TESTING Ice's BBC Testing Hell

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


The Ball Python Queen
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Depending on my schedule I am on at various times during the week. Usually most reliable after 5, though sometimes I nap. Weekends are a free for all schedule wise.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Possibly Sci Fi
Hey! You! Stalker! You aren't supposed to be here!
This is my area of secrety testy stuff! If you are looking for tons of help, this is not a great
place to do it! I suck at explaining things!

Here are links for me because I suck at remembering things, and I don't want to have too!
Feel free to use these things!
Adobe Color CC
Generate - Coolors.co
CSS Font Stack: Web Safe and Web Font Family with HTML and CSS code.
Best Color Palette Generators — HTML Color Codes
repeating background tumblr - Google Search
千花 | Senhana's Designer Room
GRAPHICS SHOP - Sam's bbCode Tidbits!
Here is a guide to my color schemes

  • #6F31FF





  • #A7FFD2









  • #2B2740





  • #ddd8c4





  • 3130812cad37ef3c7e6d2126bb067ccd.png

    Mermaid Tail

    Mermaid Tail Collection



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Name- Ariana Rosaline Mistborn
Nickname- Ari
Age- 22
Spirit Species- Artic Fox (currently at 1 tail, working towards 9)
Occupation- Actress/Model
Height- 5'7"
Piercings- Lobe in each ear
Tattoos- None
Ari is demure, a stark contrast to most fox spirits who play up their sexuality and looks to get what they want. She has trouble speaking up for herself in certain situations and prefers to take a passive route if possible. Highly protective of others Ari puts herself in harms way more often than not and thus she gets the short end of the stick. Has a close knit group of friends. Many news outlets love to call Ari cold and heartless because of her resting face and slightly icy looks but the woman is warm, if a little stubborn. She hates using her powers on others but finds it hard to resist especially with slimy characters in the movie industry. She is inexperienced in love and dislikes the idea of being married or tied down for duty's sake. She is actually pretty picky about her men as she is a fox spirit and thinks she should find someone that suits her standard.
Name- Arthos Ivy Rose
Nickname- Arth
Title- Arthos the god of the red string of fate
Occupation- CEO of Cupid Co, Matchmaking company
Age- Appears to be in his mid to late 20's, actual age not relevant since he's a god
Height- 6'
Build- Slim
Personality- Arth is known to be a bit of a wild card. If you catch him on a good day he'll flirt with you and tease, but if you catch him on a bad one he'll squish you like a bug. Despite his appearance to most mortals as a sweet and kind man who doesn't stick to typical gender roles in his fashion choices Arth is really nothing more than a puppet master. Humans are his playthings which he happily matches together and then watches them fall apart. He loves the chaos as much as the happy endings and due to this has yet to find any sort of permanent companion. One night flings? There are an abundance of options, but serious relationships? Out of the question. Arth knows that his fickle personality is volatile if he gets too attached and thus tries to keep people at an arms length.
Possible Group Rp Plot

A school has 4 or 5 factions all based on elements. The school is meant for people of all ages, young to college age. There are routinely competitions between the classes for bragging rights, items of importance, and house points. There is Fire, Ice/Water, Earth, Air. Each person at this school has a shiftable form that is a combination of an animal and the power of the house they are assigned to. Their power is determined by natural ability/affinity. The houses set up their own hideouts/living areas in a large either arena type setting or a free space of different elemental areas dedicated to each specialty on the campus grounds. In group fighting slowly devolves into a bigger issue they must combine to overcome

Plot 2
Magical girl school with companions who fight to be able to receive their full powers.

Naomi Suzuki | 鈴木 ナオミ


>General Characteristics<
Nao, Nami



Bisexual, leans towards men

August 2nd


Meiko Academy|3rd Year

-Aspect/Source of Love-
Charity- Nature

Naomi can be described as one of those individuals who is somehow annoyingly good at a lot of things. Her studies are above par, she is good at art despite her saying she's not much of an artist, and she likes to sing. Still despite her natural talent for some things she often puts herself down and pushes others up. She is always happy to come in second if it means someone who worked hard got what they deserved. She takes a backseat to others and offers up as much as she can, often times too much. She sees her own feelings and problems as trivial and that there are more important things to be doing with her time. As a result Naomi's feelings can fester until she unwillingly becomes bitter or sad, though she will force herself to smile anyway. She is crushed by the fears of disappointing her father and others as well as not giving back the kindness she received.

Friendly | Intelligent | Caring | Calm

Invests too much in others | Ignores Her Own Feelings | Easy to Take Advantage Of | Always sees the good in others

Singing | Writing | Doodling | Taking Walks

Studies | Writing

Animals | Soft Things | ShabuShabu | Melon Bread | Pocari Sweat | Bows/Frilly Clothes (She never wears them though) | Whipped cream bread | Romance Novels | Flowers

Horror (She's a secret Chicken) | Spicy Food | Green Tea/Matcha Flavor | Bullies | Fishy Tasting Food | Playing Instruments (they're lovely but she can not play them for the life of her) | Math (She's good at it even though she dislikes it)

Being a disappointment | Failing her Mother's Memory | Living her life alone

>Physical Appearance<



Bow From 2nd Image, outfit from the 1st

Naomi's hair turns a slightly more minty green color and is pulled back on one side by the bow shown. She also gains a small mint green heart shaped rune on her forehead made of curling lines.

-Place of Birth-

-Current Residence-
AI City

Naomi is what some would call a hanbun, or half and half. Her mother was from America and her father is Japanese. They both met while her father was abroad in America. They fell in love and her mother moved to Japan to live with Naomi's father in Hokkaido. Things were going great until Naomi was about 6 or 7 her mother started becoming ill. With her ailing health Naomi's father agreed to move back to America so she could be closer to her family and seek treatment. It was there Naomi learned a lot about generosity and charity. Her family was busy paying most medical bills but they never felt without. People would come to their aid in times of need and Naomi spent her time there favorably. Things looked like they were going better but just before Naomi entered high school her mother passed in a sudden turn of events.

Her father, devastated by the loss of his love, couldn't bear to be in the city anymore. He reluctantly pulled Naomi and himself back to Japan where they settled in AI city. With her fathers understanding of English he was offered a well paying job that cost him many hours so Naomi spends most of her time alone. Still she never lets it show that she's lonely and keeps up volunteering and helping out like she had grown used to in America. She's still adjusting to teenage life in Japan a little and sometimes feels out of place but does her best to smile through any harsh words said about her.

