poison ivy on my tongue - character storage

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"make your absence felt."
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
I babysit, so my activity is sporadic, but I will let you know when I will not be avaliable.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Female
character thread
hello and welcome to my personal character storage!

i am constantly coming up with new character ideas, as well as reusing old, favorite character. i needed a place to store and organize all of them so that i could easily find them. all of these characters are my own and i have spent long periods of time creating them and bring them to life. i ask that you do not steal or use these characters. if you wish to write with me with a specific character, please do not be afraid to message me!

character list and links : (alphabetical)
mortal stewart X

faceclaims to use:
millie hannah
madison beer
maggie lindeemann
julianna citlali
amelie zilber
kennedy walsh
daisy keech
nailea devora
fouzia ouihya
joshua hong
lee chunga ah
casey luong (keshi)
kim mingyu
kwon eunbi
kali uchis
park jiwon
park jihyo
rosaline elbay
seol in ah
shirine boutella
sun yihan in
lulu antariksa
barbara palvin
lindsey morgan
brenton thwaites
jameela jamil
lyrica okano
madison davenport
lana condor
bob morley
lily collins
harry shum jr
odette annabele
astrid berges-frisbey
chloe bennet

Code by Jenamos
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color: white;]FULL NAME:  here

FACECLAIM: [Do you have a faceclaim for your character?]
SEX: [Is their anatomy male, female, or other? Was this always the case?]
HEIGHT: [how tall/short are they?]
WEIGHT: [how heavy/light are they?]
BUILD: [Thin? Fat? Bulky? Muscular? Toned? etc]
HAIR: [describe their hair, is it long or short? Soft or course? Do they style it a certain way? Do they dye it?]
SKIN: [What colour is their skin? Is it rough or smooth? Is it soft or hard? Note: feel free to change this to fur/scales etc if that's more appropriate for your character!]
EYES: [What colour are their eyes? Do they have a distinctive sparkle or do they look kind of dull and tired? Long or short eyelashes? Eye bags? Wrinkles? Hooded lids?]
MOUTH: [Big mouth or small? Plump lips or thin lips? Perfect white teeth or crooked, gappy ones?]
NOSE: [Big or little? Pointy or bulbousy? Huge, cavernous nostrils or teeny little ones?]
HANDS: [Big or small? Manicured fingernails? Claws? Wrinkles? Visible veins? Bony knuckles? Or smooth skin and soft features?]
FEET: [Big or small? Bony or plump? Trimmed toenails? Claws?]
SCARS: [Any visible scars?]
CLOTHES: [What is their clothing style?]
OTHER FEATURES: [Optional for non-human characters, or human characters with uncommon features]
OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES: [Optional - anything you need to mention that isn't covered by the above.]

VOICECLAIM: [For those without faceclaims - do you have a voiceclaim for your character?]
ACCENT: [Do they have an accent?]
VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.]
LANGUAGE: [What language(s) do they speak? If more than one, are they fluent in all these languages?]
ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?]
EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?]
LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?]
GRUMP: [Do they ever grumble, sneer, or grunt about things?]
BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]

FACE: [Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?]
HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?]
LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?]
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they're upset, or laugh and jump about when they're happy?]
HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?]
POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?]
WALKING POSTURE: [How do they walk? Do they skip gleefully along, do they march like a soldier, do they slump their shoulders and stomp around?]
SITTING POSTURE: [How do they like to sit? Cross legged? Slouched? Feet apart or together?]
PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respecful of others' personal space?]
SPACIAL AWARENESS: [Are they good at noticing what's around their physical space? Or do they tend to be clumsy and bump into things?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

DIET: [What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?]
SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?]
EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?]
ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?]
CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?]
ODOUR: [Do they have any particular body odour (good or bad)?]
MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?]
NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?]
ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?]
ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?]
INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?]
PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: [Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?]
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?]
GENDER: [What is the character's gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?]
SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?]
ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?]
MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?]
PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?]
PENSIVE: [Do they spend a lot of time thinking over their actions, their life, their problems, etc?]
INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?]
PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?]
GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?]
INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?]
ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they're especially proud of?]
ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?]
OVERWHELMED: [Do they ever feel like things are just too much?]
SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?]
COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?]
BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?]
PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?]
TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: [Did they have a good relationship with their parents while they were growing up?]
SCHOOL: [Did they do well at school, or did they struggle?]
ADOLESCENCE: [How did puberty go? Was it a hard change? What was particularly hard (or easy) about it?]
LEAVING HOME: [What was it like for them leaving home for the first time? What prompted them to move out of the home they grew up in?]
FURTHER EDUCATION: [Did they go to college? University? What did they study, and how well did they do?]
FIRST JOB: [What was their first job? Did they enjoy it?]
LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.]
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?]
LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]

FAMILY: [Who, if anyone, does the character consider their family? Are these blood relatives? And do they have a good relationship with their family?]
FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?]
FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?]
NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?]
ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?]
ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?]
MARITAL PROBLEMS: [How do they deal with problems in their love life? Do they talk it through with their partner? Or do they bury their head in the sand?]
ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?]
ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?]
STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don't consider a friend?]
FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?]
DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?]
BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?]
LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?]
WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?]
RESPECT: [Do they respect their enemies, even if they don't like them? Is there anyone they disrespect? Why?]

