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❝Wear your true colors with pride.❞
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  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
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  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
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Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
  4. Primarily Prefer Female
Crime Drama
Slice of Life


DISCLAIMER: I'd like to thank the many and multiple creative Tumblr prompts that inspired and helped me piece this idea together. Unfortunately, most of them are currently non-existent, so I am unable to link them but all the creative credit goes to them for this original idea. Let it also be known that the fourteen years of age is only there for plot purposes as this roleplay will be for Redstar members only, sorry. Your character must be eighteen years or older in this roleplay.

Welcome to Salem Witches Institute, the sister school that is equivalent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It's considered one of the biggest institutes in the United States for witches and warlocks alike and it's a bit more modernized than Hogwarts and accepts students from various kinds of cultures. A new era has dawned upon the institute and this year has been deemed to be quite a shocker for the oncoming students. Also, forget the stories you have heard about the ghosts of witches stalking the building because it's not true. No ghosts or ghouls lurk in the hallowed halls of the institute, which isn't to say that they don't lurk in the woods or close to the institute.

Speaking of stories, the stories that we will never forget still exist from the Salem Witch Trials time period and still looms over the town of Salem like a dark black cloud. The ones that were able to escape and flee far away from the ongoing witch hunt, only to return whenever the madness had folded. But they weren't crazy enough to return back to Salem, instead, they dwelled in a nearby town, called Boston. This was when the preparations began between these four witches to open up a magic school, and they succeeded in doing so. A few years passed by and the school increased in the year 1952 and relocated to an area where many witches were burned in Salem. The four founders of the school designed it to be specifically an all-girls institute, teaching them how to hone their abilities, along with giving them an education in safety and defense. Around the time, wizarding or magical schools in America were only opened to men so Salem Witches Insititute was the first and only school to be all women.

But today, it's a new dawn, a new day, and a new time period upon the institute, and things are bound to be shaken up. Originally an all-girls school for witches, it has now opened its doors to accept men or warlocks. Many people were distraught upon receiving the news; some even took their daughters out of school because of the recent change. The outrage lasted for an entire summer but died down once the letters were sent out for the upcoming school year. Another change to the institute is that they only accept witches and warlocks as early as fourteen years of age.

Ever since the boy's entry into the prestigious institute, a string of disappearances has occurred but only among the warlocks. People are left stunned, well not everyone because the girls are fine and dandy and are not worried by the disappearances in the slightest bit. Though, most feel for the warlocks and also wonder what the hell is going on. If only they knew that someone among their own ranks was behind the disappearances, would the girls finally coexist with the boys? Or will the girls band together and not make it their problem? This year is shaping up to be on the highway to hell so you better buckle up and be in for one hell of a ride.

Coven Danvers was founded by Alyssa Danvers, who believed that the institute should provide newer ways of teaching to the students. The witches and wizards that are placed in this coven value helpfulness and sacrifice. Its members are known for being very passive and fun-loving and healers along with entertainers. The coven animal sigil is a crow and their rooms, there's a boy's and girl's side along with a gathering room in between, reside on the east side of campus and the warlock headmaster's office resides here, too.

Coven Ipswich was founded by Emilia Ipswich, who was also credited for the idea of an all-girl institute in America. The members of this coven value loyalty along with good deeds and honor above just about anything else. This coven consists of pure-blood witches and wizards, which usually means that its members are really serious and very judgemental of others. Their rooms, which also have a boy's and girl's side along with a gathering room closer to the girl's rooms, are located on the south side of the campus and their animal sigil is a black labrador.

Coven Andover was founded by Rebeka Andover and it's the only largest coven. Its members value leadership and independence much more than anything else. This house consists of scholars above anything else and that's really about it within this house. Their animal sigil is a white stallion and rooms are located on the west side of the campus with the boy's and girl's room on the same side and their gathering room on the opposite, which is also where the headmistress's office is.

There is no doubt who this coven was founded by and if you think Sarah Goode, you'd be dead wrong. This coven was actually founded by Isabella Goode and its members favor traditional magic much more than anything else. This coven is also known for producing some of the best minds in modern magic in America. Members that are in this coven value curiosity and creativity and most of them are rather aloof in a sense. The animal sigil is a red fox and their rooms, there is a boy's and girl's side with a gathering in between, are located on the north side of the campus near Witch Lake, which can be seen from their windows along with some ghosts and ghouls.