HOLOTAPE DATA Lulu's Character Junkyard

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~ extroverted introvert ~
Original poster
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  2. Looking for partners
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  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences


Name: Annabeth May Hans
Nicknames/Titles/Alias(es): Annie | Ann | Anna
Origin: Human (Wastelander)
Age: 37


An average person Annabeth is a rather short petite woman, only reaching a whopping 5' she has a lean build that complements her thin face. Doe eyes, full lips, and a button nose, Anna's face is thin with a triangular jaw and high cheekbones. Her lips and cheeks have a natural red tint to them, though her lips tend to be darker red in comparison. Lightly pale skin, Anna has an almost white jagged scar on her back in the form of a claw. With her pale blue eyes and short, curly red hair Ann is easy to pick out of a crowd. On an average day she will wear a brown leather crop-jacket over a black tank top, dark blue jeans, and combat boots. Around her neck is a small locket with a picture of her family in it. Finally, usually resting on her head are her fathers bronze engineer goggles.


Defiant Sisters; For a total of 10 years Annabeth worked for the Defiant Sisters repairing and modifying weapons. While never growing the ranks she was well known through the group. And though she made no friends there, she did get a few connections.

Beth's Weaponry; A shop Annabeth opened 2 years ago after settling in Miami Beach. The shop is run solely by Ann and offers modifications, repairs, and trades. She also occasionally sells guns, but that's only if a pricey weapon falls into her hands.


Born into a rather okay off family Anna was the oldest of 4. Her siblings were born when she was 2, 6, and 7. While with the first sibling she didn't particularly care for him, as the others were born she began to love her siblings. However, it was during her 3rd sibling's birth that Anna lost her mother. This led to a chain of events that had Ann as the caretaker of her siblings, while their father worked longer hours as an, unwilling, engineer for a local raider group.

Because of this Anna had to grow up rather fast and that still affects her to this day. She can be controlling of things in her life and often leaks into others. This is just the motherly instincts she had to develop at an early age. It wasn't the best situation she was put in, but she made the most of it. When her father was home Annabeth took these times as a chance to learn more about making things from miscellaneous parts. It's one thing that brings joy to Ann; one of the very few things that has stuck around to present day.

Years would go by in peace, though Anna was forced to join her father working for the local raiders. These years were nothing special to Annabeth, in fact she barely remembers the years before she was 20, other than a few events. It wasn't that there weren't good times, they just got shadowed by the amounts of trauma that happened over those years at the hands of the raiders. They didn't take well to disobedience and often threatened to kill her family. It got to the point that Ann became paranoid; constantly looking over her shoulder and wondering if someone was going to attack her.

At 20 years old she lost her father, watching as he died for her…because of her.

It was a normal day at the raiders settlement; the normal routine. Unfortunately for them, the leader was in a particularly bad mood. All it took was one small slip up. One small mistake. She was careless this one time. Just this once.

Anna had finished making a pipe pistol, or at least she thought she finished. A miss fire later and she's being pinned to the ground with a gun to her head. Being only 20 at this time Annabeth struggled to free herself, but it was to no avail. That's when everything changed. Her father stepped in, offering his life in exchange for hers. Of course the leader took this offer, in an instant her father was dead and she was walking home. Explaining this to her siblings was hard, almost as hard as losing him.

The following months Ann would grow distant from her siblings and even close friends. She didn't want to feel the pain, wanted to just disappear. But still, everyday she went to work for the raiders just to keep her siblings safe. Numb and distant Annabeth lost time, before she knew it it was 4 years later and she was again watching people she loved die.

A Deathclaw attack on their settlement was how she lost her siblings. In fact, it's how she was freed from the raiders. Again, a normal day until the roar was heard, followed by screams and gunfire. It tore through the settlement, killing anyone in its sight…including her siblings. But, of course Anna lives through this. It's only thanks to the Defiant Sisters. They had caught wind of a raider group and showed up at just the right time. Having saved Ann before the Deathclaw could eat her they asked for her to help them for a bit. Agreeing Annabeth walked away from the event with only a jagged scar on her back and a lot of PTSD.

It was during her time working for the defiant sisters that Ann began to feel again. Of course it took well over 3 years to even begin to try letting people get close. Going from this out-going person to a shell of a human; a drastic change for her.

