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in that gaping abyss, we will find our redemption
Original poster
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  1. Looking for partners
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  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
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  1. Intermediate
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
NAME: Montag Devland Lo
AGE: 35
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
CLASS: Lower
OCCUPATION: Cleaner for Hire
SPECIES: Pureblood Magi

-Blood Magic, with the basics of Fire Magic starting to be learned, and he dabbles in Black Magic-
SKILL LEVEL: Master, but focuses on Magic Tools and Potions over Spells
FAMILIAR: A basset hound named Enola (familiar power: calming aura)

- Intensely Unlucky, to the Point of Monty being Numb to it, Touch Paranoid, Probably from the Bad Luck, Pretty Wired 24/7
- Would Shank you if you were Causing him Problems or just being Annoying, his Moral Compass is quite Screwy
- Charming, in a Scruffy, Pathetic Kind of Way, like an Alley Dog stuck in the Rain
- Has Survived on Smarts, Wit, and a Good Left Hook, just Barely
- Forgets to Eat a lot, Smokes way too much, and Never gets Enough Sleep, A Hot Mess

HISTORY: Born and raised in the concrete jungle of Black City, Monty has spent most of his life moving. His family was not one to stay in one home or apartment for long, as his parents were criminals. There wasn't much they wouldn't do for a little more cash, and it was that influence that shaped Monty into the man he is. They tried to take care of their son, even teaching him the basics of the magic both of them knew, but at least according to Montag now, they were pretty useless at even the most basic things. It was when Montag was about 16 was his life drastically changed. Either a mugging went bad, someone got wind of what his parent's were doing, or bad luck, but his parents ended up corpses in some alley. That left Monty alone, and just old enough to lie about his real age and start taking care of himself. That is how it has been for all of his life, being mostly alone. He continued his studies of magic, or tried, bouncing from various members of the House Sanguis who were willing to train some street punk. While most would find the price for such magic to be things like a taxing effect upon their mana (as all Magi do, including Monty) or perhaps a few droplets of bloods, unknown to the young man, his arcane price is his own luck. The more and more he focused on being a good magi, even finding himself excelling at the art of creating charms, relics and potions, his world outside of it seemed to grow more and more miserable by the day. So his whole life has been plagued with that bad luck, nothing simply seems to work for Monty. Friendships, relationships, any opportunities, everything ends the same... with Monty left broken and beaten in some ditch, having to get himself up, shake him off, and keep moving.
In the current time, Montag works as a cleaner for hire, someone to call when things get messy; whether that be a corpse or some rich kid's drug filled parties. Monty does not ask questions, as long as the pay is good, and does his work efficiently. Most underground circles in Black City have at least heard about Monty, and is held in good regards. The man knows his stuff about making sure evidence is erased and that a scene looks like not a soul had ever been there. He spends most of his time in his shitty apartment, or working other odd jobs when the cleaning work dries up, trying to stay away from those who may take advantage of his bad luck, as they so often do. It isn't uncommon to see the man with a black eye or cuts on his face from the numerous of fights he winds up in, and most of the time, he hasn't done a thing to deserve it. It is just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes, a sad fact Montag has been taught over... and over again.

APPEARANCE: A skinny 5'8, with dark brown hair that falls just below the ears, some light scruff, has to wear glasses to read, heavy bags under his green eyes, usually found with a number of bandages and/or bruises and wounds across his body. Is somewhat fashionable, even on a budget, has a preference for suits (usually end up wrinkled and/or bloody).

EXTRA INFO: Has an Oral Fixation, Usually has a Lollipop, Cigarettes, Joint, or Pencil in-between his Lips
Loves Music, Sometimes Wishes he Wrote Music instead of Chopping up Corpses
Can Easily Roll a Cigarette or a Joint in One Hand, it is his Preferred Method
Big Fan of Painting Miniature Figures, is His Nerdiest "Secret", Only Thing he seems to Not Screw Up
Has Very Bad Insomnia, Lucky to get 4hrs of Sleep
Doesn't have Enough Time for Creamer in his Coffee, Drinks it Black
"Play stupid games, Win stupid prizes."
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  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
  • What a TWIST
Reactions: wren. and MaryGold
NAME: June Jacoby Beckett
AGE: 28
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
CURRENT CITY: Berwyn Harbor, NS
CLASS: Middle Class
OCCUPATION: Lighthouse/Shop Keeper
SPECIES: Werecanine (Alaskan Malamute)/Viridi Magi Hybrid (70/30%)

POWER: Intermediate at Plant Magic, with no attempt to further his studies, along with full, if slightly weakened werecanine powers
LIMITATIONS: Has the full limitations of both races, with silver being a particular weakness, June can't even get near it without it causing discomfort.

-Trying to Live his Best Life, Actually Succeeding, Happy Go Lucky
-Enjoys Simple Living, too much Going on can Stress and Confuse him, Loud Noises Especially
-A Good Pair of Ears to Listen, or a Shoulder to Cry on
-Strong like an Ox, can be Sweet like Sugar, kind of a Dumbass
-Wants to Keep People Healthy, Offers Good Workout and Diet Tips Often

HISTORY: June Jolene Beckett, or just JJ or June, is originally from much more inland than the home he calls now. Born in Sayby Falls to a House Virdi Magi father and a werecanine mother, June spend his early years in comfort. They didn't have everything, but they did have each other and June found himself immersed in nature. His parents could be described as "hippies" in about every sense of the world, so June grew up around nature, thriving in it, having a connection to it that felt so strong, even compared to his connections to humans. Noticing their son's natural gifts, his parents nurtured those feelings, teaching him when the time was right about Plant Magics, but also made sure he was out with people as much as he was out in the woods alone. June was fine dealing with people, but it simply wasn't the same as swimming naked through a creek, or climbing the tallest of trees. He got through school with no problems, even finding fun playing football, but didn't see himself much as the brains type. It just wasn't for him, no.... June wanted to be somewhere where he could breath fresh air and feel the earth beneath him, not the bright and glamourous city life that many seemed to focus on.
June's current line of work started when he just turned 19, and his uncle, a full werecanine by the name of Oscar offered him a job. For years Oscar had watched over an old lighthouse, and had earned good pay doing so. Only problem was that he was getting old in years, and couldn't keep up maintaining it, and was looking for someone to take it over. It was just the opportunity he was waiting for, and before long was making the drive all the way to Berwyn Harbor. At first, he did have to deal with a few people turning their nose down to him, being seen as nothing more than a 'hybrid mutt' to some, but June didn't let it bother him. Using what magics he could muster, he began to turn the worn out old lighthouse that he had been given to take care of into a thriving business. Now the Neighbor's Wisdom is set up, a small shop not too far from the lighthouse itself, selling a wide range of produce, herbs, medicines, alcohol, and even a few meals that June can whip up, acting as sort of an out of the way general store. It is fairly popular in town, more so for the owner then what is available though. June is utterly oblivious to their gaze, and sometimes more, though... the hybrid is way more busy making sure people are having a good time and that ships are able to pass through the nights and stormy days without trouble.

