clone put down all the belongings he collected for the ones who hadn't come for them already. He then took a moment to look around.

No apparent sign of a way to go, and three possible paths. After a few seconds of consideration, Tokui sat his two clones down and made them still as a statue in order to gather nature chakra. Koji didn't teach him for too long, but he hoped to have been attentive enough of a student in his lessons of sage mode usage. In the meantime, he noticed the knight, Roy, offering the other knight, Pip, some sort of stimulant. She, along with the rest of the survivors took it without much hesitation and he noticed their increased morale after overcoming the likely displeasing flavor of it. The Uchiha raised his hand to stop Roy from cutting a piece for him, offering a calm "Tokui."

While Pip busied herself calming the anonymous scattered among them, Roy had the brilliant idea to go off on his own without much apparent sense of direction. Or so it seemed. Tokui would never get the chance to know, as the knight caught two bullets to the chest and died, just like that. The responsible was a man with a peculiar sense of dressing, and speaking an awfully familiar language, though it sounded odd unfiltered by whatever miracle translates languages among them. He was not alone, though. More menacing-looking creatures akin to the ones in the medbay, armed with firearms, showed up as well. "Talk about unfortunate..." he murmured to himself.

"Everyone, to my copies sitting down! NOW!" The shinobi commanded, summoning another clone which immediately started weaving signs. As soon as everyone was in close enough range, at the copy's feet started forming a pool of water, which quickly jumped into the air, forming a water bubble that was oddly rigid. Chakra made a wall out of a liquid. With the water dome done, he focused back on the enemy, with two clones gathering chakra and another holding a barrier, Tokui had his hands somewhat full. No more clones for the time being. At least if he wanted to fight proper.

It seemed as if the enemy focused their fire mostly on Pip, which was good for the rest inside the barrier having a bit more of a chance to get in before the bullets rained... But Tokui couldn't just watch that unfold and do nothing. Creating yet another blade of chakra off a kunai, he used body flicker to move around the room, chopping the enemies in halves with the might of a raging storm contained within his pale blue blade. With his voice aggressively echoing across the room as he danced through whatever bullets came his way. "おい おい, この野郎! 私のことを忘れないで!" hoping to get some heat off Pip. That said, it seemed this group had a knack for running into danger, or at least put others in it. As Tokui went in for a kill on his evil alternate universe compatriot, Pip did something to him. He stood still as a rock, unable to move at all. Even breathing was a laborious task, especially because whatever Pip was doing flooded his mind with all the memories of the many lives he has taken over the years. As overwhelming as it was, Tokui tried to convey something to the emotionally struck warrior "Pip... calm down..." as he was a sitting duck standing near the gunslinger.
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As Alande fought the suggestion at first, Luer sighed and shook his head. It was a faster solution than trying to build a damn machine in this place. Who knows how long that could take… However, the man seemed to have another idea. At least this one seemed less likely to take a while. Having left the distraction up to him, though, he hummed. He did have one idea. "ANNA, is it possible to add heat to my arrows? A fire or explosion of some kind?"

"Affirmative. Do you wish to enable plasma arrows?"

Luer gave a nod to that. That could work, then. He rose a brow though as the large man spoke up and offered himself to be a distraction. He tilted his head. "Erm… I was trying to avoid any of us having to play the part, honestly…" If an arrow on fire or an explosion in the water away from them could hold their attention long enough they could run across… theoretically. He took a breath though and shrugged. "If you are positive you can survive, though… I have no objections. I can heal you afterwards, too."

Bang bang...that awful sound..
Armoured gunslingers speaking in Japanese, a man disappearing into ash, a knight transforming and using magic, a magic Shinobi making water shields and weapons. It was all like a fever dream. One that he couldn't quite believe was happening yet, as he reached to touch the water that had encircled him and some of the others he couldn't help but laugh. It was real. Really real. In all his years as a pilot he had never imagined something like this. It was like being in a comic or cartoon, as the laughter died down he would look to the clones that held the barrier.

''Hey can I shoot through this from this side?''

He asked, as he raised his pistol and took aim at one of the men on the upper floors. He wanted to fire but until he knew for sure he could afford to waste bullets. If he received confirmation he would fire four shots as the men in the upper floors. While in his com piece he would connect to his droid companion.

''Hey Haro, could you work on finding that exit a bit quicker..''

The silence in his comms always bothered him, but hearing Haro cheer brought a sense of relief.

Through the vents and down the corridors the little droid would roll and fly as it attempted to scout a way out for the crew. Going up the floors and around corners it was sure where they were but noticed the severe lack of protection against space, this told it they had to be one the surface of a planet or planetoid. It wouldn't be long before Haro would find itself attempting to lock at a computer terminal to hack into. Downloading the schematics would be easier then trying to scout every corridor and corner. As Shiv called Haro would audibly sigh before chiming back that it was working on it.

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Death. Lot's of it. What flashed before Pip was an onslaught of murder across the various continents of this Earth. From the middle east, to the deserts of Africa, to the coasts of the Balkans. He was a merc for hire, bought for the highest price by whoever could pay, and sent out to achieve victory at any cost. Bodies laid waste to him, yet even as all of this revealed itself to her and was pushed to the forefront of his mind, he was unflinching.

While the weight of her power tried pushing him down to his knees, the man kept himself standing by sheer force of his own will. His body shook from the strain, yet as he fought against it, a faint cloud of darkness began to envelop him. The same darkness the creatures were made of. With a push of his arms, the darkness blew away Pip's magic, freeing him from her restrictions and interrupting her spell. He then moved in after her first. His speed was quick, unnaturally so, already getting face to face with her in the blink of an eye. Whatever move she made first towards him, he would dunk underneath, slide around to behind her back, then jump up onto her shoulders for a FRANKENSTEINER!


Down below with the others, Tokui's water bubble did the trick for protection. The heartless soldiers ammo dissolved into the water each time it pierced through, and as Tokui and Pip demonstrated, they could be killed a lot easier than the critters back in the medbay. The computer Haro located was right underneath the western exit, yet once he downloaded the schematics, it would only show the floor plans for the whole strut. The west exit lead to Strut E, where the conveyor system and helipad were, the east exit went to Strut C, the residential area in the facility, and the northern exit was the bridge that connected Shell 2, the second half of the facility. Haro would also have a mini-map installed into his systems, along with a radar showing dots of where everyone was.

The enemy dots were blue, the friendlies were green. There were a lot of blue dots.


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The Grail Warden, Pip
WITHIN THE SHELL @Wade Von Doom @Valkan @The Lotus Archives

Magic's useless then, Pip thought to herself with a grunt, lying flat on her back against the metal grating. She rolled her eyes and then jumped back to her feet, a kip up as seamless as the mystery man's frankensteiner. Dismissing both sword and shield, Pip rolled her shoulders, sliding into a low stance, nearly a blur. Though it wasn't obvious, Pip had more than a hundred operations under her belt; a little throw down only got her excited.

