Pirate Age: The Prequel-Sequel

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Alicia took some time to consider the vision presented within her dreams and what it meant, furrowing her brow a little while taking time to process what she'd been shown. Avnia seemed happy, it made her wonder what went so wrong to cause all this chaos. No doubt imposter had something to do with it but what could it have been that had allowed everything to spiral this far. Was the memory before Facade became this realm of uncertainty or was it always this way, so many questions with so few answers returned.

When Adelaide had arrived she leaned forwards into the push of the wind, her white hair whipping about behind her as she braced through narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. This air felt alien to her, unnatural and unkind with a bitter unpleasant taste upon her lips. Alicia was usually immune to the nature of the element, left alone as if the air itself regarded her as family. But this wasn't the case here and as she observed the twisting spirals rend apart those unfortunate enough to be caught she couldn't help but be reminded of how vicious the element could be.

She couldn't hold Adelaide's gaze for long, the absence of joy within them drawing a pity from the swordswoman despite the lack for knowing it's cause. Only a handful of times had she seen eyes like those and never once was a pleasant story behind them. Thus she kept her peace and watched as Jackie seemed to bring her mind back from beyond the veil with a memento of their bond. Alicia was reminded of the warning for how one might lose themselves after perishing so many times and she wondered if perhaps this echo of Adelaide had suffered enough defeats to have been parted from important memories.

The swordswoman collected herself, and followed with the others towards the temple. Like Zilia she expressed a dislike for the word 'should' in this situation but nevertheless pressed on. She was slowly getting used to the idea that they would simply have to endure situations they wouldn't like or know much about. This place seemed to be practically grinning at the opportunity to deprive them of useful information, as if enjoying it as some kind of sick twisted pleasure. Of course she knew she was anthropomorphizing this world a little too much in that sense, but regardless it did feel like the odds were purposefully stacked against them.


Two swift cuts flashed along the bars before they fell to pieces allowing Alicia to step forth from her cell. With a small smile and a nod she was pleased to see Hanako had taken the initiative to do the same, her eyes moving as the others appeared to emerge one after the other. "This darkness feels off." she commented as she joined with the others. "I'm right here Cedric." she replied to his call, reaching up to fuss Chester on her shoulder a little as she observed the great door before them.

She gave another small nod as Hanako asked permission to try the door, watching as Cedric soon after cast his card in an attempt to damage the exterior. Despite it all the lighting cards in the dark was a pleasant show for the eyes even despite their situation. She looked towards Hanako as she asked if she could bring it down, her hand lowering from scritching Chester behind the ears. "Potentially yes, but the amount of power it'd require for me to bring it down would undoubtedly summon the attention of one those things." she replied.

Were she to ascend her form she could crumple the door like foil paper or melt a sizable hole through its center. But she would light them up like a beacon, basically holding up a big arrow sign pointing those things to where they were located. As much as she disliked it she simply couldn't risk using too much of her power within these temples without putting herself and others in great risk. She still wasn't even entirely sure how much power she could use before she'd risk attracting attention. So far she'd been holding back a great deal, opting for power that enhanced her naturally over power that was more destructive.

"I can give us a little bit of light though, maybe enough to find the key... " she shot a flat look towards Luro before raising her right hand, within a moment her fingers became a porcelain white with those same black lines to segment the individual parts of each finger. They curled inwards as if forming a fist before a bright ball of light manifested as if she were clutching a small star. Light flooded out around them, lighting up the door and their surroundings as if daylight was filling in through absent windows. However the hall behind them gnawed back at her light, swallowing it greedily and refusing to let it consume further space. Hopefully just her hand would be little enough to avoid attracting attention.
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Jackie's eyelids lowered a bit as Jack broke out, but the smile afterward showed she wasn't upset as she put the dagger away.
Luro stood in front of Runali's jail cell and flexing his hand let red flames circle around it, with a grin he pointed at her jail cell.
"You want me to get it Captain or do you wanna?"
Runali breaking out wasn't even a question but Luro was still going to offer all the same, it was only polite to extend a helping hand to someone in prison, especially if it meant removing the obstacle that made it a prison in the first place.

"While I get your surprise since we're way too powerful and cool to be caught and thrown in jail, doctor, I think this is one of the least surprising things that's happened to us." Runali looked around her cell before leaning against the bars and tapping them. She was more surprised at how easy it was to break out. The last few times she was put in a cell, they required a lot more locks and chains.Hearing everyone's doors open, she happily moved to the side to let Luro open it for her. "Can't say I'm a fan of willingly walking into one though." When she was free, she gave Luro an appreciative pat and waited for everyone else. "Do we really need keys when we have Jack and Jackie here? That's a spy's whole thing, right? Breaking and entering? It's certainly a pirate's"

Luro smiled and 'poked' the lock with his finger burning it and opening it for Runali.
"...you're not wrong I suppose. At least this was simple for the time being," Zilia said adjusting her gloves.
Jackie's gaze followed the orbs that Cedric put out, she ran a hand through her hair at what was revealed and what wasn't revealed.
"...A door to the south…and on clearly hard to break through. Thank you for showing that Cedric. Her gaze moved to the other part of the hallways and her eyes narrowed a bit at the sight, but for now it was a question of later. "...perhaps south is better. Especially if two sources of light aren't breaking through that."
Reaching up she gently pet Chaos with a small smile, she scritched her a bit wondering if she had the same favorite spots as the other one.
Eventually, she lowered her hand and returned to the business at hand. She gave Cedric a small shake of her head at his silent inquiry, she at least wasn't going to test fate.
Jackie twirled one of her knives in her hand before looking over at Runali as she was mentioned, the woman offered a smile and a small shrug.
"I'm open to a contest on who can open doors faster if my other half is open to it," Jackie said.
Before she could press the matter further Hanako had already moved, Jackie's eyes widened at the sight but before she could speak up the damage had already been done. She slowly lowered her hand and let out a very shaky sigh as her arm dangled at her side.

"Oi, Hana. Ced-" Runali's head tilted just a bit as she suppressed the small smile. "Nevermind."

"Sure let's do it," Luro said as he held his hand out, and grabbed his rifle out of nothingness.
"You know it happens all the time but Stardusk really does get into trouble quickly don't we? Shame I couldn't prevent this one."
Jackie pulled out a Cigarillo and snapping her fingers lit the tip, the woman relaxed her body and seemed to wait for something, exhaling smoke as Cedric stepped forward in the distance, Zilia approached Jackie at this nodding at Cedric as he called for her.
"Jackie…what do you mean by trouble?"
Jackie glanced over at Zilia and motioned toward the door before speaking.
"Shay isn't hiding us, we're in plain sight, and this is a smaller Realm. With that in mind two of our people are putting out power and making a bunch of noise before we've even checked the area properly. Put all that together."
Zilia blinked before her eyes suddenly widened as everything clicked.
"Cedric wai-"
It was too late, the explosion of power flew forward and collided with the obstacle in front of them. Misfortune however seemed to be following Stardusk closely as the 'obstacle' wasn't the door but instead a human figure in a full ivory colored cloak, their white mask peering at the group and their 'body' untouched by the collision, the only sign it had even touched them was a small singe mark on the cloak.
"...The Shepherd," Zilia said as she clenched her hands.
"Throwing out that much power…of course, they're going to find us quickly," Jackie said with a small sigh. "Oh well, what's done is done.

Jackie put out her Cigarello and looked at the silent owner of the Realm.
"...this one's on the level of a Demi-god. That's not good," Jackie said. "Thankfully it hasn't decided to attack us yet. Let's not give it a reason. I'm thankful Alicia didn't act…it without a doubt would have viewed us immediately as a threat if it felt that much power at once."

Footsteps echoed from the darkness passing through the hallway causing Jackie to glance behind them..
"I heard a noise up here! Let's check it out!"
Voices echoed in the distance, and with a flick of her wrist a knife appeared in Jackie's hand.
"Of course, the guards heard the noise so that's another problem. I should also note that we don't have our 'escort' so we can't 'hide' if we're noticed. If the Shepherd acknowledges us, it will kill us…but the guards will see us so we can't not fight either…this is a problem."
Zilia looked back at the Shepherd it really was just staring at them, it seemed to watching them, observing their behavior but they had yet to do something.

"I got an idea," Luro said tapping his gun on his shoulder. "Captain can I do stuff?"
"What stuff?" Zilia said turning towards the darkness.
"It's easier to just do it," Luro responded. "It's hard to explain. I'm going to do a kaboom."
"I don't like that the plan involves ka-"
"I think I see prisoners! Hold them until the Captain gets here!"
"I'm open to whatever idea Luro has," Jackie said. "You can't escape a Shepherd without an 'escort'...and we haven't found ours…and we will lose a war of attrition. Also fighting in a narrow hallway like this isn't good."
"Perhaps we can-"
"Imperfections," The Shepherd said pointing at the group.
Zilia immediately stopped talking realizing the Shepherd now knew what they looked like, true death was now a step away and at the moment, they had one plan.
"You're call Runali."

The captain was doing her best to suppress all of her snickering and bubbling energy as she bounced on her toes, stretching out her shoulders. "Hanako and Cedric seem to have made the choice for us." She shook out her hands, testing the flames before making them disappear. "Sorry Z, navy waits for no one." With a dramatic clasp of her hands and grin, she looked at Luro with an all too telling look. "You can do stuff. Make it quick. Make it fun too. I'm not dying in prison. Even if it is a fake one."

"Just once I'd like chaos to come after we're settled," Zilia said as red energy circled her hands.
A toothy grin formed on the face of the redhead at the Captain's permission, fire circled around his hand at this, and the navy officers stepped out of the shadows, drawing their weapons on the crew.
"Alicia help us not die please."
"Wait wha-" Zilia said before Luro's fist slammed into the ground.
A focused explosion of flames blew out the floor under them and the crew plummeted to the floors below, the officers came to a screeching halt almost falling into the man-made hole, the Shepherd peered down into it as the crew fell into the depths of darkness below.
Since there wasn't a floor directly under them, they instead found themselves in a wide open area when light returned, while falling it was clear they were in some kind of tower as a descending spiral of staircases led down to a circular stone platform below them…where a large number of navy soldiers were, which is also where they were going to land.
Judging by the many tables set up and the drinks and cards on them, it was clear that this was a 'rest' area, or was at the very least.
"I'll help cushion the descent too!" Jackie yelled.
Black smoke rose out of her body and surrounded each person there, before dissipating, the most she could do was cushion the collision when they landed, the rest was up to those who could control wind.

