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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Balancer of Chaos
Original poster
Invitation Status

For about four hundred years, the greater universe as a whole has known peace. Thanks to Sora and his friends, threats like Organization XIII, Maleficent, and the Heartless are all merely things of the past. With their combined efforts they managed to deal with many of the threats that the universe faced before Sora and others not blessed with enteral youth eventually passed on peacefully from old age.

Of course, they did not pass on without passing their skills to the next generation. Sora's generation had been the founding of the World Defense Committee or WDC for short. This committee dedicated itself to the defense of the greater universe and its many worlds from the defense of individuals who would seek to interfere with them and disrupt the natural balance and order of the worlds.

There are many worlds though. Countless. One would say that it is impossible to help them all… or so one would think.

The World Defense System [WDS for short]. This system was the child of the 4th WDC inspired by the Defense System that was made in Radiant Garden during Sora's time. This system is powered by the Cornerstone of Light, a mysterious artifact of immense power buried deep within Disney Castle. This system scans the worlds its set up in for various threats like Heartless and Nobodies. Then, utilizing the power of the Cornerstone of Light it is not only able to weaken these threats but even outright eliminate them if they are weak enough.

If they are too strong to be outright eliminated by the WDS, then a member of the World Defense Committee can quickly be dispatched to deal with the threat either via direct teleportation if the world is within a certain range or through the Gummi Ship Network established by the World Defense System. The WDS is for more than just defense as it has a variety of other functions as well.

Thankfully such a thing has only happened a small handful of times in the 350 years since the World Defense System's inception. Even then, in each of those times the threats were nothing that couldn't be easily handled by the skilled members of the WDC. Members of the World Defense Committee are selected either directly from Radiant Garden or from specially strong individuals found in the various Touched Worlds, this being worlds who have entered the reach of the World Defense System.
Moving to the present day, for the first time since the inception of the WDS something strange has happened. An abnormality has been spotted. This is something that has never been encountered by the WDS before. While it doesn't seem like much, King Mickey Mouse of Disney Castle is still concerned enough to want to mount an immediate investigation.

With everyone in the WDC busy with various missions, it was decided to send in the newest generation of Keyblade Wielders. Another function of the WDS is to detect any emergences of the Keyblade to prepare for the day that the Heartless become a threat once again. King Mickey hopes that they will be able to investigate the nature of this abnormality and either deal with it or identify it so that the WDC proper can deal with it.

Will this strange signature be nothing at all, or will it be something that takes these Keybladers on a journey far greater than anything they could have anticipated... well... there's only one way to find out, isn't there?

I think King Mickey may be worried for nothing if you ask me personally. Tee. Hee. Hee.

But anyway, all this aside this is a Kingdom Hearts RP, one I created a long time ago. One group of newbie Keybladers will discover and investigate a strange signature discovered by the WDS, and from there their journey will begin. Action, mystery, intrigue, adventure, and even dashes of horror will be present here and there.

Of course, this isn't going to be a totally typical KH RP. I may at times stray from the canon unintentionally. If that happens... well... it shouldn't be too upsetting. After all, if you are strictly canon only stuff... then this probably may not be your cup of tea, especially since we won't be exploring just Disney related worlds for both reasons of because I want to go to other worlds and actual plot related reasons that will be explained later (no 4th wall breaks though, probably should mention that, will not be breaking that 4th wall). Worlds of other games, anime, movies, or manga may appear. I am also always up for world suggestions as well.

These will be rather straightforward.
PVP is fine, but keep it civil. If you feel like it is appropriate for characters to come to blows I am all for it. Inter party conflict can be interesting. Just make sure that the player(s) whose character(s) you want to fight approves and you all can decide on an agreed outcome without turning it into a keyblade measuring contest.

No God Modding. Combat will happen, your characters are not invincible. Winning easily, barely scraping by, losing… all of these are par for the course in any long journey.

No spotlight hogging. There is only one main character. His name is Pluto. You are not Pluto. Unfortunately this means you have to share the spotlight with the other players on this adventure. So lets make sure that everyone gets equal time to shine.

Why can't I be Pluto? Because no one can be Pluto. Pluto is Pluto and Pluto is busy being a good boy doing good boy things.

Let's be nice. No OOC drama. We are all here to have some good old fashioned KH fun.