I didn't spend years in the House of Light for nothing. I didn't snap my neck or crush my sternum or break my legs repeatedly to be felled so easily.

Like the med-bay tussle, perhaps she could keep the enemy focused on her while one of the others used their modern tech to dispatch him completely. She didn't dare look down, towards Tokui and the others, though she cursed herself for not investing in telepathy. They would just have to trust her, take the hint, and not be scared of friendly fire.

Pip struck first, after one of the tattooed spells beneath her eye changed from black to blue— the same aegean blue as her eyes. Now, now she was as fast as him, throwing punches from gauntleted fists and kicks from spiked sabatons. Each strike upon her person was repaid in kind, though Pip's angle of attack was oddly low, despite being the same size as him.
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Dominique Moon/Vaudeville - Played by Amber Franklin

Vaudeville got her talons into the jet, ripping into it but not apart as intended before it broke from her hold with a sudden acceleration. She banks and flies back down to the team as they make for the door ahead of the fog. Her wings recede into arms and she sprints down the walkway through the open door.

"Damn, that still hurts." Vaudeville rubs her right arm which had been clipped in the aerial dogfight. It is visually fine but on the molecular level the bonds have been weakened by the extreme heat of that jet attack. It should be healed before the next bout. They hoped.

The strange monotonous boxes had her attention at first. She knocks one off a conveyor, just to see what would happen, and is amused that the box vanishes before hitting the floor and revealing its contents. " Amazons' wet dream right here." says Vaudeville, knocking another one over the moment before the voice. Startled, she stands at attention and whistles nonchalantly away from the conveyor towards and shifts her attention to the source of the voice.

The symbiote and host stifle a laugh upon realizing the voice is from a fat little frog, openly giggling when it roasts everyone, herself included. She does not dignify the frog with a response to the barb about her weight. Host and symbiote are self-assured; they look very attractive. Perfect, even.

"Huh, Heartless. Wonder what darkness is inside seagulls that they work?" Vaudeville muses aloud and just listens to the conversation turn into a planning session to get to the next section. She waits for a general consensus to be reached, that of braving the walk out in the open after Alande gives himself the ability to see in the thermal spectrum.

"Gonna throw this out there, splitting up for even a distraction, is a bad idea. How about, I make myself tall enough to stand over all of you and that will be air cover. I can sense when they're about to dive, swat them right out the air or Ed blasts them. Hows that?" Vaudeville offers her revision of the plan while Alande does his thing. She is somewhat confused by the frog changing the room.

"Not a good listener, are you Frogger? We're not dismantling this place. I think. Right?" She says to the frog then asks of the group.
Pip struck first, after one of the tattooed spells beneath her eye changed from black to blue— the same aegean blue as her eyes. Now, now she was as fast as him, throwing punches from gauntleted fists and kicks from spiked sabatons. Each strike upon her person was repaid in kind, though Pip's angle of attack was oddly low, despite being the same size as him.

The man was touch, unnaturally so. Each time a punch landed against his skin, Pip could feel it was like striking metal. It couldn't have been just from the dark magic creating these Heartless. His body had been genetically altered. The next strike she tried to take, the man reversed it as such,


He wrenched on her arm as hard as possible to try and either dislocated or break it. If she could withstand the pain, then incapacitating her would work as well.



"Huh, Heartless. Wonder what darkness is inside seagulls that they work?"
"Are you kidding?" The frog quickly interjected to Vaud, "they're horribly pushy creatures! You must have seen them when they get the scent of human food, fighting over ice cream, crumbs of sandwiches, those fried potato fingers humans sometimes drop on the ground. Not to mention their obnoxious behavior in packs. If anything, they're so stupid, they don't know how evil they really are!" If there's one thing you can never trust: it's a seagull.

As he watched the team continue planning out a way to make it across the bridge, he once again focused on Vaud when she explained they weren't going to take apart the conveyor belt. "I'm a better one than you: Your uninteresting human friend said 'Is there going to be an immediate issue if I take apart the conveyor belts?' And considering this place is locked in a time loop, and you keep knocking over the boxes like some toddler knocking over wooden blocks, I would have thought with the combined mental fortitude of that disgusting symbiote would increase your IQ beyond single digits."

This frog was making friends today.

yet while everyone was working to formulate and execute a plan to reach the other side of the bridge, where their encircled comrades were located in this strange facility stuck in time, something began to gnaw at the back of Luer's head. A feeling of light headedness, like he was having a fever strike, yet at the same time felt even more cold, as though all his body heat rushed to his head. Goosebumps would form along his skin, and as the world seemed to become even so slightly disorientating... Music began to fade into his hearing. Muffled at first, before becoming more clear as the moments passed.

It was an orchestra tuning itself up. The sounds of brass and clarinets softly echoing, rising in pitch to warm up, only to abruptly stop right as they were about to reach a satisfying high pitch. The world around him was shrouded in darkness.

Yet, he was now sitting at a round table with white linen covering it. There was a candle flickering in the middle, along with a basket of bread sticks with butter, and two shakers of salt and pepper. Someone sat down at the other end. A very familiar face to Luer by this point.

"You know," The Man You Do Business With began to say, putting two wine glasses down on the table in front of himself, "it feels like we just don't talk anymore."

He had a wind bottle in his free hand. A dark red liquid inside, with the words 'dom perignon' on the label. He began pouring the wine into one glass as he continued to speak. "We've known each other for, what, years now at this point? And we can't seem to ever find the time to sit down over a nice meal and talk about our relationship. What happened? Where's the passion gone? Is it me? I feel like if we don't talk about it now, we'll never recover, and what happens to the kids after?" There was an obvious tone of mockery in his voice.

The sensation in his head was admittedly painful, and strangely foreign to the archer. This was worse than the motion sickness from anything thus far. The sound was not helping either. Before he knew it, though, his vision had gone dark. Or at least he thought it had. He blinked several times as it cleared and the music became less muffled. "…What?" He questioned. How and when did he get here?

He turned quickly at a familiar voice, his bow at the ready as quickly as he could. He glared, watching the man warily. "The hell are you on about??" He questioned. The only passion he had for this one was to never see him again. Known each other for years? Not a chance. He was sure it had not even been one yet since this mess started. "What do you want?"

Well maybe he didn't have kids in this timeline.

"See?! This is why your son is on drugs!" He once more joked, before being handed a cork screw by a waiter. The waiter was wearing a black tuxedo, but the odd thing about him was his face was entirely obscured by a theatrical comedy face mask. "I just want to talk, Luer. It seemed like you needed a nice evening out as of recent." With a snap of his fingers, lights turned on on a side beside them, and a band on stage began to play.

