Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Ryu still never budged. He pulled out his pins, and saw his own three pins, and then... Jenny's player pin. He wondered how long would it be until it was over for her. He felt a twinge of regret but shook his head. He agreed to this, now he needed to go through with it. No backing out now.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jenny
((Give me a break - I didn't get updates for day and I forgot stuff because of it DX))

Realizing his mistake, Asha changed his vote to Ash.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
At the Garden:

Emma Frost looked over to Ashabel and Jenny. "How bloody far is it to the hedge maze?" she asked them. She laughed a bit, realizing they had been walking for a while. "Perhaps we should've hailed a cab to bring us there."


"And if it's much farther, I might chip a toenail."

@Arlathina @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jenny
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york

Asha could do nothing but flop sloppily towards what seemed to be the closest water source, all while thinking "I hate this damn game."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Yiyel

Oh no! Crono tried to talk, or say anything, but, all he really could do was open his mouth; nothing new really... Except for the fact that it was alot more difficult to move around and well, he was slowly suffocating, starting to flop around, he tried to look for any decent source of water he could plunge himself into, until they can figure out some way to reverse this accursed process. Just when he thought things couldn't get stranger here, they sure succeeded one-upping his expectations.​
A janitor walked by and noticed the little Crono fish inside his janitor bucket, along with the little Asha fish on the ground. "How did these little fish get outside of their tanks? Odd," he said to himself, picking up the bucket and the other fish. He walked over to one of the fish tanks and put the two fish inside of it. "There you are," he added before walking away.

Inside the fish tank, there are a couple areas for Crono fish and Asha fish to explore...

Sunken ship model decoration

Fish tank clam decoration
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@Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The gamekeeper stares for a while, mouth slightly open, all three rings on a pole. "Uhh... I... didn't actually plan on anyone winning this. I didn't even have the prize ready... let me radio in the owner." And with that, the owner was called to know what prize a perfect score got.
Susan took the plushie a tad hesitantly, but she found herself warming up to it the more she held it. It was pretty much a cat as well. She showed the plushie to Rhyme, before picking up the ring once again.

"I'm not stopping yet."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
The owner of the carnival games area walked up, smiling at Susan. "You're prize can either be one of two things: a new pin or you may upgrade one of your current pins. Which one would you like?"​
"Jeez, what a pain. Under normal circumstances, I'd punish you for saying heresy like that, but in the event that your product is all that you hype it up to be, I suppose I'd like a nice sample of that. Healing the blind... hmph. We'll see about that," Ciel said, "Give me some of that Oxi Clean."

Because what could possibly go wrong, eh? Then again, what could possibly go right? That's what she should be thinking about in this sort of odd situation. May as well use it so she could actually watch a movie, assuming this wasn't some sort of trick.

@Gummi Bunnies @Wedge Antilles @Xx420BLAZEITxX
Claptrap was Scoffed at the mention of Jesus. "Pfft, Yeah right! But My Robo-Jesus is better then your squishy Jesus!" Claptrap responded back in a annoyed tune.

"But Walk on water, you say? Hmm.." Claptrap pondered to himself. "Say, What say we make a deal and trade for that Oxi Thingy? I got a few... Ideas in mind..." Claptrap said in a shady manner

"Holy crap! Walk on water?! I gotta get me some of that!" Claptrap thought to himself.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Wedge Antilles @Verite
Marcus, after a while, couldn't help but think he'd seen this guy before. Or see his act, somewhere before. But his memory was a blank. Still, there was an air of familiarity in Marcus' mind.

"I don't want any of your product", Marcus said to the man. When he said that, it also felt somewhat familiar. What's going on, he thought to himself.

"Yuka should tell him to stop or not", he said to the group, and looking at Yuka.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Gummi Bunnies
(my poor attempt at posting)

"H-Hey... mister... I think I get it... so..u-um... can you stop?" Yuka mumbled to the man that spoke about this 'Oxy Clean' product, her voice near quiet. Poor girl was quite startled from everything at this point.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Wedge Antilles @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX
"YOU WANT ME TO STOP?!" Mr. Mays boomed loudly in reply to Yuka. "But I don't think all of you want me to stop! After all, this blind woman just asked for my help! This is a job for..." The man paused, quickly patting his hand against his leg to simulate the sound of a drum roll before replying, "OXY CLEAN!"

Quickly taking out a spray bottle, he offered it to Ciel and Claptrap--which seemed to be the two most interested in sampling the product. He spayed some of the mystery liquid in Ciel's eyes and on Claptrap.