Luro landed in the lap of one of the officers black smog burst off his body making the landing surprisingly gentle, he looked at the officer who understandably stared at the pirate horrified before Luro looked at his hand.
"Wow, your hand is terrible," Luro said.
"I knew it!" one of the officers said standing up before shaking his head. "Wait no escapees! Get them!"
Zilia crashed into one of the many tables ending the cared game of the four seated at it, she quickly climbed to her feet and jumped back to rejoin the crew as the guards drew their weapons.

Luro stood up, causing the officer to fall over, tapping his rifle on his shoulder as he watched as a few dozen officers stood up from their tables and surrounded Stardusk. A few officers were running down the stairs to join the fight, and directly above them, the Shepherd was calmly walking on air down to them on an invisible staircase.
"So we're surrounded…great," Zilia said looking around.
"We just gotta break through em," Luro said grabbing the bottle off the table.
"Should probably slow down the Shepherd too if possible," Jackie added. "If they reach us that'll be a problem. There's another platform below us and more officers are coming up, I don't see the bottom of this tower though."
"Well the exit has to be on the bottom, but let's deal with the problems around us first," Zilia said.

For some odd reason I've found that whenever anyone tells me about their dreams from the Echo's...I somehow am able to see and feel the visions myself. Is this Facade's doing? Whatever the reason I'll use this to note the visions we see. I'll only write down the ones I'm told, there are aspects of our lives we may not want to share after all.

-Zilia- "The Visions of the Echos."

Facade's gifts are provided whether they're asked for or not and Alicia Tashigi is no exception to this rule. Just as was stated the memories of her counterpart filled her thoughts, it was invasive with no warning or hesitation. A scene playing in the front of the mind, she became the witness, the third party to an old memory.
This was Facade's Gift for opening up to it a bit.

Shortly after Facade's 'Touch'.

"Why do I draw my blade? The answer is known to the me that is not me."

Tashi always took a singular moment to take everything in, she didn't allow unnecessary thoughts to linger, she didn't allow the needless to affect her state of self. She had removed herself to peer at everything around her. Her mind was clear and she felt the ebb and flow of everything that surrounded all things including herself. If her hands were not placed in her lap she would reach out to touch the-
A breath released Tashi found herself pulled back into the world, her eye slowly opening her head turned slightly to the source of the voice, her Captain was standing behind her. She felt the woman's presence but hadn't noticed the proximity, that wasn't surprising for the Captain but they both knew she wasn't fully meditating, that was impossible given the circumstances.
"Do you need something Captain?"
"I came to check on you. How've things been with Alicia?"
A needless question but she could sense the concern in her voice, she focused her attention fully forward again and shut her eyes.
"Also how do your legs not fall asleep doing that for hours, really?"
"I am used to sitting like this, I recommended sitting your way the last time you joined me."
Nali offered a small shrug and Tashi continued deciding to leave that conversation for another time.
"Things are fine, we have not interacted much and for the time being that seems to be her wish. That singular conversation was enough it seemed."
"The one with her and Jack."
"...it seems so."
Silence fell between them again but Nali made no attempt to move, Tashi opened her eye and glanced back at her once more, a silent urging to speak her mind, something she knew the Captain would do anyway.
"Are you…going to be okay with Alicia here?"
The two's eyes met for a moment, or as much as possible considered both had them covered in some fashion, a silent conversation held between them with Tashi speaking openly first.
"I will be fine. Unless she wishes it I intend on keeping our conversations to a minimum."
"...okay let me know if anything happens."
"Of course Captain."
Nali turned and walked away and Tashi closed her eye to continue where she left off, her eye opened however moving to the blades resting nearby within arms reach. Her eye narrowed as she gazed at one of the blades before she closed it and returned to her meditation.

Facade's musings extend to all who welcome her gifts. Memories suddenly become the possession of one it doesn't belong to. In this case Jack is given the memory of Jackie, whether or not he remembers that this was inevitable matters not to Facade, he is given the role of audience to the play that begins in his head without his consent.
Facade is very giving after all.

Shortly after Facade's…'Gift'

During Shay's rounds, they found themselves in the kitchen, those who used it tended to take care of it so it was surprisingly the simplest place to clean. At least that was the case until the new Luro appeared, he would occasionally appear, eat a bowl of nuts, and leave a bit of a mess before vanishing elsewhere. He did clean but somehow it still ended up just as messy, meaning Shay had to pay extra attention to it.
Upon entering the area however they noticed Jackie seemed to be cooking something, her attention was focused on the meal but the servant knew their presence had been sensed at this point.
"Well hello Shay. Making your rounds?"
"Ah…yes. My apologies for bothering you Lady Jackie."
"You're not a bother Shay. In fact, would you mind tasting this for me?"
Jackie poured a liquid into a small saucer and held it out to Shay, the servant took it from her with a 'thank you' before taking a sip. Their eyebrows arched a bit before they handed it back to Jackie.
"It's quite delicious. Your cooking is truly wonderful Lady Jackie. While my cooking has improved with your instructions I still pale in comparison to you."
"Haha well thank you Shay but your cooking is just as good as mine, some days better. I'm just a little bit better at certain dishes and this is one of them."
"May I ask who it's for?"
"Adelaide. It's a dish she likes so I figured I would serve it to her. I'll make a bit extra for the other Stardusk, you never know when someone may want a snack."
"...what if they don't consume it? They don't seem to trust you all."
"Then I'll just give it to the others. I enjoy cooking after all and there are plenty of mouths to feed. Also, they should be distrustful, I expect as such especially from…well…me."
Shay gave a small nod at this and Jackie looked over at them.
"I'll of course make some for you too Shay."
"That isn't necessary Lady Jackie! I'm merely a servant," Shay said raising their hands up slightly.
"Don't worry about it. You helped us plenty when we first showed up…and you're helping me with my goal. This is nothing."
Shay slowly lowered their hands, their gaze moving to Jackie's eyes as the woman's brows lowered, her grip tightening a bit on the knife in her hands.
"...I won't stop…not for anything."

Facade is equal in its sharing, it cares not for rank, authority or desire. It only wants to give, whether you could call what it gives 'gifts' is debatable but all the same Facade will award those within it with visions and sights, it will let them experience another life, either in their own bodies or the 'actor'. In this case it made Runali the audience to the one who bore her face.
Oh Facade is so generous in its offerings.

Nali stared or as much as she could with a blindfold at the unconscious forms of those on the ground, her head moving to look at the face of each member of Stardusk, Shay stood nearby at attention patiently waiting as the Captain observed the sleeping expressions of those lying on the ground. Tashi stood nearby, her gaze resting on Alicia's for a moment before looking back at Nali.
"So these are the other Stardusk," she said moving a hand under her chin.
"Yes Captain."
Nali stared at them a bit longer, her gaze resting on Seliria's for a longer moment before Tashi's voice filled the area again.
"What course of action should we take?"
"Observe them after they wake up and keep an eye on them. They don't 'seem' like they'll be an issue but better to be cautious," Nali said turning her head to 'glance' at her.
"Consider it done. What should I tell them?"
"The bare minimum. Knowing Imposter he'll be putting them to work soon, best to not let Facade take hold of them too quickly."
Nali's head turned back to their unconscious counter parts, Tashi could tell she was lookin at their Luro, Zilia and Adelaide.
"So those three are the ones Imposter has formally touched…Luro and Zilia lessened their existence so these two could stay…"
"Adelaide remains unaffected but her condition is special anyway."
"True…hmm. This Luro…is he?"
Nali walked over and knelt down in front of Luro, she extended her hand towards him but stopped and pulled it back.
"...questions for later," she said standing up.
Turning her back on the sleeping crew she walked away from them, heading towards one of the Passages.
"I'll formally 'meet them' later on, if they don't start anything don't hurt them. Judging by that other me…I'm pretty sure they're safe but double check."
Tashi offered a small nod as Nali raised her hand vanishing through the Passage.

What would one do without the grace of Facade and its infinite wonders? The way it provides asking nothing in exchange is the height of altruism. It has decided to provide Cedric a seat as a witness to the one who also bears his name. It cares not what one's past is, what trials they have undergone, even if they are alive or dead, all is equal to Facade.
Acceptance of its offering is an absolute not a recommendation.

A bitterness hit the other Cedric as his entire body flinched, he sat in the kitchen, his eyes narrowing as he handed the saucer back. His appearance matched that of Cedric's almost entirely though he was more youthful, however judging by Jackie who stood nearby also being younger it was clear this memory was from a time long ago. The woman also wasn't wearing her glasses and her golden eyes met his before her eyes lidded slightly.
"You're always so picky about your food this is good for you Cedric…even if it tastes absolutely awful."
"Non! Soeur _______________________"
For some reason the remaining words didn't reach Cedric, they refused too, the voice spoke but the words were cut off, it was however his voice without a doubt. Facade told this to him without words but understanding.
"I was going to make your favorite…but if you don't get your basic nutrition then I can't go giving you something tasty can I?"

The discussion between the two devolved into what was clearly a difference in opinion, though the words from the two were cut off, it was clear the other Cedric was pleading his case and Jackie was rebutting it, but from the smiles on the siblings faces as they debated made it seem neither minded. It was simple to understand, they had each other, so small moments like this were precious all their own.
Darkness closed in on the scene cutting Cedric off from the remnants of it.

Facade is far more caring then one would expect, or at least that's what some say about it. Whether Facade understand what 'caring' is, or what concern is will be left to those who come after, or who have taken it's gifts, such as Hanako. She has been chosen as the spectator to the young lady that wears similar aspects to her.
Facade prepared a present for the youngest Tashigi, whether she desired it or not.

An explosion of ice filled the garden area, frost passing over those occupying the area. Luro jumped backwards to keep the ice from crashing into him. The one assaulting him grinned, the attacker Nako lowered her hand making the ice fade.
For some reason Facade chose to show Luro has a blur, only his silhouette showing within the vision, but his voice matched that of the redhead.
Tashi however stood nearby and could be seen clearly, observing the two in silence.
Frost circled around the girl's hands, cold winds drawing towards as she brought her hands up before extending them outwards towards Luro.