MINGLING: [Do they get along well with others, in general? Or are they bad at making new friends?]
COMFORT LEVELS: [Do they feel comfortable talking to people? What might others do that could make them uncomfortable?]
PHYSICAL: [Do they tend to be touchy-feely? Do they hug people or pat them on the back> Or do they prefer not to touch anyone?]
GROUPS: [Are the comfortable in a big group? Or do they prefer to spend time with just one or two people?]
OPENNESS: [Do they tend to open up easily? Or does it take them a while to open up to someone?]
GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?]
JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?]
TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?]
EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathise with another person's feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?]
AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?]
DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?]
ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?]
RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they're wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?]
SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?]
CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?]
HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?]
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?]
PARTY TRICKS: [Do they have any special skills or talents that impress other people and gain them praise?]
PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?]
FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?]
CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?]
INSULTS: [How do they take insults?]
EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?]
FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?]
ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?]
SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]

CAREER: [Do they have a career? Are they good at it and do they like it?]
PROMOTION: [Are they hoping to advance their career?]
BOSS: [Do they have a good relationship with their boss?]
DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?]
TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?]
POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?]
COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?]
HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?]
DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?]
INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?]
COOKING: [Can they cook?]
BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?]
CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?]
SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?]
DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?]
FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?]
MARRIAGE: [Are they married? Do they plan on getting married? If so, how do they plan on spending their life with their partner?]
KIDS: [Do they have or want kids?]
PETS: [Do they have or want pets?]
DEPENDANTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?]
LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?]
COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?]
PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?]
TRAVELLING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?]
MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?]
ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?]
WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?]
PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favourite songs?]
PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?]
HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
[/div][/div][/div][div=margin: auto; width: auto; height: 10px; text-align: center; font-size: 8px;]code by wren.[/div]
FULL NAME: emmanuelle vespera asphodel conti
NICKNAMES: little bird {strictly only by her father} bambino piccolo {only used by her birth mother} emmy {by close friends} mannie {by her step-mother

dove cameron
HEIGHT: five feet even. her height can be both a strength and her biggest weakness. she can slip in and out of small spaces and can disappear easily within a crowd, however it also makes it easy to overcome her physically. she tends to alter her height by wearing heels to make her appear taller and by having a straight posture
WEIGHT: one hundred and fifteen pounds
BUILD: she has a slim and athletic figure, most of the fat on her body concentrated around her thigh area.
HAIR: her hair is soft and almost feathery-like to the touch that allows fingers to run through the silky locks. however, her hair can become easily messy when ruffled or from laying down. naturally a shade of darker blonde, her hair has been dyed platinum blonde. her hair falls down to her collarbones with slightly angled bangs to frame her face. her hair is naturally straight, though she does curl or wavy it every now and again. while she takes care of her hair, she doesn't do much with it, giving her that almost 'i do not care' type of vibe. often enough her hair is left down in its natural straight state, or thrown up into a simple messy bun.
SKIN AND FACE: she possess a fair skin tone that tends to burn easily when in direct sunlight for too long. she has little to no blemishes with a faint dusting of freckles along her shoulders and collarbone. she has softer facial features that give her the appearance of an innocent child. her face is round with slightly chubby cheeks.
EYES: she has large doe-like eyes that are an emerald green color. they are framed by naturally thick and long black lashes. her green eyes hold a distant and cold look that is always complete with her winged eyeliner to give her that bitchy look which is accentuated by her smirk. she gives of a rather cold vibe just by looking at her which causes her to be seen as 'unapproachable'. her eyes are often accentuated by a simple eyeliner look.
MOUTH: her lips, which are often painted in dark shades, are plump. her lips are often drawn up into a natural smirk, however on the rare times that she does smile, she shows off her straight, white teeth. underneath her coloring of her lips, is slightly cracked skin from her terrible habit of biting her bottom lip.
NOSE: her nose is on the slightly crooked side from being broke multiple times, however you wouldn't notice unless you were looking directly at it from the side.
SCARS: she has multiple scars on her body that mostly go unnoticed except the few prominent ones, like the one under her breasts and goes down both of her sides. her left eyebrow has a single scar that usually goes unnoticed unless attention is draw to it, like whenever she raises said eyebrow. she has a few small scars on her inner thighs.
CLOTHES: emmanuelle doesn't have a set style that she wears everyday. her style heavily varies depending on her mood for the day. her closet is filled with a much edgier vibe, however she does have clothes that are much brighter than what would be expected from her. she often wears jeans, both skinny and ripped, with loose t-shirts. she likes to wear athletic wear often, consisting of leggings and a simple t-shirt or tank top. she prefers tennis shoes, however she will wear heels, mostly to help manipulate her height. she wears flannels and loose jackets or sweaters. when going out for a night, she will occasionally throw on a dress or two. she prefers leather skirts, however she does have a few flowy ones for those rare days.

[Do they have an accent?]
VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.]
LANGUAGE: [What language(s) do they speak? If more than one, are they fluent in all these languages?]
ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?]
EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?]
LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?]
GRUMP: [Do they ever grumble, sneer, or grunt about things?]
BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]

[Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?]
HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?]
LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?]
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they're upset, or laugh and jump about when they're happy?]
HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?]
POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?]
WALKING POSTURE: [How do they walk? Do they skip gleefully along, do they march like a soldier, do they slump their shoulders and stomp around?]
SITTING POSTURE: [How do they like to sit? Cross legged? Slouched? Feet apart or together?]
PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respecful of others' personal space?]
SPACIAL AWARENESS: [Are they good at noticing what's around their physical space? Or do they tend to be clumsy and bump into things?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

[What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?]
SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?]
EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?]
ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?]
CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?]
ODOUR: [Do they have any particular body odour (good or bad)?]
MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?]
NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?]
ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?]
ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?]
INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?]
PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

[Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?]
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?]
GENDER: [What is the character's gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?]
SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?]
ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?]
MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?]
PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?]
PENSIVE: [Do they spend a lot of time thinking over their actions, their life, their problems, etc?]
INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?]
PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?]
GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?]
INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?]
ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they're especially proud of?]
ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?]
OVERWHELMED: [Do they ever feel like things are just too much?]
SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?]
COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?]
BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?]
PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?]
TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]

[Did they do well at school, or did they struggle?]
ADOLESCENCE: [How did puberty go? Was it a hard change? What was particularly hard (or easy) about it?]
LEAVING HOME: [What was it like for them leaving home for the first time? What prompted them to move out of the home they grew up in?]
FURTHER EDUCATION: [Did they go to college? University? What did they study, and how well did they do?]
FIRST JOB: [What was their first job? Did they enjoy it?]
LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.]
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?]
LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]


