Late Night Snack

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Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Sporadically, Though out the Day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
- Modern/Magical/High Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Romance-ish
- Supernatural
- Original
- Fandom
- Action
- Adventure
- Espionage
- Apocalyptic
- Alternative Reality
- Genre-Bent Reality
- Steampunk
- Cyberpunk
- Dieselpunk
- Magipunk
- Sci-fi
- Superhuman

Raina was studying with August until after an hour in it still felt as if she barely made a dent in her material, so she stood up, muttered something about this being fucking ridiculous, I need a snack and disappeared into the dark without waiting for a response from a very buried August. She wasn't even sure he heard her. But of course they were held up all the way in the astronomy tower - they both had a preference towards places located at ridiculous heights it seemed - and the kitchens were all the down in the basements by the Hufflepuff tower.

August wouldn't see Raina for almost another hour, arms full of snacks and kicking the door shut with a loud bang, an irritated scroll on her face. "Why the fuck are there so many stairs?!" Raina was pretty fit and active herself and the whole adventure actually had her out of breath. If she had brought August along, she would probably had to leave him for dead. "Here!" She dumped the stolen pile on top of the table they had confiscated for their needs and dusted her hands off of invisible dust and proudly placed her hands on her hips.

"Congratulations! You are now an accomplice!"
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August Yilmaz
The Astronomy tower and the library were far apart from each other, the Hufflepuff basement even further. It was a space where August could study uninterrupted, however. A place to which he had the key and to which he was allowed to decide who was to enter and who didn't.

He had invited Raina, however, as his dear friend was behind on homework and August felt that he should help this firecracker of a friend to not fall too behind. In the same way he tried to help his friend Caleb who was much the same.

With a sigh August realised that it seemed that Glesni was the only one amongst his friends who didn't worry him education-wise.

In terms of troublemaking, however…

The announcement that he was now an accomplice, a roll of butter bread falling on top of his Divination books, covering the text he had been analysing, reminded him that August Yilmaz in fact had no friends that gave him no reason to worry.

'Enfin,' he thought to himself. It kept him from his books and that, August supposed, was a good thing because it gave him the reminder that there was more to Hogwarts than classes. Just that he was more than his classes and his hobbies.

"You could try to scale the walls the next time," August casually mentions, picking up the breadroll ashe casually took a bite from it. Such was how much August cared about keeping himself out of trouble. Such was the lesson he had learnt quickly with all of his friends; it was impossible and thus he didn't fight it. "Did you bring me coffee?" he asks, green eyes finally tearing away from his assignment, eyeing the oddly proud Raina.

Somewhere, between the cushions and the blankets in the Astronomy tower, amongst his books and papers scattered, August knew there was a flask of coffee. Most likely luke-warm, but coffee all the same. Though he really hoped that Raina had brought fresh coffee with her from the kitchen. The elves did store his favourite beans somewhere in their cabinets after all, kept fresh and ground fresh as well.

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"You could try to scale the walls the next time."

"Fuck no! It's more trouble than it's worth getting back into the castle and then going to the dungeons," she grumbled. She dug through the pile of of snacks until she found a cup of coffee-- well it was more like a statue of one but fuck if Raina was going to carry a piping hot cup of coffee in it's natural state while carrying an arm full of other things.

"Finite incantatem." The harden spell dissipated, leaving behind a cup of coffee that wasn't piping hot, but wasn't entirely cooled off. Say what you will about Raina's education, but when it came to practical spells and casting, she thought herself hard to match; she was fucking great at what she applied herself to thank you very much.

"Here," she said, passing the cup over to her caffeine addicted friend, before she dug around the pile to find something sweet to munch on. Okay, yeah, she also had a bit of a chocolate addiction sue her. She looked over and saw the book August had open was one on Divination.

She mostly took an interest in it because August took an interest in it. She never really thought too much about why she tended to want to get closer people by doing whatever it was they were doing - Selene called it her language of love and Raina immediately left the room not wanting to hear any more on it - but while most people got to know each other over a cup of coffee, Raina interest was expressed through action. If she wanted to get to know you it was going to be in, what some might concider, a round about way.

She still wasn't sure what to think about Divination though, and now she couldn't just look at a flock of birds without trying to discern some hidden meaning or omen. The subject was easy to dismiss as impractical and imprecise, but it was still a type of magic and it seemed to have some connection with wand lore (something she was low-key fascinated with but nothing she pursued seriously).