Casual to Adept Writing. I am not expecting people to write books with each post, but no one liners either.

The basic CS Skeleton

The name of your character including any given titles or nicknames they may possess.

At least 15 years of age


Either a Face Claim, a description, or both to include certain information such as height or anything notable about your character's appearance that isn't present in the face claim or that is present but needs to be clarified.

Tell me about your character's personality. What are their strong points? Weaknesses? What drives them? Anything goes really, this is a section for showcasing just what kind of person your character is.

Is your character not fully human? Or are they a human who has been enhanced in some way? Perhaps they aren't even human at all. Or they just are human. If your character is something other than human, tell me about it. Any species goes so long as the species isn't immortal or insanely overpowered by default. Long lived species are fine so long as you yourself aren't some super old monster that would have had no excuse for not spending the last 1000 years or whatever getting super strong.

Some background information on your character. On their world. How did their Keyblade come to them? Your character can be from any kind of world be it an original world of your own making or the world of a specific franchise. Note that this can be ANY franchise. Could be a Disney, Kingdom Hearts, or Final Fantasy world. You could be from the Sword Coast or Azaroth. You could be from the Wastelands of Fallout (Like one character in a previous iteration of this RP. He was a huge fish out of water, it was amazing). Anything is possible really.

You could even be from a Cultivator from a Wuxia or Xanxia novel if you want.

Note though that if you do plan to be from any Non-Disney or Non Final Fantasy world, run it by me first. For… various plot related reasons I may have to turn down being from certain worlds.

Anything important about your character that either doesn't fit in any of the other categories or you feel like its important to make clear, write it here. Just a section for some all important character notes.

Your Keyblade and its given ability or passive affect. If you don't have a picture for it, feel free to describe it.

Any other weapons your character may wield. Note though as your characters aren't supposed to start off too powerful, please don't make them able to use every kind of weapon out there. Just one or two additional main weapons is fine. You can learn how to wield more weapons as the RP progresses though if you so desire, I am all for that.

This section is a bit tricky. This section is where you write down the Abilities your Character has. The Abilities your Character can possess are split up into five main categories as well as a few sub categories and gauge how well your character can operate both in and out of combat. This is not a tabletop so there won't be anything like dice or RPG mechanics involved, but instead the Abilities you possess are a way to gauge the various strengths and weaknesses of your characters to account for various situations.

You are free to consult Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts for any Abilities. Alternatively, you can also utilize the Abilities of another Franchise if you just so happen to be from that world or you can come up with your own unique Abilities. For example, if from a DnD world you could learn DnD Feats or Spells. If you're from Rune Factory you could learn those Spells or Skills. If you are from some kind of species that possesses some kind of special abilities those can also go here, being ones you already possess at the start or perhaps unlock as you go about on your journey and discover more about your own capabilities.

You can also make unique Abilities if you like. You do not have to use Abilities from any franchise if you do not want to.

These Abilities also measure your characters' progression of strength. As your characters are somewhat weak at the start, you will be allowed to start off with 6 Abilities and no more than four Abilities in any of the main categories. As you travel worlds and defeat powerful enemies you will be able to either gain new abilities or upgrade your existing ones. Aside from acquiring new items and gear, this will be the main way your characters become stronger and showcase their gaining of experience over time.

As you are exposed to more worlds and meet more people wielding all different kinds of powers, the types of Abilities you can acquire will expand in scope as well.

Here are the categories of Abilities.

Warrior: Power of the Warrior. A sword to clear your path of enemies. Abilities of this nature are more based on showcasing your powerful physical might. The more [Warrior] Abilities you possess, the physically stronger your character is considered.

Guardian: Power of the Guardian. A shield to protect yourself and your allies. Abilities of this nature are more for defending yourself and even others from adversity and harm. The more [Guardian] Abilities you possess, the tougher and sturdier your character is considered.

Mystic: Power of the Mystic. A staff that grants you access to special mystical powers. Abilities of this nature are all about Magic or utilizing any other form of supernatural or mystical power. The more [Mystic] Abilities you possess the more [Mana] you have and the stronger your mystical abilities are.

