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Hyacinthe Winifred Puck


Nickname(s): Cin, Cinthe by her mom
Birthdate: October 29th
Age: 43, looks barely into her mid-20s

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her

Class: Upper Middle
Occupation: Entrepreneur

Birthplace: Hollowstead
Current Residence: Hollowstead

Character Audit

A tad apathetic and with slight nihilistic tendencies, Hyacinthe Puck is a lonely young Magi, cursed to never leave her home. She was eight years old when the curse struck her and at forty-three, she has little memories of the outside world. Neither exceedingly kind or harsh, Cin is rather relaxed in personal affairs, and rarely anything ruffles her feathers. Thick skinned and a bit blunt, Cin takes things a bit too literally sometimes and while she's not innately awkward, her splotchy social interactions have left her with some unusual habits.

Nothing quite scares her like her mom, a charismatic monster who could make even the queen second guess a decision, outside of the deep seated fear of being alone and trapped in this house until the day she dies. Due to this, she's willing to break the law, in moderate circumstances, to break her own curse and live life the way she wants.

The curse does not allow Cin to exit the boundaries of her home. Balconies and porches count, however the gardens out back do not. Luckily, spatial magic is her bread and butter, and Cin can manipulate the space within her home with startingly ease and accuracy.

Magi Ancestry

Species: Magi

House of Lux and House of Rogue

Magic types: Spatial, in the early stages of learning her mother's light magic

Skill Level: Master, Apprentice


- Spatial Expansion: At the heart of Cin's spatial magic is the ability to extend, expand, and amplify the space in a chosen area.

- Room Shifting: An alteration of one of her father's spells, honed with her inability to leave the house, Cin can use her spatial magic to change the contents, placements, objects, and orientation of any room as long as it was created by her spatial magic.

- Spatial Displacement: One of Cin's only true offensive abilities, spatial displacement allows her to warp and displace any targeted space and create a mild-to-strong concussive-like shockwave.

Familiar: Pux Puck - A devilish duck whose ability seems to be a highly evolved application of Cin's; spatial teleportation. Pux can be anywhere he wants to be. Whenever he wants to. While affectionate to Cin and her mother Selma, he really, really likes to honk and scare people and as such, absolutely lives for party nights and his daily deliveries for the closet.


Selma Louise Puck

Light Magi | Specializes in photokinetic constructs and illusory magics.

Birthdate: December 22nd, 94 years old

Upon marrying, Selma chose not to change her last name.

When she gave birth to her only child, she chose to give her her own surname and with it, the ancestral right to Puck of the House of Lux. A charismatic force to be reckoned with, Selma Puck is a mother, prominent divorce lawyer, widow, and entrepreneur. Above all, she is a woman to have in your corner, as the alternative isn't so pleasant.

The family proper, which has been in Hollowstead since their conception, turned a blind eye to the scandalous nature of Selma and Rin's relationship, especially when it became clear that they were in love. Despite there being a few different 'correct' answers as to why Selma was afforded silence when others were not (her sister Samire was absolutely thrashed for marrying a Silverblood Vampir and their second-cousin Jules was disallowed from attending the family reunion last year until she dumped her Were girlfriend), everyone inside and out the immediate family circle assumes it's because Selma brings prestige.

The law firm Selma works at is one of the most profitable in Cervia and one of the most successful. A diverse group of professionals who put their all into servicing the heart of the kingdom. They cater to the elite and the wealthy of Black City and the neighboring townships, but if the price- or alternatively -cause is right, Selma is known to travel even abroad. She was six months pregnant with Hyacinthe when she solidified her claim as one of the best in Cervia.

There were three important cases leading up to Cin's cursing and while Selma doesn't know exactly who cursed her daughter, several people did end up missing in the following years. The first of the three cases was a messy custody battle (that sent her notoriety skyrocketing), a high profile but behind closed doors divorce between unnamed peoples that had TCMZ press absolutely raging, and an unusually low-profile case that didn't gain a lot of attraction that attempted and failed to dissolve an arrange marriage.

the closet.
etsy shop extravaganza - the following magical items are for sale on cin's etsy shop and insta-delivered by an angry duck once payment has been fully processed. you can skip the angry duck spatial delivery if you want and pay for normie shipping for only $15.99 + applicable taxes and fees. you don't qualify for the duck discount next order though. :(

Pocket Poppers
You need more pocket space, don't cha?
Of course you do.

