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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


A warrior straight out of legend.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, romance, furry, scifi, modern, medieval,
Had to add the theme songs. Haha first one is simply because it's the classic..and in my opinion the best! I'll add the theme to Digimon Frontier just so people can get an idea of the world/concept itself since it's the one this story is focused on.​

Hello Everyone thank you for clicking and showing initial interest. I hope that by the end of this you will all be interested in joining and creating a fun story together! At the moment the plot/setting of this story is going to be based on the fourth season of Digimon. Otherwise known as Digimon Frontier. Digimon Frontier is a unique twist on the story of Digimon where instead of having a Digital partner the characters themselves become the Digimon to help fight the evils of the Digital world and restore peace.
Back in the beginning of the "Digital World", a parallel universe originated from Earth's various communication networks, all Digimon lived together in harmony and peace. Every Digimon worked together to better their world and protect each other. However as humanity furthered their technology and used it for darker purposes some of the Digimon started to become corrupted by those negative feelings and uses and before long the Digital world was thrown into chaos as the Digital monsters within began to fight amongst themselves. At the peak of the chaos an evil Digimon known as Lucemon rose to power and threatened to not only destroy the Digital world but the human world as well. To stop him Ten Digimon rose up together against Lucemon and managed to defeat him and seal him away so he could no longer do any harm to the Digital World or the Human world. These Digimon, collectively known as " The Legendary Warriors", however knew that Lucemon could and would return one day and thus they created artifacts from their data: the twenty "Spirits" (ten Human and Beast Spirits for the elements of fire, light, wind, ice, thunder, earth, wood, water, metal and darkness). By creating those artifacts they had no choice but to sacrifice themselves but before sacrificing themselves they left the Digital World in the care of three Celestial Digimon, Ophanimon, Cherubimon and Seraphimon. Thus an era of peace returned to the Digital world. However evil remained and before long darkness began to grow in the heart of Cherubimon and as that darkness grew Cherubimon became corrupted and soon betrayed Ophanimon and Seraphimon and plunged the Digital world into chaos again. In an attempt to save the Digital World the Digidestined have been summoned. Will they be able to save the Digital World? Or will the Digital World fall into pure chaos?
Claimed Elements/accepted characters
Elements will come by a first come first served basis. I will take reservations but will only hold that reservation for a week. If you do not post your finished character within that week then your element will open up again.
Fire: Christian @Andy
Light: Arwin @Jessica Stansell
Wood: Chiha @Raddum
#1 Be respectful to everyone involved in the RP. If you can't be respectful then you'll be asked to leave.
#2 No God Modding.
#3 If you have ideas or thoughts on how to make the rp better please share them. I am always open to feedback and to new ideas so don't hesitate to suggest an idea if you think it'll make things better.
#4 A post size of at least a paragraph is required per post. Give your fellow writers something to work with so we can all write a story that we all enjoy.
#5 if there is an issue bring it to my attention. Don't suffer in silence or create drama. Same with questions and anything else you may have. I can't help make the rp more enjoyable for you if you don't talk to me.
#6 I would like to keep this rp moving at a steady pace so I will request a minimum of one post a week. I understand real life happens so if your going to be busy let me know.
#7 Only ONE character and ONE element per person. There will be no doubling of any kind at the moment.
#8 Have fun. Seriously, writing for all of us is supposed to be fun and relaxing. Not a chore, so just have fun.
#9 Please do not just ghost and never respond again. If you need to drop out for whatever reason please let me know.
Character Sheet
If you have seen Digimon Frontier you can choose to take the original Spirit forms or you can create your own. If you have questions/concerns please let me know.

Age: 10 to 18
Appearance: Descriptions or pictures are allowed real or anime/drawn up to you.
Human Spirit form appearance:
Beast Spirit Form appearance:
Bio: Just a short history/personality of your character
Other: Any other information you want to add can be fun or serious.
Extra Info
Some of you may have seen Digimon Frontier. For those of you that have seen it you would know that five of the elements in the story are good and five are bad. I will update things as they go but if say we only have five people they will choose their element and the rest will be used as evil characters. If someone joins in later they will take over that element and I will work with them to write them into the story in a way that makes sense.
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Reactions: Raddum

If you have seen Digimon Frontier you can choose to take the original Spirit forms or you can create your own​

Any new forms would still be based off the original Warrior Ten, right? Sounds good to do a bit of my own twist rather than just pick up the old forms.

