Opposites Attract - Sorrelfur x Lulunopia

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~ extroverted introvert ~
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Eric Preston
The school day had just ended and, as per usual, Eric sat in the potions classroom waiting for either another person or the professor to show up. While he was used to the silence of the potions room today seemed different, a looming sense of anxiousness settled in as he waited in silence. How he wound up here is a rather simple story:

Transfiguration class had just ended and as the class emptied of students Eric lingered. He did this often, seeing as the first years were next to come to this classroom and were often targets for bullying. He saw himself as a sort of protector of those weaker and unable to stand up for themselves. So, when Eric heard sneering from outside the room he all but sprinted to the door.

What he found outside made his blood boil. 3 7th years were pushing a first year back and forth between them. The kids bag was on the ground nearby and the 7th years made snide remarks and teased the kid. Having seen these 7th years, and having dealt with them before, Eric already had an idea of what to do. Pulling out his wand he pointed it at the smallest of the three and muttered, "Wingardium Leviosa." Doing the hand motion Eric lifted the boy into the air slowly.

As the look of pure shock crossed all their faces, Eric formed a rather cocky, proud smirk. But of course a Professor was walking by just as Eroc began flipping the boy upside down. "Mr. Preston, what exactly are you doing?" Professor McGonagall's voice drifted from behind him. In an instant the boy fell to the ground as Eric spun to face the tall woman.

"Professor, I was simply helping out a first year being bullied," He stated plainly with bored eyes.

McGonagall's face flushed with anger as she stated, "5 points from Gryffindor and detention Mr. Preston." Her head would snap to the 3 7th years in a narrowed eye glare, scattering them instantly.

And now here he is, sitting in a classroom alone waiting for god knows who. Honestly it's always his own fault; jumping to the rescue whenever someone cries for help. Folding his arms across his chest Eric leaned back in his seat, watching the door.
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Newt Scamander Jr.
Nicknames: Newtie, Newt-Newt
Age: Add later
Birthday: Feb. 24th
Gender: Male

Occupation: Hogwarts Student
Orientation: Questioning, homosexual
Face Claim: Joshua Shea


Height: 5'3

Hair: Golden reddish brown, wavy and unruly

Eyes: Light blue eyes

Other Notes: Known for looking extremely close to his grandfather when he was younger


Personality: Newt may be a Hufflepuff but the stereotype of them being incredibly social does not apply to him. He likes to keep to a small group of friends or by himself. That doesn't mean he is mean or untalkative however, with friends he is a different person. He will talk his friends ears off if they let him. Even though he excels in classes he hates showing off and will try and avoid answering a question unless he's called on. His teachers are unsure why he scores so highly on tests but is quiet and reserved in class. Like his grandfather he has an extreme love and interest in magical creatures. In his spare time he likes to study whatever creature he can find, Hagrid even lets him come visit his hut and see what creatures he currently has. Newt has notebooks filled with drawings and facts about the creatures he has seen. Since he has an older sister it's not uncommon for teachers to compare the two, something he has always disliked. He would rather be judged on his own merit than by what his sister has done.

Likes: Magical Creatures | Books | Chocolate | Being Alone

Dislikes: Public Speaking | Every Flavor Bean Candy | Being Compared To Family | Messing Up In Front Of Others

Fears: Disappointing Others | Heights

Hobbies: Studying Magical Creatures | Exploring Hogwarts | Reading


Mother: Jane Scamander (née Hemlock)

Father: Artemis Scamander

Siblings: Rose Scamander (Older Sister, Slytherin Alumni)

Grandfather: Newton Artemis Fido Scamander

Grandmother: Porpentina Scamander (née Goldstein)


He was named after his grandpa, of whom he immediately took a liking to as a child. He spent most of his time with his grandpa since his parents were rarely home. His father an auror and his mom a healer at Mungo's. His grandpa showed him every creature he rescued and used to read to him about the adventures he had when he was younger. As a result Newt was deeply in love with magical creatures before he was old enough to go to Hogwarts. By the time he was ready to go to Hogwarts his sister was already in her 5th year a d had established herself among the teachers as a studious student. Which was a reputation Newt didn't like, the pressure to meet their expectations. He was quickly sorted into Hufflepuff, to no one's surprise, and while a smart student he had a habit of using his free time to cause trouble. Mostly because he would find magical creatures that needed to be cared for and once they were healed they ended up running amok in the school. The teachers would give him detention for these incidents but really it was more just like he got private classes with Hagrid in hopes of teaching him to bring the creatures he found to him instead. The teachers all knew that Newt means well, he was just...a bit naive with his love for magical creatures.


