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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Boo Girlie BoomBoom

⭐Warning⭐ If Boo like it Unicorns will vomit🏳️‍🌈
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy of all kinds★★!! Here's a list: modern/urban, magic and swords, otherworldly/fish out of water, faeries and unicorns, sometimes dark, sometimes superhero-ish, sometimes mixed with sci-fi. The Boo Girlie's always down for weird, wild or whimsical! Yayuh!! :3 Oh! And Sky Pirates too~~!!


K welcome to the RP from your GMs Boo and DaFie!!^^!!

RP is done! Thanks to err'body for being sooooooo awesomes~^^!!
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: marcy

You are teens (14 to 18 year olds). You've been kept in captivity, living in the BLOCC your whole life. You have two forms: 1) human with minor animal markings and 2) small non-dangerous prey type animals. Because you are all experiments. Think rodents, non-poisonous reptiles/amphibians, small birds. Things like that. And you have all made plans to escape. You all can speak and understand Big Cat Tap Code; a variant upon Morse Code made up by some of the Predatory shifters here. It's how you secretly made the plans. And the plans worked.

But sadly all the big predators and big aggressive herbivores are all dead. They died fighting off the guards once the explosion went off. Well only one survived. She's a huge panther. I will play her. You will play lost little experiments making their way out of the compound, the BLOCC. And we will run. And run. And run.



Welcome to Boo's first ever RP as the GM up in here! Yayuh! K so like just please read over all the write ups here and please note that charries are built differently here so just ask questions when need be! Also give Boo a RAINBOW! if ya seen this and read all rules and stuffs too k^^

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy your time RPing with err'body here!!! :3333~~


The world has changed much in 50 plus years. Entertainment changes. Home life changes. Desirables change. And so in this future, you have been created as a desirable. You are unique, you are highly sought for, you are the first of your kind. You are the pets of the future.

And you are going to make some select people very, very, very rich.

As you can tell, human rights, human tolerances and definitions of human have changed in this future. But that does not matter to you. No. For you see, all you have known and all that you are has been all about grooming you, preparing you, ensuring that you will make a genuinely suitable and precious pet to those who can afford you. There is a bidding war out there-- upwards of 10 million USD-- just to own you when you are of age.

But oh how you have grown. And to set the record straight, yes, you are teenagers. Yet you do not remember anything before your 12th birthday or anything before waking up in the BLOCC if you are older. For you are all genetic experiments derived from part human and part animal. Sometimes you hear the workers refer to you as a 'Dexter' or a 'Dex.'


But the meaner ones whose eyes always project venom and daggers call you something close to the project name: The Manufactured Urban Pet – Enhanced/Trained Servant Sector. Yes, that's right.

In your face, they spit at you the word: Muppets.

And when you reach 18 years of age they will ship you out to your prospective owner.

The world has changed much in 50 plus years. And you will suffer in this future.

They kept you hidden away in the place called the BLOCC. Underneath its domed structure you have lived. It is a complex 3 football fields wide on the surface, yet drives deep into the ground burying its secrets down, down, down into the depths of the dark earth. For you see, the BLOCC is a façade. It is a lie.

Above ground, the facility looks like an unbreakable concrete and steel dome that is built to endure all elements and conditions. Any onlooker would agree that it looks impenetrable and will keep its contents locked away forever. The BLOCC is the Brenier-Luciani Operations Containment Centre. It keeps people safe from the nuclear munitions dump found in Western Canada. And as long as its unbreachable walls and roof remain unbreached no one will ask any questions.

But of course underneath it all is not nuclear waste. No, underneath it all is a sprawl of labs, winding hallways, elevators, rooms upon rooms of housing, testing enclosures, storage, offices and cages. And somewhere within that labyrinth is you.

And one day, some new Muppets showed up. But they were not called Muppets. Everyone called them Arrows. But like how you were called Dexs, they were called Scars. There were 16-20 of them and they looked very scary and very aggressive. Unlike most of the innocuous and harmless animal types here, the Scars were pure and simple predators. Something bad in the Outside World was happening. That was the only reason the Scars would show up.

Over a period of two months, all personnel was on high alert and many freedoms and merits were restricted. You even saw more people come to the BLOCC armed with heavy ballistic weaponry. And it all came to a head.

But not how anyone was expecting.


The power went out and that night you had a dream. No it was a vision. It was from someone that you heard of but never believe to exist. She was called: The Crazy ol' Woman on Floor 999, The Wake-Babbler, or even The Artifact. But that night she introduced herself as someone else entirely.

This is your home. This is the BLOCC. This is the lie that you live. All of you. And so now I say to you: "Live the lie no more." No more.

