IC Julian City

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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
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  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
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  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

the king's city

Also called the King's city, it is named after the second monarch King Julian Blacke. It is populated densely with Vampir and is known to be a place of great entertainment in arts, music, and architecture. It is one of the most expensive places to live, however, having a great preference for the noble and upper-class.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 7:30 PM. Afternoon.

WEATHER: 30.3°F (-0.9°C). Cold with light snow.


As glorious and peaceful as ever. Julian city, though excited about Hallow's Eve, is hosting more winter activities than holidays. Though the city is moving with afternoon activities, it is not buzzing.


Nothing for now.


- Fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

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  • Nice Execution!
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- A N D R E I -

It had been a rather exhausting week abroad. A business trip to Black City turned into a week long debacle at the main offices about a printing issue. Apparently one of the models was throwing one hell of a hissy fit about their portrayal, all over such minor details that Andrei almost wanted to cuss them out at some points. Things were eventually settled down, and finally they could take the private plane back to Julian City. It was getting later in the evening once the plane did touch down onto the tarmac, the lights providing them a path to Miss Blacke's personal hangar. Andrei had been watching this all from the comfort of his plush seat, sipping on a glass of some blood orange juice. Today he wore something comfortable, knowing not many were going to get to be graced with his visage, and so a pair of tight, black pants and an oversized, deep red sweater would work, as well as tying up his luxurious blond hair in a high pony tail to keep it out of his face. When it came to flights, he preferred having that comfort since they always gave him a bit of a headache, along with the citrus from the blood orange to help with that rapid elevation changes. His hope was he could get his boss quickly to her home, though that was unlikely, but he could still hope for a chance to hop into the club scene, maybe find some brooding vampire who wanted to get bit and bite back.

Andrei's focus at the moment, however, was getting his boss back to her home, in absoutely comfort and state of mind, as well as ensuring he would not be needed for the rest of the night. He didn't even need to speak, the two of them making this trip many times. At this point they worked as a well-oiled machine, much to Andrei's annoyance. As the door to the airplane opened, the vampir stood to collect her bags, along with his own. It was much easier to handle his own, but a single suitcase, one that got quickly stacked upon by his boss' various bags and cases and soon they were out the plane, and directly to the deeply tinted vehicle that would move them from the airport to her manse. "Now, we should arrive Miss Black at about 8pm, would you like for me to collect dinner? If so, what is your preference for the evening? If wanted, I am sure the help could begin preparing something for you if preferences move towards something homemade." Andrei knew to speak eloquently, quickly, and like he was lesser to her, knowing she preferred to feel on top, in command, regardless of the situation. Just one of the many tricks he had learned to get what he needed out of Violetta for his job, but a part of the job he enjoyed the most. Learning every crook and nanny of the Redblood was an interesting game, one that he had gotten better and better at as time had gone along. With a slam of the trunk to their vehicle, he would climb into the back of the vehicle, answering the driver before he could even ask where they are going. "To the manse, please Raymond, and be prepared to make a stop for dinner if the Lady decides so." Leaning back into his seat with a slightly smug smile, the car would pull out, and off into the greater Julian City.

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  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: MaryGold



Being a princess who owned one of the largest publishing companies and magazines in the world was not as easy as people thought it was. It required traveling on every big occasion, planning every move, threatening the staff below her into competence, and lowering the self-esteem of models who thought they were hot shit. Especially when they were cold and hard shit left on the sidewalk for someone else to step on and curse when they realized they did. Though Violetta tried her best to avoid stepping on them, cleaning the mess up after was more trouble than it was worth half the time.

But the Italy shoot had gone perfectly swell, if not stressful. Violetta left the worst of it to her employees and anything too close to her Andrei dealt with. Though there would always be things that she needed to deal with herself, she shed it all off her shoulders the moment she stepped onto her private plane. And slept away any tight muscles between naps and drinking blood mixed into her martinis.

She was only truly back to her peak strength and self the second they were off the plane. While she was refreshed, skin clean and new, makeup done without flaw, and hair sleek and shining, her assistant was slightly more haggard-looking in comparison. Though, any time he worked that was his normal state. But he was still attractive looking enough for Violetta to let him still represent her and meet her needs as demanded. Antoinette had a reputation to keep regardless of who was looking.

"Stopping won't be necessary, I'm not particularly hungry. Straight home, Raymond." One of Andrei's greatest skills was remembering the names of employees that Violetta would otherwise forget. More so when they had names as boring as 'Raymond'. It was a blessing they worked for her and not her company. Their parents should be ashamed of giving them mediocre names when they were already destined to live mediocre lives. The cruelty of reality.

Violetta rested her head against the back of the car seat, and scrolled through her socials. The second she came across an ad for smoothies, she announced to Andrei, "I do want a smoothie though. Something light and refreshing. But have one of the servants get it after we get home." With that command given, she rested her chin against her knuckles and scrolled through her phone, liking posts and making notes of who to call until they arrived home.

She could have thrown her phone onto the car floor for Andrei to pick up out of her excitement of being back. But she was patent enough to let him get the door for her, and made haste to the house. The butler was punctual and getting the door, bowing his head and answering her first with a deep and respectful, "welcome home, Your Highness."

"It is wonderful to be back." She smiled, tossing her long hair over her shoulder as she strutted inside, her heels clicking against the marble floor. Her green eyes looked at the familiar faces of her servants. Names she was not great with, but faces and personalities, absolutely.

Violetta kept a small staff, as she found it easier to have control over and still be pampered. Not a single face was in the line that she didn't know … until there was. Cloudy eyes, white hair, and tanned skin. It was a pretty face, but a stranger's too.

Violetta turned on her heel, facing him with a straight back and a domineering gaze. "And who are you?" She asked, arms folded underneath her chest. Looking down on him was unintentional, but easy when he was quite literally shorter than she was.