Technician: Power of the Technician. A bow that can help you support your allies from close or afar. Abilities of this nature are varied. They are generally about utility. More often than not, Abilities of this nature will have great use both in and out of combat. These are things like enhanced luck, guile, lock picking, crafting, item usage, ranged attacks, or many other such things. The more [Technician] Abilities you possess the more skilled you are.

Messenger: Power of the Messenger. A pair of boots that can help you get to where you need to go. Abilities of these nature are all about Movement. Whether its just movement tricks or maneuvers, small boosts to speed, or more special forms of movement. If you do wish to start off with special Movement Abilities, please don't start off with [Gliding] or [Flying] of any kind unless your from a species already capable of such. In that case, let me know and we will discuss it. Same goes with [Flowmotion]. The more [Messenger] Abilities you possess the quicker you are.

Limit Breaks: Very special ultimate abilities. These consume a huge amount of energy and all your Mana and are best saved as a last resort. If you wish to have one at the start you can, but only one.

Drive Forms: A mysterious ability said to have been possessed by Sora. Allows one to transform to acquire new abilities for a short time. No one can have these at the start. If your species has some kind of natural transformation ability talk to me about it.

Summons: Allies you have befriended can be called to your aid using a unique spell that connects your heart to theirs, allowing you to call them from wherever they are. Alternatively you could just have access to some kind of special summoning magic. Regardless, if you do want to have one, you can, but you can only have one to start. Unlike regular abilities, these are usually only going to be gained from the people that you meet on your journeys. Some Summons may also require multiple people to work together to summon them if they are powerful enough. If you do wish to have a Summon at the start, nothing absurdly powerful like Bahamhut, Lucifer, or some other crazy powerful creature.

IC Link
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Link to the Interest Check for those who are interested.

Forgot to add if you want to make your own abilities you can do so. You are not limited to already existing abilities.
What's the preference in terms face claims? (Anime vs real life, etc. I've found that some folks are particular about it)
What's the preference in terms face claims? (Anime vs real life, etc. I've found that some folks are particular about it)
I have no particular preference for face claims that people use for their Character Sheets.
Forgot to add if you want to make your own abilities you can do so. You are not limited to already existing abilities.
You are also not limited to only unique abilities or already existing ones. You can have mixtures of both regardless of where your character is from, so long as they'd make sense based on where your character is from, be it an original world of your own design or an already existing franchise world.
Alright, I think that my sheet should be good to go for now! I hope it is alright as is, I did make adjustments like I was told to, but if anything else is still out of order I'll fix it as quickly as I can. So without further ado:

image source

  • Name: Shun
    Age: 19-years old
    Gender: Female
    Species: Reaper (Support)
    Appearance: Shun is rather tall, standing at 192 cm / 6'4". She is a natural brunette, but likes to dye her hair blonde, sometimes she goes for wilder colours, but blonde is her go to. When she isn't wearing her usual black crop-top she wears merch T-Shirts of usually japanese rock, metal or grunge indie bands not a soul has ever heard of. She usually runs around with a pair of headphones plugging up at least one ear.

    "Hey! Nice to meet ya! D'ya like the look? It's really difficult to keep my roots from showing sometimes, I wouldn't bother with it if I didn't think it looked way more cute than just ol' stinkin' brown hair. The pains you endure just to look presentable..."
  • Shun is a relatively laid back and fundamentally lazy person. She usually tries to scrape by doing the bare minimum that she thinks she can get away with and outsources whatever she deems to much of a hassle to her Noise. If she could get away with it, she would hunker down in a room with a pile of video games, manga and books and never come out ever again.

    Her duties as a Keyblade Wielder are, at least at times, a strange exception to her general laziness. Though she will still try to do only the barest minimum she needs to, she actually seems to put a considerable amount of effort into making that bare minimum as close to perfect as she can. She does this mostly due to a sneaking guilty conscience about her general lazy unhelpfulness, despite all the powerful abilities she was gifted with.

    The few other things that break her general laziness are music and food, about which she is rather passionate. Shun plays a smattering of instruments, though her favourites are guitar and drums, and has a rather nice singing voice. A voice that can most often be heard when she is preparing food. Though Shun is by no means a trained chef, she enjoys cooking food, especially for other people, and is decently good at it as well. Food, to some degree, is her love language, she'll regularly hand out meals she made to people she cares about and she will go out of her way to make sure anyone whom she even moderately likes is always well-fed.

