IC Hollowstead

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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

a prize under grey skies

Located just outside the capital, this city is filled with Gothic architecture and grown-wild flora. Offering the convenience of being near the capital but the quiet privacy of a suburb, it is a popular spot for wealthy Vampir. As many species of plants are located here but grow nowhere else, the city maintains its wealth by producing and selling these plants to other cities. Despite its beauty, its lack of community makes it appear gloomy to some. Many joke that they have not seen a day in Hollowstead that was not overcast.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 5:30 PM. Afternoon.

WEATHER: 40.3°F (7.7°C). Cool, crispy, dark clouds overhead. And is predicted to rain.


The buzz of Black City is not far from Howllowstead. Many are going out, home, or somewhere else altogether to spend time with their family, put up decorations for the upcoming holidays, or to enjoy a nice meal.


Look Forward to the Rain!
It should be a little drizzle. [It will not be, it will be heavy rain, to be exact. A whole storm. Try not to get caught in it, some lights may go out.]


- Fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


Amore Mio
Blue Lagoon Resort
Moon House

[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: wren.
He didn't sleep well last night, but that's not unusual for him. The weight of several days of insomnia is weighing on his shoulders, threatening to drag him under the water of his too-large bathtub. Maybe that's just his heavy conscience, or, more likely, his hangover. He can't remember the last time he was able to sleep without drinking. Then again, when is he ever sober long enough to find out if he can?

Either way, it's probably the sleep deprivation that's made his movement beneath the water so enjoyable. He shifts, waves a hand to cause ripples, as entertained by the colorful reflections it creates in the soapy water as a child might be. Maybe the heat and the overwhelming stench of his bubble bath are starting to get to his head. You wouldn't expect a mix of amber wood, gardenia, and jasmine to smell all that strong, but it really intensifies when you've been in the bath for... how long has it been now? If he focuses, the water feels significantly colder than what he started with, so it must have been a while.

He only ever leaves the house for work, so when he doesn't feel like going in, time tends to cease to exist to him. He keeps the curtains almost perpetually closed to keep the sunlight out, so he can only go off the small streaks that manage to poke in through the cracks. Given that they've almost disappeared, late evening must be approaching. What did he even get done today? He'd tried to read, but he'd been unable to focus on the words, his hands and his vision shaking too severely. He'd... napped for a bit, at least. Maybe tomorrow will be better for productivity. Even if he doesn't feel well, he should at least force himself to go out. It's a fragile line between atonement and self-pity, after all.

He rubs away the burning sensation building in his throat, willing back the emotion surging back into his corpse. Focus on other things. Other things like the sound of rain tapping on the window, the knocking at the door, the creaking of the manor's old wood from the wind — wait. Knock at the door? Who the hell is that? Maybe it's Vivian on one of her surprise 'just making sure you haven't keeled over yet' visits. But in this weather?

Sighing, he steps out from the bath, toweling himself off before wrapping the cotton fabric around his waist. His reflection looks horrid, hair stringy in its washed state, and shadows under his eyes made even darker by the dim yellow light of the bathroom. He pulls the plug on the tub, listening to the gargle of the drain for a moment to make sure that it's working before he hurries down the stairway to the door. He sweeps a hand through his hair briefly to look at least somewhat presentable before the judgmental eyes of his painted predecessors on the wall. He pulls the door open without another thought, fully prepared to chastise Vivan for visiting in such conditions or to tell off one of those vulture reporters trying to dig up a decades-old story.

A reporter it is, although not one he'd expected to be on his doorstep. "Alby?" The man looks as prissy as he always does when he antagonizes him at the bakery, but his carefully-layered outfit looks much less stylish when soaked by rain. The way the wet clothes seem to hang limply from him only highlights how young he is, and he actually feels a bit bad to have kept him standing out in the rain, even if it was just for a minute or so. He raises an eyebrow, "'Are you lost, little puppy?" Only when the curly-haired brunet holds up the increasingly damp flyer does the situation click in his mind.

Right, he'd hung up several roommate advertisements around town like a week ago. It'd been a bit of a sudden whim motivated by the strong desire to fill the empty space of his house, although he hadn't expected much to come of it. He definitely wouldn't have expected Alby of all people to take him up on the offer. Still, he steps aside, gesturing him in. "You can hang up your coat on the rack there. Let me get you a towel before you make the hardwood mold."

He walks off before he hears an answer, fetching one from the small pantry room on the other side of the house before returning to offer it up to him. "Most people call first, you know."
code by wren.
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: MaryGold
When Mother and Father had announced that one of them was to fulfill their obligations to the De Luca line, to marry and bring prosperity to their family, Amanti had known her time had come. Since birth, she had been competitive, ready to do what was necessary in order to continue the legacy that her ancestors had so carefully concocted, one devoted to their craft, no matter the cost. Advancing their comprehension of magic, regardless of how the outside world thought of them, that was worth a few broken eggs here and there. When they'd called both her and Mio into the parlour, she'd smiled sweetly and folded her hands across her lap, her finger braces glinting in the dim light. Mother and Father had never liked it when the house was illuminated by more than a few of their favourite candles. Amanti knew the amount by heart, the placements by heart.

With Izan close to her, always kept standing even when she sat, she'd waited for her betrothed's name. Mio, the ever quiet little wretch, should've stayed standing too, with xir head bowed like that. De Luca's did not hold themselves in such a manner. Her eye twitched on Father's behalf.

But the name, the assignment, everything she had been waiting for never came. Mother carefully took Mio's hands and with a saccharine smile, one that she'd passed down to her dear daughter, told xem of Maeve Lyra Lancaster. Xir fiancée. Previously unmoving, the beetle swarm perched on every free inch of her loveseat began to hum, as if sensing the tension building in her muscles. Mio's eyes were wide, fearful, looking to xir sister before even making eye contact with xir parents. Amanti only smiled back, but the terror in her twin's eyes spoke more than words ever could.

"Congratulations, Mio. What an honour." Her words were evenly paced. Gentle.

Mio nodded hurriedly, the faintest whimper prefacing xir words, "Thank you, Amanti. Thank you, Mother, Father."

