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Desires For Donuts
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Fantasy/ Sci-Fi.
Despite what you might expect, there's nothing cool here.
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• Eskyr Juno •
The Bloodmother, Warmaiden of Rohwesh, Right Hand of Idite

  • Age: 31
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Tribe/Family: Rohwesh Tribe / Juno Clan
    Role: Leader
    Occupation: Tribal Chief/ Drohael Kae General

    At 31 years of age, Eskyr Juno, infamously known as the Bloodmother, leads the Rohwesh from their village high up in the southern cliffs of Drohael. A stern chieftain known for her volatility and no nonsense attitude, Eskyr trusts no one and will seize any opportunity for strength and position. This mentality has naturally garnered her many enemies in her time, but she doesn't care. To settle is weakness, and weakness is not a trait found in the people of Rohwesh.

    "Grow strong or die. There are no alternatives."

    Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Eskyr isn't the type of person you keep around for company. She isn't completely unbearable, but her curt mannerisms and apathetic mood towards anything that isn't fighting or hunting often leaves much to be desired. At only thirty-one years of age, Eskyr thinks she's seen it all, and what she has seen she despises.

    As the head of the Rohwesh, Eskyr has one responsibility: The livelihood and continued success of her tribe. Their personal feelings mean nothing to her. As long as they are well fed, healthy, and ready for war at a moment's notice, nothing else matters. Eskyr and many tribe members her age or older remember a time when the Rohwesh were weak and easily taken advantage of, and as such her sole goal is to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. Ironically, despite her attitude towards her clansmen, she'll also put her life on the line for any one of them without a second thought. In her mind, to lead is to lead from the front.

    Trust is Eskyr's most valued virtue. If she can't trust you, she doesn't want you around. In her 12 years as Chief, the Bloodmother's dealt with her fair share of treachery and lies, and while she's come out mostly unscathed, she's learned that caution and preparation are her greatest allies. Because of this past history, Eskyr isn't one to show mercy towards enemies and can be extremely brutal at times.

  • Eskyr isn't very skilled in learned magic, but her gift's powerful properties have allowed her to carve her place as leader of the Rohwesh. Like her father before her, Eskyr wields the gift of Weight Manipulation. While her father could only control the weight of living things, Eskyr can manipulate her own weight and that of non-living things. Using this gift, Eskyr can become incredibly quick, float, increase the strength of her physical blows, or completely immobilize targets altogether. While Eskyr can only control the weight of up to two things at once, she can swap control and weight properties between her targets extremely quickly, giving off the illusion of manipulating multiple objects at once.

    Drawbacks: As previously stated, Eskyr can't control the weight of living things. She also loses control if an object comes to life, such as if a large boulder was turned into a Rock golem. The larger the object, the longer it takes to alter. Objects that have their weight changed remain in the altered state until Eskyr reverts the change or leaves the area. Unfortunately, the physical tole of Eskyr's gift is gradual blindness. The slight film over her left eye is the visible proof of cost, and while magic from the Rohwesh elders and others around her has helped slow it's progress, each use of her gift slowly trickles away more and more of her sight. It is suspected that once her left eye has completely failed, her right eye will begin it's degradation. However, only time will tell.

  • As the head of the Rohwesh, Eskyr is incredibly skilled at combat and strategy. As she had to fight constant challenges from dissenting Rohwesh and others vying for position, Eskyr has learned to handle nearly any kind of opponent.

    As mentioned, Eskyr's tactical prowess is also quite good. When she first became chief she had to raid and pillage with minimal forces who were poor at combat. As such, Eskyr found ways to work around her tribe's weaknesses and slowly patch them up over the years.

    Unfortunately, Eskyr is rather poor at magic. She has attempted to learn in the past, but her short temper and failure to understand what's being taught left her leaning on her physical prowess and gift to make up for lack of magical knowledge. As such, while she can fight nearly any form of opponent, long range mages are her greatest threat as their attacks are hard for Eskyr to counter.

    Eskyr also has minimal knowledge of how to deal with mystical beings. She has encountered maybe one in her entire life, and didn't have to fight it at the time. As such, magical beings are out of her realm of expertise.

    As stated in the magic tab, Eskyr is partially blind in her left eye due to the use of her gift. If she continues to actively use her gift, she will eventually lose all sight in her left eye and possibly her right eye as well.