@LashL @Dusk 」​

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  • Wicked
Reactions: Dusk
It stung to be dismissed. He felt discarded. Clover thought he'd done a good job at the Rosetti Estate. He'd done everything his masters asked of him, everything required and more. He had made no mistakes and there had been no recent altercation. So why wasn't it enough any more? Without warning, his master told him "You're leaving" and followed it with a proclamation that he'd already found new work for him. Clover felt like a child — being told what to do as if it hadn't occurred to them that he could find his own work. But he lacked the money to protest, so he did not. Clover wept that last night, but the next morning without complaint, he was on his way.

His new mistress was Princess Violetta Blacke. Perhaps his services had been adequate, considering the prestigious position his work earned him. He had been a servant for four years and was skilled, but others were far more experienced than him. Others such as the rest of the princess's staff. He felt keenly out of place among them, as both the only new servant and the only Naga. He had been the only Naga for the Rosetti family, too, but theirs was a larger staff where faces came and went with regularity. In time, he expected he would find himself more comfortable, and if not he could easily forget himself in his work as he often had before.

Clover stood in line with a passive expression on his face. It was the way he was supposed to be — submissive and demure. If she wanted him another way, she would tell him. Despite his facial expression, the young Naga found himself nervous and his heart moved quickly in his chest. He resisted the urge to fiddle with his hair and kept his hands firmly placed down by his sides.

Even if her arrival had not been announced, Clover would've recognized the princess. She carried herself with grandiosity as if the whole world was hers. And truth be told, it was. His second thought upon seeing her was that Violetta Blacke was an exquisitely beautiful woman. But it was a forbidden sort of beauty as if he should not look upon her. She was a predator, come to hunt him. She inspected the line with such intent that when she stopped at him the young Naga wanted to recoil, although his spine remained straight. Even though she was only a small degree taller than him, he felt as if she towered above him.

"My name is Clover, Your Grace," he said gently. "I am a new servant to your household — anything you wish of me, I'll do." Once again, he wished to twirl silver strands around his finger.
Code by Jenamos
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: MaryGold
- A N D R E I -
The ride was a smooth one, only the finest of vehicles able to make the trip seem like it was gone in a flash. Soon he was stepping out before Violetta, his heels quietly clicking against the concrete as he speed walked around the back and opened the door for his boss to step out. Andrei had made a note about the smoothie in his phone, which had many other notes all written through various apps, along with a calendar colorful enough to be called a rainbow. There was a lot to maintaining the schedule of a vampiric princess AND a big time fashion magazine CEO, but Andrei handled it all with grace... most of the time. As Violetta brushed past, Andrei kept an even pace with her, his high ponytail bobbing slightly with every step towards the main door.

As she made her way to the kitchen, Andrei would stop the head butler, pulling him quickly aside, a practiced smile on his face, though annoyance in his eyes for being forced to do such minor tasks. "Her Highness has asked for a smoothie as soon as possible. Try to include a little blood, as the only one she has had today was mixed with alcohol." As quickly as he was speaking to the head butler, he was gone, hurrying after Violetta as she inspected her curated crew of help. Each of them were one of, if not the best at what they do... except for one new face that had Andrei very intrigued.

This newcomer was but a couple inches shorter than Andrei, with long white hair and cloudy eyes. How exotic was the first thoughts swimming through the vampire's mind, the second was how enticing that upper half looked to the eyes, all tan and toned. Andrei didn't dare speak, at least until Violetta was done with her intense inquiry. "My Highness, I believe Reginald did say he was looking for a few extra hands for the Villa." He would chime in before taking that half step back, knowing that he needed to remain in some sort of submissive stance, even if it pained him to do so. Still, a little light flirting couldn't hurt to warm up to this new naga servant. So, Andrei would stand there, running his hands through his long locks of blonde hair, staring at the naga pretty much the whole time, sizing him up, checking him out. He would even offer a little wink if they ever ended up meeting eye to eye. Andrei had no problem with laying it on a little thick if it meant he got what he wanted, which was most of the time. Right now? He wanted to see if this naga was going to actually get to stay... but also wondering how his blood would taste.
@Dusk @MaryGold
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Dusk and MaryGold



If the man wasn't well built in stature, Violetta was nearly certain raising her voice in his direction by a smidgen would blow him over in an instant. His body was built strongly, no doubt from years of manual labor, but his spirit seemed a little more flimsy, soft, and easy to step on and sink your feet into. She could work with that, but it wasn't enough for him to put her trust in him yet. And she needed to trust the people she allowed in her home and serve her, they were the ones most likely to obtain any ammunition over her.

Violetta peered over at Andrei only briefly before locking her eye back on this Clover character. Who was Reginald again? Had to be the head butler, he and the housekeeper were the only two who had the authority to accept new help. They had worked for her for years, including when she was but a small vampir who needed help buttoning her dress up. Time spent with someone sure made a difference. Even if you still struggled to remember their actual names.

"Very well," Violetta began. She bent over and undid the strap of her heels. Once she stepped out of them, she was much closer to Clover's height, barely an inch above him maybe. "Follow me." She said to the young Naga after dropping her heels into his hands. "I'm sure Reggie gave you a list of dos and don'ts and everything you need to know about this place. But I like to know exactly who's serving my food and cleaning my rooms."

The floor was cool against her bare feet and very welcome. She wasn't running up the stairs, but taking her time as she she spoke, hand on the beautifully designed and cleaned railing. "You haven't met Andrei since he's usually with me but get used to his face, you'll be seeing a lot of it from now on." She hoped not too much. The man was probably thinking of how to get into pitiful Chloe's pants as she spoke.

@Dusk @LashL 」​

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There was a man with Violetta Blacke, blond and slim in stature, who had arrived along with the princess. He was likely the assistant whom Clover had been informed about — Andrei Rosier. Clover's gaze flitted briefly from the princess to her aide as the man spoke. He did not have to look at the man long to pick up on his flirtations. There was nothing subtle about the way Andrei Rosier inspected him or the way he played with his hair. It was far from the idle or nervous twiddling Clover did. Had that somehow not been enough evidence, Mister Rosier winked when their eyes briefly met. Clover wasn't sure if he was supposed to flirt back or not. He wasn't impressed but he offered the slightest of smiles in return, in case it was required of him.

