Iskiela: Unity | Signups and OOC

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Ever forward.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
8 AM - 6 PM and 10 PM - 2 AM
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
  4. No Preferences
Fantasy (High and Low), Sci-Fi, Modern Fantasy, Modern Realistic, Apocalypse, Drama, Romance... I have lots of interests!
CLICK HERE to be taken to the IC!​

  • Iskiela: Unity is a player-driven roleplay (inspired by an old Iwakuan, Murasaki-sama) that takes place in a low-fantasy world called Iskiela. It occurs right around the time of a ritual called The Unification, a time-honored peacekeeping tradition that matches an heir from each of the Ten Nations of Iskiela with another and unites them in marriage.

    The catch: Heirs do not get to choose who their character will marry. This will be done at random once all Heir spots have been filled. Depending on male/female gender balance, this MAY result in same-sex pairings, but it almost certainly WILL result in craziness!

    Players of an Heir will be able to come up with the name of their nation, their politics, their trade specializations, etc., and are also required to pursue at least one relationship outside the one assigned for their marriage. These non-Unity relationships do not need to be romantic, and they do not need to be reciprocal - that is, if you play Character A and choose to have A fall in love with Character B, Character B is not obligated to make it easy or fun for character A to fall in love.

    There is a definite end for Iskiela: Unity in mind. I have plot events in place to move the story along, although I am more than willing to be flexible and to let the events of the story shape the outcome!

    Iskiela: Unity players can expect a story of fantasy drama, action, courtly intrigue, romance, politics, and just a liiiittle bit of off-the-wall unpredictability! If this interests you, read on!
  • Iskiela: A Brief History

    Many centuries ago, Iskiela was a very different place.

    Ancient historical texts recount tales of a world constantly embroiled in war. Nations clashed over resources, over ideals, over religion... and sometimes just for the sake of conquest. We are told of dark and trying times, of hunger, of fear, of uncertainty.

    But the flames of war can only burn for so long before they run out of kindling.

    After countless years of warring and bloodshed, the leaders of the ten nations of Iskiela - tired and battle-worn descendants of their less agreeable forefathers before them - convened in a summit to reconcile their differences. They agreed to meet in the heart of Iskiela, in the nation of Amberholm, to negotiate terms.

    It is unclear how long the ensuing deliberations lasted. Some say months, others years. Ambassadors, thinkers, and scholars poured in from all reaches of the land to sit beside what had once been their bitter enemies in order to reach an agreement: to keep the peace, once every fifty years Iskiela would hold a ritual known as the Unification.

    Each leader of the Ten Nations would send an heir - son or daughter - to Amberholm, to be wed to the heir of another nation.

    ...Again, many centuries ago, Iskiela was a very different place.

    We now know peace, brotherhood, and unity. The Ten Nations have flourished thanks to trade and the transfer of ideas. While of course we still have our differences, they typically result in little more than border skirmishes and idle threats. It is a tenuous, delicate peace, but it is one that the Unification has helped to uphold.

    Now, another half-century is upon us, and once again the Nations will send their Heirs to Amberholm to be wed, so we may celebrate and honor Iskiela's past, and look forward towards the future.​

    General Info

    Magic is rare in Iskiela. Ancient stories tell that it used to be more widespread and more common, but the powers of magic have waned in the centuries since the First Unification. Children are often told tales of powerful mages that could char the earth with pillars of flame, but nowadays magic is naught more than a cheap parlor trick. Few even believe that "real" magic ever really existed.

    There are legends in Iskiela of dragons, griffins, sea serpents and other fantastical beasts. Nobody alive has ever seen one, but occasionally we discover the remains of animals far larger than ones that we know currently. Animals in current Iskiela are not magical, and the largest ones nowadays are typically livestock, predators, or beasts of burden.

    Roughly medieval. Iskielans commonly use swords, spears, and bows in combat, though gunpowder is beginning to find some (limited) use in cannons and in primitive explosives. Horses are still the fastest mode of ground transportation, and boats and ships rely on sails. No steam power, no gas, no electricity.

    Since the First Unification, war has been extremely uncommon and heavily frowned upon, thanks to pressure to keep the peace from other uninvolved nations. If war does occur, it typically results in little change in terms of land possession or border movement, and is often mediated by other nations to help resolve conflict. That said, there are some long-standing and deep-burning rivalries still in place, tenuously held at bay by the Unification.

    Most nations have their own native language (players are not required to come up with this, but you are welcome to if you feel so inclined), but Iskiela has adopted a global language often referred to as the General, or Common tongue.

  • Map of Iskiela. Unnamed nations have been numbered for identification.

    Political map of Iskiela with map elements removed, to show the borders of each nation.
    Iskiela Political Map.jpg

  • Rules
    • Players may play citizens of Amberholm, an Heir, or a member of an Heir's entourage.
    • You do not HAVE to play an Heir if you don't want to. If you just want to be a part of the story, you are more than welcome and I will find a place for you!
    • If you plan to play a non-Heir character that is NOT from Amberholm, please get the okay from that nation's player first.
    • Players may not play more than one Heir character.
    • Each Heir will be engaged to another Heir. Pairings will be announced after all spots are filled.
    • Additionally, each Heir will be required to form another "non-Unity" relationship. These may be secret lovers, best friends, enemies, political allies, etc., and will NOT be predetermined. Players are encouraged to collaborate with other players on further character relationships, but every Heir must have at least one non-Unity relationship with another character.
    • All primary player characters must be human. Heirs should be age 16-30. Non-Heir characters can be any reasonable age.