  • Eskyr was eighteen when she won her position of Chief and Rohwesh Warmaiden. Her parents had been killed in a raid on the village, and the current chief at the time, Ugar, had done nothing. No promises for revenge or calls to war. He had simply attended the funeral burnings and returned to his tent early. For some time It had long been whispered that the Rohwesh were the weakest of the Outland tribes, and now that smaller nameless tribes were attacking, the rumors had become reality.

    Sick of Ugar and his failing leadership, Eskyr challenged the cowardly chief for control of the Rohwesh. Ugar declined her challenge at first, but it was clear that neither the tribe nor Eskyr would take no for an answer. And so a fight to rule was had that day, and when the dust had settled, Eskyr was the victor. This was the beginning of a rebirth for the Rohwesh.

    From that day forward, Eskyr did everything she could to return the Rohwesh to full strength. They raided smaller tribes, traveling Neskorian caravans, and everything in between. Indecision and doubt within the tribe towards Eskyr's rule was dealt with swiftly and without mercy. By the time Eskyr was 24, the Rohwesh were on their way back to full strength as one of the six major tribes. From there, the Rohwesh Chief did everything she could to maintain her strength. She took her fair share of losses and wounds in her time, but she always found a way to bounce back. Over time her achievements and ferocity in battle earned her the title of "The Bloodmother"; a name that struck fear into man and beast alike. Now into her twelfth year as Chief, Eskyr has begun looking into possible means of expansion. She still abides and follows the peace forged by Kirisnoti and the other tribes, but in a world without consequences she would wage war in a heartbeat.

  • Xie'Koah- Childhood Friend- High Sage at Drohael- PavellumPendulum :

    Eskyr would never openly claim to have friends, but the Rohwesh Chief and the High Sage at Drohael have known each other well since they were children. While the pair's differing personalities can make for strange, slightly uncomfortable interactions at times, Eskyr acknowledges the Sage's continued contributions towards the tribe's success and thus finds little issue with him there. She only wishes she didn't have to hear him talk, as every word that spills out of his mouth whenever he visits seems chocked full with intent on driving her mad.

    Kirisnoti Drohvdyn - Ally (Literally her king lol) / Rival- Chief of Chiefs- Dvyniai

    A few years ago, Kirisnoti and Eskyr fought for command of the Rohwesh. Eskyr was defeated and humbly pledged herself and the clan to the new Chief. Despite her loss, Kirisnoti allowed Eskyr to keep her position and even granted her a new responsibility as one of his generals. This came as a surprise to all, but Eskyr accepted his offer as it let her continue to lead her people.

    Now years later, Eskyr's loyalty to the Chief of Chiefs remains steadfast. She greatly respects his power and ability to unite the tribes. Despite this, an unspoken promise remains between the two: A day will come when Eskyr will challenge Kiri to combat once more. Not for position or wealth, but for her own pride. On that day only one will walk away.
    • •

    More relationships to be added in the future :)

  • Love
Reactions: junebug
• Balthazar Gedra•
The White Lion, Gedra of the Cloth,

  • Age: 53
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Tribe/Family: Gedra Clan
    Role: Holy Knight
    Occupation: Gyezen Priest / Holy Knight

    In size alone, Gedra is a monster of man. Standing at over 8 feet tall, and weighing nearly 400 pounds, the White Lion can command both respect and strength with just his sheer size and demeanor. His rugged exterior represents a man of both strength and exhaustion. At 53, the knight's blonde hair has gone mostly white, and the few scars across his face and on his body each tell a unique story of his many years as a soldier.

    "I grow tired of war, and yet for my son I will wage it a hundred times over."

    Moral Alignment: Neutral Good

    Personality text

  • Magic text.

  • Ability text.

  • History text.

  • text

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Insert text yadayadyaydayayadadfyayadayad

• Eskyr Juno •

"Xie..." Eskyr muttered, a heavy sigh leaving her pursed lips as she greeted the Sage and fellow tribesman. Could this day get any worse? The morning's events had already brought on quite the bothersome headache, and years of experience had taught the Chieftain that Xie'Koah's presence would do little in terms of stress relief. Reluctantly sliding her war axe over to her opposite side, Eskyr gave a half-hearted nod, motioning for her "friend" to have a seat beside her.

"It's been awhile," Eskyr stated plainly, her attention turned back down towards the Neskorians that were passing through the courtyard at the time. "I imagine you knew about this before I did." She paused, visibly disgusted. Seeing the Neskorians freely make their way into the stronghold made her want to throw up.