⌲ antonia covington
⤑ emmanuelle's biological mother. for as long as emmanuelle can remember, her mother has been a prostitute, selling her body for money to support her and her daughter. she was on and off drugs throughout her daughter's life. the two of them had a strained relationship while emmy was growing up. she hasn't had any contact with her mother since she was sixteen.
⌲ marcel conti
⤑ emmanuelle's biological father and olivia's husband. he had many secret affairs with antonia whenever he found himself in italy. when he found his daughter, when emmy was sixteen, he fought to have full custody over his daughter.
⌲ olivia harrington-conti
⤑ emanuelle's step-mother. she was the one who saved emmy from her previous lifestyle, and emmanuelle is forever grateful to the older woman. in the beginning, they had a strained relationship due to emmanuelle's issues with trust, however they grew closer over the years.
⌲ cameron 'cami' conti
⤑ emmanuelle's half-brother. in the beginning, cameron was skeptical of emmanuelle and he had no desire for any siblings. he treated his newfound sister terrible, constantly teasing and picking on her. however, he saw the pain she harbored from his parents clearly, and he eventually took her under his wing and acted as the protective big brother he now was.
FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?]
FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?]
NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?]
ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?]
ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?]
MARITAL PROBLEMS: [How do they deal with problems in their love life? Do they talk it through with their partner? Or do they bury their head in the sand?]
ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?]
ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?]
STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don't consider a friend?]
FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?]
DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?]
BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?]
LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?]
WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?]
RESPECT: [Do they respect their enemies, even if they don't like them? Is there anyone they disrespect? Why?]

[Do they get along well with others, in general? Or are they bad at making new friends?]
COMFORT LEVELS: [Do they feel comfortable talking to people? What might others do that could make them uncomfortable?]
PHYSICAL: [Do they tend to be touchy-feely? Do they hug people or pat them on the back> Or do they prefer not to touch anyone?]
GROUPS: [Are the comfortable in a big group? Or do they prefer to spend time with just one or two people?]
OPENNESS: [Do they tend to open up easily? Or does it take them a while to open up to someone?]
GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?]
JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?]
TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?]
EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathise with another person's feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?]
AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?]
DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?]
ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?]
RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they're wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?]
SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?]
CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?]
HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?]
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?]
PARTY TRICKS: [Do they have any special skills or talents that impress other people and gain them praise?]
PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?]
FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?]
CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?]
INSULTS: [How do they take insults?]
EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?]
FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?]
ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?]
SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]

[Do they have a career? Are they good at it and do they like it?]
PROMOTION: [Are they hoping to advance their career?]
BOSS: [Do they have a good relationship with their boss?]
DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?]
TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?]
POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?]
COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?]
HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?]
DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?]
INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?]
COOKING: [Can they cook?]
BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?]
CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?]
SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?]
DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?]
FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?]
MARRIAGE: [Are they married? Do they plan on getting married? If so, how do they plan on spending their life with their partner?]
KIDS: [Do they have or want kids?]
PETS: [Do they have or want pets?]
DEPENDANTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?]
LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?]
COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?]
PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?]
TRAVELLING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?]
MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?]
ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?]
WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?]
PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favourite songs?]
PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?]
HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
code by wren.
FULL NAME: angel louelle merriweather
NICKNAMES: angie [most common] lou [by her sister] lou-lou [by her mother] lulabelle [by her mother]

barbie ferreira
SEX: cisgender female
HEIGHT: five feet eight inches
WEIGHT: two hundred and twenty pounds
BUILD: [Thin? Fat? Bulky? Muscular? Toned? etc]
HAIR: [describe their hair, is it long or short? Soft or course? Do they style it a certain way? Do they dye it?]
SKIN: [What colour is their skin? Is it rough or smooth? Is it soft or hard? Note: feel free to change this to fur/scales etc if that's more appropriate for your character!]
EYES: [What colour are their eyes? Do they have a distinctive sparkle or do they look kind of dull and tired? Long or short eyelashes? Eye bags? Wrinkles? Hooded lids?]
MOUTH: [Big mouth or small? Plump lips or thin lips? Perfect white teeth or crooked, gappy ones?]
NOSE: [Big or little? Pointy or bulbousy? Huge, cavernous nostrils or teeny little ones?]
HANDS: [Big or small? Manicured fingernails? Claws? Wrinkles? Visible veins? Bony knuckles? Or smooth skin and soft features?]
FEET: [Big or small? Bony or plump? Trimmed toenails? Claws?]
SCARS: [Any visible scars?]
CLOTHES: [What is their clothing style?]
OTHER FEATURES: [Optional for non-human characters, or human characters with uncommon features]
OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES: [Optional - anything you need to mention that isn't covered by the above.]

[For those without faceclaims - do you have a voiceclaim for your character?]
ACCENT: [Do they have an accent?]
VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.]
LANGUAGE: [What language(s) do they speak? If more than one, are they fluent in all these languages?]
ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?]
EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?]
LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?]
GRUMP: [Do they ever grumble, sneer, or grunt about things?]
BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]

[Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?]
HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?]
LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?]
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they're upset, or laugh and jump about when they're happy?]
HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?]
POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?]
WALKING POSTURE: [How do they walk? Do they skip gleefully along, do they march like a soldier, do they slump their shoulders and stomp around?]
SITTING POSTURE: [How do they like to sit? Cross legged? Slouched? Feet apart or together?]
PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respecful of others' personal space?]
SPACIAL AWARENESS: [Are they good at noticing what's around their physical space? Or do they tend to be clumsy and bump into things?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

[What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?]
SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?]
EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?]
ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?]
CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?]
ODOUR: [Do they have any particular body odour (good or bad)?]
MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?]
NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?]
ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?]
ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?]
INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?]
PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

[Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?]
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?]
GENDER: [What is the character's gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?]
SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?]
ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?]
MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?]
PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?]
PENSIVE: [Do they spend a lot of time thinking over their actions, their life, their problems, etc?]
INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?]
PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?]
GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?]
INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?]
ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they're especially proud of?]
ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?]
OVERWHELMED: [Do they ever feel like things are just too much?]
SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?]
COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?]
BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?]
PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?]
TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]