Princess Violetta offered her approval as she stepped out of her heels. It was lukewarm but it was enough, Clover could've sighed in relief at her tepid acceptance. Had she turned him away he wasn't sure where he would go. Without her shoes, the princess was barely taller than him, and she seemed just a slight deal less intimidating. Although he was still sure she could personally rip his throat out. Not that he had any intention of giving her a reason to do that. Clover readily took her shoes as she handed them off and held them with great care.

The princess commanded him to follow and Clover was quick to do so, falling into a perfectly paced step behind her as she started up the stairs, Rosier coming along with them.

"He did, Your Grace." Reginald had been exceptionally helpful, if a touch distant.

"Salutations, Sir," He said to Mister Rosier. Briefly offering the man his attention again before returning it to the princess's back.

"What would you like to know?" He asked cautiously.
Code by Jenamos
- A N D R E I -

Andrei let out a small huff at the lack of reaction he was getting. What a buzzkill was all he thought, quickly growing bored of his sudden infatuation with the fellow long haired blonde. Beauty wasted on such a meek personality, or at least, meek for now. Even if he was annoyed at not even a hit of flustering out of this Clover, the young vampire would not give up hope that he couldn't find his way into those trousers. For now though, the flirting ceased as quickly as it began, turning back to his "business", that business being the Lady Violetta and her many needs. Once the naga was given approval by her Majesty, the vampire's shoes were quickly given and Clover made to follow.

The tight, high ponytail bobbed with every step up the stairs, keeping perfect time with Violetta, if a few steps back to allow her to keep that feeling of superiority she so so desperately engorged herself on. It took a lot of training to be as perfect as Andrei is now, both administratively and as a personal assistance, and Andrei knew once he got out of this job, he would be looking to achieve the same if not greater power because of it. Still, he had a job to do, and was completely blanking on what her Majesty was currently saying. There was an introduction, to where Andrei would stop where he was on the stair and give a little bow towards Clover. "Greetings, I am her majesty's personal assistant, handling everything she decides she prefer not to do. It's my duty to ensure everything goes as smooth as possible both here, in her office, and elsewhere." He gave a bit of wicked grin at that moment of attention before it was stolen again, earning an eye roll out of Andrei. "If anything is required of her Highness, or she requires anything from her staff, I will usually be there to ensure it is communicated or done as well."

"If I may as a question myself, your Highness."
Andrei would wait for the proper confirmation before turning again to face Clover. "I must know what even brings you here? What talents and qualifications do you bring to our table.. what do you provide that will earn your spot and your keep here?" A good question to ask, one that Andrei has asked of almost every new employee that Violetta has hied over the years. He needs to know how expendable the servant is, how useful they would actually be, and what he could get away with it around them. Obviously, answering the one question wasn't going to give him all the answers, but he had found in his experience that it gives him the best estimate he can have about how he needed to handle them so they bend perfectly into place for Violetta. Another toothy grin from the younger vampire broke out as the trio reached the top of the stairs.
@Dusk @MaryGold
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Andrei was always asking hard-hitting questions so that Violetta didn't have to unless she wanted to. Her eyes looked forward as she walked down the marbled floored hall, hands brushing against decored tables, testing the smooth wooden surfaces for any leftover dust. Her body may have been performing every other task, but her ears were tuned in entirely on what Clover had top say for himself. He looked easily breakable, but Violetta was not one to break her things like some animal, least of all when they were useful. Whether Clover was she had yet to know, but that was the point of this interview.

"Over here, gents," she raised her hand, gesturing for them both to follow her into her chambers. The room was two-thirds the size of the living room with a decor reminiscent of a Victorian design, elegant and romantic but masterfully combined with the modern world they lived in. There were colors of red, black, beige, and white. The walls with wallpaper were specially designed by artists of significant names, every inch of the room, every piece of furniture, and trinkets were easily read as invaluable. It breathed the life of a palace room without being in the palace no near it.

Violetta opened the double doors into her dressing room, only directing them to stop once they were inside. She moved about the room, grabbed the articles of clothing she wished to dress in for the evening, and pulled open her Venetian screen, stripping out of her clothes, taking care not to ruin the pieces. "Who was your previous employer?" Violetta inserted her question, the most important as far as she was concerned now.

@Dusk @LashL 」​

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Rosier bowed slightly to Clover, which surprised the naga. He didn't think he was worthy of such a gesture, unless it was done mockingly, but that was not the impression he got. Clover dipped his head silently in acknowledgment. He paid close attention to what Rosier had to say, as he did not want to miss anything significant and make a fool of himself. He was already worried enough about that.

"I see, a pleasure to meet you, sir." Andrei Rosier was clearly an important man, and Clover did not wish to aggravate him. While it was the princess who intimidated Clover, it was Andrei who led the interrogation with a heavy question, one Clover was not the best at answering. He was far from the most talented man, and he lacked particularly unique abilities. Clover believed he had gotten where he was largely based on luck. But that did not mean he was without merit.

"I am a hard worker, and I'll happily do anything you ask of me. There is no job too menial or tedious. I clean well, and I can cook. I'm good with plants, also." Clover wasn't sure any of that made him stand out, but he hoped it was enough for him to keep the position, he wasn't exactly sure where he would go otherwise.

Violetta beckoned, and Clover was quick to follow after her, shoes still dutifully held in his hands. They entered into the princess's chambers, a massive room with impressive décor. It reminded him of places at the Rosetti estate, but this was not the same. Things here were sleeker, less heavy.

Clover brightened at her question. The Rosetti were a sore topic, his abrupt dismissal still stung, fresh in his mind, but it was a question Clover could answer with ease.

"My previous employer was Lord Antelmo Rosetti," he said, and he wondered briefly if the princess had ever heard of the man. He didn't think so. Clover hadn't fully grasped the renown of his previous employer, but suspected Lord Rosetti talked himself and his family up far more than was true. "I was his servant for four years, and it was a fulfilling experience. I am grateful for the experience he offered me."
Code by Jenamos



Clover's skill sets were not particularly unique or greatly impressive, but that didn't make him any less valuable. If he was hired by her decidedly exceptional butler, then he brought something to the Blacke table. Violetta never settled for less. And every living being in their house knew that better than not, Clover would be quick to pick it up too if he wished to stay.