I'll go ahead and lay claim to the Spirit of Wood and get to writing up a sheet.

If you have seen Digimon Frontier you can choose to take the original Spirit forms or you can create your own​

Any new forms would still be based off the original Warrior Ten, right? Sounds good to do a bit of my own twist rather than just pick up the old forms.

I'll go ahead and lay claim to the Spirit of Wood and get to writing up a sheet.
As long as it's pretty obvious that wood is your element you can do anything you want. It can be as new or as original as you want.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Raddum
@Andy Apologies, I've had some plumbing issues in my home that had me distracted for the last few days, but I've gotten a sheet done! Any potential issues I'll more than happily address, but I 'll hope everything is in fair enough order.

Name: Chiha Yaeko

Age: 14

Element: Wood

Five Foot One / 156 cm
Weight: 91 lbs / 41 kg
Chiha's build is fair, not quite scrawny but not overcompensating into looking large either, ending up in a fair enough middle ground. Tending to slouch a little, her posture isn't the greatest though she can stand perfectly tall when she wishes to do so. Her facial shape is triangular, featuring upturned brown eyes with light caramel brown eyebrows allowing for easy and distinct expression. Her hair shares the same color as her eyebrows, always up in a ponytail. The top of her head is always covered up by a black baker boy cap, with a hint of color coming from a decorative silver buckle on the left side. It's a miracle both of her ears manage to keep in front of the remainder of hair, small as they are. Her nose is straight, and rather thin. Across both it and her cheeks to either side are an assortment of freckles, filling out her fair complexion, though being partially blocked off on the left side of her face by a bandage on her cheek. All of these features are topped off with what could be considered a rather smug or confident smile that has a tendency to curve onto her lips, being the last piece to the puzzle that is her expression.

Attire-wise, Chiha sports a simple black crop-top that stops rather far down her waist, with an open evergreen jacket to cover her arms. The jacket is covered in an assortment of patches, mostly seeming to be of band-related though a few seem to have characters from cartoons. A pair of black denim pants go down to a pair of large, red sneakers that are quite worn from constant use. Underneath her jacket her arms sport a few dark-colored elastic bands, with her palms covered in a pair of fingerless gloves.

Human Spirit Form: Cambimon
('Cambium', the 'tissue' between wood and bark, and designated '-mon'.)
Standing at nearly six feet tall, Cambimon is a humanoid Digimon seemingly constructed of both a human body and plant-based armor. Covered in an assortment of tree bark with hardened wood beneath, portioned out similarly to that of leather padding mainly around the chest, hips, and legs, while leaving more exposed sections coated thinly in roots that gloss over human skin that travels up it's body to the point of curling around it's neck. It's hands have large, wooden gauntlets with odd holes in the palms, shielded over with tree bark, and it's feet are bare aside from being wrapped in roots. It's face is mostly human, though obstructed by plant life: Hair in the form of autumn leaves coats the top of it's head, the foliage aimed downwards and covering where it's eyes would logically be, and with it's circular form around it's head, mostly covers what would appear to be humanoid ears, as well.

Beast Spirit Form: Canopymon
('Canopy', term for foliage and branches of trees, and designated '-mon'.)

Canopymon is a plant-based Digimon, a nearly ten foot tall menacing wooden golem overrun by nature. Rather rotund but extremely bulky, large vines run through cracks in the bark and wood of it's body, seeming to almost to keep it intact while also attaching an assortment of plant life to it's body, bundles of small twigs and branch growths sprouting across it's form. It's 'face' is a mess of plant life, covered in moss, leaves, and flowers of a multitude of colors, a hollow look inside the golem being in a visor-shape across it's face with roots sprawling out of both sides, with a singular white dot in the center marking what could be considered an 'eye', if anything. It carries a large plant upon it's back that sprouts out into five venus fly trap heads, and while it has a bulky right fist, it's left hand is instead a large hollow log that extends forward as a large, threatening weapon.