While it couldn't be seen, it was easy to sense the redhead's smile as he extended his hand, flames flying forward crashing into the ice consuming it. Nako immediately jumped back as the flames overtook her frost, and just as she was about to retaliate a sharp object stopped inches from her skin, from the silhouette it seemed to come from Luro's hand.
"That is enough, Luro takes the round."
Luro withdrew his hand and Nako pouted.
"Boo I almost had him."
"Wahahaha. You were really close Hanako. Maybe next time."
"Amue what did you think?"
"You're getting better, your foundation slips during some of your strikes though, you have to maintain your focus even when you're being pushed back."
"Then will you show me-"
"...no you will train with Luro."
Tashi's eye narrowed slightly at her and Hanako flinched a bit before her body shrunk in on itself.
"Sorry…of course Tashi-Amue."
Tashi watched the Nako for a moment and walking over to her dug into the sleeve of her outfit, Nako raised her eyes as a small white bun was held out to her, she took it from Tashi as the woman spoke again.
"Keep it up."
Tashi gave a nod to Luro and turning left the area, Nako watched her go a bright smile adorning her face before she spoke to Tashi's back.
"I'll do my best!"
A barely noticeable nod came from the swordswoman as she turned the corner.
Nako quickly at the bun wiping her mouth on her sleeve before she focused her attention back on Luro.
"Ready to go again," Luro said holding his arms out. "Do you need me to hold back some more."
"You wish Luro-o'bae," Nako said getting into stance again.
"Oh now you've done it!"
A grin adorned the girl's face and there was no doubt it rested on the redhead's face as well as they ran towards each other, elements circling around both their hands.

It calls.It calls.It calls.It calls.
I can't see anything, why won't it show anything to me, what…what is this? There is nothingness and everything. Facade…why does it hesitate, what lies beyond this veil?
It Hurts.It Hurts.It Hurts.It Hurts.
I don't understand. I can't understand. I'm not allowed to understand.
Don't speak it! I will not accept this gift! I don't want it! Take it back!

"Hello other me. I got a message for ya, I know how to mess with Facade a bit, Z too so I'm just gonna talk to ya. I can't speak to you normally…and any letters I try to leave you will fade away when I cease to exist, the letters just vanish! It's really not fair."
The other Luro threw his hands up before clapping his clawed hands together.
"So here's what I need ya to do, and don't worry it'll help Stardusk. First accept Avnia's offer, you'll know what it is. You also need to tell Shey that another them exists, and then tell Shay about the other them. When you do, Shay will tell you how their existence works…shortly afterward, Facade will probably show you more of its history. You guys are seeing far more than we did, maybe you can figure out what happened, even I only see bits and pieces through my weird power. You got this other me, I'll help ya out again when I can.
Oh and trust your instincts they'll help you, don't forget to carry some apples on you too, you'll see why later."


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The silver haired swordswoman winced, feeling a little bit responsible given she'd supported Hanako's attempt on the door. She didn't think it would have been enough to call a Shepard, expecting it would take substantially more to bring attention to their location. This was at the very least a learning opportunity as she tensed at the sight of the creature peering at them, her head turning just slightly upon hearing the calls from the guards heading in their direction. "Demi-god level?" she echoed, feeling a sudden ache in her body as if she physically recalled how tough the fight had been against an actual god. If it weren't for Zilia she probably wouldn't have survived that aftermath considering the blows she'd sustained during that engagement. Not to mention she'd pushed herself way past her limit to the point of risking some permanent damage.

She looked to Runali as Luro asked for permission, admittedly she herself had nothing to offer in terms of a plan and Luro most of all seemed to have a breadth of knowledge more about all this than the rest of them. But then he asked her to make sure they didn't die and she couldn't help but look both confused and worried in the moment between his words and his fist striking the floor. "What do you-" the ground shattered beneath them before she could even finish her words, feeling herself falling into emptiness with ears ringing from the loud explosion wrought by Luro's punch. It didn't take her too long to figure out what he meant and as they fell she had to position herself quickly. "Luro that's not how it works!" why did she even bother, she was presented with a problem and now she needed to figure out a way to soften their landing.

Alicia wouldn't be able to do anything falling beside them as none of her projectile attacks would work, thus casting something ahead of their descent would prove useless. She had to improvise and quickly, lest they risk breaking something or sustaining injury despite Jackie cushioning their fall. Facing her palm behind her towards the hole above she released a sudden burst of air, propelling her towards the floor at a higher speed to get ahead of everyone else. As she closed in towards the tables, chairs and resting guards she threw out both hands to release a violent torrent of wind against the floor causing an upwards roar of air to flood upwards through the tower to slow everyone's fall. She landed herself safely. drawing her blade as she quickly looked around with hope that her attempt had been successful.

There was little time for a headcount however, as soon enough they were surrounded with the Shepard descending on them eerily from above. "I'll try and slow down the creature, if any of you have ranged abilities I'd appreciate the support." she replied before fully ascending, a flash of light signaling her transition into the angelic-esque visage before she raised her arm up towards the Shepard. Alicia brought six patterned rings of light to manifest in the air above them before she snapped her fingers together, a dull hollow 'THWOOM!' following the six columns of light punching towards the creature to delay its descent. She assumed that given they had already garnered the Shepherd's attention, there was little need to hold back now, thus would she endeavor to hit the thing with sustained beams to try and suppress and slow its advance.
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[Collab between Capt. Blu and Fox]

Cedric shook his head. Guilt surfaced briefly, but his survival instincts took over. He threw a flaming card the Shepherd's way. Swarming shadow tendrils hissed and latched onto the giant's ankles, Sid's attack slowing their pursuer with wave after wave. He reached out and squeezed Hanako's shoulder.

"Don't think about it."
Hana No Flowers.png
Hanako's head bobbed in response, her look reassuring him. He was glad she finally snapped out of it. This fight was not in their favor, by stars! He ran a gloved hand through his hair and looked to his older siblings for his own affirmation. Non? he telegraphed with a raised eyebrow and a hasty look at the Shepherd. Why did he even ask?

"Are you telling me you don't have a plan?" Cedric yelled at his brother as the ground caved beneath them.

He swam towards Jack, determined to strangle the man out of sheer frustration, but stopped. Buoyed by the wind and Alicia's request echoing in the space, the summoner stole the remaining serenity to survey the area. He landed in a crouch at the edge of their current platform, peering at the edge as the first attacks were launched.

Inspired by Jackie, Hanako thickened the air around them. She considered creating cushions of water to pad everyone, but her focus wavered. The pressure of the battle scattered her thoughts. She rolled onto her side, guided by Satia's previous instructions. Minimize injury!

The teen glanced off the edge of the table. Her body rolled to a stop under the blooming tops of the round tables behind it. The soldiers might have noticed her if Luro hadn't smashed onto their table shortly after. Hana darted to her feet and tagged as many people with her gaze. Relieved that everyone was safe, she focused on the skirmish below.

Ha! She concentrated the water on the ground. Slamming her hands onto the rock, she jettisoned the closest tables into the soldiers entering the area. The remaining wood barricaded the door long enough to make them an easy target. She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to see the blood staining the floor.

Chester purred as he appeared on Hana's shoulder. The cat nuzzled her chin and forced the girl's head skywards where Amaiya clashed with the Shepherd. He blinked solemnly as if reminding Hanako of the stakes involved. Amaiya was buying them time!

"Gamsa," she whispered as her hand rubbed against his furry head. "I'll help them clear the area."

"Hyeo… ?" Hana whipped around.

Cedric's hand glowed from the dying flames of his current cards. Acrid black smoke rose around the stamping feet. Choking the men and raising their temperatures to a feverish pitch, his poison spread rapidly. The smoke drifted in all directions to affect those streaming in from above and below. Far enough, he hoped, from their close-range fighters. Capitaine was his most immediate concern, and Amaiya a close second.

"Wait until the poison clears," Cedric instructed. "They would be weak enough to not be a threat. Amaiya would want … non, do what you think is best, Hanako," he corrected himself at the last moment.

Cedric hesitated when he saw Hana's dimming in response. He recognised that self-doubt she experienced, because it mirrored the fears he hid from the world. "I'm also to blame. The Shepherd surfaced after my attack, remember?" He faked a smile, then spun quickly away; hearing her excuses would only add to the dissonance filling his mind, stealing away precious seconds. He waved to Zilia and Jack. "Fére, Zilia, I'm leaving Hanako with you two. Chester, you stay by her as well. Chaos to me."

With his black cat finally on his shoulder, Cedric signaled to Runali. "Capitaine, mon capitaine! I need your help. Trust me … oui?"

His eyes slid towards Jack and Jackie when he mentioned "trust." He knew his decision would be the last thing either wanted; the sheer recklessness was one only Runali and Luro would approve of. He grabbed Runali's wrist as soon as she came; they jumped onto the platform below.

Sid's voice filled Runali in on his plan telepathically. Keep the soldiers away from me while I cast my spell. One would keep Amaiya safe … the other, let's hope I succeed. It's a spell M'ctian showed me once.


The moment the floor gave way, Runali cackled. Of course, how could she forget about the fourth option? She allowed herself to fall, knowing the feeling a little too well and adjusted so that she wasn't going head first into disaster. Fortunately, she didn't even have to consider worrying about the landing when her crew were already taking care of it. "It's nice to have such a dependable crew." When Runali landed, it was on a table. Then a hop. Then a duck under a frantic soldier who was swept away by Cedric's power. "Ha-" Runali closed her mouth when she heard 'poison'. Even if she was almost sure Zilia injected her with enough immunities and ominous fluids after the Belfield fiasco to be unphased by it, she wasn't too eager to test it.

Cedric called to her and she perked up. "Trust you?" Runali laughed. "I trust you with my life, what a ridiculous-" The battlefield was a frenzy and she was being flung this way and that. Cedric pulled her along and she remained pliable, scanning the area as Cedric filled her thoughts with plans. "Aye, aye. That's easy. You do the fun part, I'll keep them off you." With a target and focus, Runali shook her hands out and flames erupted in them. "It might get a little hot, but don't worry," She grabbed her chakram, setting it on fire. "Ha! You can trust me too." She tossed the chakram into the frenzy, using the flames to pull it back towards her.

A smile flitted up the summoner's lips. "My life is yours completely. Has been since my pact with M. Faucheuse." Cherry and yellow flames danced in Cedric's palm; he tossed a dozen of his burning cards into the infinite darkness, noting how easily they passed through, glad that his hunch was correct.

"The tower reminds me of the interior of Kane'Artem," Sid commented as he focused on Runali's reaction. "Or another equally secure prison, I … hm, could this be a memory of yours or Luro's, capitaine?" Usually he avoided being this direct; but, right now, figuring out the "aberration" - "discrepancy?" - sooner could save them a world of pain. Save Amaiya, from a world of pain.