-Theme Songs-


Bakery Part Time

Opal- 5 Years Old, a little snuggly protective loaf

Suzuki Tanaka- Father- 53- Alive
Suzuki Anna- Mother- Deceased

None ATM

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Hiroto Fujimoto | 藤本 大翔


Hiroto Fujimoto

Hiro, Hi-Chan




-Sexual Orientation-

-School Year-
3rd Year

-Role in club-

Hiro is the class clown, the funny but popular guy who gets away with things others wouldn't. He's kind to everyone, even those the class may think don't deserve it. He likes to make others happy over himself, and has a tenancy to make himself the butt of the joke if it makes others happy. He's almost immune to bullying it seems as he just laughs everything off as a joke. He participates in many sports and activities and is honestly seen as a one dimensional cool and cute figure in high school. Despite seeming perfect Hiro has his flaws. He's often too indecisive or passive bout his own feelings and lacks the guts to put himself out there. He's terrified being in a relationship will turn up all these possessive feelings and that he'll behave just like his father. Hiro can get jealous, be a bit childish and bratty, and he sees that as a negative and something that only drags others down. He also suffers from some pretty bad insomnia and night terrors and keeps the mental help he's getting under tight wraps. Only his twin sister truly knows how broken he is inside.

Jokes, Friends, Photography, Guitar, Rock, Singing, Idols (he likes the upbeat music, but will always hide it), Minky Fabric, Soccer

Bullies, Harmful 'jokes', Spicy Food, Chewy Textured Food, Tea, Naato, Scallops, Competition.




Naoto from Aikatsu

-Theme Song-

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Kanata Inoue| 井上星空


Inoue Kanata

Kanata-Chan, Kana-Chan, Ino, "Giraffe" or "Red Ogre" (Both will send you packing for the nurse)




-Sexual Orientation-

-School Year-
3rd Year

-Role in club-
Resident Muscle, Oddball, and General Worker (Member)

Kanata is known as the scary woman. People either think she looks terrifying since she has a couple extra piercings or they think she looks cool and mature. To back up her towering looks the woman is a tank and there's a rumor she sent someone to the hospital for trying to lift up her skirt. Despite looking scary to some honestly Kanata isn't all that scary at all. She's boisterous, loud, and not the typical student, but she's in no way outright mean to others. She can come off a bit standoffish and cold at first but when you are let into her circle she protects you with all her might. When she can she'll support friends going out for karaoke night but refuses to let any of them be irresponsible. She chastises them for smoking, tells them not to drink too much, and is always set as the designated sober friend. Being caring takes a lot out of Kanata so she has little patience for bull shit, but also little time for her own feelings. She often pushes them aside as what she feels isn't near as bad as some people have it.

Rock Music, Dressing Up, Heels (She never wears them, too insecure), Confidence, Boba Tea, Naps, Dogs, Animals in General, Snakes, Kickboxing, Hot Pot, Cooked Meat, Rice, Sweets, Whipped Cream Bread, Ramen

Super Spicy Food, Boiled Chicken, Raw Fish, Tuna, Drunkards, Creeps, Curfews, Bossy People (Oh the Irony), Pink

Satoshi Yuuta

The girl is in her class and Kanata was assigned as her guide for the day. She doesn't get along with her super well as they've barely met and Kanata sucks at English but she thinks the girl is possible a little too kind and needs protecting

Kanata's family grew up close. It was her mother, father, and her younger brother. Her father runs a dojo in Yakita and everything was picture perfect until her mother was killed by a drunk driver at the age of 7. From then on Kanata was the woman of the house. Meals, laundry, everything that a mother would do was tasked to her. Of course she stepped up to the plate, though she made her brother and father shape up as well. They adjusted to a life as a family of 3 pretty easily and life has been smooth sailing at home from there. Her school life, however, was never much fun. Kanata shot up in height way before everyone else so she stood out like a sore thumb. Even now she's taller than some of the boys in her grade earning her the nickname "Giraffe". Kanata made sure to put her fathers teachings to good use on the first guy who called her that. Needless to say being in trouble is something Kanata's father is well aware of, and though he disapproves of her using her skill on others he also has admitted that in the cases she did use it it was for a good reason. After having kicked a few butts people knew to stay away from her if you didn't have anything nice to say.

Arisa Uotani from Fruits Basket (2019)

-Theme Song-

Kanata actually likes dressing up girly but has been told in the past she looks like a gorilla playing dress up so she sticks to the cool punk vibe
She feeds the stray cats in her neighborhood
She takes the train too and from school every day

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Suzuki Naomi

Inoue Kanata
Hiroki Sato
Hiro, Sato, Hi-Chan (usually by his japanese relatives)

'Owner' of the General Store

Trans Male



October 3rd

Seattle, Washington, USA


Flaming Homosexual

Greyish Black

Grey Blue


Lean but well toned. Hiding a bit of ab muscle under his shirt

Freckles across his nose, has a mole just to the right of his spine on his back, top surgery scars

His glasses are reserved for the evening hours. Changes his earrings often and doesn't wear his lip ring at work.

On Testosterone, Asthma, Depression/Anxiety/General Mental Health Issues

Reserved|Cautious|Friendly|Neat|A Tad Wound Up|Caring|Kind

Hiro can be a bit reserved and shy at first. He likes to play his cards close to his chest, afraid of getting burned once more. Still he always offers a friendly smile and to help out where he can. Crossing personal lines, however, is rather difficult for him. The thought of dating or having a relationship is quite daunting and he finds himself running away in fear emotionally more than not. Hiro does better with animals like his cats, as they don't judge or talk back. He can open up to creatures more than he can people so you'll often find him talking to the farm animals when he has spare time. His mother always jokes he should become a vet but at the moment Hiro is just happy running the general store. He can get a bit anxious when things are out of place and hates it when people don't make an effort to put things back where they belong. He tends to get wound up rather easily when it comes to pushing specific buttons and will not hesitate to rip you a new one if he feels it fit to do so.