For tomorrow that lie ends.

You were not born and bred to be subservient. You are not meant to be what they tell you you are supposed to be. You are not even what you think you are. You are more. Believe me, children. You are so much more. Open your eyes one last time tomorrow, take your final breath. As soon as you put your head down to rest this night, your eyes closed and you changed. As soon as your conscious mind left you… you died.

You have just died.

But fret not, children. For you will be reborn. When you open your eyes next, you will know. You will take breath for the first time. Not as a servant. Not as a slave. Not as a pet. Not as a plaything. No. No, you will take your first breath as a Deviant.

How many times have you been warned by your handlers, your physicians, your specialists, you 'care-takers' that the path of the Deviant will lead to ruin and disappointment and failure. Well, children, I say this: "Deviants take the path less travelled away from the norms. Away from what is real…" And that path, believe me is our hope. That path is our salvation. Tread upon the path of the Deviant, but know that there is another path. The one that make us dangerous.

It is the path of Desperation.

They took us there. They did this to us. All of us. They made us what we are. They will reap what they have sown...


Tell me then.

Is this your home? Is this the CAGE that you deserve?

Is this the lie you will live. All of you? All of US?!

Will we live this lie? No! No more. NO MORE!! SAY IT!!

Will We Live This LIE?!


The path of the Deviant. The path of Desperation. The means to Destiny.

You are not what you think you are. You are more.


So much more…

Now listen. This is your time. Right here. Right now.

When you wake. Get ready. Take that first breath of the day. And remember that day till your very last.

Live the lie no more, children. So go then and live your life.

I am the one you will know as a One Mother.

I am the Mother of Crescents.

Now wake, children.

Wake yourselves.

And run.

You woke to chaos, fire, smoke, death and violence. Someway, somehow you found yourself on the ground level. And you saw the breach in the unbreachable wall. That panther was in your head, urging you to run. Run. Run. Run.

Run, prey, run.

This is a single arc adventure; start at moment of escape, run from capture, figure out who we are, make it to the coast. Done.

Right. So like here is the Regular rundown:

~writing level?
Advanced. Minimum 2-3 0r 4-6 well written paragraphs. More is always welcome^^ The reason for the "or 4-6" paragraphs is because we will be doing a lot of flashbacks in place of background/bio write-ups where necessary. There is a lot of writing and setup so be prepared. And do know that this is a RP where fluff and purply writing is openly okay, k?

~post frequency?
1-2 times per 8-10 days is our aim. We will do rounds. No post order. ie. Boo posts then ya gots 7 days to postie up, maximum of 2 times, then like on the 8th day (or 10th if needed!) Boo will postie up for next round k? ;D Oh and so like each postie requires a header of some sort ie. Big colourful name or pic or if ya can chop the 'shop then like a nice pretty banner is soooo coooools too!!

~face claim art style?
No real people and no Anime. Realistic 3D rendered art is okay. Comic book-ish, but not too cartoon-ish. Dunno how else to describe it. Sorry, not sorry, but yes, I require a pic. :/

This is muh girlie from another RP


And this is another.


~max. number of RPers?
Five!! or Six!! We'll see...

~Can we play multi charries, villains, adults or predator/poisonous/purely aquatic types?
Sorry. No. No. No. And no/no/no. It just works for Boo better this way k :]

~What is the tone / style / action-physics?
Tone is mostly high anxiety, but has room for touching moments and humour. Style is a mix of: exploration of self and surroundings / fugitive on the run / fish-outta-water. Like think about this; 'A bunch of shape-shifting teens and a panther, escaping into a world they never imagined!' Action is about on par with a good cheezy adventure movie with some scary, and even dark, 'uh-oh' moments between the all the 'yay' moments k? ;D

~Is there dice/stats use?
Umm... NO. >:[ But keep it fair, k? Realism isn't like anime or cartoons but then again, it doesn't go really, really dark and gritty too.

~This is not first come, first serve. Sort of. Your charrie must be approved and you must link a postie sample for us to read. Actually if ya gots one then link the postie sample in this thread! Basically the first 6 people with acceptable 'Advanced' postie samples are pre-approved. But then like of course we have to go through the charries and select the most suitable ones after that k?

~~>Here is Boo's postie sample!!

~Oh and of note, I have a friend helping me GM irl to do rules and grunt works~^^!! And this RP is totes LGBTQ+ friendly fo'sho^^


K and soo here is where it gets real. I'm not a bitch. I'm not. But I'm tired of the same things many of you out there are tired of. So. These are some very strict rules; this is how Boo will do Advanced RP. Here we go.

