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Cora Nimr
my self worth is not determined by others

Roleplay: @Gods Among Us
Coding by @Justin



Seoul, South Korea

January 31st - 3 hours until Midnight

Cloudy, Rainy, Driech

The Lotus Room

Three hours until midnight, three hours until tomorrow, three hours until the bell rings and the race begins. Ultimately, three hours until things certainly get out of hand. At least, that was what the great majestic Phoenix, and referee, Moon Bong, had already determined. Havoc would be wreaked, beings would be hurt from all categories, humans, demons ... However, it was his job to keep that to a minimum, a fact that the Phoenix wasn't particularly fond of for a multiple of reasons. The biggest one being that he had to remain on the earth, the realm of the humans for nearly a year. The very last time he had stayed so long was to investigate the conditions and activity of, what the humans would call, the supernatural. Needless to say, he did not enjoy it, nor would he enjoy it now.

For the past few years, the population of evil spirits and demons had increased considerably. Instead of staying quiet, the malevolent creatures did the exact opposite, 'causing harm, too much of and it only continued to increase as the days passed by. It had become too heavy and dangerous to ignore, something needed to be done about it. That was when the Jade Emporer came up with his brilliant idea and put Moon Bong in charge of it, much to his dismay. The second Great Race. While the race was particularly set for the Emporer's precious Zodiacs, it was open to all. Strange as it was, he requested that the Cat who had lost its chance to be specifically invited as the Zodiacs were.


The message had been sent only a week ago, as long as Moon Bong had been on earth. They were given just a week to prepare for the challenge ahead of them. The rules had been explained in the letters, it had spread through the recipients. Presently, there was only one thing left to be done before the bell rings and the race starts.

The last task to take place was to gather the Zodiacs as they were the main participants, the highlights. The reason to meet with them all at once was simple enough. One reason was that the Emporer wanted them to personally meet with the cat, why he was so determined to bunch her with the Moon Bong wasn't even sure why. Secondly, there were certain cases at hand that he wanted them to care of in particular. Lastly, it was to verbally in force the rules, knowing the Zodiacs they probably wouldn't take it as seriously as it was required, and set them up straight for the race.

The meeting place was the Lotus Room. A room not seen by the human eye or even demon eyes, it was only shown to few special individuals.The appearance and interior were like that of a tea house. It was a common workplace of the Phoenix when he was on earth for tasks. And now it would be a spot for them all to meet with him during the time of the race, to ask questions and et cetera.

As Moon Bong sat at a table next to the window wall, he sipped on his tea watching the humans, who could not see him nor the room, pass by in the rain. That was until the bell of the door rang, announcing the first guest. The first person to arrive, ironically was the Pig, shaking the rain from his pink hair like a wet dog.

"Moon Bong! Long time no see!" Hwan greeted him cheerfully.

As a response, he only nodded his head once, fully intending to ignore the twelfth Zodiac. One after another, they came, though, he paid them little attention. While the atmosphere was peaceful, Moon Bong couldn't help but feel apprehensive and it wasn't because he felt nervous for meeting the Zodiacs all at once after so many years and under the circumstances that they were. It was something else entirely, something he couldn't put his finger on.


The world is indeed flat.

When we fell

from the star

into the box,

shades of amber colored the walls.

People were like sheep,

following the flock.

In their stupid


until they crashed

face first into the side

dazed disoriented dizzy.

We followed them and

the box

became smaller.

We started walking

like them,


like them.

And our prattle



from corner to corner.

  • Love
Reactions: Bubs
Dae Jyung

I'm a happy dog at the beach
If I had the power of speech
I would tell you all
To throw my ball
I'm a happy dog at the beach

I'm a happy dog at the beach
There are no new tricks you can teach
I'm bouncy and glad
And my tail wags like mad
I'm a happy dog at the beach

I'm a happy dog at the beach
My joy is always in reach
Whatever the talk
It's the best place to walk
I'm a happy dog at the beach

I'm a happy dog at the beach
As I hear the seagulls screech
I chase and I bark
Long into the dark
I'm a happy dog at the beach