"All that history, Xie. Our history. Countless years of bloodshed and enslavement. Outlanders dying by the thousands year after year. Our people, reduced to slaves; praying for mercy or vengeance, and receiving neither…" Eskyr's voice grew quiet, her gaze a thousand yard stare. "And now, after all this time, the Gods smite down our enemies and deliver the remnants to us. Judgement in the palm of our hand...and we let them live. No vengeance. No retribution. No justice. Imagine what the ancestors must think," Eskyr's last sentence came as a whisper, her voice lost to the rage she felt boiling up within her.

As the last of the Neskorians passed through the gate, Eskyr turned to stand up. If she was going to find some way to accept this decision Kiri had made, she needed to witness the interaction between the two nation's leaders firsthand. Picking her axe up off the ground, the warmaiden couldn't help but fantasize about going on a bloody, hate-fueled rampage. It would be so easy, she thought to herself. A slip off the wall here, a silent approach from behind, and a few vicious swings of her axe.... The Bloodmother knew she could likely kill at least a third of the Neskorians before anyone could stop her. But then what? There'd be no coming back from breaking Kiri's trust, and she'd only create more problems. It was an infuriating predicament she found herself in, for all she could do now was watch and wait.

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Name: Lyle P. Wondercroft
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Place of Origin: Southwest of Cinidum
Height: 5'11
Weight: 177 lbs.
Hair: Reddish Brown
Eyes: Light Hazel/Mustard Yellow
-False Peace:
Lyle knows that in his line of work, survival isn't guaranteed. Having achieved his life goal of becoming a Collector to provide for his family, a large portion of him is resigned to the idea of a fitting death on the Maw. This mentality naturally shapes a lot of Lyle's personality and actions. Why should he care about things he considers trivial? Religion? Politics? Race relations? None carry any form of weight in regards to his looming death. For him, it's better that he just does what he wants. Unfortunately, this mentality means Lyle ignores a lot of important matters or situations that don't affect him directly. He can also be rather insensitive and flippant at times.

You wouldn't know it if you ran into Lyle on the street, but the young man loves luxury. He isn't one for flashing expensive jewelry or showing off in public, but he always pays for the most expensive goods and services, and his home in the Rune district is practically a shrine lined with wealth and beauty. Lyle collects rare books, and his attic is a treasure trove of rare texts. There is even a small shelf in his family store that is locked behind a glass box and displays a few of his rarest possessions.

Whether he says it out loud or not, Lyle views himself as being smarter than everyone else. As such, he is very against the idea of doing things "by the book." In this manner, his mentality is quite flexible. Lyle is the epitome of the phrase "Think outside the box." Guidelines, rules, advice; all are merely suggestions to him. Determined to discover the truth for himself, he will often push towards strange and bizarre lengths to get an answer that satisfies him.

-Family over Everything:
Despite his naturally standoffish attitude, Lyle is incredibly loyal; almost to a fault. His family is his heart, and he writes to them often, informing them of his adventures and stories. The little time he gets away from work is spent at his family store or with his niece. He is also pretty loyal to his fellow Collectors and the mission, but it's worth noting he views them differently from his blood family. In a worst case scenario, he would always choose his family over all else.

-The Soft Spot:
To call Lyle a character would be an understatement, but he does have a few redeeming qualities. For one, he loves the disabled- particularly young children. As his youngest brother is paraplegic, Lyle knows how the world treated his brother and those like him. As such, he is incredibly giving and patient around the disabled; a stark contrast from how he normally is. It can be quite jarring to see him this way, but not a single part of it is an act. It's simply one of the few things that warms his cold heart.

Bolster and Enhance:

Lyle's first ability allows him to temporarily reinforce or enhance the durability of nonliving things. He isn't changing the makeup of the object, but rather enhancing its already provided properties. Reinforcing a wooden door, for example, doesn't turn the door into a steel one. Instead, the wood door's structural integrity is upped, making it harder to burn, splinter, or collapse. This ability does not nullify any weaknesses an object might have. It simply makes it harder to get to. This ability doesn't require physical contact but the caster must be in the general area.