    Posting Expectations
    • I aim for Iskiela: Unity to be roughly Adept to Prestige.
    • Please be proactive! Seek out character interaction, and do not be afraid to ask other players to collaborate and work with you.
    • If you are playing an Heir, you are welcome to assign names to mountains/forests/rivers etc. that lie within your nation's territory. Get creative with the map and I will adjust it to reflect changes made by players.
    • I actively encourage players to act for other characters - for example, streamlining long action sequences into a few posts, or consolidating conversations. This not only reduces the "waiting game" effect, but also helps to move the story along and can even make you a better writer. Make sure you communicate with your roleplay partners first and get their approval before you act for their character!
    • Iskiela is less a roleplay and more of a collaborative writing project. When the story begins I will share the approximate plot breakdown with all other players, and welcome every writer's input on how to shape the story.
    • This will be a roughly PG-13 or R roleplay (leaning towards R). No smut, and no excessive gore or violence.
    • I'm aiming for a post roughly once or twice a week from primary characters, but willing to be flexible depending on how the speed of the RP is moving. Please be aware that if you are gone too long (or if you flat-out disappear) I may hand control of your character(s) to another player.
    • I utilize in GMing what is sometimes called the "karma system." It is my way of keeping characters in line if/when they overstep their character's abilities or abuse power levels. The easiest way to think of the karma system is to remember that your decisions in this game matter, and the game will adjust to compensate for them. Don't expect to go on a killing spree in town without consequences later on.

  • Players MUST use these skeletons. I will not compromise on this. Feel free to decorate it / color it / format it / reorganize it / otherwise pretty it up however you like, but the content must not go beyond what is contained in these skeletons. Feel free to reserve Nations if you like, but be aware I may open them back up if we don't hear from you!

    BE BRIEF! I am not looking for an in-depth understanding of your characters; just the basics. Let the players discover all the facets of your character in the game, not at the character select screen before the game even starts.




    Appearance: (Pictures preferred! Otherwise, be brief)

    Occupation: (What your character does for a living. Heirs can have an occupation too, but don't necessarily have to)

    Nationality: (What nation your character is from)

    Formal Title: (If any. Keep in mind, "Heir of [Nation]" can be a title if you want)

    Five Words That Describe Your Character: (Five separate, individual words, without further elaboration)

    Notable Skills: (4 maximum. Brief explanation allowed)

    Nation Info

    Because of the nature of the game, and because every nation is already well-known and well-understood by people of other nations, you can explain a bit more on nation info.

    Nation Number and Name:

    Capital City:

    System of Government: (This description should also include the person of power who is the Heir's parent.)

    Basic Terrain and Weather: (Please use the map! Nation 5 is obviously cold, and Nation 6 is desert. Use your best judgment!)

    Trade Specialization: (How does your Nation conduct trade with other Nations? What does your Nation specialize in that allows it to make money?)

    Notable or Interesting Facts:

    Anything Else: (Optional)

  • List of Nations/Heirs:
    These characters are the center of the RP. The character does not have to be a prince or princess, if the nation has a non-monarchical system of government; however, the person must be a child of the current leader of the country.


    # Nation Heir Writer
    Fairlea Echo Astraea Fiona
    Bocaccia Nero Di Acuto Hecatoncheires
    The Dominion of Praxus Elendi Vasernas Mglo
    Aurum, the Golden Dawn Gilead unanun
    Sor Kal Moira En Mar ItariChan
    Matžem Dag Caoileann Ó Deághaid Lesbingus
    Romorant Apollonia Rehn Ariel
    The 13 Melodies Loros Lumenstile rissa
    Amberholm Helene Meriva fatalrendezvous

    Non-Heir Characters:

  • Any player-created lore, either of their own heirs / nations or of their interactions with other nations, will go here. Reach out to the other heirs and plot!

    While you certainly don't need to go out of your way incorporate these things, nations DO often know about other nations so it makes sense to reference a thing or two every now and then - it helps give this world life!

    People from each nation are referred to as:
    Sor Kali

    Nation 1 - Fairlea

    • Fairlea exports mostly wools and crops, the most well-known of which is a... well, a plant, of sorts, with a sweet smell and taste, called mama lulu. It is often used to soothe anxiety and relieve tension. Most effective when smoked or steeped in a tea. WARNING: Overuse of mama lulu while pregnant can result in the children being born with pointed ears.
    • Receptiveness towards the recreational use of mama lulu varies by nation and culture.

    Nation 2 - Bocaccia

    • Nothing yet!

    Nation 3 - Dominion of Praxus

    • The Dominion of Praxus is a highly militaristic nation. This often causes tensions and is seen by some as open disrespect towards the Unification.
    • Praxus is also well known for producing excellent horses.
    • Many of the world's finest ores and minerals come from Praxus.

    Nation 4 - Aurum

    • Aurum is well-known for offering its services on a sort of contract / outsource basis to any person of any nation. While anyone in Aurum can be leased for their services, the nation is best known for its logicians, arithmeticians, and specialists in other highly educated fields.
    • Considering Aurum's heavy focus on education, its universities are some of the finest in Iskiela and are world-renowned.

    Nation 5 - Sor Kal

    • Nothing yet!

    Nation 6 - Las Valoradas

    • Nothing yet!

    Nation 7 - Matžem Dag

    • Nothing yet!

    Nation 8 - Romorant

    • Nothing yet!

    Nation 9 - The 13 Melodies

    • Nothing yet!

    Nation 10 - Amberholm

    • Because of the nation's centrality, Amberholm is a trading hub and many people of different nations reside in Amberhall to make a living off of selling their nation's primary goods in the city.
    • As a result of the nation's relative wealth and abundance of exotic goods, the nation has a bandit problem outside the walls of Amberhall. The forests and rivers can be treacherous during the night time, due to river pirates and rogues from other nations looking to make a quick profit. Travelers going to and from Amberhall are advised to stick to well-trod paths in the daytime.
    • As a nation, Amberholm claims fairly wide borders. But the vast majority of Ambers either live within the city of Amberhall proper or in the farmland immediately outside its walls. For this reason, the names Amberholm (the nation) and Amberhall (the city) are almost interchangeable.
    • Men from Amberholm and Romorant tend to clash in the regions along the river, mercenaries or brigands from either side meeting swords over squabbles or petty thievery.

  • Join the Discord!

    Joining the Discord server is not required, but it helps to keep informal chatter and plotting in one place where it's easy to comb through and search later.


    As a general rule: Don't be afraid to move scenes forward. Collaborate with your co-writers! Don't just react to previous posts; act as well! Assuming you aren't doing something absolutely bonkers, I'll probably roll with it.