I'm a happy dog at the beach
And I don't want to start to preach
But if you ask me
The best thing to see
Is a happy dog at the beach

  • Love
Reactions: Greenie and Spekkun
Min Jee

The cool cat,
is just standing there.
The cool cat,
doesn't even glare.
The cool cat,
thinks he's so hot.
The cool cat,
doesn't give a snot.
The cool cat,
doesn't listen in class.
The cool cat,
thinks his better than the rest.
The cool cat,
really has no friends.
The cool cat,
smokes after school.
The cool cat,
left his family.
The cool cat,
is a player.
The cool cat,
has no prayers.
The cool cat,
has no savers.
The cool cat,
is one tough dude.
But really....
The cool cat,
is one big fool.

Seo Yeon

You once rang a bell
each time you felt scared,
don't know how the hell
I actually cared

Drank all your sadness
wrote poems when depressed,
gave deep massages
to take away stress

I bled out a pool
when you suffered from thirst
but doubt you would too
if the roles were reversed

But now I'm in pain
and this foolish pride aches
to see your new face
through a mask that was fake

You sucked my veins dry
as I hung there alone
then bathed in my blood
and created a throne

So I give you a desert,
go wander the dunes
and ponder how vanity
rubbed salt in my wounds

I will no longer bleed
nor remain locked in grief,
since mourning time lost
to a cold-hearted thief

I stayed with you then
but go now for good
to seek out a lover
who flows warmer blood


Riverdale, Whiterun

Phoenix Inn

Half Past Midnight


Riverdale. A lively and very diverse coastal town located in the western country of Whiterun. Its shores bring in people and creatures of the like from every corner of the earth, as it is a common resting spot for adventurers, travelers and merchants all alike. With its many guests and merry, and generally friendly, locals it was a place frequented by many.

While most of Riverdale was quiet during the evenings, this night, the roar of the town was coming from the local inn. It was a rustic looking place, wood a little bit mossy in a few places with torches dancing with the rhythm of the music that was coming from the inside. "Phoenix inn" was its name, and it was the pride of Riverdale and all of its adventurers that it hosted inside. Most knew of the local place to gather slander, rumors and of course the best drinks in town. The sailors had brought in quite the haul from across the country, bringing with them the finest of ale for all of the visitors in the bar to enjoy. They were enjoying themselves a lot, so they had ended up buying a whole round for everyone. The elven bard was holding his lute in one hand a half-full mug of ale in the other, the alcoholic beverage sloshing out of the cup due to the way the drunken elf was dancing and singing. A couple of orcs were laughing at the silly display, some cheering in a loud drunken voice for the bard to sing some of their favorite sailor songs.

The usually joyous peace was shattered by the scream of a man, gathering the attention and laughs of many. While anyone would recognize this scream as a painful one, many of the bar occupants were too drunk to tell the difference and only a few of them saw the cause of it all. Little did they know this was only the start of a butterfly effect, a chain reaction that would set off exciting and terrible events both.

And it all started with a boy.



Thunder roared and clashed
Lightning tore the sky
The obsidian Dragon rose to the heavens
Roaring a greeting to the demons

Its eyes were fiery red
Its gaze as deadly as flame
Cruel spikes adorned its back
And Talons raked the air

Scales shimmered as it caught the lightning
Secreting its wisdom of a thousand years
The treasures it kept,
The thieves and evil it killed

Flames were thrown
Burning the clouds
Bringing down the rain

The dragon screamed once,
And faded off into the night
Never to be seen again


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tincidunt quis nunc sit amet lacinia. Maecenas placerat, tortor vel blandit tincidunt, nunc augue blandit leo, at tincidunt erat magna et ex. Aliquam eu ultricies magna, ac tincidunt ipsum. Suspendisse egestas ligula quis odio sagittis auctor. Proin nec commodo diam, sit amet ultricies risus. Cras sit amet justo ut odio pulvinar cursus. Ut dictum arcu sollicitudin, luctus elit nec, condimentum orci. Aliquam at sodales libero. Aenean a tincidunt ipsum. Quisque elementum vitae elit commodo commodo. Nulla bibendum diam quis scelerisque porta. Aenean magna ligula, hendrerit imperdiet facilisis ac, efficitur sit amet magna. Cras vulputate dictum ligula laoreet ultrices.