A girl with a surprising tough streak. Chiha is sporty and bold, and quite direct. She'd much rather solve or discuss a problem quickly rather than set things aside to let it boil over, trying to be proactive in a solution rather than letting something get worse. Though this comes with quite an attitude, not afraid to sass or express frustration with someone that's getting on her nerves or causing a problem for someone else: While not always the best mediator, she isn't afraid to tell someone that she believes they are wrong, and will more often than not feel inclined to break down ideas she doesn't agree with, or at least discuss something until she feels comfortable with it.

Though this can reveal that she is quite practical and not as much book smart: One that'd rather be running track than being indoors studying, and often tries to slither away from home to find something entertaining, she's not quite a problem child but someone her parents worry may lean that way, at some point. With a younger sister who is much more focused on education, pressure at home is constant and her irritation leaks into verbal frustration, though she'd never act out further on those emotions aside from some sibling teasing. The pressure to 'be better' is still there, however, often leading to stress.

Quite protective of her little sister outside their home, it's turned into her general disposition for those younger than her as well. Not tolerating those her age trying to pick on those who are younger, she is forwardly confrontational and has occasionally gotten into trouble in school over such things (Though, unfortunately, this tends to scare those smaller children as well.). Painted as a ruffian of sorts, it leaves her friend circle quite small as such relations aren't exactly the prestige most students want to be associated with. Which, while she tries to not care about such a thing, has had an impact on her over time. It's not uncommon for there to be hints of loneliness in her life being distanced from most students her age, but she's prideful enough to brush it off as unimportant and tries to motivate herself that she doesn't need them anyways: She can just keep being her confident self!

Though with building doubt from her questioned intelligence and the avoidance she experiences, it's only natural for doubts to creep in. She has to wonder if she's really a notable person at all, or even making progress for herself. Little did she know that there was quite the journey in front of her that'd help answer these questions, and more- And maybe even make her a few friends, too. Though such things would be the least of her worries with the potential peril in store.

Theme - 'Faulty Ex Machina' - Digimon World: Next Order

Cambimon Techniques
  • One Hundred Splinters! - Cambimon tightly clenches it's fists, shattering the tree bark on it's gauntlets before projecting it forward as a bundle of small, sharp projectiles using a flurry of punches.
  • Sap Trap! - Cambimon launches a glob of sticky tree sap from the holes in it's gauntlets, to slow down or disable opponents.
  • Ingrained Grip! - Cambimon sends the roots on it's feet entangle foes and pull them close for attacks, or lash them similarly to a whip.
Canopymon Techniques
  • Venus Hydra! - Canopymon extends it's venus fly traps to clamp down on an opponent, tearing into them, or keeping them in place.
  • Timber Down! - Canopymon uses it's log arm as a blunt-force weapon, bringing it down heavily upon an opponent to deliver a powerful physical blow.
  • Thousand Stake Gatling! - Canopymon uses it's log arm as a firearm, shooting out an assortment of sharp wooden stakes to impale enemies or simply serve as covering fire.
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@Raddum Your totally fine. Your still well within the week time limit for a reservation so no harm done. and Chiha is accepted
@Raddum not saying you have to but if you want to make your character 18 your allowed. I know the story is kind of centered around kids being in the digital world but I want everyone to at least play an age their comfortable with. I'm gonna add that to the CS to say that characters should be somewhere between the ages 10 and 18.
@Andy Noted, though I'll probably just keep things the way they are for my own stuff. . 👍
Sorry I'm just now responding.
I've got sick over new years and it lasted a good while, a few weeks, and due to that I haven't been able to get online. I caught both the Flu and Strep Throat together. I'm pretty much better and almost 100% recovered even though I still have drainage and a cough that hasn't gone away yet. So I'm sorry if I passed the time limit but if it's okay I'd still like to sign up my character.

I'd like to claim the Light Element if that's good with everyone.