House: Hufflepuff

Blood Status: Pureblood

Wand: Chestnut 10' w/Phoenix Core | Slightly Springy
Patronus: Bat

Pet: Bowtruckle named
Favorite Subject(s): Care of Magical Creatures | Astronomy | Transfiguration | Charms | Herbology

Least Favorite Subjects(s): Flying | Divination | History of Magic


Newt sighed as he trudged along the dark dungeon corridors towards the potion classroom. It wasn't often he got a proper detention like this, normally he was with Hagrid for his 'detentions'. Really one couldn't even call them that, no one ever really treated them like that. Unlike most the students who got detention, Newt wasn't doing anything bad he just...sometimes his good intentions led to a mess. So he wound up with Hagrid to keep himself busy and to satisfy the teachers that wanted him in 'detention'.

This time it was a little group of baby puffskeins he was raising that got him in trouble. He'd brought one into the castle last night because it looked sick. How was he supposed to know his classmate would freak out when he woke up to it on his bed?! Well, one kid in the infirmary for falling out of his bed and hitting his elbow and here Newt was heading to detention.

As be approached the door to potions he sighed, opening it up just as Pickett peeked out of his pocket and chirped something. "Well how was I supposed to know Thomas would freak out-" he paused when Pickett paused and looked up to see someone else in the room. He wasn't expecting anyone else here today and got adorably flustered at the sudden human interaction. "O-oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there...i-i will just um...sit over here then...," he looked around the room not sure what to do before shuffling over to a free seat. His cheeks flushed a bit at having walked in like that chatting to Pickett.

Unused to be in normal detention he started to fiddle with his sleeves. Pickett disappeared in his pocket when he saw the stranger. Which Newt didn't blame him but now he was here stuck in an awkward silence with the other. He recognized the other student, at least he thought he did. He was pretty sure he was in his year too but he was a Gryffindor. Which explained why he didn't see much of him, he tended to avoid the Gryffindor house. As they tend to be a bit too loud an boisterous for his nature. Then again he avoid most other students regardless of house.

(Sorry if it's short i was really excited to get a reply up 😂)
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Eric Preston
It felt like an hour had passed before someone walked in, though it had been only 10 minutes. A smirk played on his lips as the boy, a Hufflepuff, became rather flustered seeing him. Of course he understood why. The guy was talking to something that Eric couldn't see. Nevertheless he watched the Hufflepuff shuffle to a seat a little away from him. Seeing a Hufflepuff peaked Eric's curiosity seeing as they weren't often put into detention. In fact, Eric has never seen a Hufflepuff in detention with him.

What could he have done to warrant him detention with a Griffindor? It wasn't often he saw someone outside his own house during detention. So, seeing a different house walk in was surprising enough. But a Hufflepuff? That threw him through a loop.

Eric, having been staring at the other student in thought, quirked his lip slightly before looking back to the front. It wasn't the first time he's been with another person, just not that type of person. His eyes drifted back to the Hufflepuff and of course curiosity killed the cat. Standing up Eric walked over to the desk next to the students and sat down, facing him. "My name's Eric Preston, Gryffindor. What's yours?" Eric questioned.

Now that he was closer Eric could get a better look at him. His hair was unruly, a reddish color though it seemed to have a brown tint to it. Definitely short if sitting next to him was any indication, Eric sat a few inches higher than the Hufflepuff. But the thing that caught his attention the most was his blue eyes. They reminded him of the sky on a sunny day.
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Newt didn't know why he expected the detention to be empty, there was usually always at least one student in normal detention. But for some reason that fact had completely slipped his mind, leading to this bumbling entrance. Luckily for him the other student, a gryffindor it appeared, didn't say anything when he walked in. He didn't comment on him talking to Pickett either so maybe he didn't see him? Either way he was grateful as he hurried to a see closer to the front of the room and facing forward away from the other student.