She kicked back, reclined in her chair, and took a bite of her chocolate sweet. "True or false; true talent does not lie in making accurate predictions, but in recognising that they have been made."
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August Yilmaz
And there it was, a cup of hot and freshly brewed coffee. Instantly August felt his own mind fog clear away, a sigh of pleasure escaping him as he even managed to lightly smile. Midnight coffees tasted the best, no matter how much critics claimed that it disturbed a healthy sleep routine. He was a student, sleep was of a lesser priority.

"False, recognising a prediction is a matter of comprehension," came August's instant counter after Raina's statement, as he picked up a stack of papers he knew that Raina hadn't finished yet. "Most choose to see fact where there is none," came his explanation before he picked up his quil once more.

"What does the pendulum say? It has been a while since we set up that summoning mark," August question came, gesturing over to a circle drawn over several pieces of paper. In the middle of it was a pendulum made of a precious stone while the circle was lined with salt and a variety of other items.

It wasn't that Hogwarts was actively encouraging its students to start summoning ghosts or beasts, or worse. Nor was it August's intention to do anything so harmful. What his very intention did behold was to trap the soul, or whatever remained, of one of the castle ghosts, for a certain poltergeist had annoyed August well enough for the Ravenclaw to take some drastic measures involving lowering himself into petty revenge.

Perhaps his friends were a bad influence, but there was nothing that disclaimed that it wasn't in August's very nature to be a little vengeful.

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The statement Raina gave, as far as their curriculum was concerned, was true, but she liked August's supporting explanation better so she didn't deem it important to correct him. It was Divination after all; look at it a certain way and both statements were simultaneously correct, or even the same thing; impractical and imprecise indeed. Her interest diverted elsewhere, she allowed her gaze to trail to the pendulum they set up, her propped up foot swaying idly. It was getting to that time of night Raina felt both restless and sluggish.

She didn't even question him about the summoning thing they set up. It just looked cool and who wasn't up for disturbing the endless rest of a spirit dumb enough to piss off August of all people? Some people were quick to blame Raina. The two known each so long it was easy way to explain away August's "lapse in judgement" and pin it on her. It was because the two known each other so long that she knew August could only take so much before he took action - just because his tolerance for bullshit was higher than her's didn't mean he would just lay down and take whatever you threw at him with endless patience.

"Well, if you listen close enough, it makes a swoosh sound;" she snickered, but even as she spoke she was actually studying the motion of the damn rock. "It's swinging faster so something is happening. Maybe your poltergeist is just stupidly stubborn."
August Yilmaz
"The poltergeist isn't the only thing stubborn," August had retorted, his eyes rolling at Raina's remark before he eyed the pendulum himself, wondering if he should add some more salt just in case. After all, there was no promise that he was actually to catch the poltergeist that had stolen his assignment for Potions, which he was to hand in tomorrow.

"Maybe I thought too easily of it. After all, it is a poltergeist, those are old and strong and very much more experienced than we are," the male continued to speak, making sure to emphasis every praise he was giving the little menace as he turned back to his books, "surely such a poltergeist is much too good and too strong for a silly student such as I!"

With that August fell quiet again, pretending to be immersed into his work as the pendulum swayed some more, until it circled and then…

The crackle of green and purple that escaped the crystal August had chosen started to light up, sparks of magic escaping as if fighting against something within while the male slowly got up from his place, stepping into the circle with a somewhat satisfied look as he lifted the pendant that was still crackling and sparking.

"Shall we go for another stretch? I think our friend here knows the way," August said with subdued triumph, swaying the pendulum in hand before tapping against the crystal with a finger.

"Don't we?" came the nonchalant question when another sputter of sparks came in response.

There was little remorse in the guy, not when an allnighter of work went into that assignment that was lost.

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"The poltergeist isn't the only thing stubborn." Knowing exactly what he meant, Raina picked up the closest thing to her off the table and made a half hearted attempt at throwing it at him. Comparing her to a weak ass ghost of all things? The nerve! "Maybe I thought too easily of it. After all, it is a poltergeist, those are old and strong and very much more experienced than we are. Surely such a poltergeist is much too good and too strong for a silly student such as I!" The drawl he spoke with had her hiding a snicker in her chocolaty treat.