Cats|Horses|Dogs|Animals in General|Food|Noodles|Home Grown Veggies|Flowers|Jewlery|Tattoo's|Cocktails|Comfy Clothes|Snow|Warm Fires|Nature Walks|Organized Shelves|Sketching

Messy Shelves|Spicy Food|Warm Weather|Taking off his Shirt|The Smell of Tabacco|Overly Cheery People|Busy Bodies|Nosy Neighbors|Chickens (Alive, not dead)|Raw Fish

Organization|Lifting Heavy Things|Bookkeeping|Minor Repairs or Mending

Irritable|Can't Stand Spiders|Gives in to Pets|Not Great at Running



Hiro grew up in a mixed household, with his mother being originally from the island of Celosia and his father being a native Japanese man. Hiro has heard their cheesy love story so many times he could recite it from memory. They met while they were both studying in Seattle and fell in love, settled down and had kids. Hiro was the third kid out of four. He'd known he was different since an early age as he never really felt comfortable with pink items or dressing up. Hiro wanted to do the things that sounded fun, like playing with the boys. But it was more than just the surface level things. As he grew up it turns out that Hiro actually hated contact sports and wasn't a fan of wrestling, but he'd associated those things with being male. It was when he got to middle school that he started to figure out that he just didn't feel like his body was assigned to the right gender. He came out the first year of high school and his parents accepted him for it. It was an adjustment for everyone but eventually Hiro began to use a new name and started testosterone. The other kids at his school nor the public were as kind, and eventually the teenager grew tired of it. By the time he graduated Hiro wanted nothing more than to escape. With no current plans for college and no path forward Hiro's mom sent him to Celosia island to live with his grandfather. While there Hiro started helping out at the general store which was named after his mothers maiden name. Eventually Hiro found that life on the island wasn't so bad, and he took on more and more duties. He basically runs the general store now, though he dislikes saying it. However Grandpa Flynn is too old for the heavy lifting or the bookkeeping so Hiro has basically taken over in everything but name.

Code by Jenamos
Emily Rose Taylor
Rose, Rosy, Emmy (She hates this one but will tolerate it from her younger cousins)


Cis Female



November 16th

Seattle, WA

Biromantic. Leans towards Men

Bisexual. Leans towards Men


Greyish Blue


Lean and nimble. Relatively no bust

Small scars dotted around her body from being stupid.

Two piercings in each ear. She likes to change her earrings

Depression, Mild PTSD

Blunt|Jokester|Rough and Tumble|Gentle on Girls|Untrusting of Strangers|Quick Fuse|Generally Agreeable|Avoids Conflict

Rose is a bit of an oddball. She's not dainty like some girls or robust like others. She sits somewhere in the middle, with a pretense for getting herself in trouble and a hearty laugh that could brighten up any room. Rose loves to joke around and tries to keep things light hearted, mostly to avoid talking about or addressing other issues. Even though she appears friendly on the outside when she first meets people Rose always has her guard up. She can't risk getting herself hurt, not again. Rose likes her girly things as much as she loves leather and biker jackets but she's always been told she looks weird and that tall women shouldn't wear heels so she has a collection of things in her closet gathering dust. She loves to make the people of Celosia happy with her garments and is more than willing to make gifts for new arrivals. She loves seeing others happy.

Dresses|Leather|Cats|Sunsets|Stars|Nature Walks|New Fabric|Making Others Happy|Hot Cocoa|Cocktails|Joking Around|Jewlery|Small House Plants|Flowers|Fires|Friends|Cookouts

Rude Customers|Karens|Super Spicy Food|Pickled Plum|Boiled Cabbage|Eating Fungus of Any Kind|Warm Weather|Being Teased|Bullies|Hypocrites

Sewing|Fine Handywork|Tedious and Repetitive Tasks|Designing|Getting Along With Others

Extremely Tall|Daddy Issues|Not Super Strong|Weak Constitution



Rose was born in the Seattle area with her parents still together. Everything was fine, till she was seven and it was revealed her father, or sperm donor as she refers to him, was a cheating bastard. He drew up divorce papers (He's a lawyer) and left her mother with nothing. Without anything she moved back to Celosia to be with her Aunt. Rose was forced to stay in Seattle during the year, though she did it only at the request of her mother. During the summers the curious little Rose was helping around the newly formed sewing business. Her sperm donor got a new wife suspiciously quick. It was quick enough that Rose noticed. Throughout the rest of her years until graduation Rose was miserable back in Seattle. Her step mother was atrocious and took any chance to be petty. Some of the things she did could be considered abuse but her father never cared. He was too busy working to keep his wife happy, even if she was probably out conning other men. The day she turned 18 Rose was handed papers telling her to get the hell out of his house. Rose bummed it with a friend for the rest of the school year. Near graduation she got the news that her mother was ill, ill enough that she couldn't fly home for graduation. As soon as the ceremony was over Rose had her belongings on a plane. Rose spent the rest of her mothers days right by her side until she passed. To her surprise her mother had left the tailor shop to her. Having taken over at the age of 21 Rose has now had a few years under her belt. She still keeps a picture of her mother up downstairs so that others can see her but she has 'gotten over' most of the trauma. She still has her bouts of nightmares curtesy of her step mothers past behavior but Rose is mostly a stable adult.

Code by Jenamos
~ General Info ~

Ardent Rose Fenneth




Echo 1

~ Biography ~

Family Name

Arden is cool and level headed. He's well liked as Arden is rather polite but he's also a stickler
for following the rules. He doesn't mind bending them from time to time but frowns
upon anyone who tries to take over. His sense of humor is pretty bad as some jokes go straight over his
head. Can be too stoic and too stressed out as he's often picked as the leader for his
natural ability to bring others together. He also hates pompous assholes and
will rip someone a new one when needed.

Arden's original family name was Vanderbelt. His family was one of the ones that joined up to become
part of the Fenneth household. His nuclear family is quite small, just him and his parents, but his extended family
is full of knights and other hot headed newcomers to the scene. He wasn't apart of some form of sad
home life, in fact his home life was good. His parents cared for him and they were never without,
but it was still hard watching his loved ones be pushed around by other houses and given
the run around to try and stop their progress. Arden's life didn't really get dificult
until his powers developed.

Perhaps it was due to the sheer force of his Prima but Arden developed a couple years earlier at the age of
15. It was quite clear from the beginning he would need extra guidance in keeping things under control.
His powers were explosive and destructive enough that Arden started to get panic attacks
from the fear of hurting his dear loved ones after a close miss with his mother.
Eventually Arden was taken in by the state until his powers could be properly
stabilized. When he turned 17 Arden joined the knights as the probability of him living
any semblance of normal with the strength of his powers was next to none. He would either
spend the rest of his life as a test subject or help fight against those that harmed his home so he chose
to be proactive about his life and fight back.

~ Abilities ~

Arden is a master of close combat and is max a mid range attacker. He specializes in
combining his devotions into his fighting style which consists of mixed martial arts. He favors moves that flow
into one another over strong head on strike moves. He stays rather mobile and avoids
and channels attacks rather than front on resisting.

