ALWAYS OPEN Magic Unbound: Wolpurgiswora University

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster

  • Your Invitation
    Welcome to another year at Wolpurgiswora University, where young women (and recently, men) come to learn, harness, and develop their Guardian Share— the powerful magic that lies deep within each and every Guardian; the power behind their Epithet; their sliver of Grace.

    While all Magical Guardians begin as mid-tier witches power wise (or worse), Wolpurgi alumni graduate with exclusive and tailor-made skill sets, weapons, armor, and magical paraphernalia that was conceptualized and customized for (and sometimes by) each guardian. By the end of their training, both their gear and knowledge (be it history, spell theory, or hex-tech construction) is a perfect representation of their niche expertise and general preferences and proclivities; effectively transforming students into creative, educated, and well trained killing machines in order to face the forces of pure incorrigible evil.

    If you would like to register for entry, visit the deputy headmistresses office with your soul brooch in hand for magical identification and an advisory meeting on academic placement.

    Admissions: Always Open

    Summer nears its end as the school year begins anew, ushering in several new faces, several new phases, and for the students in Years 1 through 3, several curriculum alterations that may prove Wolpurgiswora University to be more dangerous than it's been in many betwixt years.

    Beyond the uncanny existence many now face and the drama that's been stirred into action, the Magical Guardians of the World Between can feel it; the Breath of the Halted Nigh drawing near. The time has come to set aside differences, philosophies, and creeds... but not everyone is so keen on relenting, despite the fact that everyone whose been there longer than five years has felt the sporadic, anxious, paranoid feeling crawling up their spine.

    A normally peaceful space, the World Between has begun to change— altered by the emotions, the intents, and the overall wellbeing of those within. On the day Minister Marsden Scarheart made the plea that they should rip the Guardian Share out of the young men who'd been given Grace the ground shook for hours, steadily, shifting the World Between. The very next day, when Minister Cunningham proclaimed she'd crush any who attempted, the rose-pink sky erupted, a violent storm born and releasing mint-green lightning for hours on end.

    At the beginning of the new school year, with the World Between's summer season coming to an end, the warm air just a tad sticky when not under shade, the ground lies still and the sky unbroken, both waiting patiently to see what would come.

    As both were but echoes and manifestations of the silent, private voices from those living within.
  • Etiquette & Expectations​

    When posting IC please use the following:

    A header that includes character name, location, and a tag (ie. @rissa) for direct interactions with fellow characters/players. If you would not like to be tagged, let it be known!

    All the basic roleplaying "rules" apply here (and all Magic Unbound IC threads), with the caveat that due to the very nature of the roleplay, all characters will inevitably get the "main character treatment" once or twice throughout the narrative. Don't hate the playa, hate the game, baby.

    On the flipside: many characters (even NPCs) come into Wolpurgiswora as the 'chosen one' of their home world— this is 100% absolutely acceptable IC behavior, one that's often expected by the administration. One that often doesn't fully "break" until 3rd year. So— if that's the route you'd like to take, please feel free to do so! OOCly, however, you're all equal minions for me to emotionally torque. Needless to say, just roleplay with respect and you'll be gucci!

    I'll be the one supplying these spotlight moments, but I'm continually inspired by posts and the development of characters and their relationships therein. If you'd like to play a certain trope, scene, or concept out, feel free to bring it up in the OOC or message me privately!

    Collaboration. Co-creation. The creation of player lore. I absolutely adore all of these things. One of my favorite things about being a GM/DM is being presented with characters, their choices and beliefs, and then designing challenges to overcome, emotions to unpackage, and foils, be it environmental or social.

    So go ham. You've an entire world at your fingertips and I eagerly await to discover them.

    The worst that'll happen is that I ask you to edit something back within lore constraints.

    This, however, also applies to interactions (perhaps not so much this thread as the IC Class threads, unless otherwise stated) between characters and posts in general; attempt to move { something } along in each reply. Be it the narrative as a whole, a conversation between you and another player, etc. Not every post needs to be several paragraphs long, though please don't feel the need to trim posts if they end up chonky (ima eat em up either way).