    Chapter 1 Survival Guide
    • Chapter 1 is loose and easy and is meant as an intro chapter.
    • Heirs arrive to Amberhall and are received by a welcome party, namely Nanette and possibly Helene.
    • The main roads are like a parade. Everyone wants a chance to see the pretty nobles. Do your characters bask in the glory or do they hide? Did they maybe arrive days ahead of time in secret specifically to avoid the pageantry? Are they late? Why?
    • Once at the Keep, Heirs will be escorted to their quarters, which are furnished and will have most of the comforts of their home nations.
    • How do your heirs feel about the unification? Excited? Disgusted? Nervous? Do they need some mama lulu to relax?
    • Settle in and explore. Feel free to help worldbuild the city of Amberhall if you like. I will follow your lead on most things. Amberhall is like a slightly less shitty version of King's Landing from Game of Thrones.
    • Non-heirs can also take this time to start some antics as well. With all the city's attention turned upon the arrival of the Heirs, I'm sure you could get away with a lot of unsavory and/or illegal things...
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Name: Helene Meriva

Age: 28

Occupation: Keeper of Laws

Formal Titles: Heir of Amberholm / Wardeness

Five Words: Calm. Virtuous. Free. Humble. Contemplative.

Notable Skills:

Blade Dancer - Helene is quick and elegant with a blade, valuing speed and control over strength.

Discerning The Truth - Time spent as the Keeper of Laws has taught her the subtle cues that reveal when someone is lying.

Way With Words - Maybe it's her manner of speech, or her charm or her smile, but she sure does have an easier time convincing folk compared to most people...

An Open Book - Helene is a quick study, and quickly picks up people's tendencies to predict how they will react.
Nation Number and Name: 10, Amberholm

Capital City: Amberhall

System of Government:
Senatorial Republic. The Nation of Amberholm is split in nine Districts, each of which elect a representative (Senator) to govern that District. That Senator also represents his/her district in the Senate, which convenes once a month to discuss important matters. Any Senator can call an issue to action, resulting in a vote - any matter which receives 6 out of 9 votes (66%) is approved and/or written into law. For the most part, Senators are able to govern their own counties as they see fit, with some oversight.

The Senate is overseen by a figure known as the Magistrate, who presides over Senate meetings, keeps proceedings orderly and makes sure issues are followed up on. The Magistrate is nominated and re-elected once every ten years, and is usually (but not always) a prior Senator. The current Magistrate is Valen Meriva, Helene's father.

Basic Terrain and Weather:
Amberholm is mostly flatland; lush green plains flecked with dense forests and contained on several sides by the Iressa River, with the Kovir Mountains to the southwest. While much of Amberholm's reach extends beyond just the Iressa River and Kovir Mountain range, citizens understand the strategic importance of these natural barriers and seldom wander past them.

The side of the Iressa River that orders Amberholm to the east is a hard border with Nation 8, and the waters of the Iressa can sometimes be hotly contested, leading to some tensions with Romorant.

Trade Specialization:
Because of its grassland and wooded areas, Amberholm excels in producing high quality meats, jerkies, and hides. The native wildlife in the forests - ursa (bears), elkin (elk) and the like provide plenty in terms of meat for butchers and hides for tanners and skinners. Amberholm conducts close trade with the snowy and arctic Sor Kal, exchanging heavy furs and coats for local goods.

Notable or Interesting Facts:
In keeping with tradition, the Great City of Amberhall is where the First Unification took place, and is where each Unification occurs every fifty years. The city bustles with life during the Unification Year, and preparations for the Unification often take years to complete.

Anything Else: Amberholm is a fairly wealthy nation, which can cause bandits to lurk along the roads in the hopes of ambushing traveling caravans or merchants. Travelers to and from Amberholm are advised to stick to well-traveled roads and to avoid travel during the night whenever possible.
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Name: Nanette "Nan" Sharr

Age: 62

Occupation: Stewardess of Amberhall

Nationality: Amberholm

Formal Titles: Ambermother (informal)

Five Words: Scholarly. Compassionate. Dedicated. Moral. Anxious.

Notable Skills:

Lore Master - Nan has been serving Amberholm for most of her life - if not as Stewardess, then in other civic duties. She has her fair share of tales and stories, and knows Iskiela's history well.

Whispercatcher - Managing Amberhall's affairs wouldn't mean much if she didn't also know what it was trying to hide. Thanks to her deep network, Nan has a tendency to hear about the nation's best-kept secrets.

Social Chameleon - From the slums to the throne room and everywhere in between, she has developed the ability to adjust her behavior and body language to help fit in with most social situations.

There's an Herb for That - As Stewardess, Nan is also Amberhall's resident medical expert. She has learned many remedies for most ailments, and can even assist with more serious medical emergencies when necessary.
Name: Echo Astraeapastels.jpg
Age: 19
Appearance: Per image.
Occupation: Heiress of Fairlea
Formal Title: "Pastel Princess"
Five Words That Describe Your Character: Sheltered. Trusting. Pacifist. Co-dependent. Romantic.

Notable Skills:

Warm hugs – Fairlean folk are known for being warm and friendly and will take any excuse to hug just about anyone.

Please, don't fight! – Echo tends to get herself into trouble trying to diffuse arguments and other violent situations. Fun at parties.

One more chance! – Echo tries to believe the best of everyone, even if they frighten her. The scary old man with the villainous moustache? Eccentric and tormented, but lovely underneath. That child who picked her pocket? Just misunderstood, don't punish them!

Splash of colour – artistic to the extreme, often seen sketching or painting if the materials are available; comes with a photographic memory.

Name: Ether AstraeaEther.png
Age: 19
Appearance: Per image.
Occupation: Non-negotiable plus-one of Fairlea
Formal Title: "Pastel Prince"
Five Words That Describe Your Character: Sheltered. Chill. Pacifist (...mostly). Protective. Co-dependent.

Notable Skills:

Warm hugs – Fairlean folk are known for being warm and friendly and will take any excuse to hug just about anyone.