APPEARANCE: A burly 6'6", built from many a days work either tending to the crops, or having to lift the heavy parts that keep the lighthouse going. Long ginger hair with natural light streaks through it, along with a matching beard that he cuts short in the summers, as well as almost swampy green eyes. He has a smattering of body hair and freckles, and tends to dress simply, his go to being a pair mid-thigh shorts and a loose fitting tank top. A fan of simple jewelry, and has his ears and nose pierced from back in high school.

EXTRA INFO: Tries to eat as little as meat as possible, always craving chicken
Grows some not as legal things in his large gardens, hides those very well and only sells those to "special" friends
Always a few wild animals running around the property, they listen to June very well
When not working, he is cooking, adores trying new recipes anytime he can, decent at it too
calls everyone by a nickname, usually ends up being 'dude' or 'hun' depending on the person
"You can't be a lighthouse when you're underwater yourself, live life to it's brightest."
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  • What a TWIST
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.
NAME: Andrei Keegan Rosier
AGE: 32
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
CLASS: High Class
OCCUPATION: Personal Assistant to Violetta Blacke
SPECIES: Silverblood Vampir

- Wishes for Respect and Power over Anything
- a Brilliant Mind, a Schemer, a Sharp Tongue
- Hot, Knows He is Hot, and Loves Flaunting it Around, Not Afraid to Use His Body to Get What he Wants
- Likes to be Organized and Very Well Informed on Matters of Importance, Stressed When he doesn't Know the Answer
- Lives and Thrives off the Attention he Receives From Others, Would Never Admit it.

HISTORY: Andrei grew up the child of well off vampirs, both of his parent's the owner of a chain of high end clothing stores all across Southern Cervia. They were very successful in their endeavor, and as such, Andrei grew up with an eye for clothes and what looked good on who, also growing up fairly wealthy. He never needed to worry a day in his life, but that came at the price as being seeing as "using Daddy's money" or that he was just some snot nosed rich kid. There was some truth to it, but Andrei hated been seen as that, he wanted to prove to the world that he was earning the money he was receiving. In school he was fairly popular, some were simply using the silverblood for his connections, but there were a close few that Andrei kept and still does keep close to his side. The only problem with his need to prove himself was that Andrei did not know what he wanted to do with his life. No work seemed interesting enough, or challenge him enough to actually make him want to work.
So, for years after his schooling Andrei bounced around from good paying job to good paying job, slowly climbing up the social and workplace ladder. He had a few good jobs, being a bartender for a spell was a particular favorite, but it was his mailroom job at the Antionette magazine office that had him finding work that would have changed his life. It was the CEO of the company, Violetta Blacke, who had spotted him on one of his runs dropping off mail to the various, bored out of his mind, and had him quickly called into her office. Whether it was his looks or luck, Andrei wasn't sure, but he was quickly offered the position of an assistant to her. It sounded fun, and more importantly, not being in that damn mailroom, so Andrei accepted. That was a year and a half ago, and Andrei had found himself enjoying the job more than any he ever had before. It should have been much more temporary, as most assistant jobs were, but there were a lot of perks to sticking around, and those perks have only gotten better. The pay is good, he has seen much of Cervia, has his own place in Julian City (but a short drive away from Violetta's vast estate, of course), he has gotten some of that power and attention he craves, among other perks being the assistant to an all-powerful member of the royalty. Surely... eventually, Andrei will quit this job, use Violetta as the stepping stone she was suppose to be for him... but for now, Andrei is living life to the most he can make it, no matter how chaotic and stressful it can get.

APPEARANCE: a twinkish fit 5'6", tan skinned, good butt and long legs, luxurious long blond hair that falls towards the middle of the back. golden eyes that seem to pierce the soul, darker eyebrows, plump lips, likes to dress fashionably, but comfortably. Last thing he wants is to be uncomfortable while looking good, but for special occasions isn't afraid to go all out, wears jewelry often

EXTRA INFO: Favorite Night Activities includes reading a good book by fireplace, or having a good partner by fireplace
Doesn't Mind Dealing with the Other Species, Loathes Everyone Pretty Equally
When Stressed, Will Brush or Run Fingers through Hair
Can't Drive and Doesn't Plan to Learn
"Life is politics, you do it or it does you."
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NAME: Ashley Oscar St. Roch
NICKNAMES: Azza (most common), Lee, Asher, Ashy (if you wish to bring up bad memories)
AGE: 23
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
BIRTHPLACE: Countryside of Melbourne, Nation of Ranne
CLASS: Middle-Low Class
SPECIES: Werecanine (Akita)

SKILLS: All Were Abilities, as well as an increased strength (even among fellow Weres) and a keen sense of insight (doesn't get lost often/can tell when he is being lied to or being withheld info easily)
WEAKNESS: All Were Weakness, with Heat proving to be extra rough on Ashley, often has to recover for days after, and conventional medicines to mask/prevent Heat not doing much for him
PACK: The "Saints" Pack Formerly, None Currently

- A Bit Quiet, but Not Shy, Just Prefers to Listen rather than Talk
- Wants to Protect, Greatest Fear is Not being Able to Keep those Around Him Safe, Will Call People on their Bullshit
- Under the Rough Exterior is a Warm Soul; Kind, Patient, and Thoughtful, just... in his Own Way
- Craves the Touch of Others, Knows he Does but still Keeps people away from Him, Just to be Safe
-Learning to have Fun Again, First Step is to Find New Friends (Besides Harlow)