Surrounding them were other tables, populated by more people wearing theatrical masks. Even the band and singer were wearing them as they played. Their surroundings became like a fifties Vegas lounge bar.

With a pop, Penta pulled the cork out and began pouring his glass half full. Before he poured it in Luer's, he stopped and realized something. "Is it you or Ziv that hates alcohol?"

Luer narrowed his eyes at The Man You Do Business With. He was not sure he even wanted to know the context of that statement. "Last time I checked I did not have kids." That would be an issue he was far from ready to face and deal with right now. He grimaced at the suggestion he needed a respite. "You are not exactly my ideal company for such a thing." He grumbled.

He watched as the wine was popped and poured, making a small face at the question. "I do not know if he hates it or not. I do not hate it, but I try not to drink much knowing my habits when I am… not sober. And you are the last person I want to sleep with." No, he was not drinking.

With a shrug, The Man You Do Business With chucked the glass behind his back; making a crashing noise a few feet away. "I'm sure the last thing you need is yet another lover in your confused love life," he commented, before taking a sip of the wine.

Luer cringed at the glass breaking. What a waste… He chortled though, shaking his head. "I only have one lover. A bed partner is not the same thing." They were very different to him, and no one was generally off limits as a bed partner. Regardless, he was not interested in either from this man, and he defiantly continued to stand with his bow in hand ready to strike.

"I'm sure Ryan knows the difference then when it comes to Morgan," he mentioned, before putting his glass down. "And please, if I wanted to kill you, there's easier ways than having dinner with you. Besides," he snapped his fingers, and suddenly Luer's bow turned into a fancy cane, and his arrow a rose flower, "it's rude threatening the host with death."

Luer growled lowly at this. How dare he. He and Ryan will settle that issue eventually, and he will not be having this bastard make it worse. "Who said I did not want to- ah! H-Hey!" His bow changing interrupted him, giving another glare. Now that was just not fair. He huffed. "Is it any less rude to drag someone away at an inconvenient time?"

"Killing frogs is a better way to pass the time than dinner?" He asked. "This is a courtesy call, Luer. No matter how many times we offer, you reject our offers outright because of mistrust, when in reality we do want the best for you and your worlds. Now, the actions we take may be considered 'extreme,' but I ask: are a million lives worth the lives of a billion?" He asked next, crossing his legs under the table.

"You yourself must believe that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Then how can we save those billions of beings when the 'hard' choice is the sacrifice of an even fewer million? That's what we are, the ones taking action to ensure that untold billions have a safe, fruitful future. And what I want to offer you today is proof of that."

Luer groaned as The Man You Do Business With continued. He did not buy that for a second. Reluctantly though, as it seemed he had no other choice, he did finally take the open seat. "You better give me my bow back…" He grumbled, putting the rose in his teeth and laying the cane on his lap. He did not want to talk to this man. It usually meant bad things.

He looked away when the other commented on his beliefs. He was not entirely wrong… that was something he did believe. His life was nothing to a town's worth but… dammit all what would he know!? He chortled, setting the rose on the table. "And what do you mean by that?"

"Retora," he simply said.

Now this caught the archer's attention quickly, turning his gaze back to The Man You Do Business With. Few people knew that name, fewer were those he himself directly said it to. So when did this man learn of it… how and for what reason? He took a deep breath. He could not afford to let his emotions control this. "How do you know that name?"

"I've been doing this job for a very long time, Luer," he simply said, before the music finally ended. The band reorganized and changed the tone of the music to something more 'casual.'

The waiter then returned with menus for each of them. "Ah, perfect! I tell you, I'm envious of humans in their capacity for taste. I will never know what this tastes like," he raised his glass to stare at the wine inside, "what I have is a series of programs based upon the impulses of brain activity when disgusting and reacting to food. It's not real taste buds I have, just what we, as machines, believe to be how a certain thing tastes. And it isn't necessary for my existence. Doesn't help me understand the geopolitical nature of worlds, or find information that's not available through data archives. I have it because I want it. Because it helps me understand the simplest desires of organic beings like yourself. If I'm to do business with them, how can I help you when I don't have the full picture?"

He opened his menu and began reading through it. "Hmm... I'll take the stake. medium rare."

Luer simply stared at The Man You Do Business With quietly. This man just ranted about nonsense without truly giving him an answer. A long time, he says… Oh what I would not give to end him right here and now… Unfortunately, he neither had the strength nor the weapon to do so. "That was not an answer. Things like you do not exist in my world for a reason." He would prefer to keep it that way, frankly. "If you truly wanted to understand us, causing the havoc you have is not the way to do it."

"Oh, but it is that havoc that helps me understand," he explained, resting his arms on the table, "example: Your life sucked after Kain died and Retora was attacked. You've been through the ringer emotionally since childhood with dead parents, prostituting yourself, and losing all your friends. Then, once we bring you here, you die and become undead with this hollowing curse, and now you find yourself in this awkward love triangle between Ryan and Morgan. Now tell me: What would you give to not only go back to those heavenly days before all this misery happened, but find the answer that ever evasive question you could never receive an answer to," he hinted to Luer.

"It's in that havoc I see the true nature of organic life, and in specific, human life, come to fruition. We can send you back to Retora. And I can tell you who your parents really were." His smile turned even bigger as he explained this.

The fact that Luer tensed so much it was visible the moment this man spoke Kain's name was enough to give way that he struck a nerve. It only hit harder as he kept going. Damn this bastard, he knew everything about him. He narrowed his eyes at the machine as he asked that question. He was not going to fool him into even considering such a thing… right? He chortled, shaking his head again. The better question to that would be what would he not give for that… To have the life he was happy with back? To have the family he grew to love back? It was a hard answer, and admittedly one he found shame in struggling to.

But the answers were there, to be sure. He knew what he valued now above what the past held. Besides, that was just that, in the past. There was nothing he could do about it now.

And then The Man You Do Business With went on. He sharply turned back to the AI with a scrutinizing look. "You are full of it. Go back in time? Yes, this whole… multiverse thing is already unbelievable enough that I still wonder sometimes if I am not actually dead, but to go back in time? You cannot expect me to believe you can do that. I have no reason to trust you." Why should he? To cause this kind of disaster just to study them? There was no reason to trust he was not trying to do the same thing here. "You may know about what I have done in the past, but that had to have come from what I know. My parents owned the orphanage I grew up in. I already know that."

"And that's... all you want to know about them?" Penta asked next, leaning back in his chair. "The mysterious gauntlet handed down to you, strange thing for orphanage owners to have. Seems almost like it has a much more interesting lineage than just some old piece of metal."