God tongue – Ether has the best sense of taste in the ten nations (citation needed). As a result of this he's incredible at cooking and enjoys it as an alternate means of showing affection. Somewhat fussy about other people's cooking.

Did you know? – Ether is an endless well of seemingly-useless facts, though not all of them are true. Very good at BSing.

Endless pockets – where does he keep all this stuff? Ether's got just about any ingredient you could possibly want (and maybe a few you don't) stuffed somewhere on his person, just in case it's good for cooking.

pastels.jpgNation Number and Name: 1, Fairlea
Capital City: Windhaven

System of Government: Loose monarchy. Big decisions are passed to the royals, but for the most part they don't really need to interfere with the running of things. The mellow, laid-back farming nation has long had its boundaries and lands sectioned, and - with the exception of the odd young buck - nobody really oversteps them. The occasional slap on the wrist is keenly felt and observed thereafter because of the normally chill nature of things. Get your work done, then have your play, and maybe a smoke and some tea, too. Watched over by Gregor and Evangeline Astraea, respectively uncle and aunt of the current heirs.

Basic Terrain and Weather: A relative spread of terrain and weather – there's the occasional oversized obnoxious hill (mountain is too aggressive-sounding) sticking out of their land that they're using to graze sheep until they can turn it into a greenhouse or something more useful, but otherwise it's a fairly calm sort of deal when it comes to the land. Farm space and a lot of grass. Snaps of warm and cold relative to their position, but nothing too horribly obscene. The folk of the land have the act of farming down pat and can grow in pretty much any weather with enough tarps and insulation or hydration, but it's always best in the sunny months.

Trade Specialization: With what's essentially an entire nation of farmers and an overabundance of farmed crops every season that's become Fairlea's official trade, along with the staple wools and various knitted items. A good portion of (read here: most of, but we won't admit it) outgoing trade is 'mama lulu", a sweet-smelling and tasting herb, of sorts. The medicinal properties are cited as the main reason for the hefty trade since it 'soothes anxiety' and 'eases tension', but it's mostly used for recreational purposes. Natives will tell you it's none of their business how you take it but will recommend pipes or teas.

Notable or Interesting Facts: You could probably slip into any home in the nation and be welcomed with open arms and a bed for the night, as long as you're not openly carrying. There's a very trusting and easy-going feeling in general and you're probably going to struggle to upset someone into aggression unless you prod callously at open wounds, emotional or physical. They're probably screwed if war ever breaks out again, let's be honest.

Anything Else: Residents of Fairlea have a high tendency to have pointed ears even though they're still only human; the irregularity is the sole side effect of smoking mama lulu during a pregnancy.
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Nation Number and Name: 5, Sor Kal

Capital City: En Mar

System of Government: A royal family does exist in Sor Kal, however, their main job is to faciliate international and domestic trade. Their lawmaking and enforcement powers are mostly limited to En Mar, as every city/town will have their own traditions, leaders, and laws. The farther north you go, the smaller influence the royal family has, and those on the farthest tip will identify more with their individual tribes than the country itself. Titles and blood lines are not seen as important in Sor Kal, so it's not uncommon for the current ruler to be addressed by simply their name. Heirs are given no title at all. If the current monarch was to die without leaving an heir, a suitable and well known member would be chosen among the citizens. Most often, this is a close advisor of the late monarch.

Basic Terrain and Weather: The country is covered in a mix of coniferous mountains and permafrost. Summers are short and mild and winters are harsh. The country is covered in snow for about eight to nine months of the year, but Sor Kal does it's best to keep the roads to En Mar clear for at least half of the year. The other half the year, the country is only accessible by dog sled.

Trade Specialization: Because the country is snowed in and nearly inaccessible such a large part of the year, Sor Kal has a mostly self sustaining economy. Most of their exports are considered luxury goods. The majority of their exports is made of expensive furs and hides. They are also famous for their high quality long bows. Ice is also exported to their nearby neighbors. Other exports include whale oil and fish, but these are not as important.

Sor Kal prides themselves on their highly trained sled dogs and wolf-dogs, which are used for hunting. However, they are infamous for being difficult to obtain for outsiders. Wolf dogs in particular are illegal to trade outside of Sor Kal.

Notable or Interesting Facts: Although horses are used in the summer, dog sledding is the most used method of transportation.

Wolves and Orca are considered sacred animals.

Family and loyalty are some of the most important values In Sor Kal. All residents of a city will use the same surname, as they see each other as one large family that needs to support one another.

During the coldest months, families will all sleep together in the living room, in front or on top of large stone stoves.

Name: Moira1668879810563.png En Mar

Age: 26

Appearance: Artist: Amber Ye
As pictured. The dress was made specifically for The Unification. Usually she wears the seal skins and furs common among her people.

Her grandmother was the heir from Fairlea from the previous Unification, making Moira second cousin to Echo and Ether

Occupation: Queen

Her parents recently recently passed in a snowstorm, forcing her to take the throne. The news of her parents' passing hasn't been made public knowledge.

Nationality: Sor Kal

Formal Title: Queen Moira En Mar of Sor Kal

Five Words That Describe Your Character: Playful, stubborn, adventurous, loyal, friendly

Notable Skills:

Hunting and Ice fishing
- Moira grew up learning how to hunt and fish for survival. She is skilled with a bow and knife.

Dog sledding - Dog sledding is an integral part of life in Sor Kal and Moira is a skilled musher. She owns a team a small team of 4 sled dogs and two large wolf dogs.

Whistling - All dogs are trained to follow whistle commands, but Moira is also proficient at whistling songs. She is well known for her bird-like trills.

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Reactions: fatalrendezvous
11fb552a9f604e826b10d6705d6d2ff4.jpegName: Elendi Vasernas
Age: 26
Nationality: Dominion of Praxus
Occupation: Army Leader and Magistrate
Formal Title: Ambitor Elendi of Vasernas

Five Words That Describe Your Character:
Reluctantly Lenient

Notable Skills:

Warrior-trained - Not all children follow the old tradition, but for the royal families it's mandatory and begins at a very young age.