TW: Abuse, Death, Alcohol, ect..
HISTORY: Azza was not born in Cervia, nor was he raised in the walls of a proper city. He grew up in the countryside that makes up former Melbourne, in a mostly were community, with just a younger sister named Harlow and his parents. The area where he was from was far from the best, and was strife with crime, no small part thanks to his own father. Ashley's dad was a leader of a "pack" of weres, which acted more as a criminal gang than what any gang should be. He treated everyone around him like dirt, because he was the "top dog" and didn't need to treat them any other way. His mom was often the target of it, Ashley was as well when he got old enough to realize it was wrong and that it needed to stop. With the same hand that beat him, Azza's father also tried to get him into the pack. At first Ashley went along with his father, in part for fear of the consequences. They were good to him, but as time went on he realized just how messed up they were; dealing drugs, fighting, shooting up stores and rival "packs", mugging, every bad thing that Ashley had heard in the news. It was too much for the boy, who much rather spend his time in the shop at his high school, having found enjoyment in taking wood and turning into any number of things.
The final straw, and what led Ashley to Cervia came from the death of his mother by the hand of his father. He was in a particularly foul mood, having spent the day drinking away. When his mom decided that she had enough, and tried to get Ashley and Harlow out, things quickly snowballed. Before Ashley could even think to interject, there was a push, his mom fell and cracked her head against the sidewalk. In that moment, Ashley couldn't believe it, and went into a rage. His mind went blank, and when he came to his father was left in a bloody heap, alive, but now beaten within an inch of his life. Ashley also was absoutely messed up, wounds from his own father all along his face and chest. There was no way the two could stay here, so without thinking, Ashley grabbed Harlow and ran. Ran and ran until they made it to the city walls of Melbourne, and with what little money Asher had or managed to swipe off his father, got passage aboard a boat and got out of the country and to Cervia. Now dirt broke and no one else to lean on, in a country he had never been in before, Ashley began looking for work in the only place he felt good at: woodworking. While the pair lived on the street, he was applying at every carpenter's shop he could, and eventually found his way to an old man's shop, Mr. Somerled's Carpentry, who fixed floors, or most just made furniture and the like. It was exactly what he needed, and has been working there since age 17. Mr. Somerled became something of a father figure for Ashley, but even that had to end. Only about 5 years having worked under him, Somerled got sick, and passed. Thankfully, and most surprising to Ashely, Mr. Somerled left him with everything in his will; what money he had, the shop, and even the small apartment above the store where now he and Harlow live. The man still has a lot of work to do, constantly looking behind his shoulder for his father or his pack to come after them, but he still wants to enjoy the new life he had been given. He struggles a bit with not spending his whole time in that woodworkers place, but as of late he has been forcing himself out there, wanting to experience what this city has to offer. As worried as he is about what has been going on, he isn't going to let that ruin his chance of living a full and happy existence.

APPEARANCE: A toned 5'10, built like a collegiate wrestler (strong looking upper body, abs are not defined, powerful legs). Hairy upper chest, forearms and legs, with many scars/claw marks/burns along his chest, shoulders, back, arms, chin, and a particular nasty mark connected to his lip. Deep brown eyes, thick black eyebrows, black hair kept loose but just along enough that it could fit in a tiny ponytail if needed. Ruddy cheeks and nose that tend to get red very easily in the cold/when he is flustered. Stays clean shaven until winter time, then allows his somewhat patchy beard to grow in. Go to outfit is nice fitting sportswear (matching sweatshirts/sweatpants), prefers longer sleeved clothes but has been trying trying expand his wardrobe.

EXTRA INFO: Loves Sci-Fi & Mystery, Grew up on Fables & CYOA Books
Really Enjoys Sunflowers, and Often Adds them to his Designs, Reminds him of his Mom
Could Eat Pumpkin Sweetbread Everyday and Never get Sick of it
Doesn't Know where Half his Tools are Half the Time
Really Enjoys Weed, among Other Drugs, Alcohol just isn't his Jam
More Chatty when he is High
Prefers to be Barefoot Any Chance he Gets
"I told them once I wasn't good at anything, they told me survival is a talent."
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  • OMG
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: wren. and MaryGold
NAME: Santiago Cirilo
NICKNAMES: Iago, Sam, Santi, CC
AGE: 38
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
BIRTHPLACE: Formerly Spain, Neu Kingdom
OCCUPATION: Cook/Baker at Warmbelly Kitchen, Gardener
SPECIES: Sarpa (Gorgon)

POWERS: All Standard Gorgon Powers
LIMITATIONS: All Standard Gorgon Limitations, Expect his Precognition doesn't seem to Work Except in Moments of High Emotion (Likes it that Way)

- Down to Earth, Sees the World for "What it is", Not Afraid to Speak his Mind... Most of the Time
- Rather "Persuasive", Loves to Tease, Big Time Charmer/Flirt, Knows what makes People Tick
- Trust is Earned, Not Given, and Even Harder to Earn Back, Doesn't Trust Anyone at First, Fiercely Loyal to Those he does
- A Bit Intense, Confidence in Spades
- Absentminded, Despite Trying his Best to Remember, Has like a 100 Lists on his Phone to Keep Track

TW: Sex Work, Assumed Muder, ect..
HISTORY: Born far from Cervia, Santiago spent his younger years a son of a farmer. His family was large, maybe four other siblings beyond Santiago, the eldest, to keep his parents plenty busy as they grew what they needed to survive and what little they grew to sell. It was a poor life, but one that built character. Sarpas were looked at a bit more harshly in the area Santi grew up, to the point where threats would be spilt their way, stones thrown through their windows at night, even their crops burned on occasion to send a message. Santi's father never budge though, refusing to give in to bullies, and the young gorgon learned the farming trade well because of him. From his mother though he learned his first love; cooking. There was something so incredible about the power of food, of how it brought his family together, and kept them as one even in the rougher seasons. Those rougher seasons came when he was about 20, when the people who looked upon sarpas harshly took much more drastic measures to ensure they got out. A body was dumped onto the edge of their farm, and a few calls were made, riling up the local people.
It was at night when the mob came, not so much pitchforks and torches, but to the young Santi, it felt that way. He knew they had to get away quickly, and so grabbed his siblings with nothing but the clothes on their backs and ran, not even for a moment looking back. To this day he doesn't know if his parents survived that night, but knew his siblings would not be safe on the road. Their grandparents lived in another city, within the safe walls of civilization, and they would all be safe there. All... except for Santiago it would seem, as their grandparents couldn't take all five of them into their small home, it just wasn't feasible. So, Santi volunteered to be the one to walk away, and did so with tears in his eyes, giving up everything that connected him to his home in that moment. The next bit of time was a blur for the gorgon, who became something of a town hopper throughout all of the Neu Kingdom. His main line of work was simply cooking anywhere he could, but that never was enough. Left hungry, dirty, and desperate... Santiago started to do more, and more, eventually able to find work as a "live-in help" as he would put it. One part cooking and cleaning, one part anything that those who would hire him would request. It was dirty work, but Santiago did it because he had to. It was from this work that the sarpa formed his charming personality, some parts faked other parts forged in travesty. Santi learned that others tend to look higher upon, don't try to kill you if you could speak smoothly, have that teasing touch, and can make them feel all the better about themselves. He did this work for years, it was hard to keep track after awhile.
One job though would change all of that, and it was when he met Kamil. The job was like anyone other: Santi treated like shit as he tries to make the bare minimum to survive. Kamil wasn't the client though, but just a repair man that got to know the lived-in help. This one man had treated gorgon better, acted better, was better than any other client, any other person he had been near before. Santi fell in love harder than he meant to, and Kamil was only happy to run off with the gorgon after a disagreement and a fight with said client who had treated the gorgon like shit. Kamil was perfect: caring and loving, but something was missing though... it just didn't feel right. It was as if the two of them were just missing that je ne sais quoi. When Kamil brought home two others, Judah and Tatiana, Santi was only more than happy to increase the food he make, and bring these people into the little family they were making. Then Cecily joined them, a somewhat newcomer to the group, and that was when Santi felt complete. The missing link was these three, and the five of them brought perfect harmony to the gorgon's life. After deciding to try their luck in Cervia, the group moved, started a small restaurant in Belbridge, and even found a rather large, if rundown home they could turn into their own, with plenty of room to have a small-ish farm to grow a lot of their own produce. Today's living is hard work, as something always needs to be fixed or worked on, but Santi wouldn't change it for the world. He still sends letters and little money to his family back in the Neu Kingdom, but these 4 people have become his life, and each day he wakes knowing he can shower them with love, knowing they are the reason he finally has found some peace...