He hummed gently while waiting for her reply, figuring that he would need his voice later – and, he felt awkward! What would l'capitaine think of him singing? Jack's voice usually accompanied his playing. Sid summoned his violin and notes from Norja's halls filled the entire area, seductively euphoric, drawing more soldiers to him and Runali. He gritted his teeth, evading the punches and slashing blades, but his fingers never stopped moving.

"A fantastic point I'd rather not think about," Runali ducked under a blade, kicking someone away from her. "Almost forgot that's how these places worked." She moved herself between Cedric and their attackers, blocking them with a small wall of flames to push them back. Seeing Cedric's violin, she couldn't help being as lighthearted as she was. "I always thought Tashigi deserved cool battle music. Good to see you agree!"

A protective blue aura sprang around Amaiya, Jackie, and the crew. Its presence was like a gentle hug. Overlayering it was a silvery aura, barely visible around Alicia's ascended form, but appearing blue on the rest — this spell soothed away their aches and warmed their limbs, making dodging easier! The song for each melded together into a playful ballad, one interspersed by a darker tune between each bar. This one sounded ominous and watchful like an uneasy calm before the storm.

Sparkling beads of sweat sat on Cedric's skin. Even more soldiers were descending the steps, aiming for capitaine and him. More than he expected, he realized. "Are you okay, mon capitaine?" he checked.

Much to her surprise it was a tune befitting to the entire crew. Whatever hits she took for Cedric washed away with a blue warmth. "I love you magic users, it's so convenient." Runali was bouncing on her toes even more. The fight never left her, but now she felt like she was at one hundred again. "Never better! How are you holding up, Cedric?"

"Master is well," Chaos replied on behalf of her master, her voice sounding childlike and impish inside Runali's head. The cat leaped down from Cedric's shoulder, shifting into a smoky panther, and tackled two soldiers to the ground. She dissolved into noxious clouds, jumping around the battlefield to thin the stragglers. "More enemies are coming!" she reported. "Chester's trying to stop them from above."

Hana landed beside Cedric. Her skirt fluttered briefly, but she carried herself with an unconscious grace. Her usual teenage awkwardness temporarily forgotten, transforming her into one of the proud Tashigi sisters. She kicked away the incoming soldier. A thump to the back of the head knocked the man out. She nodded her greeting but said nothing. She dashed off to aid her captain.

"Fu'tai, I'll cover your back," she promised. "It's what my amue would want."

She saw the shift in battle earlier. With most of the soldiers charging for duo below, she figured that her assistance was needed there. Fuku and tai'cho thinned the crowd to a handful of stragglers, which meant that they could focus on amue soon. Very soon, Hana hoped. She raised a roaring wave and crashed most of the new arrivals into the walls, stunning them. Tiny water whips shackled their feet before locking them in freezing water - this made her pout. Hana thought she figured out how to make ice!

"Not bad, Hanako!" Runali danced her away around attacks, dodging them with a grace unbefitting of all the recklessness. "But if you're going to freeze someone," The fire in her hands chilled and cooled until there was frost. "You've gotta make sure they can't get out." Where Hana's ice froze the soldier's feet, Runali's enveloped them whole to assure they couldn't escape. "Prison's like these, the soldiers are endless like rats. We gotta make sure we don't have more of them to deal with later."

"Ne fu'tai … are the shadows boiling behind us?"

The darkness reminded her of Jack-tai'cho's goopy Chile Ancho Sopa de Chocolate - a strange soup indeed. Hanako tried not to stare; she must focus on her own battle! But, the bubbling kept stealing her attention now and then. The enemy soldiers noticed too, prompting them to target Cedric. Hana felt herself slipping - one, two soldiers slipped by her only to be picked off by Runali.

"Gomen (sorry) captain! I was too slow to catch them. A no … there are so many of them. What should we do?"

With one soldier slammed into the ground and the other kicked towards Luro, she gave a thumbs up. "Part of being a crew is watching each other's backs." She pointed up at Alicia. "I'm a little outta my depth here when it comes to plans, but we gotta help slow down the angry Shepherd and maybe that will stop all of these guys. Then we get out of here as quick as possible! Easy!" As she spoke, she tugged Cedric's arm backwards, practically spinning him into a dance as she moved him out of the way of an attack. "I'll have Jack and Luro give us a clear path to the door. You, Hanako and Zil keep sending attacks upwards. Don't worry about the soldiers! Jackie and I'll keep you three covered." As if on cue, she sent yet another group of soldiers flying as they tried to attack. Then when she let go of Cedric, she whistled over to Jack and Luro, mimicking a small explosion with her hands and pointing towards their exit.

A ballad of fire and shadow swirled around the summoner as he was spun left, dragged back, then buffeted in the opposite direction. His capitaine led their battle dance without missing a beat; her energetic grace left him wishing to dance with her properly once this adventure ended. "I can play you the songs of Jaipur the next time we fight," he offered. "There are many featuring elephants with their big energy. Suits you, capitaine. But you, in turn, have to teach me some of your dances."

He consented to her plans with a mental nudge, as speaking was starting to take a toll on him the longer the spells lasted. He hummed along, warming his voice even more, before vocalizing the lyrics. His usual high-pitched voice transformed into a silvery siren-song, so airy and seductive, femininely so, that it deceived those not looking at him directly.

Ebony jets flared from the bubbling surface, buoyed by Cedric's song, leaping higher and wilder, like a pot overboiling. A whirlpool ripped the surface with a massive howl, sucking everything into the abyssal eye; the very air became a suffocating blanket from which there was no escape, gravity had betrayed them, and Sid could barely keep the spell contained. The shadowy hunger, now doubled in size, reached the level of the lower platform - Hanako stabbed Runali's coattails to the ground and threw herself over the woman, barely withstanding the pull. Fear was evident in the teen's blue eyes as she watched the Shepherd fighting against the pull.

"Hold tighter," Sid shouted in the crew's mind.

A rounded edge, a watery, black sun, pushed through the swirling doom, black chains burst from the ripping surface, snaring the Shepherd's limbs. Tightening and dragging to lock him down. Hanako fought to stand tall. She pulled back her blade. Plunging it back into the ground, she allowed her soul to flare. Leaden water floated as clouds. From it, icy spears pummeled the bound goliath. Chinking slowly at every inch to give her amue time to recoup and attack. Hana prayed it would end soon, she was tearing up from exhaustion.

"Just a bit more," she encouraged those around her. "Fu'tai (captain), I'll support your next attack. There's enough water here to drown half the tower." Not from the air, she neglected to say, but she could feel the pulsing radiating from below. She was glad they have not been placed in arid lands thus far; it was a challenge she doubted she could handle.

Runali wanted to joke about how she wasn't much of a dancer, but suddenly the winds shifted and she was forced to keep herself from careening towards the Shepherd. She wasn't expecting Hanako to grab her, but she held her back, keeping her steady as she attacked. "I don't remember if we're supposed to kill the Shepherds or not!" She stood back on her feet, solidifying her stance to keep her steady enough to aim her pointed finger to the sky. "Just keep all that water concentrated over it." It wasn't often she used the element, as it had a tendency to be more volatile than the others, but now seemed as good a time as any to try and force the lightning to bend to her will. At first, they sparked off her and threatened to shock her, but she focused on the clouds of water compiling closer together and over the Shepherd. "Just a little more…" The moment Alicia moved enough to give her an opening she 'fired' the shot sending lightning into a rain cloud. When it struck the Shepherd from above, she pulled Hanako backwards away from the backlash with one hand, while shaking out the other after accidentally shocking herself. "Well last time it hurt a lot worse so maybe I am getting the hang of that after all."

Worry glistened in Hana's blue eyes. "Are you hurt, Fu'tai?" She grabbed those gloved hands out of instinct, deciding that their commander's health was more important. She stared doe-fully. "I can help you take this off. Help you lie down," she offered.

Chaos materialized and bumped Runali's leg. Concern flooded the captain's mind as the familiar echoed Hanako's sentiment. Slowly, images of Zilia filled Runali's mind, reminding her that the doctor is close by. Chaos blinked, gazing to the platform above, silently offering to teleport the ashen woman to them. The familiar closed her eyes; her forehead pressed into Runali's midsection. "Chester's leading the way to you."

Cedric's eyes drifted to the woman as well. Stopping to speak meant backing out from the battle, and risking Amaiya's safety. More importantly, his attack locked the Shepherd between both platforms, within their reach, restricting movement as much as possible. The soldiers - those unlucky to be sucked into the vortex disintegrated when they reached the center. It was - and he confirmed with Jack - a stronger version of the spell he used back on the crystal island.

He couldn't resist gloating. Opening a telepathic link with Jackie, he teased her. Soeur, can your Cedric cast a spell like mine? He was a brat, to his Jack, or any version of his fére, and he loved it. I'd be disappointed if his spells aren't half as strong.

And you, mon capitaine, can you fight?
His true intention shone through. He tracked Jack and Luro through Jackie's eyes, and figured the battle was reaching its peak. Sooner they would need to decide - regroup or retreat, should they fail to finish off the Shepherd. Shay turned pale when the last Shepherd in Zilia's temple died, he recalled. Now I remember what I forgot to ask soeur and Tashi!

"Aha, never better." Runali didn't try to hide the lie as she pulled away from Hanako's touch. She wasn't worse for wear, but there was a reason she avoided the element so much. "Nothing I can't handle." That wasn't a lie. She was sure she'd been hit with worse over all her years of piracy. "I'm still on my feet." She reassured her and then Chaos as the cat bumped into her. Seeing glimpses of Zilia, she shook her head. "Relax you two, I'll be fine. We're not out of the water yet." She nodded towards the Shepherd. "I'll get an earful from the doctor when we're out of this mess." She couldn't help but laugh a little when she heard Cedric rattling through her thoughts. "Yes, I can still fight. I'm not dead yet!"
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The lights found their target, each one hitting the Shepherd's form causing their body to convulse slightly at the sudden assault. Its body burned and holes were burned into its form causing its attention to slowly shift over to Alicia. It turned slightly and the Shepherd's steps soon started moving toward the swordswoman, it did not attempt to stop the repetitious assault from hitting its body, the creature's form only regenerated the damage, the holes slowly closing back up as white smoke came off its body as it moved towards Alicia.
A gunshot rang out and the Shepherd's head reared back as a hole formed in the center of it, the creature's attention moving down below to see Luro pointing his rifle at it.
"I'll back you up Alicia!"
He noticed Cedric had pulled Runali away for something, he smiled a bit as he loaded another shot only to dodge an attack from one of the guards, kicking him off the edge shortly afterward.
"I wanted to join in too...oh well!"
When another guard approached a shadow rose and slammed into the approaching guard, Luro looked over at Jackie who smiled.
"I'll keep them off you, focus on helping Alicia."
With a nod Luro continued to fire at the Shepherd, the repeated assault from the two of them was enough to at least slow the shepherd's walk, every few hits it would stop and calmly brush off the front of its body, even if it was filled with holes before continuing forward. Though Alicia was mainly slowing it down, Luro just diverted its attention enough to keep it from reaching the Swordswoman faster.