34 rolls around, Annabeth had worked off her debt to the Defiant Sisters and was finally leaving to travel…alone. The first few months were rough, but it was when she found Spark that things changed again. For the better this time. So much so that 2 years later Annabeth is opening "Beth's Weaponry" in Miami Beach. While Annabeth still hates talking about the past she has opened up, becoming out-going again.


Strength: 3
Perception: 6
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 5
Luck: 4


Caps: 461
Inventory, including Weapons & Armor:
  • Sturdy Leather Chestplate
  • Bronze engineer goggles
  • Makeshift sniper rifle with scope
  • Dagger
  • Makeshift hand-gun
  • Backpack:
    • Bed roll
    • Tato x4
    • Cloth rag
    • Duct tape x3
    • Misc. gun parts x10
    • Bed roll
Fighting Style: While Annabeth would prefer to settle things with words she does lean more towards long distance; using a rifle and a sword when in close range.


Name: Lieutenant Spark
Race: Dog; Golden retriever
Age: 2
Gender: Male

A golden retriever with one green and one blue eye that has been with Anna for 3 years now. Having lost his front right leg during a raider attack, Spark now has a makeshift mechanical prosthetic. While mainly being a source of company Spark comes in handy when hunting and sometimes during fights. Anna uses German commands and will often just speak to him in German or English, almost like he's a human. Spark is the definition of a "good boy." He listens well and doesn't give too much attitude about doing menial things. Though he does have a tendency to wander off if not told to sit or stay. If Spark sees an enemy he's unusually the first to attack if Annabeth doesn't notice them first. But that's not to say Spark isn't a friendly dog. In fact he loves getting attention and will almost always beg to be pet.
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Beatrix Cartel
(Raider - Psychic)

Name: Beatrix Cartel
Nicknames/Titles/Alias(es): Black Widow
Origin: Human (Raider - Psychic)
Age: 33


An intimidating woman, Beatrix stands at 5' 6" with a lean frame that holds curves. Blood red eyes stare at her opponents with a deadly seduction. Men have described her as a dangerous beauty, she'll kill men before they can get a flirty comment in; she sees it in their eyes. Her lips are blood red, matching her eyes and standing out against her lightly tanned skin. And just off to the left of her lip is a small beauty mark. Beatrix's hair falls to her shoulders in a straight fashion, it's white color sticking out to people; more than her eyes.


Leader of The Spiders; Founder of The Spiders, Beatrix has been running them for 8 years now. Her gang hangs around the southern part of the Trash Belt. Often enough she leads raids on nearby settlements.


~ Warning Dark Themes ~​

Growing up Beatrix had an oddly normal beginning. She was loved by her parents and lived in peace for 18 years. The thing is, the wasteland was unforgiving and all good things came to an end. During her 18th year Beatrix was taken away from her family by a raider group. It was so sudden no one had time to react. And like that her 5 years of torture began.

It started with isolation in a cage where she remained for several months. Beatrix is unsure how many; after a while she stopped thinking about it. Then came the beatings and servitude, a slave to the raider group.

At 23 she escaped. During the middle of the night she took her chance; finally after years of waiting she was sure of how to escape. Fueled by determination and anger she silently moved through the camp, killing guards that blocked her path. By the end of it all Beatrix had gotten a taste for taking a life and wanted more.

For the next 2 years Beatrix traveled the wasteland picking up odd jobs. Her favorites were assassination jobs. It was during this time that she became known as Lady Widow. The title stemmed from her way of killing; seducing her targets and killing them in private. Beatrix was heartless, still is to this day. She doesn't take bullshit from people and often calls it out when she sees it.

Around 25 Beatrix decided it was time for a change. So, traveling the wasteland in search of people to work with her. It started as a small gang named The Spiders, but as the years went on the numbers grew until it reached 28 and Beatrix started rejecting people unless someone died.

Now Beatrix is the leader of The Spiders, still known as "Lady Widow." She's still as ruthless as ever, going as far as having bloodlust. But having great control over her emotions helps her keep the lust inside, until it's time to kill someone.


Strength: 5
Perception: 7
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 8
Luck: 4


Caps: 300
Fighting Style: Beatrix loves her guns; shotguns, pistols, rifles, any gun really. Though she does lean more towards using ballistics over plasma. As for close combat, Beatrix prefers barbed knuckles as she likes to feel the impact of her fist on someone's face.
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