Charging Mountain on a Playground Battlefield - Unlike Aristagoras who tend towards versatile adaptability in their training, Vasernas are more rigid in theirs resulting in more grounded and direct fighting styles. Vasernas training has instilled in Elendi a strong stance and direct attack style, but Elendi also likes to play.

Creative Utility - Anything is a tool or weapon, Elendi finds beauty in ingenuity.

Art: Unknown

890b2a8bfafbdb519aa5c606f647cdc3.jpegName: Murdoch the Protector
Age: 38
Nationality: Dominion of Praxus
Occupation: Life long babysitter
Formal Title: Protector of Vasernas

Five Words That Describe Your Character:

Notable Skills:

Authoritative Parenting - In tune with his child's needs. He has no children, but Elendi was appointed to him very young.

Effective Tutor - Murdoch has developed a good sense of finding alternate methods of guidance thanks to a very difficult student.

Damage Control - Quick to act in a diplomatic way in order to manage or minimize the consequences of other's actions.

Art: Alle Page

Nation 3: The Dominion of Praxus
Capital City: Tol Brandir
System of Government:
Diarchical Monarchy. The Dominion of Praxus has two Diarchs from hereditary royal families, Aristagoras & Vasernas. There is a council of 28 elders elected by the citizens to advise the Diarchs and serve as liaisons. Five appointed leaders organize the assembly of citizens where public opinion can be voiced and the citizens informed.
During older generations, those in times of war, the governing was mostly done by the council and assembly leaders, while the Diarchs served as military leadership and symbolic figures of Praxus pride. Although The Dominion of Praxus continues to be fundamentally militaristic, times of peace have shifted power back to the Diarchs who now have more time to be more involved in the governance of their nation. This too has brought about tension between the two royal families.

Current Diarchs:
Diarch Herta Aristagoras : Clearly favored Ambitor is Jorgen Aristagoras
Diarch Amand Vasernas : Currently favored Ambitor is Elendi Vasernas

Basic Terrain and Weather:
Coastal cliffs cover the majority of Praxus' oceanside. The terrain is very mixed: flatlands, mountains, cliffs, and ice. As such, temperatures are also varied throughout the location of the Nation, placing it on the colder side of the scale. All great for a tough and varied training for both humans and horses.

Trade Specialization:

The Dominion of Praxus is rich in minerals from the mountains, the Barracudas and the Wayward Sons to the north. It has access to a steady supply of seafood despite its few easy shores, and has good sized land for farming. However, they are open and welcoming to trade with Nation 1 for their wooded areas and easy access in terms of transportation.
Despite its richness in other areas, Praxus has come to specialize in horse breeding. Their diverse terrain and weather, not to mention militant traditions, has led to the breeding of the best horse breeds of the nations.

Notable or Interesting Facts:
Culture that values efficacy, simplicity, and yet they are detail oriented people.
Their fashion is very highly structured and tailored, and of a dark color palette. Only the royal families wear the traditional long frock coats, usually heavily embroidered though still simplistic in design. (Think Neo's coat from the Matrix though obviously embroidered)

Anything Else:
The Dominion of Praxus does not have a friendly reputation and is often misunderstood due to its continued military outlook despite peaceful agreements. This is often seen as a jab against the Unification.

37a311098f9957be8752820acad6b436.jpegName: Kilan Praxus
Age: 27
Nationality: Aurum
Occupation: Contracted Scholar, First Class
Formal Title: Elendi's Pet

Five Words That Describe Your Character:

Notable Skills:

Hand to Hand - Pursued elective courses in Martial Arts from a young age and graduated with the added title

Knowledge of Things - An interest in the art of diplomacy focused her studies on history of nations, conflicts and relations.

A Study of Anatomy - Her elective pursuits inspired her interest in the training of the body, its care, and basic injury treatments.
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Nation Number and Name: 7, Matžem Dag

Capital City: Scrín Crann

System of Government: Loose Coalition of Clans. Currently led by Archdruid Oébfinn Ó Deághaidh. Matžem Dag is not a singular nation, not in the traditional sense. it is a collection of individual druidic clans who, in their own ways, dedicated themselves to preserving and cohabitating with the natural world. Over time they have come together, and extended a helping hand to other nations via their colossal agricultural exports. When it comes to sustainable food, Matžem Dag is second to none.
Led by an Archdruid elected from the Comhairle-Klanů ("Council of Clans"), this ruling body of clan chiefs and druids vote on where to send their foodstuffs, what deals to take or reject, arrange marriages and oversee judiciary hearings, amongst other duties. There is a seven year limit on councilmembers, after which all presiding chiefs, druids and the acting Archdruid step down and elect their successors for the next seven year term.

Basic Terrain and Weather: The terrain of Matžem Dag is, primarily, verdant expanses of grass and thick forests. The forested areas are further apart than in other regions, but positively flush with life. The entirety of Matžem Dag is dedicated to agriculture of one degree or another; fields of grains and cereals carefully melded into the natural world around them, sustainable lumber farms, and free-ranging herds of livestock numbering in the hundreds.
The climate of Matžem Dag is moderate. Just warm enough for crops to flourish without being insufferably hot or humid. A comfortable autumn and moderate winter rounds out the year, offering two seasons of rest before two seasons of growing and harvesting.

Trade Specialization: Abundant in foodstuffs of all sorts, with massive agricultural operations that supply the population of Matžem Dag with a colossal surplus, it is a given that they would export what they cannot eat themselves. With little use for coin, Matžem Dag primarily trades in favors or on a barter system. More often than not, they are more than happy to simply gift another nation with staggering amounts of grain, meat and other products. It is a common Matžem saying; "Better to give and make friends, than haggle and make foes."

Notable or Interesting Facts:
-There are Seven Matžem clans;
  1. Ó Deághaidh
  2. Ó Duibhdabhoireann
  3. Mac Giolla Ghlais
  4. Mac Giolla Rus
  5. Terrekia
  6. Helha
  7. Gramalain
-The Matžem calendar differs from other nation's calendars. Rather than being based around rotation around the sun, the Matžem is based around the growing seasons. Split into four segments; Prime Growth, Lesser Growth, Prime Rest and Lesser Rest.