Unrivaled Performance:
This is the ability to make non-magical objects work at peak efficiency temporarily provided he is in constant physical contact with the object.
Similar to the first ability, this magical ability also deals with objects, however it's more specific in design. By channeling Arcana through these items, Lyle is able to achieve peak intended results from non magical items and possessions around him. The size of the object and the duration channeled all determine the level of stress cast upon the user. Objects that have been recently channeled maintain said status for one second after physical contact is lost. Objects that change their physical form also lose their channeled status and said magic must be reapplied, However, this ability strangely has no effect on liquids. This rule is mainly for things such as ingredients or objects that have multiple states of matter. It is worth noting that this application cannot push objects past their standard limits. For example, a basic iron sword would never pierce through a 2 foot thick steel gate, regardless of whether any channeling is involved or not.

Some examples of "unrivaled performance" to better explain the idea:

-A channeled wagon you're riding in would never fall apart, get stuck in the mud, handle improperly, etc.

-A channeled arrow wouldn't work since it would fly perfectly for the first second after it leaves the bow. After that second, it would return to flying as a normal arrow. This is because "unrivaled performance" requires constant physical contact.

-A channeled ice cube in your hand would never melt.

-A channeled dinner would never go bad, mold, or lose heat, flavor, or appearance. Each food item would need to be channeled as opposed to channeling the platter itself.

Simply put, the channeled object would perform its function perfectly.

-Object Duplication:
This final ability allows Lyle to duplicate non-magical items by draining the durability and build quality of the original object. The smaller the object, the more duplicates can be created. However, doing this too much will cause the base object to collapse and turn to dust. This causes all duplicates of the object to disappear as well. This ability also only applies to solid objects. Liquids or gasses do not apply. Duplicates can also not be replicated either, but destroying them returns a portion of their durability back to the original item.


An arrow is duplicated until you now possess 100 arrows.

The first 30 arrows duplicated with probably work correctly with not much other than a few little nicks or issues. 40-70 will probably not fly properly but still look like perfectly fine arrows and would likely work as a sharp edge if you needed it. The last 30 arrows will probably look correct but fall apart the moment you touched them.

At this duplication count, the original arrow would have turned paper thin, only returning to a portion of original state once all copies are destroyed. The original arrow would then be equivalent to a duplicate 18th or 19th arrow. Hope this makes sense.

Current Abilities:

Mechanical Mind:

For whatever reason, Lyle is highly skilled at understanding how things work. This mainly applies to physical things he can hold and examine, but can apply to mental concepts or ideas as well, provided all the necessary and accurate information is available. Of course if he has the wrong information, he'll incorrectly understand the idea. After that, good luck trying to convince him he's wrong.

Martial Prowess:
Lyle's combat style, while unnamed, is a self-developed form of fighting that involves disarming and non-lethal takedowns. While it mainly finds success against humanoid and bipedal creatures, certain aspects are useful even against creatures of "unique" shapes. This style can be fought in an unarmed manner, but Lyle prefers his Sai and Cane beside him whenever possible.

Forever a Student:
Lyle reads a fair amount when he's on his own. Most of his books are nonfiction, focusing on the history and cultures of the world. Oddly enough, he doesn't particularly enjoy reading, but he enjoys the silence and tranquility that come with it. Ultimately, this means there isn't much Lyle doesn't know a tidbit or two about. Whether he shares his knowledge is a different story altogether.
Weapon Choice:
Lyle possesses a pair of sai and a cane sword. The sai hang off the back of his waist and are for close engagements against single opponents. It's worth noting that while these are steel, they are not bladed and are considered non lethal. The cane sword, on the other hand, is his primary tool and is used for both lethal and nonlethal takedowns.

Element: Ihkari (Life)

Unrivaled Spirit:

If Lyle wants it, he's going to get it. It doesn't matter if it takes him his entire life; he gets what he wants. That is his level of sheer determination. For him, the ends always justify the means when the means are his goals. He wanted his family in a better situation, and thus he made it so. He wanted a store for his family, and he made it so. Every goal he reaches for he attains. This level of dedication is considered both highly valuable and volatile at the same time.

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained:
Continuing in the same vein as determination, Lyle takes no issue in recognizing that sometimes situations "have to be surrendered to the cosmos." Exact results and information are naturally always valued higher, but when a chance is needed, Lyle is always one to take it. Fortunately for now, he's been pretty lucky.

Playing with Fire:
Lyle chooses his words very carefully. He'll never break a promise or lie to you, but he does seem to often omit key information rather inconveniently. If you've been around him enough, you've likely heard his famous "didn't seem like relevant information" or "didn't realize you were unaware" excuses he uses. In a pinch, betting on Lyle is usually the right decision. Just don't be surprised when the results aren't what you quite expected.