Ciel was able to see the silhouettes of others, shadows, and lights! She was still blind, but with the ability to see these things she would be able to get around easier now.

Claptrap, was unable to walk on water like Billy Mays suggested, but was instead able to float on water.

So Oxy Clean did do something after all... but not exactly what the salesman said it would do.

Oh well, some products just aren't as good as advertised.


"That'll be $19.95. But wait, there's more!" he added. "Get a second bottle of oxy clean absolutely free!"​
Crude and old...even by humanity standards. But still an item of curiosity in this place at least. Thanos would move in for a closer look.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
When Thanos moved to use the computer system, he could see some information pop up about their current location.

The White Room

This was a room made by the reapers as one of the possible locations players could be sent to for their missions. Modeled after famed #2 galactic vacation spot: Apalapucia. Apalapucia was a planet known for it's beauty, however, a deadly disease called Chen 7 eventually began to plague its population. The disease would give anyone who contracted it one day to live. So the Apalapucians created a Two Streams facility where the sick could enter. It would slow down the progression of time inside the rooms so they could live out their whole lives in a period of twenty four hours. A viewing room was available for any loved ones who wanted to watch their friends or family with the disease live out the remainder of their lives. This white room location simulates their two stream facility.

Below the information, Thanos can see a button on the screen.

White room escape protocol.

Click it?

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Emma Frost looked at the reaper, with a look of disinterest on her face.


"I thought that was all plainly understood," she said, in a bored voice. "But thank you for restating the obvious, Mr. Reaper". She then turned away and started walking. She whispered to Ashabel, "to the hedge maze, then?" She looked at Jenny, she remembered her as the one who healed Yuka. "If you want to follow along with us, you are more than welcome. Thank you, by the way, for helping Yuka earlier."

@Arlathina @Jenny @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Jenny looked toward the woman she met quite a while back and gave a small smile. "Oh..." she said, thinking about it for a second. Because of the mind-swap curse she got injected into herself just a little bit eearlier, she now thought she was a shapeshifting mutant that was never accepted into society, and didn't feel as comfortable between normal people. "Well, sure... And you're very welcome... Gotta look out for eachother, I guess." she responded, walking over to join the women.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The hedge maze you find when you arrive is pretty big! The group walks inside the hedge maze to find a path straight ahead of them and a path to the left. Which one would they take?​
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As Minato and his group step through the door, then find themselves walk out right into...

...Thin air

Immediately Minato, Marie, the Joker, Elizabeth, and Jodie start falling through the air!

Konishi poked her head out the door and yelled to them, "Now is about time you start learning to use your wings if you don't want to die again," she said with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Pyrrha and Rocket see the new group appear and start to plummet toward the ground...​
Francis looked at the woman from the entrance, pointing at her as he was a police officer, seemingly intent to give her an order. He saw her though, in commerials, but since he was fairly new into the systen, he thought it was just a woman wanting to sell insurance. "Ma'am, I would appreciate if you left the establishement." Frank said in a civilized tone.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Whaaaat?" the woman questioned in a whiney voice. Flo frowned, but quickly smiled again and wiggled her eyebrows. "You don't mean that. Now then, let's talk insurance," she said with a wink.

The woman wasn't going to leave you alone, apparently. Make her leave? Y/N​
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Blue-green eyes flitted over the younger unconscious girl, and Teresa's eyebrows furrowed. "What happened to her..?" she asked, glancing at Jack. However, her eyes widened in horror at his next statement, and she went to take up the defensive of the pup. "No! You.. You can't do that!" she replied. "I mean.. He's just lost and scared, is all," she continued a bit more calmly, carefully crouching by the wolf pup; hoping he'd remember her. "Isn't that right, little guy?" she muttered. "Just like the rest of us.." The last statement was so quiet that it was practically inaudible.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@The Mountain Zone​
Captain Jack Sparrow frowned and glanced down at the girl. "I found her in the library in Shibuya. She was trapped under a bookshelf that must have fallen on top of her when the town shifted around after the ice melted. She hasn't woken up since..." He frowned again, glancing at the wolf pup. "Why not just kill the little runt now before it grows up and tries to eat us," he said with a cringe.

"Whaaaat?" the woman questioned in a whiney voice. Flo frowned, but quickly smiled again and wiggled her eyebrows. "You don't mean that. Now then, let's talk insurance," she said with a wink.