And so Miss Maeve Lyra Lancaster, some sort of fae abomination that had wormed her way into a blood magi family, was set to arrive at their home, only a few days after the announcement. Mio scarcely left xir room during that time, cowering and sobbing. Xe could never control xir damn emotions. Amanti could hear xem through the damn walls. Over and over, she flexed her fingers in her bedroom, feeling them shudder and pop, the pain barely visible on her face, her agitation evident. She forced Izan to sit in silence, in the dark with her, listening to those shuddering, unending cries.

And so when the day came, all five of them were set to wait in the parlour. The servants would bring Miss Lancaster in when she arrived. The room smelled of incense, only barely brighter than the days prior, since her parents had allowed the servants to light a few more candles than usual. Mother's black hair was set into a severe bun, her gown swallowing her in black lace, her eyes barely visible under her dark veil. Father stared at Mio, without saying a single word.

When the fae of the hour finally stepped foot into the room, all eyes were torn between her and Mio. Xe froze up, as per usual. Father nearly shoved xem towards the girl, xir body stumbling forwards in a pathetic manner. "W-Welcome." xe was barely audible.

Amanti barely managed to stop herself from rolling her eyes.
code by wren.
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Congratulations came and went before Maeve could allow herself even a moment of time.

They smiled and kissed her cheeks and offered her words of felicitations to the news. "You'll make a beautiful bride!" they told her, "the De Lucas! You couldn't have hoped for a better match!" they cooed, "this is the beginning of happily ever after" the grinned from ear to ear like the Cheshire cat. But she knew the real reasoning for their grins and excitement. At last, they would be getting rid of the stain on their family bloodline. Behind her back she knew how they whispered their elation of how they could finally breathe with her gone, not have to worry about bumping into the unsightly wings attached to her back, how she was sold like cattle to be the wife to a person who likely shared a bed with xir sister.

The De Lucas had a reputation, a bad one. Why else would they even think to accept the arranged marriage to bastard Fae of the Lancasters? Was it not for their power and prestige, Maeve doubted her grand-mere and grand-pere would have been so keen to accept the match. But the entire setup was a win-win. They gained a powerful, and cursed, ally and lost their extra baggage.

Her Mémé had even picked out the dress she would wear for their first meeting. Along with what hairstyle she would wear, what shoes she'd put on her feet, what she would say to her fiance, how she would greet her soon-to-be in-laws, and how she would smile. Always smile. Apparently, from what she heard, the De Luca's didn't smile much if at all.

Maeve would have to learn to make her way through their house very quickly if she was to survive.

Her dress was more elegant and romantic than anything she had been forced into before. It fell off her shoulders with puffed sleeves and flowed down her legs. It was white with a faint floral pattern and lots of laces. Her hair was left to be free, long, and curly but she had to wear a pair of pointy white heels that pinched her toes. She didn't feel particularly beautiful when she was dressed up to be sold off. But the moment she stepped out into the hallway of her home -- soon not to be -- she was met with the face of her father.

His face was thin, thinner than it was when she last saw him. When was that again? Six years ago?

"Maeve," he whispered with his eyes brimming with tears. He wrapped his arms around her frame and squeezed her so tight she lost her breath. For a man who looked as if a breeze could knock him over, he had much too much strength.

"Papa … I can.. I can't breathe.." She choked out, her voice was barely above a whisper too. But he had heard and released her. The moment she did, she placed a hand on top of her chest and allowed herself a moment to catch her breath.

"Oh, I am so sorry, Mae-Mae!" He touched her shoulders delicately, as if afraid if he did touch her again she would disappear from his sight. "You've grown so much since I have last seen you! You're so beautiful, my sweet girl."

Such a compliment gained a little smile from her. She knew this moment would be cut short the second he was caught by Mémé. And then how long again would it be before she saw him? Another six years or longer? How would he survive without her? Would she be able to see once she was married?

"I had to see you before it was too late," his voice once again dropped into a whisper as he pulled her aside. From his pocket, he pulled out his balled-up fist. Maeve stared until she took his nudging as a hint to hold out her own hand. And what he dropped into her hand was something she did not recognize until further inspection.

A lover's eye necklace.

"It was your mother's," he said softly with so much affection in his voice, he sounded as if he was going to cry at the memory of her. It would not have been the first time.

Maeve inhaled sharply. There was now a pang in her chest. "Papa, I cannot take this.."

"Yes, you can. It is going to be your something old. Now you only have to look for something new, something borrowed, something blue, a sixpence in your shoe." He chuckled to himself and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I love you. Now go." he reluctantly pushed her to the door. "I must go before the servants notice I am missing."

Clenching the necklace in her hand, Maeve's feet shuffled forward slowly. She stared at the eye that looked right back at her. The eye of her father. She looked over her shoulder to have one more look at him, but he was already gone and her grandparents were calling for her to go.

Maeve felt even less appropriately dressed when she took her first step on the De Luca grounds. It was dark, grim, sophisticated, and looked nothing at all like a place she belonged. It reminded her of a less grand version of the Imperial Palace. The same cold energy seeped out from underneath its doors.

Much to her disappointment, it was even darker inside. Did they not have electricity installed in their home? Was this something she would have to adapt as well?

Sooner rather than later, she was walking through heavy double doors into a room with her future in-laws. Despite her mind repeating a comforting mantra, an encouraging mantra, over and over in her head, it did nothing to stop the way her heart was pounding against her chest. She was lucky they weren't blood magi who could hear the pumping of her heart.

And then, there xe was. Shorter than herself, slim, surprisingly beautiful, and tripping over one word of greeting. Xe was not at all what she was expecting, least of all when in a room with xir mother, father, sister, and - servant?

Maeve glanced at the elders in the room, but her own grandparents first. Once they gave her a little nod of approval, she quietly inhaled and answered him with the utmost grace learned from years of practice. As a fae, she wasn't afforded any mistakes. Just one could tear her apart.

"Thank you for your warm welcome," she smiled sweetly, sweetness won hearts, and politely, politeness won respect. "I am positive this union will bless us with a beneficial and happy future." She lied through her teeth.