You would think that someone who comes from nothing would have a heart for others in difficult situations. Unfortunately, Lyle is not that kind of person, especially towards strangers. Plainly put, he's seen it all, and has grown particularly jaded to cruelty and violence. He's not so cruel as to make the situation worse, but he is prone to simply shut down emotionally and move on in most situations. Everyone's got their own problems. Figure it out. The only situation in which Lyle is not like this is towards the disabled.

Tick Tick Boom!:
Lyle is living proof that wisdom and patience don't go hand in hand. If they did, our young collector would likely be a very different man. Nothing frustrates Lyle more than those who are unable to understand him or his ideas. In certain cases, he can become quite juvenile, often shutting down and going silent, burying himself in whatever it is that he wants to do.

Where the Fuck I Am:
Lyle spent his life with one goal in mind: taking care of his family. He accomplished that, and now his brothers are both successful and taken care of. Where does that leave Lyle? While he has resigned himself to climbing the Maw for the rest of his life, there remains a tiny part of him that wonders if he could do more...Be more. Unfortunately for now, it's nothing more than a fleeting thought.
Lyle grew up the eldest of three sons in a small hovel village south of CInidum. The family had little, but they made do. Occasionally, travelers or wandering merchants would pass through the village, and Lyle and his brothers would often listen to their stories and adventures. It was through this manner that the eldest of the Wondercroft children heard about the Collectors.

For a little boy, the idea of traveling the Maw seemed a terrifying thought, but the temptation of luxury and reward was also incredibly intoxicating. In truth, anything was better than being poor. Lyle had suffered a lot as a child, and he wanted more for his brothers who were still toddlers at the time. If he could just become a collector, he could move his family out of their village and to Cinidum. Surely their life would be better there.

WIth these motivations pushing him forwards, Lyle left home and traveled down the path towards becoming a Collector. It was a difficult journey, and Lyle faced death time and time again. However at the end of it, Lyle was made an official collector and was able to move his family to the Rune District of Cinidum. As adults, the trio of brothers opened The Lucky Lantern on the main streets of the Gula district. Functioning as a luxury goods marketplace and a black market exchange, the store was Lyle's idea; a safeguard meant to continue providing for his brothers and their families should he meet his end on the Maw.

Fast forward to present day. Lyle is an established Collector who spends his time either on the Maw with his fellow team members or off on his own. Currently, he doesn't have a particular goal or plan. He's just coasting through life, doing what pleases him. Life is simple for now, but perhaps a greater calling awaits him...
Dakota Wondercroft: Youngest brother. 24. Manages the Lucky Lantern. Paraplegic. Kind hearted, but not naive. Funny. Close to Lyle.

Everet Wondercroft: Middle Brother. 27. Deals with the underground side of the family business. Cynical. Prone to jealousy. Silvertongue.

Lucy Wondercroft: Niece. 5. Daughter of Everet. Likes bugs.

Barus Wondercroft: Father. Deceased. Farmer.

Elaine Wondercroft: Mother. Deceased.

Name: Kael-Grynn
Species: Aujyrx Dragon (Bronze Dragon)
Gender: Female
Kael-Grynn is not a cruel being. Despite her still being a massive and terrifying creature, the bronze dragon isn't one for suffering and pain. She prefers to solve conflicts through conversation, and views combat as a last resort. She isn't incapable of fighting, but believes that in most situations it does little to solve the actual issue.

Like Lyle, Kael-Grynn prefers to keep to herself and her Rider. She sleeps for excessive amounts of time, and generally prefers to eat alone. Amongst other dragons, she would be the wall-flower type, often not involving herself simply because she'd rather not get into stressful situations.

Kael-Grynn is a dragon of intelligence. She highly values wisdom in both herself and her Rider. She values it so much that she is even willing to trade information or certain favors for new knowledge. If you're a stranger trying to get on her good side, bring her a book or tell her a story she hasn't heard.

A wise mind is a dangerous one, and our bronze dragon knows how to use hers. While the passive dragon generally just sits and watches, Kael-Grynn is quite good at recognizing patterns and certain exploitable behavior. Fortunately, all her manipulations and trickeries are generally inconsequential and meant for nothing other than her mild amusement.