He didn't often talk to anyone from other houses but especially gryffindors. They tended to be much louder and boisterous than he was used to. And not to mention a few of them tended to make fun of Newt for being odd... He figured if he sat here quietly the other would leave him alone and he could get through this detention quickly. His hoped were dashed when he heard footsteps. At first in denial, maybe he was going to the bathroom or...looking for something? But no, soon the gryffindor had plopped himself down in the desk next to him. The introduction admittedly caught him off guard.

"O-oh um..nice to meet you," he stumbled out what he knew was a polite response when someone introduces themselves to you. "M-my name is Newton Scamander Jr. B-but people call me Newt...just Newt," his introduction was adorable, filled with little stutters. He flickered his gaze to look up at the gryffindor before back down, he was definitely taller than him, which didn't surprise him he was rather short. The shorter student played with his hands and sleeves the action making his fluffy, unruly hair more noticeable, he tended to fidget when he was nervous. "O-oh I forgot my house, Hufflepuff, t-that's my house," he was wearing his house colors but he figured it was proper to say it back.
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Eric Preston
The moment the stranger started talking Eric knew he had startled the kid. His cocky grin turned to that of a softer smirk as Newt introduced himself in a stutter. How did a kid this timid get in detention? It puzzled Eric to no end. Newt seemed like one of the students he would protect in the halls. Why was he here? Shouldn't he be somewhere reading or hiding? Shaking the curiosity from his brain Eric nodded and leaned back in his seat, hands crossed behind his head.

Silence followed after the introduction as Eric contemplated talking to the hufflepuff more. Newt intrigued him to no end, making him want to know more about the shy student. Looking over at Newt, Eric joked, "Wonder if the Professor's even gonna show up." Of course to Eric's luck the Professor happened to walk into the room as he spoke.

"5 points from Gryffindor, Mr. Preston," Snape's snooty voice sounded from the door. Paling slightly Eric looked over to see the only Professor to take points away for the dumbest reasons. Jaw clenched and eyes glued to his desk Eric attempted to hold his tongue. Him and Professor Snape didn't see eye to eye…ever.

The Professor swept over to the desk and took a seat silently. "Detention will last for 2 hours and you are to stay silent," Snape explained, giving Eric a pointed look, to which the teen simply looked back down at his desk.

By now Eric's whole demeanor had changed, going from easy going and carefree tense and passive. Pulling out a book, paper, and his quill Eric began working on homework in silence. Though he would occasionally glance at Newt to make sure he was okay.
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Newt didn't often talk to other people, he had some friends of course but he preferred smaller groups of people. He rarely spoke to people from other classes especially, worried he'd say something stupid. So being trapped in a room with a stranger was making him anxious to say the least. Though...when the other's smile softened he felt his nerves lessen a bit. Unfortunately just as he was about to respond to the other the door swung open, making him jump a bit in his seat.

Recognizing the voice Newt immediately tightened his lips, Snape was a very no nonsense kind of person. He couldn't afford to lose hufflepuff any points while in detention. Pulling out his own homework he kept his eyes trained on the paper under his hands and not on the professor's looming presence. If any teacher made him nervous it was Snape.

A little over 2/3 of the way through the detention Pickett started getting antsy, pocking his head out of newt's pocket to which snap immediately reacted.

"Scamander, get that creature under control. I loathe seeing it in my classroom, why they gave you an exception to have it I will never know," he scoffed sternly.

"S-sorry professor!" Newt immediately apologized, quietly whispering to pickett who reluctantly got back in his pocket. He just wanted this detention over quickly without incident.
As the detention went on the more Eric's mode declined. Snape was the professor that removed the most points from any house other than his own really. Pretty biased unless the person really messed up. Every few minutes, though, he'd peek a glance at Newt to make sure he's okay. It seemed like detention would go smoothly for once. No more house points lost and no problems.