APPEARANCE: A somewhat lean 6'1, built like a swimmer. Tan skin, not a drop of hair on his body, clean shaven with blonde eyebrows, body dotted with golden scales. Very piercing blue eyes with very light colored lashes. Very sharp facial features, slightly pointed ears, both of which are pierced, as well as his nose and belly button. Long blonde snake for hair, hit about the shoulders and each head fades to a brown color. Tends to wear his "hair" like one would with dreadlocks; letting them loose or lightly tying them up or keeping them out of his face with a bandana/headband. Tends to wear silks and soft, fluffy cottons, as they are the most comfortable on his skin, likes wearing fashion trends, but his go-to outfit (when not working) is anything open-chested and thin when its warm, wanting every drop of that warmth, but bundled up very tightly and as thick as possible in the cold.

EXTRA INFO: Sings Often while Working
Bites his Lip when trying to Remember Something or is Thinking
Toys with New People to "Test" them, Wants to Know if they are "Chill"
Enjoys Giving Little "Love Bites" to his Partners, Little Reminders of his Love
Tiger Tail is his Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream, Doesn't Want to Hear your Opinion on It
Loves Sunbathing, Wishes he Could do it 24/7, Cuddling in the Sun is like his Perfect Day
"Love is a mutual self-giving which ends in self-recovery."
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NAME: Kofi Farooq Neelam
AGE: 22
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
CLASS: Middle-Low
OCCUPATION: Online College Student/"Young Boy" in Pro Wrestling Dojo
SPECIES: Darkling (Libitine)
POWER/LIMITATIONS: All Regular Libitine Power/Limitations

- Chill Guy to be Around, Regardless of Location or Occasion
- Compassionate, if Asking 'How Are You', he always Wants to Actually Know, Refuses to tell Anyone's Secrets
- An Entertainer at Heart, Wants People to Love him (or Love to Hate him)
- Creative, Fun-Loving and a Touch Flamboyant, Especially when it comes to his Costumes and 'Gimmicks'
- Fears he is never doing enough, and that if he doesn't keep pushing himself he will end up in the gutter somewhere

HISTORY: Born to a jazz singer and a stay at home mom, Kofi has grew up in seeing some of the world of entertainment, but within a realm of relative peace. With three older brothers, Kofi being the youngest of the bunch, he had a lot of shoes to fill. Almost everyone in his family did and excelled at a sport of some kind. Whether it was football, archery, or track, each of his brothers were bring home rewards. Nothing seemed to click for the young Libitine, until he tried his hand at wrestling. There was something easy to pinning someone else down, ensuring no escape through your own strength and at times a little cleverness. While it was nothing like what was on TV, that TV wrestling absorbed the young Kofi's mind as much as the real sport did. While he was working out during his younger years of school, his mind was fantasizing about colorful luchadores and heels performing stunning feats of athletics to a roaring crowd. That was what he wanted, regardless of position, Kofi had to have that kind of life. Even after making it to the state championships in wrestling during his senior year, it wasn't his focus. This was good, but it wasn't what Kofi desired, and even his parents could see that.
His more recent history has been that of leaving the home he was grown up in to try things out on his own for the first time, getting an apartment with a couple of friends. To appease his parents, Kofi is taking online college courses to eventually get a degree in chiropractic medicine. While it isn't what he wants to do, even Kofi realizes he needs something to lay on incase his dreams end up in the gutter. No, what Kofi really spends most of his day doing is training at a local dojo, where he is at the bottom of the totem pole to becoming a pro wrestler, getting there on his charisma, his determination, and a little bit of his libinite powers didn't hurt either. Kofi is a "young boy" or "young lion, a newbie to the business who will spend more time working for the dojo and the senior pro wrestlers than doing any wrestling himself. If he continues down this path, by the time he has his degree he may also have the crowds cheering his name as he dukes it out in the squared circle. It is a lot of long days training and nights studying, and it is a lot of watching what he eats (a habit he isn't going at quite yet), and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.... but Kofi knows its going to be worth it in the end. Hell, he even has a bit of time between all of it to get out there, see the city he has grown up in but never truly experienced, that has to be worth something, right?

APPEARANCE: A chubby 5'9, but wears it well. Naturally bronze skin, keeps himself shaved everywhere but on more lazy days he has a bit of peach fuzz, little bit of a stomach, under which is some strong muscle, thick thighs and a good peach of a butt. Shaggy blonde hair with dark colored roots, similar dark colored eyebrows and just a touch of sideburns. Dark brown eyes (usually with glint of something in them... hard to say what), plump limps, and slightly pointed ears and slightly longer canine teeth. Doesn't mind showing off the "guns" and will wear whatever is in his closet. A wild range of clothes, from a slightly wrinkled college shirt to a slightly see-through tank top, from short shorts to long pants. Refuses to throw clothes out until they are in v. rough shape, so it is quite the mix.
Kofi's full Libinite Form is a sight to be seen. A more muscular 6'5, Mostly androgynous, with orangish-red smooth skin adorning his body, minus for a tuft of brightly colored pubes. A mane of bright fiery hair rolls down their back, similar colored eyes with no pupil or iris, two large horns protruding from just above the foreheads, hands and feet ending in claws, and a swishing tail that ends in more of that bright hair. Their wings, when out, are the same skin tone for the "bones" or base of the wing, and what would be feathers or leathery skin is a similar fiery color to his hair, flicking off like flames as Kofi moves around. In this form, he is rather wish-washy about how he presents himself, appearing female as often as they do male, but prefers the male form when in his "human" form.