    If another player can't respond within a week or two, don't fret, we're just gunna move on until they can hop back in or we get a replacement student. I tried to base the Class rosters off a couple factors: characters that felt best for the concepts I wanted to play with, their preferred posting speed, boog refinement responses, and some [redacted] stuff I shan't talk about just yet. :devil:

    That's about it for now, but I'll tag everyone in the OOC if any major additions or alterations are made.
  • Rewards? Why yes!

    There's a couple reasons why though— so let's go over those first.

    The Wolpurgiswora University thread is a "hub" for and betwixt the separate class threads.

    The words, scenes, and chapters within will be considered "canon" but it will not follow the typical reply-response-reply of a plot driven thread. Nor will everything posted in this thread be mandatory for you to respond to. Two parts CYOA and one part random encounter, this thread is meant to be a catch-all for fun, spooky, or tense interactions that happen outside of the structure and plot of the separate classes, but still pertain to the overall story we're trying to tell.

    Think of it like this: Wolpurgiswora University is quite large. At any given time there's at least 500-800 students, not including the faculty and alumni that sometimes loiter about. There are a TON of interactions that happen throughout ones day or week that don't get spotlighted or even remembered once the experience is through, and that's essentially what's going on here.

    Sometimes it will be simple day-to-day interactions. Sometimes it may be an obstacle to overcome. 9 times out of 10 these "prompts" will be solo-driven, meaning you'll only need to respond however many times it takes you to fulfil the achievement. (Kinda like an IC boogaloo!) Other times, it'll be a group detention scene or a 3v3 in the hallway after lunch.

    Due to it's quasi-optional nature, I'll be handing out small, 'random' rewards over time. First posts. 10th. So on. Take a peek at the types of rewards below:

    Common Uncommon Rare
    Amount: 1d4
    Amount: 1d6
    Amount: 1d8
    Old Coin Purse
    Amount: 1d10+5
    Old Coin Purse
    Amount: 2d10+5
    Old Coin Purse
    Amount: 3d10+5
    RPC or "Roleplay Credits"
    Amount: 1d4+1 OR 2d4+1
    RPC or "Roleplay Credits"
    Amount: 1d6+2 OR 2d6+2
    RPC or "Roleplay Credits"
    Amount: 1d8+3 OR 2d8+3
    Magical Trinkets
    Varying in amount, quality, and home world design. Like a
    • Painted wooden key whose teeth change configuration every day at dawn
    Magical Trinkets
    Varying in amount, quality, and home world design. Like a
    • Opalescent conch shell that giggles when you hold it to your ear
    Magical Trinkets
    Varying in amount, quality, and home world design. Like a
    • Thimble that helps you daydream when worn

    *RPC can be turned into Crystal Tears with the current exchange rate being: 10 RPC to 1 CT
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Daniela Navarro, Stjvena Circle -> The Bulletin Boards of Fate @rissa @Nougat @SilverPaw

Daniella shakes her head quite vigorously at the idea of negotiating with vampires. Her tone grows a little bit frustrated, seeing as her conversation partner seems to have missed the point.

"They're evil and will just trick you. You need to kill them on the spot or they'll betray you." You have had conversations with zero vampires.

Regardless, Daniella pays close attention to both Anwen and Yuneksia's comments. Meditation was incredibly boring. She knew herself well enough, looking inward didn't serve much of a purpose for her. Besides, it was always a bunch of nonsense. It was always better to put one foot in front of the other rather than drowning in your own thoughts. If you wont listen to yourself, who will you listen to?

The similarities that Yunek talked about sounded a lot like the Vampires, but Vampires lived amongst people to control them from the shadows. They didn't go into the woods and come out at night to prey on them, or even disguise as them to lure people in. And besides all that the cultural standards that Yunek talked about, well, she forced herself to keep a straight face when confronted with a cultural practice that turned her stomach. They should be going out and killing the monsters, not forgetting the people they loved.

A student visa. Right. Public schools gave her a student ID card, she'd need one too. And classes, unfortunately. This was going to be a terrible time, but she did sign up for trials. The fact they weren't the ones they signed up for was upsetting but surely she could bear it. The arena, despite the fact she showed up covered in blood, held very little interest for her. She raises her lance excitedly and speaks boisterously.

"Okay! I'll get a student visa!" We don't know where they are!