But, Luer was speaking truth. "You're right though, we've been trying to kill you this whole time, and I'm a very scheming fellow. But when I make a deal with someone, I make sure it is one honored. And when I promise something, I deliver on it. Time is not a linear progression of cause and effect. It is like everything else in this multiverse is, one giant combustion of particles and atoms bouncing from here to there. We've already broken down the barriers of reality. What's stopping us from breaking through time and space to reach back into history?"

With a snap of his fingers, the stage disappeared into darkness once more. Slowly, a sun began to rise from the horizon. And as its rays extended across the horizon, the lounge Luer had found himself in had become a wide open expanse. A familiar one.

Retora. Back in its prime days.

Luer kept his scrutinizing look, even as he reached for said band. True… but it was no doubt old, what could have been a thing long of the past and no longer relevant to his parents or him. Dammit! Do not let this man get in your head! "You just like to hear yourself talk…" He chortled as the topic moved on, turning away now. Oh, sure, and his word that he holds a deal true was supposed to be enough? It was not enough. Much less was his comment regarding time. There were many reasons to doubt such a thing.

He jolted though in a startle at the sound of a snap, which rang like a metaling clang more than a snap of fingers did to his ears. The place went black again and though he tried, his bow cane was all he had to grasp as he stood on guard. The hell was going on now? He squinted as the sunrise hit his eyes, flinching away slightly though with the light he could see now. He could smell, too.

They stood by the docks, the salty air an immediate change from where he remembered being last. He had not been near the ocean in such a long time. Having been mostly distracted with the ocean view, he had been startled again by a call.

"Ser…? Is that all you needed?" The sailor spoke, seeming concerned.

Luer blinked, tilting his head. Wait, what was going on? That uniform… He turned for a quick glance around again to realize where he was. This did not make sense. The docks were quite busy, with loaded vessels ready to set sail. He glanced to Penta for a moment- did the sailor not see him? He turned back to the sailor. "S-Sorry… What did you say?"

"Everything is loaded. We did a recount and nothing has gone missing. Is that all you needed?"

A recount? Ah, the thefts. "O-Oh… No, that will be all…" He did remember this, at least vaguely. With the sailor offering a bow and returning to his work, the archer turned questioningly. "What the hell are you trying to do?"

The Man You Do Business With was gone. As were the others sitting within that strange lounge. It was just him, left to explore the city. Everything felt real. The smells, the breeze, the feeling of ground beneath his feet, even the slightest touch with the tips of his fingers felt as real as it should be.

if this was an illusion, it was a masterful illusion. Down to every finite detail.

To say he was confused was an understatement. Where did that bastard go? Dammit, he hated this. How was he supposed to get back on his own? This was just an illusion, after all… right? It had to be. But even as he took a moment to reach down and dip his hand in the water, he did question it. It felt wet, like he expected, hell it even tasted salty like the ocean. The water spot on his shirt where he dried his hand was even felt. It was almost scary how real everything was.

"I was right to check on you."

Luer jumped, standing immediately and turning to the voice that spoke. Shit, I forgot. It had been quite a long time since he did this. Still… as he did face Kain he was left somewhat… speechless.

The older man sighed and shook his head. "I knew I would find you lazing about when you are supposed to be working. And what did I tell you about wearing your uniform?"

"…Uniform? A-Ah! Right… I-It is complicated to explain that…" Luer was having a hard time keeping himself focused. This was the first time he had seen and heard… and spoken to Kain in almost a year… To say it was something he expected to be able to do again- No. This is not real. He had to reel himself back in. "Right. I will change right away. The sailors saw no sign of any thefts, sir."

Kain studied the archer in silence before giving a small chuckle. "So formal all of a sudden? Remembering your manners is usually difficult for you." He teased.

Luer smiled to himself. Oh, that was a laugh he missed… even that tease. He recalled that was a common thing between them. He took a long breath and let it out in a short laugh as well. Even if this is an illusion… is it so bad to enjoy it while it lasts…? Perhaps, but dammit, how could he not. "Yes, well. Someone has been drilling me with reminders every time we see each other."

"So you are listening to me now?"

Luer nodded lightly. It was almost impossible to hide the almost bittersweet feel behind his smile. "Yes… it's taking time, but I… I am adjusting."

Kain laughed again. "Good. Then we are done for today. I will pass on your report to the king. Go home, and I will be along shortly."

"Yes sir!" With his response, Kain turned and walked away. Luer took another breath and settled his gaze in a direction. "Home…" He still knew the way, of course. He knew this place so well… for his short time here, it was second nature. He hesitated to open the door, but once he did he stood still for a moment. He could hear sounds in the kitchen. Another breath. "I'm home." He called softly.

The woman scurried to the doorway of the kitchen briefly. "Welcome home, dear! I wasn't expecting you so soon. Go wash up and give me a hand, would you?"

That greeting filled the archer with a bittersweet happiness. He missed it… so much. That greeting was something he took for granted. "Alright." He answered, giving a smile to Mika. He watched her disappear into the kitchen again, then turned to head up the stairs. He looked around the room he was in now, feeling the nostalgia hit him. It was a plain room, but it was his. He sat on the bed and ran his hands through his hair, his arms resting on his knees and his head down. This was a lot… he did not think it that bad to indulge but it strangely hurt.

As he took the time to let everything sink in, once more music would begin to fill his ears. When he looked up, he was back at the table. Retora was gone once again, and once more he was inside the strange lounge. The stage once again reappeared, and as the band began to play a new song, it was The Man You Do Business With himself singing into the microphone.

"Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly awaaaay!~
If you can use some exotic booze, There's a bar in far Bombaaaay~
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly awaaaaay~"

He was looking right at Luer, snapping his fingers to the beat of the music and gently bobbing his body to the rhythm.

"Come fly with me, we'll float down to Peruuuuu!~
In llama land, there's a one man band, and he'll toot his flute for you!~
Come fly with me, we'll float down in the bluuuue~"

Luer's attention would then be startled by the sound of a ceramic plate being put down on the table in front of him. Steak, medium rare, with coleslaw and cobb salad beside it. Penta was now suddenly at the other end of the table, already cutting into his own steak. "Go on," he urged Luer while looking down at his plate, "tell me it's fake. That it's all some sort of trick, and everything you saw was just an illusion." If Luer truly believed what he just witnessed was some stage play set up by Penta, then he should have no problem admitting it aloud... right?

Luer took a breath in as the music came back. That meant only one thing. He looked up when The Man You Do Business With started signing, shaking his head and turning away with a roll of his eyes. Patronizing bastard… Admittedly he sort of hated himself for indulging in that, but at the same time, it was nice to get to see them again… to hear and talk to them… Short lived as it was.