[Did they have a good relationship with their parents while they were growing up?]
SCHOOL: [Did they do well at school, or did they struggle?]
ADOLESCENCE: [How did puberty go? Was it a hard change? What was particularly hard (or easy) about it?]
LEAVING HOME: [What was it like for them leaving home for the first time? What prompted them to move out of the home they grew up in?]
FURTHER EDUCATION: [Did they go to college? University? What did they study, and how well did they do?]
FIRST JOB: [What was their first job? Did they enjoy it?]
LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.]
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?]
LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]

josephine merriweather - mother | kentucky merriweather - older half-sister
FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?]
FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?]
NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?]
ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?]
ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?]
MARITAL PROBLEMS: [How do they deal with problems in their love life? Do they talk it through with their partner? Or do they bury their head in the sand?]
ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?]
ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?]
STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don't consider a friend?]
FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?]
DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?]
BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?]
LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?]
WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?]
RESPECT: [Do they respect their enemies, even if they don't like them? Is there anyone they disrespect? Why?]

angel is a very socially awkward person and finds it hard to strike up conversation.
COMFORT LEVELS: she only feels comfortable talking around specific people. other wise, she is very awkward and tends to get anxious rather easily, though she tries not to show it.
PHYSICAL: angel is not a physical person at all and tends to become stiff when touched randomly. she doesn't do hugs very well and tends to stand with her arms at her sides or with an awkward pat on the back. angel has to be the one to make the first move in order to be comfortable.
GROUPS: angel hates being in groups or crowds. anything more than two people makes her uncomfortable.
OPENNESS: angel does not open up easily due to the fear of judgement. when it comes to talking about things past surface level, she has to be close with the person and trust them.
GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?]
JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?]
TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?]
EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathise with another person's feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?]
AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?]
DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?]
ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?]
RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they're wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?]
SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?]
CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?]
HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?]
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?]
PARTY TRICKS: [Do they have any special skills or talents that impress other people and gain them praise?]
PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?]
FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?]
CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?]
INSULTS: [How do they take insults?]
EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?]
FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?]
ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?]
SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]

[Do they have a career? Are they good at it and do they like it?]
PROMOTION: [Are they hoping to advance their career?]
BOSS: [Do they have a good relationship with their boss?]
DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?]
TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?]
POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?]
COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?]
HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?]
DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?]
INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?]
COOKING: [Can they cook?]
BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?]
CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?]
SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?]
DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?]
FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?]
MARRIAGE: [Are they married? Do they plan on getting married? If so, how do they plan on spending their life with their partner?]
KIDS: [Do they have or want kids?]
PETS: [Do they have or want pets?]
DEPENDANTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?]
LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?]
COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?]
PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?]
TRAVELLING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?]
MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?]
ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?]
WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?]
PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favourite songs?]
PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?]
HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
code by wren.
Last edited:
FULL NAME: kentucky olivette merriweather
NICKNAMES: tucker [most common] kenny [semi-common] ken [uncommon] olive [by her mother only]
PREFERRED NAMES: she answers to tucker only

FACECLAIM: [Do you have a faceclaim for your character?]
SEX: [Is their anatomy male, female, or other? Was this always the case?]
HEIGHT: [how tall/short are they?]
WEIGHT: [how heavy/light are they?]
BUILD: [Thin? Fat? Bulky? Muscular? Toned? etc]
HAIR: [describe their hair, is it long or short? Soft or course? Do they style it a certain way? Do they dye it?]
SKIN: [What colour is their skin? Is it rough or smooth? Is it soft or hard? Note: feel free to change this to fur/scales etc if that's more appropriate for your character!]
EYES: [What colour are their eyes? Do they have a distinctive sparkle or do they look kind of dull and tired? Long or short eyelashes? Eye bags? Wrinkles? Hooded lids?]
MOUTH: [Big mouth or small? Plump lips or thin lips? Perfect white teeth or crooked, gappy ones?]
NOSE: [Big or little? Pointy or bulbousy? Huge, cavernous nostrils or teeny little ones?]
HANDS: [Big or small? Manicured fingernails? Claws? Wrinkles? Visible veins? Bony knuckles? Or smooth skin and soft features?]
FEET: [Big or small? Bony or plump? Trimmed toenails? Claws?]
SCARS: [Any visible scars?]
CLOTHES: [What is their clothing style?]
OTHER FEATURES: [Optional for non-human characters, or human characters with uncommon features]
OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES: [Optional - anything you need to mention that isn't covered by the above.]

VOICECLAIM: [For those without faceclaims - do you have a voiceclaim for your character?]
ACCENT: [Do they have an accent?]
VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.]
LANGUAGE: [What language(s) do they speak? If more than one, are they fluent in all these languages?]
ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?]
EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?]
LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?]
GRUMP: [Do they ever grumble, sneer, or grunt about things?]
BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]

FACE: [Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?]
HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?]
LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?]
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they're upset, or laugh and jump about when they're happy?]
HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?]
POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?]
WALKING POSTURE: [How do they walk? Do they skip gleefully along, do they march like a soldier, do they slump their shoulders and stomp around?]
SITTING POSTURE: [How do they like to sit? Cross legged? Slouched? Feet apart or together?]
PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respecful of others' personal space?]
SPACIAL AWARENESS: [Are they good at noticing what's around their physical space? Or do they tend to be clumsy and bump into things?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

DIET: [What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?]
SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?]
EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?]
ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?]
CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?]
ODOUR: [Do they have any particular body odour (good or bad)?]
MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?]
NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?]
ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?]
ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?]
INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?]
PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: [Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?]
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?]
GENDER: [What is the character's gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?]
SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?]
ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?]
MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?]
PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?]
PENSIVE: [Do they spend a lot of time thinking over their actions, their life, their problems, etc?]
INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?]
PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?]
GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?]
INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?]
ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they're especially proud of?]
ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?]
OVERWHELMED: [Do they ever feel like things are just too much?]
SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?]
COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?]
BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?]
PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?]
TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: [Did they have a good relationship with their parents while they were growing up?]
SCHOOL: [Did they do well at school, or did they struggle?]
ADOLESCENCE: [How did puberty go? Was it a hard change? What was particularly hard (or easy) about it?]
LEAVING HOME: [What was it like for them leaving home for the first time? What prompted them to move out of the home they grew up in?]
FURTHER EDUCATION: [Did they go to college? University? What did they study, and how well did they do?]
FIRST JOB: [What was their first job? Did they enjoy it?]
LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.]
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?]
LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]

FAMILY: [Who, if anyone, does the character consider their family? Are these blood relatives? And do they have a good relationship with their family?]
FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?]
FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?]
NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?]
ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?]
ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?]
MARITAL PROBLEMS: [How do they deal with problems in their love life? Do they talk it through with their partner? Or do they bury their head in the sand?]
ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?]
ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?]
STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don't consider a friend?]
FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?]
DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?]
BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?]
LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?]
WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?]
RESPECT: [Do they respect their enemies, even if they don't like them? Is there anyone they disrespect? Why?]