She finished it off as she watched the pendulum react, and grinned when it appeared they had actually succeeded. "Shall we go for another stretch? I think our friend here knows the way." She watched him handle the poltergeist as if it was a misbehaving rodent rather than the all powerful spirit he had just praised it as and it just reminded her of how unwise it was to piss him off. It just had to be his potions assignment too, the one thing Raina couldn't help him with or really do anything about.

"Please, you're the only who could use the stretch. My feet still hurt from all those damned stairs." Even as she complained she was getting up and discarding the wrapper. "Hey maybe after we're done with it we can let it loose in the slytherin common rooms." Totaly not in an attempt to bother Glesni or anything. She eyed the pendulum however, and had to fight some the urge to take it from August. He could handle himself, she was sure of it, but this wasn't something she was particularly experienced with and if something went wrong--

She'll just have to keep her wand in hand and makes sure it didn't. "What even lead to the ghost stealing your homework anyway?" She had no doubt August didn't do anything to instigate the attack - unless he like offended it or something with a smart remark - she was mainly making conversation to fill up the silence. Who knows, maybe the answer would surprise her.
August Yilmaz
"Sounds like you need more exercise," the male kicked back in jest. August had always wondered why Raina thought he needed more exercise, what with the swaying stairs and the practical classes of professor Rosier that often were simulations rather than still classes. He got plenty of it, and in his opinion, it gave him far more exercise than a broom would give him.

That was just his quiet opinion of it as he held the pendant up in the air, watching the glow fighting against the crystal and the spell as August's own green eyes peered into it.

"The Bloody Baron is looking for it," was August's simple rejection of the idea. The poltergeist was, after all, a hypocrite. So much even that the mere mention of the name of the ghost shook the pendant, as if the ghost himself was shivering in fear.

"See, even a bigger coward than that Peeves," was August's savage conclusion to that, unimpressed and undaunted as he finally got the poltergeist to give him the directions he was looking for.

"As for the reason why me," August mused, as if he knew the reason, "perhaps it wanted to test my patience."

An amused smile that very much didn't look amused, or gentle at all crossed August's features as he narrowed his eyes at the crystal. If one looked carefully they could see the original face of the poltergeist, a little bit in anguish and with a great deal of remorse.

It was to its great misfortune that August didn't feel like being gentle, or even forgiving. He didn't even have the intention of releasing the little pest if August could help it, but that was something he didn't tell Raina or the poltergeist caught as he wandered down the stairs, heading into the direction of one of the empty hallways that this huge castle held.

"In any case" August coolly added, "I won't hand it over to the Baron if I get my Potions homework back." He made sure to punctuate the condition firmly, peering into the crystal to make sure the poltergeist didn't misunderstand.

With that they made a swerve out of the abandoned hall they had been in earlier, instead heading into the direction of the Library.

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"Next time you get the snacks while I smugly sit and do homework," she grumbled.

"The Bloody Baron is looking for it." Well, that explained a lot. Enough to keep the poltergeist in line and have something valuable if they ever had to deal with the Bloody Baron themselves. Even if she saw the logic in it, she was still disappointed.

"Next time then," she snickered. Sometimes when August got like this he reminded her of her sister, Selene; always playing the long game with the grin of a snake and the patience of an ambush predator. But August seemed to at least believe in the idea of good an evil, that there was a line between the two that took consideration to cross. Selene, or anyone of her family for that matter, didn't see the line. There was only action and reaction, and one's own responsibility to them (of course that last part was often left, well, open to interpretation.)

"Please tell me it did not hide your homework in the library," she grumbled upon noticing their change in direction. "August, this ghost thing is dull. You got your homework stolen by a dull ghost." She didn't know if that said more about the poltergeist or August. But he was in there often enough, how did he not manage to find it himself? Either he didn't bother and had planned this whole thing immediately, or it was somewhere August couldn't get to. Or both.

Raina was really hoping it it the latter because that meant the forbidden section. Did they have to break into the forbidden section? It was probably too early to get her hopes up but she always wanted a reason to break into the forbidden section! It couldn't be as easy as the aloramorah charm, so walking in through the gate wouldn't be possible. She could possibly use a cutting charm on the hinges and repair it afterwards.

Or maybe a exploding charm on the hinges. It would also have to be small and controlled, covered by a quietning charm and a muffling charm for good measure, but it was perfectly doable. Though, if someone was patrolling that could be an issue. There weren't many concealing charms and she really didn't have much experience with any. August would probably think of something though.

