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Original poster
April 10, 2026

Long Beach CA

Refurbished warehouse in Long Beach Ca

9:00 A.M.

In a joint operation between the State of California, the County of Los Angeles, the City of Long Beach and the Enhanced Liberation Association. A large home and refuge for enhanced people had been prepared. State of the art the facility was. It was well funded by the freedom loving people of California. Within the nation there was plenty of resistance to helping supers or enhanced. A set of laws called the Accords were in place to help restrain Supers from getting out of hand. The international superhero group Avengers where largely exempt it was said. In the here and now, a large crowd was gathered to celebrate or protest. Politicians, Police, Federal agents and people of all types were here this morning.

On opposite sides of the celebration, were largely another group, plucked and recruited from the fearful. The called themselves N.O.R.M.A.L. They were well funded, organized and even provided with suits that their agents could wear. From all over they had come to make their presence known, to oppose at every public event, the powers of Satan's progeny, the enhanced. They as a group were wearing garish red white and blue costumes. They made a chant opposing supers.

The sky above was dotted with many drones and helicopters. It was rumored that special federal agents were present.

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In the days before...

A meeting room in New York

"You are certain ? "

"Yes, the ones we will need will be there. But so will others, we will need to be ready and wary."

"We will need as many of our allies as can be there quietly."
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Tigra Banner.jpg
April 5, 2026:
"I appreciate you contacting me, Steven, and you know how I feel about this, but..."

"Your appearance. That's exactly why I would like you to be there. You're different, but..."

"In a sexy way I know. Why do you think I never go to Japan like this?"

"That wouldn't be the way I'd put it, but yes. Different but non-threatening." The Sorcerer Supreme responded.

"Oh I can be threatening, Steven. Wanna try me?"

"Not especially. Greer, are you going to fight me on this?"

Tigra shook her head. "No. I'm just not sure I'm the best person for the job. Jen has a way better public image than I do."

"Ms. Walters has her hands full with her legal practice, you know that."

She nodded and stood up. "Fine, I'll be there. You know it's not because I didn't want to go, I just wanted to be sure you thought I could handle something like that."

"Ms. Grant, you're one of the most well-adjusted enhanced I've met, and I've met most of them. Or will. Time travel."

She shook her head and left the Sanctum, and instead of stepping out into New York City, she was in Long Beach California. "Steven! Damnit, he did it again."


April 10, 2026:
Greer was annoyed. Really annoyed. This was supposed to be the grand opening, the public front showing that enhanced aren't the boogeymen that some thought they were. Instead, NORMAL was here. She'd Googled them. The National Organization of Real Men And Ladies. Even the acronym was something to roll her eyes at. There were supposed to be high-profile enhanced on scene, but she hadn't seen that yet, either. Not that they weren't here, they very well might be, probably in those helicopters overhead. Maybe inside the warehouse. She hadn't yet done the werecat thing, but she was wearing baggy clothes that wouldn't restrict or tear if she had to or felt the need to make that point. It's not like she kept a secret identity, she just didn't see the need to go 'Hello, orange cat-lady here'. At least not yet.

But Tigra wanted to be right there among the supporters, and there she was, being yelled at by yo-yos dressed like Fourth of July decorations. She crossed her arms and shook her head. "Don't you people have something better to do? Like complaining to store managers about the fifteen item or less lanes at the supermarket?"
Phoebe Tonkin Tigra Faceclaim.jpg
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This was everything Creed had wanted to avoid. Hordes of people and some who wanted the likes of him in shackles, or worse. Though he was very noticeable even with his cloak he tried to make himself seem insignificant. Not joining the chanting, not showing aggression at all. The only reason he was here was due to the trust of Shield Agent Lia placed in him. Moving to a section of the warehouse he stood in the darkest shadow present. Though not a skill he had practiced if he stood so motionless his presence had a chance to be completely ignored. He himself had not mastered this skill, rather Apex had done so on his three year rampage. As well as other lethal skills Creed tried to not employ other than to survive.

He watched silently and gave off a slight vanilla scent. Like a predator setting a lure it could be used to draw someone in. But for now it was to not be a potent scent that was repulsive to humans. Another worry in being spotted by scent then by sight. His paranoia had always been from human nature. But it was never unwarranted in his, and in turn Apex's, case. It was logical why they feared him. He was a visible monster they could fear. So he aimed to not be seen at all. Having eaten a surplus of biomass the day and night before he had shifted to be leaner and less bulky. Though this did not come without cost. A slimmer faster stealth form was restricted. His carapace armor was minimal but would give him at least a few seconds to react. His left scythed arm slowly broke apart. Becoming five clawed digits they ever so slowly adjusted himself.