He chortled at the urge to eat as he was served a plate. He was far from hungry right now. He growled quietly as the AI urged him to admit the unrealistic experience. He wanted to… he really wanted to. Yet… he could not. One thing stood out among that experience that made him aware he was not just seeing things. They recognized he was not dressed the way he should have been… He did recall wearing uniform that day, there was no reason for Kain to comment on his not doing so if it were purely pulled from memory.

"What do you want…?" There was no way this was coming from a place of generosity. Hell, he was still unsure he could believe it would really happen. On top of that, if it did, would he still remember everything? Would he just be reliving his life over again? What would come of Ryan? Would he forget him? Too many questions, and not enough answers.

Stabbing a piece of cut steak with his fork, The Man You Do Business With pointed it to Luer's right, before taking a bite. When Luer turned to see what he pointed to, he would see a faint image of Morgan. She was standing as still as a picture, clouded by a faint fog, with her hands held together in front of her body.

"Her," The Man You Do Business With said while still chewing. "Give me Morgan. And I give you a backdoor to Retora before its fall." He then explained after swallowing. "You can take Ryan with you, warn Kain of the incoming attack, do whatever you feel like. I just need Morgan, and we have a deal."

Luer followed the gesture out of expectation of an answer, and he got one. The surprise on his face was obvious, and he turned back to The Man You Do Business With quickly as he added in the bit with Ryan. He gave a laugh, as if to deflect the fact that it was never going to happen, but it wavered. "What makes you think I would give you my friend? Surely you did not expect me to agree just because I can take Ryan with me…"

He glanced towards the image of Morgan and shook his head. "What about him…? He…" Ryan loved Morgan too… he made it clear before that Morgan came before him even before the affair. "Would he remember any of this… would anyone remember us? And what do you want Morgan for?"

"Up to you," Penta said, continuing to eat, "what he remembers or doesn't is entirely up to you. I'm sure I can remove any and all memories of Morgan if you want his total and undivided love to you," he took yet another bite of his steak upon finishing.

"But, if you think that's way too manipulative for you, we can fake her death somehow and make him believe it's his fault. You know, make him even more loyal to you so he never loses another love again." He tapped his mouth with a handkerchief once he finished speaking.

"As for her... Well, that's between me and another involved party," Penta winked.

Luer rose a brow to that. It was up to him? He made a face at the suggestion he could even remove Morgan from Ryan's memory. He leaned back in the chair. It would make his life a lot easier… He shook his head though. No. He really would be manipulative if that were the case, and Ryan would have every right to shut him down like he did. He did not want that.

He cringed at the idea of not only faking Morgan's death, but blaming it on Ryan? That was too cruel. Besides, it was not just Ryan losing someone. He cared about Morgan too… Was her life worth the chance to save his home? To have a life he loved back? To save thousands that lost their lives… One life for many… a trade off he did believe in.

He did not much like the wink The Man You Do Business With gave him. Enough bad experiences left a bitter taste at the very thought. He could not put another through something horrible, much less someone he cared about.

"You fucking bastard…" This is not an easy decision to make! It should be, it should be obvious what he should do, but with everything that was offered… Lives that were unrelated could be saved. Would anyone believe him though…? Could he convince them they were in danger? He ran his hands through his hair again. Why did he have to think about this?? What gave him the right to choose for Morgan anyway?

But he knew the answer to that too… This was not a choice made lightly.

"I won't force you to make an answer now. It's a lot to think about, I'm sure you need to really think your options over. Only caveat is, should you mention our little meeting to anyone, our deal is void," he explained to Luer.

"Consider this, though, a parting gift for a show of good faith." The butler returned, placing down a neatly wrapped box in front of Luer.

Luer chortled. A lot to think about… that was true. A part of him felt bad though that it was even a choice he was considering. Especially adding on it is something he must live with in secret.

He looked to the box and sighed. "You're just going to give it to me?"

"Why not?" He asked back, munching on steak still.

Luer honestly was at a point of being too tired and overwhelmed to care. He took a breath and moved to open the box. And yet he was left surprised again. "A dragon stone…?" He questioned. What did he need one of these for- oh… He sighed and fell against the chair once more. "So it wasn't a dream…" Another thing among many he needed to think about now. "Thanks… I guess. As for your answer… I need some time…"

The moment Luer blinked, the music had stopped. The world around him shifted once more. He was back on the Big Shell, watching as everyone planned out their ideas to get across the bridge safely to reach the other scattered.

Yet, nestled within one of his pockets was the dragon stone. No one will have noticed Luer vanishing. It was as if he had been gone for but a millisecond. And when he tried to speak again, if he tried to tell them of what happened, nothing.

The words would get caught up in his throat. If he tried reaching for the stone to show everyone, his hand would freeze before his fingers could even touch the pocket. As Penta said, if he told anyone, their deal was void. All Luer could do was continue on with the mission like nothing happened. And decide for himself what was best.

'Are a million lives worth the lives of a billion?' Is one life worth the death of his home?

Collab post by myself and @LenxKaitoYaoi
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Dominique Moon/Vaudeville - Played by Amber Franklin

"I'm a better one than you: Your uninteresting human friend said 'Is there going to be an immediate issue if I take apart the conveyor belts?' And considering this place is locked in a time loop, and you keep knocking over the boxes like some toddler knocking over wooden blocks, I would have thought with the combined mental fortitude of that disgusting symbiote would increase your IQ beyond single digits."

"Uh-huh, so if you're smarter, how is it that someone with a supposed 'single-digit IQ' did not understand how that in any way answered the original query? See, a real measure of intelligence is being able to convey the complex to others. Insulting people is not an intelligent act, the stupid insult each other just fine. More indicative of a fragile ego in need of constant vigilant defense. Now, unless the next thing out of your mouth is helpful, shut it, or I'm going to throw you to those Heartless as a snack." Vaudeville says at first in a calm inquisitive tone that grows harsher as she ends up threatening the frog. Her red eyes drill into the beady black of the frog.

All this distracts Vaud from sensing the temporary loss of Luer, but her extra sensory perception catches the ripple of emotional conflict from the archer.

"Luer, you okay?" Vaudeville walks over to Luer, studying him with concerned eyes.
Luer was not expecting to find himself with others, and seemingly so in a way that time had not passed. Damn that bastard, how was he so powerful?? He shook his head for a moment, reaching up to rest his hand over his eyes. He felt ill. But right now he could not afford to deal with it. The timing was horrible, though. He really had no time to process the many things he now had to think about.