MINGLING: [Do they get along well with others, in general? Or are they bad at making new friends?]
COMFORT LEVELS: [Do they feel comfortable talking to people? What might others do that could make them uncomfortable?]
PHYSICAL: [Do they tend to be touchy-feely? Do they hug people or pat them on the back> Or do they prefer not to touch anyone?]
GROUPS: [Are the comfortable in a big group? Or do they prefer to spend time with just one or two people?]
OPENNESS: [Do they tend to open up easily? Or does it take them a while to open up to someone?]
GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?]
JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?]
TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?]
EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathise with another person's feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?]
AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?]
DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?]
ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?]
RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they're wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?]
SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?]
CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?]
HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?]
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?]
PARTY TRICKS: [Do they have any special skills or talents that impress other people and gain them praise?]
PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?]
FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?]
CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?]
INSULTS: [How do they take insults?]
EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?]
FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?]
ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?]
SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]

CAREER: [Do they have a career? Are they good at it and do they like it?]
PROMOTION: [Are they hoping to advance their career?]
BOSS: [Do they have a good relationship with their boss?]
DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?]
TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?]
POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?]
COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?]
HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?]
DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?]
INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?]
COOKING: [Can they cook?]
BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?]
CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?]
SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?]
DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?]
FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?]
MARRIAGE: [Are they married? Do they plan on getting married? If so, how do they plan on spending their life with their partner?]
KIDS: [Do they have or want kids?]
PETS: [Do they have or want pets?]
DEPENDANTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?]
LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?]
COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?]
PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?]
TRAVELLING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?]
MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?]
ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?]
WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?]
PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favourite songs?]
PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?]
HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
code by wren.
FULL NAME: tomlinson olivette carmicheal
NICKNAMES: tommy (by close friends only) olive (by her parents) thomas (by her siblings)

: janae roberts
SEX: female
HEIGHT: [how tall/short are they?]
WEIGHT: [how heavy/light are they?]
BUILD: [Thin? Fat? Bulky? Muscular? Toned? etc]
HAIR: [describe their hair, is it long or short? Soft or course? Do they style it a certain way? Do they dye it?]
SKIN: [What colour is their skin? Is it rough or smooth? Is it soft or hard? Note: feel free to change this to fur/scales etc if that's more appropriate for your character!]
EYES: [What colour are their eyes? Do they have a distinctive sparkle or do they look kind of dull and tired? Long or short eyelashes? Eye bags? Wrinkles? Hooded lids?]
MOUTH: [Big mouth or small? Plump lips or thin lips? Perfect white teeth or crooked, gappy ones?]
NOSE: [Big or little? Pointy or bulbousy? Huge, cavernous nostrils or teeny little ones?]
HANDS: [Big or small? Manicured fingernails? Claws? Wrinkles? Visible veins? Bony knuckles? Or smooth skin and soft features?]
FEET: [Big or small? Bony or plump? Trimmed toenails? Claws?]
SCARS: [Any visible scars?]
CLOTHES: [What is their clothing style?]
OTHER FEATURES: [Optional for non-human characters, or human characters with uncommon features]
OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES: [Optional - anything you need to mention that isn't covered by the above.]

VOICECLAIM: [For those without faceclaims - do you have a voiceclaim for your character?]
ACCENT: [Do they have an accent?]
VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.]
LANGUAGE: [What language(s) do they speak? If more than one, are they fluent in all these languages?]
ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?]
EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?]
LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?]
GRUMP: [Do they ever grumble, sneer, or grunt about things?]
BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]

FACE: [Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?]
HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?]
LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?]
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they're upset, or laugh and jump about when they're happy?]
HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?]
POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?]
WALKING POSTURE: [How do they walk? Do they skip gleefully along, do they march like a soldier, do they slump their shoulders and stomp around?]
SITTING POSTURE: [How do they like to sit? Cross legged? Slouched? Feet apart or together?]
PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respecful of others' personal space?]
SPACIAL AWARENESS: [Are they good at noticing what's around their physical space? Or do they tend to be clumsy and bump into things?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

DIET: [What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?]
SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?]
EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?]
ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?]
CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?]
ODOUR: [Do they have any particular body odour (good or bad)?]
MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?]
NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?]
ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?]
ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?]
INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?]
PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: [Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?]
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?]
GENDER: [What is the character's gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?]
SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?]
ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?]
MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?]
PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?]
PENSIVE: [Do they spend a lot of time thinking over their actions, their life, their problems, etc?]
INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?]
PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?]
GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?]
INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?]
ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they're especially proud of?]
ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?]
OVERWHELMED: [Do they ever feel like things are just too much?]
SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?]
COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?]
BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?]
PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?]
TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: [Did they have a good relationship with their parents while they were growing up?]
SCHOOL: [Did they do well at school, or did they struggle?]
ADOLESCENCE: [How did puberty go? Was it a hard change? What was particularly hard (or easy) about it?]
LEAVING HOME: [What was it like for them leaving home for the first time? What prompted them to move out of the home they grew up in?]
FURTHER EDUCATION: [Did they go to college? University? What did they study, and how well did they do?]
FIRST JOB: [What was their first job? Did they enjoy it?]
LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.]
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?]
LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]

FAMILY: [Who, if anyone, does the character consider their family? Are these blood relatives? And do they have a good relationship with their family?]
FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?]
FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?]
NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?]
ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?]
ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?]
MARITAL PROBLEMS: [How do they deal with problems in their love life? Do they talk it through with their partner? Or do they bury their head in the sand?]
ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?]
ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?]
STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don't consider a friend?]
FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?]
DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?]
BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?]
LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?]
WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?]
RESPECT: [Do they respect their enemies, even if they don't like them? Is there anyone they disrespect? Why?]