So, when he heard Snape snap at Newt, Eric's head sprang up to look at the two. Darting his gaze toward Newt he saw the anxiousness and nervousness the hufflepuff had increased almost tenfold. Jaw clenched lightly as Eric tried desperately not to speak out and extend their detention. Newt didn't deserve that.

As he was in his head Eric didn't quite realize his grip was tightening on his quill, until it snapped in half. Coming back to reality Eric chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck, joking, "Sorry Professor, guess I don't know my own strength."

Getting a simple sneer in return, the Professor went back to reading.

Though the only thing on Eric's mind was his quill. 'That was the only one I brought here,' He thought, feeling a little annoyed with himself for not noticing his grip. With no quill left Eric leaned back in his seat and looked at the ceiling. With only a half an hour left he was sure the Professor would be fine with Eric slacking…plus his quill being broken.
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Newt didn't intentionally cause disturbances, not wanting to cause trouble. But his nervousness and social anxiety ended up making him slip over his own feet sometimes. Which was especially easy to do when it was Snape, the professor just had to glare at him to make him stumble. He was glad he got through the conversation without getting any points taken away.

He kept his head down after that, only looking up when he heard a snap. Glancing at Eric before snap and then back to Eric. He was quiet for a bit before looking at Snape, his head buried in a book. Pulling a spare quill out of his pocket he wordlessly squished his wand, sending the quill quietly floating over to Eric's table. He gave him a small awkward adorable smile before looking back at his papers.

The rest of detention went off thankfully without a hitch. Snape stood up as soon as the time was up,"Detention is over. Clear my classroom, I have work to do." With that he moved away, skulking back to his office. Once he was gone Newt let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Starting to pack up his papers and quill and such. He wanted to get out of this classroom as soon as possible.
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Only a split second after his quill snapped and Eric was already bored. Snape got on his nerves more often than not. He's a pretentious prick that needs to be power checked. Eric didn't necessarily hate Snape, it was more of a strong dislike for the man. Then again he's given Eric detention more than any other teacher in the school. It was very well known to anyone in his class that Snape and Eric did not like each other.

The sight of a quill sitting down on his desk broke Eric from his thoughts, thankfully so as he had started to brood. Staring at the quill a second he looked over at Newt only to catch the sight of a dorky shy smile. Quirking his lip in a slight smile Eric picked up the quill and went back to his Herbology homework.

By the end of detention he still did not understand anything about the plants he read. Closing the book he was reading Eric let out a puff of air as he gathered his books and parchment, only to freeze. Newts quill sat on the table alone. Looking at the small hufflepuff Eric quirked his lip in a half smile.

"Hey, thanks for lending me your quill. Really saved me from more detention," Eric laughed awkwardly as he held out the quill. "Sorry Snapes an asshat, I would've said something but I didn't want you to sit in here any longer than we had to." He stared down at Newt with an empathetic look, a small smile on his face. Newt was beginning to be one of the students he protected. Eric likes Newt, he was nice…and a little awkward.
Newt didn't often use non-verbal magic, but this situation was one of the rare times it came in handy. Useful since it didn't draw attention from Snape. Plus he was able to help Eric which made him happy, he wasn't really sure why but it did.

Once detention was over he wanted to pack up fast, he hated being in the dungeons. This classroom was very close to the Slytherin classroom and he didn't want to be wandering the halls here when they might be around. He was about to grab his bag and head out when he heard a voice. Jumping a little bit as he wasn't expecting it.

"I-oh um...you're welcome... I always care a spare quill on me," he admitted. When he looked up at Eric and saw his empathetic look and immediately blushed a little bit. "Snape can be very...touchy, anything seems to set him off, I appreciate you not wanting to extend our detention.. Don't think I could bare to be around Snape more than I have to be," he admitted.
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Eric Preston

It was cute watching the reactions he was getting from Newt. While Eric put off as a cocky, straight, Gryffindor, trouble maker but there was more to him than it seems. Yes, he was a beater on the Quidditch team but that says nothing about his smarts, since Eric is rather intelligent in a few subjects. But that wasn't gonna stop him from putting up the front he has!

