• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern
  • x
    1975. A time of struggle for muggles and wizards alike. While the cold war is at its height, the wizarding world is faced with a war of its own. The Daily Prophet has reported nothing but bad news as of late. Whispers say this has all been the work of the Dark Lord, an enemy so formidable no one dares to speak his name.

    A dark cloud hangs over Hogwarts, for even its peace has been disturbed. The promise of a new academic year and its would-be adventures are instead shrouded in unspeakable fear. There are those who come to Hogwarts with dark intentions and even darker magic. In this age of growing racial prejudice, the well-being of half-breeds and muggle borns hang in the balance.

    Hogwarts is no longer safe.
  • x

    We are currently a group of 8 people, but we need at least one more active member! If you're worried about the time period, don't be. I'm not too anal about historical accuracy.

    Posting Expectations: Adept (10 sentences minimum. No one-liners, no novel-length posts)
    Posting Speed: Once a week, flexible (Everyone is generally required to post at least once a week, but you're free to go on hiatus whenever needed)
    Character Limit: Newcomers get to post 2 characters maximum. If you stick around for a month, I may allow you to create more characters depending on your activity level.
    Face Claims: Artworks only.

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Reactions: lanabanana
question! how far along is the roleplay? would it be difficult to bring in a new character?
question! how far along is the roleplay? would it be difficult to bring in a new character?

Timeline-wise, it's already been about 2 weeks into the school year, so not that long. The roleplay itself is already sixteen pages long though, but I'd be more than willing to give you a rundown of what's happened so far if it'll make it easier for you to jump in. :)
that would defnitely make it easier! i'm excited to jump in though, i haven't done a hogwarts roleplay in forever.
that would defnitely make it easier! i'm excited to jump in though, i haven't done a hogwarts roleplay in forever.

Awesome! We'd be glad to have you.

So, here's the summary, which I'll try to make as brief as possible:

A group of Death Eaters hijack the Hogwarts Express in the first chapter. They attempt to abduct the last Gaunt heir (Persephone Gaunt). In the process, a student summons a snake in self-defense, and Persephone speaks in parseltongue, to the shock of everyone around. The snake attacks the Death Eater, who is then apprehended by Mad Eye Moody. Meanwhile, the other two Death Eaters manage to get away.

The following morning, the school newspaper (headed by Rory Thomson) is published. The articles are mostly scandalous, one of which paints Percy Gaunt in a bad light and causes rumors.

The second chapter occurs a week later. A secret party is held in the Room of Requirement. Cursed invitation letters are handed out, so that whomever reads the invitation can't speak of it to other people or tell the professors. Those who read it also have no choice but to attend the party. And so most people attend, and unbeknownst to them the drinks are spiked and the brownies aren't what they seem, leading to disastrous results. Fights break out, secrets are revealed, and one pureblood (Alistair Blackbourne) cheats on his fiancee (Echo Sayre) with Percy Gaunt.

The third chapter occurs the morning after. A newspaper is published once again, revealing the infidelity as well as other scandalous hookups and fights between other characters. This causes a lot of drama and confrontations.

The professors hear wind about the party and also get their hands on the article, and thus put everyone in detention.

Detention occurs the day after (which is the chapter we're at currently). The professors have placed people into groups and each group is tasked to clean a part of the castle. The catch is that they have to do it without magic. They are also forced to work as a team with those they conflict with the most.


That's about it. Feel free to jump into the Discord server if you feel like it! Also, we currently have a character cap on half-vampires, half-veelas, and animagi, but everything else is fair game. If you have any questions, just let me know.
sounds like a good recap! i have a few questions, mainly regarding how i would throw my character in considering much has happened. i'm planning on making two students, but i've only confirmed details about one of them in my head. what would you suggest, in terms of introducing them?

as for species, i'm thinking maybe a metamorphmagus or a legilimens (leaning more toward the latter)? would either of those be okay?
sounds like a good recap! i have a few questions, mainly regarding how i would throw my character in considering much has happened. i'm planning on making two students, but i've only confirmed details about one of them in my head. what would you suggest, in terms of introducing them?

as for species, i'm thinking maybe a metamorphmagus or a legilimens (leaning more toward the latter)? would either of those be okay?

Either of those are okay, though I personally prefer the latter since we already have so many characters who can change their appearances at will (i.e. animagi).

And normally, we just act like a newcomer character has been there all along. We form relationships between our characters that go years back. So that's an option. Otherwise, a simpler method would be to just introduce them as a transfer student.
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