EXTRA INFO: Kofi is Very Good at Hugs/Back Cracking/Massages, Says he has the "Magic Touch"
Favorite Dessert is a Doughnut, and Starts Every Cheat Day with One
Doesn't Mind being a little Flirtascious to get People to Come See him Fight
Still hasn't Settled on a Single Gimmick/Character yet
Always puts a Dollar Coin in his Right Shoe, for "Good Luck"
"There is no honour in not fighting at all."
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  • Creative
  • Spicy
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.
NAME: Lanza Tulip Fairfax
AGE: 27
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
CLASS: Middle Class
OCCUPATION: Firefighter
SPECIES: Ethereal Fae

POWER: All Normal Fae Powers, Intangabibily
LIMITATIONS: All Normal Fae Limitations, Flightless

- Almost Always wearing Earbuds, Doesn't seem to Want to Deal with People who aren't Burning
- So much that he doesn't bother to beat around the bush or mince words, blunt with his thoughts, but won't always speak his opinion
- Fearless, Even in the Hottest of Fires, Will take Charge/the Lead if he has to
- Reckless in Attempts to Save Everyone, Will Not Leave Anyone Behind, Tough as Nails for it
- Really Does Care, just has a Resting Bitch Face like no other, Big Fan of Shitty Puns and Cats

HISTORY: Born and raised in Turner City, Lanza is the middle child of 5 to a pair of teachers, father teaching art and his mother PE/Health at the local middle school. He is the only one in his family to be born without wings, the doctors deciding that it was simply 'bad luck' that he did have them. It of course was something that was a struggle to get through school with, kids not afraid to bully and fight on the rather scrawny fae, there favorite trick was to use a light and burn a piece of paper and throw it at him. Of course it would freak him out, but the more they used the weakness of every fae, the more numb Lanza got to it. Rather than get angry at their name-calling and pushing, even as it grew worse as he entered high school, he would simply put his earbuds in and continue on as if they didn't matter. It was also in PE during high school did he meet Miss De Vere, a werecanine who worked part time as a firefighter. It was there he learned to lift weights, getting strong enough to defend himself if he had to and where he learned of a possible career path. During high school, he didn't think much of it... or anything to be fair, not even sure what he wanted to do with his life. For so long he simply drifted, lost in his own world, uncaring of what the future had, and before he realized it, Lanza had graduated with zero plan of what to do next, and work some dead end job at a fast food place.
Those same bullies had grown more reckless, and decided on graduation day that they would mess with the wingless fae one last time. In the bathrooms before the actual ceremony, the group surrounding Lanza, pushing and tugging at him. The fae did try to leave, but these bullies weren't going to allow it this time. They stripped him of his nice clothes that were bought especially for this, poured some oil over it and lit it aflame. What they didn't know was that oil had been seeping all over their clothes, the cap having been left open everywhere they go. That fire started on Lanza's clothes, but quickly spread to the bullies and then all over the bathroom. Thinking quickly, despite the sluggishness of fae curse, he stripped those same bullies who were threatening to burn him of their clothes, only this time it was to save. He got the fire contained enough for them to leave thanks to a nearby extinguisher, and when the adults showed up Lanza was sure to explain everything. The bullies were expelled on the last day of school, and Lanza was given props for his quick thinking. Despite the fear deep in his core even being around the fire, that bit of adoration he received felt... good, really good.. and saving people, even those dickheads, felt even better. The next day he applied at the largest fire station in Turner City to work full time, and the rest they say is history. Of course they were a bit wary given his fae nature, but Lanza proved he was willing, more than willing to put himself in the inferno to get people out, willing to get burned if it meant helping out. So for now, he has a shit apartment in town, one he doesn't use too often and is somewhat run down, and spends most his day at the fire station, waiting for the next call as they seem to grow all the more common.

APPEARANCE: An average build 6' even. Longish arms compared to the average joe, with some fair skin that is usually a bit red from being around fire, usually with a thin layer of body hair around the legs, arms, crotch and chest. On his back is two scars where wings would have grown, but never did come in. Pretty, grey eyes with eyelashes most women friends of his are jealous of, dark brown hair that is faded at the sides, with a styled beard and thick eyebrows that tend to show his emotion more than his face does. Wears simple earrings, and his style tends to match. A lot of solid colors, not much for designs, and tends to later up regardless of weather to hide some of his nastier scars and burns from his line of work. A lazy sort of fashion is the best way to describe Lanza's look- it works for him, but there is zero effort to actually feel good.

EXTRA INFO: Listens to Mostly Rap or Podcasts, has a Soft Spot for Country
Loves berry flavored treats, mulberry being especially nice since their backyard had a mulberry tree
Laughs when he is Nervous, doesn't have much control over it, has lead to many embarrassing moments
Best Friends are the Cats at the Fire Station, helped Train and Socialized them, Cat's Names are Junior and Senior
"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire."
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  • Spicy
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.
NAME: Errol Timo Vandenburg Jr.
Nicknames: Buddy Vandenburg (Stage Name), Rol/Rolly (to close friends only), Daddy or Sir
AGE: 71
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
BIRTHPLACE: Sayby Falls, Manitoba
CURRENT CITY: Sayby Falls, but Travels Often
CLASS: High Class
OCCUPATION: Semi-Retired Actor, Philanthropist, Sugar Daddy
SPECIES: Redblood Vampir (Blood Moon)

POWER: All Vampir Powers, Amplified Slightly, Mind Control*
LIMITATIONS: All Vampir Powers, Lessened Slightly
*His mind control powers are akin to Hypnosis seen in film and television. In order to start a connection, he needs to make eye contact with someone to implant a suggestion, command or trigger into their minds, or to leave them in a mesmerized, but pleasurable condition. He cannot take full control of someone ever, nor can he do something that the subject would never do outside of hypnotic suggestion. These suggestions, commands, and triggers can last to specified point of time, such as '3 hours from now', or until the subject has been away from Errol for more than 24 hours. Due to his Blood Moon Amplification, it is quite difficult to resist this ability if Errol focuses on it, and more permanent suggestions, commands, or triggers can be implanted over numerous sessions, but Errol hasn't dabbled in this much. He can only have up to three people entranced in this matter at a time, and can only speak commands to one at a time

- Mature kind of Charm, a Captivating Speaker, Did make Cervia Fall in Love with him through the Silver Screen, after all
- Educated and a Lover of Trying New Things, Especially when it comes to a new Movie Role, Eccentric
- Easy Confidence, Knows what he Wants and Knows how to Get It, Business Savvy
- Quite Giving of Himself (and his Wealth), Expects those who Accept to be the Same, Kinky and Slightly Possessive in the Bedroom
- Free-Spirited, Gave up Glamour to Live a life he Actually Enjoys, having Companions to enjoy that Life is his Desire