The Shepherd's hand extended towards Luro at one point and the redhead leaped back as a chunk of the platform was blown away by an invisible force, its existence just...erased in one movement. He figured he wouldn't be anything more if that had hit him. His gaze moved over to Zilia who was helping to cover Jack and Jackie so he could get a few shots in as well. He smiled a bit and wiped a bit of sweat from his brow, however, a sudden warmth filled him and the exhaustion he felt was suddenly gone, in that moment he realized someone was playing music.
"Hahaha. I get to kill people to such good song! It's a good day!" Luro said flexing his hands, the walls towards seemed to groan as chunks of brick were pulled out of them crashing into some of the guards below, which only caused further panic as Luro raised his rifle back to Shepherd.
"Why are there Devil Fruit users here?! This isn't the tower for them!" One of the guards yelled.
"That woman isn't a Devil Fruit user! I've never seen one transform like that! How the hell did we capture her in the first place!" Another guard said pointing up at Alicia. "We can't handle this! We need to retreat and get the Commander!"

The opportunity wasn't presented however as Cedric's spell went through, Luro still holding one of the guards up by the neck that Hanako had given him, stopped choking him to look towards the spell. Zilia immediately put barriers up around everyone she could before summoning a red blade and stabbing it into the ground. The stone of the pillar wrapped around Luro's feet keeping him from flying but he released the man he was holding letting him be pulled away by the wind.
The Shepherd had extend it's hands towards Alicia, before being bound. It looked at what was holding back and in one movement broke free of its captivity, however before it could move icy spears slammed into its body, looking down it grabbed them and ripped them out. This was enough of a distraction, that the Shepherd was pulled away by Cedric's spell. Thanks to Alicia's effort the creature completely missed the spell, since it was focused on Alicia's energy signature, due to that it was drawn into the vortex and its body broke apart, dissipating into white ash.

"...is...is it over," Zilia said looking around.
"Wow! Cedric that was amazing!" Luro said yelling over at Cedric. "You gotta do that more often! You killed the Shepherd!"
Luro pumped his fist in the air before something shifted around them.
In that small moment, every member of the crew was back on the top platform, and the world around them lost all color, a mix of black and white surrounded the crew as they were all shoved backed together into the same spot. The vortex and all signs of it were removed in a blink, and they were standing near each other, with no signs of how they got there, as if they'd already been there.
"...huh?" Luro said looking around. "Wait wasn't Alicia up there?"
Looking around they'd noticed that the world around them was repeating itself, the bricks pulled out of the walls were being put back in, the tables once broken all the wood was coming back as they rebuild themselves and a few of the screaming officers were flying through the air returning to their usual spots. It was as if the world was moving backward, back to what it once was.
"...damn it. No other choice then."
Luro's gaze moved to Jackie as she looked over at Cedric and Jack, then Hanako.
"...we don't have a lot of time so I'll keep this short. If we got moved like that then the Shepherd now has a firm grip on our existence. Which means our Roots are now in danger. Without an escort, we can't change our existence here after all."
Zilia's eyes widened but Jackie held up a hand.

"Firstly Hanako and Cedric, don't beat yourself up over summoning the Shepherd. Someone will explain another time but in small Realms, it's easier for a Shepherd to find you, so you have to use less power. In the other Realm that much energy wouldn't have been a problem, especially with Shay hiding you. You didn't know, please don't beat yourself up okay? You're still learning."
She smiled at them before looking over at the steps nearby as they blinked out of existence cutting off their exit.
"The Shepherd is reforming itself and trapping us in one spot...regretfully our escort is here so you'll be safe. We got at most one minute. You threw a lot of power at it...so it knows you intimately now."
Jackie let out a long sigh and reaching up grabbed the edge of her glasses.
"I'm going to activate my Impulse so sorry ahead of time."
"...Impulse?" Luro said looking over at Jackie.
"Call it our 'Proof of Madness', every Echo has lost a good bit of sanity after all...but well Luro you know that all too well. That's what a deal with Imposter does...being the only one of Stardusk to have one with him. It fell on me to show you anyway, Tashi didn't want to show hers."
Jackie offered a weak smile to Luro and in the next moment the Shepherd's form returned a few feet away, its robe fluttering as it manifested once again unscathed, its eyes moved to Alicia and something in her body shifted forcing her out of her transcendence, as if a candle was blown out.
"...Unnecessary power removed. Killing Discrepancies."
"Watch out!" Zilia exclaimed summoning her Devil Fruit. The energy left her hands however and her eyes widened as she felt the flow of power cut off.
Luro raised his rifle only for it to be replaced with a radish, he stared at it still trying to pull the 'trigger' with no luck.
The Sheperd went to move towards them and Jackie removed her glasses from her face.
"...I never wanted you to know what my Cedric could do...please don't hate me for this."
The woman's hair came undone as a surge of energy exploded out of her body, a red aura suddenly enveloping her form as part of her hair turned red as the air around the woman seemed to distort.
"I succumb to my Impulse...'One Within a Thousand'."
Jackie's shadow lashed out and crashed into the Shepherd sending it flying backwards, its feet almost going over the edge.
"...Impossible. Existence has been disrupted."

A grin formed on the woman's lips, nothing like the one she had shown the crew, the curve of her mouth held a dangerous madness, and her eyes were a reflection of it, all humanity had all but left the woman, somehow almost innately it was easy to tell whatever 'this' was, it just looked human, wearing a skin of flesh over what it was. Jackie's shadow rose up behind her, its form twisting and contorting.
"Well my existence is a bit more complicated...so you can't do that with me. Thanks to my dear little brother Cedric."

The shadow's body shifted and it took a human form, its 'arms' wrapping around Jackie as she grinned at the Shepherd, a pair of red eyes poked out of the shadowy figure and narrowed at the ceature in front of them.
A human-like shadow stood behind Jackie, its 'hair' long and flowing, the body was entirely shadow, black clouds that died and were reborn repeatedly but Cedric could tell, could feel it. This was him, perhaps Jack could as well, almost instinctually.
'Cedric' eyes moved over to the other Cedric for a moment before focusing back on the Shepherd.
The moment his eyes met Cedric's memories forced themselves into his head, fragments of his other self's life.
Jack was forced to see visions as well, as if bearing witness to a twisted amalgamation of his brother was the trigger to see the next part of Jackie's life.
"I'll be bait for you Stardusk. Hurry and find the Core please. Don't worry, my little brother is perfect, we can handle this."
There was a strangeness to her words, they were filled with an unholy affection, the words she spoke were true, at least as far as she was concerned, there was no room for debate, or arguments.
A pink glow surrounded Stardusk and Jackie walked towards the Shepherd as it broke out of the shadows that bound it.
"I won't recognize you when we meet again. Forgive me for that," Jackie said this, her voice a mix of hers and Cedrics before the crew was enveloped in the bright light.

When the light faded the crew found themselves in a large room, judging by the large bed in the corner of the room, and the medals lining the nearby dresser they were clearly in some higher ups room, the size of the walk in closet filled with navy uniforms also attributed to this. There was a door nearby that was open, leading to what looked like an office, a desk sat at the edge of room near windows with closed curtains, a single chair sat in front of the desk, a clearly uncomfortably wooden one compared to the large comfier one behind the desk. At the other edge of the room was a shut door that clearly led outside.
There was a plate of half-eaten snacks seated on the desk, meaning the person eating it had left in a hurry.
The walls were painted a dull white all around them, but the carpet in the attached bedroom was red and rather fancy, the office had wooden floors and was clearly kept perfectly clean for any guest that may come and visit.
"...huh?" Zilia said looking around.
"You guys are walking bags of trouble...I like it."
Another voice called out to the crew and turning they would see a woman dressed in a simple red tunic with brown pants and black boots sitting nearby. Her presence had remained hidden until she felt the need to show herself, her short hair was a bright almost blinding red, which matched her eyes.
If not for the clearly demonic presence she gave off with her smile alone, one could easily confuse her for a normal everyday person.
"Names Imposter, I'm your escort here. You all really caused a lot of trouble. No wonder Jackie had to go all out. She must like you. Hope she doesn't die. Shall we go get the Core then?"
The woman raised a finger and offered a grin before snapping her fingers.
"Before I forget there you go. Your powers and weapons are back now. Forgot to adjust that part of your existence. Don't worry I changed your appearance. Shepherd can't find you...well for now. You made a big show so it'll find us again once it's done with Jackie."
Zilia flexed her hands and sure enough her Devil Fruit was working again, closing her hands into a fist she looked over at the 'Imposter'. Luro was hugging his rifle with a grin glad to have her back.
"I have...a lot of questions. Are you capable of answer questions...Imposter?" Zilia questioned.

"I mean sure I suppose. I'm not obligated to answer them if anyone has any though. Once we step out of this place though we'll start being hunted, so you got something to say, say it here. Better hurry though, we are in Kane'Arteum after all, best not linger."

Jackie and Cedric Banner (Complete).png
[Collab between Mizos and Fox of Hearts]

Cedric's POV



Warning: Darker themes will be discussed. Please skip to the second half of Cedric's section if you are not comfortable. This half details his most feared secret and how it changed him

As his violin faded away, Cedric's cheeks darkened at Luro's praise, and his eyes went to his feet. The warm glow couldn't be contained, it made him self-conscious; he reached for his ponytail, tugging it free, so that he could distract himself. He … he promised Zilia he'd be receptive to praise, a goal they added a month ago. Sid tried to get her attention, but Jackie demanded theirs. All that pride plummeted to a snaking chill, leaving him mouthing silently, his eyes darting around in sheer desperation.

"Non, soeur! You can't," he protested with a shake of his head. He saw her reaching for her glasses, he stepped forward only to be blasted back by the red aura emanating from her. Her words took a darker truth as he was forced to watch her transform. " … I'm sorry," he whispered in Trovalian, fist slamming the floor. His heart was ripping in two, the way he knew it would if that had been his Jack. Rare tears escaped his eyes as he mourned the severing of their bond. "I - I'll save you," he yelled to her retreating back.