The crowd was in a loud protest and he heard the pro and con chants all yelling their purpose. He looked out and other than his masking scent he could smell a cacophony of scents among the crowd. He caught a feline scent out of everything and looked to the individual but only spotted them for a second.

But in his focus he didn't see the man stumble into him and upon realizing he hadn't been a friend of his yanked off his cloak "Look at this abomination!" Creed desperately tried to get his cloak back on. Fearing the growing anger that would grow if to many saw him. his clawed hand pulled the cloak on him his head partly revealed. Backing away almost timidly unlike his easily lethal form.
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Since arriving to this new world Walker did his best to stay up to date with the current events. He had no real access to income, but being able to stave off starvation by merely existing was a neat perk he did not regret having. Not entirely. Regardless, the library became a popular area that he visited often in the dead of night. Books, news articles, and posters were his primary sources of information. From these various sources he learned about the Accords, enhanced beings, and his general role in this society. This cemented the idea that he needed to hide until he understood more.

Walker's endless search for information eventually pointed him in the direction of a public event at a warehouse. There were many people. Helicopters patrolling the area and combined with the crowd it was nothing, but an unpleasant mess of noise that he didn't care for. Though, he didn't come for that, he wanted to learn more about his role in this society as a being who could transport willingly through shadows.

Walker wanted to be perched above on a nearby building, but the helicopters defeated the purpose of that. He was forced to try and blend in. He pulled his mask down and his hood back. He'd seen some teenagers dress in a punkish rock style similar to what he planned and believed he could mimic this. He rolled one pant leg up and tried to walk with such a "fuck you" attitude that you practically winced at the sight of him. He spotted Greer across the way, but more importantly the people in front of her. They must've been these "NORMAL" people he has read and heard about. They looked anything but normal to Walker.

It was then another sense brought Walker's attention as a disfigured shadow. One with a hulking mass that didn't match a normal man's, but before Walker could analyze its shape someone pointed out something about a monster. Walker's eyes darted around before they locked onto the glint of a clawed hand that vanished behind the shadow of a cloak. Walker made his way over to Creed and slapped the guy who grabbed him.

Note: Walker can punch through solid stone.

Note: That guy's face was more red than a tomato.

"He hasn't done anything to warrant you pestering him. If you will not show him his basic rights then I will exercise mine to defend him." Walker then turned his back to the guy. "And please do... 'come at me'."

"He will not pose another threat to your identity, but if he does I will keep him away. Last thing we need is everyone seeing you and pinning the world's hate on a simple creature. Assuming the rest of you looks anything akin to that claw."
Walker then extended his hand. "My name is Walker Roydon Grey, it is through a common goal we meet today, and I believe we may be able to help each other achieve it; A place to belong. For now you are center stage my friend at least until the main event starts. Silence will be our third ally here as we are already visible."

Walker then turned to face the crowd of people. He kicked his leg out to let his pant leg roll down and pulled his mask and hood up. The idea of taunting anyone nearby was very enticing. A fight would definitely cheer his mood and allow him to alleviate the stress, but his goal was to befriend this new mutant. So, he had to remain still and keep him away from danger to prove his worth.

96 hours ago

A small wormhole suddenly materialized in the dark sky. Moments later a M-starship of emerald paint flew out from the portal before it disappeared. The vessel subsequently increased speed heading for its destination...California. Inside the cockpit Nemesis wearing her makeshift armor kept one hand on the controls while she flipped a switch to jam detection devices that could pick up her ship's location.

Nemesis let out a weary sigh underneath her mask, spying at the moon out in the distance. I see it differently now. She thought somewhat bitterly. Shaking her head and squeezing the controls, Nemesis guided the Kohar down to her destination.

She glanced at the coordinates as given by her mysterious client. Soon the mercenary landed north of Los Angeles, in an isolated spot of the Santa Monica Mountains early in the morning. Once the ramp came down Nemesis walked out and stepped onto Terran soil for the first time in an century. As crickets chirped nearby she looked around the rocks and foliage that surrounded her.