Going through the motions was never enough. Amanti was always watching. Mother was always watching. Father was always watching. Mio could not do enough to shake their prying eyes and morbid attention, xe was always doing too much or too little. Exceeding expectations meant more expectations. Underperforming meant something even worse, things that were unspeakable. Mio grappled with xir own attempts at striking the balance every single day, a performer tiptoeing xir tightrope, with xir only comfort a noose to catch xem if xe fell. The few days leading up to Maeve's introduction into Mio's life were hell. The house was suffocating, burying xem alive, xir ribcage suddenly feeling far too small for each and every shuddering breath xe gathered in xir lungs.

Xe was a mess by the time the meeting had begun. Amanti, Mother and Father looked like something out of a gothic painting, perfectly manicured lace, tulle and satin laying upon them as if it had all been ironed directly onto their bodies. Their pale skin glowed in the dim light of the De Luca Manor, as though they had been made for such an environment, unfit to be seen any other way. They sat still like statues. Mio was more than a sore thumb, xe was a mutation, an extra finger that had somehow avoided amputation, with xir shuddering breaths, near uncontrollable shaking and dark circles.

Mio's chest hurt. Xe could barely see Maeve through xir blurred vision, her mass of dark curls and white puff of a dress becoming her only identifying features. What sort of face was xe making? Xe strained xir ears to hear any sort of disapproving huff of air or faint click of the tongue from xir family, but the pounding of xir head was too deafening to distinguish from any other sound. Maeve said something and Mio nodded, far too much, making a breathy sound reminiscent of a pained wheeze.

"We are certain of the same. Mio, escort your wife to your room so she may become better acquainted with the manor. The servants will bring her things. Izan. Go." Benedetta commanded the room with ease, though Amanti tensed when Izan was called upon.

"I will assist." xir twin started, beginning to stand, irritated at immediately being separated from the other, but Benedetta interrupted her, not even looking in her direction.

"You will wait in the dining hall for dinner with us."

It was not a request. The conversation was over. Amanti did not follow them out the door.

Mio stumbled out of the foyer doors without even waiting for Maeve, only stopping when xe was a good few feet away from the door and sort of out of sight. Xe coughed something fierce, blinking rapidly and trying to clear xir senses.

Xir wife. Everything hurt.
code by wren.
What a terrible fate to marry into the De Luca family. That's all Izan could think of as he stood beside Amanti in the parlor while her parents announced her sibling's betrothal, hands clasped behind his back, fist wrapped around his thumb in his standard idle position until the tiny but terrifying woman called upon him to act.

While he has no experience with the tradition, the books he would sometimes steal away into his bedroom to read at night (the only time he gets to himself) led him to believe that marriage was something to be celebrated. A joining of two similar hearts. This marriage between Mio and Miss Lancaster is simply business. But it would be expecting too much to hope the De Luca family would do anything that wasn't in their self-interest. At the very least, Miss Lancaster has been sold to the kindest among the family, though that's not saying much. She'll learn to take the small victories afforded to her.

Amanti was furious, regardless of her calm congratulations. She gave it away in the tension in her shoulders, in the twitch in her eyebrow, and the way her grip had tightened on the arms of her chair. It was all too obvious to Izan, even without the hum of her beetle swarm around her, though he had spent his entire life reading her body language for signs of distress. Not because he particularly cares about her well-being but so he knows if he should block his face. He's learned his lesson there. She's been waiting years for a chance to prove herself, hopelessly devoted to her family's success, so it's no wonder she had been disappointed that this opportunity of passing down the family legacy has been handed to Mio.

Mio wasn't celebrating, though. Xe looked ill, the few candles in the room acting as their only light source casting shadows that emphasized xir dark circles from many sleepless nights and xir ghostly pallor. It was almost like a painting, the four faces highlighted in the darkness, the twins' parents staring at them with stony gazes reflecting the flickering flames, Amanti's silent rage, and Mio's growing panic. Whether that was more due to Mio not wanting to marry a stranger or xir fear of xir sister's brewing tantrum was anyone's guess.

Later that night, he'd listened in the dark in Amanti's bedroom, listening to xir sobbing through the walls. Not because he wanted to, of course, but because Amanti had ordered him. She was flexing her fingers over and over like she itched to wrap them around her twin's throat, though part of it was probably her body aches flaring up again. She didn't ask him to slice open a vein, though, so it must not have been too severe.

He distracted himself by thinking about Maeve Lancaster, a Spiritual Fae from an upper-class Blood Magi family. That alone was intriguing; what is the history there? He doesn't know much about his own, but he's aware that Merfolk and Fae are considered equally inferior. Will she be able to relate to him? Will she be kind or filled with the same darkness plaguing this household?

His legs throbbed with pain from standing all day, aching with the need for rest. Still, he kept on standing. Mio kept crying. Amanti kept seething.

When it comes time for Miss Lancaster's arrival, Izan tries to look his best, though he owns little beyond button-down shirts, sweaters, and slacks. As usual, he stands beside Amanti, scratching briefly beneath his collar. Everyone else is dressed in all black as usual, treating their life like a funeral. When Miss Lancaster arrives with her grandparents, her puffy white dress stands out in stark contrast. She looks lovely, though nervous behind her smile. Izan smiles at her, though it probably doesn't comfort her much, especially when her focus is on Mio stumbling through an introduction.

He's relieved when he's ordered to fetch Miss Lancaster's things and bring them to her room, nodding wordlessly before disappearing out the manor door as fast as he can. He pauses on the porch steps, raising his head toward the rainy sky, letting the water pour down on him. He rarely gets to enjoy the outside world, and he doesn't take these moments of fresh air lightly. Not even the burning sensation beginning to spread across his throat can spoil the moment. It feels more like a warm hug at this distance.

Unfortunately, he has to move quickly, though, before he becomes so soaked that his legs transform. Not to mention the rage he'd garner from Mrs. De Luca for getting the floors wet. So, he grabs the suitcases Miss Lancaster has brought with her from the car and brings them back inside, wiping his feet off on the doormat before proceeding toward the room slated to be hers. He walks slowly, relishing the opportunity to escape from the scrutinizing gazes that follow him everywhere.
code by wren.