"Well either way, you saved my butt so, thanks!" Eric smiled brightly at Newt, his eyes matching the smile that seemed to light up his whole face. Newt seemed like a one of a kind person and as such it made Eric want to know more about the Hufflepuff. He had friends of course, but none seemed to be as interesting as Newt. Plus, Newt always seems awkward and skittish; it's something Eric wants to help the other mage with…if Newt will allow him to.

Nodding, he rubbed the back of head with a nervous laugh. "Snapes someone I try to minimize my time with…we don't exactly see eye to eye almost all the time."

Dropping his arm to his side Eric tucked that hand in his robe pocket as he asked, "You want me to walk you to your dorm?" His face flushed ever so slightly as he looked down at his awkward soon to be new friend. It's not that he liked Newt, it was just…he didn't offer to do this a lot, especially with someone he went to detention with.
Newt didn't talk to many gryffindors...well he didn't talk to most people really. He was content with his magical creatures and close friends he had, even if it was small. The hufflepuff wasn't that good at talking to people without saying something weird. Plus the topics he got excited about most other people didn't care for.

"I'm glad I could help..."and he meant it, felt nice to be useful to someone. He liked helping people out though he did wish it didn't have to be in detention. The mention of not seeing eye to eye with Snape had him nodding. "Neither do i, he's much too scary for me," he admitted,"Normally I have detention with Hagrid, this was the first time I've had Snape and I will say I hope it'll be the last." Seeing the scary professor in class was bad enough without seeing him outside of it.

He was about to excuse himself to leave when he heard the other's offer. Pausing a bit to process it....he wanted to walk him to his dorm? He knew it was probably just a casual request, something other students probably did all the time but he could help his cheeks flushing a bit. "A-ah um sure..."he accepted, avoiding eye contact," Only good thing about detention with snape is my dorm isn't too far from it." Usually his detentions were outside so he had a fair bit of walking to do.

Newt made sure he had all his stuff before going to leave the classroom, waiting at the door for Preston however. "So...we are in the same year it seems," he pointed out. A bit embarrassed they'd been in school awhile at this point and he didn't know alot of people from his year, especially the ones in other houses.
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Eric Preston

This hufflepuff was something else, that much was true. As Eric stared down at Newt he raised one eyebrow in a shocked, questioning way. "You get detention with Hagrid!" He softly exclaimed in jealousy. "I usually get Snape or Professor McGonagall." Of course this sweet man got detention with their sweet groundskeeper. Newt seemed like the type to get an easier detention than, well, Eric.

Nodding as he gathered his things into his arms, Eric led Newt to the door. "Yea, I'm surprised we haven't met each other yet…maybe it's because you're so quiet," He joked with a goofy smile on his face. Opening the door Eric held it open for Newt to walk through. "Though I usually talk to those that stick to the back…" He trailed off feeling a little bad for having not noticed Newt. Eric wasn't one to simply ignore someone's presence. Then again, Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs don't have many classes together this year.
Newt watched the other curiously as his expression changed upon hearing who he got detention with. Immediately feeling a bit guilty that he did get a bit of special treatment. "W-well usually I'm in detention because of a magical creature...guess they thought it made sense to stick me with the one who takes care of those kinds of things," he also never did anything maliciously. Most people were in detention for mouthing off, fighting, being late, etc. But Newt was just...accident prone but he meant well. But he was grateful the headmaster and teachers agreed he didn't belong in the normal detentions. "I wouldn't mind detention with McGonagall maybe, she's always nice to me, but Snape is scary..."he thought McGonagall had a bit of a soft spot for him, well alot of the teachers did. Though he briefly wondered if they pitied him because he was a loner.

He gave him a cute little thank you nod before heading out of the opened door. "Most people tend not to notice me," he defended the other, not surprised he didn't notice him. Newt made an effort not to get noticed by people, just did his work quietly. He was the unnoticed one of even the other quiet people in class usually. "We don't...have many classes together I don't think...i don't blame you for not noticing me I do tend to be a bit of a shadow," he felt bad making griffin feel guilty about not really speaking to him until now.