His words must have caught his Echo's ears. Their eyes aligned and nauseating pain flared inside his head. The lie was clear enough to shock him. Non … no! He choked louder, flailing around, and grabbed the first hand offered to him. In his mind, this was Jack's. His brother sitting on the bed holding him tightly as their tears joined. This was Jack, his mind repeated as his lips called for his brother. Jack … his voice echoing now in his head as his forehead pressed against Zilia's. Their minds connected, and his memories became hers. His pained breathing as he lay tethered to reality by Jack's presence. He was supported, and shaken, in the teen's arms, not allowed to succumb to sleep.

Juxtaposing this scene were the glimmers of truth in Echo Cedric's false memory. The initial fear and shock he felt when the door of their modest home slammed open, the anger and helplessness, and then detachment. The neverending numbness and resignation as he distanced himself from the physical pain, noting the passage of time by light drifting in from the window. The beating, the cuts, the stinging burns - it never stopped! His wrists were bound, bruised. He thought he was going to die! His fear pierced through the fog, allowing him to scream himself hoarse, freed at last when Jack's shadowy form pulled the man off. The last she would sense - as Sid pushed away after realisation hit - was that these were memories of a much younger him, one who was about to be killed, but saved at the very last second.

Cedric's hands clutched his head from where he sat, a shivering mess, barely breathing nor registering the people around him. Zilia's shadow falling over him and her eyes hidden by his own fringe - disappointment? He - he couldn't tell. He tried hiding this from her, he tried desperately hard. She didn't need to know this, no. It wasn't important, embarrassing, truly … very; he was dirt because of his birth. He didn't want her to see him like this. Like that. Slowly, his forehead pressed into his knees as hugged his legs, making himself as small as possible, as still as possible, like he didn't want to be seen.

"Don't! You don't know … you can't," he pleaded, his voice cracked under the horror of what he had done. Disparaging words cluttered his mind as he blamed himself for the situation. It was his fault, again. Always his. "Those d - , that time … I was," he took several ragged breaths, dropping his voice even lower. "Stupid. I trusted him, my tutor. Jack warned me." His mind supplying. I shouldn't have told him that Jack would be gone for five days. I haven't told Jack what I did, I couldn't. I'm scared.

And … he in turn was haunted by his guilt. His and mine intertwined to create our desperate bond, neither wished to forgive themselves. Trauma bond, you called it, Madame Doctor. For Jack, I see - there is hope, more hope. I'll do anything to save him, again. Even if, I'm left behind, unable to fully love another person.

You teased me about it. Luro asked. Yes, Amaiya is special, but she deserves better than me.

So much better …

I lied, okay? I hated the distance between us now. It kills me to keep seeing her and not feeling that closeness.

He sucked in his breath. He felt something crumble. The usual numbness, what Zilia called "aloofness", trying to hide away the emotional wreckage. He buried his face deeper. His words came to her, because their link wasn't fully severed. More memory shards of things he overheard - things people talked, thinking he wasn't aware.

" … hired by Madame Du Vontiago to find children with potential". "How many others …?" this was Jack's distorted rage filtering into his pain-addled mind, "I chose you" echoed the man's voice …

Cedric's voice slowly took over to piece things together for her. He was a scout for the Royal Spymaster. He was supposed to train summoner children from non-summoner families how to control their powers until Madame can arrange for them to be taken away. That's how he had access to us, and from us, he picked his next target. He wouldn't tell her about the chosen ones … she wasn't supposed to know about me. Adelaide, she never trusted him, she followed him several times and realised he was hiding information about me. About the others, most of them were already dead. He … I was scared Madame would find out that fére killed a noble; Jack would have been executed. We were no better than dirt.

The doctor had all manners of memories forced into her skull recently, both hers and the others, and random memories of others she didn't voice out loud. She would feel all manners of things through them, and she would see details most would keep secret. Thus why she never pressed anyone to tell her what the Echo's showed them, she never wanted to force anyone to tell her anything. Thus even she felt a bit of guilt when Cedric's memories entered her mind, she was sure it wasn't intentional, and that was confirmed when Cedric spoke up.

"Adelaide, she saved me," he whispered as he became aware of his surroundings again, although his senses remained dampened. "I was dying before Jack's eyes. The stress caused my childhood illness to overwhelm me. That's when Madame Charlotte approached us. Her offer - " His eyes now finding Jack's. "She promised us the money we desperately needed. Jack tried offering himself, but she only wanted me."

His tearing eyes found Jack's over Zilia's shoulder. "I'm sorry, fére. I shouldn't have said anything. I told him …. and he came when you were gone," he shut his eyes to falling tears. "I'm the reason you suffered so much. That me .. Jackie, stars! She looked like she was in so much pain. I can't … stop thinking. You were crying too, Jack. I felt you crying and hugging me to your chest when you were wondering if Jones lied."

I'm glad you didn't go to the Imposter … became what she did. He thought but never said out loud. He wasn't sure if he was correct, but her words suggested it.

Zilia knelt in front of Cedric, her questions for Imposter could wait. She sat on her knees and listened to him in silence, between their link and what he chose to say out loud. She calmly removed the gloves from her hands as he spoke, she gave him all the time he needed to say what he had to say. Her expression was blank, not empty, not uncaring, she just kept it neutral as usual, and when he finished what he had to say she reached forward.

She took one of his hands into her own and put another hand over it, and she kept her firm grip, she didn't want him pulling away, she didn't want him to move away. "You're not dirt. I've told you not to talk about yourself like that."

She offered a gentle smile to him before closing her eyes. "Also Jackie said to both you and Hanako not to blame yourselves…which means she understood what she was doing, and she made her choice."

Opening her eyes she looked back at Cedric. "Let's honor that and trust her, she showed that much care for you and us, we need to return that."

Her eyes glanced over at the Imposter and she didn't seem intent on saying anything much less interrupting them so she focused back on Cedric.

"...for what you showed me…I'm a little offended Cedric. Do I seem like the kind of woman to judge someone over such a thing? Do you think the bond we have is that shallow that I would abandon you over such a matter being revealed?" She smiled at him and pat his hand. "I'm sorry it was this way, but I am happy to understand you better. I'll withhold my comment on the other matters…now is not the time for such discussions anyway. I won't share what I've seen until you permit me. I promise."

The mention of going Imposter her eyelids lowered slightly, that one was more complicated. Everyone one of them went to Imposter apparently, or at least there were Realms where it happened, even herself.

What exactly made Jackie cross such a long, she wanted to see her again because she wanted to know. Instead of Jones she went to Imposter? How was that even possible, Luro would never allow that, he would do everything in his power to stop it…so how did it happen?

Sid barely reacted to Zilia's reassurance. Embers of recognition flickered but they were swept away by his struggles. He folded back into himself, trying not to hyperventilate. The lines of his back and shoulders became more pronounced, and they emphasised his shuddering. He was starting to float away, unable to tell the past from the present, the pain felt so real. His body was hurting. He cannot breathe – Sid's breathing was quickened; they sounded rasp, too fast and quick, dangerously so. He felt his body starting to seize.

Chaos didn't budge. She stared at Jack with green eyes, even without eye contact, she knew he could hear her thoughts. He's thinking of that man, Master Jack. That man you killed. She sensed that Jack knew exactly whom she was referring to; that person was the only man whom Master Cedric feared more than Adenin.

There were many things Zilia could say, wanted to say but she was not the person to speak such words. Pretending to fully understand someone's struggles and giving false kindness could be just as insulting as offering harsh rebuttal. So she held his hand and she didn't move, even if he didn't respond, she wouldn't leave his side. He would know at least the warmth of another person was nearby, and her only hope was that would offer some comfort, until the one who knew his pain more than her, could say what needed to be said. She didn't give false words, and her attempt at comfort may hurt more than help, she was honest with him before and she would stay, even in silence.


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Hanako's arms wrapped around her sister. Her energy washing over Alicia, trying to soothe the woman's mind as best as she could; hiding her own fears that Tashi was a monster too. Hating, so much, the pain she thought Jackie-tai'n must be feeling. It was a perversion of such a precious bond, she felt sicker at the thought; Facade lost its charm entirely.

"Is this the fate of our other selves? Bound to an Akuma (demon) pretending to be a Kami (god). I …" she wept into Alicia's back. "She … Jackie-tai'n, she sounded so sad. It's like she lost her brother but couldn't let go of his soul. Almost like …" her voice faded. She wasn't supposed to know about the hushed conversations between her older sisters in the night, not the one they had about Jack. Amaiya-amue was unpacking her guilt that day, her trauma, and her anger washed around like drowning waves. "Gomen," she apologised. "I heard your private conversation that night. I wanted to surprise you by staying up. I didn't know … you sounded … amue, I hated lying to you."

Her heart was saying a different thing - "I felt your pain, and I wanted to comfort you", but Hanako was too afraid, it was the fear of a child privy to something she shouldn't be. Guilt. Hanako's head lowered as she waited for Alicia's reproach. Her hands shaking visibly as she tried not to notice Cedric's suffering form. "Amue, you're too strong. I was scared you'll break. I'm more scared now after seeing Jackie-tai'n like that. I don't want that to be us, I - I want to be stronger so I can … I want to support you like Satia-amue."

Cedric's pain was rattling her. She was glad that her mind was beyond processing Common. His words sank in but they weren't coherent at the moment; she shook her head repeatedly, fighting her own struggles. Reminding herself, sharply, that Jackie-tai'n's survival depended on them. Her eyes glowed with that realisation. She implored silently for her sister to do something.

"Kane'Artem," she repeated after this version of the Imposter. "Fu'tai! What's wrong with this memory of Kane'Artem?" she called desperately. "I - gomen, I - my sisters saved you from here. You, Luro-fuku?" She begged the two. "We need to know whose memory this is … we do, don't we?" she turned to the female Imposter.

"I dunno what's different," Luro said with a small shrug. "This place does smell different though. Aside from that, it looks the same to me."

Trusting Luro's memory was already a mistake but Zilia wasn't going to say that out loud. Zilia had thought Luro missed Luro's state of being, but she noticed the redhead had silently moved closer, not next to him but he had put himself between Cedric and Imposter.

Luro wasn't good at 'sensitive discussions', so any words he could offer probably wouldn't help.
So he stood nearby and didn't stare at him, just so he could say what he had to say without interruption.

Luro was always the same, the situation didn't matter. Being that constant was something she could depend on.

"Haha you haven't figured it out yet huh. That's pretty funny. Luro this one's hilarious," Imposter said pointing at Hanako. "She's missing all the points, man you guys really are in the dark huh?"