Missing persons. They were not unusual in a city as large as Black City, they had their fair share of runaways and likely kidnapped individuals. The highest cases always involve Merfolk, Celestine Merfolk. When it wasn't them, it was usually hybrids. As much as the world advanced in ideas, many of them still stayed the same, taught from their families and evident in the royal family of their country. But it was really the money-grabbing folks who latched onto those people, looking for profit and profit they found.

Curious enough, that did not appear to be the case of the missing persons as of recent. Apparently, their bodies had been found within a day or two of being missing, and the police were more tightlipped about than usual. Suspicious. Albert could not prove anything, he wasn't even sure what he should have been looking for either. There was no clear picture that came to mind of what it could be, but whenever he thought hard about it, an unsettling feeling came over him. It was odd, and whatever it was he'd get to the bottom of it somehow. There was a story there, he could feel it.

The man quickly scribbled down a few more notes from his day, as unfruitful as it had been, he still figured there were more leads he could look into. It was a shame his only connection in the force was Lenore and she only ever gave out information that was legal to give out. very much unlike some of the more dirty cops that ran in the force.

He was unable to write anything more down before his phone started blaring his ringtone. The sound of the orchestra, string, and wind instruments filled the cab Albert sat in with the all too familiar tune of Once Upon a Dream. The look the driver gave him through the rearview mirror was enough to make anyone feel embarrassed, except that Alby was not. Why on Earth would he be embarrassed by a classic piece such as that?

Smiling at him softly, he picked his phone up without looking and answered with a casual, "hello?"

"Tell me, Bamberg? Why aren't you at Ms. Saki's charity event?"

Albert opened his mouth to answer but, as he predicted, was cut off before he even began to speak. His chief and editor tended to do that. Every. Single. Time. And yet Alby still tried.

"Do you know how many important figures will be there? You should be getting coverage. People love these fluff pieces. The Magi commissioners son will be there, Ava-Rose Sinclaire! And you're just, what are you doing?"

"I passed it on to someone else who was more informed about it than me. And anyway, my work hours for the day are over." Really, what he had to do was none of the man's business. A fact, but the same thing could be said to Albert on more occasions than one. "But I do have another story I'm looking into."

"Do you?" He could practically envision the way the man's face lit up by the sound of his voice.

Albert bit back a smile of his own. "Mhm," hummed the man, flipping through the pages of his notebook. There was not much he had gathered on it so far, but his boss did not need to know that. "I'll tell you all about it later. I have to go, I'm arriving at my destination soon." Without waiting for a response, he hanged up and sighed.

As soon as left one conversation, he was greeted with another in the form of a text from his mother. Normally he might have waited before answering a text from the woman, but it would be rude to ignore a text from the one you were living with. So, Albert opened the text and blinked at the message.

Kellan is back in town! You should drop by his shop and say hello, and invite him over for dinner too.

First Isaiah and now Kellan. Was Halloween the it season in Black City or what? Albert answered back with an "okay". At the very least it means he could see if the man still had what was his even if he was unable to buy it back still.

For just a second, Albert was able to close his eyes and breathe again. The day started busy and would surely end just as busy, but he hoped it would end well. His second to last stop was what he hoped would be the deciding factor of that.

"We're here," the driver announced.

Albert reopened his eyes and looked out the window. The house was difficult to see from the car and during the rain, which had picked up since he last looked, no less. It was larger than any house that Albert had lived in before. He looked away to swipe the flyer and review it once more before looking back. This was the address.

"Thank you," Albert mumbled softly to the driver as he hopped out of the car, shoving his things into his bag. He dashed as quickly as he could to the front door, but it didn't help in the long shot. The rain never missed him, and only seemed to continue falling at a steady pace with no signs of letting up as he rang the doorbell.

He did his best to straighten the slightly crumpled flyer paper. It was getting as soaked as him during the weight and he wished he had brought an umbrella if only to avoid the possibility of catching a cold. The rain wasn't bad, it was the cold that accompanied what worried him most.

Just as he reached to ring the doorbell once more, the door swung open to reveal the owner with damp hair and nothing on but a towel. Albert cursed himself for eyes first being drawn to the towel instead of his face however brief the glance was. He was able to focus once more when Bonnie opened his mouth. And he called Albert rude.

For once in his life, he was able to hold back his tongue, but just barely. It was too inappropriate to say when he was trying to secure his spot as a roommate. Even if he did think his appearance and words to match made him think of the start of a sex film.

He was happy to get out of the rain and into the dry and warm setting of Bonnie's house. The inside was even better than the outside regarding appearances, and he was only standing in the foyer, glancing about and only pausing to hand his coat and bag.

"I wanted to catch you off guard so I could see the house as it without any preparations made beforehand," Albert said. The truth was only half that, he simply had not thought to call. He didn't want to be rejected immediately by Bonnie when he had annoyed him in his own store already.

He patted his face dry and then ruffled the towel over his wet curls. "I didn't expect to interrupt your bath or shower, but you look more like a bath man." He smiled sheepishly and cleared his throat.

"Aren't you going to offer me tea or coffee or give me a house tour? Or you probably need to dress first, no? I'm sure you could do it all in that, but I imagine you'd be more comfortable in pants. I can wait, I won't touch anything." It wasn't a promise.

@wren. 」​

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  • Haha
Reactions: wren.
"Ah yes, I'm sure it was that and not fear of me locking you out of my house if I knew you were coming," he says, face completely straight despite his teasing words. Obviously, he wouldn't actually do that to the guy. He might be irritatingly persistent, but he's unquestionably good-hearted, and as mentioned, young. Too young to leave out in the cold rain with a clear conscience.

Alby has a tendency to talk a lot and talk fast, so it's unclear whether his rambling is due to nerves or not. Still, it's awkward, especially given Bonnie's state of undress. "You better not touch anything or I'll throw you out," he snorts, although the threat is empty. He leads him down the foyer with a quirk of his finger, bringing them over to the nearby parlor. He gestures toward the black velvet couch pointed toward the currently unlit fireplace, pointedly ignoring the decanter of whiskey and the empty glass sitting on the coffee table from earlier. "You can take a seat here while I go change," he says, snatching the copy of Jane Eyre he'd discarded over the armrest before tucking it back into its place amongst the towering bookshelves pressed up against the opposite wall.