Character sheet:

Name: Arwin Ellis

Age: 13

Weight: 101 lbs
Height: 4'10"
Being on the short side doesn't hold Arwin back. He's still determined to do what's needed to be done when asked of him so he's always ready and prepared.

Attire: Usually Arwin's normal everyday look consists of a short sleeve white t-shirt, a red long sleeve shirt underneath if it's cold, and black somewhat baggy jeans. Then he also wears white socks and brown colored tennis shoes on his feet.

Digimon Human Form: ShineMon
Humanoid Digimon, colored platinum, and head to toe shielded with a titainium steel like substance that shines very bright when standing still and even brighter when on the attack or on defense from the enemies attack.

Digimon Beast Form: SpeedCometMon
In this form Arwin is less in control but can move very very quick. His beast form has comet shaped cannons on his shoulders that when attacking the comet cannons can shoot out star shaped light lasers against his enemies and when on defense against an attack the cannons reshape into prisms that bend and then jet out light straight in the sight of his opponents to stun and distract them while Arwin turns the attack back in his enemy's direction.

Bio: Outside his digimon tamer life and back at home, Arwin is very different. He's kind of timid and naïve to the world. He's very cautious, almost to the point of annoying those around him. But despite this kind of nature regarding his personality he still takes a protective approach if he ever sees someone getting taken advantage of by someone else, as it's happened to him before, and he stands up even against kids twice his size which even if the person whom Arwin is defending is able to escape without any trouble, Arwin himself isn't that lucky. Arwin takes it all though and would do the same again and again each and every time.

(So that's my character. I hope you like him. As you can probably tell already I have seen Digimon Frontier. I've seen the 4th season several times in fact. Yutaka was my top favorite character from that season, but my favorite character on the team as you can probably guess was Koji. He was so awesome. I chose his element. Then I liked Yutaka's younger brother Tommy a lot too. I have Arwin's personality being almost the same as Tommy's.)
Sorry I'm just now responding.
I've got sick over new years and it lasted a good while, a few weeks, and due to that I haven't been able to get online. I caught both the Flu and Strep Throat together. I'm pretty much better and almost 100% recovered even though I still have drainage and a cough that hasn't gone away yet. So I'm sorry if I passed the time limit but if it's okay I'd still like to sign up my character.

I'd like to claim the Light Element if that's good with everyone.

Character sheet:

Name: Arwin Ellis

Age: 13

Weight: 101 lbs
Height: 4'10"
Being on the short side doesn't hold Arwin back. He's still determined to do what's needed to be done when asked of him so he's always ready and prepared.

Attire: Usually Arwin's normal everyday look consists of a short sleeve white t-shirt, a red long sleeve shirt underneath if it's cold, and black somewhat baggy jeans. Then he also wears white socks and brown colored tennis shoes on his feet.

Digimon Human Form: ShineMon
Humanoid Digimon, colored platinum, and head to toe shielded with a titainium steel like substance that shines very bright when standing still and even brighter when on the attack or on defense from the enemies attack.

Digimon Beast Form: SpeedCometMon
In this form Arwin is less in control but can move very very quick. His beast form has comet shaped cannons on his shoulders that when attacking the comet cannons can shoot out star shaped light lasers against his enemies and when on defense against an attack the cannons reshape into prisms that bend and then jet out light straight in the sight of his opponents to stun and distract them while Arwin turns the attack back in his enemy's direction.

Bio: Outside his digimon tamer life and back at home, Arwin is very different. He's kind of timid and naïve to the world. He's very cautious, almost to the point of annoying those around him. But despite this kind of nature regarding his personality he still takes a protective approach if he ever sees someone getting taken advantage of by someone else, as it's happened to him before, and he stands up even against kids twice his size which even if the person whom Arwin is defending is able to escape without any trouble, Arwin himself isn't that lucky. Arwin takes it all though and would do the same again and again each and every time.