The woman wasn't going to leave you alone, apparently. Make her leave? Y/N​


Frank sighed, standing up as he took off his glasses. "Alright. Then let's talk insurance." He somewhat came off annoyed but listened to her either way. "Whaddya want?" Frank rubbed his eyes, albeit at the moment, his naivety didn't let him understand any of her advances but he accepted either way.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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The owner of the carnival games area walked up, smiling at Susan. "You're prize can either be one of two things: a new pin or you may upgrade one of your current pins. Which one would you like?"​
She only had to consider it for a few seconds. "... Can I upgrade Rhyme in some manner?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

As Minato and his group step through the door, then find themselves walk out right into...

...Thin air

Immediately Minato, Marie, the Joker, Elizabeth, and Jodie start falling through the air!

Konishi poked her head out the door and yelled to them, "Now is about time you start learning to use your wings if you don't want to die again," she said with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Pyrrha and Rocket see the new group appear and start to plummet toward the ground...​
Rocket sees the new group begin to fall she knew just how hard it was for her to even start flying. "I'll be right back. I can't let them die even if it's agian." She stated and flew to try ad catch whoever she could. Rocket once more took a moment to seem to get the hang of being in the air but it didn't take as long as the first time. She then tried to fly faster down than they were falling so she might could catch someone.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @SirDerpingtonIV @The Pimp Tatcician @Xibilation @BarrenThin @TheColourlessRainbow

@Whoever Else in Afterlife Falling and With
"Oh come on!" Minato screamed as he began to drop like a boulder. Spreading his wings out, he brought himself under control and into a glide to slow his descent. Soon, his speed greatly reduced and feet on the ground, the teen sat down for a minute to gather his bearings and calm down before beginning to look around the area.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Captain Jack Sparrow frowned and glanced down at the girl. "I found her in the library in Shibuya. She was trapped under a bookshelf that must have fallen on top of her when the town shifted around after the ice melted. She hasn't woken up since..." He frowned again, glancing at the wolf pup. "Why not just kill the little runt now before it grows up and tries to eat us," he said with a cringe.

"Hm.." At Jack's response, Teresa quietly and carefully leaned over slightly, making sure she still was between Jack and the pup, to feel for a pulse. Surely, the girl would be okay... Right?

While she did this, she glanced at Jack again, frowning, before glancing at the pup. "..We don't kill him, because.." there was a brief pause, before she sighed. "Alright, let me put it this way; would you wanna slaughter an innocent child, just because it may not have the best family, and thus could end up a threat?" she mused, watching Jack intently. "'Cause I wouldn't. Besides.. His bark is worse than his bite. Hell, Little Guy might even be trying to tell us something..."

Blinking, as though she'd just made an important realization, she glanced at the wolf(whom it appeared she had taken to calling 'Little Guy'), tilting her head. "Is that it? Are you trying to tell us something?"

@The Mountain Zone​
"YOU WANT ME TO STOP?!" Mr. Mays boomed loudly in reply to Yuka. "But I don't think all of you want me to stop! After all, this blind woman just asked for my help! This is a job for..." The man paused, quickly patting his hand against his leg to simulate the sound of a drum roll before replying, "OXY CLEAN!"

Quickly taking out a spray bottle, he offered it to Ciel and Claptrap--which seemed to be the two most interested in sampling the product. He spayed some of the mystery liquid in Ciel's eyes and on Claptrap.


Ciel was able to see the silhouettes of others, shadows, and lights! She was still blind, but with the ability to see these things she would be able to get around easier now.

Claptrap, was unable to walk on water like Billy Mays suggested, but was instead able to float on water.

So Oxy Clean did do something after all... but not exactly what the salesman said it would do.

Oh well, some products just aren't as good as advertised.


"That'll be $19.95. But wait, there's more!" he added. "Get a second bottle of oxy clean absolutely free!"​

Marcus could only smile at what Billy Mays accomplished. "That's pretty impressive," he said to Mays. "Unfortunately, I can't think of anything I would need from your Oxy Clean, but thanks for the demonstration."

He looked at Ciel and Claptrap. "I hope you guys have the money to pay the good man", he said to them. He then turned and looked at Yuka, and said, "he didn't seem to charge you, I guess you just got the free of charge sample."

@Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Yeah... I guess," Yuka said in response to Marcus's statement, seeing that she technically did get a free sample even though it were for something as simple as her clothing. Besides that, she had a light smile, maybe all of this interaction was starting to drift her away from her apparent bad mood from earlier.

@Wedge Antilles @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Err... I don't have any money on me, much less American money. You wouldn't happen to be interested in pins instead, would you?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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