All Iwaku rules must be followed as well as these ones too:

~If you do not respond IC'ly after 13 days, your character will be 'moved along' as plot sees fit. After 2 'move alongs' and without reasons for not posting IC'ly responses then your charrie is mine and I will bump the CHK and look for a new RPer.

~I will not chase you. You know how to find this site and it is up to you to let us know you will be absent. I highly recommend you subscribe to the IC and OoC threads.

~Collab posts are fine, but do NOT expect the GM to do them. If your collab post goes past a round, it will be skipped and you will have to include new reactions to new content. Collab posts that delay IC can kill momemtum and player interest.

~There will be no ((OoC chatter in the IC thread)), no @tagging in the IC, and note that the GMs will only give Checkmark :checkmark: ratings in the IC. If you want to talk to another RPer or mention them, do not do it in the IC, please do it in the OoC. This is all about tidiness, inclusivity and reading each others posts.

~The format of the character sheet is one where you must constantly update. Be prepared!

~No loner characters. I mean it. NO LONERS. You will get kicked with extreme predjudice.

~We have some 'Blue Heart-Star' RPers joining us. That means they are under 18 and as is the case please respect that and follow to Iwaku rules. Understand that yes, we will portray teen characters but certain interactions/actions must be moderated or 'fade to black.'

~I do not care for offsite chat apps, ie. Discord. But by all means go ahead and make one. Do know I will be very active in the OoC thread and will set up a 'Brainstorming Board' on site^^

~~~>Boo did not write these rules but she will abide by them. Cuz pushy peeps be pushy... >,<!!

So if you can dig these bitchy-bitchiness rulesies then we will all get along just fine!

Oh! And don't forget! You were geared to be PETS! Not Pokemons! ;DD

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Oh I am so excited! I'll get to work on my full CS tonight or tomorrow :)
Oh I am so excited! I'll get to work on my full CS tonight or tomorrow :)
Welcome! Welcome muh, EAGUH~BEAVUH!!! ;DDDD


I know the charrie sheet seems weird and kinda' nit-picky but like just let me know if ya gots questions or need clarifications k? Goes for err'body^^ Whacha needs?! Come at MEH!!!
Welcome! Welcome muh, EAGUH~BEAVUH!!! ;DDDD


I know the charrie sheet seems weird and kinda' nit-picky but like just let me know if ya gots questions or need clarifications k? Goes for err'body^^ Whacha needs?! Come at MEH!!!

I haven't forgotten about this! I've been pulling some OT at work and it sucked up my time for writing! I'll have it done by the weekend :)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Hey there! Just letting you know that your link to the "BS Boardroom" is broken. :)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
I haven't forgotten about this! I've been pulling some OT at work and it sucked up my time for writing! I'll have it done by the weekend :)
Np! Boo can wait^^

Hey there! Just letting you know that your link to the "BS Boardroom" is broken. :)
Thanks for heads up. Had wrong link ^-^;
Are sign ups for this still open? I'd love to join!

Yes still open!

First things first! K so need to see a Postie Sample from ya! Look again in the Rundown and Rules hider in op to see why k^^

Then after that fill in this handy dandy little:

Use charrie template in Charries! thread please^^

Dialogue Colour: (Boo's Panther is bright Yellow so that's already taken...^^ and! Also check out this listto see what Animals and Dialogue colours are taken too k?)

Subject IDN: (follow this sequence of 2 letters, dash, followed by 8 numbers) Subject: AA-12345678.

Nickname: (derive nick from IDN) ex." Decker" cuz like Ace Ace then sequential numbers like 'deck of cards.' Like that kinda' thing^^ Be creative!!

Age: 14-18 (cuz panthers do best when running away with teens^^;)

Sex: M or F. (gender+orientation can be fleshed out in bio/flashbacks)

Animal Type: (Yeah you know what to put here. But also some descriptions of notable or distinguishing features is nice^^)

Years in the BLOCC: 1-3 (anyone of 3 years has to be 15 or older)

Posi+ 3-5 (a statement/descriptor with one long sentence) ex. Loves company - Decker is constantly talking but only really does so to make everyone feel welcome in their prescence.

Nega- 3-5 (a statement/descriptor with one long sentence) ex. Party pooper when put off - Usually happens when things don't go their way or when difficulty of task at hand is too much for them to bear; watch for the 'double-eyeroll' and then bear witness to it all begin to down spiral from there...

Likes: 5-8. (But like just laundry list them.) ex. Talking, laughing, good stories, etc.

Dislikes: 5-8. ex. Cleaning, heavy-lifting, silent-treatments, etc.

(...and that's good enough for now. We'll get into physical human desc, skills and more later k^^)