MINGLING: [Do they get along well with others, in general? Or are they bad at making new friends?]
COMFORT LEVELS: [Do they feel comfortable talking to people? What might others do that could make them uncomfortable?]
PHYSICAL: [Do they tend to be touchy-feely? Do they hug people or pat them on the back> Or do they prefer not to touch anyone?]
GROUPS: [Are the comfortable in a big group? Or do they prefer to spend time with just one or two people?]
OPENNESS: [Do they tend to open up easily? Or does it take them a while to open up to someone?]
GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?]
JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?]
TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?]
EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathise with another person's feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?]
AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?]
DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?]
ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?]
RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they're wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?]
SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?]
CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?]
HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?]
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?]
PARTY TRICKS: [Do they have any special skills or talents that impress other people and gain them praise?]
PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?]
FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?]
CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?]
INSULTS: [How do they take insults?]
EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?]
FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?]
ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?]
SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]

CAREER: [Do they have a career? Are they good at it and do they like it?]
PROMOTION: [Are they hoping to advance their career?]
BOSS: [Do they have a good relationship with their boss?]
DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?]
TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?]
POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?]
COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?]
HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?]
DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?]
INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?]
COOKING: [Can they cook?]
BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?]
CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?]
SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?]
DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?]
FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?]
MARRIAGE: [Are they married? Do they plan on getting married? If so, how do they plan on spending their life with their partner?]
KIDS: [Do they have or want kids?]
PETS: [Do they have or want pets?]
DEPENDANTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?]
LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?]
COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?]
PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?]
TRAVELLING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?]
MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?]
ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?]
WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?]
PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favourite songs?]
PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?]
HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
code by wren.
Last edited:
FULL NAME: sullivan elaine rosenberg

FACECLAIM: cindy kimberly
SEX: [Is their anatomy male, female, or other? Was this always the case?]
HEIGHT: [how tall/short are they?]
WEIGHT: [how heavy/light are they?]
BUILD: [Thin? Fat? Bulky? Muscular? Toned? etc]
HAIR: [describe their hair, is it long or short? Soft or course? Do they style it a certain way? Do they dye it?]
SKIN: [What colour is their skin? Is it rough or smooth? Is it soft or hard? Note: feel free to change this to fur/scales etc if that's more appropriate for your character!]
EYES: [What colour are their eyes? Do they have a distinctive sparkle or do they look kind of dull and tired? Long or short eyelashes? Eye bags? Wrinkles? Hooded lids?]
MOUTH: [Big mouth or small? Plump lips or thin lips? Perfect white teeth or crooked, gappy ones?]
NOSE: [Big or little? Pointy or bulbousy? Huge, cavernous nostrils or teeny little ones?]
HANDS: [Big or small? Manicured fingernails? Claws? Wrinkles? Visible veins? Bony knuckles? Or smooth skin and soft features?]
FEET: [Big or small? Bony or plump? Trimmed toenails? Claws?]
SCARS: [Any visible scars?]
CLOTHES: [What is their clothing style?]
OTHER FEATURES: [Optional for non-human characters, or human characters with uncommon features]
OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES: [Optional - anything you need to mention that isn't covered by the above.]

VOICECLAIM: [For those without faceclaims - do you have a voiceclaim for your character?]
ACCENT: [Do they have an accent?]
VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.]
LANGUAGE: [What language(s) do they speak? If more than one, are they fluent in all these languages?]
ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?]
EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?]
LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?]
GRUMP: [Do they ever grumble, sneer, or grunt about things?]
BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]

FACE: [Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?]
HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?]
LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?]
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they're upset, or laugh and jump about when they're happy?]
HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?]
POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?]
WALKING POSTURE: [How do they walk? Do they skip gleefully along, do they march like a soldier, do they slump their shoulders and stomp around?]
SITTING POSTURE: [How do they like to sit? Cross legged? Slouched? Feet apart or together?]
PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respecful of others' personal space?]
SPACIAL AWARENESS: [Are they good at noticing what's around their physical space? Or do they tend to be clumsy and bump into things?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

DIET: [What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?]
SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?]
EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?]
ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?]
CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?]
ODOUR: [Do they have any particular body odour (good or bad)?]
MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?]
NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?]
ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?]
ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?]
INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?]
PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: [Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?]
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?]
GENDER: [What is the character's gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?]
SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?]
ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?]
MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?]
PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?]
PENSIVE: [Do they spend a lot of time thinking over their actions, their life, their problems, etc?]
INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?]
PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?]
GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?]
INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?]
ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they're especially proud of?]
ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?]
OVERWHELMED: [Do they ever feel like things are just too much?]
SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?]
COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?]
BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?]
PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?]
TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: [Did they have a good relationship with their parents while they were growing up?]
SCHOOL: [Did they do well at school, or did they struggle?]
ADOLESCENCE: [How did puberty go? Was it a hard change? What was particularly hard (or easy) about it?]
LEAVING HOME: [What was it like for them leaving home for the first time? What prompted them to move out of the home they grew up in?]
FURTHER EDUCATION: [Did they go to college? University? What did they study, and how well did they do?]
FIRST JOB: [What was their first job? Did they enjoy it?]
LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.]
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?]
LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]

FAMILY: [Who, if anyone, does the character consider their family? Are these blood relatives? And do they have a good relationship with their family?]
FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?]
FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?]
NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?]
ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?]
ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?]
MARITAL PROBLEMS: [How do they deal with problems in their love life? Do they talk it through with their partner? Or do they bury their head in the sand?]
ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?]
ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?]
STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don't consider a friend?]
FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?]
DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?]
BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?]
LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?]
WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?]
RESPECT: [Do they respect their enemies, even if they don't like them? Is there anyone they disrespect? Why?]