-Matžem fashion is very loose and breathable, made for practical use on the fields. Matžem culture has no concept of nudity being shameful, so it is not at all rare for people to wear very little at all while at work. This is often perceived as quite scandalous by other nations, but the Matžem take their critique in stride and have since adjusted the clothing of their diplomats and traders. Even if the others' confusion somewhat amuses them.

-The Matžem people are very easygoing. Time spent working is for seriousness; time off work is for socialization. They do not mix business and pleasure; they go all out in one or the other at the appropriate time.

Anything Else: Every Matžem clansperson carries a very large, heavy knife on their person. It is a matter of honor to carry it with themselves. It is never drawn without the intention of drawing blood, and it is a great personal and familial shame to have it stolen or lost.
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Name: Caoileann Ó Deághaidh Mac Giolla Ghlais
(Pronounced Kay-Leen Oh-Day)

Nickname(s): The Willow, Crookstaff.

Age: Twenty.

Appearance: Caoileann is a great, wispy willow of a woman. Thin as a rail and pale as snow, her arms and legs are freakishly long and narrow, as is her torso. Her hair hangs past her waist in long tresses of faded red, her eyes a washed out green-grey. She wears a wolf fur mantle over her traditional leather jerkin and breeches, her fur-trimmed boots adding an extra inch to her already prodigious height. Caoileann is not in the best health, and relies on a staff to help herself walk.

Occupation: Druid, and Heiress to the Clans Ó Deághaidh and Mac Giolla Ghlais.

Nationality: Matžem - Matžem Dag.

Formal Title: Heiress suffices, as Matžem society has not yet developed a proper title for the relatively knew concept of a ruler's heir.

Five Words That Describe Your Character: Contemplative, Cooperative, Intelligent, Quiet, Reserved.

Notable Skills:

  • Agriculturalist at Heart: Caoileann, as the heiress to a nation of farmers, is quite understandably an adept farmer herself. Her specialty is the logistics of the profession, the numbers and timetables, rather than the actual hard labor, but she can still work a field as well as anyone from Matžem Dag.

  • Druid: A trained, ordained and practicing Druid, Caoileann has the authority to preside over spiritual matters from her homeland, whether within or outside of Matžem Dag. This typically takes the form of blessing harvests and outgoing exports.

  • One Eye Open, Both Eyes Watching: Caoileann's favorite thing in the world is books. She has a vast library that she spends most of her time in, reading all manner of tomes, scrolls, tablets and papers from every corner of the continent. She is extraordinarily well-informed, both from her reading and her network of informants. Nothing so crass or rude as spies, she simply asks the right people the right questions.

  • Multilingual: Caoileann is proficient in every major language on the continent. Matžem is her mother-tongue, and Common her next best spoken, but she can hold a conversation and read just about every other major language.
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If per chance with a pairing ones not into can they pursue another?
If per chance with a pairing ones not into can they pursue another?
Heirs WILL be wed to their designated pair. They don't have to like their pair.

Think of it kind of like a randomized arranged marriage. Ten single people show up, five married couples leave.
If per chance with a pairing ones not into can they pursue another?
Heirs WILL be wed to their designated pair. They don't have to like their pair.

Think of it kind of like a randomized arranged marriage. Ten single people show up, five married couples leave.
Ok i sort of get it, but when you say leave does that mean they no longer can rp etc
No, early on in the RP there will be a wedding ceremony which will unite the ten heirs of the different nations.

After they are wed, other things will happen in the RP and those newlywed couples will need to navigate those problems.
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Nation Number and Name: Four -- Aurum, the Golden Dawn

Capital City: Argentum

System of Government: Absolute monarchy. The power of taxation is solely held by House Aurum, who have lavishly spent on universities after the era of Unification. Historically, Aurum grew wealthy by levying tariffs and duties on the two canals that it controlled, but overflowing coffers do not always buy security.

Basic Terrain and Weather: The land in which Aurum germinated is open to the north, with defensible terrain to the south. Aurum is mostly open plains, perfect for roads, and two natural canals to Amberholm that established its importance as a hub for the transit of ideas, cultures, and gold.

Trade Specialization: Aurum's economy is based upon its canal, road expressways, and education. It is largely a service or tertiary economy, providing banking, auction houses, and exchanges. Its prestige export are Scholars, well-rounded logicians who make excellent advisors to any state. Encouraging overreliance on Scholars is the keystone of Aurum's foreign policy, on which it is deliberately ambiguous. Aurum's natural resources are not yet explored, and it does not have much in the way of skilled trade.

Notable or Interesting Facts: The best students are selected to undergo extended training until the age of twenty-six, and are offered as special advisors to any and all in Iskiela. A first class Scholar is a breathing facsimile of Aurum's libraries, and can be trusted to have the maturity to dispense its knowledge. They periodically consume a mental accelerant, datura claritas, that stains the skin around their eyes and lips red.

Anything Else:
- The path to a contracted scholar is a solemn commitment, and the admission process is rigorous. Those contracted take on the last name of their employer, as they are married in service to their institution. Many years can pass without graduating a first class scholar.
- Those with means can pay the considerable tuition or sponsor someone to attend the school, where they can keep their name and identity and return home afterwards. The prestige that scholars bring to Iskiela makes it desirable to say "I schooled at Aurum."
- Citizens of Aurum are Aurochs.

3ceab690126b816fba1ff2bbb8057c40.jpgName: Gilead (Gil-EE-add)

Age 26

Occupation: to be wed.

Nationality: Aurum

Formal Title: Scholar, first class

Five Words That Describe Your Character: Romantic, intuitive, excitable, sociable, honest.

Notable Skills:
- Quantitative estimation: These fine horses will command a ten percent premium over market rates.
- A familiar face everywhere: I have an acquaintance in the guild who will give you the best discount.
- Eagle eye: Based on the almanac and current observations, I project a sizeable surplus this season.
- Master of ciphers: For your eyes only. Sincerely, Gilead.