Taking off the left glove, revealing her tan colored hand Nemesis gestured toward a small stone and flew it right into her palm. She held the object for examination for almost a minute. Without warning Nemesis angrily threw the stone toward the cliff side. Putting the glove back on the ravager whispered.

"Time to get started."

Present time

East of the newly opened facility yards away was an abandoned apartment complex. Through a broken window on the third floor in the center Nemesis watched the event unfold. No wonder we Terrans are looked down upon. Having been away from Earth for so long the exile wasn't completely up to speed about current events. But the sight of possible violence was all too familiar for her.

Using the scope of her Kree sniper rifle Nemesis scan for the target. Where is Doniss Fel? That Xandarian scum must be hiding somewhere in that mob of fools. She took a deep breath and slowly released it in order to focus. Of course the more Nemesis thought to herself, the more she became excited at the challenge of catching the bounty among such chaos and high level security.

Dead or alive he is mine. A smirk slowly formed underneath the mask. She does enjoy a good challenge.
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It was day again, and that meant a new hunt. It meant a new capture. And this huntress is relentless in her quest. Once she has a bead on her quarry, it will never escape her. It will never be free of her web unless she wishes.

She is The Amazing Spider-Woman, and she is on the hunt.

Upon the Bembridge House she lands, seeming out of nowhere. The warm sun cascades along her slim and muscular form, concealed under white and black. She crouches low, glancing down at the phone she holds in one hand. Large white eyes narrow and she looks up, she looks up to the east.

It will never escape her.

Standing now, she sprints suddenly along the angled roof of the historic house. One foot finds the ledge, and she launches herself into the air. Her arms move in big circles, sails through the air so gracefully. One of her hands flick out, a line of nearly invisible line shoots from the bottom of her wrist. The end of the line affixes itself to an adjacent house, and she tugs on it hard. She is pulled to the roof of the house and without pause she is sprinting once more. Bounding and spinning from rooftop to rooftop she moves, as silent as the shadow that follows her.

Once more she would glance down at her phone, eyes narrow once more under her mask. Changing direction abruptly, she is now heading south. "Slippery critter, ain't he?" She says to seeming no one. Seeming. From the roof she bounds onto a passing delivery truck. Landing in a low crouch she gets her bearings, and she leaps once more east. She impacts with the side of the house, hearing a scream from a child inside of the window she lands near. He was watching the traffic idly when she seemed to come out of nowhere, scaring the poor lil guy. She flashes him the peace sign and winks, and then she sprints vertically up the side of the building as if gravity was just her imagination. Across home rooftops she sprints, leaping and bounding over any obstacles.

Jumping from the roof she bounds onto a parked car and leaps in one smooth motion, setting off the car alarm. Crossing West 9th​ street she passes what looks like some kind of big gathering, but she doesn't care about that right now.

The Spider-Woman's prey is near now.

She stops on Crystal Court road, suddenly hanging upside down under a very pretty bridge. She crouches down on the underside of the bridge, her hood dangling a little. She draws her phone close and presses her finger to it… and then flicks upwards. She waits… and waits… and then lets out a jubilant squeal, pumping her free fist up/down. "Got it! I got the Dratini! That's the last one I need!" She exclaims merrily, now standing upside down under the bridge. "And all is right in the world again." Her tone one of happiness. Now she can evolve her Dratini into Dragonair, and start collecting candy once more for the final evolution.

But as she ponders this, she looks in the direction she came. "Hm? Somethin goin on?" She says softly. Tucking her phone into a hidden compartment on her hip, she is once more on the move. She moves west now, swinging and leaping from car to car and house to house. Until she gets back to the demonstration she had passed. She can see the warehouse now from her vantage point… and those gathered around it. She is aware of the air traffic… eyes in the skies… she's to exposed outside. And it looks like that warehouse thingy is the center of attention. And if there's one thing she loves, it's the center of attention. Closing her eyes a little, she focuses herself. There is a faint feeling in the back of her head… it comes and goes… and she listens to it, and her instincts. With inhuman speed she moves abruptly, when she can 'sense' it's safe to do so and avoid detection. She listens for her little internal early warning system, stopping to duck into cover when she thinks she needs to in order to avoid detection.

She is able to get to the roof of the warehouse, and as if she knew exactly where to go she slinks into a partially open air vent/window. "In." She whispers as she slinks along the high ceiling, her form hidden above dangling lights. She seems some inside the warehouse below her… and some seem aggressive. Verbally. "Wow, people gotta chill." She whispers. She then nods as she crouches low on the ceiling, and her form seems to almost turn invisible in the shadows. "Yep, quieter than a church mouse." She whispers, now playing the observer.