HISTORY: Errol Vandenburg Jr. did not come from wealthy beginnings, which would surprise most given his current livings. He was born in Sayby Falls to a Weatherman and a News Anchor who worked at the same station, having two younger sisters eventually come around when he was 4 and 9 respectively. Due to his rather powerful birth, his mother quit her job from being an anchor due to having surprisingly levels of back pain, taking up work as a part time tailor/sewer (a long time hobby of hers), and full time mom. From his mom he learned to be kind, but also the art of the trade as she haggled and discussed business with customers and suppliers. From his father he learned to love the camera, his dad a rather entertaining personality for a weatherman, always cracking jokes as he discussed what the day was going to feel like. It was a good childhood, if one that grew rocky on the evenings of blood moons, were the vampiric power in him swelled and Errol grew quite troublesome. It was clear to his parents that Errol was meant for something great, what it was wasn't to be seen until he moved away at 17 for Black City, wanting to go where all the glitz and glamour of Cervia's Biggest City.
Reality quickly sunk in when he got there that things were as glamourous as the young redblood thought, and his need for blood meant doing whatever he could. Not that Errol would admit it now, but his first few movies he ever starred in were a few "X-rated" films, which Errol did for a quick meal of whoever his magi partner was for the shoot (or one of the film crew) and a bit of cash. These movies were the launching point of his career though, as a big time producer happened along one of these dirty films and saw something in the redblood. Only after a couple years of living in Black City, onlyt a few days after Errol's 21st birthday, he would be the star of his first proper film, 'Truths from the Bowery', and set his career up for life. There was something intoxicating about the life, of becoming someone new for a spell, to get people to fall in love with you in one film to hate your guts the next that Errol found irresistible... at least at the start. Now using the stage name of Buddy Vandenburg, he began to take movie after movie, climbing up the social ladder of the movie scene, becoming fairly well known over his 40 years in the business. His most successful movies is actually a series of 5 called the "The Grinning Thief Stories", where he played a gentleman thief type character named 'Mercury Moreau', who stole only from those who didn't appreciate the wealth they had earned or who earned there wealth in wrongdoing ways (think Lupin the Third or Hercule Poirot vibes). The finale of that series was also the last film that Errol did for the major company he worked for.
While most actors, especially ones that lived for as long as vampirs did, could have easily continued for another 40-70 years without trouble or fuss, but Errol was not enjoying the life of a movie star like he did in his young youth. The process was still as entertaining, getting into a character and acting was still a love of his life, but now there was so much politics, so much maneuvering in the space that it stifled any enjoyment that Errol could get out of acting. So he quit... well kind of, more like he got out while the getting was good. The man was already fabulously wealthy, and would never have to worry about money a day in his life, so he left the film company after much headache and argument, and even left Black City. He wanted a simpler life, or at least one of his own choosing, no longer directed by agents or nitpicked by managers. Errol eventually found himself back in Sayby Falls, building himself a home in the beautiful nature that he grew up in. Now the man spends his days supporting good causes, working with various organizations and charities all over Cervia to ensure that people are taken care of, as well as taking a new movie every now and then when he finds a script he actually enjoys, doing all his own contract negotiations so as to not have to rely on anyone else. This kind of life can be boring, even with the handful of hobbies he has, and as he never found a lover to call his own, Errol has decided to use some of his wealth in another way. He has a small collection of sugar babies that dot the country, and he loves nothing more than to shower them with love, adoration and of course, some parts of finery. He also uses them for the occasional feeding, and is whya majority of his "favorites" are Magi. Errol wants them to enjoy him for him, actually wanting to spend time with the vampir and not solely for his money, but at the end of the day, he knows that a part of this is very transactional. He doesn't mind though, the actor getting the companionship he wants and craves, and those young beauties get to live a life they wouldn't otherwise. It is a win-win in his book.

APPEARANCE: A well worked 5'11, Errol one to work out fairly often to stay in shape. No six pack or anything, but a flat stomach and good looking arms and legs means its worth it, not to mention an ass that looks killer in the right pair of pants or the fantastic stamina he has. Short hair that is a lighter black, many streaks of grey nearing it closer to salt and pepper, but much more pepper. A trimmed mustache, goatee, and eyebrow adorn his face, with full lips and hazel eyes that twinkle with a joke untold. There are some signs of age on his face, a little bit of bags under the eye, a touch of crow's feet, but also some youthful dimples create his charming figure. He keeps his body hair trimmed, not shaved, and has a smattering of freckles crossed his shoulders and back.

EXTRA INFO: Refers to his Sugar Babies or those he more Directly Supports as his "Darlings"
Loves a good Mint Julep, likes to try New Cocktails all the Time, not a Beer Guy
Has a Birthmark on his Right-side Hip that looks Leaf Shaped, Usually got Covered for Movies
Will Lock himself (and Hide the Key) to his Lounge during a Blood Moon, Doesn't Want others to see that Side of Him
Makes very Intense Eye Contact when Listening to Someone, Doesn't realize he is Doing it (Does like Watching pretty people Squirm, however)
Enjoys using his Redblood powers, but never for Malicious Purposes, only for Play (or if he feels Uneasy/Threatened)
Kept the Revolver used during his "Mercury Moreau" days, Trains to be Able to Use it as Well as he Did, Enjoys Trick Shots Especially
"Though money is a fine servant, as a god, it does seem to develop all the evil qualities of the slave seated between the cherubim."
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  • Wicked
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.
NAME: Ike Evander McKay
Nicknames: Ikey/Micky (jokingly/teasingly used)
AGE: 26
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
BIRTHPLACE: Black City, Washington
CURRENT CITY: Aeaea City, Hawaii
CLASS: Middle-High Class
SPECIES: Darkling (Libinite)
POWER/LIMITATIONS: All regular Libinite powers/limitations, though when in stress/high emotion, Ike has near zero control of his pheromones

- To People who haven't met him he seems quite Strange and Idiosyncratic (What you doing out at 2 AM picking Hibiscus?)
- More than a little Geeky, will Overshare about the Perfuming/Extraction Process or Various Scents for Hours
- Has a Rough Idea that he is Attractive, has Zero Idea of what to do with said knowledge
- Too Focused at times, could spend Days working and not even Realize it, Compulsive
- Self-Critical and Often Restarts to get it Perfect, Wants the Best Product Possible for his Clients
- Curious, Likes to Experiment, Very Intelligent, just in Gaps, knows a lot about Specific Things and Absolutely Nothing in Things he Probably Should

