CHARACTER Mglo's Person

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As long as the plot's good I'm in. That says nothing useful though... so I'll say: sci-fi, fantasy, I'm curious enough about horror to add it, aaaand action? yeah, ok, sure, action!

Name: Ral Darya
(real name: Eskanral Saadatmand)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race/Nationality: Human / Persian
Occupation: Advisor hired by potential investors to research the uncharted lands
(real job: Spending family money)​

Without the pressures of being the eldest born, with everything material at his disposal, added worldliness through education, and an advantageous physique guided by discipline, it is no wonder that Eskanral developed an arrogant personality. He's confident even in the face of failure, though perhaps it's likely more a matter of pride. As someone who is used to standing above others, both figuratively and literally, he has a tendency to look down at others. He has an appreciation for aesthetics, and being taught how to learn early on, also an eye for deciphering (judging) people based on their style. He is adaptable to a limit mostly set by himself, and always acts in self-interest.

Third son born to the Saadatmand family of Isfahan. Saadatmand are Persian high society, well positioned in both economic and political power. Their well established success dates back for generations, greatly due in part to a bloodline capable of producing endowed. All Saadatmand receive a rigorous education in order to serve the Persian empire in one way or another. Like his brothers and sisters, Eskanral was not only tutored to develop his mind and physique, but also monitored for signs of endowed.

Eskanral enjoyed being a Saadatmand insofar as money was concerned. He hoped to eventually work for his aunt in a cushy and relatively easy job where it wouldn't interfere with his plans to do little and spend a lot. He could have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for the guest list to one of his mother's famed dinners. Among the invited was the name of an endowed Eskanral knew to be an invader, and a well known one with a penchant for making others trust her with delicate information. Her presence might have had an aim unrelated to him, but Eskanral refused to risk his secret because fuck the shadowy Headmen and District Overseers. He acted the petulant child - easily believed - telling his mother he was bored out of his mind and needed to travel. He was sorry he'd miss her dinner, but not really because he'd probably go shopping, and would she like a fine silk? He could bring one back for her. He fled.

  • Endowed of the invasion caste. Of a typical invader's skillset, Eskanral excels in hallucination as it's the one he's naturally gravitated towards. His fear of being discovered discouraged him from exploring skills beyond the subtleties hallucination afforded him.
  • Literate and well educated.
  • Trained to a general degree of combat and defense.

  • He's a very tall and imposing man. A disappointment to his Uncle who had high hopes for Eskanral to go into the military.
  • His pet cat is named Zubin. They both have the same eye color and prickly personality. Zubin joined Eskanral in his travels because not taking him would have made his family suspicious of his escapade.
*Image source not found
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