PLOTS WRITING Riley-Verse: Guardians of Magic 1+2

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Jus a lil Microwave named Riley

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
not very active on weekends
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Agender
  6. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Romance
In a small village in the early time, there lived a boy with a magic ability. Having a magic ability was unheard of, and he was resented for it, and people dispised him even more when they knew what his ability was. His ability was to summon strings of control, being able to control others or move things around with them. He was heavily discriminated against for being a troublemaker, and it got to its worse one day, when he was trying to do something right.

One day, someone was harrassing and bullying another kid, so the magical boy stepped in and defended the kid against the bully, using his strings to help him. A girl saw what was happening and went to get an adult to stop the fight, but the adults misunderstood what the girl was saying and thought the magical boy to be the enemy. The executioners son was forced to kill the magical boy, but the executioners son in his heart felt that this was wrong. But he still did his duty....

When the magical boy approached the gates of heaven, he was turned away even by god for his abilities. But when the magical boy was about to be sent to hell, he lashed out with his strings, and the boy somehow successfully controlled god, therefore making the magical boy god....

This boys name, ironically to you guys, was Riley.....

So Riley put magic into the world to force everyone else to get used to the presence of magic, so that they may learn from their mistakes. but he also chose 3 people to be the guardians of magic.... The executioners son, the girl, and the bullied boy.

The boy who was bullied became known as "blue", and he was given powers because Riley believed it would allow him to protect others and himself.
The executioners son became known as "orange", and he was given powers because Riley believed he would use it for justice and the good of people.
The girl became known as "Green", she was given her powers because Riley just wanted to do it. :P

So the 3 magical guardians lived to protect the world against darkness and keep balance within magic.
But for plot reasons, this balance didnt last for long, and they had to fight someone in the 1900's. Green, Blue, and Orange fought against a mortal who had obtained a powerful body with the dark sides of magic. It took all 3 guardians being boosted by Riley in order to defeat him.

Then, in the 2000's, 3 dark magic beings were created by a dark spirit, who seeked to control the world. Riley simply laughed it off and dared him to try, because he is an immature idiot, but he knew what he was doing at the same time. Green, Orange, and Blue went to go find more warriors. Green found a boy lost in a void named "Analog" (ill write more about him later just remind me guys.....) who used the method of beeps from a remote to talk, and had a weapon known as "The PowerDust Pistol". Blue and Orange found a boy who was ordinary but had 1 ability, which was to save and load into different points. He however, needed to be trained physically and with martial arts to be useful on the field, and he was, to be blunt, a skinny gamer teen (his name is lost to my memory but its written somewhere). Together they fought against a dark army and the 3 dark magic beings and WON.

However they were soon made rather insignificant to the multiverse as the multiverse opened up, but they still remain the guardians of the divine earth.