There's already wood in the fireplace from Bonnie's previous visit to the room, so all he has to do is replace the firelighters and then strike a match to get a fire going. It's cold in his house — it usually is, given that the ancient manor has no central heating or cooling system — so it's a bit necessary. He's exceedingly careful while bending over, mortified at the prospect of Alby seeing something he's not supposed to. When a satisfying blaze has been started, he hurries back up the nearby staircase and to his room. He wastes little time in throwing on some black slacks and a worn black sweater, combing his quickly drying hair into a more sleek style. When he finally looks presentable and not completely dead in every sense, he heads back downstairs.

"Alright, come on," he calls to Alby from over the banister, waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. "As you can see, it's a pretty open floor plan down here. Over there is the parlor, and it's connected to this larger room that I suppose you could consider the dining room, although I keep the table by the kitchen over here," he explains, leading them over the dark hardwood, past the long mahogany dinner table, and over to the semicircle-shaped kitchen. The white tile feels even colder than the hardwood, but he ignores it. "What kind of tea do you want?" he asks, then proceeds to open one of the several cabinets lining the room. Several of them are stuffed to the brim with tea, both instant and otherwise. As he rifles through, he continues with his back turned to Alby.

"So, why are you here?" he asks to fill the silence while he prepares the tea. "I mean, don't you have an apartment or something? Did you get kicked out?" Also, why is he here of all places?
code by wren.



The tension was suffocating. Had Maeve not been disciplined, rather harshly, to save face and remain the picture of perfect elegance for the face of the Lancaster family, she would have been hunched over, shoulders boxed in, and trying to catch her breath. The people she would soon call her in-laws were as rigid and cold as they appeared. Even when showing nothing but politeness to Maeve, she could hear it in the undertones of their words. And she saw it in the way they spoke to their children and the servant.

She watched from the corner of her eyes as the young man left them. What was he? Fae? He certainly was not magi and from the very simple way he was dressed, he wasn't treated decently. It must have been the training of servitude that made him quick to obey, that or a squashed on spirit. But who was to say the two did not coincide? Working the family that he did, it was even more likely to be both.

Her spouse-to-be was far less put together. It seemed xe lacked far more training given xir shaky posture and speech. A little breeze could blow xem over and carry xem off to only the Gods knew where. She turned to look back at xem, but xe was already leaving her behind.

Maeve was quick to grab her skirts and hurry after him in the most graceful was possible, which was painfully slow. However, the second they were out of sight of the others, she left grace at the door and rushed over to their nearly hidden frame around the corner.

Xe was coughing a nasty fit, enough for her to wince. Was xe having a panic attack? It was hard to deduce when she had only ever experienced and never witnessed one. Maeve pinched her lips together before reaching into her small handbag and pulling out her handkerchief. It was folded neatly into a square, giving the perfect view of the embroidered peony flowers. "Here, you can use this." She offered the cloth to the De Luca.

"Do you need a glass of water? Is the thought of marrying me that terrifying?" A half joke, but the glint her eyes were all too curious to hear the answer. Was their lover xe already had. Or were they disgusted by the idea of interspecies marriage? Perhaps it was none and all to do with xir parents. But she wanted to know.

Her gaze shifted when she heard a new pair of footsteps. On instinct, she was standing with a straight back and raised chin. She wouldn't be caught looking anything but sophisticated by the family. She wouldn't give them a reason to jab at her in quiet or to her face.

The one who joined them, however, was the servant boy. Izan, she believed was what they called him. And he had her bags. "You there, would you mind asking someone to bring a glass of water?" She asked with as much assertion and politeness as she could muster.

Despair and panic bubbled up in the pit of xir stomach, turning the edges of xir already shaky vision into murky pools of dizzying silhouettes. The shadows of the De Luca estate seemed even less welcoming than usual, creeping further than natural, hoping to burrow themselves in Mio's eyes sockets. Xe clutched the wall like a lifeline, taking in a painful breath. Maeve had followed xem, xe deduced from hearing her faraway voice and seeing the vaguest bit of her enter xir peripherals, ornate cloth in her hand. Mio could barely see the colourful embroidery, eyes watery and full body tremors threatening to send xem barrelling to the ground.

She was trying to be kind to xem. Xe hoped with all xir might that Amanti was being kept seated in the parlour, so that she wouldn't see this grave mistake, so that she wouldn't see xem on the verge of tears. Xe was certain it would both please and enrage her at the same time. It would be better to not give her any other reasons to let that invoked wrath be released.

Mio couldn't hear Maeve properly when she talked. Xe stared hard at her, bewildered and trying to focus xir eyes, though xir breathing was still uneven and a few notches too fast for xir struggling lungs. Xe caught the last end of her sentences, hands still on the wall instead of accepting the peace offering, unable to force xir limbs to move. Is the thought of marrying me that terrifying? Mio grimaced, dark hair sticking to xir face where sweat had beaded, xir hunched posture in need of being ironed out in order to be proper.

Yes, xe thought, mind still in a daze but in the process of rearranging itself, the thought is terrifying. But not entirely because of you.

"It shouldn't have been me..." Xir whisper was raspy and desperate, barely audible to anyone that wasn't as near as Maeve in that moment, "S-She's going to kill both of us."

They needed to get out of this hallway. Now. Izan's arrival on the scene only alarmed xem further, since it'd meant that xe had already spent too much time dawdling outside of the room. If they were caught, it would only spell worse things. "C-Come." xe gestured hurriedly for Maeve to follow, since Izan would be heading in the same direction, past all the heavy doors illuminated by curious candlelight. Past the study, the kitchens, the servants quarters, all the way to the hallway that xe and Amanti shared, where their rooms sat right next to each other, identical twins mirroring even the architecture within. Sometimes, it felt like a sick joke that their parents were playing on their, but Mio knew them well enough to know that they did not know what jokes were.