HISTORY: Ike McKay was born in the heart of Black City, his father Samuel McKay a well renown priest at the Libinite Cathedral. Ike's mother died during childbirth, though his dad always said she was an amazing woman. He was raised in a small apartment that was about a block away from the cathedral where his dad worked, and it was just the two of them for the longest time. The two didn't need much to get along, and Ike grew into a love for card games (UNO as a child, Cribbage and Gin Rummy as he got older) and the various court stories and overheard tales that his father had learned over the years. He has always been a good dad, having even learned to move on past his mom going on dates with other women eventually, but no one ever stuck. At school Ike excelled, finding it especially interesting during any science class, especially each time Chemistry became the subject. Though, classes were easy, the kids were awful to the darkling, who was the only one of his kind in his grade. They were ruthless, as most kids are, in their bullying, not afraid to fight Ike without a second thought. It is from these fights that Ike got his largest scar across his nose after one particularly brutal fight that involved a switchblade, all because he tried to stand up for himself. Ike's father worried intensely, as any good father would. It seemed the school wasn't doing anything to fix it, so having a few connections, decided he was going to pull his son out of school during his freshman year of high school, and send him to boarding school, much to Ike's relief, even if it meant leaving his only family for months at a time.
It was during these 4 years away that Ike both found a solid grasp on his love for school, and found his love truly for the mixing and discussion of the elements and the compounds that can come with them. It was also during his senior year that Ike blossomed, although late, into his Libinite powers. Due to it being rather late, Ike has problems, even to this day, containing his powers, pheromones often radiating off of him. Due to this, the other students became rather... nice to the boy, in a matter of speaking, and Ike had his mind opened to a lot of new "experiences", ones that often left the young Libinite feeling quite... drained, all this during that final year at the boarding school. He still graduated, with honors, and quickly moved on to college, knowing not exactly what he wanted to do, but what he wanted to focus on. Chemistry became his love and obsession, the fun of that final year at boarding school falling away to work, and frankly Ike hasn't fucked much since when he was 18, but he chalks that up mostly to his pheromones moreso than anything else. There was something about creating, truly creating out of nothing but the bare materials that make up the world, that sucked Ike into his work like nothing else had before. he went through college without much issue, having a small group of friends, but not one to go out and party all that much. Why would he go get hammered when he could be attempting to produce diamonds out of carbon and a lot of pressure?
Graduating from college with his Masters in Chemistry at 25, he decided he was just just going to throw himself at every job a chemist could possibly be doing. There was a lot of lab work, or teaching youth, but neither of them didn't feel right for Ike. One job that did stand out of the crowd was that of a perfumer. It wasn't ground breaking work, but it paid very well once you got your feet on the ground, and it made people feel good to smell nice. It was perfect for the libinite, who quickly began producing a line of perfumes under the name "The House". He was a hit, and with his pheromones still not being fully in control, quickly began climbing the ladder, those inspecting his work unknowingly paying more attention to Ike than to his perfumes. Knowing he wanted access to better ingredients, and now having the money to do so, Ike left his family apartment and moved to Aeaea City, finding him a quiet little home to call his own, one with access to the wilds. He has lived there only for about 6 months, but Ike loves it there, the fresh air and many many types of flora and other scent producing things of nature keeping him very busy, just the way he likes it. He is also making bank, companies fighting over the chance to send representatives to his abode so he can show off the scents and they can purchase them for distribution, but he also takes on private clients to make specific bottles for them, all them seemingly in love (or in lust) of Ike's perfumes.

APPEARANCE: A thin 5'6", with naturally pale skin. Built pear-shape, with a thin chest and arms but with strong legs and a plush ass, many small scars decorating his chest, back, shoulders, neck, and one right across the nose. Keeps his stark white hair short with bangs, clean shaven with decently trimmed eyebrows, and a couple of piercings in his right ear. Likes to wear light colors, mostly browns and whites, with the occasional splash of bright color to mix it up.
His libinite form does grow in mass, going from a rather thin body to all thick muscle, not unlike a professional bodybuilder. He also grows to about 6 foot even, not the largest Libinite there is. The iris grows to be the dominating color in the eyes, with a large pairs of horn sprouting from the side of the head, with large, cow like ears and a a thin tail that swishes around. His hair also grows out to lay about at the rear, which remains after he turns back into his human form and why Ike has to get often hair cuts. During this form, his pheromones roll off him like fog, and are nigh irresistible, though there is still not a lot of control over it.

EXTRA INFO: His most famous sent is a tobacco and coffee cologne called "Heart-Throb by The House"
Sleepwalks like crazy, can sometimes end up a mile away from his home, neighbors know to drag him back home
Always 5-10 minutes Late to literally Everything, Why he Usually has people Come to his Home to show off Perfumes
Talks to Himself, but more to Solve problems aloud over having an Actual Conversation
Not much of a Sweet Tooth, Exception is Sugary Sodas/Drinks, Can't get Enough
"Perfume is a personal magic, it is a first impression and a lasting recollection."

His Pheromones will make the person affected by them want to please Ike in any way they can think of. For most, that usual ends up being sexual gratification, but it also just makes people more pliable to his requests. Often he is causing others to buy his perfume for much more out of the desire to please. Ike is horny fairly regularly, due to not being able to fully control those pheromones (is often stressed over his concoctions, isn't focusing on controlling his powers), has a regular sex life, more so back in his boarding school/college days, had more than one encounter with the boys and girls in his class, has sexual/wet dreams more often than average person, is open about his sex life, just isn't aware his Libinite powers is affecting how often he is banging
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  • Creative
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.
NAME: Henderson Hakeem Peoples
Nicknames: Ender, Hakeem, or both (prefers both)
AGE: 24
SEXUALITY: Homosexual
CURRENT CITY: Hollowstead, WA
CLASS: Low Class
OCCUPATION: Odd Jobs, (Eventually) B&B Employee
SPECIES: Magi (Fire)

POWER: Member of House Ignis, Advanced Skill Level, though it is mostly Self Taught so it is slightly Butchered, Prefers using Illusions & Mesmerizing Spells over Evocation/Damaging Spells
LIMITATIONS: All Magi Limitations
FAMILAR: An Opposum named Dude that can create orbs of harmless fire as simple as a dim light for reading to as bright and quick as a flashbang for a quick get away. They can become harmful if Ender is in danger.

- Overtly Flirty, but Sly as a Fox, An Outer Mask that Hides a Broken Person
- Has Felt like a Coward for all his Life, Runs from his Problems before Facing Them, All Bark and No Bite
- Fascinated by People, Want to know how they Tick, What sets them Off, What gets them Going, though Independent
- Messy, Takes up more Space that he ever Means to, Not Dirty, just Sloppy
- Has a Desire to Please, Wants Others to Want him Around, Tends to Leave when he gets too Attached, Afraid of Commitment
- Captivating, Natural Speaker, Will Make you Feel like The Only Person in the Room, and that No One Else Matters but him

