OPEN SIDE STORY Motor Pool Memories

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Leaving the hangar used for the meeting hall allowed Xeir, and she hoped Wiess tagged along as she explained how her world worked, slowly lead the Dragon to the place where the transports were kept. As trhe hangar door slid open allowing Xeir to see the motor pool she took stock of the transports in the space. There were a pair of tanks in various stats of good condition far as she could tell, she wasnt used to tracked transports like that. Stuff with wheels or able to fly, that was what she was used to.

However the three massive trucks that took her attention aftershe noted the two M12 LRV Warthog jeeplike rigs stole her attention.

It was three massive 8x8 trucks, Oshkosh HEMTT trucks; One of them looked far newer and more high tech then the other two, but there was no missing the OSHKOSH quality of the truck.

Eight massive wheels nearly as tall as herself held the truck firmly on the ground. She went right to the massive transport, the black steel and pale white lines at the sharp edges seemed to glow with inner light. She reached for the door, a ramplight thing between the front set of wheels and rear set of wheels on the friver side, and as she touched it she saw the memories of the truck, who used it. She went briefly stiff before relaxing her hand on the door control.

There came from her a soft sigh of relief. Finally Technology from home! She thought as she activated the command to open up the truck. And inside was a similare to a swat truck, more like a small RV too, ample space. Pale blue and red light filtered from the driver compartment, seats lined the far wall, and what was supposed to be a full weapon rack lined both sides of the door, but they were both empty.

Xeir let out a happy noise. Technology she was used to. But why was something blinking red inside it ?
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Quietly Weiss would walk with Xeir, listening attentively to her tale. She has to pay attention because Xeir unloads a lot of information on Weiss. It does indeed, to Weiss, sound like a fairy tale of old. A story to help little children fall into dreaming slumber after a long day of play. If this were any other place or any other situation, Weiss would be the first to voice doubt in regards to the story. But here… so has to give everything she sees and hears the benefit of the doubt, instead of questioning validity.

Out of the corner of her eyes does Weiss watch Xeir… she does seem like a Faunus. A person with traits of an animal. But only a single trait. Perhaps horns… a tail.. wings… fins… but Xeir seems to have many different traits of something lizard like. Dragon like.

Weiss' hands are folded behind her back as she converses with Xeir. "On my world, Remnant, there is a race of people we call the 'Faunus'. They're basically people with an animal trait. Ya know… a tail or fins or gils or" Both hands come up to over her head, then 2 fingers on each hand held up on her head "Cat ears." Her hands fall to her sides as she continues, her eyes now looking ahead of them as they walk. What she says now she says with a tinge of… guilt? Embarrassment? "My family, for a few generations, put themselves into conflict with Faunus. Faunus in general. All out battles sometimes. And all in the name of…greed…" the last word said with a soft sigh.

"So yes, sadly, I have some reference on a small piece of what life must be like for you. Which isn't really important, frankly." She shakes her head, her arms now wrapping lightly about her abdomen "I'm not sure why I even brought it up." Indeed, why would she bring up such an abstract subject out of nowhere? A need to perhaps connect to this strange and open being?

Together, then, they enter what seems to be a very large garage of sorts. Once more her hands fold behind her back as she walks with Xeir, allowing the dragonwoman to lead the way with little preference as to where they end up. As long as it wasn't back in that debate room. A little smile draws upon pale lips, watching Xeir get very happy about the various vehicles. Vehicles she has no idea of. While Xeir may find herself happy with them, they are as alien to Weiss as this whole station is. Stopping near Xeir she prompts gently "This is your idea of fun, eh?" Her tone very matter of factly. Peering inside, she takes in the various lights, softly glowing. But it's the red blinking that draws her eyes, only because of the blinking. She stares at the red light and comments "This is very beyond my knowing. I'll have to trust you for knowledge of these things."

"What some humans consider fun is something I could not understand" Xeir said after a moment of quiet thought at Weiss's question. As Weiss explained how her family for a while waged war all in the name of money. She sighed softly, she was alright in the comparison. As she exaimined the interior of the 8X8 she sighed, finally taking a seat on one of the benches that lined the sides of the truck. In the interior light, Weiss could see six blackblue colored horns poking from the womans otherwise silverwhite hair.