Violetta slipped her silk nightgown over his skin, stopping to check her reflection in her body mirror and momentarily forgetting the men in the room entirely. Her face was looking thinner than usual, she needed to drink more blood, preferably straight from the source. Gods, why did they have to get rid of those blood banks in her great-great grandfather's time? Magi rights were overrated.

"I see," Violetta finally said in acknowledgment, her eyes still looking into her reflection. She slipped on her matching gown marched over to her vanity and sat down. She was the most gentle that she'd ever been in removing her makeup and cleaning her face. All the while, she could not recall the Rosetti family despite how hard she searched the file cabinets in her mind palace. They must have been a noble nobody family if she couldn't recall one remarkable thing about them.

It did inform them that he was trained, though.

"You may stay," Violetta decided as she moved on to brush her hair with the same gentleness she used to moisturize and clean her face. "Just remember one thing; I don't tolerate mistakes." That said, she smiled sickeningly sweet at Clover through the mirror's reflection.

"Now scurry along." Once the commandment was given, she moved on to give a second to the secondary man. She gave Andrei a look without turning to face him, one that translated that he was not to fuck her new servant. least of all before she decided if she liked him or not. "Andrei, you can go to. And get my smoothie."

The royal didn't move from her seat nor shift her focus from herself. It was only once she heard them scuffling away and the closing of her bedroom door did she set down her brush. Her hair was neatly detangled and wavy in her fingers as she slid them through the waves and snorted. Only a few hours back in the city and she was already bored.

@Dusk @LashL 」​

  • Love
Reactions: Dusk

The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: Up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 30.3°F (-0.9°C). Cold with light snow.


The city remains focused on winter activities but there are a few Hallow Eve's spots open for the event.

It's important to understand that Lionel didn't open a shoe store just because he has a foot fetish. He'd somewhat... stumbled into the work by sheer coincidence, or at most because he knew he was skilled in polishing shoes after years of doing it for his young master, and the realization that he had a fascination with feet came later. At this point, it's just what he does, and he's made quite a lot of money off selling shoes, so he might as well keep doing it, right?

"How about these heels?" he holds up a pair of Bella Belle ivory heels to the bride-to-be he's assisting. The pearl-lined silk bows attached to the ankle strap would match perfectly with the bows on the dress she'd excitedly shown him on her phone.

"Oh, those should work perfectly!" she gasps, taking them in her well-manicured hands and excitedly retreating to one of the plush couches to swap out the shoes she's currently wearing.

The waiting groom has long since picked out his shoes: a pair of Prada leather oxfords. Men are so simple. Still, they look nice on him. Nicer still were his bare feet, which are surprisingly slender and soft for someone as gruff-looking as him. Fortunately, he'd caught himself staring as soon as he began so as to not make the man uncomfortable or his bride angry.

When the woman finally has her fill of walking around in the heels and chirping in delight at her fiancé, the two switch back to their regular shoes and check out, leaving him alone in the store. There are about twenty minutes to close, so he might as well start sweeping up so that he can head home as soon as the clock strikes eight.

He'd bought a bowl of candy to pass out to trick-or-treaters on the porch of his small one-story house, though he didn't bother with a costume. He's never been a big fan of holidays, given that he rarely has anyone to spend them with. More than not, they just make him feel lonely. He doesn't enjoy parties or getting drunk in front of strangers, so Halloween is an especially unappealing day for him. Still, he can at least contribute to the joy of the neighborhood children.
「 N/A 」
  • Love
Reactions: MaryGold



Dorian Stoll would not describe his feelings toward his job as neither love nor hate, but a necessity. However, there were certainly times that he felt more inclined to one of those very powerful feelings. And when he was expected to arrive in costume, not cheap nor over the top, but tasteful and flattering with at least an ounce of professionalism, to a themed party his peers held - there was a strong inclination for him to express he hated his job. Asd even on his days off to have fun, it was work, work to keep their relationship and work to keep face as the Vampir commissioner of the city.

But to make matters worse on this night of all nights, he wasn't even fully prepared. His secretary had promised him his shoes for his outfit and yet they were nowhere to be seen. She promised she would bring them to him at the party when she grabbed them, but now she was on the phone near tears explaining why that wasn't going to happen.

"I am so sorry, sir." Hiccup.

Oh. Now he could hear the tears. It did nothing to set aside his agitation, but only further provoked it. "Are you?" Dorian pinched the bridge of his nose, momentarily startled by the feeling of his own skin instead of the cotton or leather. He keeps forgetting this costume has no gloves. The feeling was unfamiliar, but his hands were alway manicured anyway.

"I am!" she cried into the phone. Dorian had to pull it away from his ear momentarily. "I should have told you I lost them from the beginning but I thought I could get you a second pair without you knowing. But they took time to get ready and then my car broke down - and I- and I-"

She was going to hyperventilate at this rate. "Okay, okay, I hear you, Bianca." Dorian sighed, one that was heavier and deeper than the regular sigh. He was tired and frustrated and he could only stop himself from lecturing her for so long. "I'm not at the party yet, we just picked up Leland, I'll just have Barnabas turn the car around and -"

A long agonizing wine cut him off.

"Bianca?" Dorian pronounced each syllable of her name with more emphasis right after the other.

"The store is closed."

"I'll call the owner."

"He's already left, sir. He said he had kids to see." Her cries were turning into sobs. "I am so sorry, sir."[/COLOR]

Dorian closed his eyes and dropped his head back against the seat of his car. "I'll take care of this." He would not show up to the party without matching shoes on his feet. To nobody who cared about what they presented themselves, it wouldn't have mattered, but when Dorian arrived anywhere he was not just representing himself or his family, but his slice.

