NEWSLETTER Iwaku Newsletter: Fall 2023 - SPOOKY SEASON Y'ALL

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


  • Total voters


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life

IT'S SPOOKY SEASON ON IWAKU! For most of us, it is our favorite season, filled with nice crisp fall air, delightful terrifying content, and an all around good time. As a big surprise, we had a really chill summer season, so it's nice to bring that energy into the autumn whether you like nice cozy little roleplays, or if you're ready to ruin the vibe and start turning the lives of character's into a horror.


We didn't have many updates during the summer, but we did have a couple of important PSAs!

Discord Etiquette is a vital part of community engagement, as it helps us keep our social areas friendly and safe for all members. Remember, here on Iwaku you're in a public space, so you do not always know the persons who might be reading, watching, and hanging out along side you. Things that are okay with your friend circles and people you know very well, aren't always appropriate for public space. (Like those really dirty jokes!) All of Iwaku's forum rules also apply to our Discord! So keep that in mind!

We recently needed to bump our Moderation Requests PSA, pertaining to the deletion of content threads on Iwaku! If you ever need a thread shoved off to the archive or deleted, you can use our handy Moderation Request Form for all of your needs. BUT REMEMBER - WE CANNOT DELETE OTHER MEMBER'S CONTENT WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT. Make sure you have the permission of all parties involved if you need a thread fully deleted.


Something is always POPPIN' here on Iwaku, be it long running special challenges, writing contests, or just fun games you can participate in for the season. Lets take a look at some of our most recent events and ways you can get yourself a silly little trophy!


Summer Book Club
Roleplay Live Reads
Poetry Fantastic Fanfare
World Water Color Month
Mystery RP Palooza
Dog Days of Summer


The Bone(r) Challenge
Weekly Doodle Hour
30 Topics in 30 Days
Tea Time with Owlmom


IT'S IWAKU'S FAVORITE FESTIVAL - THE FEAR FESTIVAL! All October long (and lets be honest, we can't help but spill into November cause we're thriller thots) we're getting into the SPOOKY SPIRIT.

But you don't have to listen to me blabber about it: Check out the official FEAR FESTIVAL THREAD to get all of the details about this year's festivities and frightening content!


Did you know that GENERAL CHATTING is the perfect place to get to know other members while you're waiting for bites on your roleplays? You could chat about the upcoming Autumn Season of Anime with fellow anime nerds. Share some of your favorite and most beloved books. Or maybe you can tell us if you believe in ghosts and some of your spooky experiences!

But if you're not up for socializing, you might wanna check out Roleplay Help & Writing Guides to get some inspiration for your characters, plot, and worldbuilding endeavors! I recently posted an exercise on Your Character's Views on Violence, but there's tons of great things posted by others as well. You could do a classic interview with your character, or the one word interview!


Sometimes GROUP ROLEPLAYS don't get enough love. With group roleplays you have an opportunity of interacting with and testing out several players at once in a safe environment provided by your Game Master! Not to mention it's so much fun seeing how those extra personalities can create unexpected twist and turns within the story. Here are a couple group roleplays looking for players!

A Haunted Mansion by @Mordo invites you into, well, a haunted mansion! Hunt ghosts and maybe you'll uncover the secrets of what's really happening and who caused all this chaos.

Thdermoon's Apocalypse by new member @DarkMoon is all about ZOMBIE WEREWOLVES?! What a perfect treat for our spooky season!

の WANDER AWAY. by @gumiho. has a gorgeous retro tokyo vibe, sending six random people an invitation to a festival, which involves some surprise isekai adventure!

Of course if these three roleplays don't catch your fancy, check out all of our Signup and Interest Check areas in the ROLEPLAY CONNECTIONS category.


Iwaku has been through so much in the now 16... 17.. 18 (oh god we've lost count now) years that it's been alive. We've had thousands of members come in and out with amazing roleplays and great content. Best friends have been made here, people have fallen in love and gotten married in real life here, our corner on the internet is truly a family.

This is an EXPENSIVE labor of love, but there are many MANY ways you can help support the site and keep us going for another decade to come!

DONATING is always a simple thing through the Account Upgrades if you want the perk of limitless Inbox space and a few roleplay tools. Or you can make our little goal bar go up through the Support Iwaku donor compaign!

You don't need money to support Iwaku, though! It's EASY to help us be a thriving community!

Try your hand at advertising Iwaku, by sharing our link across every roleplay forum you come across!

Voting in the TopSites EVERY DAY helps us get a boost in the search engines and allows new members to find us easier!

Posting regularly in General Chatting, participating in Events, or dropping into our on site Chat Room go a long way in creating new friendships and discovering new roleplay partners.

If you have lots of free time and love making content and going the extra mile in keeping out community safe, SEND IN A STAFF APPLICATION!

Finally the most important, bestest thing you can do for Iwaku is ROLEPLAY IN PUBLIC! While we're glad people enjoy roleplaying over Private Conversations, if ALL of our roleplays were done in private, no one would know just how active Iwaku actually is. Try to do as many PUBLIC roleplays as you can in our Group and One on One areas. It helps with bring us in new members AND it helps you gain new partners by giving people an example of your roleplays.


Eeeeey! I am so excited for this spooky month! There's so many events, contests, and content that will be flooded in over the next couple of weeks and I hope to see members getting just as excited as I am to participate. <3 MAY THE ROLEPLAY MUSE BE WITH YOU, MINIONS.