Nam aliquet augue sit amet congue congue. Quisque non magna pretium erat tempor finibus rutrum vel quam. Donec at ipsum at lorem interdum vehicula. Cras sit amet dolor erat. Vivamus non tempus orci, vel iaculis ex. Nunc iaculis massa leo, et gravida diam sodales non. Integer quis lectus fermentum, efficitur dui a, molestie nisl. Cras in orci erat. Proin pretium vitae ligula sed pellentesque.

Morbi eleifend eros id magna sollicitudin mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer interdum pulvinar lacus vitae convallis. Nunc elementum ex elit, efficitur pulvinar ante vehicula nec. Morbi quis ipsum ultrices, sodales urna vel, ornare ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a diam placerat, egestas nibh vel, sodales nunc. Phasellus et nisl ac nibh consequat pharetra.

Pellentesque ut molestie urna, sit amet convallis odio. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In quis sem eget diam interdum interdum eu ut nibh. Curabitur ullamcorper nibh vitae commodo laoreet. Nunc rhoncus ultricies nisi et aliquam. Donec iaculis condimentum iaculis. Sed sed pharetra mi. Donec pulvinar vel nisi id commodo. Etiam vitae ante placerat, molestie dolor in, interdum elit. Integer vestibulum malesuada nisl, vitae interdum erat lacinia a. Nunc sit amet dapibus felis. Cras eget ex non arcu ornare sodales ut a purus. In aliquet, arcu et venenatis consectetur, nunc metus pellentesque diam, vel commodo enim tortor eget sem.

Curabitur mattis leo enim, ut feugiat nibh egestas et. Aliquam sodales mauris hendrerit accumsan dictum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse lacus nisi, feugiat id pretium et, feugiat eget quam. Aenean commodo a justo a lobortis. Phasellus vitae enim id turpis laoreet laoreet et vel sem. Donec non leo arcu. In a lectus et purus viverra condimentum et eu tortor. Curabitur non dolor quis leo tincidunt semper. Integer consequat felis eget augue semper mattis. Nullam maximus neque vel rutrum consectetur. Duis viverra leo et sem lobortis, sit amet viverra quam tempus. Cras imperdiet est tellus. Proin aliquet vehicula ex pellentesque accumsan. Vivamus vel convallis magna. Phasellus urna libero, iaculis eget rhoncus ornare, congue nec diam.

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water bubbles
reflecting there are
golden koi

depth of feathers
ancient moonlight
is the buoy

around the
blue-grey stone's
sand is raked
in perfect poise

has its
crickets make
a creaking noise


within the
island garden
small and jewel-like
in the grove

kimono and the obi
there's a peace
the Shinto know

muted colors
placid faces
the paper lanterns
sway and glow

the lords and ladies
sit for hours

Meilin Zhao

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tincidunt quis nunc sit amet lacinia. Maecenas placerat, tortor vel blandit tincidunt, nunc augue blandit leo, at tincidunt erat magna et ex. Aliquam eu ultricies magna, ac tincidunt ipsum. Suspendisse egestas ligula quis odio sagittis auctor. Proin nec commodo diam, sit amet ultricies risus. Cras sit amet justo ut odio pulvinar cursus. Ut dictum arcu sollicitudin, luctus elit nec, condimentum orci. Aliquam at sodales libero. Aenean a tincidunt ipsum. Quisque elementum vitae elit commodo commodo. Nulla bibendum diam quis scelerisque porta. Aenean magna ligula, hendrerit imperdiet facilisis ac, efficitur sit amet magna. Cras vulputate dictum ligula laoreet ultrices.

Nam aliquet augue sit amet congue congue. Quisque non magna pretium erat tempor finibus rutrum vel quam. Donec at ipsum at lorem interdum vehicula. Cras sit amet dolor erat. Vivamus non tempus orci, vel iaculis ex. Nunc iaculis massa leo, et gravida diam sodales non. Integer quis lectus fermentum, efficitur dui a, molestie nisl. Cras in orci erat. Proin pretium vitae ligula sed pellentesque.