But if they weren't going into the forbidden section, and his homework was under a book or something, Raina's disappointment in both this little adventure and August would be palpable.
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  • According to Plan
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August Yilmaz
"Did you figure that out before or after it stole my homework?" August rolled his eyes at Raina's remark, shaking the pendant a little as he willed the poltergeist to continue, it seemed that it was trying to trace its steps, starting from the spot where it had stolen his homework first at an unguarded moment.

"If you forgot where you hid it I will drop you in the lake," August's threat came smoothly, voice flat and passive when the pendulum had him circle around the library twice, lingering in front of the Forbidden Section. An unlikely place, for August knew that the magical barrier there prevented even ghosts from entering casually, before the pendulum turned around and led them out of the library, into yet another direction.

It was promising itself to be a long night, the male realised when the pendulum shifted itself into yet another direction.

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"Fuck the lake. If he doesn't hurry up with this I'm blasting his ass so deep into the forbidden forest he'd be nothing but a long forgotten relic of the past," Raina grumbled, thoroughly disappointed about not having to break into the forbidden section. She could've totally pulled that off and she wouldn't even need an invisibility cloak. "Hell, if I think it's so much as procrastinating I'm doing it anyway." She didn't want to give the poltergeist any ideas, but the longer they wandered around the more likely they were going to get caught. There was only so much they do to prevent that.

Raina couldn't even tell where they were going. She had a general idea of what was in this new direction, but what would even be the best option to hide a student's homework?

"Best hope it's not damaged either. August can get much more creative then simply tossing you into the lake. Just try and tempt him," she snickered. At least taunting the poltergeist was something to do. Then occurred to her. "How far can these things wander off of school grounds anyway?"

If it somehow got away with hiding his homework outside of the castle? Raina wasn't lying about it being a bitch to get back inside after hours. But the only place of interest to hide something like homework would either be the quidditch field or, well, guess the womping willow would count.
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August Yilmaz
Raina's threat, though infinitely more fun, startled the poltergeist caught so much more it shook and swung while pointing into a hasty direction of the lavatory, the one that was haunted as much as it had been the scene of a troll's end years before with the help of the Golden Trio. Shortly put, a lavatory with a history that August rather avoided because he had already enough on his plate what with being friends to Raina alone.

Alas, his luck was as such that, underneath one of the hidden compounds of said lavatory, for there were many, for Salazar Slytherin was such a sinister man, there his homework was muffled away, crumbled into a piece of wet slop that was quite unusable any other day if there wasn't magic to restore it into its original state.

"I should drop you in the loo and hope the basilisk is still alive," August had grumbled anyway, to which the pendant shook and brimmed before going still, knowing that it was at the mercy of two students from which the more lenient of the two was put in a bad mood.

"If you want to test out its range, have a go at it," the male had responded as he dug for the paper from underneath the sink, his other hand holding out the pendant in which the poltergeist was sealed so that Raina could find her own mischief.

"If you do, terrorise him some more on my behalf, feed him to the Baron, or something," he groaned, holding in his breath when he came across mold and spiderwebs and dust and a scent he rather not name.

No, August had made up his mind. That poltergeist wasn't going to find itself released any time soon if he could help it.

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  • According to Plan
Reactions: Noctis the Devious
Raina's grin was wolfish when August handed her the pendent. What she was going to do with a poltergeist was beyond her, but she wasn't short of bad ideas; something would come to her (even if she was still tempted to release it into the Slytherin's common rooms Bloody Baron or not). For now, she twisted the string around around fingers and swung it around. It'd eventually find a permanent home in the pocket of her jacket because now it was technically a cursed necklace and fuck if she was going to be dumb enough to put that shit on.

She crinkled her nose when August stopped down to find what was left of his homework. She's sooner use a summoning charm but it was his homework. She turned from him and instead fixed her hair on the bathroom mirror and aimlessly toyed with the sink faucets. In hindsight Hogwarts was stupidly safe when not being terrorized by a dark lord, so they never got to deal with troll attacks or solving cool and life threatening puzzles to get to a stone, which was a damned shame because Raina would be brilliant at that sort of thing!