MINGLING: [Do they get along well with others, in general? Or are they bad at making new friends?]
COMFORT LEVELS: [Do they feel comfortable talking to people? What might others do that could make them uncomfortable?]
PHYSICAL: [Do they tend to be touchy-feely? Do they hug people or pat them on the back> Or do they prefer not to touch anyone?]
GROUPS: [Are the comfortable in a big group? Or do they prefer to spend time with just one or two people?]
OPENNESS: [Do they tend to open up easily? Or does it take them a while to open up to someone?]
GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?]
JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?]
TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?]
EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathise with another person's feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?]
AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?]
DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?]
ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?]
RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they're wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?]
SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?]
CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?]
HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?]
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?]
PARTY TRICKS: [Do they have any special skills or talents that impress other people and gain them praise?]
PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?]
FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?]
CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?]
INSULTS: [How do they take insults?]
EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?]
FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?]
ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?]
SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]

CAREER: [Do they have a career? Are they good at it and do they like it?]
PROMOTION: [Are they hoping to advance their career?]
BOSS: [Do they have a good relationship with their boss?]
DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?]
TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?]
POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?]
COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?]
HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?]
DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?]
INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?]
COOKING: [Can they cook?]
BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?]
CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?]
SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?]
DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?]
FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?]
MARRIAGE: [Are they married? Do they plan on getting married? If so, how do they plan on spending their life with their partner?]
KIDS: [Do they have or want kids?]
PETS: [Do they have or want pets?]
DEPENDANTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?]
LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?]
COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?]
PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?]
TRAVELLING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?]
MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?]
ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?]
WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?]
PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favourite songs?]
PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?]
HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
code by wren.
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FULL NAME: regina josephine carmicheal
NICKNAMES: reggie, josie, josephine, ms. carmicheal

: kennedy walsh
SEX: [Is their anatomy male, female, or other? Was this always the case?]
HEIGHT: [how tall/short are they?]
WEIGHT: [how heavy/light are they?]
BUILD: [Thin? Fat? Bulky? Muscular? Toned? etc]
HAIR: [describe their hair, is it long or short? Soft or course? Do they style it a certain way? Do they dye it?]
SKIN: [What colour is their skin? Is it rough or smooth? Is it soft or hard? Note: feel free to change this to fur/scales etc if that's more appropriate for your character!]
EYES: [What colour are their eyes? Do they have a distinctive sparkle or do they look kind of dull and tired? Long or short eyelashes? Eye bags? Wrinkles? Hooded lids?]
MOUTH: [Big mouth or small? Plump lips or thin lips? Perfect white teeth or crooked, gappy ones?]
NOSE: [Big or little? Pointy or bulbousy? Huge, cavernous nostrils or teeny little ones?]
HANDS: [Big or small? Manicured fingernails? Claws? Wrinkles? Visible veins? Bony knuckles? Or smooth skin and soft features?]
FEET: [Big or small? Bony or plump? Trimmed toenails? Claws?]
SCARS: [Any visible scars?]
CLOTHES: [What is their clothing style?]
OTHER FEATURES: [Optional for non-human characters, or human characters with uncommon features]
OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES: [Optional - anything you need to mention that isn't covered by the above.]

VOICECLAIM: [For those without faceclaims - do you have a voiceclaim for your character?]
ACCENT: [Do they have an accent?]
VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.]
LANGUAGE: [What language(s) do they speak? If more than one, are they fluent in all these languages?]
ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?]
EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?]
LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?]
GRUMP: [Do they ever grumble, sneer, or grunt about things?]
BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]

FACE: [Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?]
HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?]
LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?]
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they're upset, or laugh and jump about when they're happy?]
HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?]
POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?]
WALKING POSTURE: [How do they walk? Do they skip gleefully along, do they march like a soldier, do they slump their shoulders and stomp around?]
SITTING POSTURE: [How do they like to sit? Cross legged? Slouched? Feet apart or together?]
PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respecful of others' personal space?]
SPACIAL AWARENESS: [Are they good at noticing what's around their physical space? Or do they tend to be clumsy and bump into things?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

DIET: [What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?]
SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?]
EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?]
ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?]
CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?]
ODOUR: [Do they have any particular body odour (good or bad)?]
MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?]
NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?]
ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?]
ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?]
INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?]
PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: [Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?]
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?]
GENDER: [What is the character's gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?]
SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?]
ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?]
MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?]
PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?]
PENSIVE: [Do they spend a lot of time thinking over their actions, their life, their problems, etc?]
INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?]
PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?]
GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?]
INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?]
ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they're especially proud of?]
ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?]
OVERWHELMED: [Do they ever feel like things are just too much?]
SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?]
COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?]
BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?]
PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?]
TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: [Did they have a good relationship with their parents while they were growing up?]
SCHOOL: [Did they do well at school, or did they struggle?]
ADOLESCENCE: [How did puberty go? Was it a hard change? What was particularly hard (or easy) about it?]
LEAVING HOME: [What was it like for them leaving home for the first time? What prompted them to move out of the home they grew up in?]
FURTHER EDUCATION: [Did they go to college? University? What did they study, and how well did they do?]
FIRST JOB: [What was their first job? Did they enjoy it?]
LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.]
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?]
LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]

FAMILY: [Who, if anyone, does the character consider their family? Are these blood relatives? And do they have a good relationship with their family?]
FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?]
FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?]
NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?]
ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?]
ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?]
MARITAL PROBLEMS: [How do they deal with problems in their love life? Do they talk it through with their partner? Or do they bury their head in the sand?]
ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?]
ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?]
STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don't consider a friend?]
FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?]
DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?]
BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?]
LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?]
WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?]
RESPECT: [Do they respect their enemies, even if they don't like them? Is there anyone they disrespect? Why?]

MINGLING: [Do they get along well with others, in general? Or are they bad at making new friends?]
COMFORT LEVELS: [Do they feel comfortable talking to people? What might others do that could make them uncomfortable?]
PHYSICAL: [Do they tend to be touchy-feely? Do they hug people or pat them on the back> Or do they prefer not to touch anyone?]
GROUPS: [Are the comfortable in a big group? Or do they prefer to spend time with just one or two people?]
OPENNESS: [Do they tend to open up easily? Or does it take them a while to open up to someone?]
GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?]
JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?]
TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?]
EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathise with another person's feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?]
AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?]
DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?]
ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?]
RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they're wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?]
SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?]
CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?]
HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?]
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?]
PARTY TRICKS: [Do they have any special skills or talents that impress other people and gain them praise?]
PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?]
FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?]
CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?]
INSULTS: [How do they take insults?]
EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?]
FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?]
ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?]
SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]