"Go home, Bianca. Try to salvage your Halloween and enjoy yourself." Dorian hung up without waiting. He lifted his head, opened his eyes again and looked at his younger brother. It was easy to forget his brother was in the car when his employees were failing him.

"Your body paint better not rub off on my seats." He told the blond. The very serious teasing was one way to take his mind off of the situation. "We're not heading to the party first. I need to make a stop. Barnabas take us to the nearest shoe store." The nearest {I]luxury[/I] shoe store. But that was implied. Bianca better have prayed to all the dark gods that one was open or she would be working overtime with him the next week.

"Understood, sir." The man replied.

Dorian dropped his phone down onto the holder next to his seat and sighed as he looked back at his brother. While he was bronze and dressed in laurels like a sun god, Dorian was wearing clawed rings, black pants with straps presumably for knives and guns but empty instead, a white ruffled and flowy shirt with a corset around his waist and long black black coat and deep ruby red sash around his waist. Have you heard that joke about the pirate and god in the backseat of the luxury car? Neither did Dorian.

"You didn't have to stay at the hotel, you know?" Mother has been wondering why you haven't just taken your room back to the house." Mother, not Dorian. His own relationship with their parents was… complicated. But they loved Leland more than they loved Dorian when he was a child. That was certain.

Soon, the car pulled to a stop in front of an unfamiliar shoe store. Walking on Air. The name was not unfamiliar sounding. He could have easily heard of it from one of his peers.

"They close in seventeen minutes, sir." Barnabas informed him.

Dorian sighed, and opened his car door. "I won't be long. You can come if you want though." He informed his younger brother before closing the door and walking away to enter the shop.

The indoors was just as nice as the outside presentation. The selection on both the women and men's side were all of brand names, but ones of quality not just names. However, there was only one employee in the shop, or so it seemed. They really were close to closing.

"Excuse me," he called for their attention.

When he got it, he froze. The breath in his lungs suddenly trapped at, bringing pain to his lungs and throat. Though the pang in his heart was certainly not from his lack of breathing.


@wren. @sele 」​

  • What a TWIST
Reactions: wren.
upper class redblood
son of a blood moon
confident, optimistic

Location: Dorian's car-> Walking on Air. | Tag: @MaryGold 's Dorian, @wren. 's Lionel.
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Nostalgia haunted Julian City's streets like wandering ghosts. Here - the wayward spirit of Leland as a child ran toward a park ahead of his keepers. There - a teenaged Leland stood proud in the reflection of a shop window while his parents poured praises over him to their company. As the car rolled onward, and Dorian's phone call continued, Leland's glance followed memory's poltergeists where Lionel had caught Leland before he'd absently ambled into the street.

Present-day Leland shook his head while a fond slant pulled at his mouth. He remembered he'd been excited - his head filled with visions of the future and what he might become, but his eyes had gone blind to the moment. Good thing Lionel's hadn't, keeping a younger Leland from bobbing off into traffic.

Leland eavesdropped for a brief moment to Dorian's side of his phone call, finding a brusque staccato around his replies. The fond slant of his mouth became a crooked grin, though ambiguous sympathy gave shape to his blue eyes while they purposefully trailed away from his brother's direction. In his mind, that'd give his call a little more sense of privacy, even if he'd possibly been forgotten there in the vehicle in favor of the call.

He'd always admired his brother, more so when they were both adults and had anything of substance to connect over. A child-Leland hadn't fully comprehended the unequal treatment he and Dorian had received growing up. A child-Leland also hadn't grasped why Dorian didn't have much time for him – though he imagined in ambiguous ways that there were big, important things for his big, important brother to attend to. In ways, that part wasn't wrong.

As an adult, Leland had better processed the fight Dorian had been made to make to claw anything for himself from the world. He also better realized how he himself had been treated as a golden child – given every opportunity. If anyone could have been a better brother, Leland had felt it'd have been himself, though back then he'd only been a child, so he couldn't fully hold himself accountable. With clearer eyes as an adult, though, Leland celebrated Dorian's strength and perseverance with more genuine weight. He wasn't just Dorian's fan because the vampir was his older brother anymore; Leland cheered for Dorian for everything he accomplished with his own two hands and scalpel-keen wits.

That day? The cheery Leland sat covered head to toe in metallic-gold body paint while dressed in a toga, winged sandals, and an arc of plastic sun rays bursting from his honey-blond hair. Where was this horror of deified sun located? Cozily nestled in Dorian's car, grinning at a cherished past and toward a hopeful future. A touch of idiocy brightened his expression thanks to Dorian's impatient phone call, too. There had to be a joke with a cringey punchline somewhere about their present moment.

Leland's posture had unconsciously slouched a little during the drive – which perked upward when Dorian addressed him.

"If I told you the amount of makeup sealer and hairspray that's layered over the paint, you'd cry," Leland hummed. "I got in at an odd hour, I felt the hotel would be more convenient for everyone. And, I oddly felt better about a paid stranger helping me with all of this at the hotel than someone at home."

All of this being the excessive gold and sealant that made him shine in bright, sunny horror. If he were genuinely exposed to this much sunlight, Leland would probably keel over dead.

"I'll stop by when I'm myself again." He added.

The car slowed, reaching a destination Barnabas and Dorian had agreed to, though Leland hadn't closely followed (nor had they named anything specific to begin with). The younger Stoll casually considered the store front, then whipped a surprised double-take while his grin added to his summery presence.

"You're kidding right? 'You can come if you want though' he says, as if I wouldn't want to??" Leland mimicked his brother. He genuinely thought Dorian was knowingly joking with him. After all, with his glance into the shop, he'd unmistakably seen Lionel.

Dorian was already out of the vehicle and right into the store. Leland had lagged behind. Despite all of the sealant over his body paint, he was still mindful not to slide around too much in the car. He lifted and scooted, lifted and scooted, then carefully eased his way out, trying not to touch anything more than he had to with any part of himself.

Out into the street stepped the aestival horror of a sun god. Which sun god? He didn't really know. He just thought something bright gold in a toga would say 'sun god.' It'd be monstrous and aesthetic enough for a party!

