Little Nightmares 2 DLC Roleplay: Forgotten Content

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Online Availability
Nothing yet. Will update soon.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Favorite Roleplay Genres:
(1) Romance: Who doesn't love a wholesome relationship? 🥰🫶♥️
(2) 18+: Who doesn't love a wholesome relationship where they also f*ck each other?
(3) Fantasy: I like adding supernatural elements to an otherwise "normal" plot.🧙‍♂️🔮🪄
(4) Drama: You gotta add some tension to an otherwise "normal" story. 😬🎭🤯
(5) Mystery: You gotta keep the audience guessing about the world and your characters.🕵️‍♂️🔎🤔
(6) Action: Fight scenes are cool.🥷💪⚔️
(7) Slice-of-life: It's important to sit down and enjoy its characters in the world they live in.🧑‍🤝‍🧑🏡🚗
A slow and distorting hallway was moving closer and closer to him. With black particles filling the air with it's ominous glow, a door appeared at the end of the hallway. A wooden door with an eye in the middle. But once the door was almost within reach, Mono woke up, gasping for air.
He woke up on grass in front of an old TV in the middle of the woods at night. He slowly got up to establish his surroundings in the dark forest. With a paper bag on his head and a brown trenchcoat covering him up, he started to move forward into the deep woods.
The Wilderness was not a safe place to be if you were a child all alone. Not only were there traps all set to capture live humans and animals, there was a cabin hidden deep in the woods where the Hunter reside. Before reaching the hunter's cabin, there was a moose in the deep woods.
It wasn't like your average moose, no no. Instead of fur, the moose was completely made out of flesh. A flesh covered moose roamed the deep woods in a search for live meat to consume. The more humans he ate, the larger the moose would become and the more powerful it will be.
In the starting area, there were a few TVs laying around, but as he went deeper into the woods, the less signs of life there were. He did see a few trails of various kinds, but he figured that would mean something wants to kill him if he went to a place with more traps. So, he decided to avoid them and go into the part of the woods where there were no traps.
Unfortunately, the woods got darker and more crows were heard eating off of fresh pray. He saw one pile of bones of various small creatures and said out loud "Okay, I guess going into this part of the woods was a bad idea." He kept his guard up looking around.
It had been some time since the Moose had last ate a live human, he was becoming more hungry the longer he went without live meat. The Moose kept himself in the deep darker part of the woods as to avoid the Hunter, it feared the Hunter greatly. Especially his shotgun.
Anytime the Moose would hear the loud bang of his shotgun in the distance, that meant the Hunter was growing near. In this part of the woods, the Moose did not have any worries...for the time being. Little did it know, a delectable treat was getting closer by the minute.
As Mono kept looking around cautiously, not really knowing where he was going, he kept accidentally stepping on twigs and rustling leaves, making noises loud enough to scare a handful of birds "Yeah, something tells me I'm not alone in these woods." He kept wandering around the forest as he could see the moonlight less and less.
The sound of the birds had alerted the Moose. Along with the snapping of twigs and rustling leaves, the flesh covered animal realized that something was approaching. The Moose walked toward the direction of the woods, making grunts that could easily be heard by any listening ears. It started to get closer and closer to the middle of the deep wood area.
After a while of not really being aware of his noises alerting one too many animals, he started getting more scared that something was coming. He quickened his pace to where he started running forward as he had no idea where the noises of the grunts were coming from. After sprinting in the woods, he tripped on a stick and tumbled forward, landing face first in leaves and mud. He looked up to gather his senses.
The closer the Moose was approaching, the more it was able to sense. Little tiny footsteps, that wasn't the Hunter, who the Moose was too familiar with. Did this finally mean the Moose was going to have a delicious treat? The Moose began trotting through the forest, determined to capture its prey. Its grunts became more frequent and louder.
Mono slowly stands up from the ground to hear the footsteps of a very large creature coming his way, but he couldn't tell from which direction it was coming from. He planted his feet into the ground out of fear of what was approaching him. He tried to look around in all directions to try and figure out where it was coming from.
As the Moose was approaching, it stayed alert for any other noises that may have been lurking about. The one thing it was keeping an eye out for was fresh meat, the Hunter was not its top priority. It reached the location of where the young child was and its eyes quickly locked on it. A loud bellow had escaped from its throat.
Once the loud bellow of the Moose escaped it's mouth, he looked directly at it's large face and body. He immediately started to book it into a hollow tree trunk on the ground and ran through it as the Moose tried to stomp on him and eat him. "What in the world is that?!"
The Moose was quick to follow the running child, attempting to stomp on him with its hooves and opened his mouth to eat him. It was becoming agitated when the child had kept running, it started to stomp down on the tree trunk, hoping that it would squish him. Another bellow and a few grunts started to come out of the Moose.
He wasn't sure what to do, but he quickly saw a small stream that seemed deep enough to hide himself in. He had to distract it somehow, so he found a small shoe his size inside in trunk. He picked it up and threw it outside the tree towards a pile of leaves, hoping to make some noise.
The flesh covered Moose was determined to locate the small child and make a good snack out of him to increase its power. As it went to walk closer to the creek, the sound of a pile of leaves grabbed its attention instead and the Moose trotted over to it, leaning down to get a good luck of the shoe.
After the Moose turned it's sight towards the shoe and away from him, Mono sprinted to the creek before accidentally snapping a twig. But he knew he could make it, so he kept on running before jumping legs first into the water and ducking underneath while holding his breath. The water was relatively clear but he knew he couldn't hold his breath forever so he waited as long as he could in the creek hoping the Moose would pass
The Moose quickly turned its head in the other direction hearing the snap of a twig. Once more, the flesh covered creature started trotting over to the creek, catching sight of the kid for only a moment. The Moose bellowed in annoyance and it continued to search for the child, determined to catch his meal.
After moving forward down the creek while holding his breath under the water, he surfaced to catch his breath as quite as he could. He slowly got out of the creak and started crouching away from the Moose as it went into a deeper had darker part of the woods.
He continued onward escaping the Moose for a very brief moment, but the farther away he got, the closer he got to a few traps. Mono climbed up on top of this hill and accidentally kicked a pinecone into a bear trap that was activated, setting off a chain reaction, activated several other best traps very loudly. After the sound disappeared he said to himself "...Oops."
As the Moose continued on its pursuit, very far off into the distance, the Hunter was setting out some more traps in an attempt to capture some more animals for his taxidermy projects or perhaps a child. It stayed very far away from the man, the Moose feared for its life when it came to the Hunter.
The flesh covered creature continued on the path, wondering where the child could have fled off to. Hearing the multiple bear traps go off, the Moose now knew where the child was. So, it started to trot much faster than before, bellowing again.
Once Mono started hearing the bellowing of the Moose, Mono jumped onto another log in the pit of the bear traps as he parkoured his way across the valley of traps. The Moose got closer and closer, so Mono quickly jumped into a burrowing hole on the side of the pit as he crawled his way through it to escape the Moose.
The Moose made sure it was careful when approaching the child due to the amount of beartraps that the Hunter had placed throughout the entirety of the woods. It kept up until the child had jumped through a hole and the creature went to walk to the other side, making its footsteps audible.