The main theme of Arden's devotions is Sonokenisis

Plasma Disk
Condensing the energy from sound waves Arden hardens the energy into a disc that can
be thrown or shot at enemies. Fairly basic and utilitarian

Concussive Blast
Gathering the energy from sound Arden wraps it around either his fist or his foot to pack an
extra punch upon contact. Can push himself into the air with the blast. Often creates
a loud sharp bang upon contact

Siren Song
Manipulating the sound waves in front of him Arden can create frequencies that lull enemies into becoming
docile and slowly walking themselves into danger. Mostly works on hostiles, can have
some effect on teammates but it varies

Canary Scream
Releases a high pitched scream that will destroy the ear drums of anyone within the scream's path.
Is liable to hit teammates and difficult to control for extended periods of time.

Echo Chasm
Usually occurs after a large influx of emotions or willing activation. Screams so hard that the pressure of the air
around him increases, denting concrete, shattering windows, and obliterating small squishy
targets within the radius around him. Has similar effect to canary scream in
destroy ear drums but rolls out in a radius rather than a cone and causes more
physical damage to surrounding objects. Enemies inside the circle have trouble standing due to
the increase of pressure.

-Weapon of Choice-
Devotions, though is he must choose a weapon it would be gauntlets or hand
armor of some kind

~ Extra ~
Adren is very VERY gay. Will politely and firmly reject any advances from women
He has a major sweet tooth and can be persuaded to do things he's reluctant too with cookies
and other sweets
Still has bouts of anxiety and tends to hold back on his full power unless someone hurts those
close to him or pisses him off​
~ General Info ~

Naomi Cornelia Saivis





5'7" or 170 cm
~ Biography ~

Family Name

Nao is sort of an oddball. She's not necessarily a bad person but she has trouble getting her feelings
across. With her lack of social development social cues are basically lost on her so things like sarcasm aren't always
understood. She also doesn't really get jokes unless its word play or puns. She can be very sweet and
often shows her affection in other ways such as trying to read up about your issues, listening,
or offering horribly baked goods. She rarely smiles but when she does it's
a sign she is both comfortable and happy, which is rare. Hesitates to get too close to
others in fear of being exploited like she has been for most of her life.

Nao was born to two parents who lived as a far branch under the house of Lightwall. Her parents were both researchers
and Nao was more of a genetic experiment than a planned joy. Her parents spent most of their time with her
testing her abilities, trying to judge where she would end up, and how they could best exploit
her towards gaining fame amongst the Lightwalls. Her parents wanted the fame and
glory of being good researchers, so much so that when Nao proved to be a an experiment that needed
time they abandoned her at home with a piss poor excuse for a nanny. At the age of 4, when
Nao was just starting to come out of her shell, everything was ripped away from her.

Her parents, in an attempt to make something extraordinary, blew up their lab. What actually happened
to her parents not even Nao knows, but she heard whispers that the bodies were never found. After
the explosion Nao was given up to the state. The Lightwalls wanted nothing to do with
such a failure of an edge branch and claimed that Nao had nothing to do with them. She became
a ward of the state and was further confined to their facilities. There was hardly any human interaction
Nao never really learned how to talk to other people. Her first real interactions were with
Arden when he arrived at the facility and even then the conversation was limited.
Instead, Nao spent most of her time reading and exploring the world of facts and science,
diving into things that could be for certain known. She decided to become a knight in hopes of
getting out of her shell a little bit and also because Arden had decided to become one. She
didn't want to be left alone and followed her only known acquaintance into the Academy at ARMS.

~ Abilities ~

Nao's style of fighting can be compared to dance, only its far more deadly. Filled with spins and
flare she is seen as a flower of death on the battle field. She specializes in aoe attacks around herself and
hooking in her prey. While most of her fighting style relies on the use of her weapon her legs
do come into play with powerful combination attacks. Is well versed in many combat
styles and weapons due to free time.

Nao's devotions center around Ice Manipulation and Creation

Ice Blade
With an open palm Nao coats the edges of her blade with ice. The feeling on contact with other's skin
is something akin to the cold burn of dry ice and it leaves behind a stinging pain.
It also creates little snowflakes that get caught in the flurry of her spins

Ice Make
Named after an anime she watched. Creates a structure out of ice to benefit her fighting
abilities, usually a sword or temporary shield of some sort. Functions as strengthened
ice and disappears after a certain amount of time or if she creates a different

Ice Spike
Creates a flurry of needle sharp ice picks that hover around her, usually around max 10. She volleys them
either one by one at an intended target from mid range or all at once. Can be used as
sort of a rotating shield around her if needed and can sync up.

Her finishing move. Creates a wave of needle sharp ice picks about a foot in diameter
that rain down from the sky. She rains them down with little to no mercy on her targets,
leaving behind icy patches where the large spikes contact the ground

-Weapon of Choice-
Crescent Pendulum

~ Extra ~
Loves cats to death, would have many if she had any place to call her own
She gets very interested in cool weapons or fighting styles. Anything she doesn't know interests her
She likes to keep her hair out of the way in a ponytail or a bun out on adventures​
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Haruki Souma


-Stage Name-


Male, though he doesn't care if you use they/them pronouns

"Does matter what they are, as long as we can have fun"


January 13th

Rising Singer and Songwriter

-Living Situation-
Apartment in Tokyo, unfortunately right next door to Shun


Muscular, but not body builder levels. Well toned

-Hair Style-
Auburn brown, mullet style cut where its shorter on top, long on bottom

-Eye color-
Amber, quite striking

Lobes in both ears, helix in his left. He wants more in the future

-Skin Details-
Beauty mark next to his left eye

-Lucky Item-
Juzu bead bracelet he keeps on his left hand, so its out of the way of him writing

Haru is not close to much of the Souma family as he is the hated cat zodiac after all. He spends
most of his time away from the main household and though he loves his younger cousins
they aren't allowed to see him much due to his condition. Haru takes a happy go lucky look on life,
favoring jokes and pranks over moping around. He has recently started gaining popularity under
his stage name Ryo, his manager being one of the only Souma's that can handle his
crap and understands his precarious situation and keeps Haru from getting into trouble.
Haru tries to keep a measure of distance between himself and others, so while it seems
he charms many of the young Souma's and other people Haru doesn't let
many, or any of them, close enough to see how lonely he is.
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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie dolor diam, malesuada consectetur sem eleifend in. Sed sed elementum felis, in lacinia erat. Maecenas fermentum auctor nibh, quis consectetur dolor ultricies vel. Maecenas nec tristique purus, sit amet ornare dui. Donec tincidunt luctus justo, non porta odio pulvinar eget. Vestibulum pellentesque libero a arcu suscipit, ac congue dolor dignissim. Maecenas porttitor orci urna, nec ultrices sem imperdiet at. Nam mattis magna sed mauris aliquet pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce blandit tincidunt egestas. Praesent libero nisl, luctus sit amet mauris sed, ornare tempor est.