76df64da97b7a7f84120dfa9b5a60326.jpgName: Miah (Mee-ah)

Age: 26

Occupation: to be contracted.

Nationality: Aurum

Formal Title: Scholar, first class

Five Words That Describe Your Character: Bored, scheming, prideful, observant, deceitful.

Notable Skills:
- Problem with vermin? This poison works slow enough that they take it back to their children.
- My preceptor thinks daggers are vulgar, but I find them beautiful, longer siblings of the scalpel.
- This is Anya, my cat and sixth sense. Her nose is better than any dogs. She can see spirits.
- Don't you think the battles of the old are fascinating? An army marches on its stomach!

e3e30f89a56ff8459aa80eabb1ca1404.jpgName: Sanik (Sah-nik)

Age: 29

Occupation: Former tutor, itinerant engineer

Nationality: Aurum

Formal Title: Scholar, first class

Five Words That Describe Your Character: Patient, impatient, eidetic, forgetful, whimsical.

Notable Skills:
- When the lead weight is placed in the bucket, what happens to the height of the water line?
- Luna, Lunaaa, psss psss ... oh, there you are. A rat? I don't believe you. Ew, rat droppings!
- I've been working on an invention that can measure the passage of time, but my fingers are not delicate enough. If only I had a little brother, or a child, to help me ...
- Well, yes, you could use a counterweight and a lever to get you more distance than a tensioned catapult, but I don't see why you would want to do that ... do you like to launch cows into the horizon for sport, my lord?

[Art source:]
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I see np is there still room for one more
I see np is there still room for one more
There are three open spots for nations and heirs at the moment :)
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Name: Apollonia Rehn

Age: 27


Occupation: Heir of Kulvulcan/ Mercenary captain

Nationality: Kulvulcan

Formal Title: Serenissima of Kulvulcan; The Black Princess

Five Words That Describe Your Character: Ambitious; Perceptive; Cunning; Ruthless; Charming

Notable Skills:
Administration - It may seem boring, and it certainly is tedious at times, but paperwork is crucial to the functioning of a nation. And it grants a deep and subtle power to those who can grasp and wield it. Apollonia understands this and has dedicated long hours to mastering the dark arts of bureaucracy.
Generalship - Almost an extension of administration (and not the other way, as most of her men would have it), the leading of armies is an art unto itself, and one that Apollonia has been steeped in since childhood. She has grown up with the smell of saddle leather, sore feet and iron, and knows well how to organise and lead military forces. For all her fabled ruthlessness, she is well respected by her troops, because they know that they rarely go hungry and always get their back pay, as well as copious opportunities for looting. Flowery speeches and battlefield brilliance may read well in the history books, but they take a back seat to a well-fed, well-paid and well-drilled army.
Dissembling - Part of leadership is being all things to all men. And this is a skill that can be studied as well - "To look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't". Apollonia has been schooled in hiding her own feelings and presenting the image that the outside world wants and needs to see. That can be an inspiring leader, a serious governor, a cruel despot, a charming host, or whatever else will answer the demands of the moment.
Fighting - Once in a while, a leader needs to get their hands dirty. They might have to lead a crucial charge, storm a stronghold, or even defend themselves against an assassin. When that happens, they'd best be able to handle themselves. Apollonia is as much a warrior as any of her dogs of war, skilled in the use of lance, pollaxe, sword, dagger, or even bare hands. Her fighting style is direct and brutal, based on a vicious form of grappling that doesn't shy away from breaking legs or putting fingers into eyes.

Nation Info

Nation Number and Name: 8; Romorant

Capital City: Kulvulcan (see below)

System of Government: Federated monarchy - Kulvulcan is a city-state that has acquired a hinterland by virtue of being the main player in the region. It is situated on the island of Romorant, which has traditionally been fractured and fractious. But Kulvulcan has become the effective leader and capital of the island by becoming the richest polity. It has not sought that leadership, especially since trying to get the Romorantin states to get along is a fool's errand. It simply goes its own way, and the others follow along if they know what is good for them. That has been a surprisingly effective strategy for a couple of generations, and Romorant is well on its way to developing a stronger and more comprehensive union, alongside nascent island-wide institutions such as the Bank of Kulvulcan and the Black Company, a mercenary company that is essentially the federal Romorantin military.

Kulvulcan itself is led by a semi-hereditary monarchy. The King is theoretically elected by a council

Basic Terrain and Weather: Romorant is composed of two parts - the mountainous East, which covers two-thirds of the island and is characterised by windswept gorges and valleys, with small and isolated settlements of rugged fisherfolk and miners; and the flatter West, where most of the population, agriculture and industry reside, with a much more amenable climate. Even so, the island as a whole is often rocked by earthquakes and typhoons, making for a stubborn and resilient people.

Trade Specialization: Romorant has historically had to be largely self-sufficient, but it is well known as a source of craft goods and warriors - both mercenaries and privateers. While it does not produce large amounts of goods for export, it has a large merchant marine, and much of the trade in the Eastern seas (and indeed beyond) is carried in Romorantin hulls. This has brought in a large amount of ready cash for Romorant in general and Kulvulcan in particular, allowing the Bank of Kulvulcan to become the most influential commercial lender in the region. If a noble or polity has a loan, it is more than likely held by the Bank of Kulvulcan, either directly or through intermediaries. Alongside the still-secret development of double-entry bookkeeping, this has kept the coffers of Kulvulcan burgeoning.

Notable or Interesting Facts: The Romorantin language is a fluid, musical tongue, and gives its speakers a distinctive lilting accent when they speak Common. It has many different dialects, but they can be broadly classified into East and West Romorant.
Romorantin crafts are justly famous. They include fine ceramics, jewellery and textiles. Seasilk - woven from threads derived from seaweed - is soft but strong, and can be made into a dense, thin but light cloth that is cool in summer but warm in winter. Seasilk scarves and shawls are much in demand among the wealthy far and wide.
Romorantin culture is deeply concerned with appearances and propriety. The forms of courtesy and respect must be observed, regardless of one's actual feelings. This has given the Romorantin a reputation for being duplicitous; they claim they are simply misunderstood, and that it's not their fault if the vulgar and uncouth cannot grasp the subtler points of social interaction.