Morbi eleifend eros id magna sollicitudin mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer interdum pulvinar lacus vitae convallis. Nunc elementum ex elit, efficitur pulvinar ante vehicula nec. Morbi quis ipsum ultrices, sodales urna vel, ornare ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a diam placerat, egestas nibh vel, sodales nunc. Phasellus et nisl ac nibh consequat pharetra.

Pellentesque ut molestie urna, sit amet convallis odio. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In quis sem eget diam interdum interdum eu ut nibh. Curabitur ullamcorper nibh vitae commodo laoreet. Nunc rhoncus ultricies nisi et aliquam. Donec iaculis condimentum iaculis. Sed sed pharetra mi. Donec pulvinar vel nisi id commodo. Etiam vitae ante placerat, molestie dolor in, interdum elit. Integer vestibulum malesuada nisl, vitae interdum erat lacinia a. Nunc sit amet dapibus felis. Cras eget ex non arcu ornare sodales ut a purus. In aliquet, arcu et venenatis consectetur, nunc metus pellentesque diam, vel commodo enim tortor eget sem.

Curabitur mattis leo enim, ut feugiat nibh egestas et. Aliquam sodales mauris hendrerit accumsan dictum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse lacus nisi, feugiat id pretium et, feugiat eget quam. Aenean commodo a justo a lobortis. Phasellus vitae enim id turpis laoreet laoreet et vel sem. Donec non leo arcu. In a lectus et purus viverra condimentum et eu tortor. Curabitur non dolor quis leo tincidunt semper. Integer consequat felis eget augue semper mattis. Nullam maximus neque vel rutrum consectetur. Duis viverra leo et sem lobortis, sit amet viverra quam tempus. Cras imperdiet est tellus. Proin aliquet vehicula ex pellentesque accumsan. Vivamus vel convallis magna. Phasellus urna libero, iaculis eget rhoncus ornare, congue nec diam.

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  • Love
Reactions: Bubs

From dust to steel and concrete cities they rise
As day by day they grow and evolve their statures
Waving their red flag so high and proud
On a pedestal made of stolen lands and trampled lives.

Power has indeed poisoned and tainted the heart of this humble dragon
Which was once simple, once joyful, once kind-

Oh dragon of the eastern land!
You've shed your skin and scales and grew spikes on your tail
You've grown lethal fangs and evil wings as well
Your eyes have turned red as the blood on your sharp claws
Your heart and stomach full of food, oil, and treasure golds!

The folks tremble and brand you monster!
But with such fear you thought will bend our knees,
will shake our courage, and bow our heads down to your tyranny,
We soon shall gather a billion strong
Lashing out our ardent rage and urge
Burning you down back to your ground you really own.



Starlight wings white as snow,
Illuminating the night sky.
Will you take me?
Can I reach you?

The resonating sound of love,
Sends ripples through the ocean of my heart.
Once an endless abyss,
Now harbors summery waters.

Your words imbued with sunlight,
Drive away the most torturous thoughts.
As the notes of your dulcet voice,
Echo through the airways.

The rhythmic beat of your heart,
Like the ticking of a clock.
I hear it.
I feel it.
I need it.

Oh, bearer of radiant wings;
I continue to climb higher;
Continue to work harder,
Continue to stand taller.

I will fly with you;
I will reach you;
And I will touch you;
As you have touched me.


Saffron Noelle






Saffron Rebecca Noelle

> tba





> tba




















Tessa Thompson










> tba

wizarding information






















Coding by @winnie
Last edited:

The Outcast



Hair Color
Eye Color
Dark Brown, practically raven
Light brown
170 lbs
a little thin, though, slightly lean

Alec Eden Parker
November 11th



Traits ||

"Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Don't even look at me."