    Proin fermentum, neque quis rhoncus blandit, nulla augue condimentum sapien, vel luctus ante sem vel orci. Fusce quis nunc scelerisque, facilisis urna et, lacinia erat. In commodo interdum turpis, ut viverra leo aliquet id. Donec sed diam faucibus, finibus tellus eu, pulvinar arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam malesuada porttitor luctus. Mauris feugiat lectus eget sapien congue congue. Proin nec massa ex. Nunc leo nibh, aliquet nec quam eget, lacinia pretium libero. Cras quis porta tortor, ac sagittis tellus. Aliquam pellentesque auctor ipsum, id consectetur turpis semper eu. Praesent sit amet massa non velit egestas luctus vel vitae nibh. Curabitur id orci accumsan, blandit sem a, mollis enim.

    Donec sit amet ultricies quam. In varius luctus ornare. Phasellus tincidunt fringilla eros vitae rhoncus. Vivamus posuere velit sed rhoncus molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque est neque, aliquet non viverra et, ultrices id tellus. Mauris faucibus luctus elit a sodales. In bibendum vestibulum auctor. Phasellus augue dui, lacinia vitae purus eu, commodo posuere est. Duis vehicula varius molestie. Quisque non laoreet magna, vel gravida nisl. Ut dapibus condimentum consectetur. Proin nunc leo, hendrerit in lorem faucibus, volutpat egestas orci. Nam nec tortor a dui porta efficitur eleifend quis risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vel dignissim lorem, vitae faucibus arcu. Fusce molestie dolor ipsum, et fringilla sem feugiat ut. Phasellus nec accumsan velit. Proin eros velit, semper ac odio a, commodo venenatis enim. Nunc quis vulputate metus, sit amet blandit nisl. Sed egestas sodales nulla, eu consectetur mi.
    「 」

    Oz ♥♥
    Alanis ♥♥
    Leander ♥♥
    Maven ♥♥♥
    Ezran ♥♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos

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[uglow=#637b93;][fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa][/uglow]

Proin fermentum, neque quis rhoncus blandit, nulla augue condimentum sapien, vel luctus ante sem vel orci. Fusce quis nunc scelerisque, facilisis urna et, lacinia erat. In commodo interdum turpis, ut viverra leo aliquet id. Donec sed diam faucibus, finibus tellus eu, pulvinar arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam malesuada porttitor luctus. Mauris feugiat lectus eget sapien congue congue. Proin nec massa ex. Nunc leo nibh, aliquet nec quam eget, lacinia pretium libero. Cras quis porta tortor, ac sagittis tellus. Aliquam pellentesque auctor ipsum, id consectetur turpis semper eu. Praesent sit amet massa non velit egestas luctus vel vitae nibh. Curabitur id orci accumsan, blandit sem a, mollis enim.

[uglow=#637b93;][fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa][/uglow]

Donec sit amet ultricies quam. In varius luctus ornare. Phasellus tincidunt fringilla eros vitae rhoncus. Vivamus posuere velit sed rhoncus molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque est neque, aliquet non viverra et, ultrices id tellus. Mauris faucibus luctus elit a sodales. In bibendum vestibulum auctor. Phasellus augue dui, lacinia vitae purus eu, commodo posuere est. Duis vehicula varius molestie. Quisque non laoreet magna, vel gravida nisl. Ut dapibus condimentum consectetur. Proin nunc leo, hendrerit in lorem faucibus, volutpat egestas orci. Nam nec tortor a dui porta efficitur eleifend quis risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vel dignissim lorem, vitae faucibus arcu. Fusce molestie dolor ipsum, et fringilla sem feugiat ut. Phasellus nec accumsan velit. Proin eros velit, semper ac odio a, commodo venenatis enim. Nunc quis vulputate metus, sit amet blandit nisl. Sed egestas sodales nulla, eu consectetur mi.[/div][div=

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  • ROSE
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie dolor diam, malesuada consectetur sem eleifend in. Sed sed elementum felis, in lacinia erat. Maecenas fermentum auctor nibh, quis consectetur dolor ultricies vel. Maecenas nec tristique purus, sit amet ornare dui. Donec tincidunt luctus justo, non porta odio pulvinar eget. Vestibulum pellentesque libero a arcu suscipit, ac congue dolor dignissim. Maecenas porttitor orci urna, nec ultrices sem imperdiet at. Nam mattis magna sed mauris aliquet pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce blandit tincidunt egestas. Praesent libero nisl, luctus sit amet mauris sed, ornare tempor est.

    Proin fermentum, neque quis rhoncus blandit, nulla augue condimentum sapien, vel luctus ante sem vel orci. Fusce quis nunc scelerisque, facilisis urna et, lacinia erat. In commodo interdum turpis, ut viverra leo aliquet id. Donec sed diam faucibus, finibus tellus eu, pulvinar arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam malesuada porttitor luctus. Mauris feugiat lectus eget sapien congue congue. Proin nec massa ex. Nunc leo nibh, aliquet nec quam eget, lacinia pretium libero. Cras quis porta tortor, ac sagittis tellus. Aliquam pellentesque auctor ipsum, id consectetur turpis semper eu. Praesent sit amet massa non velit egestas luctus vel vitae nibh. Curabitur id orci accumsan, blandit sem a, mollis enim.