HISTORY: Ender was born in Elyria to a pair of drug addicts living in a halfway home. It wasn't the best start to his life, but he did not remain there long. Less than a year into his life, he was taken away from the ones who birthed him, put into a shitty home for children that proved to be no better for the young and aspiring mage, the only thing from his family he even has to remember them by is the spellbook that was given to him. The children's home that Ender lived at turned out to be just as a struggle, not a lot of food, too many kids, troubled kids who couldn't control their anger, their issues, and no way to treat any of it. They were underfeed, undersupplied, and overstocked with children to care for, so Ender had to learn quickly to take instead of ask, since there was never anything left for those who waited. When people came for adoptions, Ender was actually a rather popular choice, being a cute child growing up. Though no matter how many times he left, how many families said that they would be his "forever family", or even people coming to offer him fostership, the magi was always returned. They said he was too brash, too much to deal with, too messy, too argumentative, and just too much. Each return making the young magi angrier and angrier with the world. Soon he stopped caring about ever finding a family to call his own, and even when families would come and collect him, he would do everything in his power to return back to that home of broken children, no longer desiring that connection.
His last chance at having a family came when he was 17, and a foster family came looking for an older child to take in. They were more determined than the other families who had invited Ender to stay, and they had a pretty son about the same age as the magi. At first things were good, fine even, Ender finding himself a place to stay for about a year, until he grew bored, grew reckless. He got caught trying to steal from a jewelry store at a local mall, and Ender was promptly kicked to the curb by parents who had grown tired of his self-imploding behavior. Now with no children's home to return to since he was now 18, something in that broke the magi, and Ender Hakeem simply choose to... walk away. With nothing left, and no one to look to for help, the young magi decided to simply travel, see how far he could get on his own, since that was all he had left. That is where he has been for 6 years, working as many odd jobs that he could. He would never stay in one place though, that just felt impossible to Ender now. He would arrive at a place, find a place to start working, give it a year, build up relationships, and then simply... leave, like every single other person had done to him before. Why should he be any different? In the current day, he has travelled to Hollowstead, looking for work for awhile to earn up enough cash to make a stab at Black City, but perhaps something will stop him before he ever makes it to the capital.

APPEARANCE: A well built 5'10, tanned from his natural skin tone and many days spent travelling under the sun. Likes to work out so a bit muscular, more so lean with a natural curve to his hip, giving him a slightly hourglass look (providing "handles" as he calls it for his one night stands). Most prominent feature is his blonde curls, starting brown at the roots and ending a much brighter blonde. The brightness continues to his hazel eyes, dark brown eyebrows, full lips, and slightly pointed ears (assumed from having some kind of fae in his ancestry that he never about). Likes to wear as little as possible, as his body is very naturally hot, but loves dressing provocatively or sharply, given location and who he is around, wears a couple piercings in each ear, as well as a stud in his belly button.

EXTRA INFO: Only Keeps what he can Put into a Duffel Bag, Keeps a couple of Battery Packs Charged at All Times
Loves Astronomy, Spent many Evenings on the Road Laying Outside so he could Look at the Stars
Sweet tooth, particularly Enjoys anything with Berries in it, Favorite Dessert is Lemon Blueberry Whoopsie Pies
Favorite Odd Job he did was a Camp Counselor for a Summer, Loved being out in the Sun
Loves Romance Movies/Books, Always has a Cheap One in his Bag, Will never Admit that he Does
"If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one."
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.
NAME: Jean-Leon Whittaker
Name Meaning: John the Lion from the Snowfield
AGE: 34
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
BIRTHPLACE: Originally Neu Kingdom, Formerly France, but would say he was born in Merrow
CURRENT CITY: Merrow, Nunavut
CLASS: Lower Class
OCCUPATION: Chiropractor/Masseur/Sex Worker
SPECIES: Ice Elemental Fae
POWERS/LIMITATIONS: All regular powers and limits for a member of his species

- Alert, constantly aware of his surroundings, often looking out for others who aren't as vigilant
- A calming presence for most, good at putting people at ease, not witty, eloquent, or strongly charismatic, but rather genuine and conciliatory
- Slow to Anger, but slow to calm once you hit his limit, fiercely protective over his friends/family/allies, a "papa bear" type
- Morally Ambiguous, hard to be "good" in a place like Merrow, knows when to take the money and when to keep a secret, wishes for change
- Reserved, Handy, and Reliable, can fix just about anything, and if he likes you well enough, you might even see his goofy side

HISTORY: The only life that Jean-Leon has known is the cold wastes that are Merrow, Nunavut. His family comes from somewhere in the Neu Kingdom, a life that he will never see or hear much of. While he isn't sure why exactly his family made the move, Jean-Leon assumes that his mother, father, or both ended up being the scapegoat for some bigger crime, and got essentially exiled here. Still, the only life he has known is this place. His family was decently well off, as far as Merrow goes, his parents both working for some shadier businessmen as a storefront for their more illicit activities. Old habits die hard it would seem, but it kept the three of them alive for awhile. That was until a rival group got wind of it and quickly paid the right money to the right government officials to get his parents arrested, sent away for a long while. That left the just old enough Jean-Leon on his own, and having to get smart quick.
He wasn't the best at a lot, but one thing he had always been told was that he gave good backrubs, footrubs, ect. With nowhere else to really turn to, Jean-Leon looked to the chiropractic medicine for a way out. He would take night classes and courses, often travelling to other towns to do so, and spent a lot of his days working as a clerk for the same governments that took his parents away. Of course Jean-Leon grew up a little trouble, but he had always been a focused individual. There were plenty of bad nights of course, nights where he would scream and cry and throw things, turning his little home into an iced out mess, but those nights did nothing. Jean-Leon knew they did nothing, and that the only way he was going to get some change in the icy wastes was if he was going to do it. Eventually, he got his degree, technically now Dr. Jean-Leon Whittaker, and even his parents got out after nearly 20 years away. They moved away from Merrow, heading for warmer climates decipte their icy nature, but Jean-Leon stayed. He wanted to leave, of course he did, no one wanted to be in Merrow unless they were gutter trash or thought they could get a quick buck. The fae knows that he can't though, someone has to be there to try and make a positive change for this "grey area". So, he set up his massage/chiropractor office, and offers it as a bastion for those who are in need; a place to work legally, a place to rest their heads for the night from the cold, or anything else Jean-Leon can provide. Of course he has been burned in the past, but Jean-Leon knows that he is needed, even if he has to play by the rules of a city corrupted to its core, doing things he would never imagine doing when he learned how to make the body feel good. He won't give up until Merrow is a better place to be once again... or perhaps for the very first time.

APPEARANCE: A svelte 6'2, lightly toned muscles that are speckled with lighter freckles, skin is a gray color, thanks to his ice fae heritage, with bright blue, nearly white eyes, slightly squared jaw, roman-esque nose, and thicker lips, with eyelashes most are jealous of, smattering of freckles across the face, long white hair that ends towards the middle of the back, as well as sharp eyebrows of the same white color, enjoys flowing/loose clothes, often slightly see through just based on the fabric, doesn't mind showing off his skin, but knows when to dress to impress and when to dress to earn his extra dollar

EXTRA INFO: Uses "ya?", "no?", or "yes?" to end sentences a lot, a habit learned from his parents
Loves the cold, could sleep outside in -5F and would be ecstatic, gets sick rarely
Every morning starts with a run and a workout to to keep his figure (and clear his mind)
Loves tea, has an extensive collection, wants to show people the intricate differences any chance he can, also enjoys incense
Has very warm and soft hands compared to the rest of his body, loves reading about new techniques, loves trying it on regulars even more
Any chance to be in a hot tub is a chance Jean-Leon is taking
Do not call him just Jean or Leon, he hates it
"Better to be one thousand times careful than to be once dead."
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