Apathetic; Cynical; Quiet; Sardonic; Intelligent; Darkly humorous; Detached; Determined: Loyal; Possesive; Protective; Patient; Agressive; Sharp-tongued; Troublemaker; Distrusting; Independent; Reserved; Selectively Honest; Fearless; Daring; Witty; Quriky​

Likes || Anything 80's; 70's music; dancing; being left alone; the color black; poetry; reading;

Dislikes || people; skin contact; being bothered; his parents; complete silence; the freak; dubstep;

Fears || relationships; being abandoned;

Piercings || he has both his earlobes pierced once

Markings/Scars|| he has quite a few, most of them from fights and his own self; he has a beauty mark underneath his right eye

Health/Mental Ailments|| Major Depression; drug addict



History ||


Born to Ryan and Jessica Parker, Alec wasn't sure whether his first years with his paents were happy. Because moths after his second birthday, his mother suddenly left. He was just a toddler, he had no possible idea as to why she did. However, he was aware how angry his father was about it and how people would gossip about their broken family. Even when his mother visited him very little and announced that he would be having a baby sister, but hnot from his father, he still didn't undestand, confused, yes. But still happy!


Alec was was sweet on his siter, being overly protective and loving of her. He liked to spoil her rotten. As he grew up, he started to become more aware of their families situation, including the fact that his father was becoming a total deadbeat, bringing in unfamiliar women into their house, staying out late at night and sometimes for days. Alec had to learn to take care of himself, his mother even stopped associating with him. Both his parents and his stepfather wanted the siblngs to stay apart, and to stay away from the Lionel family, including his mother.

Slowly, but surely, he started spiraling into a depression. Being hurt by not only his family, but his friends. He distanced himself away from them. The only escape he had was in the usage of pot that one of his father's friends introduced to him. Alec is often getting ito trouble at school with the teachers and even some students. No one bothers with him after they've seen how well he fights, never holding back.He likes it that way too.​



Ryan Parker; Father; Alive - He is practically his father's caretaker when the man's at home, that is. The two aren't close, and their relationship could even be called abusive and unhealthy for some instances. But Ryan barely bothers himself with his son.

Jessica Jameson; Mother; Alive - Alec and his mother no longer talk. Whenever they run into each other, she treats him as a stranger. Their last talk was an argument where he heard words he never wanted to hear from her. He hates her as a person, but loves her, because she's his mother. Truthfully, he just wants her to come back to him.

Harrison Lionel; Stepfather; Alive - Alec hates this man. Hw knows his parents are to blame for separating, but he was too. Not to mention, he looks down on Alex and his father like scum. Harrison was the one who disapproved of the siblings' relationship the most.

Natalie Lionel; Sister; Alive - Alec's baby sister. When they were younger, they were close. that was when Alec still had his innocence. But as soon as the reality of home hit him and his relationship with his mother severed, he drifted away from her. Though he no longer hangs out with her, he is still fiercely protective of her. He is known for it around the school too. breaking the noses of those who even look at her the wrong way.​

Other Relations

Franklin Cohen; Alive - He finds him annoying. And he does not like the fact that he likes his sister. He may or may not be plotting the guy's murder.​

Code by Elle Joyner

The Freak



Hair Color
Eye Color
Dark Brown
135 lbs
he is slightly small, but has muscles

Franklin Bree Cohen
Frankie; Bumble Bee
December 20th



Traits ||

"Excuse me, why are you so cute?"

Eccentric; Quirky; Impulsive; Energetic; Friendly; Kind; Warm-hearted; Positive; Honest: Compassionate; Passionate; Romantic; Flirty; Affectionate; Thick-skinned; Scatter-brained; Open-hearted; Helpful; Observant; Intellectual; Spacy; Flighty; Playful; Joking; Encouraging; Sensitive​

Likes || Paint; photography; flowers; sunflowers; Natalie; his friends; gummy worms; violins; acoustic music; animals; kittens; puppies; bunnies; summer

Dislikes || bullies; snow days; his birthday; clowns; centipedes

Fears || being abandoned; clowns

Piercings || none

Markings/Scars|| not many, just a few scars. Most he doesn't remember where they came from.

Health/Mental Ailments|| Seasonal depression; symptoms of autism and ADHD; nearsighted

Extra|| He is a music prodigy and exceptionally skilled in art as well. Not to mention he has a photographic memory.



