RESOURCE Roleplay Acronyms

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Memento Mori
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Online Availability
My timezone is PST
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
Homosexual, Romance, Fantasy, Scifi, Magic, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Angels/Demons, Superhero, Zombies



In this guide, we will be looking at the common acronyms that players use to communicate more easily and quickly while roleplaying or talking about roleplaying. These will be important to know all throughout your roleplay journey.

Common Abbreviations:
1x1 / One-on-One: a roleplay between two people

AU: AU stands for Alternative Universe.

CW: CW stands for Content Warning. It is usually used to denote that a post has content that might be triggering for some people.

DM: DM can stand for several things. When talking to another player, DM can stand for Direct Message. This means that you are privately messaging another player. It can also mean Dungeon Master. This is a common term for those who play DnD. It is a term used for the person leading the story or roleplay.

ERP: ERP stands for Erotic Roleplay. This is used to denote a story that has a large amount of smutty content or someone who is looking for a roleplay with this type of content.

FC: This usually stands for Face Claim. This is used in character creation to show or describe the appearance of a character. Some players use real pictures of celebrities, while others use artwork.

GM: GM stands for Game Master. A Game Master is the person who is in charge of or who organizes the roleplay.

IC: In character. A player writes their character within the story. The actions, thoughts, and speech of the character they are playing are In Character. This can also stand for 'Interest Check' when searching for new partners.

IRL: IRL is the shortened version of In Real Life. This is used to denote the difference between real life and the story.

MC: MC stands for Main Character. It can also stand for 'My Character'. This is used when a player references the character they are writing for.

NPC: NPC stands for Non-Player Character. Non-player characters are characters that are not played by a real person or are background characters.

OC: This usually stands for Original Character.

OOC: Out of Character. A player is writing in their own voice. The actions, thoughts, opinions, writing, and speech you are reading are not their character but the person behind the character.

OP: This can mean two things, depending on the context it is used. OP can mean an Overpowered character, or OP could mean an Original Poster in the context of messaging.

PC: PC stands for Player Character.

PM: PM stands for Private Message.

RP: Roleplay / Role-play

RPG: Role-playing game

TW: TW stands for Trigger Warning. This is used to warn potential readers and players that the content is triggering. Within the warning, it usually denotes what triggering content might be included.

YC: YC stands for Your Character. This is used to reference your partner's character.