"Don't you think it's a little unfair that spent nearly six years here without fighting so much as a giant rat?" She turned away from the mirror to lean against the sink and continued to twirl the pendant. "Duel club is fun and all, but besides suddenly becoming a creature keeper when the younger kids hurl random animals at one another? Not exactly a "Dumbledore's Army" type of situation."

It's not like Raina hadn't thought about doing more with duel club than dueling competitions and doing exercises to better ones reflexes and hand-eye coordination-- her go-to being a simple one where the duelist paired off with one holding out two balls and the other resting their hands on top of the others. The goal was to be able to catch a randomly dropped ball before it hit the ground. It was one she often forced August to do with from time to time and she was pretty fucking food at it. The issue was, well, she would have to ask a teacher about it, and she'd doubt they allow her to do what she'd want to do.

"Do you think there's even a part of this castle that hasn't been explored yet?"

Fun Fact: the exercise described here is a simple one that race car drivers use to keep up on their reflexes. Ideally you want to get to the point you're reacting and catching almost instantly.
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August Yilmaz
August wouldn't call himself an adventurer in nature. Or so he thinks. Within his group of friends August always felt like the calm in the storm, the one steady rock in the wuthering waves crashing and rumbling from the sea. In a way August would even call himself boring, for he definitely didn't have a need to draw unnecessary attention to himself like Raina felt the need to with her compulsion to push the very borders of nature.

No, August wouldn't describe himself as a wild adventurer. Though something could be said about the friends he liked to make. Caleb and his Room of Requirement that turned into a huge parkour. Raina and her boundary pushing. Glesni and her constant provocations. Circling through these names August found that there weren't that many troublemakers in his life, they just took up a room in his life.

They also happened not to get along. Infamously so. However, August was convinced that they could, if only they would.

"Maybe ask one of the Hogwarts mysteries," August shrugged, thinking back of the file of cold cases he had accidentally seen that involved the school. Disappearing squibb groundskeepers that they somehow hushed up. No confirmed deaths, however, but that was more than logical. Moaning Myrtle had been enough alone to threaten Hogwarts closure if it wasn't for the principal stepping down. Dumbledore also did so plenty, and to August suspected that a combination of a quirky headmaster and unruly students in a way only children can be were enough reason for the castle to reveal its secret.

The pendulum swayed once more, the poltergeist trying to communicate in the hands of Reina as it pointed into a direction. By now August had already retrieved his homework, restoring it into its original state.

"I'm sure that one is trying to say something," was his observation, and somewhere August was hoping for something unexplored and exciting.

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"Maybe ask one of the Hogwarts mysteries," Raina made a face not really understanding what he meant.

"Don't I spend enough time pouring over musty old books? I'm already having to dig around in damn history books all because--"

"I'm sure that one is trying to say something." She stared at the poltergeist before it clicked that it may have been one of the mysterious August mentioned. It was late, alright!

She held up the pendulum and bared her teeth."Oh? Trying to get on our good side are we? Well fuck, lead the way then." She shrugged away from the sink and went in whatever direction the poltergeist indicated. She probably shouldn't get her hopes up too high sinxe was most likely just another swcrer passage but logic didn't stop her from hoping it would at least be something she could fight. Like a giant spider infestation. She looked for every opportunity to gouge where her abilities where in a practical sense. She would readily admit just how good she thought she was at dueling - even go as far as to think herself one of the better, if not best duelist in her generation, but she also silently carried the awareness she wasn't where she wanted to be.

At the end of the day, she was an absolute perfectionist and the standards for herself were high. It was part of the reason she never replaced Potions with another subject for her Auror requirements even though that was option, doing so would be admitting failure and she wasn't a damned failure. Her improving grades were visual proof of that (Carrow may have played a part, but that was besides the point)! The issue? She could see how she was improving in potions. Her grade was low to begin with. DADA? It was a subject she excelled in if she said so herself! But not being able to improve her grades as she was already scoring high meant she couldn't really see if she was still improving, or if she was stagnating. Wasn't that a depressing thought?

It wasn't like duel club didn't provid plenty of competition, it would just never be enough.

"What are the chances of another dark lord lurking around in the castle?" She asked, joking. "Or another secret chambers of one of the other founders? If Slytherin could hide damn giant snake Hufflepuff can hide a huge badger, just saying." She snickered to herself.
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August Yilmaz
"The chances of us stumbling across a headmaster Pyre and his secrets are greater and more fearsome," August mumbled in response, his homework restored in hands and his goal reached. All he wanted was to return to his studies, wrap up what he set out to do tonight and get to sleep. After all, he barely had any to begin with and the mornings were so early here with awful coffee to boot it with. No, August wasn't planning on diddly daddling any longer, and entertain a poltergeist he had trapped out of vengeance, but Raina sure was, following the trapped sprite.