Hanako bobbed her head in apology. She weighed her words carefully, but — her head turned back towards Cedric. Shock plastered on her face as she stared at the man looking close to passing out. His pale skin almost grey and his lips darkening dangerously; he was laid out - somehow - his head cradled in someone's lap. She gasped. She had seen this before!

It was one of the younger boys in the dojo. He collapsed on a particularly hot summer's day, shaking like he was possessed, and shocking everyone – Satia-amue's voice was the only thing keeping them calm. Was hyeo going to be okay? She pressed her hands over her gaping mouth.

She jumped at the Imposter. "What did you do to him?"

The memories seemed harmless so far. This one — this one — Hanako refused to believe what was clearly in front of her. Cedric-hyeo was acting like some of the survivors. Saffron-fu'tai called it trauma, back then. She couldn't believe it! He always looked so calm, so aloof - she licked her lips, panic rising inside her. "Amue, you got to help him," she begged. "I don't know what they did to him. He looks like he's dying."

"If I said everything, what would you do?" Imposter questioned Hanako with a grin. "Fun as it would be to take credit. I've done nothing to the boy, you humans are so fragile, so delicate, easily breakable, it's no fun breaking something broken, I had nothing to do with this one."

Luro moved his hands in his sleeves and looked over at Hanako.

"Hanako," Luro said resting his hand on her head. "Stay calm. If you look sad when someone else is sad, they get double sad. Deep breaths, he's not alone in some distant land, he's right here, and we're here. Kay." Luro grinned at this and ruffled her hair. "You don't gotta smile, but don't look sad."

Luro removed his hand and looked over at Imposter, the woman smiling at him.
"Don't be mean, Hanako's a nice person."

"Just having a bit of fun geez…"
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"Cedric..." Jack knelt in front of his little brother, ignoring Zilia, ignoring everyone.

"That was a long time ago," he said lowly, "It was a honest mistake. I don't hold it against you. I should have never left in the first place."

Jack took witness to Jackie's memory, not the Echo Cedric's, but his brother's fragmented confession to Zilia was enough to tell him what his Cedric witnessed. The blackest parts of our past, coming out. If we ever survive, we will be changed. Unconsciously, Jack brushed a hand against a hidden pocket of his waistcoat, where he could feel the outline of a pocket watch.

Jack shook himself awake at Chaos's urging and instantly went to Sid's side. Not fast, but casually making his way to stand nearby. His body and hand angled to him--a familiar invitation for Sid to take his hand, or hug him, or whatever he needed. Jack began humming a beat, a Norjan folk song, known to sometimes help Cedric out of his spirals.

Thus, in that state, Jack didn't pay attention to their new escort. Not entirely, at least. Jack kept the Imposter within the edge of his sight. He gave Luro's back a grateful glance when the giant stepped in front of Cedric, trusting their brother-by-blood to feel his gratitude.

"Hanako," Jack said, in his odd calm way that offered no rebuke. "I have Cedric. Let me see to him. Let Alicia protect you."

It was as much advice to her as the rest of the crew, who all received warning glances from Jack. No one here knew better how to help his brother--and, admittedly, Jack wasn't always the best either. But he knew Cedric needed space.
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Once Imposter answered what questions she felt the need too she stood up from her seat.
"I'm surprised you were willing to stop to ask questions…considering your friends' circumstances."
"Jackie said 'when' we meet again. I doubt she'd say that if she intended on dying."
"What a show of companionship. Well let's get moving."
"One last question if you would," Zilia said raising her hand. "...why are you helping us?"
"Half Crown paid me too."
"I'm guessing you mean the other Imposter."
"Correct. We're all called Imposter so a nickname felt proper. I'm only helping you once though, I was paid to hide your existence, not hold your hand. Granted I get paid double if you survive so I decided to help out once."
She held up a finger.
"Only once though, you get found again I'm watching you die. I still get paid after all, too much effort to help you like that again…oh and I wouldn't call him that to his face. I can't die but you all…well you get it."
"With that said I'll share one more thing with you, for being so entertaining."
Imposter stood up and made a motion with her hand to follow before walking into the office area.
"I've worked with each Echo, if given the opportunity Jackie could have easily revealed the truth of this world…but well with how fast things devolved the opportunity didn't present itself. Lady's a master at scouting, more so than the gray-haired one."
Walking over she grabbed the curtain.
"So I'll just give you the info in her stead."
Opening the curtain she revealed the outside, and the crew bore witness to the world they had found themselves in.
All around them were multiple towers within view on different islands, each one the same as the other but there was one thing each one had in common, each one looked exactly like Kane'arteum.
Surrounding the towers on the sea below were multiple navy ships and it was easy to tell they were also in 'Kane'arteum as well.
They were smack dab in the middle of enemy territory and on the run.
"They look exactly like the records…" Zilia said. "I haven't seen it firsthand myself but this is Kane'arteum right?"
Her eyes moved to Runali, then Luro until they rested on the Tashigi sisters.
"Aye," Luro said crossing his arms. "That's definitely that prison place…wasn't there only one though?"
"Very astute for you Makachi," Imposter said. "This world has multiple ones…so you understand what this world is then right?"
"...A possibility," Zilia said staring out the window. "That means-"
"Anything goes…which is a bit unfortunate for you. You need to find the Vagrant…or CD or whatever you call the Core Discrepancy quickly. Are you ready to go? I'm not hiding you so good luck."

The visual of Jackie and her shadow rattled in Runali's mind, making the sudden change of scenery less jarring than it should have been. All of these versions of them, she had to remember, were ones that didn't see much of a choice until Imposter gave them one. She watched Cedric crumble with Zilia by his side and then over at Hanako clutching onto Alicia. Just for a moment, this other Imposter didn't exist. The captain looked at Alicia, sharing a brief moment of understanding that a sister's comfort would do more than Runali could. And when she looked at Jack, she straightened up and sighed as if reminding him of the reality they were in. They may have been in Facade, but they were not the ones that took that deal. She spoke to no one in particular when she mumbled, "Jones' deal sounds better the longer we stay here…" Even hidden away in this strange place, she could still feel the faint itch of a deal made ages ago on her hand and the odd and brief one in her heart. "We have to keep going." Her voice softened towards Cedric, Zilia, and those that surrounded him. "This place will drive us into the same madness if we don't."

When they began to follow the new Imposter, Runali thought about what Hanako had asked earlier. What's wrong with this memory of Kane'Artem?. She turned her focus back to the actual prison, digging through the surface level memories. The stone walls and tall tower all looked the same, sure. And despite the silence there usually was when a navy officer wasn't on patrol, it didn't feel as eerie. And much to her surprise? Dismay? – As Imposter showed off more than one prison, she couldn't help the momentary grimace. "...The navy officer earlier said there was a tower for the ones with powers. And it was far too easy." She lifted her wrists just a bit. "When I was here, they kept me in cuffs chained to the floor. Limited movement, more difficult to try and fight back. Or you know, kick the door down." She looked at the varying towers again. "Hanako's right… if we do need to know whose memory this is to find the discrepancy, we're going to have to figure out if this is a memory of you guys breaking in or," She looked at the rest of them, specifically those that had been in Kane'Artem before, "Or if it's my memory of being in here until you guys got me out. And unfortunately, that was ages ago so I can't promise I remember all of the details."

"A possibility is born from a mix of memories, a cracked reflection of the truth, or collective misremembering generally."
Luro looked over at Zilia as she spoke, a small glow in the doctor's eyes that faded after a few blinks.
"Sorry, the information kind of just…poured into my head. Guess that's from my other self."
Zilia looked back out at the window.
"Which means this memory doesn't belong to any one of us. So there's no Central Moment to rely on…it means we're stuck at square one."
"Yay someone finally got it, blue hair was way off but at least she considered two people played a part," Imposter said. "Possibilities are really hard to deal with, since there are no hints to rely on, and none of you can sense Core energy so it's like looking for a needle in twenty haystacks, especially with this Vagrant. I know I lose out on payment but I love watching your failure so it's worth it."

"I miss Shay," Luro said moving his hands in his sleeves.
"One of you has fallen apart, the others on the brink of it. This is what Facade is, it preys on your weakness, it looks for those cracks in your armor. Put on whatever front you have, cling to that false hope of yours. The more it learns the more it digs. There is no tomorrow for you Stardusk. Accept it."
"Aren't you being paid to help us," Zilia said, turning to Imposter.
"I'm hiding your presence as promised, I never said I'd be your emotional support though. When you die make it funny so I have a story to tell."
Zilia was about to comment but stopped when the floor under them was suddenly enveloped in darkness, as if the shadows of everything around them had robbed the floor of all light, the act even caused Imposter's eyes to widen slightly. Black fog covered the crew's ankles and a few feet away from Stardusk, a back mass of smoke rose up and shifted until it took a human form, 'Cedric' had returned and it seemed the shadows belonged to him.
"...Cedric," Zilia said, straightening her body a bit.

Shadow Cedric's eyes moved between the crew before landing on his other half, they narrowed slightly at him before the smoke around it seemed to flare out slightly.
"A-are you talking?" Zilia questioned. "If you are, we can't understand you."
The other Cedric looked at Zilia, seeming to understand her.
"He said 'you need to get up'," Luro said.
Zilia looked over at Luro who looked back at her with a tilt of his head.
"Oh you can understand him too," Imposter said. "You really are that far gone, aren't you? You know only the deranged can hear him right?"
"I can't understand him, I just kinda get what he meant. Is Jackie okay?"
The shadow shifted and Luro nodded and smiled.
"Good, I'm glad."
Moving closer to Luro the shadows 'arm' moved out, when it did the keys from earlier manifested in its hand which he dropped into Luro's. The shadow seemed to shift slightly, and Luro nodded as the two conversed, it was admittedly a strange sight, watching the smoke flare on its body and Luro responding or nodding to show understanding.
"Okay. I'm not gonna tell Cedric that though, if I'm hearing you right."
The shadow eyes moved over to his other half then to Jack.
"I think you're right, but it's not a nice thing to say right now. He can hear it when he needs to hear it…I'm not sure that's right now."
Other Cedric stared into the clear eyes of Luro for a brief moment, and in a blink the redhead's eyes were back to normal and he offered a grin to him.
The conversation seemed to end there as Cedric body flared briefly, which seemed to be acceptance on the matter.

