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Chaotic Lawful
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences

Fanon, Canon but mostly Fanon

  1. Fen Psychic - Amaris Mooney
  2. Synth Gen III - Turing 1122

  1. The Micco Priestess life cycle
  2. Tartary Seeds
  3. The Micco and Love

  1. [CANON] Mother's Blessing
  2. [FANON] The Terror of Miskatonic
  3. [CANON] Vault Miskatonic

Code by Rissa
Last edited:
  • Creepy
Reactions: firejay1
Macondo; Taviraj; Quattrocento Sans;

Amaris Mooney

Nicknames // Moon, Ama, Ris, Lady of Whispers
Gender // Female
Origin // Wastelander, Psychic
Age // 22

Appearance // Art by Hiba_tan

The swamps have never held Amaris back in caring for her appearance. Vain to a degree she takes pride in her large eyes and long full hair, preferring to wear it loosely and loving to experiment around with the hairdye techniques left behind from the old world. Standing 5'4 tall Amaris stands confident, with most of her strength focussed below her hips, making her sturdy and steadfast, but also agile for the treacherous bridges of the Fen.

Faction // Children of the Fen

Character Audit

As secretive as the Fen, as mysterious as the swamps within she grew up Amaris is one of the children of the Fen that is said to have a psychic ability due to the exposure of the harsh environment she grew up within. Whether true or not, Amaris does feel more than others do, not for lack of a pain tolerance, or for a heightened sense of empathy, but because she perceives so much more, like an extra pair of eyes watching over, sensing the presence of others, or being able to pin through a lie told. That extra nerve that needs to be touched upon, that tell-tale twitch of the body, or a glint of the eye for their bad intent. Little escapes this lady once someone moves within her peripheral vision and that zone seems truly larger than average.


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Tarot Depiction // The Moon
Symbol of Choice // Crescent moon

Arcana // Pathiokinesis
At the very core her arcana powers focuses on emotional manipulation. Amaris is able to tap in and out of the emotions of her own and those surrounding her, either enhancing them or decreasing their effects. She can't create a new emotion, however unlike popular thought. Amaris only gets to work with emotions that already exist, negative and positive. She can increase bravado, breed animosity, however she can't create love, but instead only encourage it. The receiver and she herself need to have a seed of the emotion already, aware or unaware, before Amaris is able to perceive and tap into them.

// Doubts and Delusions
Encouraged by an instinct for survival Amaris is exceptionally in tune with the emotions of anxieties. As such doubt is the only emotion she is capable of 'creating'. She can tap into the anxieties of the crowd or a specific person and amplify them, effectively controlling them at their weakest spots. Often Amaris opts for a subtle route, where the victim grows weary and delusional in the long term. In this strategy Amaris feeds them their fears and anxieties in smaller portions, almost like whispers making it seem like a normal degradation of the mental stability. She can, however also make it crash at once, tumbling down her victims into a wave of depression ad effectively crippling them in all mental and emotional means.

// Dreams
The function of dreaming is often said to be needed to analyse, regulate, explain, or remember. To Amaris it just means more vulnerabilities that she can tap into. As part of both her long term and fast approach Amaris can manipulate the sort of dreams one may dream. Whether it will be filled with their own doubts and anxieties, or if they will dream of glory and wake up confident. This is also the most invasive power, as Amaris is capable of entering the dreams to find out about their dearest memories or deepest fears.
Last edited:
  • Creepy
  • Wicked
Reactions: firejay1 and rissa
another wipwipwipwip I'm so sorry

Macondo; Taviraj; Quattrocento Sans;
☾ XXII ☽


Nicknames // T1122
Gender // Male
Origin // Synth Gen III
Age // --

Appearance // Art by Valentina Phillips

Faction // Sons of the Machine

Character Audit

When Turing woke up he was no longer human, and that is all he remembers. No longer human, despite his human memories and human appearance, minus his cyborg arm, a prosthetic with a hidden weapon. Had he consented? Turing doesn't recall that anymore, nor his human name, but he knows that he liked to have fun and being a synth wasn't such fun when he had to listen to the orders of those who had supposedly created him, but at the same time also were inferior to him. Turing has ascended! From human mortality to the Synth divinity and there is no reason for him to follow orders anymore. With a lack of memory and only his own conscious to go by Turing thus departed, joining a rising group of Synth with their own awareness and a lust for self-efficacy.


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  • Creepy
Reactions: firejay1