    Donec sit amet ultricies quam. In varius luctus ornare. Phasellus tincidunt fringilla eros vitae rhoncus. Vivamus posuere velit sed rhoncus molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque est neque, aliquet non viverra et, ultrices id tellus. Mauris faucibus luctus elit a sodales. In bibendum vestibulum auctor. Phasellus augue dui, lacinia vitae purus eu, commodo posuere est. Duis vehicula varius molestie. Quisque non laoreet magna, vel gravida nisl. Ut dapibus condimentum consectetur. Proin nunc leo, hendrerit in lorem faucibus, volutpat egestas orci. Nam nec tortor a dui porta efficitur eleifend quis risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vel dignissim lorem, vitae faucibus arcu. Fusce molestie dolor ipsum, et fringilla sem feugiat ut. Phasellus nec accumsan velit. Proin eros velit, semper ac odio a, commodo venenatis enim. Nunc quis vulputate metus, sit amet blandit nisl. Sed egestas sodales nulla, eu consectetur mi.
    「 」
  • ROSE
Code by Jenamos


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color: white;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie dolor diam, malesuada consectetur sem eleifend in. Sed sed elementum felis, in lacinia erat. Maecenas fermentum auctor nibh, quis consectetur dolor ultricies vel. Maecenas nec tristique purus, sit amet ornare dui. Donec tincidunt luctus justo, non porta odio pulvinar eget. Vestibulum pellentesque libero a arcu suscipit, ac congue dolor dignissim. Maecenas porttitor orci urna, nec ultrices sem imperdiet at. Nam mattis magna sed mauris aliquet pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce blandit tincidunt egestas. Praesent libero nisl, luctus sit amet mauris sed, ornare tempor est.

[CENTER][COLOR=white][uglow=#637b93;][fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa][/uglow][/COLOR][/CENTER]

Proin fermentum, neque quis rhoncus blandit, nulla augue condimentum sapien, vel luctus ante sem vel orci. Fusce quis nunc scelerisque, facilisis urna et, lacinia erat. In commodo interdum turpis, ut viverra leo aliquet id. Donec sed diam faucibus, finibus tellus eu, pulvinar arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam malesuada porttitor luctus. Mauris feugiat lectus eget sapien congue congue. Proin nec massa ex. Nunc leo nibh, aliquet nec quam eget, lacinia pretium libero. Cras quis porta tortor, ac sagittis tellus. Aliquam pellentesque auctor ipsum, id consectetur turpis semper eu. Praesent sit amet massa non velit egestas luctus vel vitae nibh. Curabitur id orci accumsan, blandit sem a, mollis enim.

[CENTER][COLOR=white][uglow=#637b93;][fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa][/uglow][/COLOR][/CENTER]

Donec sit amet ultricies quam. In varius luctus ornare. Phasellus tincidunt fringilla eros vitae rhoncus. Vivamus posuere velit sed rhoncus molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque est neque, aliquet non viverra et, ultrices id tellus. Mauris faucibus luctus elit a sodales. In bibendum vestibulum auctor. Phasellus augue dui, lacinia vitae purus eu, commodo posuere est. Duis vehicula varius molestie. Quisque non laoreet magna, vel gravida nisl. Ut dapibus condimentum consectetur. Proin nunc leo, hendrerit in lorem faucibus, volutpat egestas orci. Nam nec tortor a dui porta efficitur eleifend quis risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vel dignissim lorem, vitae faucibus arcu. Fusce molestie dolor ipsum, et fringilla sem feugiat ut. Phasellus nec accumsan velit. Proin eros velit, semper ac odio a, commodo venenatis enim. Nunc quis vulputate metus, sit amet blandit nisl. Sed egestas sodales nulla, eu consectetur mi.[/div][div=

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[TD]Character 1[/TD]
[TD]Character 2[/TD]
[TD]Character 3[/TD]
[TD]Character 4[/TD]
[TD]Character 5[/TD]
[TD]Character 6[/TD]
[TD]Character 7[/TD]

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[/TABS][/div][/div][div=height: 10px; top: -15px; width: 100%; margin: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 8px;]Code by Jenamos[/div]

    Early. It was far too early for Hiro to be awake. He hadn't been out drinking yet still his body was sluggish and demanded he stay firmly underneath the sheets of his attic bed. His alarm, however, had other ideas, as did the chickens at the neighboring farm. The incessant cawing of the rooster eventually drove Hiro out of bed with his hair flying in several different directions. Today was special, there was a new farmer in town, and thus Hiro needed to open the store on time and in pristine condition.

    He wouldn't let his grandfather down.

    After brushing his teeth Hiro made a painful trek down the attic stairs, still clad in his grey checkered pajama pants and black top. His grandfather, or Grandpa Flynn, was sitting at the small kitchen table with the newspaper in hand. Glancing up over the top of the thin packet his grandfather smiled warmly as he took a swig of his coffee.

    "Morning kiddo. There's pancakes and bacon on the stovetop."

    Hiro paused to raise an eyebrow. His grandfather never made any sort of sweet breakfast items, not unless it was a special day. Glancing at his grandfather's finished plate Hiro picked it up to take it to the sink. "What's the reason? It's not my birthday, not for another six months."

    The hearty chuckle that came from behind him was more soothing than mocking to Hiro. "It's a big day today. We got some new youngin' coming to town. Figured you could use a good pick me up breakfast to get you started."

    Smiling down at the plate he'd just put in the sink Hiro grabbed his own plate and went for the pancakes. There were two piles, one without chocolate chips, and one with. Hiro readily took from the chocolate chip pile to fuel his need for sweets and carbs while going to the fridge to grab the syrup and butter.

    "Well thanks pops." Hiro stated softly, going by and giving his grandad a pat on the shoulder. A wrinkle and sun worn hand came up to grasp his own for a second as Grandpa Flynn smiled back.

    "You're welcome, son."

    It always made Hiro feel a little giddy to hear that. He'd been afraid that his hard working salt of the earth grandfather would have some issue with him being male. In fact it was like nothing had changed. Hell, they'd even gotten closer. Maybe it was because he took over the store but Hiro liked to dream it was because he'd always wanted a son of his own. His mother had been the only child they ever conceived.

    Silently sitting down to eat his breakfast Hiro started to hurry.

    "You're gonna choke if you keep goin' so fast."

    "I know grandpa." Hiro stated with his mouth half full. When the paper came down on his hand Hiro flinched, rubbing the back of it.

    "Don't talk with your mouth full either. Your gran would have a fit."

    Hiro was about to argue but settled for chewing the rest of his food and swallowing. When the food was gone Hiro headed to the kitchen to clean his plate when his grandfather got off his seat.

    "Go, I'll clean the plates."

    Hiro paused, slightly uncertain. "You sure? Your back isn't what it used to be." Hiro reminded him softly, only to recieve a wave of the hand.

    "I'll be fine kid, just go. You need to brush your hair before the newcomer comes in."

    Hiro was hesitant to leave but nodded. "Alright, but if you need anything, holler, ok?"

    "Just go."