She motioned for Weiss to join her inside. It felt like home really, the technolkogy she was used to. "This transport is from my world." she explained as she waved her arm, indicating the truck she was inside of. A screen appeared in thin air, holographic in structure lined in pale blue. She flicked her fingers along the seemingly glass surface. The third flick brought up a red screen, Xeir growled something, and a keypad with numbers appeared, she typed in a code she had been given as part of her agreement with Kyoto Base City.

On the screen came up three files. video files by look of them. She had found the trucks black box. And also its crew compliment, a squadof eight men, She sighed, "Detroit Base City ?" She asked softly, she had only heard of how America had managed to build at least a dozen Base Cities after the Great Nirvana, Detroit among them. But this transport was from Detroit base City.

She saw something that made her heart run cold, it showed a video, thankfully silent, of a massive beast, with a large golden horn. Ravaging the military complex outside Washington Base City. She paused the video, then found the one with the crew and their arrival there. She played that video, it was almost a minute long. Most of the eight men were looking forwards to seeing their families, their siblings or parents. Whereas only one was actually looking forwards to seeing his wife, and their newborn daughter.

To which the others in the truck chided and joked with him, good joking mood between friends one could easily tell. But it was the words yelled by the transports driver of something coming for them from the south-southwest that got them all on alert.

The camera then showed the truck spinning side over side five times before landing back on its wheels, It was not the golden horn beast either, Xeir recognised that green flash. It was how she got to Roma. The eight men were shaken but unhurt. And where they were was inside a hangar, that hangar on the Pathfinder. Those eight men, survivors of the Golden Horn Beast, where also with her in this new world

Then the other notice popped up at the end of the video. "Oh great... just great, just when I was hoping to not have to walk everywhere" Xeir grumbled, a smile however was in her tone and her expression. She brought up the trucks fuel gauge. Nearly empty. Had Theas fuel cells not exploded in her stomach after she had eaten them, they'd have made good fuel sources for the truck, if only for a week worth of straight line driving or idling...

So she proposed a question to Weiss, "You know anything of fuel or other sources of power ?" The holo screen was still on the paused video of the giant Golden Horned dragonlike creature
It had been a while since Karena had woken up in this... strange... predicament. Luckily she had the training to deal with this sort of thing from her time with Torchlight. At least she was able to identify that she wasn't anywhere near Hearth, or The Veil. The Clockworker had been here for some time, though mostly spent time working on The Pathfinder as a whole, after all she was rather familiar with machines. But strangely enough she had some free time today, and decided to spend it wandering The Pathfinder's narrow halls. Listening to the hum of the engines, the spirits traveling around her...

She had to shake herself out of that small trance. No need to get caught up in something like that here. The air was far less charged then it was on Hearth, or The Veil. She would have to spend too much energy trying to sense the world around her due to that strange lack of it. Though her meandering did lead her to the a hangar of sorts. At least she was familiar with this portion of the ship. Inside Karena found two people, A woman with white hair, and a... dragonborne... of sorts. Perhaps a half dragon? It was hard for her to put her finger on exactly what she say. But they seemed to be in a conversation of sorts, and not very quietly as well.

She took a moment to listen in, her hand resting on the hilt of her gunblade as if it were a cane, pausing to think for a moment. Her other hand reaching into the pocket of her jacket to extract a watch and check it.

Then the other notice popped up at the end of the video. "Oh great... just great, just when I was hoping to not have to walk everywhere" Xeir grumbled, a smile however was in her tone and her expression. She brought up the trucks fuel gauge. Nearly empty. Had Theas fuel cells not exploded in her stomach after she had eaten them, they'd have made good fuel sources for the truck, if only for a week worth of straight line driving or idling...

So she proposed a question to Weiss, "You know anything of fuel or other sources of power ?" The holo screen was still on the paused video of the giant Golden Horned dragonlike creature

"In fact I know a lot about them. Though I haven't had the chance to work on this lad at all yet..." Karena paused, looking between the two. "Karena Kuren, Clockworker." She introduced herself with a small bow, her Halcynian accent shining through as she stood back up. "As for fuel well... I think those ones run on gas. I think. I haven't had a chance to check under the hood just yet, or speak to em. But... if its a car you need... I have a motorcycle somewhere around here that I have been working on." She continued with a smirk.
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Curiously Weiss watches Xeir, a look of amusement upon her pale features. She does indeed join Xeir aboard the transport, and Xeir seems a bit more… relaxed. From what little she has observed thus far in regards to Xeir, she seems a little more relaxed. She thinks.