    "Man, ya shoulda seen me when the WDC first came 'round and told me I had to Keyblade training now, I think for that short moment I was by far the most annoyed person in the world. To be fair, I still think Keyblade training is too much of a hassle. Like, seriously, why do I need to know how to bonk people with this big not-really-key-lookin' thing? I've got Noise to do that for me!"
  • Shun was once a participant of Shibuya's "Reaper's Game". A one week competition held by the Reapers for the recently deceased are grouped into pairs and compete for the chance to be returned to life, should they be able to win the Reaper's Game. She participated only a few weeks before the soon-to-be Neku Sakuraba would begin his first Reaper's Game and the Shibuya Reaper's Game as a whole would come to an end.

    Shun was not a prodigious player of the Reaper's Game by any stretch of the imagination. It took her all of about a day and a half to see her partner be erased from the Reaper's Game, leaving her alone to fend for herself. Players without partners are usually quickly found by errant Noise - Manifestations of negative emotions and the main enemy during the Reaper's Game - or by so called Harrier Reapers, either way, she was sure to be erased just like her partner too.

    However, in some strange stroke of luck, the Harrier Reaper that happened upon her was in a relatively charitable mood so, desperate for a way not to be erased, she asked if she could be allowed to join the Reapers instead. To her surprise the Reaper, likely more out of amused curiosity than anything else, agreed that he would bring her request to his boss who decided to grant Shun's request.

    Shun was made into a Support Reaper, the lowest rank of Reaper there is, whose sole role it is to create minor challenges for the Players of the Reaper's Game and inform them how they can proceed after beating their personal challenge. With no other option than to follow the orders of the other Reapers, Shun decided to play along and try to earn herself a big enough promotion to, eventually, find a way to return to life somehow.

    Sadly for her, the opportunity for a promotion would never come. Only a handful of weeks after she became one of the Reapers, the one in control of the Reaper's Game in Shibuya decided to end that game and purge it from the world. As part of that purge, grunt Reapers like Shun would have been supposed to return to their homes, wherever that may be for a Reaper. Shun, however, was an anomaly.

    Whenever someone enters the Reaper's Game an entry fee is taken from them. The Reaper's Game automatically determines the thing most precious to that person and takes it from them, only to be returned should they succeed in the Reaper's Game. Shun's entry fee was her home, so all connections and memories to what she would consider a "home" were erased from her.

    So, when the purging of Shibuya's Reaper's Game was supposed to send her to her home - Whether her home as a person, or her home as a Reaper - it couldn't locate where that "home" was supposed to be and with nowhere else to go Shun found herself in the world for those without a world, Traverse Town.

    To her surprise some of her Reaper abilities remained, although it was difficult, she could still use Psychs and create minor Noise that obeyed her commands. To anyone else this would have been a call to action to become some kind of hero, or at least a good samaritan, Shun on the other hand was simply content living an ordinary life in this strange new place she found herself in. She'd find a way to get back to Shibuya… eventually she was sure.

    All was peaceful as far as Shun was concerned, she was learning about a new strange world and idled the days away in Traverse Town. At least, that was until she was sought out by an agent of the World Defence Committee to inform her that the World Defence System had detected her as a new Keyblade Wielder. She was reluctant at first, thinking that the agent was trying to mess with or trick her somehow, the agent explained to her how one was to summon a Keyblade if they had the ability to, implored her to try it and, if she did have one, come find them. So, a few days later, out of a mixture of boredom and curiosity, Shun tried what the agent had instructed her to and, after a few tries, she managed to manifest a Keyblade. Curious about this new power, she went back to the agent as they had asked and not long after, though not without protest from Shun, her training as a Keyblade Wielder began.

    "How'd I end up in the Reaper's Game? Gee... I don't really know anymore. I think it was an accident. A truck driver didn't see me rounding a corner in time and... splat! Suddenly I got turned into Shun-Soup. But, well, it turned out kinda fine like this didn't it? Somehow I ended up here, still not really sure how that all happened. It really isn't too bad or anything. I walked it off."
  • Noisy Noise

    A strange Keyblade seemingly composed of multiple of the graffiti like markings that make up the bodies of the Noise, even its pendant is the symbol of a Noise. Its entire physical form seems slightly malleable and bends slightly whenever it hits something and many of its floating parts, like the teeth at the end, can be pulled away from the main body of the Keyblade a couple of centimetres, snapping back into place when let go.