And hoping another Dratini doesn't spawn. Or a Bulbasaur. Or Squirtle. Or Charmander. She needs more of them all, of course.
Chen couldn't pass up an opportunity to see the evolving American response to the Enhanced in their country.

Technically a Chinese national on a long-term work visa still, she kept a low key profile as she joined the crowds outside of the high-end warehouse. Almost a decade of living in the States helped Chen get used to citizen protests, of course. Still, she found it remarkable that the state and local governments would publicize the address of a facility they knew would draw this kind of attention. But then, maybe attracting clientele was more important to the founders of this home for the Enhanced.

She spared only a cursory glance at the protesters on her way into a tour of the facility. Their garish nationalistic colors had initially been eye-catching but the crowd had little nuance, or creativity if the chant was anything to judge by. If they started throwing things or drawing weapons, that would escalate things but she was more content to pay attention to the people showing up to support this refurbished warehouse and its purpose.

@Michale CS
The brunette yelling back at the protesters didn't seem particularly out of the ordinary, by Chen's sensibilities, but she smiled slightly at the catcall.

Upon entering the Enhanced facility, Chen felt a moment of foreboding. Arguably, this was a place for her, uniquely for people like her. But if the American people had a passion for civil disobedience the Chinese lacked, their government's reputation for heavy-handed tactics was potentially just as bad. One of the reasons Chen had elected to stay in America and work here was the potential for her real nature to come out. She didn't entirely know what China did with its Enhanced but she had little doubt she'd have more freedom of choice here, then there.

Still, she stood a short distance past the entryway and took a moment to force down her trepidation. Just in time to hear a yell about an abomination, followed by the reveal of a massive, uncloaked figure in the shadows, seemingly inhuman. Chen visibly gawked at the sight of the man-monster and took a reflexive step backwards. Was it hostile? Was there a threat to this place?

Chen had come to see more about the American Enhanced, perhaps to continue coming to terms with her own nation's approach. She hadn't come expecting to need to save someone. She hadn't, actually, had never really used her powers outside of confidential test conditions. And if she did it here, there was virtually no chance of remaining anonymous given the plethora of phones and cameras recording everything.

The arrival of a man with a mask and a hood was almost as surprising, as was his decision to slap down the startled abomination crier who, judging by the look of him, might actually work here. Awkward. It seemed the abomination and the masked man were allies, though, or were at least planning to stand side-by-side. The real test would be to see how this facility reacted to this situation. And if that reaction would involve other Enhanced, raising the potential for collateral damage.

Given Nemesis' concealed position and the abundance of more visually interesting things going on, Chen remained entirely oblivious to the arrival of the sniper.

And given Spider-Woman's acrobatic approach to the warehouse followed by a judicious use of invisibility, the Chinese lawyer was none the wiser yet again.

The difficulty with her civilian guise was that Chen didn't have a costume and she certainly had a civilian life to protect, which limited her options. Given how litigious America was, and given the presence of police drones and helicopters (and presumably police), getting involved might be the wrong play anyway.

Instead, she stepped to the side of the slapped down staff member. Chen helped him to his feet if he could manage to rise and spoke in a low, fierce tone. "Sir, are you alright? Are you well enough to stand or should we call an ambulance for you?"

As she rendered assistance to the downed man who was almost certainly an employee here, she glared upwards at the masked man and his provocative words. "Mr. Grey, was it? I think everyone here is among friends," she said with a flash of a forced smile. Her accent was barely perceptible. "If you're intending to find a place to belong, where everyone shares a common vision, you might start by not throwing the first punch."
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Facing a mirror, an impossibly pale figure stands with the suit they were given, still on the hangar, wrapping the edges around their hip, waist, and shoulders.

"They never have my size..." They mutter to themself. They begin to scrunch up the material, trying to figure out how the suit would look, trimmed to their figure. They try several different modifications, the look on their face growing more and more frustrated, unable to find the right bends and folds in the material to fit their measurements.

Past the limit of their patience, Nine tilts their head to the ceiling, groaning, and although it would be difficult to tell, sclera seemingly encompasing Nine's entire eyeball, the look Nine gives on their face makes it clear they're rolling their eyes.