"Your world?"
She says softly while moving with Xeir. Her eyes scan the interior, seeing many things she could not even guess the function of. Now stopping near enough to Xeir to also bear witness to the video she progresses to watch, Weiss loooks between the video and Xeir as it proceeds. She doesn't know the context of the video, she has no idea what kind of situation this whole thing was. But she recognizes it is something awful, something that makes Xeir uneasy. Uneasy to say the least, it seems. Her eyes narrow when she sees the green flash fill the screen, also recognizing it as the last thing she saw when she was on Remnant. And then here. The screen shifts to the same hangar they now find themselves in, Weiss glancing outwards as if to confirm this fact.

She ignores the question about fuel, now moving closer to Xeir to address her. Weiss' tone is more serious, a bit stern as she speaks "What the heck was that? Are those men here too? Just what does this mean?"

Her focus on Xeir, on the possibilities of this information… she does not notice another present. She jumps a little and gasps as she spins, her left hand reaching over her waist to the hilt of her weapon. She faces now Karena, wide eyes staring at the newcomer. Briefly would her fingers wrap about the hilt of her fine sword, relaxing eeeeeeever so slightly when she speaks. Staying near Xeir, she talks in a light tone but still with a stern edge to it. "What do you know about this vehicle? Maybe about its previous occupants, since you've been here working on your motorcycle for a bit and all." She is on edge suddenly… and she doesn't even know why…
"Calm down there cowgirl. I can feel your Tension." Karena smirked, her fangs flashing for a moment. "I know the vehicle doesn't particularly like you poking around it." She spoke stepping up to give it a pat. "It seems very... hmm... reserved... at the moment. Perhaps it knows one of you?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. "Anyway that is a bit sidetracked, its occupants... couldn't say I know them. Thing was there one day and I haven't checked on it since it wasn't my duty to do so." The Dhampire continued. She reached up and pulled a necklace out of her shirt, pulled something off of it and used that to wind her right arm as if it was nothing.

Though did rest her right hand on the grip of her gunblade as if it were the head of a cane. "Why, do you think they are dangerous?"
Xeir brought the paused video of the Stellar Behemoth on the main holographicscreen. "This, is a Stellar Golden Horned Behemoth. If one shows up on a human world, it spells doom for humanity. One showed up on my original homeworld, where my egg is from, and, fromwhat I could learn, it rendered my planet devoid of sapient life" She said, it was clear how it made her so scared and upset. She then indicated the behemoths horn. "Its called Golden Horn Behemoth because of this horn, which means it goes by the Laws of Space, and also the Laws of Gold." She shivered briefly, just thinking about how a stellar behemoth had destroyed her homeworld before she hatched on Earth all those ages ago...

"These eight men it looks like did indeed survive to come here. They survived the Stellar Golden Horned Behemoth. Nobody knows what happened to it after it was defeated. But those eight men, they should be here on this station somewhere." Xeir said in thought It was a good thought. Sdhe sifted some more through the data files on the 8x8 truck, briefly not seeing as Karena arrived. "That green flash was also how I arrived in... the past I guess it was. A few "holy Men" mistook me for a demon, I guess given the way I look could give that idea sure." She chuckled softly then. "All their so called holy water did was get me wet. If it wasnt for Ruby I'd still be their prisoner."

It was then she heard Karenas voice, referring to the truck knowing one of them. Xeir simply nodded in reply. "Yes, it might know of me because we're from the same world. The eight man crew that came with this truck might be scared of me though. To them I am a Best General or Beast Lord, the humans had funny way of ranking the monsters, or at least our cultivation levels." To that then she tilted her head in thought. she hoped to meet one or even if she could the whole eight man crew for this 8x8; Hopefully they'd been told of the Beast Lord, a Silver Dragon which had taken the form of a human woman and then went to Kyoto Base City with a 8x8 similar to this one with four Moon Tigers and two Moon Wolves. Of all wihch learned from her how to mimic humans. Was a friendly monster, not evil, just trying to survive.