    Ability: Street Jam
    Normally the abilities of a Reaper or a Player of the Reaper's Game are limited to a space known as the Underground, a copy of the real world wherein the Reaper's Game is held, this is also where Noise can be found. Normally, while someone in the Underground can see into the real world, they cannot interact with it, and Noise are normally not able to escape the Underground and affect the real world in any meaningful way. However, the special ability of this Keyblade seems to be that it can briefly breach the Underground and the real world, allowing Shun to still make use of her Reaper abilities and Psychs as well as allowing her to briefly summon Noise into the real world.

    "Hehe... The whole thing is kind of like jello or gum if you pull at it. The whole thing feels like something solid, but it kind of isn't and kind of is. It's really weird. Ya don't wanna know how many hours I spent just putting the thing down and flicking it back and forth, it looks kinda goofy... Haaah, I need new hobbies..."
    • Psychs
      The main ways for Players of the Reaper's Game to defend themselves was to use psychic magic-like abilities that were channelled through pins they found or that were given to them. Reapers, too, could make use of Psychs, and Shun is still in possession of three of her Pins which, through the power of her Keyblade, still seem to work just fine for her, though in the hands of anyone else they're just regular metal pins. They are in some way comparable to magic. Though, unlike magic, they don't rely on a finite pool of magic within the user, but instead can be used a limited number of times before they enter a cooldown period wherein they cannot be used.
      • A pin that allows Shun to fire small pinkish-white force bullets for limited ranged combat.

        "Yeah, ya better watch out! This thing may be called Cutie Beam, but ya really don't want to get smacked in the face by a couple of those little pink balls. It actually hurts quite a bit... I've been told... My aim isn't always flawless okay?"
      • A pin that allows Shun to create a barbed-wire like wall that can briefly immobilise anyone caught in it.

        "This thing is the same as the first honestly. Kinda cute name, probably hurts pretty bad to get hurt by. Seriously, imagine some barbed wire spontaneously poofing into existence next to ya and hurling itself into ya side. That's gotta hurt! Luckily I haven't hit anyone on accident with this pin yet."
      • A pin that, when used, manifests a soda can. When drunk it heals minor wounds the person who drank it may have. It tastes like lemon-pineapple iced tea.

        "I really can't put into words just how convenient it is to have a magic pin that can poof iced tea cans into existence pretty much at will. I'm not even talking about the healing at all. Just picture, ya're watching a movie or show and just when it gets good ya wanna go and grab something to drink, well, now ya can do that at the flick of a wrist without needing to stand up atll all! Sooooo much better."
    • Noise
      Noise are physical manifestations of negative emotions that Reapers like Shun can summon at will. However, summoning Noise is physically exhausting to her and although she could theoretically summon powerful elite Noise the strain would probably be too much for her, so she usually sticks to summoning weaker Noise. Normally Noise would not be able to escape the Underground, so they could not affect anyone in the real world. However, thanks to the power of her Keyblade, Shun is able to very briefly bring them into the real world. The Noise Shun usually sticks to summoning are:
      • Weak frog-like Noise that are generally only a threat in very large groups, they attack by trying to pounce at enemies. Shun also likes to use them for menial tasks, like retrieving items for her or turning something on and off when she's feeling too lazy to get up.

        "These lil' fellas are like my spirit animals or something. They just bounce around all day, think of nothing at all, do nothing at all. They just exist peacefully in their general uselessness, just eat, sleep, lounge around, repeat. Ah, that's the life."
      • Hedgehog-like Noise that are capable to extend their quills a considerable distance and even fire them out of their backs like missiles. Besides using them as ranged support, Shun sometimes just picks one of them up to use as a spiky shield. Due to their spiky nature, Shun doesn't really use them in regular day-to-day life, unless she absolutely requires something to be poked.