He took a breath as Vaudeville spoke to him, giving a thankful but somewhat exhausted smile. It was not as though he could answer that honestly… "I… will be. For now it's not important. Did you need healed?" He deflected it quickly (though it was obvious he was not okay just by the way he spoke). He can think about this after they have reunited with the others… and he could afford to. "And I agree with you, splitting up even for a distraction isn't exactly ideal. I will not argue if everyone agrees. However… I was going to suggest several burning arrows as a means of distraction. If they're attracted to heat, shooting a few arrows in a direction far enough should keep them off of us long enough to get across…" Theoretically, of course. It was entirely possible that the Heartless could differentiate fire from human body heat.

Or for that matter… did he even have a heat signature? He was undead, after all. He shook his head of the thought. No, he had to, or they would not have dove after him earlier. Vaudeville saved him from that already.
Baxter Callahan
Some nights, when the moon was near its fullest and even the thunderous sounds of the forest were silenced by the falling snow of a winter's night, Baxter would look across the vast expanses of his forest and wonder if things could have ever gone any differently. What if his parents hadn't been killed (by whatever, or whoever, had done it)? What if he was able to stay with his fellow lumberjacks and live out his life as their brother? What if he had gone left instead of right, avoiding that damned beast's fangs and the curse that accompanied it? Could he have prevented the deaths of dozens of others at his uncontrolable, beast-hand? Would he be a different man? Was he even a man now?
On nights like these, the flood of fathomless thoughts would invade every crevice in his mind until there was nothing left to do but face them. On nights like these, Baxter was confronted with reality: He was a beast.

But tonight was no such night. Tonight had started off as a pleasant autumn evening with a roaring fire and several bottles of Elrath's finest spirits to acompany his guitar and voice. The chill of winter hadn't quite seeped into the wind and the forest was alive with the music of the night. It was nights like these that Baxter wondered if company would be a better alternative to the solitary life he lived, despite his love for it. Would a partner be safe, even, knowing his condition?

Well, it didn't matter now anyway. Tonight was a night for celebration! A new shipment of Akaria 1242 had just come through the forest not two nights ago, and Baxter was more happy to offer his protection and a roaring fire for a few crates of the sweet water of life. Alcohol this fine was a rarity in the forest-Baxter had never had much of a talent for brewing- and Baxter planned on celebrating the right way: Drinking as many bottles as he could before passing out in a haze.

And yet, as he tossed back his second bottle, there was a strange green glow that seemed to eminate from all around him. Was it the alcohol? Unlikely, as this was a new sensation and he was only two bottles in (his record was 7, but he had to turn into his beast form to down the last 3). But as he pondered what this might be, the light got brighter and brighter with an accompanying sensation of his skeleton being pulled from his body. He let out a bellow of pain before all went quiet, the green being replaced by a thick veil of blackness...

Baxter awoke in a strange bed with a start, red lights flashing around him. He snarled as he pulled his hands over his ears, his heightened hearing irritated by the blaring alarms. As he tried to get his bearings between the flashes of red light, he noticed he was in some sort of metal room (a jail cell perhaps?) with several strange instruments strewn about the floor. There were strange devices and tools all around that Baxter could not make heads or tails of, but as the sirens continued and the lights continued to flash, he knew now was not the time for introspection- now was the time for action.

Carefully, he swung his legs off the table and onto the floor, being careful to avoid any shards of glass or strange instruments. As he stumbled out through the doorway, his night vision useless due to the flashing lights, he was able to scarcley see outlines of corpses lining the hallways. He paused for a moment, squinting in an attempt to figure out what might have killed these people. As he strained his eyes to see, a flash of movement caught his eye near one of the corpses. There was another burst of movement, then another. And then...

Eyes widening in panic, Baxter whirled around in an attempt to escape the hoard of strange, little creatures that began to charge his way. Darting back into the room he had woken up in, Baxter scanned the area for anything to use as a weapon. He snarled in pain as he stepped on a large shard of broken glass, only then realizing how much pain he was in. What had happened to him? And where the hell was he?

The sounds of the swarming creatures jolted him out of his retrieve. There was no time to think, only to escape. His eyes landed on a small metal rectangle in the upper portion of one of the walls. Not knowing what else to do, he ran over and pried the metal grate off the wall to use as a weapon, only to find a small shaft behind it. His heart racing, he began to climb through the shaft when...

He screamed in pain as one of the creatures slashed the back of one of his exposed legs, leaving a deep gash. Frantically, Baxter scrambled into the metal tunnel and began army crawling through, desperately trying to escape.

His mind was a whirlwind of panic and confusion. What was happening? Where was he? His wild emotions and physical injuries began sapping at his discipline and self control. Who DID this to him?

His face fixed in a snarl, he pulled himself through the strange metal tunnel before finding a similar metal grate. Bashing his fist into the grate, he climbed out of the metal tunnel and into a new room, this time full of live people, with apparent projectiles launching around the room.

His breathing was rappid, his mind wild, and the blood dripping down his legs did nothing to help calm his bloodlust. Who were these people? Were THEY responsible for this?! His thoughts were blurred as he struggled to maintain control. The beast inside him seemed to thrash against the restraints of discipline, confused why it should be locked up at such a crucial time.

He slid out of the vent and dove for cover, old military instincts kicking in strong. He stayed behind the debris, struggling to maintain control. Where was he? What was going on?
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  • OMG
Reactions: rissa
Alande Vera, Strut E

Alande, not even looking away from his laptop or slowing down, shakes his head and wags his finger at Leur. "I did not say they possessed thermal vision, it is premature to come to that conclusion. Other forms of vision are possible. We are dealing with creatures that are possibly re-" he stops his speaking pattern and clears his throat. Now was not the time for technocratic jargon. He absolutely did not want to explain that can of worms. "They could have other forms of senses. Thermal vision would just let me see through the fog."

He looks back at his code, typing in a serial number and hitting the enter button. The modification was ready. Getting up, closing his laptop, and putting it away he takes a quick scan around the room. A time loop did explain the situation, though the sass of the frog was hardly acceptable. Frankly, he was simply glad his own devices worked. There could have been many possibilities on what was being observed. That said, it felt most appropriate to ignore it and take a look within the boxes.
  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: rissa
The Grail Warden, Pip

Metal kissed metal as Pip lashed repeatedly with her gauntleted fists, fluid combos that kept her arms high and locked in to protect her face. Magic made her as fast as her enemy and her natural strength augmented by the Grail transformation made them nearly equal in strength and yet they were at an impasse. Trading blows that got them nowhere. Two blurs atop the strut, one lit with a rose-gold light, the other a shadow constricting the light.

When the intruder went aerial, Pip dropped low and fast before trading complementing blows and then the routine continued for what felt like centuries. It wasn't until Pip glanced down, shouts and cries of pain distracting her momentum that she lost the rhythm of the fight and got blinded in an instant; locked to the ground with her arm tugging out of its socket.