CAREER: [Do they have a career? Are they good at it and do they like it?]
PROMOTION: [Are they hoping to advance their career?]
BOSS: [Do they have a good relationship with their boss?]
DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?]
TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?]
POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?]
COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?]
HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?]
DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?]
INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?]
COOKING: [Can they cook?]
BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?]
CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?]
SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?]
DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?]
FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?]
MARRIAGE: [Are they married? Do they plan on getting married? If so, how do they plan on spending their life with their partner?]
KIDS: [Do they have or want kids?]
PETS: [Do they have or want pets?]
DEPENDANTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?]
LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?]
COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?]
PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?]
TRAVELLING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?]
MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?]
ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?]
WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?]
PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favourite songs?]
PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?]
HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
code by wren.
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d e j
FULL NAME: kim deji
NICKNAMES: daisy, flower

SEX: female
HEIGHT: 5'2"
WEIGHT: 127 pounds
BUILD: due to years in ballet, she has a rather skinny but toned figure.
HAIR: after frying her hair constantly as a teenager, deji has decided to leave her hair natural and let it grow out. it now falls just past her breasts and is thick, black and straight.
SKIN: deji has a rather warm complexion. however, she tends to wash out easily and can look much paler in photos due to certain lighting. she does have a mole on her left cheek.
EYES: she has big round eyes with a double eyelid. her eyes are simple dark brown in color. to make her eyes appear bigger, she subtly does what is called an aegyo sal, which creates a puffy lower eyelid. since her lashes are naturally small, she uses false lashes to help enhance her eyes.
MOUTH: she has a rather small mouth with full lips. she has always taken very good care of her teeth to the point that she's had braces twice in her life to keep them straight.
NOSE: she has a small, high set nose.
HANDS: deji always has a manicured set on her nails, she never leaves anywhere without them done. she typically wears dainty rings and bracelets so as not to pull too much attention away from her nails and no it doesn't appear too gaudy.
SCARS: she has a small scar on her left hip from falling out of a tree when she was eight.
CLOTHES: deji keeps up with the latest fashion, she is always switching up her style. she gets bored easily and likes to have a vastly different wardrobe.

: [Do they have an accent?]
VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.]
LANGUAGE: english, korean and french
ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?]
EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?]
LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?]
GRUMP: [Do they ever grumble, sneer, or grunt about things?]
BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]

FACE: [Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?]
HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?]
LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?]
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they're upset, or laugh and jump about when they're happy?]
HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?]
POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?]
WALKING POSTURE: [How do they walk? Do they skip gleefully along, do they march like a soldier, do they slump their shoulders and stomp around?]
SITTING POSTURE: [How do they like to sit? Cross legged? Slouched? Feet apart or together?]
PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respecful of others' personal space?]
SPACIAL AWARENESS: [Are they good at noticing what's around their physical space? Or do they tend to be clumsy and bump into things?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

DIET: [What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?]
SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?]
EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?]
ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?]
CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?]
ODOUR: [Do they have any particular body odour (good or bad)?]
MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?]
NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?]
ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?]
ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?]
INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?]
PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?]
OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]

INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: [Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?]
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?]
GENDER: [What is the character's gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?]
SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?]
ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?]
MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?]
PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?]
PENSIVE: [Do they spend a lot of time thinking over their actions, their life, their problems, etc?]
INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?]
PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?]
GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?]
INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?]
ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they're especially proud of?]
ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?]
OVERWHELMED: [Do they ever feel like things are just too much?]
SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?]
COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?]
BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?]
PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?]
TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]

/GUARDIANS: [Did they have a good relationship with their parents while they were growing up?]
SCHOOL: [Did they do well at school, or did they struggle?]
ADOLESCENCE: [How did puberty go? Was it a hard change? What was particularly hard (or easy) about it?]
LEAVING HOME: [What was it like for them leaving home for the first time? What prompted them to move out of the home they grew up in?]
FURTHER EDUCATION: [Did they go to college? University? What did they study, and how well did they do?]
FIRST JOB: [What was their first job? Did they enjoy it?]
LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.]
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?]
LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?]
LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]

FAMILY: [Who, if anyone, does the character consider their family? Are these blood relatives? And do they have a good relationship with their family?]
FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?]
FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?]
NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?]
ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?]
ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?]
MARITAL PROBLEMS: [How do they deal with problems in their love life? Do they talk it through with their partner? Or do they bury their head in the sand?]
ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?]
ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?]
STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don't consider a friend?]
FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?]
DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?]
BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?]
LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?]
WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?]
RESPECT: [Do they respect their enemies, even if they don't like them? Is there anyone they disrespect? Why?]

MINGLING: [Do they get along well with others, in general? Or are they bad at making new friends?]
COMFORT LEVELS: [Do they feel comfortable talking to people? What might others do that could make them uncomfortable?]
PHYSICAL: [Do they tend to be touchy-feely? Do they hug people or pat them on the back> Or do they prefer not to touch anyone?]
GROUPS: [Are the comfortable in a big group? Or do they prefer to spend time with just one or two people?]
OPENNESS: [Do they tend to open up easily? Or does it take them a while to open up to someone?]
GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?]
JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?]
TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?]
EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathise with another person's feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?]
AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?]
DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?]
ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?]
RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they're wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?]
SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?]
CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?]
HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?]
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?]
PARTY TRICKS: [Do they have any special skills or talents that impress other people and gain them praise?]
PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?]
FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?]
CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?]
INSULTS: [How do they take insults?]
EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?]
FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?]
ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?]
SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]

CAREER: [Do they have a career? Are they good at it and do they like it?]
PROMOTION: [Are they hoping to advance their career?]
BOSS: [Do they have a good relationship with their boss?]
DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?]
TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?]
POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?]
COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?]
HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?]
DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?]
INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?]
COOKING: [Can they cook?]
BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?]
CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?]
SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?]
DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?]
FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?]
MARRIAGE: [Are they married? Do they plan on getting married? If so, how do they plan on spending their life with their partner?]
KIDS: [Do they have or want kids?]
PETS: [Do they have or want pets?]
DEPENDANTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?]
LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?]
COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?]
PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?]
TRAVELLING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?]
MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?]
ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?]
WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?]
PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favourite songs?]
PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?]
HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
code by wren.
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