        "I don't trust these guys anymore... See, once I tripped over my own feet while practicing and half landed on one of these spinny little cretins! They hurt real bad, believe me! And, I mean, yeah, it was kinda my fault and not the fault of the Noise but I need someone else to take the blame... Anyway! I really don't even wanna picture what it's like being on the recieving end of them firing their quills out their back at ya. That'd probably be more than just a little prick."
      • Feral wolf-like Noise that are most dangerous in packs, but shouldn't be underestimated even when alone. They are very fast on their feet, making them difficult to hit and have powerful claws that can cause a lot of damage with a good hit. Besides their use in combat, Shun likes to use them as the equivalent of pulishies or pillows, they are apparently very soft. Shun at one point named a particular Garage Wolf Noise "Fuzzbox", who seems more permanently attached to her than other Noise she summons, he functions much more like a Summon that sticks around much longer, than a spell where the Noise in question briefly appears, does as Shun commands and disappears just as quickly.

        "Ya wanna pet one sometime? We can do that. Ya just gotta be quick about it, 'cause they tend to poof after just a few seconds. But trust me, those couple of seconds? Totally worth it. They're sooo fluffy! That's the reason I like using Fuzzbox as a pillow as much as I do. He doesn't mind, I think he's at least just as lazy as I am."
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  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Renose
Looks good to me. Love the formatting and categorization as well.

Welcome to the world.
I'm torn over what I want to run for my character.
Or what choices are you torn between if you already thought of a few options.
Or what choices are you torn between if you already thought of a few options.

Swordsman build with a character that has some pent up paternal issues vs. a Wisdom Form inspired gunner with a general proclivity towards introversion.
Or what choices are you torn between if you already thought of a few options.

Swordsman build with a character that has some pent up paternal issues vs. a Wisdom Form inspired gunner with a general proclivity towards introversion.
Which one do you feel will be better towards a more long form journey, since this character will be going on a long journey with others. So they will develop and grow as they visit new worlds.
♛ prince jelani ♛
you should never fight on an empty stomach, don't you know that?

Prince Jelani Maldonia


Cisgendered Male - He/Him

Jelani stands at a nice 5'5" and doesn't like to be called short for a boy his age; he has a beautiful head of curly and very well kept hair. It's left out and naturally surrounds the area around his head, as a crown even when he's not wearing his true one. He is decently fit for a boy his age and is usually wearing any kind of lavender outfit, he can create an ensemble from. His eyes are naturally hazel in color but he usually will have his special, light purple, almost pink contacts in. He has a nice round and innocent face, full of warmth and love.

Jelani might be from a Royal Dynasty but he's truly a humble prince and he learned it from his mother, who always instilled in him to respect others; no matter where they came from. He's the type of boy that will run over and help someone without question, if they seem hurt or sad or in anyway in need of assistance. He will not hesitate to offer a helping hand or a piece of advice, if asked. Jelani is extremely empathetic and caring for others and wouldn't want to see anyone he loves, hurt or sad. He'll fight for the ones he loves and the ones he considers, family and/or friends. His loyalty is one of his greatest strengths and no one can ever take that away from him. Though he's rather impulsive and can be a hothead if pushed far enough, he's been learning to let it boil and not spill over when it comes to his emotions.

Jelani becoming a Keyblade Wielder and mostly being the support role, makes sense for the way he's overprotective and will sacrifice himself before letting any harm come to others.

He's all about productivity and moving around. Not one to lounge in one area for long. If he's not making up a new dish for his friends to try, he's off practicing his fighting and defense skills. He can come off as too serious at times and letting loose is hard for him. Being brought up in royalty and being the next in line for the Maldonia Throne, has put amenst pressure on him. He's a bit guarded at times but that wall is only sheer thin covering, as he's always open to be a warm and welcoming friend to strangers who just need a little guidance and protection.

Jelani is a human, through and through. Even though there has always been rumors he's part frog... nasty and childish falsehoods.

Even before he was born, Jelani's destiny was already etch out for him. His parents were and still are the King and Queen of Maldonia, a small but colorful country; being the son of royalty has always put pressure on the young boy. From the day he was born, Jelani was placed in the best classes of etiquette and royal decrees. His childhood consisted of daily language classes and how to properly address a lord or lady. There wasn't many times the young prince felt he could just be a kid, only the days his mother would take the time to cook for him. He would sit in the massive kitchen and watch her, as if she was practicing magic and performing spells, in the form of gumbo and baked macaroni. There was nothing else that made him feel at home, like his mother's cooking.

As life went on and he got older, Jelani grew into his own person. Still with that regal seriousness he was taught to have, but with a dash of warmth and grace about him, all of his own makings.

