Little Nightmares 2 DLC Roleplay: Forgotten Content

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While Mono crept through the mole hole and out in the open through some tree roots, he spotted to see the Moose walking past him and decided to wait. He might as well wait and think of a plan while also not feeling the need to be in front of it, whatever it was. "How am I going to deal with this thing?"
Even though the woods were dark and spooky, the Moose felt as though it belonged in this specific part of the wilderness. Up ahead was a crushing trap that could squash any living thing and kill it in an instant. The Moose was very cautious about all of the traps the Hunter placed throughout, although the crushing trap was meant to catch animals off guard.
Mono started to think to himself: "Okay, that thing can easily kill me with one stomp or bite, so there's no way I can fight it. But I can't sneak around it either since it has such big eyes and can probably see in the dark. So if I can't fight it or run away, what can I do?" After this thought process, he noticed a huge crushing trap ahead that is activated by a trip wire made of rope.
He figured that this animal wants to feed off him so he won't let him get away. So even if the Moose did see the trap, it would want food more than fear a trap. So, he decided to do something really stupid and make himself known to the beast and lure him to the trap to spring the rope and crush it.
The closer the Moose approached, the more it looked forward to devouring the child and growing more powerful. When the flesh creature caught eye of the boy, it immediately went after him, unaware that it had just made the biggest mistake it could do.
As the Moose opened its mouth to eat the child, the trap had been activated and it quickly landed on the flesh creature, smushing it with enough force to kill it instantly.
As the Moose slowly came closer to him about to eat him, he trusted that the trap would activate in time to crush it. And he was right. The trap was tripped and the giant Moose was killed as the flesh slowly oozed out of it, loosing all form and no longer moving.
As Mono breathed a sigh of relief before throwing a small pinecone at the dead body, he continued onward. As he began to get closer to the Hunters cabin, more traps and man made puzzles came before him, he ventured fourth. After solving a few puzzles to get up hills and climbing up a broken bridge as well as outrunning a tree trunk falling down a hill after crouching through a mole hole and evading net and bear traps, he came close to an old hunter's cabin.
No more remained of the Moose. The creature had gotten too greedy in its pursuit of fresh meat and as a result, the Moose was now dead. All that was left in the woods was the Hunter, and a little girl that was locked away down in the basement.
It had been a month since the little girl was taken captive by the Hunter in the woods. Why was she kept alive? The Hunter hoped that she would eventually die of dehydration or starvation, however the little girl was still alive. Her hand turned the crank of a music box that she had found, it was the only thing that could relax her.
As he approached the cabin cautiously, he went through the window to see a kitchen. His first impulse was to check the fridge for any food, but to no avail. Once he looked around the house s little bit more, he found a door that he couldn't open and on the other side was a coat rack room where he found a Davy Crotchet hat just his size. He picked it up and tried it on very briefly only to put back his paper bag. "nah. I like my bag more."
Once explored those areas, he went through a slightly opened door to hear a music box playing. "...Hello?" He softly spoke into the basement.
It was the only thing that could get her to relax. The sound of the music box was comforting and her only source of said comfort due to being locked in this room. The little girl quietly hummed along to the song that the music box was playing until she went silent. A very faint voice made her stop turning the crank and she stood very still.
Who on earth could that be? It certainly wasn't the Hunter, it sounded like a little boy that was roughly around the same age as her. "W- Who's there", she spoke out to the voice.
After a little girl's voice called out to him, he started making his way slowly down the creaky wooden staircase to the basement. "Don't-don't be alarmed. I'm coming down." After getting to the floor, he first looked to his left where he found a large open closet with several boxes, bags, and tools with a large wooden table. He also noticed a machete hanging from a wooden box but decided it wasn't relevant at the moment. He then went to his right and found his way to a large wooden door that was slightly cracked. He could see a small figure inside as he got close to her. " that you? Don't-don't worry. I'll get you out. Give-give me a minute."