Knight on Time

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A smiling Face
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, Romance, scifi, videogame, romance, pretty flexible really
How long had it been since her charge and master had died? Mariland couldn't be sure. She no longer had the strength to awaken and determine such things. She was a sitting duck but the tomb had been undisturbed for so long that she was certain she would never see the light of day again. She rested against the stone sarcophagus looking as young and vibrant as the day he passed. All she could do was wait for someone to find her, to need her help, or to come and end her. Time had long erased her name from history and now her existence was nothing more than a fairy tale. Just a nameless knight who seemed to have the "gift" of eternal youth.
Joel was scrambling at the moment. He was in a bad situation. He had a debt that he hadn't paid. He could've, but he hadn't. And he had chosen the wrong people to borrow money from. He racked his brain as he ran, hands trembling a little. What had his mother used to tell him when he was little? She had this...this story that she would tell him about how if he said this name, he would be protected. Well, he needed that right now. The adrenaline coursing through his body had turned his brain onto autopilot, so he had to duck into an alley to take a second to think. He pressed the heel of his hand to his forehead. "Think," he hissed to himself. "Think, think, think!" After a hot minute, it finally came to him, and he said the name. Not expecting much, he waited with baited breath, listening hard for his pursuers.
A whisper, a soft plea graced the knight's ears. Someone said her name, someone was asking for her help. Her eyes slowly opened and she got to her feet, her curse pulling her mind back into the world. Everything was dark and her eyes couldn't see much. "Once more....please....just once more." She said softly though she doubted anyone could hear her. "Allow me strength to help the one who doth call upon me."
It hadn't worked, and now his pursuers were going to kill him. He knew it; it was just some dumb story. "Screw you, Mariland," he muttered. "Didn't need you anyway." He pulled his pistol from his back pocket. He hadn't wanted to shove it in his pants. He made sure it was loaded and ready to fire, aiming at where he thought his pursuers would be.
Just as his pursuers were finally in earshot, a small thread of light appeared before him. Slowly, an arm with a shield pushed through, making the thread thicken and become what appeared to be a portal. As if out of a movie Mariland stepped forward, reaching out through the light. Around the corner they came just in time to see a woman standing with sword and shield facing them, her eyes still shut, but only for a moment. They snapped open, their honeyed hue giving a cold stare.

"My lord, you are in need of assistance against these.......ruffians?" she asked over her shoulder.
Joel was...shooketh, to say the least. He looked around, checking behind him to make sure she wasn't talking to someone behind him, who might have also just appeared out of thin air. He lowered his gun, so that it was pointing at the ground. "If you're talking to me,...yeah. That would be, uh, nice."
"Very well." She said simply. Readily she charged at those chasing after him which was startling to say the least. Having someone in full armor rushing you quite suddenly would cause anyone to freak out at least for a moment. That moment was all she needed and with harsh slashes and deep gashes the men were brought to their knees, bleeding and dying. She stared down at them and shut her eyes for a moment, saying a small prayer before sheathing her sword and turning to Joel. She took several steps towards him only to fall to her knees. She had spent what little energy she had left just waking and moving.
He stared at her, taking a couple of steps back, away from the kneeling lady. What was this? "Who are you?" He asked, gun still pointed at the ground. Joel didn't feel comfortable putting it away just yet. His gaze shifted from the lady to the dying and dead men and back to the lady. Also, how did she just materialize? As far as he knew, that wasn't normal.
"You.....called upon me....You should know who I am My Lord. I am Lady Mariland Cassella of Ivalice." She answered, her breathing slightly heavy. "You are in need of me?" She slowly looked to him, her face quite pale now. She still needed to ensure the pact was made soon. Her strength was leaving her quickly.
"Okay, first off, you can stop calling me 'My Lord'. It's weirding me out. My name is Joel. And! I..." He trailed off, noticing how pale she was. "Uh...not anymore. I don't need your assistance right now." He glanced around. It would be mortifying if any of his friends saw him in this situation. However, it was good to know that he could call upon a literal legend for help.
"Then.....there is no need for a pact.....Farewell.....Joel." She seemed to frown then collapsed. Without a living charge she could not muster any further strength and her eyes shut once more. His name was Joel, but he had no interest in a knight and thus she was consigned back into the dark oblivion of unconsciousness.
"Wait! You can't just...stop, or whatever you're doing right now, right here! I don't know if you know, but this is an alley, and alleys are usually used for...things you don't want to be around for." He had thought she was just going to dematerialize the way she had come. But no, she was now unconscious in the middle of an alley. "Get up," he muttered, tucking his gun back in his back pocket before pulling on her arm.
On his command her eyes opened, however they seemed lifeless and eerie. "Without a charge this soul is consigned to oblivion. This puppets curse cannot be broken." She spoke in a strange, otherworldly voice that gave a sense of dread. It was light a godly being spoke though her.
He scrubbed his hand over his face. "What is a charge? If you don't have a charge, how did you appear in the first place?" Joel asked, swallowing hard. He shifted uncomfortably, the voice freaking him out a little.
"A charge is one a knight is sword to protect. It was fate that allowed you to summon this puppet." The voice answered. She had not moved an inch outside of opening her eyes and speaking. "And now it returns to sleep. Your pleas allowed her one final burst of energy. But she cannot return to her tomb."
Joel cleared his throat so his voice wouldn't shake. "Fine. If I say your name again, will that work? At least to get her out of this place?" He asked, gesturing around them. "I can be your charge. You can protect me." Not that I need it. "Also, you say you can't return to your tomb, but you like...teleported here."
"As I explained mortal, it was fate that you were able to grant her the strength to appear." The voice answered, "her name may yet awaken her but I cannot promise any strength. Her power has waned over the centuries. Her previous charge is naught but dust." Slowly her eyes shut again. Whatever had been using her to speak had grown bored of the conversation.
Once the voice had stopped talking, his fear left, irritation taking its place. "Fine. I'm still doing to try." He took a deep breath. "Mariland Mariland Mariland Mariland Mariland Mariland Mariland..." He kept repeating her name.
It took a bit but her eyes opened and seemed normal. Shakily she tried to get up but her body had no real strength and she was only able to climb to her knees. She slowly lifted her head and saw Joel. "You.....are back?"
He stopped repeating her name over and over again. "What do you mean, back? I never left," Joel replied. He noticed how shaky she was. "Do you need something to eat, or...?"