OPEN SIGNUPS HellSquad: A threat from the past

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Mike The Dracopyra

Alpha of the Dracopyra pack
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Sci-fi, Iskai
Come come, gather around the fireplace, children. Let me tell you tales of wonder and glory, of sadness and tragedy, and the warnings that evil no matter where, no matter when, and no matter what, shall always be found paying for their sins.

Have any of you heard the mystical tale of how this system of planets were united? There was a time where they were every planet was divided and separated from each other, where some had no idea that there were even other worlds let alone willing to cooperate with them, where evey planet had to survive on its own. Can you believe that? But this all changed one day, when a prophet of the stars named Reshkold discovered the worlds, others scoffed in disbelief. Alone, growing arrogant enough with this knowledge to name this system of planets after himself, and wanting to see those worlds no matter what, the voice of a great darkness spoke to him, and tricked him to release it with the promise of seeing and knowing those worlds. This darkness, the demons, spread across the system, to every world, and they each had to suffer it alone. Until the great seer Sahlyncirle called upon the heavens for help, and the great light responded by descending with an army of angels, working together with our people and encouraging us to work with each other, our fellows around the system, once strangers worlds apart, now brothers in arms against a mutual foe. Together, we and our angellic allies pushed the great darkness back to its stronghold of the planet Lebacrow, the great light and darkness disappeared, and the demons across the stars were cast back to the abyss from whence they came.

After the war, the Angels returned to the heavens, but our planets stayed united and together formed the great Sahlyncirle Empire. This was said to have held firm for hundreds, if not thousands of years... in fact, it only just recently changed up a couple of decades ago. It was crazy in those days; corruption of the government, a cold war with a rival empire, internal strife and prejudice between races, rioting thanks to the magic planet Utwoxalra's Sorceress Alice, her bloody knight further fanning those flames to top it off. After everything blew over, the empire got reformed into what we have today: the Sahlyncirle Federation - every race now governing themselves while still helping each other out. ...What a time to be alive.

Anyways, that's enough current events, we still have time for one more short story...I told you a tale of good and evil from our system, how about one from the other side of the galaxy entirely? Let me tell you the story...of the Ashen Demon.

Once upon a time, that side of the galaxy was peaceful and filled with prosperity, the light of life shined so brilliantly upon it compared to our own, that there existed creatures we could only have thought we created in our own minds, creatures that were known to us as myths or fairy tales, from the fabled unicorn or kitsune, to the dreaded undead and lycanthropes. The ancient holy war of Reshkold did not once touch upon their soils, nor the the wicked will of the great sorceress pay it heed, and so they lived and carried on without worry or notice of our own sufferings of back then.

But one day, there came a great evil, distant still from our own galaxy, maybe even outside our universe. It set home to that side of the galaxy and began to spread the worlds like a swarm. These were the Sattolions, an imperial race of assimilation and conquest, more machine than alive, yet capable of malice comparable to the wickedness of the living. They never quite reached our side as far as we know, thankfully. With technology the likes of which was never seen before, they attacked and conquered those worlds, performed experiments on the creatures living upon it, and when they were finished and required entertainment, they pitted them against each other to the death...yes, even the undead, though in that case, they were incapacitated and returned to death more than anything.

But it was during the endless self-indulgence that they made their greatest mistake. For there was a great creature they drew the ire of among their many victims. Kidnapping him from his home, conducting horrible painful experiments, and ultimately making him kill his very own friend in the arena for their amusement. On his own, he was just another creature to toy with, a werewolf with the blood of a mystical kitsune. But this friend, a vampire, as a last act of friendship before he was struck down, gave upon this creature the last of his strength. Enraged, and with all the power he had and all the power given to him, this reborn man took out all the pain and hatred and anger of himself and the many victims out upon the Sattolions, destroying them, their technology, and even their planet. He did not scream, he did not cry, but neither did he smile. With a cold soulless expression upon his face as if he too was more machine than alive, he annihilated the entire Sattolion empire, leaving none alive.

This is the tale of the man who came to be known as the Ashen Demon, the dark savior that committed a great atocity, but through which he saved the galaxy from suffering the same fate that he himself had been through. They say he disappeared after that, like ashes in the wind. No one knows where he is or if he's even still around. Some say he isolated himself to be alone and find peace, others say he's out there to this very day, as a bounty hunter or a mercenary, a vigilante of the system looking to hunt down and desolate the wicked then vanish without a trace.

Who knows...? One of you may meet him some day. Hehehe...

A recording of a strange man writing a letter has been broadcasted to every corner of the Reshkold Galaxy, a letter about a treasure far beyond everyone wildest dreams. A way to get everything they ever wanted, but to one young man. He knows of the treasure that the recording spoke of, a treasure that in the wrong hands could destroy everything he tried so hard to prevent, and even undo it.

Knowing the threat, he formed an elite squad of mercenaries known as the Hellsquad, a group of mighty warriors and thinkers alike. The plan is laid bare, find the gems and destroy them, if possible, to prevent them falling into the wrong hands. But, they are not the only ones seeking these gems, another powerful squad is also hunting them, for reasons only known to the priestess that leads them. The stage is set for a clash of powerful warriors but could there be more to this story? Why has the message only appeared now and who was this forgotten King?

Find out in the exciting first story of Hellsquad: Mercenary in space.

Join us in the discord server if you are interested. Everything you need is there.
Descend upon this thread with the force of a thousand dying suns, discord warriors!

The hype train for this long anticipated project finally starts rolling!
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Finally! Can't wait to get this going guys :D
Took a little while, but I'm glad to take part. I look forward to this. ^^
Yays, It's finally here! :)
Welcome my friends, it's been a long ass wait but not long now till we begin.