He brightened Dorian's wake in gold and cheer, ambling into Walking on Air some moments behind his brother.

"Lionel, it's been ages!" Leland hummed in eager delight, flicking his praising glance about the well-appointed shoe store.

It seemed he'd waltzed in on the tail end of a reunion between Lionel and Dorian. If Leland remembered anything about those two from his childhood, it was that Dorian always became a much more attentive brother in front of Lionel.

With maturity and retrospect on his side, Leland's eyes half-lidded with charmed conspiracy over all of that now. He hung back a moment – he could have had entertained popcorn in hand at the sight of his brother tensing there ahead of him.

Ultimately, he thought perhaps he'd spare Dorian's tensed suffering (or add to it in a new way, he was yet, lovingly, undecided). So after his short pause, he ambled on up beside Dorian and looped a golden arm across his brother's shoulders while facing Lionel with a shark-toothed smile. Fortune was on Dorian's side, because the sealant succeeded in keeping any gold from smudging to his clothes.

"Lionel! The shop's gorgeous! Yours? Dorian's in desperate need – and we're going to a party! Wait, you should come with us! Please come with us? You're closing, you're free, right? How do you like my costume? Better yet, how do you like Dorian's?"

Then 'sun' grinned a blazing mischief while he slipped his arm away and gave a small nudge to Dorian's back to urge him forward.
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  • Haha
  • According to Plan
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Lionel hadn't expected someone to walk in with only a few minutes left until close. That type of obnoxious behavior might be common for a restaurant or grocery store, maybe even government buildings, but a shoe store? Who could possibly need shoes at nearly eight at night on Hallow's Eve? Yet, that familiar tinkling of the door's bell resonates through the small, empty space of the store. With his back turned away, he allows himself an irritated sigh before swiveling around with his usual polite customer service smile.

That smile falls when he catches sight of a familiar silhouette and dark hair, replaced instead by a tsunami of nauseating anxiety and tearful hope as his body's sympathetic nervous system kicks into high gear. "Connie?" The sound is little more than a gasp, and the clatter of his broom slipping from his hand onto the linoleum floor is thunderous enough to startle him into flinching.

It's not Connie. Once he's actually looking at the man clearly, it's obvious. But the face is no less familiar, and no less surprising to see again. "Dorian!" he greets, his smile unsure, his voice rough with the disappointment he can't quite temper.

He's not disappointed to see Dorian; the man was nothing but sweet to him when they were growing up, and seeing his face is like seeing an old friend you haven't seen in ages. His fondness for him has never dimmed, but surely Dorian's must have? If he even held any for him at all. Lionel was, after all, just a servant. One servant among many, too. Not someone worth remembering.

That is why he's disappointed. For just a moment, he thought his wildest fantasies were coming true. Perhaps Connie really loved him as fervently as he did him, perhaps he never forgot him, maybe he'd spent all these decades trying to find him again and finally tracked him down to his little shoe shop on Hallow's Eve night. Maybe they could be together again.

But life isn't a fairytale. Connie is no prince, and Lionel is certainly no princess.

"It's been a long time. How have you been?" He's painfully awkward, standing in the middle of this empty store with his old employer's son staring at him like he's seen a ghost. Dorian remembers him, which is flattering, though that doesn't mean this reunion means anything to him. How is he supposed to approach this? He's happy to see the other man, and he wants him to know that, but acting like they're old friends would be assuming that Dorian views him as one in the first place. Until Dorian makes a move, he's stuck.

Dorian doesn't get an opportunity, though, as a man-shaped ball of gold suddenly bursts into the shop behind him, cutting the tension like a gilded knife. It takes him longer to recognize the energetic face through all the face paint, but when he does, he finds himself relaxing instantly, smile widening. "Leland, is that you? Look how big you are! The last time I saw you, you were only this tall," he laughs, holding a hand up to his chest. "You've gotten so handsome." It's easy to match the younger man's energy when he's so obviously happy to see him in turn. Plus, he helped to raise him, so their bond has always been more like brothers than anything he had with the other boys.

His head swivels around at his shop when Leland refers to it, as though he's just as surprised to be there as they are to see him. "Yes, it's mine, I've had it for a good while now," he answers vaguely, the story not particularly interesting enough to regal them with and Leland pushing onward too fast for it anyway.

"A party?" Well, that explains the odd outfits. Leland must be dressed as a sun god or something, judging by his spiky headpiece and the gold paint. Dorian looks like a pirate, albeit a high-fashion one.

"You both look amazing," he says, "Like models, really." It makes him all the more self-conscious of his appearance, with his frizzy waves and tired eyes. Even his clothes are plain, consisting only of black slacks and an orange sweater in celebration of Hallow's Eve. "I'm not really dressed for a party, unfortunately. But feel free to look around at the shoes. I mean, I assume that's why you're here, right?"
@MaryGold | @sele
  • Sympathy & Compassion
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The name first spoken delivered a heavy punch to Dorian's gut. It knocked the air out of him and strangely enough caused a familiar ache in his chest. Being mistaken for his older brother was not out of the ordinary, but it was always a true expression of who the person of the subject truly wished to see, and who they wished to be with. And considering Lionel, of course, he wished it to be Connie. Dorian was standing there, meeting him face to face for the first time in years, he hadn';t even been given the chance to say goodbye, but Lionel called out for his brother.

The corner of his mouth twitched. But his face did well now to betray him. He didn't like for anyone to think they had any power over him. And shocking someone, hurting them, even momentarily, was a sign of power one held over them.

Lionel quickly corrected himself, and Dorian inhaled sharply through his nose. It was a deep breath, one that he needed in order to forget the unwelcomed feelings that passed through him. He was no longer a prepubescent boy with a crush for someone who was never his. He could have only hoped that he didn't appear as unraveled, and simply surprised to see an old face.

Regardless, Dorian still wished he had shown up in front of him fully dressed to impress instead of a costume. He hopped at the very least, he appreciated the costume and the man in it. It was only once in a blue moon that Pirate Dorian appeared.