"Does anyone know when these guys are going home? I can't concentrate with the noise they're making," Nine yells, assuming someone in the warehouse heard them. Nine resumes trying to find the proper adjustments, resting the hangar on their shoulder while they wrap the suit around their waist once more. A noise from outside the warehouse, like a sledgehammer smashing into a large piece of meat grabs Nine's attention, and signals their surrender to the suit. Throwing it to the ground, their body morphs and shifts into the form of the suit, with the measurements roughly where Nine wanted them, but off. Looking in the mirror once more, Nine shakes their head before heading outside, to the source of the commotion.
Grady Murtaugh aka Korvus

Grady wasn't certain how he felt about the west coast just yet. His feelings permitted him to contribute to the E. L. A. and as a contributor he was invited to the grand opening of this facility. He himself was enhanced but had done very little with it. He did beat the snot out of a couple of gang members back in Boston who were trying to rob one of his "uncles" restaurants. His mother before she left early in his life arranged for him to have dual citizenship with Ireland. His father even took him there for a couple of months when he was twelve. He met some of his mothers family.

He hadn't taken up a permanent residence in California yet. He had spent the last week on the Queen Mary hotel. It was, for a luxury hotel a little odd, and perhaps the rooms were a little small ? He liked it though, maybe he'd buy a houseboat instead. These were the kinds of thoughts that were running through his head as the politicians spoke. As a man who generally preferred women, there were a couple of sharp looking ladies in the large crowd. One, a pretty brunette not far from him seemed to be yelling at the opposition across the way. He had already caught one pickpocket, giving him what might have been a broken finger and a sort butt from a cane wack across his behind.

He always took care for his appearance. His father's boss, chief of his many "uncles" to help raise him since his fathers passing, promoted the use of his private tailor. His current suit, a beautiful shade of blue, was made of South American wool, from something called a Vicuna. Apparently the material is ridiculously expensive and his suit was made of it. Top it off with a silk shirt, also hand tailored and a beautiful tie and he should be considered well dressed. Now with that in mind you might consider him spoiled. it was true he had a lot of money, in theory. After his graduation gifts, the extremely expensive suit, a brand new Dodge Ram quad cab, he lived small in comparison. He had plans to buy a cottage style home, maybe three bedrooms out in the suburbs.

As he was standing there, his eye caught a well dressed Asian lady. She carried herself like she was important, or very confident. Similar in a quieter way to the brunette earlier. He then found himself standing next to an older man. He seemed distinguished, yet dressed more for a picnic than Grady was.

High above the crowd, a figure in red and gold flew a holding pattern over the facility. Unenhanced eyes would have seen little more than a speck at that distance, but a closer or keener-eyed observer might note the familiar colour scheme, on a subtly different form.

Lyra fiddled with the controls on her smartwatch. She really needed to complete the update install so that she could get the voice recognition up and running - it wouldn't do to have to mess with things manually in the middle of a fight or a rescue. At least the gesture controls were reliable, so she didn't have to pull off a gauntlet just to operate her onboard computers. Her contacts at Stark Resilient had told her about the AI assistant on the Iron Man armour, and she knew that it might be the single most crucial upgrade she could make on the Iron Maiden. But it was such a critical build she couldn't just entrust it to third-party development, and doing it all on her own was a drain on her time and resources, so she'd had to put it off time and again, especially with having to get a research grant to move across the pond.

But now she was here, and ready for Iron Maiden's US debut. From what she was hearing over the police band, public broadcasts and social media feeds, it wouldn't be long in coming. The "fine folks" of NORMAL were spoiling for a fight, and they were likely to get one. And if it happened, the authorities would have their hands full.

Which was why Lyra was here in the first place. Ethics and doing the right thing aside, she needed funding and resources to get her suit up to scratch, and that meant attracting the attention of decision-makers. Get this right and she would have the chance to pitch to powerful backers - who knows, perhaps even Pepper Potts herself. Surely the CEO of Stark Resilient wouldn't be able to ignore a brilliant, charismatic young genius ready and able to take on the mantle of her late beloved husband...?
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Drake Campbell

There has been no plans for Drake to come to this warehouse, he was supposed to have been on a date with a very nice gentleman downtown. Well, correction, someone who looked good on paper. That was the growing problem Drake found since the moment his parents died in that accident. That growing problem was more commonly known as Murphy's Law which states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Drake knew it all too well. Every tie he thought something good would happen, the universe spat in his face. First time he came out to anyone, beaten and hospitalization. First good adopted father, choose to die while saving the world.