Mio turned the handle and pushed into xir room (well, apparently xir and Maeve's room now), enchanted candles coming alive with tiny magical flames to light up the space. Bookcases lined the walls, a canopy bed pressed up near the back wall draped in shimmery tulle. Though still panicked, Mio relaxed visibly upon entering, leaning against the wall near the doorway and gathering xir breath.
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For his part, Albert did not touch most things. Though as soon Bonnie disappeared up the stairs where his sensitive hearing could not pick up Albert's moves, the magi man walked away from the couch he had been guided to. He was mindful enough not to want to soak his couch in the rainwater he dripped in but too restless and curious to stay in one place. It was better to move around, movement would help the fire to keep him warm.

He rubbed his hands in front of the fire he crouched in front of. It was moments like these that he wished he had learned fire magic to better care for himself. Then again, he had yet to even master his own magic as advanced as he was in it.

Albert stood up and rested his hand against the fireplace. He had hardly looked around upon entrance but it was very clear to him the place was old. How old? He was not sure. It was a question he would note in his head to ask Bonnie later. His hands traveled from the fireplace to the books on the shelf, they were old enough to match the home they rested in. However old, they looked well kept after. No dust. He was half tempted to pluck one from the shelf when he heard the heavy steps of Bonnie and quickly made his way back to the couch, remaining standing.

He was quiet, for once, as he took in the rooms - or half rooms? - Bonnie pointed out. The design was unfamiliar to what he was used to if not homier than he would have assumed for a house as large as this. "I'm fine with anything really, as long as it's not salted caramel." He scrunched his nose up at the name of the tea alone. If one could even call that abomination flavor tea. "Or actually I think I'll take a black tea like English Rose or Chai - oh no I'll take a white tea. If you have that, of course. Really I'll be satisfied with anything. I'm only trying to avoid the caffeine since it's getting late." He hoped didn't sound as fastidious as he thought he did.

"Oh, is this the interview? You have no tact, do you?" Albert did well not to snort despite his sheepish smile. "I didn't get thrown out, I just - I have been staying with my parents for a while now since ... some personal matters took place. And I saw your flier and the rent is a lot cheaper than most places in Black City. I mean - I have a reporter's salary. And I know you, kind of, compared to other people I could roommate with. I can actually pay this rent without a problem and it'll only be until I can find an affordable apartment that's not crawling with critters in the dark corners of the rooms."

He breathed. "I know I'm not your favorite person, but I'm clean and I can be respectful of your privacy and whatnot. And I can kind of cook if you give me a recipe." The last sentence was questionable at best. But it had to score some points.

@wren. 」​

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She's going to kill both of us.

The statement was an odd one to make. And it was a statement, drenched in fear and panic. It served as no warning but an expression of a fearful supposed premonition. One that xe truly believed in, but one that Maeve was less convinced of when it was coming from a person who was barely able to stand let alone breathe. She accepted it as heeding anyway, as odd as it was it was not as shaking.

There was not a lot to be known about the De Lucas, and what was said was far from good. In this world, the murder of siblings and outsiders couldn't be ruled out. Extra caution could be afforded. Especially when it was coming from her betrothed, though she had just met xem, their palpable fear was one thing she could be certain was true. Terrified of his parents, his sibling, though not the servant apparently. Xe commanded the stranger with more ease than she thought was possible with xir shaking voice and trembling body.

The quick walking was even less welcomed in the shoes she was wearing. The back of her dress shoes scrapped the skin of her ankle as she rushedly followed xem down the dark hallway. Superstition had her believe the lit candles would either blow out or set the very house on fire with the dark energy surrounding the place.

The second the heavy door closed behind them all, she stepped out of the uncomfortable shoes that had drawn blood. Fortunately, she was not in the house of a vampire. Perhaps that was not fortunate at all because the house she was bound to stay in for the rest of her life felt far more sinister.

Instead of Mio, she turned her gaze on the servant. If anyone was to know anything more and able to speak on it without breaking down. It'd be him. "Who is going to kill us?" She asked, but her tone was more demanding.

It seems Miss Lancaster and Mio have both beaten him to the punch, or would have if Mio hadn't taken a moment to double over in one of xir coughing fits. Given the forced marriage as well as Amanti's inevitable anger over being overlooked, it's no wonder he's panicking.

Miss Lancaster certainly looks like a kind soul with the way she's offering her handkerchief with genuine concern on her face, though her compassion seems to recede some when she notices him, the straightening of her back and her assertive tone more suitable for the house in which she's found herself. He nods, setting the bags down for the time being. "I can fetch it, miss."

He moves quickly down the manor's winding hallways to the kitchen, knowing that if he dawdles, he might get screamed at for leaving the suitcases in the hallway instead of taking them to Maeve's (well, Mio's room, really) room as instructed. He grabs one of the ornately carved glasses, the pattern not unlike the scales of his tail he sees only when he bathes. After filling it from their well-filtered water pitcher in the fridge (the De Lucas could never settle for lukewarm tap water), he hurries back to Mio's room, fortunately without incident.

Apparently he's walked right into the middle of a conversation again, as Miss Lancaster immediately greets him with a question. Glancing at Mio hesitantly before speaking, he can only guess at what she's referring to. Rather, what Mio might have been alluding to. "Miss De Luca," he swallows, gaze falling back down. Oh, right, he's carrying the water still. He hands it to Mio. "Xir's sister. She'd expected to be the one married off. It'd been quite a point of pride for her, so she will be upset that the opportunity was given to Mio. Now, I should fetch those bags before anyone trips over them."

He scurries off, heart racing in his throat as the worry that he might be found by a pissed off Amanti sets in, but he retrieves the bags and brings them back unharmed. As he steps into the room again, his eyes are drawn to the beads of liquid gathering at Miss Lancaster's now bare ankles. In the dim light, it appears black, but he's seen enough blood to recognize it. "You're bleeding Miss Lancaster," he frowns as if she might not be aware of it. He reaches into his pocket for the small ring of gauze he keeps... just in case. "I can wrap your ankles for you if you would like?"