Pip laughed. It sounded like a bark, like a wounded wail from some mythical creature. She inhaled, breathed through the pain and allowed the inevitable. Pip's momentum slowed, she went slack for a moment— between the stars in her eyes and the little conjuring spell she was working up, it was all she could do.

The moment she felt the slightest release in the grasp of her assailant, Pip channeled the conjuration down through her immobile arm— a golden projection of her gauntlet, sticky and clawed —and watched as it affixed itself to the mystery man that killed Roy. Pip— in an explosive charge knowing the conjuring spell would only last seconds— twirled to her feet and used the momentum to raise him up over her head and plummet him headfirst into the metal grating of the strut.

The impact of her move dented the metal, and the mystery man for a brief moment was stunned. A few Heartless gunmen across the bridge towards the western exit came around the side to get a better angel at Pip, quickly firing a dozen rounds her way.

The bullets they used were using the same dark magic that created them. Once fired from their muzzles, black smoke followed the bullet across the air until it hit something.

The gauntlet disappeared upon impact and Pip danced backwards, almost dizzy in pain and yet there was an euphoria about her as well. Her left arm hung oddly at her side and she stared down at the man coated in black, haughty and yet truthful.

"Too bad you had to go and be evil. We could be havin' fun like this every single da—" Pip cut off, the air leaving her lungs as two well-placed bullets clink-clinked against her armor. Phantasya's Holy Grail stood true and nothing made it past her armor, but the force still carried weight and Pip felt the power behind each one she took.

"Can't you see we're having a moment here?!" Pip shouted to the Heartless gunmen, throwing a punch and casting a small abjuration circle to reflect one or two of the bullets back at them.

With a raspy growl, two of the Heartless soldiers vanished into air as the deflected bullets were shot back through their heads. The mystery man, however, took advantage of the distraction; kicking the back of her right knee to make her fall.

Then, quickly kipping back up onto his feet, tried smashing his own knee into her face.

"Bice bove," Pip barked out, blood spurting from her nose. She was getting a little too comfortable with the taste of her own blood, as the metallic twang barely registered before she spat it out. There was a flash of aegan blue light as another one of her permanent spells activated.

She kipped up to her feet and jumped back to catch her breath. Pip clutched her arm, the healing spell having focused on it over her nose, unexpectedly, and the numbness was now a blazing rage as feeling crept back into her fingers.

If she was smarter, Pip would have retreated, casted another healing spell and caught her bearings— but she wasn't. The aspect of hope within her now ablaze refused to give up the fight.

She only hoped there was someone close by to aid her by delivering the final blow.

Tokui wasn't having a grand time, he was forced frozen with his murder victims screaming within him. This was no genjutsu, but damn if it wasn't an effective alternative. He found it hard to focus, even after the spell paralyzing him wore off.

That said, he did his best to gather his bearings as quick as he could after such an experience. Quickly addressing Ohm through his clone "Yeah, things can easily leave the barrier"

Having answered that, the real Tokui focused back on the bout ahead of him. Pip was tussling with the gunslinger, and it was looking pretty even. As an assassin, all this face to face fighting was getting really tiresome. But he wasn't about to abandon all these people. Pip included.

With a flicker, Tokui took advantage of the fact the enemy wasn't facing him, and planted a kick on the back of his head. With his trained flexibility, it wouldn't matter whether the gunslinger was on his feet or not.

The kick landed with a fierce clattering noise, as the gunslingers skin around his head molded around Tokui's foot. Yet still, he wasn't down for the count. As he fell face forward towards the ground, he quickly rolled away to gain some distance between him and the ninja. Standing back up once more, he had reloaded his pistol and fired three shots at Tokui.

Tokui had this guy on check under his sharingan, so taking a good look at the gun he was being aimed at with, he had those oncoming bullets read. With another body flicker, the shinobi vanished from the small barrage of bullets' path. From the handrail he stood on now, Tokui vanished yet again, closing the distance with the gunman at great speeds and tried to run past him with a lariat going for his opponent's throat.

The gunslinger was quick to react once his bullets whizzed past Tokui; kicking his lariat arm away, before spinning to deliver a heavy spinning elbow.

Tokui's opponent was faster and stronger than he led on. The shinobi couldn't quite maneuver all the way out of the elbow strike. It landed on the side of his face, causing him to take a step backwards. This got him in ideal striking distance for a dropkick to the chest. Tokui was aware that this would be way easier were he to use sage mode... But he'd like to save as much chakra as he can. He doubts this guy is the last evil they'll see on their way to the ship, if they get past him, that is.
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With a terrific thud, the dropkick laded square on the gunslinger's chest, yet even with the power of Tokui's technique, all it did was stagger the man. The subtle dark aura surrounding him, the unnatural physical exertion, he was a stout bastard that wasn't going down easy. Not help by the fact that more of those little Heartless creatures were showing up, morphing through the vents around the room to add to the soldier numbers. Two morphed through the open vent Baxter made his way out of and were quick to pick up his 'scent.'

Yet, luck was still on their side. The west side door opened, and the Heartless soldier standing in front, firing upon the Scattered below, turned to see who opened it. A flurry of punches and spinning kick met the creature, swiftly falling over the edge of the railing and into the water below. The man standing there?



"Up here!" Snake shouted to everyone, before laying down covering fire. Which, in this case, was him firing a grenade launcher at the more heavily packed together Heartless within the room.



While Vaud's thread of violence towards a creature barely even a twelve of her size was intimidating, and frankly quite scary as well, the frog... just looked at her with a very blank expression. Before then yawning.


"I take it back," he seemed ready to apologize, "you're now the least interesting. Congratulations, human scientist man, you've become second-least interesting." Never mind. At this point, figuring out what Alande was even doing had become just as hard as tracking as the plot of this RP, so to summarize: Whatever he wants to make he found parts for in the boxes that can now actually be looked through with disappearing. And when he's done, time breaks out into a loop again.

We all got it? Good, now we can get back to the explosions.

Whoever took the lead on the bridge would be met with, yet again, more thick fog. There would be an eerie silence to the outside now. Not a sound of birds in the sky, just the passing breeze of the salt sea air. There were no signs of wyverns in the sky, nor did any show up on thermal vision. For the moment, the sky was clear, and so was the way across to Strut D.

Emphasis on 'for the moment.' As both groups were now on a collision course. At the opposite side of the bridge, the Strut E people were making their escape by thanks of Snake's grenade launching skills, yet the explosions would surely attract the attention of the flying monsters hiding in the dense fog. Not to mention the endless Heartless creatures still forming like an army had been awoken.

