INTEREST CHECK Pokémon Concierge and the Haunted Pokémon Center

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

True North

Internal Compass
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Horror, Scifi, Magical

This will be a laid back, feel good sandboxy RP for the most part unless we want more conflict

New hires help trainers and Pokémon feel safe and comfortable at the paradise resort
Potential obstacle is:
New management becomes tyrannical with the employees and brings in uppity entitled guests

Meanwhile: The employees get intrigued and wrapped into the mystery of an abandoned Pokémon center deep in the tropical island forest

Guests report seeing glowy human-like apparitions wandering through the foliage at dark. Others say strangely behaved Pokémon lure them to the center and then mysteriously vanish into thin air. Some nights a camp fire is lit there at odd times of the night. No one knows who started the fire or who dares to setup camp there

Missing guests are swept under the rug to protect the resorts reputation


Here's a sample of my roleplaying style
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Reactions: Takumi
kinda interested tbh