But you couldn't tell that at all. Despite all the hardships in his life, or perhaps because of them, Drake adopted a carefree attitude.... or rather he used one as a mask. It was easy to pretend everything was fine because admitting it wasn't was enough to crush him. But of course, of course, Normal had to be there. Which meant probably amongst those people was the guy he had been planning to go on a date with. He needed a new plan and fast. He took a deep breath. "
I do believe that all the people here are right in their own way. You being here isn't going to do anything to stop enhanced from existing. I will admit though, I always found the acronym of yours to be ironic. Normal.... when you often act nothing but. But then again, I never did think the world normal ever fit into anything. Normal has never truly existed, just what you perceive. The only truly normal thing is a dryer setting that doesn't do much for your clothes. Sorry, I'm going off on a tangent. But, I think you might want to take the woman's advice. The last thing we want is a riot." Drake ran his hand through his hair.... waiting for Murphy's Law to take effect.
Near where miss Greer was trading verbal jabs with the opposition, an older man made his way her direction. He had been lucky enough to have quite a career. Scientist, inventor, and Mutant Superhero over the years. Lately, he as well as his friends in the business felt the need to do something. Things seem like they were getting out of hand. So, certain people were maneuvered here with the hopes that they might do the right thing.


He was in a much less recognizable form, one without his customary blue fur. There was a faint, trace scent of that form that Tigra might make out if she herself were in a more furry form.

"Salutations! Do I detect someone usually from the East Coast ? "
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Not far from the mostly backstage area where Creed had been left by his shield keepers, where Walker had come up to defend him and Miss Chen had investigated Walker's action... More people are walking up. One, seems to be coming from the makeshift stage out front and having left it to the cheers and well wishing of .. well... most of the crowd. He is now permanently the Hulk or so it seems. Well over seven feet tall he walks up to Walker and Creed with a smile on his face. He has a keeper of sorts, a woman in blue agents armor with no insignia.



Bruce Banner stops and looks at Creed. " Mister Creed ? I was told you could use someone to talk to ? " (He looks over, then bends over to talk to the woman with him and nods ) "My name is Bruce Banner, sometimes known as the Hulk" He notes Walkers presence, who seems ready for a fight and nods to him in a friendly fashion. The woman simply looks at the backstage worker who had earned a hard slap from Walker and he seems to walk away, going about his business. She stands off to one side, giving Miss Chen a nod of acknowledgment. " Miss Chen"
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From Nemesis's high up perch, she spotted a small group of people in the crowd. One was dressed as she is, exactly, but with a hood up and in the company of Doniss Fell, her prey. Among this small group is a tall black man with an eye patch who seems to look up at Nemesis in her hidden perch.

Up in the rafters, Gwen gets a whiff of a sulfur smell.

" Pardon me miss, do you find the goings on here interesting ? "

There is a dark skinned man up in the rafters with her, he is talking quietly.


" I have long wanted to meet the Hulk, do you wonder who those down there are ? I am called by some Night-crawler, my name is Kurt. "
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Another group joins the group just inside the warehouse facility. A young African woman with a bright platinum Mohawk with a man wearing a very unusual set of glasses.



For those who pay attention to these things, these two seem to have followed Miss Chen in.

Both seem to be looking mostly at her, though both nod politely at Banner. Then man also nodding to Banners would be keeper. " Eden, nice to see you again. I'd rather not be in here too long Ororro, this whole area might erupt in violence soon. " She looks back at him, the mohawk girl. " We need to talk to Miss Chen ! Legal matters! " The black woman smiles turning back to Chen.
"Hello, my name is Ororro!" She holds out her hand to Chen.

Banner nods back at the couple, mostly brushing them off. The woman says nothing but nods back at eye glass man with a little grin.
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As Nine comes out, she bumps into a well dressed man. "Aah, just who I was looking for! My name is Stephen Strange."
There is another man with him who looks considerably less well dressed.
" Murray, keep an eye out while I talk to this person"

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On the stage, one Virginia Pepper Potts Stark was watching the sky for a somewhat familiar armored figure flying about. She had heard of this Iron Maiden and was looking forward to meeting her. Hopefully before this politically charged mess when to hell in a handbasket.
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Behind Drake, a young man approached, holding a small picture.


"Are you Drake ? I'm Bobby"
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