Without missing a beat, she steps over to follow Yunek to the bulletin boards. She had no idea where to get a student visa but the bulletin board is where information seemed like it would be. Just ask him!
  • Creative
Reactions: rissa

Yuneksia Endrimm
Bulletin Boards of Fate ⋅ @PolyesterH @SilverPaw
"We'll check for your class assignments first, actually–Tazi doesn't seem to want to go near the soul brooch identification at the moment. It doesn't matter either way, as long as both get done eventually."

Yunek stopped right at the edge of the crowd by the bulletin boards, barely suppressing a sigh as he observed the endless mass of people fighting to see what was written on the boards. "You'd think they would have a better way of communicating this information," he grumbled, more to himself than to the two first years. "This is how the village by the water back home posts their news, but they have a quarter of the population, and not one of them has magic." Even the village was too crowded for his taste, so Yunek had horrible memories of trying to get close enough to read the board in his first year – the only reason he'd reached the front was the waves of students who inadvertently pushed him forward as they moved.

"Alright, we're going to try to get through this crowd," he said, with all the enthusiasm of someone being marched to their death. He paused, however, as Tazi peeked out from its hiding place to nuzzle his palm. The creature didn't speak (could not, as far as Yunek knew), but he nonetheless understood what it was getting at, and Tazi, in turn, understood his silent acquiescence just by the way he sighed and lightly petted its head as he moved forward.

So, as Yunek stepped into the throng of students, Tazi abruptly leapt ahead, disappearing quickly in the shadows of the crowd. A moment later, there was a sharp bark a few feet away from him, followed shortly by the startled yelp of the girl whose shadow Tazi had decided to take refuge in.

"Oh no, Tazi. Don't run off like that," he said, his tone a bit too bland to indicate any true concern. As the students nearest to him cast their attention on him, however, his face reddened, starkly contrasting against his pale skin. He resisted the urge to hide his face as he glanced back at the two first years, telling them quietly, "You can just follow me," before he started towards his companion. Yunek's lackluster emotion aside, Tazi's commotion was enough for those around him to step aside as he made his way towards it.

Yunek didn't check to see if the two first years were following him, more focused on not bumping into anyone too much, but his pace was no faster than it had been before. Letting Tazi run around allowed it to burn off its excess energy, but Yunek, still adjusting to the abrupt shift in temperature from his home to the World Between, was disinclined to move any faster than he needed to. There wasn't any point to running besides appearances, as he had no plans to catch his companion in the first place. His lack of care might reflect poorly on him, but so did letting Tazi run loose in the first place, so he was willing to take that extra hit on his reputation (or, at least, he told himself he didn't care, but the dusting of red on his face seemed to grow more saturated with every muttered complaint as he slipped through the crowd).

By the time he reached the girl, Tazi had long disappeared back into the crowd, but it soon popped up again a short distance away, leading them just a bit closer to the board. And so it continued, Tazi always waiting for Yunek to have moved forward an acceptable distance in the crowd before it moved elsewhere, and never strayed too far ahead, both so that it could easily be followed and so as to prevent any commotion from spreading more than a few feet. It was practiced enough in doing that, as it sometimes helped Yunek move through the Forest when the flora was feeling particularly aggressive.

Overall, though he still moved through the crowd slower than he would have liked, Yunek made it to the bulletin boards much faster than he had the previous year, which he counted as a victory. Perhaps not a victory worth the amount of attention he received in return, but a victory nonetheless. Still, as Tazi slotted itself back by his side, Yunek stopped it from going back into hiding with a hand on its head, his other hand scrubbing over his face as though he might be able to erase some of the redness. "Next time, we're switching roles," he muttered, before letting the creature slip back into his shadow. Did he know how that would work? No, but rest assured he would no longer be the one who got all the blame while Tazi happily hid in the shadows.
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Melody La Doux - The bulletin boards of fate

Matti looked up at the young lady and smiled as he trudged. "Musta likes to think she is a great night hunter," He added in a playful tone. The cat gave him a look that clearly disagreed with him.

She bent down to look at Musta directly, and one of her autumn-colored eyes was faceted, "I like night hunters from the green. You'll be a good hunter someday as the wheel turns." The panther approved of the attention she was getting.

Turning his head, he said, "I am just coming into my magic. My mentor said that I have been fighting things, but it is like a dream to me." He moved the cane forward a bit. "They seemed more like dark mists," he added. It had not made any sense to him at the time.