Though what was comical, even though the moon tigers and moon wolves had a human form; their hair hadsome wild designs and patterns of blue and silver. But they were all good ... people was how she saw those seemingly under her care in Otaru. "They might see me as dangerous, But I hope they see me as a friend." She said to Karena and Weiss, meaning the eight men who came with the truck. "The only issue right now is a fuel source. This one is similar to the truck I used in Otaru. Magnetic Coil Batteries. Given enough of a charge they'll recharge and power this truck forever." She gently traced a finger on its drivers seat armrest.

Seeing this truck in the hangar just parked there, barely any energy charge, the green flash must have drained it. Like how she only had one muya crystal. When she originally had dozens. She turned to Karena: "You know anything of electrical charging ?"She was greatful Weiss was present, she had no idea how she'd reacty to Karena at first, but now she found herself possibly making more then two friends. she was hopefully going to make a third.
Karena listened for a moment then placed her hands on her hips. "Well, lucky for you I am deeply familiar with electricity. Use it all the time when I'm fighting." She let a smile spread along her face. "Though, I don't think the battery would like my shocking it directly. Does this thing have a charging port?" Karena asked, her head cocking to the side. Her whole body seemed to tense, as if it was preparing for something. The air seemed to crackle and twist ever so slightly around the engineer. Flashing to life around Karena like a large floating hola hoop was an array of gears. Spinning and grinding silently against each other until it came to a rest, resembling a clock slowly turning with Karena sitting at its center. Though it wasn't as bright as it should have been, the Clockworker was rather calm at the moment. "Show me the way and we can get this boy up and running again lickity split."
Weiss stares at the holographic display, the image of the beast etching into her mind. A being that could bring a whole world to ashes. Her eyes dart to Xeir when she says it destroyed her original world, a look of concern upon her features. Weiss' perception of the woman is that Xeir seems… almost unphased by the words. By the thought of her homeworld being just… gone.

Her arms cross over her chest as she listens… the men could fear her? A hand motions to Xeir, arms still folded. "If those men are here… they came here the same way we all did. So one would think it would be in everyone's best interest to find them." She looks towards Karena, and then back to Xeir. "It's certainly in their best interest to make sure they know they are welcome here. And if they have feelings towards you… well we can deal with that."

It's then Xeir addresses Karena, and Weiss takes a small step back knowing she would have very little to add to the conversation. They speak of electrical charges, and a look of doubt comes across her features and she thinks… she does still have lightning dust. But she has no idea how it would interface, or if they could make some kind of adaptor. And… well she has sparce little dust left. She had used to much already, in her mind. She can't offer the dust knowing she has so little left. And once she is completely out of dust… then what? She would be very handicapped…

She is staring at the deck as they speak, but glances up when those gears begin to swirl around Karena. She lets out a surprised "AH!" in shock and jumps back a little, her hands held up in defense. She remains in that shocked position, eyes wide and she stares at the gears. "What… what the… what is that?!"
Karena glanced over to Weiss. Her eyes had a small sparkle inside them as if she couldn't be happier that the heiress had asked. "Well, that's my Halo. I'm a Clockworker. A type of mage. We manifest these to better help our energy interface with reality. Like a motor turning the world around us to the tune of our own clock." The engineer responded with a smile, she even reached up with her mechanical limb and let some sparks dance along her fingertips. "Sorry... that might have been too much..." Karena let out a small sigh. "Not a lot of people are... accepting of magic. I've met a lot of people who uh... didn't enjoy a mage."
She was thoughtful as Weiss spoke, she had a point. "Well, if I can explain to those men, the crew of this truck, that I'm not to be scared of, maybe it'll work out. because judging by the black box videos and data logs, they apparently received word to stay out of City 153, my area and that I am friendly. Though I think it might scare them still that a Beast Lord is stuck with them, but I am friendly. This truck though, its crew had a driver, a lookout, and six troopers; normally the driver is also a captain I guess ? I cant exactly remember how they rank everything" She couldnt exactly remember how humans ranked their soldiers and who did what task.

It was then a very confused sound came from Xeir. "What's a clock ?" Clearly Xeir had no idea what the numbers "17:34" meant on the holographic screen