History ||


Franklin remebers just about every detail of his childhood. He and his parents were always traveling, though, they weren't wealthy at all. He was sure they practically drove across the country. Finally, they stopped in his parents hometown. He remebered that day the most, it was his birthday and the day his parents ditched him in the gas station. Franklin was found a police officer and not too long after set in a foster home. He hated his first foster home, it was horrid. Many times, he attempted to run away but was brought right back. He was picked out by couples a multitude of times, though, he was an adorable and cute child. However, his strangeness always made them take him back. He was sonstantly hopping all over the place, from foster home to a new home to then a new foster home.


Then in elementary, he met Natalie. He was often picked on by fellow schoolmates, but not her. She treated him like no other, and he fell for her. It may have seemed like a child's crush, but it was so much more than that for him. The two of them were inseperable. And in that moment, things started to look up for him. He was placed ina foster home with a wonderful foster mother and were the other children accepted him somewhat. His talents were discovered not long after. Many tried to help him get far with his talents.

However, that did not stop the bullying, some would say it only increased it. He was still the little freak. He was used to it by then, but he was torn when Natalie drifted away fromhim and started hanging with the "cool crowd". While he had no real friends, he befriended and talked talked to anyone,including the cool kids even though he got picked on and sometimes even beat up by them. Frankie feels that the Natalie he once knew is still in there.​



Franklin's Mother and Father; Unknown; - they left him in a gas station of Acadia Bay and drove off, never to be seen by him again.

Melissa Grover; Foster Mother; Alive - Frankie loves this woman as if she was his real mother. Melissa helps and encourages his talents and cares for him as if he was her real son as well.

Joan Lois; Foster Sister; Alive - She no longer lives in the foster home being an adult, but she comes by all the time, seeing the children at the home as her true family. She is especially close with Frankie.

Robin Willow; Foster Brother; Alive

Naomi Joy; Foster Sister; Alive

Eric Wang; Foster Sister; Alive

Other Relations

Logan Patterson; Alive - tba tba tba

Casey Dawson-LePage; Alive - tba tba tba

Code by Elle Joyner

| Location: tba | Interactions: tba | Mentions: tba |

O my Luve's like a red, red rose
That's newly sprung in June;
O my Luve's like the melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I:
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry:

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run.

And fare thee well, my only Luve
And fare thee well, a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
Tho' it were ten thousand mile.


Makeup Artist
| Location: tba | Interactions: tba | Mentions: tba |

Here jumps a little bunny
Happy as can be,
Looking for his Easter eggs
Jumping right to me.
He's sniffing for some eggs
How many will he find?
Around and around he goes
Kicking up his hinds.
He's jumping up and down
He's looking in the grass,
He is a happy bunny
He's found one at last,
A smile is on his face
He knows Easter is a bliss,
He will not miss this day
As he jumps to give a kiss,
Right up to my face
He plants his little kiss,
So happy and so bouncy
This Easter he did not miss.

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Makeup Artist
| Location: tba | Interactions: tba | Mentions: tba |

Here jumps a little bunny
Happy as can be,
Looking for his Easter eggs
Jumping right to me.
He's sniffing for some eggs
How many will he find?
Around and around he goes
Kicking up his hinds.
He's jumping up and down
He's looking in the grass,
He is a happy bunny
He's found one at last,
A smile is on his face
He knows Easter is a bliss,
He will not miss this day
As he jumps to give a kiss,
Right up to my face
He plants his little kiss,
So happy and so bouncy
This Easter he did not miss.


| Location: tba | Interactions: tba | Mentions: tba |

O my Luve's like a red, red rose
That's newly sprung in June;
O my Luve's like the melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I:
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry:

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run.

And fare thee well, my only Luve
And fare thee well, a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
Tho' it were ten thousand mile.



The animal small and frail
The fur fiery pricks
The flames lap my skin
The burn me
The eyes bright and curious
They match the norther lights
Flash of green and blue
Rapid blinking
The tail tipped in snow
White and soft
It doesn't melt against the flame
Paws small and white
Tiptoeing across the ground
The fire sparks and blurs
I'm finally home again

Fur is white
Like the snow
In which it hides
By crouching low.