In many situations, a big brain means a big ego. Kael-Grynn is no exception. It is nearly impossible to convince her she is wrong. Undeniable proof is really the only exception, and will often be met with a grumpy retort and quiet acceptance.
Breath Weapon:
When a Bronze does feel threatened, it will wield the breath weapon of what appears to be white smoke that stretches about 30 feet out. This white smoke acts like a teargas, as well as a Flash Bang, tiny explosions passing through like lightning and creating a noise so loud, a Varonian could easily lose their hearing if caught inside.

(These aren't the actual names of the abilities. If actual spell names are preferred I can do that instead. I was just having fun lol.)

This ability lets Kael-Grynn fix a broken object instantly for a few brief minutes before it returns to its broken state. This has no effect on magical objects. The larger the object, the soon it falls apart once more. An object can be channeled so as to remain fixed, but the longer an item is channeled the more demanding it is on the user. The item also begins to risk complete disintegration once channeling is complete.

Hey Mom Said to Share:
This combat ability allows Kael-Grynn to drain the durability of objects she comes in contact with, transferring their material into extra levels of lightweight scale armor. This armor is easily broken physically, but excels greatly against magical attacks. However as it is still armor, it does slow down Kael-Grynn a fair amount. It can easily be shed at will, however the stolen material does not return to its original source.

You Tell that Hoe I Said:
Kael-Grynn is able to leave messages on inanimate objects for specific targets. When the targeted recipient interacts with the object, the message will boom out in a spoken voice the listener can understand. After the message is complete, it is erased and the object disintegrates.
I Can do this all Day:
Unlike her Rider, Kael Grynn has all the time in the world. She excels at retaining information and is rarely bored. As a timeless creature, time is of no consequence to her. She doesn't enjoy her time wasted, but useful information and stories are priceless and are always afforded the required time necessary to be shared.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness:
Kael-Grynn is an exceptionally clean dragon and takes great pride in maintaining herself. In her mind, cleanliness is a sign of intelligence and mental understanding. Thus, those that are dirty she views in a slightly disdainful manner, especially if they have other traits that would further confirm their lack of intelligence. It isn't the best quality to have, but if you need a clean dragon for some reason, Kael-Grynn is the one you want.

How You do That:
Kael-Grynn is fascinated by how things are made, particularly in regards to weapons and jewelry. Leatherwork is also an interest. She doesn't care about making anything herself, but watching a craftsman at work is something she enjoys greatly. If she watches a job from start to finish, she can correctly and accurately recall every step taken. However this doesn't make her able to replicate the steps.
Does it Spark Joy:
Kael-Grynn has many possessions, each with their own story or memory attached to it. Because of their meanings, it is nearly impossible for her to get rid of any of them. Thus her den is full of all kinds of possessions, valuable or otherwise. In fact, one could easily mistake the place for a junkyard, and they probably wouldn't be too far off. And yet for her, each item is priceless.

Today's Tasks are for Tomorrow's Me:
Kael-Grynn can be quite lazy at times, particularly when it involves doing something she has no interest in. While this does occasionally lead her to some ingenious ideas at times, more often than not her laziness is a detriment that often comes back around to bite her.

You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat:
For whatever reason, Kael-Grynn is deathly afraid of oceans and large bodies of water. She can fly over it without issue, but sitting or swimming in it will never happen willingly. She isn't one for fishing either, unless the fish are being safely fed to her while she's comfortably sitting on dry land.
If I find a fitting theme song, I'll slot it in here.
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note tables fucked

•William "Wiley" Barrow•

Age: 17


The eldest son of tailors, Wiley Barrow is a kind young man of few words. An honors student and obssessive bookworm, Wiley holds aspirations of becoming an inventor that changes the world for the better. As such, most of his time is spent studying books on human anatomy and robotics, occasionally building his own robots with varying levels of success. Despite this all-consuming passion, Wiley maintains a moderate love for Duel Monsters, a game he and his father would often play in his childhood. He doesn't watch matches or keep up with the latest decks like others might, but his cards are always maintained in pristine condition and handled with the utmost care.

As he prepares for college and a busy future, Wiley's father urges the boy to go out and enjoy his youth before he becomes to busy to enjoy it. In an attempt to please his father and meet his request, Wiley registers for the Team Trial Circuit. He doesn't actually care too much, but he imagines he won't have time for dueling once he leaves for college. Thus, the competition serves as a last hurrah before he ultimately shelves the game and fully devotes himself to his future.

Personal Deck:

Favorite Card:
Gravekeeper's Visionary
Favored Attribute: Dark
Favorite Duelist: N/A

Wiley once tried building a dueling robot, but it ended up blowing up after drawing a card.

