Knight on Time

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
She seemed content in the silence. It was nice just to hear the sounds around them for a little while. She leaned back and slowly seemed to drift off into sleep.
Joel made no move to disturb her at any point on the drive until they arrived back. He gently took her shoulder. "Mariland," he said softly in an attempt to wake her.
Mariland was in a happy but light sleep. When he shook her shoulder her eyes slowly opened. "mmmm Ah....did i doze off there?" She mumbled before sitting up a bit and rubbing her eyes.
Joel nodded. "Yeah...we're back at my place now," he replied, keeping his voice low. "If you need to, you can head inside, and I'll bring all the stuff in if you need to get some rest," he offered.
"Mmm no no. I'm fine. The warmth of the sun just made me doze off." She yawned and slowly started to unbundled herself. She was waking up fairly quickly though she'd been quite comfortable.
Joel stifled a yawn. "Now, don't be starting that," he playfully chided, getting out of the vehicle and moving to open her door before opening the back door as well.
She couldn't help help but laugh at him. Mariland got out after he opened the door and relaxed. She helped him with the bags, feeling quite happy with their day out.
He elbowed both the back and the front door shut, making sure he had his keys on him. Joel smiled a little as she laughed. "How was your power nap?" He asked as he led the way back in.
"hmmm I suppose it was nice enough," She answered with a smile. Mariland had enjoyed herself and the nap had been pretty refreshing. "Having a nap is nice every once in a while. I had some memories come back but nothing noteworthy." She followed after him to his home.
"I don't know; I think every memory is at least a little important. They're what make you, right? Were they good ones?"
"They were just memories of exploring the vast countryside," She shrugged as she spoke, "It wasn't anything terribly interesting or important. Just days spent on wagons or horseback, riding along in the sunshine. I remember the smell of the grass and the warmth of the sun.
"Do you miss that? Now that you're here, I mean. I haven't experienced what you have, but I'm pretty sure that this is nothing like that."
"Sort of....The peace and quiet is wonderful. And I do miss traveling in the sunshine. But I think I can get used to this as well." Mariland stretched and smiled a bit. "I do miss laying in the grass though. That was always fun."
"I mean...there's grass at the park," he offered, immediately regretting his statement. Clearly, that wouldn't be the same, but it would be about as close as it would get around here unless they drove a ways away.
"That's right. That is an option. Now that I have more normal clothes perhaps that will be an option at least," mariland nodded realizing that he had a point there.