Anything Else: (Optional)
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Name: Nero Di Acuto, The Prince of Swords and Spades (known as 'The Bastard Prince' amongst some of the noble houses)

Age: 23

Appearance: Even now that his family has risen to the highest echelons of power in Bocaccian society, Nero still dresses in the manner of a mercenary. He wears his wealth, particularly in the form of jewellery and the expertly-forged longsword that he carries. Yet outside of these small concessions to ostentation, his clothing is practical. The kind you can brawl in, duel in. He wears his hair long, in the style of the mercenary companies and in open defiance of the short-haired fashions that were popular in court prior to his decision. Trends have changed since then, as they so often do when the Bastard Prince decides to go for something new.

Occupation: Heir of Bocaccia, Duellist, General Pain-In-The-Arse around Court

Nationality: Bocaccia

Formal Title: Prince of the Acuto Royal Family, Heir of Bocaccia

Five Words That Describe Your Character: Ambitious. Charismatic. Fierce. Unpredictable. Bastard.

Notable Skills:
DuellistThey say that Nero Di Acuto was raised with a blade in his hands, coming of age amongst the mercenary companies led by his father and mother. He grew up brawling with the other boys of the company, and has been rigorously schooled in a range of blades and weapons. Despite this, he favours the longsword that Bocaccian duellists are famed for using.
Life of the Party
Commanding a room, drawing attention, capturing an audience, are all things that come easily to Nero. He can be charming, insightful and raucous depending on who he shares his company with, and he is never afraid to have a good time.
Underhanded CommanderNero openly flouts the principles of noble warfare and proper conduct that his political rivals claim to adhere to. Instead he delights in ambushes, raids and trickery: he'll never take a fair fight if he can help it. What matters is winning, as he can always have the bards re-write the events of the battle after the fact.

"Thou, Nature, art my goddess; to thy law
My services are bound. Wherefore should I
Stand in the plague of custom, and permit
The curiosity of nations to deprive me,
For that I am some twelve or fourteen moonshines
Lag of a brother? Why bastard? wherefore base?"
- King Lear


Nation Number and Name: Bocaccia, "The Burned-Over Kingdom" (Two)

Capital City: Dekamanche

System of Government: Ostensible Feudal Monarchy, in practice Feuding Aristocratic Clusterfuck. It is a kingdom of radicals, activists and malcontents, of scheming noble families with entirely too much power and a monarchy that has long struggled to keep a lid on everything. This fraught political climate has led to centuries of internal strife, uprisings and civil wars and has left Bocaccia as the problem child of the Ten Nations: few Heirs have relished the prospect of being matched with this kingdom. Alliances between different factions form and collapse, kings are crowned and deposed, wars are lost and won, often with the space of just a year or two. This has created a highly decentralised state with considerable authority invested into the different regional capitals and the aristocracy that controls them.

Much of this is threatening to change, however, with the rise of the King of Swords and Spades. This new ruler of Bocaccia seeks to heavily increase the crown's control and influence over the dealings of his kingdom, and he might actually have enough power to make it happen. But this is a nation of radicals and malcontents. His work will not be easy.

Basic Terrain and Weather: With the exception of the mountains to the north, where it's lands border Aurum, and the Guglia Mountains to the east of the capital, Bocaccia is a largely temperate and warm region of the world. Sweeping hills and valleys cover the south of the kingdom, where many farms and vineyards can be found. The north is more heavily wooded, with the Impiccato Forest to the north-west being the largest of these regions.

Trade Specialization: Bocaccia's southern port cities are famous hubs of trade, where it is said anything can be bought and sold for the right price. The Textile Guilds that operate out of such cities are said to produce some of the finest cottons and fabrics in the world, and Bocaccian clothing is highly sought after. Finally, the kingdom's many, many mercenary companies have been known to ply their trade outside of the kingdom when the need arises. They make for excellent, if highly unruly, troops.

Notable or Interesting Facts: The new dynasty ruling Bocaccia is a highly unorthodox one. King Dante Di Acuto was once Captain Dante, a mercenary commander (Condottiero) who led the Company of Swords and Spades (La Compagnia di Spatha et Sappa). Beneath the noses of the feuding noble houses he forged an alliance of mercenaries, radicals and peasantry which would go on to take the kingdom (and the crown) by storm. The noble houses have not exactly forgiven him for this yet. His marriage to Lauretta Tassinanti, scion of one of the most eminent noble families of the kingdom, has soothed tensions somewhat. His naming his lowborn first son as Prince and Heir, however, has not.

Bocaccia is heavily divided in terms of it's economy. The south, where the great trade cities of Nere, Kespara and Colonna are located, is highly wealthy and has a considerable amount of the kingdom's trade and industry centralised there. The north, however, is where much of the fighting has taken place over the last few centuries. This has left it far more impoverished and undeveloped. There is a considerable divide between Northerners (Nordebocaccians) and Southerners (Meribocaccians).

Bocaccians are a passionate and driven people, as prone to gestures of joy and romance as they are to acts of spectacular violence. They dress loudly, speak even louder, and their culture is one of forthrightness to a fault.

The Bocaccian language is a lilting, expressive tongue that matches the demeanours and attitudes of it's speakers well. It also has at least five unique variations of the phrase "go fuck yourself".

On no account should you insult the quality of Bocaccian wine. Yes, it's dreadful stuff. But they like it, and they will fight you over it.

Anything Else: Tl;dr, the problem child of the Ten Nations that's spent the last couple centuries hitting itself in the face repeatedly has just been conquered by a new dynasty. This new dynasty seeks to flex on the noble houses that caused the aforementioned centuries of face slapping. The noble houses do not vibe with this.

"It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them."
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Another condottiere? And a Hawkwood at that - "Inglese Italianato è un Diavolo incarnato"!