The chance to answer was robbed from him when Leland walked through the door and suddenly Lionel was fawning over the golden man. It was always one of his brothers taking his eyes off him. He was half tempted to pull him back and behind him, but he wasn't childish enough to do so.. Probably.

But, his brother sure did know how to earn his keep. For Dorian, at least. Even if he was painfully obvious and aggravatingly unaware of half the things that went on with Lionel's history. The answer given is expected but mildly disappointing. Lumping them together instead of separately was a kind rejection of attraction, but very Lionel. "I think Leland has a long way to go before he's to be a model. Poise and balance to be learned." He nudged his barely shorter brother with his elbow. "Only one of us featured in a magazine, after all."

"We can always get you a costume along the way." Dorian thought a loud, smiling softly at the shorter man. "But for the record, you look lovely. Truly." His words were softer than his regular speech which was assertive and hard. But he was careful that it was soft and not tender. He meant every word, but politeness was still due.

Lionel easily could have seen him as a stranger, or nothing but the boy whose family he once served until they decided they no longer needed or wanted him. Unlike Leland, Dorian didn't have the strongest familiar connection to him. Lionel did think of Connie before he thought of him…

"I know you're almost closed, so we are sorry to bust in on you. The situation is dire however." Dire for Dorian. "I need boots for this costume. Something that is befitting a pirate and a gentleman. A gentleman pirate if you will."

@wren. @sele 」​

  • Hit Me in My FEELS
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upper class redblood
son of a blood moon
confident, optimistic

Location: Walking on Air. | Tag: @MaryGold 's Dorian, @wren. 's Lionel.
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Leland's grin matched his sunny costume while Lionel greeted and complimented him. There was a happy sort of pride to his demeanor while 'the sun' basked in the kindnesses. There was something tender to being so well remembered, even if it would have genuinely shocked Leland if Lionel behaved as if he didn't know him whatsoever. That outcome wasn't even an option in his mind.

Leland only consciously held himself back from gushing about his academic exploits at present while too keenly aware of his brother's tension. With a glance between Dorian and Lionel, particularly lingering at an angle toward his brother for a moment, Leland decidedly clipped any long explanation of his whereabouts and history since last seeing Lionel.

It'd pull too much away from what he felt was going on here. Or could be. It was still a nebulous thought without clear expectations, but why kill a galaxy in its infancy? On one hand, he wanted to support Dorian - though the guy could achieve anything he wanted, Leland had been a distant witness to that while growing up. It was both inspiring and terrifying.

On the other hand? It was a younger brother's duty to be a loving pest (though at least as an adult he had a sense for not pushing anything too far that might ruin the aforementioned 'supportive' side of being a brother, too).

For now, his plan largely hovered around the idea that he should keep encouraging focus on Dorian. That's why he'd nudged him forward, and why he'd held back on pouring out his history and begging to know what Lionel thought about it all - and how he'd been. At least his beaming demeanor too clearly declared he was happy to see Lionel.

At the banter about being a model, and Dorian cutting Leland's part of that compliment down, his glance shot brief bemusement toward his brother. But after adding that puzzle piece to his nebulous thought about what was going on here, his grin only renewed itself.

"Thanks, Lionel!" Leland hummed to first accept the kind thought. "Though I think Dorian's right, he has so much more poise and prowess than I do. Have you SEEN the magazine he's on? You have to. And if you think we wouldn't love you with us as you are or allowing us - or Dorian, he has the better eye - to dress you up, you're mad. You have to join us."

Leland felt like a champion. He glowed with the sense of it - well, beyond the gold and glitter of his costume.

"Oh." Leland breathed suddenly. "I forgot something in the car." He wasn't exactly a great performer, but he did try. What the hell could he have forgotten? Didn't matter, whatever it was, he'd forgotten it! He set his glance on Lionel while backing toward the door.

"I'll be incredibly hurt if you don't join us, Dorian especially." Though none of that wounded threat lived in his tone - only an oppressive summer. Well! He turned to head out to whatever he forgot in Dorian's car!

  • Haha
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It's as if Dorian had somehow read his mind for his insecurities with the way he begins complimenting him. The last time he checked, the man was a Silverblood, right? He didn't suddenly gain telepathy? "Thank you, Dorian," he smiles, fiddling with the cuff of his loose sweater, his face warming to an embarrassing degree. Dorian is no doubt just being polite and returning the compliment, so he shouldn't take it to heart. His tone was so warm, though...

Leland's theatrics catch his attention effortlessly. He'd always had an exuberant amount of energy as a child and it seems he's no different as an adult. Good. The Stoll family was always filled with strife for as long as he worked under them between the sibling rivalries and the pressure their parents placed on them to succeed at everything they did. It was... a lonely house. It wore at them constantly, Lionel could see it, and it made his heart ache. There was so little he could do for them at the time, though, so he could only stand by and watch the light fade from their eyes. So it's a relief to see that Leland hasn't lost his light, or at least regained it.

"I did, actually," he replies, feeding into Leland's flattery for his older brother. They were never this close when they were younger. Dorian was fond of his baby brother, but he never seemed particularly skilled at childrearing, leaving most of that to Lionel who was more accustomed to it. When did that change? When Leland was old enough to hold more adult conversations? He'd spent so many years with this family like it was his own (though it never was, he was always acutely aware of that), and yet so much has probably changed since then. It's an alienating thought. There stopped being room for him decades ago, but knowing that the people in his memory probably no longer even exist...

"'Cervia's Sexiest Man', that's what they called you, right?" He forces his thoughts to his local grocery shop. The checkout lines are always filled with gum, candy, and gossip magazines to hold your attention while you wait for your turn to get your groceries rung up. He'd been startled to see Dorian's face staring flirtatiously up at him from one of the shelves while he was checking out with a bottle of red wine and way too many tubs of ice cream. He bought the magazine for posterity and nostalgia, though he couldn't tell you where he'd put it once he got home. "It was a good choice."