He's already knelt down to do so.
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Of course Alby has to go through a million different teas before settling on one. Thankfully, he does have some white tea options, though he goes with plain white tea out of fear of going with something the man will end up hating. It's a loose-leaf tea, so he sets the box aside and begins scooping the leaves inside the kettle's diffuser while Alby starts explaining himself.

Even without facing him, he can hear the trepidation in Alby's countenance with how quickly he speaks and how he seems to anticipate his responses. Everything he's saying is reasonable, and when he finally turns to face him, his expression is sincere. For all his pestering him at work, it doesn't seem like he's lying to get some scoop on him.

He purses his lips as if he's thinking hard about the matter. Alby sticks out against the dark neutrals of the house starkly, all sunshine and optimism. Bonnie literally asked for this, but he'd been in a rare good mood when he'd put up the flyers, and now that he's faced with the prospect of someone seeing how pathetic he is on a regular basis, he's hesitant. Alby is far too bubbly to be a roommate that keeps to himself, but he should know by now that Bonnie won't be fun company. More than some random stranger would. Yet he came here anyway. Guess that's a testament to his desperation. And, having more wealth than he knows what to do with, it would be rude of him to turn down someone struggling.

"Okay. This is probably the best outcome since you know what to expect of me, and I know what to expect of you. At least partially." The kettle's whistle grows loud, urging him to remove it from the stove and pour the pale yellow liquid into two gold and black teacups, one of which he hands to Alby carefully. "I don't care much about the rent, anyway. This place is too big for one person, so I figured I should help someone out by giving them a place to stay. So long as you don't make a mess or break my things, I'll let you stay. When can you move in?"
code by wren.
There weren't many spaces within the De Luca house that one could really consider safe. Not for Mio, anyway. The hallways always loomed with the intrusive shadows of enchanted candles, each turn of a corner rife with the possibility of running into the prying eyes of xir mother, father or sister. The gazes of most servants were less horrifying, but xe knew that many reported to xir parents without a single thought: any behaviour deemed inappropriate from xem would reach xir's parents ears soon enough even if they had not been there to witness it. Xe could remember the last time xe had been found snivelling in the hallways.

Xe could feel the effects of the punishments, even when they'd long since passed. That strange emptiness in xir body, where spirits and souls had been cycled, in an attempt to teach xem control. Even ghosts, those who had lost their own vessels, could command xir body better that xe could.

Mio wiped at xir face in self-consolation, unrefined and sniffling, crumpled against the wall. Xir hands came away wet. Xe cringed away out of instinct when Izan came close with the glass of water, but accepted it a moment later after catching xir breath, managing a weak nod in response. The coolness of the water went down xir spasming throat, only barely comforting. If anything, Mio was thankful that Izan was there to explain. Maeve's tone was demanding in that moment and the last thing he wanted to think about was the possibility that she held the same mindset as Amanti. Xe wondered now if it was even safe to cry around her.

Xe attempted with all xir might to believe that xe was safe. After all, she'd attempted to give xem her hankerchief. Surely, that was a good sign.

Izan made quick work of letting Maeve know what had happened, disappearing briefly to bring in the suitcases and tend to her. Mio, finally managing to stand up properly and steady xir breathing, watched a bit stupidly, not quite knowing what to do even as xir panic attack began to fade. "... Thank you, Izan."

Xe did not know what else xe could say. They both knew that even if Mio would face some of xir sister's rage, it would always be Izan who suffered the brunt of it.
code by wren.



Amanti De Luca. His sister. Perhaps the news should have surprised her greatly, startled her at least. The panic attack Mio was only just now coming down from was more than enough evidence to prove that Izan was serious with every word. The De Luca's had been rumored to engage in incest for decades. What was murder to add to the list in this drabby and malevolent accursed house? It was no home, but a free for all.

Though the wallpapers were dark and painted with the symbols of curses and death, the characters from some were not entirely unfamiliar. Maeve closed her eyes and thought back to Amanti upon first greetings. She was a small woman, but the way she carried herself was larger than her brother and her very parents who orchestrated everything. She has the smile of a venomous snake and the walk of a rat.

Would she have to check her meals for poison? Look over her shoulders before climbing the long stairs? Lock her doors when she slept? She had only a glimpse of Amanti, but she still needed to know more about her to know exactly what type of character she was dealing with. Cautiousness was a key trait of hers, she had lived in a home that wanted to spit her out and attempted to when they could. Now it only seemed they threw her away to a house that felt the same.

She had nearly missed Izan's question as a whole, his words heard, but not processed as she reopened her eyes. A gut reaction had her taking a step back before remembering where she was and who she was with. She was still unsure about allowing him to treat her, but the quivering Mio seemed to trust him when he was falling apart, shouldn't she? At least for now. "Thank you." She said softly, allowing him to wrap her ankle.

Her eyes rested on the servant, watching his work closely before she felt confident enough to look away and to her spouse-to-be. "I won't be killed." A resolute statement if any, though one delivered with such conviction she had complete confidence in it. "And neither will you." Convincing xem would be far more difficult. Xe had lived under the same roof of xeir murderous sister.

"If I may be candid, I don't know what you think of me, and I still don't know completely what to think of you. We are both being forced into a marriage without being allowed a word in, but if we are to married I think our lives would be easier if we were allies in this home." Was she being too bold? The members of her family talked in passive-aggressive comments, backhanded compliments, sarcastic and snide remarks, and tricky language. Nothing was ever clear unless they wanted one to know how vehemently they loathed her.

But to draw up some great proposal with the care of a lawyer did not seem the route to go with Mio. She wasn't sure what was the right way to approach them, truthfully. Xe was a wealthy upper-class magi but carried xemself like a peasant under duress. "It may raise your chance of survival, no?" She pinched her lips hopefully, looking away only to glance back at the servant. Was it okay to say this in front of him?




Albert was ready to be rejected and politely shoved out the front door and back into the rain. He may not have known Bonnie as well as a friend, family, or even a co-worker, it was worse. He knew him as a customer he was not the most pleased to see every day when he was as nosy and talkative as he was. Their little connection was not hostile, but he wouldn't describe it as pleasant either. Knowing that he wouldn't have felt offended or surprised to be turned away.