He didn't have the most eventful of upbringings, as he was sheltered and cared for most of his young life. Jelani craved to see the world outside of the golden fortress he would one day rule over. As if by some miracle or magic one could say, the night Jelani had wished on a star to see the world, his dreams seemingly came true. The next morning he woke up in a foreign land and couldn't believe his lavender eyes at first. He had heard about such a land in stories and from travelers who popped up around Maldonia but he didn't believe they were true; until he was standing where they stood prior. Filled with joy but also confusion, Jelani made himself as comfortable as could be. Figuring out where he was, Traverse Town and eventually The World Defense System or WDC found him; to their shock, a royal had apparently been tracked down as a new Keyblade Wielder.

Jelani laughed at first, beginning to believe that his parents had set this entire thing up to satisfy his need of adventure. Until the agent told him to summon his Keyblade, if he wasn't one then nothing would happen. Rolling his eyes in minor annoyance, Jelani did as he was told. At first nothing happened and the young prince was about to walk away, but then; appearing right beside him, Jelani's Keyblade manifested. In disbelief at first, he didn't know what to do but the agent guided him and taught him the basics.

From there on, Jelani was on the start of the biggest adventure of his life.

Jelani has a strong passion for cooking and wants to be a Travelling Chef one day, after all of his adventures.

Carries around a small golden frog in his jacket pocket; his good luck charm that his parents gave to him when he was younger.

JELANI'S KEYBLADE - Jelani's keyblade represents very famous food focused disney classics and as such, it's special ability gives it an aroma that smells of home for anyone that it's used on ( lower level and doesn't work all the time ) . Calming them and making them less hostile.

Because of his love of cooking and anything food related, Jelani's abilities are manifested through food based techniques or recipes.

Soup of The Day! ( Guardian ) - Anyone that consumes this special soup will gain a protective barrier around their body for a limited time, keeping them protected, warm and full; like a mother's love.

Eat Your Vegetables! ( Warrior ) - Anyone that consumes this dish of various vegetables will get a boost of strength for a short period of time. Eating healthy will make you strong and sturdy.

That's So Spicy! ( Mystic ) - Anyone that consumes this spicy meal will have their mouth burning and being able to shoot a stream of fireballs for a short period of time.

This Will Make You Feel Better! ( Technician ) - Anyone that consumes this dish made from the heart, will heal from minor damage and be recovered over time faster if out of combat.

Best Served Cold! - ( Mystic ) - Anyone that consumes this chilled dish will have the ability to freeze others for a short period of time, being able to blow cold/freezing air.

Just Desserts! ( Technician ) - If Jelani or an ally of Jelani's consumes this assortment of sweets, they will gain enhanced luck, a short boost of movement speed and a small increase of attack damage. If any enemy consumes these treats, they will have a debuff of previously mentioned effects for a short period of time.
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  • Sweet
Reactions: DesReploid
hopefully hes good to go
hopefully hes good to go
A battle chef. I love the concept.

That being said, you are allowed to have 6 Abilities at the start. It's fine if you want to start off with less, but you can have 6.

It's just that you can't have more than four in a singular category at the start.

So if you wanna slap on two more abilities onto him, I am all for it since I don't want him to seem weaker than the others at the start.
Oh ok lol and ahh thanks I was like I wonder how this could work lol. Ill
Add two more in the morning it's 1am here lol
Oh ok lol and ahh thanks I was like I wonder how this could work lol. Ill
Add two more in the morning it's 1am here lol
Fair enough.

But yea, other than those two missing abilities, I feel like Prince Jelani will be good to go once you add them since everything checks out.
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Reactions: Justin
Or what choices are you torn between if you already thought of a few options.

Swordsman build with a character that has some pent up paternal issues vs. a Wisdom Form inspired gunner with a general proclivity towards introversion.
Which one do you feel will be better towards a more long form journey, since this character will be going on a long journey with others. So they will develop and grow as they visit new worlds.

Well they both have room for growth. But I'd say the second one is more flexible in that I wouldn't need to throw any extra characters in to bring him around to his best self.
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Reactions: Renose
That is damn hilarious! We have two chefs in the group already and, besides the joint hobby of cooking, they couldn't be more different. The kitchen disputes will truly be something special to behold.