The cavernous void inside him, carved by loneliness and stir craziness, screeches at him to accept the friendly invitation. A costume party is a far better way to spend his evening than handing out candy to kids all alone on his porch. Still, what would he wear? What if they wind up regretting bringing him along once they realize how dull he is compared to them? What if they end up abandoning him for more entertaining company and then he gets stuck all alone in a place full of drunk strangers? There's a high likelihood that he'll just end up embarrassing himself in front of them and ruining whatever fondness they have for him.

"I don't know, I'm not really one for parties," he starts, but Leland continues like he didn't hear him, moving suspiciously quickly out the door to retrieve some forgotten item. He can't help but giggle at the dramatics, turning his attention back to Dorian when that flurry of gold has vanished from view. "Such a ball of energy, that one."

He considers Dorian's shoes, laughing again. "Yes, those Oxfords don't exactly scream 'pirate,' do they? Although you certainly have the gentleman down," he teases, meeting his mahogany eyes. It really is no wonder why he placed first in a 'sexiest man' contest. "I'm afraid I don't have any pirate boots since those aren't really in in high fashion these days, but I'm sure I can find something suitable."

For the first time in several minutes, he allows himself to move, picking up the broom he'd dropped and leaning it against a wall while he gestures for Dorian to take a seat on one of the plush benches. "What size are you?" he calls as he slinks toward the boot section, placing a hand over his lips while he scans through the options. "A mid-calf boot or a knee-high leather boot would be the best way to go. Leather or suede, do you think? I generally like leather more, but the baggy look of suede would help with the pirate look, and you might even be able to bend the leg down a bit to mimic the flaps of a pirate boot. Are you thinking laces or no? I would stay away from buckles, they look too modern. Did you see Vivienne Westwood's pirate boot? They're so ugly. Sorry, that's mean. But it's true."

Realizing he's perhaps talking too much, he begins holding up boots for Dorian to look at and judge, even showing him some from the women's side as he's gotten quite good at converting sizes over the years. "If you're not afraid of heels, a heeled boot would add some flair." Once they finally settle on a shoe, he heads into the back and prays to the Gods that he has a pair in Dorian's size somewhere on his storage shelves. Thankfully, he does, and he tucks the box under his arm and returns to the front.

"So where is this party?" he asks, setting the box on the seat beside Dorian and kneeling down to carefully remove his shoes. "I know you're the commissioner here, so please don't tell me it's something really high-end, because I really don't think I could go to something like that," he says, neatly setting the Oxfords aside before reaching for the box.

Only once he's basically leaned over Dorian's lap does it hit him that putting Dorian's shoes on for him is a very odd thing for him to be doing, and his body flushes with mortification. "Sorry!" he squeaks, hands falling awkwardly into his lap. "I wasn't even thinking, it was just force of habit."

Helping the Stolls put on their shoes was a daily activity for him back when he lived with them. The younger ones were still trying to figure out how to tie their laces, and for Connie, well. He just liked watching Lionel do it. And Lionel certainly liked doing it, and he especially liked what often followed afterward.
@MaryGold | @sele
  • Love
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
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Was Dorian meant to thank Leland or curse him for his apparent and teasing wingmanning? Wingmanning, mind you, that Dorian never asked for. The blond pocket of sunshine couldn't even remember when he colored in Dorian's books when he was a young child, but he remembered quite clearly about his crush on Lionel somehow. He was half tempted to kick in Leland's direction as he slipped out the door, leaving Dorian alone in a room with a man who somehow couldn't pick up any of the hints that were being not so meticulously placed in front of him.

The agitation and - was it embarrassment? No. Dorian was far from the embarrassed type. What was there even to be embarrassed about? - slight unease he felt lessened, however, at Lionel's confirmation of having seen his feature. Dorian kept a copy of the magazine himself, and he could confidently say that the pictures taken had captured his best sides and best attributes. Or as much as they could possibly capture through camera when all of his sides were his best and his attributes didn't fall short.

But hearing Lionel refer to him as sexy was not something he thought he would ever hear and least of all in this context. His lips twitched briefly, but he pushed away whatever feeling tried to resurface and took a seat on the cushioned bench that Lionel gestured him to. It was mildly uncomfortable to do so while he whipped around looking for options for him to try, but it shouldn't have when he lived with the man for years and he had done the exact same thing then. He was no longer their family servant, but he was still treating Dorian as if he was. Or perhaps it was all just a part of the job.

"Size twelve." He answered him, turning his head to watch him move around the shop. Where he had just been in a rush a moment ago, his eyes were focused on watching the familiar figure from his past and listening to him talk. And he spoke more than Dorian ever remembered him doing so. There were so many things he wished to say, but for now he found content in listening to him.

"I don't mind a heel, just no taller than three inches." He answered when asked, leaning forward with his arms folded beneath his chest. Dorian may have been particular, so particular that he had shoes custom made for a one year costume, but he was more interested in what Lionel had to say and offer that he had practically allowed the man to select his own shoes.

There were few times Dorian was ever surprised. The first example that came to mind was seeing Lionel after he had all but vanished from his life. And now, the second was Lionelkneeling in front of him to take his shoes off. He stilled. Experiencing another rare case of not knowing how to respond. Had it been anyone else, he would have pulled away in an instant. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't just anyone.

Lionel remembered himself before Dorian did.

"I'm-" not him. He would have finished, but there was enough courteous sense for him to hold back from saying it. Dorian was not his brother, and Lionel didn't need reminding. "I'm a big boy, Lionel. And older than you." He said with a gentle smile, taking the boots from his hands with just as much gentleness.

"Did you mistake me for Callum now?" He joked, hoping the lightness would relax him. "I am told we look the most alike."

Dorian shifted his eyes to the boots, giving himself a moment as he slipped on the boots. "The party is a Halloween one, I promise you it will be full of many characters dressing up and acting like something they're not. There will be raffles and games. Leland will cry if you don't come even for a little bit." He looked back to the man, a smile growing on his face. "I can't have his tears staining the backseat of my car."

He paused once before pushing his foot toward the man. "How would you tie these laces? Would you mind showing me? A simple bow seems too little."

@wren. @sele 」​

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