(So that's my character. I hope you like him. As you can probably tell already I have seen Digimon Frontier. I've seen the 4th season several times in fact. Yutaka was my top favorite character from that season, but my favorite character on the team as you can probably guess was Koji. He was so awesome. I chose his element. Then I liked Yutaka's younger brother Tommy a lot too. I have Arwin's personality being almost the same as Tommy's.)
First no worries on the late response. You should definitely focus on your health so no worries there. Second your character is accepted
I apologize everyone that I haven't gotten any updates here recently. I got diagnosed with Covid recently and it's absolutely kicking my ass so I've hardly had the focus to get anything done here. I'll hopefully feel better in a day or two and can get something done.

Sorry to hear the whole COVID mess, hope you feel better sooner than later! Take the time you need to recover, that's what is most important.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Andy
Hello. I hope I am not here too late, I was looking forward to finding an RP thread based on Digimon Frontier and this seems like the perfect one.

My aim is to work on a character for the Earth Spirit and have them up as soon as possible.
Hello. I hope I am not here too late, I was looking forward to finding an RP thread based on Digimon Frontier and this seems like the perfect one.

My aim is to work on a character for the Earth Spirit and have them up as soon as possible.
Nope you are more then able to join and the Earth spirit is still open so go ahead and him up as soon as you can. Glad to have you aboard.
Hello. I hope I am not here too late, I was looking forward to finding an RP thread based on Digimon Frontier and this seems like the perfect one.

My aim is to work on a character for the Earth Spirit and have them up as soon as possible.
Nope you are more then able to join and the Earth spirit is still open so go ahead and him up as soon as you can. Glad to have you aboard.
Thank you very much. I'll get on to it then, posthaste.
Alright everyone so here's the plan. Once Nightwing get's his character up and I finally get mine posted I'm going to get working on the starter since at that point we'll have at least five players which would make things similar to what they were in the actual show. If people decide to join in later we'll work it in. But that's the plan for the moment.
Alright everyone so here's the plan. Once Nightwing get's his character up and I finally get mine posted I'm going to get working on the starter since at that point we'll have at least five players which would make things similar to what they were in the actual show. If people decide to join in later we'll work it in. But that's the plan for the moment.
Apologies for vanishing off of the face of the earth. Got a new job in the latter half of February and it just consumed most of my time.

Still, if the above is still the plan then I will have my Character Sheet up by Friday the most and then we can start.
Alright everyone so here's the plan. Once Nightwing get's his character up and I finally get mine posted I'm going to get working on the starter since at that point we'll have at least five players which would make things similar to what they were in the actual show. If people decide to join in later we'll work it in. But that's the plan for the moment.
Apologies for vanishing off of the face of the earth. Got a new job in the latter half of February and it just consumed most of my time.

Still, if the above is still the plan then I will have my Character Sheet up by Friday the most and then we can start.
Yes thiis still the plan at the moment take your time. Things have been hectic for me as well.
Name: Christian (Chris) Tennyson
Age: 17
Element: Fire
3 (1).jpg
Bio: Christopher Or better known as Chris to his friends and family has always been a hard worker. Since a young age baseball has been his passion. It's been the thing that he's worked for harder then anything else in his life. He's always strived to be the best that he can be at baseball..even if it meant at the cost of his studies or other things. Growing up he was quick to shine in regards to popularity. People always seemed drawn to him due to his charismatic attitude and his determination to never give up. That in turn has led him to become quite a loyal friend and leader. Whether it be the team lead in school projects or captain on his baseball team one way or another he always found himself in some kind of leadership position with everyone looking up to him in some way shape or form. However just because he seemed like he had a perfect life..that didn't mean that he did. When he was a young boy his younger sister died in an accident..and it tore his family apart. His parents couldn't cope together and that ended up with them getting divorced which left Chris feeling trapped in the middle of everything and feeling powerless as his family was torn apart.​
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Alright I'm finally finished with my character. I do apologize that it has taken so long everyone. Once Nightwing finishes his I can get to work on a starter if everyone is still here and interested in this. Though I would like to try and find at least one more person to join before it's officially started so if anyone knows someone who may be interested I'd like you to invite them!

@Nightwing95 @Raddum @Jessica Stansell