Home system/Planet/town:
Chosen ship:

Puppet master:
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"Manipulation? Don't you mean..persuasion?" - Asher
  • Name: Asher Witten-Roe
    Nickname: Bizzie
    Date of Birth: July 28th
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Straight

    Godly Parent: Haphaestus
    Relationship with Parent: Estranged

    Asher is of the belief that his father does not accept him due to his lack of fire abilities. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen, but this believed rejection is a large part of what drives Asher forwards. As the son of an artisan god who forged weapons so masterful they were considered literal works of art, Asher hopes to appease his father with his own work; a visual spectacle so great it cannot be ignored by either god or man alike.

  • History:
    Asher was still in diapers when his mother passed. A prolific Hollywood stunt woman, her life was tragically taken in an automotive stunt gone wrong. As such, the boy was raised by a woman named Marissa, his late mother's best friend who adopted him following the tragedy. Despite her best attempts to steer his path away from danger, Asher quickly developed a love for high risk activities. The death defying stunts his mother had made a career out of became like a dream to him, one he wished to pursue himself. It started with small things: A jump down the stairs, a dive off a pier. Eventually, it would escalate from skateboarding to motocross to skydiving and further still. Each time Asher felt the adrenaline rush through him, he felt a bit closer to his mother.

    When Asher finally met his father, it was during a stunt gone wrong. The demigod had been messing with pyrotechnics in the desert when they accidentally went off, injuring and knocking him unconscious. The boy would wake up in the hospital with a letter addressed to him, explaining who he was but more importantly telling him to knock it off. This both inspired and infuriated Asher. His father had been watching him the entire time but had never said anything, and even when he did it was through a letter? Was he not worthy of a face to face meeting? If there were others like him, surely they at least met their father. Asher was conflicted and confused, but found joy in the silver lining of being a demigod. He was more durable than a regular human, which to him meant he could push past human limits to new heights never before achieved. This would surely garner him recognition; first from the humans, than from the Gods, and most importantly from his father.
  • Asher is a chameleon who excels at reciprocating the energy he's given. He can converse and make "friends" with anyone, but is always looking for an angle. If nothing is to be gained, he will ignore or end friendships at the drop of a hat. Oftentimes this isn't anything malicious apart from distancing himself until any connection that might have formed dissapates, however there are rumors and whispers of his less than amicable behavior. At his core, Asher is insecure and selfish while also being incredibly ambitious and goal-driven -a dangerous combination for those he interacts with. He doesn't trust anyone and almost seems to relish in this, as if he's somehow too good to "get got."

    Asher excels the most when he is alone. He often feels as though he is always putting up a facade, and so his time alone with his tools is where the truest form of himself shines. The demigod's perfect day is spent working on his next big stunt in his garage followed by a simple meal and uninterrupted sleep. His affinity with his technokinesis allows him to push technology to its limits, and his dreams of recognition often push him to blow off more important responsibilites.

    "Bizzie," Asher's online persona and the name he performs under, is much different from his true self. Bizzie is exciting and outgoing, always hunting the next great high or future stunt. He's never angry or sad, even when a stunt fails, and actively promotes chasing your dreams and living life to its fullest. It an exhausting performance to play, but Asher derives a great sense of comfort and enjoyment from it.
  • Asher's primary ability is his technokinesis, which provides him with control over different forms of technology and grants him a deep understanding of all things mechanical. His mind is able to break down technology into their simplest functions, allowing him to mix and match different pieces and parts as he sees fit. Aside from this, Asher can "feel" technology around him within a limited radius. Some examples of this would include sensing if someone has a pacemaker, or being able to walk through an active minefield unscathed due to sensing them underground.

    Despite being the son of the God of Fire, Asher has little to no flame capabilities. He cannot manipulate flame in any way, but he does possess a higher resistance to flame than the average demigod. He can still be burned to death, but he would have to spend literal days ablaze before he would finally perish.
  • Asher does not possess a taste for fashion, but he spends just as much time working on his machinations as he does his stunt outfits. To him, his appearance is just as important as the show itself. Expect to see him perform in everything from multicolored spandex bodysuits to dark academia attire to replicas of medieval armor.

    When Asher isn't performing, you can often find him in worn out overalls caked with dirt, working on his next project. Cargo pants are his favorite form of attire, as they possess countless pockets "like pants are supposed to have." On the rare occasion he has to be seen in public, Asher dresses very simply. Expect to see a simple black tee, blue jeans, mismatched socks and tennis shoes more often than not.