(what year are they in again?)

Eric Preston

A single brow would raise at Newt's explanation. So, he's like hagrid? That makes sense, seems like the kind of person that only wants to help. Though it's a little early to fully diagnose his personality. "I see, so you're kinda like Hagrid? Helping magical creatures, even the ones that are misunderstood?" Eric asked, quoting Hagrids constant support of misunderstood creatures. "That's cool, never met a little Hagrid before," He joked with a smile.

Closing the door behind them he looked down at Newt and nodded explaining, "Detention with McGonagall is definitely better than Snapes. At least she's not so strict about the rules of detention…" Trailing off in a grumble of the unfairness between Snape and McGonagall's detentions. Snape made sure everything was silent and boring. McGonagall on the other hand let him talk…even if it was just to bug her.

Ignoring Newt's explanation on why he wasn't noticed Eric grinned, "How about to make it up to you I'll get us lunch sometime when we're in Hogsmeade?"
At being called a little hagrid he couldn't help a small laugh. That was a pretty accurate description for him, though he felt hagrid was more knowledgeable than him. "I would say that is a fair comparison. I'm actually a miniature version of my grandfather whom I get my name from," he explained. His parents weren't exactly a fan of his love for magical creatures but they had long given up on trying to keep him from his passion. He wasn't sure though if they'd let him go into a profession working with magical creatures or not though.

"McGonagall gave me some textbooks on advanced transfiguration to study one time I had her for detention, it was much better than what Snape is like," he liked transfiguration so he had enjoyed it alot. Transfiguration was his second favorite subject after care of magical creatures.

The offer to take him to lunch one of these days made his cheeks flush adorably. "O-oh you don't have to go out of your way or anything...I wouldn't want to trouble you," he wasn't used to anyone really wanting to hang out with him one on one. He hadn't really been to hogsmeade much, but it did have some good supplies for some of the magical creatures he took care of. "Though Pickett does love the Nougat chunks at honeydukes and it's about time I go buy him some..."he didn't often buy pickett sweets but occasionally got them as a reward.

Eric Preston

A brow raised as Eric inquired, "Who's your grandfather?" Wait, should he have even asked that? They only just met yet here he was snooping in on Newt's life. Then again he seemed like a cool person, someone Eric could see himself hanging around. Wait…Newt…as in Newt Scamander? His brain froze for a second before almost restarting. "I just realized how dumb of a question that was," Eric flushed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Shaking his head at Newt trying to turn down his offer he jumped in, "I didn't exactly give you a choice. I'm taking you to Hogsmead this weekend." That seemed kinda demanding, but Eric truly felt bad that he never noticed the cute man. "Plus, it'll give me time to get to know you." He gave a genuine smile as he looked down at Newt.

He was cute, sure, but it was always the personality of people that brought Eric in. So far it seems like Newt has a good personality. Well, maybe if he opened up more and was more confident. That's just something Eric will work on with him.
Newt paused for a second when Eric asked him who his grandfather was. Usually his last name was a dead giveaway but he figured maybe Eric didn't really know his last name. His unasked questions were answered when Eric connected the dots himself. He couldn't help a small chuckle at how embarrassed the other was over it, it was cute. "Ah yes my grandfather is Newt Scamander the um...guy on most our books for magical creatures class," he confirmed,"It's alright, it's a bit refreshing not being recognized by my name. I love my grandpa but some people have made fun of me for being related to a Magizoologist. Doesn't help that my parents gave me a name directly connected to his...makes it easier for people to figure out." From the very start of his years at hogwarts the ones who bullied him picked out his name.

Eric didn't take no for an answer and truthfully Newt actually didn't mind the idea of going to Hogsmeade with him. "A-alright, sounds like a plan then," he smiled, excited about the plans now. He'd gone to Hogsmeade before but it was very busy on the weekend obviously so he could get a little bit overwhelmed there. But he had a feeling he wouldn't feel as nervous going there with Eric. "My parents are always telling me I need to take advantage of hogwarts more social activities like Hogsmeade and quidditch,"he ah...actually couldn't remember ever going to a quidditch match, never had a reason to.