    Hiro didn't need to be told twice. Racing off towards the stairs Hiro headed to grab himself a change of clothes to shower in. The shower was mildly cold, as always. The water was never to the level of warmth as it was back on the mainland, but Hiro had gotten used to it over time. At the least he'd had his grandfather fix the quietly dripping pipe. He nearly went insane from listening to it every single night after he went to bed. When he was finally fresh and somewhat presentable Hiro had dawned one of his regular work shirts, a dark grey button down that had been tailored to be just loose enough that he didn't feel constrained, but tight enough to show off his apparently good figure. He had Rose to thank for making sure all his shirts fit well, along with his never-ending pile of black work pants. With his usual black earrings in Hiro made his way out of the bathroom and towards the front door.

    "Have a good day kiddo!" His grandfather called from the kitchen. Hiro had to roll his eyes a little bit as he paused in the doorway.

    "You know the general store is like a two minute walk from here, right?"

    "I know, but it's still nice to say it, ain't it?!"

    Laughing Hiro grabbed his keys off the hook near the door. "Bye grandpa!"


    The walk to work was the same as always, calm, relaxing, and a bit depressing. The island had been declining in the past years and it made Hiro a little sad. He still remembered the lush greenery from when he visited as a kid, how the island was full of life. Now most of the buildings looked neglected and a little empty, some being abandoned entirely. Hopefully one day the town would feel alive again, maybe then it wouldn't feel like his budget with ordering was so shoestring.

    When Hiro arrived at the store it was quiet, as always. He put his key in the knob of the door and tugged it open, satisfied to hear the little ding the bell made as he walked inside. Making sure to lock it after him Hiro started preparations for the day. First a quick wipe down of counters and a sweep to make sure the floor was clean, then he took inventory of the shelves and pulled what he could out of the back. It wasn't until around just after 7:30 that Hiro finally had the lights on and the door of the general store open.

    Now all that was left was to wait.....

    And hope to dear god he wasn't waiting for nothing.
    「 N/A 」

    Oz ♥♥
    Alanis ♥♥
    Leander ♥♥
    Maven ♥♥♥
    Rose ♥♥♥♥
    Ezran ♥♥♥♥♥

  • ROSE
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie dolor diam, malesuada consectetur sem eleifend in. Sed sed elementum felis, in lacinia erat. Maecenas fermentum auctor nibh, quis consectetur dolor ultricies vel. Maecenas nec tristique purus, sit amet ornare dui. Donec tincidunt luctus justo, non porta odio pulvinar eget. Vestibulum pellentesque libero a arcu suscipit, ac congue dolor dignissim. Maecenas porttitor orci urna, nec ultrices sem imperdiet at. Nam mattis magna sed mauris aliquet pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce blandit tincidunt egestas. Praesent libero nisl, luctus sit amet mauris sed, ornare tempor est.

    Proin fermentum, neque quis rhoncus blandit, nulla augue condimentum sapien, vel luctus ante sem vel orci. Fusce quis nunc scelerisque, facilisis urna et, lacinia erat. In commodo interdum turpis, ut viverra leo aliquet id. Donec sed diam faucibus, finibus tellus eu, pulvinar arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam malesuada porttitor luctus. Mauris feugiat lectus eget sapien congue congue. Proin nec massa ex. Nunc leo nibh, aliquet nec quam eget, lacinia pretium libero. Cras quis porta tortor, ac sagittis tellus. Aliquam pellentesque auctor ipsum, id consectetur turpis semper eu. Praesent sit amet massa non velit egestas luctus vel vitae nibh. Curabitur id orci accumsan, blandit sem a, mollis enim.

    Donec sit amet ultricies quam. In varius luctus ornare. Phasellus tincidunt fringilla eros vitae rhoncus. Vivamus posuere velit sed rhoncus molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque est neque, aliquet non viverra et, ultrices id tellus. Mauris faucibus luctus elit a sodales. In bibendum vestibulum auctor. Phasellus augue dui, lacinia vitae purus eu, commodo posuere est. Duis vehicula varius molestie. Quisque non laoreet magna, vel gravida nisl. Ut dapibus condimentum consectetur. Proin nunc leo, hendrerit in lorem faucibus, volutpat egestas orci. Nam nec tortor a dui porta efficitur eleifend quis risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vel dignissim lorem, vitae faucibus arcu. Fusce molestie dolor ipsum, et fringilla sem feugiat ut. Phasellus nec accumsan velit. Proin eros velit, semper ac odio a, commodo venenatis enim. Nunc quis vulputate metus, sit amet blandit nisl. Sed egestas sodales nulla, eu consectetur mi.
    「 」
  • ROSE
    Lennox ♥♥♥ Elijah ♥♥♥ Alanis ♥♥♥ Belvedere ♥♥♥ Li Ming ♥♥♥ Ozmodeous ♥♥♥ Quinzel ♥♥♥ Odessa ♥♥♥ Isidore ♥♥♥ Theodora ♥♥♥ Paola ♥♥♥♥ Leander ♥♥♥ Jiang ♥♥ Mariana ♥♥♥ Dorothea ♥♥♥ Corlin ♥♥♥ Tumelun ♥♥♥ Maven/TD]
    Merriam ♥♥♥ Ezran ♥♥♥ Emrys ♥♥♥♥ Elinor ♥♥♥ Sebastian ♥♥♥ Andrew ♥♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos

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Proin fermentum, neque quis rhoncus blandit, nulla augue condimentum sapien, vel luctus ante sem vel orci. Fusce quis nunc scelerisque, facilisis urna et, lacinia erat. In commodo interdum turpis, ut viverra leo aliquet id. Donec sed diam faucibus, finibus tellus eu, pulvinar arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam malesuada porttitor luctus. Mauris feugiat lectus eget sapien congue congue. Proin nec massa ex. Nunc leo nibh, aliquet nec quam eget, lacinia pretium libero. Cras quis porta tortor, ac sagittis tellus. Aliquam pellentesque auctor ipsum, id consectetur turpis semper eu. Praesent sit amet massa non velit egestas luctus vel vitae nibh. Curabitur id orci accumsan, blandit sem a, mollis enim.