Both groups could now finally meet up on the bridge: But where to now?
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  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: rissa
Baxter Callahan
Baxter's vision flickered on and off, a haze of red getting harder and harder to ignore. The sound of combat raging around him did nothing to satiate his bloodlust nor help him regain control. He was vaguely aware of the sound of voices, a friendly call, and a large explosion that seemed to seperate the enemy from the others. He looked up, blinking through his haze to see a man shooting some sort of projectile and clearing the way for them to run through.

Baxter hardly knew which way was up, much less who he should be helping, but as far as he was concerned he'd rather follow an apparent human than whatever was attacking them. With inhuman speed, Baxter bounded across the apparent battleground towards the west door, diving past the man into whatever room lay beyond. His breathing was strained, his control feeble, but he was human...for now.
  • Wicked
Reactions: rissa
Dominique Moon/Vaudeville - Played by Amber Franklin

"Awright." is the uncertain acceptance from Vaudeville that Luer is fine. "Healing? Oh I'm fine but, thanks." She adds, looking to her arm that had been the wing clipped by the Heartless Jet. It is healed but tingles. Luer agrees with her, and Vaudeville reconsiders the role she had taken a moment, but resolves to keep it. Dominique did not want to disappoint these people. Playing around on the Pathfinder was one thing, but this was life or death, not one of her video games or movies she had consumed in her social isolation.

"Whatever. I win the argument. Go me" Vaudeville rolls her red eyes and chooses to ignore the frog as well. So long as it also did not keep insulting her, Vaudeville would refrain from just eating him whole in one big bite.

When the group is ready, Vaudeville is the first out of the door. She stretches her biomass up and out to its limits, growing to stand twenty feet high on the bridge. Her overall shape is thinner. "Go, quick." Vaudeville says waving for the others to pass beneath her as she keeps her eyes scanning the thick fog, feeling out with her senses for the Heartless.

They only walk half the bridge before the other door opens up with some familiar faces among new ones. Explosions from inside cause her concern, as she looks up at the sky expecting it to draw very unwanted attention.

"Get to the other strut! Go! Go!Before those things come swooping in!" Vaudeville tells the other group hoping the rescues who did not know her were not deterred by the sight of a twenty-foot tall golden alien with red eyes.
The Grail Warden, Pip
WITHIN THE SHELL @Wade Von Doom @Valkan

Pip wiped blood away from her nose. It was barely a trickle now, but it continued to bleed. It smeared across her forehead, like a Phantasyn anointment after a successful hunt, and then there was a sudden surge of power. Those with keen senses or apparatuses that measured energy output could see— even from outside the shell —the swell of great power. The aspect of hope neared its climax, soaring within her heart and resonating with the Grail Warden's power and that area of her soul where it mingled with the Guardian Sphere's inscription.

There was a sudden lack of light from atop the strut as all the light seemed to draw into Pip and then suddenly and all at once, the Grail Warden exploded in a flash of rose-gold light. When she reformed, she was two feet taller, standing two inches over eight feet tall and wielding her sword of light. The process of amelioration was sharp and divisive. It ate through her magic reserves and came with a high cost of concentration, but this fight had gone on long enough. She couldn't waste any more time here.

People needed her help down below and unseen enemies were likely around the next corner. Pip couldn't let herself— Tokui — or anyone else expend anymore resources before the next threat arrived. Besides, she'd be fine after an actual healing spell and a quick catnap after that.

With a deep breath, Pip drew in the light once more, though with a different intent. She summoned all of Phantasya's light within her soul and expelled it through her sword the moment it met contact with the metal grating. Like a flash bomb the light seared across the room, resonating with a holy frequency from Pip's connection to Phantasya. The weakest of the heartless expired completely, amalgamated forms dissipating, incapable of existing after the onslaught of holy light.

The stronger of the heartless, along with the soldiers, retained their forms but were momentarily blinded, giving everyone within the shell advantage over their attackers for a few precious moments. Pip, for her part, struck out at the gunslinger who was focused on Tokui, her sword (which grew to match her new size) was in the beginning stages of an arc that would cut him from collar to pit.
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Alande Vera, Walkway

"It's clear, lets get moving!"
Alande speaks in a hush but strong tone, moving forward with the group. He runs rather quickly, outpacing the rest of the group if only because Dominique chose to fly above him. Getting to the halfway point way of the bridge, he explosive flashes with his thermal vision. A glance backward confirmed apart from him, it was unclear if the group was going to make it across especially for members like the Ogryn that were part of the group. It wasn't possible to tell right now.

Looking back forward, he sprints the rest of the way and stops on a dime as he enters the room, taking stock of the situation ahead of him. He suppresses a grimace at Pip, idealism rubbing up against the pragmatic reality ahead of him. Ultimately he decides that simple instructions are best, "Rescue team is on site, we'll hold this entrance and buy you time!" With that command made, he turns around and takes position, leaving room for the rest of the group to sprint in. In his spot assumes a dueling stance and flicks the dial, the dagger shifting into a rapier and sticking a hand in his pocket as his mind races. He couldn't hold such a massive door alone, and even with Ed they wouldn't have long. Still, he couldn't go closing the door until they were across.
  • Wicked
Reactions: rissa
Is very suspicious

Ed once again remained quiet as the group discussed their plan. With Ed looking over at Luer as Vaud noticed something was off, Ed looked at Luer's eyes during his talk to Vaud. The Ogryn was a simple creature. Even with his Bone'ead implant helping him with thinking and so on. But Ed had a knack for telling if someone was acting odd by looking at their eyes. It was why he disliked working with the Gas-Maskers, or the Kriegsman as they were called. Those masks prevented him from looking at their eyes so while they fought for the Emperor, Ed was wary of them.

Luer's eyes had that glint to them.

The glint of a liar.

Ed couldn't tell what the lie was, but that glint was proof enough that Luer was doing a mischief. Now granted, a more intuitive and smart individual would've deduced that Luer was hiding something different than what Ed was thinking.

For Ed was thinking that Luer was hiding food. As during the discussion, the Ogryn's mind went back to thinking about bacon. And considering that Luer apparently did magick, Ed's mind connected two different dots in a bizarre way. Luer had somehow read his mind, and was now nervous that the Ogryn was onto his trick, that Luer had bacon somewhere or knew where there was a great supply of it and was keeping it to himself. That was the only explanation.

So before they enacted the plan, Ed would kneel next to Luer and give him a stare. "I know you're hiding something, lil'un. I'll find out what it is but after we smash the bad'uns." Was all Ed said before he'd charge with Alande, being slower due to his size but amazingly gained momentum to be right behind Alande as they got to the middle of the bridge and got to the group.

"Stay close, little ones! We are here to save you!" He'd bellow out as he'd aim up at the sky, ready to defend Vaud and the lil'uns.

@LenxKaitoYaoi @Amber Franklin @Wade Von Doom @rissa @PolyesterH @Inheritance @Valkan
  • Haha
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