"You can explore tomorrow, not? Poltergeists need sleep as well," August sighed, yawning to himself as if to demonstrate how tired he was himself, it was going to be a long night after all if they were going to run after a poltergeist that had proven itself to be unreliable more than once. There was no guarantee that this was going to lead to anything anyway.

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Raina stopped in her tracks as August reminded how late in the night it was. Afterall, wasn't it her that thought that the konger they walked the more likely it was for them to get caught? Of course this could just be a trick or something. But still, she would rather procrastinate because... "August, you do realize we left everything at the highest point in Hogwarts, in the astronomy tower, right?" Her eyebrow twitched at the thought because either they were going to have to climb all those fucking stairs now even as Raina felt the exhaustion creeping up on her that she would rather ignore (which was easy to do now that she hot herself all excited), or they would have to wake up earlier than usual and get everything back tomorrow and clean up their little ritual circle before the teacher thought cultists were invading the school or something.

Either way, it was gonna suck for them both. Just thinking about it made her feet hurt.
August Yilmaz
"And your point is?" August responded, as if not aware of the problem at hand. He had permission to use the Astronomy tower and it wasn't rare for him to be found asleep there, as much as the caretaker of Hogwarts detested the thought of. However, agreements with professors were sacred, it seemed and August was in good graces with many of them.

"I will send your homework back tomorrow morning, if you want. Or bring it with breakfast, but I still have some more work left to do other than haunting poltergeist that stole Potions," the male yawned once more as he wondered if it was perhaps a better idea to return to his own bed instead. It had been a while, after all, since he had last slept in his own room and the pillows and cushions of the Astronomy tower only brought so much comfort.

"In any case, I'm heading back," he concluded, his mind growing weary as he tried to recall what he had all planned to do tonight. Too much, it had proven, but luckily nothing due any time soon, or too pressing.

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"What do you mean what's my-- you know what, if you want to make more work for yourself that's fine by me. I've been walking all over this castle all night. I'm going to--" She cut herself off with a thought. Fuck my notebook is up there. Her eyebrow twitched. August wasn't the type to look through her stuff and it wasn't anything damning, but it was a dumb and embarrassing thing full of dumb and embarrassing shit while looking so ordinary it could accidentally get mixed with her friend's things.

"You know what? No. When's the last time you slept in your own bed any way?" Not that she should be the one talking about healthy sleep schedules with Declan constantly getting on her about staying up late (she hated sleep, so what?) Deciding to really lean into the whole role reversal thing she even tried to pull the face August did when he was trying to make a point and continued, "How about we both go to our own beds and grab the shit tomorrow morning. Like normal people." At least when August showed concerned it was genuine and not out of paranoia.

She crossed her arms and tapped a finger against the opposite arm. You know what? No this felt to unnatural. Who was dhe to tell August this anyway? For all she knew it was just practical for him. She shook her head. "No, fuck, never mind, I'll grab my stuff now so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow even though I will all the way up the highest point of this castle as if it's not a 15 to 20 minute walk I half already completed twice already," she grumbled, already on her way. At this point she was complaining just to complain but that was an unfortunate side of her character (along with damn paranoia).
August Yilmaz
By now the Astronomy tower was as much his bed as his own, but August didn't tell Raina that, knowing that it would agitate her more to know about the habit.

"Ten thousand steps a day, they say, right?" he joked around, despite the fact that the stairways had them walk many miles more than needed to stay healthy. Hogwarts was large and most easy movements were restricted, accompanied with mischievous stairs that liked to change direction one really couldn't miss out on any steps per day, especially not when hiking up to the Astronomy tower.

"If you want you can take half of the pillows in the tower and sleep there, I don't mind," August even offered, his eye glancing out of the window as they took the spiralling stair up the tower once more, the stairways surprising cooperative for once, though the male suspected that even the stairs needed their sleep. "Besides, there are no astrology classes tomorrow, or divination, the professor said it will be too cloudy," he even supplied, which meant that they didn't have to rush themselves out of the room either before breakfast.

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