Fur is dark
Like summer's ground.
It stalks its prey
Without a sound.

As the rabbit
Eats green grass,
Up it sneaks
As smooth as glass.

A silent pounce,
Barely a fight.
Now it has
A meal tonight.

Such vicious beauty
Has a price.
A hunter takes aim
As it eats mice.

Of another being,
It doesn't hear
The birds stop singing.

The hunter steps
But breaks a stick.
It looks around;
The tension's thick.

The hunter smiles.
He's about to shoot.
Now it sees
The hunter's boot.

It turns to run
Away from danger,
Away from death
Brought by this stranger.

A shot rings out,
An undecided fate.
Did he hit his target?
Or did he shoot too late?


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Acadia Bay, Oregon, USA

September 9, 2017 - Saturday

Cool, Cloudy

Ravenwood Academy

Acadia Bay, is a small picturesque seaside town, a mixture of extreme wealth and poverty. Though, these two sides are usually separated. However, the town is known for a multitude of things. Number one being that it is the home to the high school Ravenwood Academy, that in the recent years evolved into a boarding school. It specialized in science, art and music, giving the utter best education and bringing in students from all over the states and in some cases, world. To say they're town was diverse, would be putting it lightly.

During Summer Break, Acadia Bay was prone to guest and tourist. During that time, the normally quiet town becomes very excitable with being able to meet new people. Many of the guest and tourist being half the academy student's parents. But, Summer Break was over and school was in, dying down the little town's enthusiasm. While it was Saturday, many of the local teens and kids enjoyed their time at home or out.

Unfortunately, eight teenagers were not going to be enjoying there Saturday. They would be spending it at school ... in detention. Each one of them there for their own reason but would all be sharing the same punishment. And it couldn' have been a worse day for their detention.

The air was crisp, grey clouds covering the blue sky, looking as if it would rain any moment. The wind began to pick up slightly, beating against the window of the battered car that belonged to none other than Miles Dawson as he drove ever so recklessly. More than once, his eyes wandered away from the road in front of him, his jittery nature causing him to shift in his seat, the wheel swerving every so often as he let it go to grab something else in his cluttered car. Truthfully, his mind was elsewhere, but that was the norm for the middle-aged bachelor. He was unconscious to how unsafe he was being or to the presence of the passenger beside him, his nephew. Which was ironic because the boy was the entire reason they were in the car.

They were on their way to Ravenwood for his detention.


"No ... no, it's not right. Oh no, today is bad, I feel it. I know it." Miles mumbled to himself, as he looked through the windshield and at the grey sky. The man brought his eyes back down just in time to avoid hitting a street sign before turning down a street. He continued to mumble incoherently to himself about who knew what, frowning all the while. The school building and campus both were in their view and at this point, his speed slowed down the more he mumbled and muttered. His gaze once again wandered away from the road ahead and to Casey. After doing a double check as if just realizing he was there, and knowing the "town kuckoo" he probably just did, he finally asked him. "You feel it too, don't you? It's bad. I don't like it. We should go home."

Yet, there was no turning the car around as soon as the teacher overseeing their punishment, Mr. Perez was seen, standing in the driveway, obviously waiting for the students to arrive. Miles winced at the sight of him, shaking his head to himself, but against all his will, he parked his car anyway. Coincidentally, his old Mercedes parked beside an up to date and shiny car of the same brand. Unfortunately, he was too close when first trying pulling in, scratching the other automobile in the process. The screeching warned him to put more space between them. While he was able to do that exactly, the scar on the other vehicle was still very much there.

Miles hopped out and checked the damage himself just as Mr. Perez came over to do the same. "Oops," he shook his head, not looking as regrettably as he should have been, "Wait a minute, this is Ethan Bancroft's car! If a Bancroft being here isn't a bad omen, I don't know what is."


"Uh, what?" Mr. Perez blinked lost to what the Dawson was going on about.