    On the rare occasion he's forced to dress up, Asher cleans up well. He has a single navy suit that takes care of a majority of any events he might head to and doesn't see a point in shopping for a seperate color or style. To him, his fashion style outside of performing is all about utility and ease of movement.

  • Likes/Dislikes:
    Asher likes machines more than he does people.
    Machines are simple, and he can understand them in an instant. People take much more effort. He values quiet and solitude, and his favorite people are those who are comfortable in it without feeling as though they need to fill the empty silence with small talk.He loves books, but hates audiobooks, as he views them as a lazy alternative. To him, so much is missed in listening as opposed to reading. Asher loves modelmaking, but never seems to be able to find time to build anything. As such, he has quite a collection of unopened aircraft models.Asher also has a secret love for rom-com films, an obsession he picked up from his mother. Growing up, If the tv was on, it was very likely tuned to Hallmark, Lifetime, or some other obscure romance channel.

    Asher dislikes rollercoasters. To him, they are poorly maintained deathtraps that have a chance to provide you with a heart attack before they collapse and crush you.He isn't a fan of crowds either, as its a lot harder to glean information when too many people are talking. The young demigod hates repeating himself and would rather go it alone then ask again and waste more time. In that same vein, he also dislikes being questioned, particularly about his work. Its hard for him to explain his understanding of machines, and trying to often results in more confusion than clarity. Asher also dislikes any fire related activities due to his relationship with his father. He might work with fire if a machine requires it, but he won't do happily. Poi dancing? Ridiculous and unneccessary. Cooking? Theres a microwave for a reason. Roasting marshmellows? Who needs all that sugar to begin with?
  • Hobbies:
    Asher's main hobbies when he isnt tinkering include dumpster diving for parts, location scouting his next stunt, attending robotics conventions, visiting libraries/bookstores, and occasionally seeing a movie.
    Ninety percent of everything he does is dedicated towards his dream of creating a work of art, and the little bit of time he spends on himself is usually for recharging for the next big task or job.

    Asher is driven by his desire to be recognized by his father. As such, one of his greatest fears is that no matter what he does, it might not be enough. A small part of him worries his obsession might take him too far, but he often shuts those thoughts down. He's already dedicated so much of his life to his art. It has to be for something.
    Another of Asher's fears is that he'll be forever alone. He doesn't know when he exactly started treating people like tools, but he has seen how alienating it can be. It doesn't stop him, but a part of him expects that a loveless life is his weird form of self-imposed penance.
    A third, lesser fear Asher holds is that he might one day lose his technokinesis, whether through supernatural means or otherwise. With it, he's able to chase his dream and excuse alot of his actions to himself, but if he were to lose it, who would he be then? Could a demigod without powers ever hope to reach what he seeks?

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Edit for GESTALT



NAME: Nathaniel James Waller
HEIGHT & BUILD: 5'10, 215lbs
INSERT Hometown
//////////-ZERO VARIANT-//////////​

POWER: Layer Reinforcement

INSERT RELATION - INSERT NAME (INSERT AGE) INSERT CURRENT STATUS (Copy and paste as many times as needed.)
INSERT RELATION - INSERT NAME (INSERT AGE) INSERT CURRENT STATUS (Copy and paste as many times as needed.)

→ INSERT physical characteristics that would be of detriment or bonus to your character. Wounds, musculature, training bonuses/failures, and non-power-related ZV characteristics. In the third person from someone evaluating your character,.

→ INSERT Personality basically. Also, insert any diagnoses that your character has. It's alright if they are neurotypical. I just know that in this line of work your character may have seen some things. In the third person from someone evaluating your character.

INSERT name of training - INSERT years that you trained, i.e. (1978-1980) - INSERT who trained you
→ INSERT brief synopsis. Copy and paste as many times as needed.
INSERT name of training - INSERT years that you trained, i.e. (1978-1980) - INSERT who trained you
→ INSERT brief synopsis. Copy and paste as many times as needed.
///// START //////////-ZERO VARIANT-////////// START /////​

→ INSERT the primary use of your power
→ INSERT the secondary use of your power
///// STOP //////////-ZERO VARIANT-////////// STOP /////​

⤷ INSERT either images or a brief description. For the images, keep them on the smaller side so they can sit next to each other. For the description, go wild.
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