[CENTER][COLOR=white][uglow=#637b93;][fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa] [fa]fa-ship faa-pulse[/fa][/uglow][/COLOR][/CENTER]

Donec sit amet ultricies quam. In varius luctus ornare. Phasellus tincidunt fringilla eros vitae rhoncus. Vivamus posuere velit sed rhoncus molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque est neque, aliquet non viverra et, ultrices id tellus. Mauris faucibus luctus elit a sodales. In bibendum vestibulum auctor. Phasellus augue dui, lacinia vitae purus eu, commodo posuere est. Duis vehicula varius molestie. Quisque non laoreet magna, vel gravida nisl. Ut dapibus condimentum consectetur. Proin nunc leo, hendrerit in lorem faucibus, volutpat egestas orci. Nam nec tortor a dui porta efficitur eleifend quis risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vel dignissim lorem, vitae faucibus arcu. Fusce molestie dolor ipsum, et fringilla sem feugiat ut. Phasellus nec accumsan velit. Proin eros velit, semper ac odio a, commodo venenatis enim. Nunc quis vulputate metus, sit amet blandit nisl. Sed egestas sodales nulla, eu consectetur mi.[/div][div=

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[TD]Li Ming[/TD]

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[/TABS][/div][/div][div=height: 10px; top: -15px; width: 100%; margin: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 8px;]Code by Jenamos[/div]

  • ROSE
    Today was the start of a new day, and it was going typically chaotic for Rose. She slept through her alarm, which meant being jumped on by George and Luna nipping at her hands. Once she'd gotten the indoor babies fed Rose had to hurry to get herself presentable. No doubt Andrew would be by soon. Her morning feedings had attracted him over to her place and the woman didn't have the heart to scare himw with her 'just rolled out of bed look' again. She took the time to shower and brush her hair before she heard the voice from Andrew downstairs. Cussing to herself Rose ran to her closet to look for things to wear. Grabbing the first shirt she saw, a kpop concert merch t shirt, and a pair of joggets Rose slapped them on as she jogged down the stairs to the first floor. The second she opened the door Rose felt her face break into a smile.

    "Morning Andrew." She called from her porch. Whether he could hear her or not was another question as the second she stepped foot out her door the gaggle of cats started to cry for breakfast. "I was a little late getting up so everyone is really hungry." She added, jogging around the side of the house to a locked storage cabinet. She had originally kept it unlocked but after finding a few felines indulging themselves in the middle of the night (George previously, now Mr Biggs was the main offender) she bought a lock from Hiro to keep it shut. Opening the lock up with a key she pulled out a case of the wet food, their favorite, and the sheet she put the food out on.

    "I know, I know. I'm late, and you're hungry, but you can't eat the food until I've put it down." She instructed them, gently pushing off a cat who sat on top of the storage unit. Mostly the felines circled around her feet with ocasional stinkers jumping up. Rose worked fast to prepare the meal, dumping each can onto the plate and smushing any of the pate down to avoid giving full cans. After adding a bit of water she brought from the house and some fortiflora (a digestive supplement they seemed to love) she put the tray down so they could start eating. Opening the storage unit again she got out a deep dish for the dry food and another pan.

    "Here, for the dry food." She stated, passing over a bowl. "We should see if we can book in a couple more spays in the next week or so. I know, I'm keeping you busy, but I want to make sure that everyone is sterilized so we don't keep having babies show up." Rose mumbled, starting to prepare the second tray. Cats were clambering over the first one but some of the shier and more patient cats were waiting by Rose's feet as she set the tray on the porch to prepare it. "How is your grandmother this morning?"
  • ROSE

    Lennox ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Alanis ♥♥♥
    Belvedere ♥♥♥
    Li Ming ♥♥♥
    Ozmodeous ♥♥♥
    Quinzel ♥♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥♥
    Isidore ♥♥♥
    Theodora ♥♥♥
    Paola ♥♥♥♥
    Leander ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Dorothea ♥♥♥
    Corlin ♥♥♥
    Tumelun ♥♥♥
    Maven ♥♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥♥
    Ezran ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥♥♥
    Elinor ♥♥♥
    Sebastian ♥♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
Last edited:
Name- Alexander Finnegan
Nickname- Alex
Professional Name- Mr. Finnegan
Age- 30
Occupation- Pre School Teacher
Sexuality- Bisexual, Homoromantic

Height- 6'
Build- Muscular, well built. He works out by carrying around kids all day long
Piercings- Two lobe in each ear, a cartilage in his left. He takes them out for work because they tend to get pulled on
Tattoos- Roses across his chest and a pattern along his back. The kids love to doodle in the free spaces of his tattoos

As a pre k teacher Alex is loved by all his students. They call him a giant and love to try and climb up his back and pull at his hair. He is gentle with the kids but firm, making sure to explain why things are wrong and why we need to treat others with respect. With parents his temper is much shorter, and while over time he's mastered the passive aggressive remarks to parents who clearly do not spend time with their kids even when they can. Alex is much more understanding to those parents who work a lot and does his best to try and bridge the gap between home life and school.

Off the clock Alex doesn't have time to deal with shit. He's a man who just hit his 30's with no solid partner and no time to mess around being friends with benefits. He's a bit more crass when not around the students but just as caring for others. Affectionately known as the group mother he's often spotted dragging his drunk friends out of stupid fights, all while smoking a cigarette. He's lonely, has a weird sense of humor, and while happy with his job and career his personal successes are lacking. Really can be a soft baby at times and does not look like a bottom at all, yet he mostly ends up on the receiving end of things.

Alex wasn't exactly the most loved growing up. While his mother was staying at home she was never really a stay at home mother. She would spend her time gossiping with friends, drag Alex to people's houses just to tell him to sit in the corner. Sometimes she would just leave him alone. His father was always busy, and when he was home his parents often fought. To say there was no love at his home would be an understatement. As most teenagers do Alex tried to escape the hell that was his home by staying out. He found solace in the crowd of people that didn't fit in with the rest. As he grew older Alex started adding piercings to his ears and dressed darker. This only became another point of contention for his parents.

It was really no surprise when his father up and left at the ripe age of 16, but what was a surprise was his mother getting violent. Alex never wanted to raise a hand against her so he never fought back, but after a gnarly bruise on his face showed up Alex was removed from the home. He spent the rest of his teens at his aunts house, the person who he considers closest. She's not exactly a fan of his tattoo's or his choice of lovers but she wasn't been nearly as aggressive as his mother was so Alex takes what he can get. There's a silent understanding between the two of them to not talk about his sex life with her and to try and cover up somewhat. Its nothing close to what kind of a relationship he'd hope to have and why he looses his temper a bit with parents that clearly aren't trying with their kids.

He wasn't really sure what he wanted to be as a teenager, and honestly he sort of stumbled in to being a Pre school teacher. He was a punk who got into fights and made trouble, but he always stopped by the local school to try and spruce up the place. He'd make sure that no one else stayed around to bother kids, he did some hard labor without asking. The teachers there began to dote on the strange kid and invited him into the fold. Years later, and with some schooling, Alex is now the head teacher at the pre school and the designated muscle. He will protect the kids with every fibre of his being if he has to.