"Today is a bad day for detention or anything else for that matter. Can't you tell?" He went on despite the other man's clear confusion. Without pausing to let the English teacher respond, he continued on, speaking about the "evil air" and "bad things to come" without actually giving a proper explanation. However, it was clear to see he wasn't going anywhere, Mr. Perez wasn't able to get a word in, especially with his polite demeanour. Miles only paused to stop and look at the bruised boy to arrive on the bike, the Freak. "You?" he pointed, 'causing him to pause and look up at him.

"Okay, Mr. Dawson, how about we go inside and talk at my desk." The English teacher gestured to the school doors, this time taking the initiative to be a little bit pushier. And having the courage to seeing how Miles appeared to be lost in thought, staring intensely at the boy as if trying to put a puzzle together. "Casey, Frankie, wait here for the others, as soon as you're all gathered, head inside." As he instructed them, he led Miles away step by step until he was out of eyesight.
Nova Jade
I'm not a hero,
I'm a warrior,
a survivor.







Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus purus vel dui feugiat iaculis. Aenean rhoncus accumsan ante, in accumsan diam. Nam placerat ullamcorper nibh, rhoncus malesuada ante sagittis a. Vestibulum mauris enim, sagittis vitae nibh congue, laoreet posuere nibh. Etiam maximus nisl vel ipsum pellentesque ultrices. Quisque massa tortor, tempus quis urna vitae, ultricies malesuada elit. Curabitur nulla mauris, ultrices eu turpis in, ultricies dignissim mauris.

Nullam eget nunc et nulla blandit aliquet. In rhoncus tincidunt leo. Morbi egestas dolor nec vulputate egestas. In fermentum auctor ante sit amet pellentesque. Donec suscipit sollicitudin augue vel dignissim. Donec nec tincidunt ante, at blandit massa. Pellentesque blandit quis dolor at tincidunt. Donec egestas viverra enim id malesuada. Praesent pretium turpis in nisl feugiat, sit amet volutpat ipsum luctus. Morbi in elit ex. Curabitur pretium odio vitae ex pulvinar bibendum. Etiam pellentesque erat lacus, sed pharetra lacus cursus ut. Pellentesque a scelerisque turpis, quis accumsan justo. Cras vulputate erat ullamcorper mi luctus, id sollicitudin erat tincidunt. Sed pulvinar, erat sit amet finibus fermentum, est enim congue risus, eget efficitur sem velit suscipit odio.

Phasellus consectetur dui dolor, a gravida enim tincidunt fermentum. Quisque at fringilla augue. Maecenas nec augue nec quam dapibus volutpat vitae id lorem. Mauris cursus malesuada elit nec efficitur. Proin congue lectus velit, ut congue ipsum posuere vel. Ut interdum suscipit metus id dignissim. Phasellus mi nisi, faucibus vitae hendrerit eu, commodo sed odio. Fusce ut est nisl.

Aenean accumsan risus tortor. Curabitur volutpat odio non libero imperdiet tincidunt. Fusce vehicula blandit rhoncus. Maecenas blandit est ac purus gravida sodales. Sed et eros tempus metus malesuada egestas. Nulla mattis ante condimentum eros tempor, ut cursus magna luctus. Donec placerat nisl elit, aliquam hendrerit ante gravida et. Donec ullamcorper et magna ut elementum. Cras nunc magna, dapibus ac hendrerit dapibus, viverra mattis arcu. Suspendisse et dolor facilisis ex malesuada eleifend ac pharetra felis. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur eu tellus non sapien commodo ultricies. Sed luctus porttitor odio, at dignissim nisl eleifend in.

In condimentum, tortor id mollis placerat, augue leo pulvinar ex, sit amet condimentum nulla tellus nec eros. Sed maximus ex leo, vitae lobortis massa ornare id. Phasellus ullamcorper risus eget turpis fringilla, id volutpat libero interdum. Curabitur mattis, eros id gravida egestas, sem enim lobortis eros, vitae tristique dui eros vel enim. Cras eros nibh, sodales vitae placerat aliquet, volutpat vel metus. Sed volutpat consectetur eros in tristique. Sed suscipit vestibulum eleifend.

Thanks to @CrystalTears (IT"S A WORK IN PROGRESS o///o)
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