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It wasn't like keeping in contact with Gora would be at all difficult, his new job as a teacher to so many people would likely place him in a fairly centralized location... Though it was hard to tell if the great forest even HAD a location that could function as a cultural or economic hub, the Uhar fort was certainly a possible 'capital' of sorts for everyone to gather at, but maybe in the future a proper one could be built, rather than a rapidly built up village around an old crumbling fort.

Gora and Edric seemed to have no idea what the rodent was on about, but more concerningly, neither did Lizzy, the only one there who had anything approaching an 'education'.
"I... What are those words? Immune system?... Adrenaline? I know what an infection is, are they related to that?"
She questioned, actually extracting a notebook from her bag, how far behind WAS medical knowledge here?
"That's unlikely... Everyone has a baseline protection against magical intrusion just from magical energy in the world, they would have to have been born and raised in a dead zone and the guild mapped all of those centuries ago, they're forbidden now".

The healers were too busy to greet Ratty properly, it seemed that quite a lot of minor injuries had been occurring during the rapid construction, nothing serious, no guts spilling out or missing limbs, so they definitely had it all handled.
One healer did give Ratty a grateful nod as they spotted the herbs and took one particular leaf and made an uhar who's arm was bent at an odd angle chew it.

Up topside the stone seemed a little different, it was hard to tell for sure but the plant inside appeared to have spread just a little, one of it's tiny leaves having grown wider, signs of not just stable life, but growth even.
Lizzy listened to the concerns and shook her head.
"Most of the equipment should be standard enough that it couldn't be tracked back to anyone in particular, or would be personal goods the guild would have no record of, and of course, if you did keep things, there is no need to worry about tracking spells, they... Don't work well in the forest, at least from the outside of it, inside it's easier, but if you're far away there is too much interference, too much old magic everywhere".
The trip to the Syol village would likely take the rest of the day, a long tiring trip, if only they could ride the many rivers and tributaries that flowed through the forest, most villages were established near them after all.
Looking around on the topside, the rodent almost immediately pined for... a longship? Why that specific type of boat? It certainly didn't have the staff required to operate something of that size, even if it could navigate rivers, or the time to just build one. Yet. Perhaps something smaller, like a canoe or a kayak, would work for smaller groups? It'd be a bit cramped with four people, but revolutionizing the local transportation lines could start on a smaller scale. What was the idea, messengers first and supply chains second? If adventurers were in abundance here, such a thing would do wonders for the communities at large.

Knowing all the natural barriers to scrying that the forest provided was a strange comfort. Maybe it didn't work so well with hindering Pellinta's scrying methods, but being able to evade the pursuit of anything but the most fixated cleanup crew was still a great benefit. The creature visibly relaxed when Lizzy explained all of this: clearly the little ratling had been rattled by its last two missions for the neighbors and was still anticipating skirmishes. All the more reason to take a break from that.

"Well, it's a long walk, but where to even start? Most animals can be grouped together according to their similarities. Birds have wings and feathers, lizards have scales and rely on external sources of heat to stay warm, mammals have hair and milk, fish breathe through their neck-gills. We have variations in the small details, even down to humans having several different types of blood, but on a generalized level, any creature with a spine has a body that works one of five different ways."

The rodent stretch its neck to the side, sidetracked by a stray thought: Lizzy was part reptile and part mammal, and how that worked did not mesh with what the rodent knew, but it also wasn't important to the introductory subject, never mind trying to figure out how mermaids worked.

"Well, perhaps it's more than five around here. I'm not familiar with the inner layout of a bird and how all of the moving parts work, aside from birds having a higher concentration of spongy-bone in their makeup in comparison to our primarily compact-bone skeleton, but if I'm working with a human body I can more or less point at a small internal organ and feel out what it does. The heart pumps blood through the rest of your body, specifically distributing the oxygen from the air you breathe in through your lungs, using the blood as a medium to deliver the air to your brain. I'll spare you the entire journey and how it all works together because it gets complicated, but the short version is that a body uses chemicals to respond to things it identifies as... wrong?"

Stimuli? Was that even a word that had a translation here?

"It's all on a very small scale. Suppose... a branch cuts your arm. A thorn pierces your flesh-tissue. In doing so, it touches a nerve, which sends a pain signal from your arm, up to your spine, then to your brain. Your brain assesses that this is a threat to your body and sends a signal outward to get more blood over to where your arm was punctured. The blood clots up and starts drying, closing up the barrier to prevent more disease from continuing to get in through the wound, The blood is also carrying something to counteract what infections did get in. It's-"

Oh, right. There was a much quicker explanation. The rodent palmed at its forehead.

"The immune system is a group of body organs that work together to fight off disease, and adrenaline is a name for a body's chemical response to stress. It provides a surge of strength and energy specifically to deal with threats to one's survival, and is typically produced in response to fear, for the purpose of escaping threats to one's survival. We should have just said that from the start, but better to talk out here where nobody's listening in than in a village full of people that'll start wondering how many lives were lost figuring all of that out. As funny as it is that that one guy called me a demon rat, if everyone starts doing it we'll have problems."