Her origins didn't bother her, so she straightened to walk and canted slightly to peer at his cane, saying deadpan, "The dark that refuses to turn is dangerous. My dad was in the liminal guard; he taught us what to be afraid of and how to fight it. I didn't learn from the green until after."

Matti took notice of her look at his cane. "My father taught me.." Matti said and paused to shift on the cane. "To stay out of the way and watch out for trucks," he added, trying to hide that pain. He smiled and laughed. "The green found me in the rehabilitation hospital. The woods. That is where Musta found me as well," he said still smiling. "They told me I would never walk again," he said. "Stairs still hurt," he added.

Her body faintly rustled as she moved to sprout her bright laugh like a pile of leaves, "Haha! Truck? It's good advice to watch for trucks. You don't remember getting hit. It was just suddenly moonlight at the edge of the forest for a long time until the green came to see my broken soul holding on. It said I was not done. I guess you're never the same after the truck that hits you."

Looking at her, he asked, "Maybe you can teach me to hunt?"

Melody seesaws her hand, "Maybe I could; I'm not one of the green's healing hands though. It wants me to be the hands of wrath."

Matti smiled. "Hopefully, healers are better here than at home, or there are no stairs here," he said. "I would not mind learning some healing. Really would not mind learning anything," said Matti, being a bit more serious.

Melody looked to the various students going to and fro, then looked to him and smiled, "Healing is fiddly! Unless the green stitches you back together however it likes. They could teach us to make that happen faster. Healers don't do as much for my ashen blood."

She looks down at a bush as they walk along and stops to reach under it toward a pale object hidden underneath. She takes out a box the color of bone and wicker that bears Celtic symbols and removes a book bound in thick leather. Pushed back underneath the bush, she stands to check it, then looks to him, "I wondered when my journal would show up. Don't worry. The green would not have sent us here if it didn't think we would grow!"

Collaboration between @Meleck and I with some minor grammatical changes and twiddling for better temporal continuity. Since there's not been a response in a while and it's long enough.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: rissa

Wong Fei Yin | The Tenth Dragon
Bulletin Boards of Fate

"What a tragedy. The great hero of Kowloon, bested by humidity."

"You shut up," Fei Yin replied, but she laughed as she snapped her hair straightener threateningly in her brother's direction, not once turning away from the mirror. "Don't know why I bother to tell you things."

"Because you love me and you value my opinion?"

"Or I just needed someone to cover for me when I'm off, you know, saving the city and all that." Fei Yin tilted her head to the side to grin at her brother. "And I know you'll never leave home."

She laughed at his offended squawk as she swung herself to her feet, hurriedly cleaning up her desk space. "Auntie Ng gave us food, by the way. She told me to make sure you eat all of it; she thinks you're too skinny."

"I'm average, I just don't run around the city punching out demons every day." Still, he'd opened their fridge and was digging through it when Fei Yin disappeared.

As much as Fei Yin loved the idea of going to a magic school, the trip there left much to be desired. Even with the lights on in her apartment, the transition from her home to the dappled sunlight beneath the wishing tree was like a flash bang going off in her face, and the soul transport itself always left her head spinning. Cherry had laughed when she told her that, after the first time she'd been brought to the World Between. "I felt like that too," she'd said. "So did my mom. And her mom. At least you didn't vomit on the summoning circle like I did!"

And that was a streak Fei Yin intended to keep going, thank you very much. That she now anticipates being whisked off to another dimension helps quite a bit, as did the fresh air. Hong Kong had been plagued by storms for the past few weeks, and she spent the few sunny days within the dark walls of her city, wielding a broom to push water out of the halls. The weather here was heavenly in comparison.

The weather, at least, made waiting in lines and shuffling through crowds much less torturous than anticipated. Before long, she had her shiny new student visa in hand and was at the front of the crowd by the bulletin boards. She cast a quick glance over the class lists, just long enough to know which class she'd be in for the term. Satisfied, Fei Yin left the board, stretching her arms languidly above her head as she did so.

It would be nice, she decided, to enjoy the weather a bit more. Fei Yin was never one to stay idle, and sitting in the Main Hall waiting for dinner to start without even a phone to scroll through? She'd last maybe a minute. With that in mind, Fei Yin pivoted away from the boards and the Main Hall, intent on wandering campus until dinner.
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