Shadow Cedric turned towards Jack and Cedric once more, its form seemed to shift slightly again, when it did memories forced themselves back into the minds of the two brothers. The Other Cedric didn't seem to care about his cohort's state of being, whatever he wanted to say, whatever he needed to say, he was going to make sure he heard it, but from his glance at Luro he seemed to leave out what the redhead felt didn't need to be said.
Perhaps due to his connection to Jackie, Jack was also affected and memories forced themselves into his head as well, memories of the missing woman, and another piece to the puzzle. This time the memories were shared between the two of them, both brothers saw both siblings' memories, now connected.

The Entity eyed Stardusk as a whole, its eyes resting on Alicia for a brief moment, the creature's red eyes narrowed slightly at Hanako, not out of malice, perhaps it was a smile but it was hard to tell since it didn't possess a mouth. The shadows around them receded until they were directly under him once again. A small figure rose out of the other Cedric's shoulder however, revealing a completely white Chaos, who jumped off his shoulder and landed on Zilia's. Raising a 'hand' Cedric sunk back into the shadows, leaving the crew once again.

Hearing that it wasn't her own memory made Runali sigh in relief. "Makes things a little easier then." Though 'easier' was… easier said than done with everything happening in front of them. Imposter's taunting and desire for their downfall paled in comparison to the Other Cedric that loomed like a monster in the dark. She didn't say anything - there was nothing she could say about it - but she watched the figure interact with her spies in eerie silence. As much as she wanted to reach out to help, she had to trust that they'd both be strong enough to get through Facade on their feet. Still, it didn't stop her from coercing the two back to the present. It was a reality none of them wanted to be in, but if they were going to be in it and escape, they had to do it together. "We need you both if we're going to make it out of Facade." She looked at where the shadow disappeared. "That's not you. It can't be you." With a little more resolve she added, "It won't be you."

Runali turned back to Imposter and then back at the windows. "Cloaking us is one thing- thanks by the way - but are you also helping us get from one building to the next? Would be helpful if you could just," She snapped her fingers in theatrics. "And you know, we're there. You'd get to watch us blow up stuff and potentially fail and we get to fast track the running from soldiers."

"I do love the idea of things blowing up and you failing…but regretfully there's no point in that anymore. That echo of Adelaide is pretty smart. I'm sure Jackie would have figured out her intentions sooner had she not lost herself."
"Can you…just not speak in circles for one moment," Zilia said. "I get you like our confusion but what do the keys go to so we can just be done with this."
"Who said the keys went to anything?"
"Did Adelaide ever say you were going to use the keys? She just said you'll 'need' them."
Imposter pointed at the keys.
"Cedric found them, that is the Core Discrepancy or it is now."
Zilia stared at the motionless keys, her eyebrows lowering, as if sensing her question Imposter held up a hand.
"It's a Core Discrepancy that's an inanimate object, not a person. Much harder to find, especially in probabilities. Adelaide gave you those keys so it would attach itself to them. She made it smell like a 'Core' so to say. Least that's what the other Cedric said, probably from what Jackie figured out, I imagine right after you 'lost' them. They can take any form after all… it's extremely troublesome when they don't choose to be people."
"...so the CD attached itself to the keys and…ran off. Luro didn't lose the keys…they left him."
Zilia brought a hand to her head feeling a headache suddenly coming on.

"Pretty much. With Jackie's skill finding the keys would have been simple enough…well you know until she lost her mind. Honestly, if you had you know…not been so gung-ho you would have been done with this Realm in probably about five minutes. I'm not openly blaming anyone for that, just saying it out loud as a reminder."
Imposter motioned to the keys.
"Destroy the keys, and the world will collapse. You get out, and I get my double pay."
"What about Jackie?" Luro asked spinning the keys on his finger before dropping and picking them back up. "You're helping her leave too right?
"Sure I'll get her out of here, part of my job. You might wanna you know…hurry though."

Imposter glanced over at Hanako and Cedric and smiled.
"I think their humanity is wavering…or maybe not. Perhaps that message from that other Cedric is just what-"
A shrill scream echoed in the room and Imposter stopped talking as Luro burned the keys in his hand, the screaming came to a sudden end as the keys fully dissolved and a glowing orb rested in his hand afterward.
"Cedric can hear it later," Luro said smiling at the Imposter. "You're bad with words so you can't tell him or Jack. I'd trust Alicia to say it though, she knows all the right fancy words."
Luro shoved the orb into his body and patting his chest moved his hands into his sleeves.

Zilia took in a deep breath and looked out the window, the skies suddenly turned from blue to grey, and large red cracks decorated the earth and sky, both being ripped open as the cracks expanded, proof the Realm was starting to collapse on itself. Zilia noticed the Shepherd standing in the air outside, staring up as the sky broke apart above them, blue light filtered in through the cracks, and Zilia noticed that the sun…seemed to be getting closer, also that it was getting hotter, to a point the glass of the window was melting along with a few objects in the room.
"Luro I apologize for assuming you lost the keys, but for the sake of my sanity, I'm going to just go with that until I sort this out," Zilia said.
"Okay Z. I probably woulda lost em anyway so that's fine. Anyway let's go. Oh wait, sorry Captain. Can we go now?"

"Hey Zil," Even Runali was rubbing her temple at this point, trying to keep up with it all. She couldn't help but be relieved about a shorter trip though. They were strong, they were durable, but they would've lost stamina at some point with how many swarms of soldiers were in one building alone. "I think it's fair to say I've never caused this much stress before for you. Even nearly dying a couple of times." She pointed over to Luro as the orb disappeared into his chest. "And we're sure it's safe for him to keep doing that? I'd like to keep my shipwright intact as well…" That mattered just a little less when everything started to get hotter. Runali quickly whipped up a barrier of ice around them, just to stay standing but even that started to melt. "At this moment, I've never wanted anything more, Luro. Let's hurry up before it gets hotter than Coral's lava." As the windows melted, she added, "And before we end up like that."

"I don't know Captain…you've gotten close but no not by any individual moments. If I combine some things though…"
Zilia looked over at Luro as he poked his chest as she pondered her question.
"I'm…looking into it. I gave him a look…if that even matters in these bodies and he's fine."
Hearing the Captain's go he looked over at Imposter who shrugged and snapped her fingers.
"Wait is it hot in here?" Luro asked before the shadows in the area surrounded them.

The crew's vision was obscured by darkness courtesy of the Imposter, and the searing heat that filled the area suddenly vanished. The floor under their feet seemed to shift until it softened, the Imposter's chuckle filled their ears before their vision returned and they found themselves outside the Realm, back in Facade, the temple crumbling to the ground nearby.
Looking around a familiar figure was a few feet in front of them, Jackie was kneeling on the ground her glasses back on her face, she was gripping her head with both hands and breathing heavily, the red in her hair was gone and 'Cedric' was no longer there.
Another person was also there, the 'Captain' of Stardusk Nali herself stood a few feet from Jackie in between them, her back was to the crew.
"Welcome back other Stardusk. Good to see you again."
She made no effort to turn around keeping her attention on Jackie, whose eyes raised to look at them, her eyes were bloodshot and unfocused and while she stared at them for a brief moment, her attention returned to the earth in front of her immediately after. Zilia's eyes narrowed slightly remembering the woman's earlier words.

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"I got Jackie, you should deliver that Core to Avnia, as a sign of good faith."
Zilia's eyes moved to Jackie then to Nali's back before she spoke.
"Hello again Nali…is Jackie-"
"She's okay, but you should head the other way."
Nali turned to face Stardusk, at this point Zilia could tell when the woman was looking at them even with her blindfold, she still had a hard time reading her expression but the 'air' around her seemed different. Something in her instincts kept her from stepping forward.
"At the moment, our Impulse are acting up. I'm barely suppressing mine as it is. So it's best you not come this way, and I can't move from here. Jackie's a sitting duck while she's recovering."
"What do you-"
Nali took her boot and drew a line in the dirt before pointing down at it.
"If you cross that line you'll die, so long as I'm here. Don't try going around either."
"You're…blocking our path," Zilia said looking past her to Imposter's castle.
"Not purposefully I promise…just please go the other way. I don't have time to explain why. If you stay here the space behind that line won't help you either. Mine and Tashi's Impulse are…complicated. Consider it a favor and just deliver it to Avnia. You're not getting to Imposter. I know it may not seem like it but I am barely holding on here."
She smiled at the crew and waved her hands, which in a normal situation would make Zilia raise serious doubts, but after a sudden chill ran down her spine she took a small step back and held her neck for a moment. She realized what her instincts were telling her, if she had to put it into words, it was like staring at a predator in a cage with the door slightly ajar.
"I'll be gone by the time you get back. It'll be some time before we meet again…but I'll make sure to treat you for the trouble."

"It's gonna be a real bummer not being able to snap and be places when we get back home. But then again, slow and steady travel is nice." Runali had her hands behind her head until she saw Nali and Jackie in front of them. "Oh good, you're-" Runali's head tilted slightly as she observed Nali. It didn't take much for the captain to recognize that Jackie was… better than before but still not fully recovered. But what caught her attention was just how calm Nali was. She recognized it despite the unfamiliarity. Even though she couldn't put it into words, she could empathize with the sincerity of not hurting the crew. This was Imposter's domain, but Runali knew herself well enough to motion for her crew to head towards Avnia without the fanfare. Her curiosity made her linger a few steps behind, watching Jackie and Nali by each other. "You know, when… Jack and I have our troubles, if we're not sparring our feelings out, sometimes we get drunk and see who can steal the most valuables. Feels like one of those times." Runali shrugged and gave a thumbs up. "You still owe me answers, captain. We'll see each other again!"

"Haha I'll have to bring that up to her when she's fully back, it may be just what she needs."
Nali seemed to relax a bit seeing Stardusk move away from her.
"Thank you Runali."
She spoke the words quieter but said them nonetheless, whether that was for the suggestion or the silent understanding of her counterpart was left unspoken. The woman's body turned to fully focus on Jackie having said her peace.

Luro started moving the moment Runali motioned to them, Zilia right behind him. The redhead didn't look back, he walked away with the same smile on his face as always.
"See you later Nali," he said raising a hand to her.
Zilia watched Luro walk away trailing a bit behind him, she really wished she had that level of carefree some days, but it was a relief to see Jackie was okay. She had an abundance of questions, far more than she would receive answers for but now wasn't the time. That feeling that ran through her earlier didn't belong to her, it belonged to the other Zilia, and for a moment she saw Nali's movements. It was so real she moved back on instinct. She didn't even realize it was a memory until afterward.
"Tyrant's Caress."
That was the name of Nali's Impulse, the name popped into her head, more than likely from the other Zilia and every part of her seemed to understand it was something not to mess with.
She chose not to speak it for the time being and continued forward, gently scratching the other Chaos head as she walked.