And when done postie up the PreSkellie here k? And like any questionss, concerns, clarifications, just ask Boo^^
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Can I PM you my roleplay sample? I don't usually roleplay in threads so I don't have a link to share.
Yeah~yeah of course^^
Can I PM you my roleplay sample? I don't usually roleplay in threads so I don't have a link to share.
D'aaaawwww... ya sent me a postie about a cop with an emptied bladder. xDDDDDD~~ Awesomes postie is awesomes^^ Pre-approved. defo. Soooooo like ya have an idea of what cute little critter ya wanna play?
D'aaaawwww... ya sent me a postie about a cop with an emptied bladder. xDDDDDD~~ Awesomes postie is awesomes^^ Pre-approved. defo. Soooooo like ya have an idea of what cute little critter ya wanna play?
Yee! I would love to play as a Flying Fox! It's like a bird, but it isn't and it eats fruit! *-*
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: marcy
Yee! I would love to play as a Flying Fox! It's like a bird, but it isn't and it eats fruit! *-*
Yeah fo'sho^^ Just saw a vid about them! Sooo cuuuuutes :333~~ Big bats attacking fruit and then like just staaaaaaring...!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Quetzalcoatl
Dialogue Color: Blue

[fieldbox=BA-27626601, blue, solid, 10"]Subject IDN: BA-27626601

Nickname: Basil

Age: 15

Sex: M

Animal Type: Flying Fox (Red- orange head and body while the wings are black)

Years in the BLOCC: 3 years[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox=Persona, blue, dashed, 10"]

Incredibly observant: Things rarely get passed Basil, if he isn't doing anything in particular, he can usually be seen looking around for anything new or exciting.

Reliable: Basil will easily take pride into whatever goal or task that he has either set upon himself or asked from another, no matter how big or small. Unless asked not to, he will not stop doing whatever he has put his mind to until the job is completely done.

Talkative and energetic: Being the very energetic little bat that he is, Basil could easily talk out someone to death if he wished. He can't stay in one spot for too long, or he will feel like he will explode with energy. He'll happily strike a long winded conversation on whatever matter is chosen. It is highly recommended that you don't talk about fruits...it would be a very long conversation.


Emotional: When things starts to get tough, Basil has a terrible habit of letting his emotions control his actions. This makes it very hard to calm him down before he does a rash decision, which can lead him into more trouble then he already was.

Easily impressed/Naive: Basil isn't one to think over and idea or assumption before taking it to heart. This leads him to believe whatever silly superstition or rumor, even if the idea in question sounds stupid or just plain impossible!

Easily distracted: Basil: A bat with the eyes of a hawk..until he notices a little pebble rolling off a tiny hill 3 feet away from him. Absolutely anything can steal away his attention from more important matters, like flying away for a captor. But never eating, oh no, nothing could distract good ole' Basil from a delicious mango.

  • Fruit, most kind will do
  • Water, but you won't find him swimming in it.
  • Trees! Wait...what are trees?
  • Grooming, gotta keep clean!
  • Attention, give him all of it!
  • Nighttime, he is the night afterall!
  • The Sun, being a Fruit Bat does have its advantages..
  • Vegetables, who eats those things??
  • Sand, it's way too squishy and rough!
  • Bugs, way too icky to eat.
  • The phrase "go away", who says that??
  • Grapes, way too hard and mushy.
  • Bad people, the "try to catch you and enslave you to rich people" kind.
(Sorry this took so long.)
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Alright alright, err'body!!

K so like looks like the cast is coming along nicely amirite ;DDDD Awesomes. K so of note, I updated Jet in the #2 postie. Just gunna leave her charrie sheet like that in PreSkellie form cuz yeah, it's more about the 'Dexs' getting to know each other better. And should be enough to get an idea about her.

And so like I seen we gots a couple RPers up in the BS Boardroom^^ yays! But if the rest could hop on in, that''d be soooooooo cooools!! Right and oh so like please do read over the Rundown and Rules section and give Boo a you-know-what if ya reads it!! (hint-hint it's in the yellow text in op :33333 YOU CAN DO EEEET!!!)

But other than that, keep on going with the charrie sheets and let me know where I can help k^^
I have a question. So, even though I made my preskellie, could I change a few things, like ththe years in BLOCC and such?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
I have a question. So, even though I made my preskellie, could I change a few things, like ththe years in BLOCC and such?
Yeah~yeah fo'sho! The whole point of the PreSkellie is to get an idea of who's in your group and easing into co-writing bios together^^