So when Bonnie did not turn him away, and instead accepted him as roommate, his jaw dropped open just a little. But he was quick to close his mouth the second the warm cup of tea was placed into his hands. Alby gripped the handle tightly with a grin so brilliant it made him appear far more displaced in the house of dark colors and ghostly ambiance.

"You're very charitable," he said as calmly as possible when excitement was ready to burst out of him. It wasn't exactly a place of his own, but it was a huge step to be able to get out of his parents's house. The house was so large he was likely to never run into Bonnie in it, especially when they were both working. "I can move in by tomorrow. Or - er, the day after. Very soon. I don't have a whole house to pack up, just a room." He took a moment to sip from the tea in his hands, pausing to appreciate the strong flavors. It must have been a very authentic brand - it was loose-leafed and not bagged.

"Which room can I have? And the bathroom I can use? We should write up an agreement, shouldn't we? Or are you more of a verbal agreement sort of person? Are there any rooms off limits?" He was half tempted to set down his teacup and take notes.

@wren. 」​

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The intensity of Alby's happiness is almost blinding, and he finds himself hiding a his own smile behind a sip of tea. As pestering as the young man is, he doesn't seem to have any malicious intentions. He's just young and excitable. Hopefully, living with someone as boring as Bonnie won't smother his light too much. Then again, Bonnie isn't making him sign any lease, so he can leave at any point if he begins to regret his choice. Well, that's not so much an if but a matter of when.

"You'd be surprised by what just one room can hold," he says, almost teasing. "Take what time you need; I'm in no rush. Do you have people to help you move all of your things?" Perhaps it's selfish, but he doesn't really want to help with lugging the heavy furniture upstairs. He'll do it if he has to, however, because it's only polite.

The torrent of questions has him blinking stupidly over the rim of his cup. Right, he should have shown him the upstairs before offering him anything. Yet Alby accepted the offer anyway. Amused, he exhales through his nose and sets the cup aside on the granite island they've found themselves standing over. "I forgot to finish the tour. Come on."

He leads the other man up the winding wooden staircase onto the second floor, which is no smaller than the first, consisting of four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, and a reading nook tucked into the corner of the long hallway. "My room is over there," he says, pointing to the largest one furthest down on the right side. "It shares a master bathroom with the room next to it. The other bedrooms are these two doors nearer to us, and the other bathroom is over there," he explains, pointing helpfully. "Then there's the study. You're welcome to choose whichever room you like best."

He stops and leans against the wall, arms crossed in silent permission for Alby to go ahead and explore. "Nothing is off-limits except my room, obviously. I didn't intend to create any sort of lease, but if you want me to, I can draft something up. As I said, I don't really care what you do so long as you clean up after yourself. Well, no big parties, either, preferably. I've had my fill of those."
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"I have friends and family who will help." Albert informed Bonnie, taking a larger sip from his tea. His father and sister would no doubt want to help him just to inspect his new place and roommate. He wasn't naive, but his family cared fro him as if he were.

Albert had entered his fair share of homes built on wealth, being the reporter he was gave him access to spaces many could only imagine. Yet, even when he was inside those places, it only showcased how far away from that life he was. It felt almost like the plot of a fairy tale that he was able to move into one of those classic and sturdily built homes built of solid wood and stone with decorations worth more than his salary.

He drank in every detail of the house during the tour, looking over the furniture of each room and the images hanging on the walls. He wondered how authentic they were, reading the artist's signatures and recognizing few. They were worth more than he was.

"I'll take the largest available room." He said, humming gently to himself at the decision. To have that much space was a dream come true after having lived in his childhood bedroom for nearly a year. He could fit in his work desk and vanity. the closet was also large enough to fit all his clothes in neatly. "We don't have to draft anything up then. I can do that easily. I respect the privacy of others." Funnily said by a journalist. "In their own homes," he added quickly so he wouldn't be liable.

He opened his phone and pulled open his contact list, once he had the new contact page opened, he handed his phone off to him. "Here, add your number. I'll let you know about the moving date and time through text later."
@wren. 」​

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"That would be this one, then," Bonnie nods, leading him into the room across from his. It's bigger than his own, in fact. He's never been one that has needed a lot of space, his wardrobe rotating between the same ten or so outfits, and his time mostly spent reading books in the parlor or under the lamplight on his bedroom's nightstand. So long as he has a comfortable bed and a dresser, he's comfortable.

In his youth, the faded moss walls used to hold much more character, LED lights and posters of his favorite artists hung up everywhere, the wooden floor covered in clothes and crumb-covered plates. The record player collecting dust in the parlor used to be housed in his room instead, even while he was with Bianca. Though, then, his vintage jazz and blues vinyls were swifty replaced with the pop and indie music that she favored. His posters were taken down and replaced with framed pictures of them both, his dresser covered in little trinkets they found at thrift shops and during their travels. Eventually, they were overtaken by alcohol bottles.

When he destroyed Bianca, he destroyed the rest of their things, too.

This room they're standing in used to belong to his parents, and likely their parents before him, and so on. The space has much more walking room, large enough to fit a king-sized bed, two nightstands, a walk-in closet, and a large vanity. He hasn't touched his parents' room since the accident, so it's still filled with their toiletries and their clothes, his mother's jasmine perfume and his father's herbal cologne still clinging on desperately beneath the growing mothball scent. There are a few expensive paintings they'd won at an auction depicting a field of flowers, a couple holding hands, and a woman standing in the rain. On the left nightstand is an old family photo of them sitting on the parlor couch, an eleven year old Bonnie grinning between them with a missing canine. He flips it over as subtly as possible.

"I'll call a team to move some of this stuff into storage, but you're welcome to keep the furniture if you like it."

In the corner is the door to the shared bathroom, which he pushes open to give Alby a peek inside. The mirrors still have tendrils of steam clinging to them from his earlier bath. "You'll have to share with me if you use this bathroom, so make sure to knock."

With that said, he holds out his hand with a small smile. "Welcome home, then, I suppose."
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  • Sympathy & Compassion
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