How much space do you need? Find the perfect Pocket Poppers size for your lifestyle!

Pocket Poppers are a small slip of fabric (dimensions are roughly 2.5" x 3") that expands the space of your pocket. With spatial magic, the interior of your pocket can grow to unimaginable size! To use, simply slide the Pocket Popper into your existing pocket and boom! More space. For large objects, removing the Pocket Popper from your pocket will ensure any size item (dependent on the purchased Pocket Popper size) will be able to fit. To remove an item from the Pocket Popper, turn it upside down and watch your toes or reach in with the object in mind!

Pocket Popper sizes:
  • Small - $39.99 - grants space equivalent to that of a large purse
  • Medium - $59.99 - grants space equivalent to that of a duffle bag
  • Large - $129.99 - grants space equivalent to that of a small linen closet
  • Extra Large - $399.99 - grants space equivalent to that of a small utility trailer

Insta Potties
Have you ever looked at a public restroom and thought I rather piss my pants then pee in here? Well, look no further! Insta Potties are private spatial bathrooms just for you! One use only; as soon as the toilet is flushed, hands are washed, and the door is closed, the spatial magic self-destructs; a hassle free and no-cleaning necessary solution for going on the go!
Starting at $29.99 or 3 for $75.

Tent Poppers
Do you like the stunning views and atmospheric beauty of nature but absolutely abhor camping in it? Well look no further for your luxury camping needs. Tent Poppers is a home-in-a-device! Using spatial magic and mana crystals to recharge power, you can choose from the base or luxury models to fulfil all of your camping dreams.
Base models start at $229.99 and includes 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, as well as a small kitchenette and breakfast nook.
Luxury models start at $1599.99 and includes 5 bedrooms, large windows, a screened-in porch, fireplaces, full kitchen, and 3 full bathrooms.

Items sold exclusively at Amore Mio

Displacement Wands
While there are several different styles, some more modern and sleek and others far more traditional, they all serve the same function: self defense. Avowed to keep others at a distance, displacement wands- if targeted at a person -will leave them with mild bruising and a potential concussion and at its worst, warped and twisted organs.

Trap Cards
Presenting as a deck of faux tarot cards, this contraption was co-created by Amanti De Luca and Hyacinthe Puck. Though the inner workings can be customized to your specifications for an additional charge, at its core, trap cards are portable dungeons and chambers. Through sorcerous workings, no additional mana is needed to sustain the entrapment once someone is placed within. Capacity is limited to 1 person per card.

Character Connections?

- due to cin's creation of magic items, there will need to be several dealers/manufactures that she'll need to be in contact with in order to make that happen. wand makers, core harvesters, sellers, rune writers, toilet makers, crystal/geode farmers, jewelry makers, etc. are all people she'd be on the lookout for (or have already been in contact with) to help with her entrepreneurship.

- cin and the puck family have been in Hollowstead for generations. 100% down for generational relationships, friendships, and rivalries. hollowstead is a hop skip and a jump from black city, so i'm sure there's some overlap there as well, so don't be afraid to reach out! selma (cin's mother) is a top notch divorce lawyer there and has a lot of connections, so if thats up yer alley 👀

- a couple times a year hollowstead is graced with one of Hyacinthe Puck's extravaganzas. sometimes its a party, sometimes its a gala, this year, it's going to be a halloween party in honor of her birthday. themed rooms, magic games, and a costume contest, it may just be the biggest party shes thrown yet. will u be in attendance?

///bc im an overachiever im going to fill out a sheet for her house below 🤣

Owner: Selma Puck

Employees: Several handmaids, servants, chefs, sous chefs, gardeners, housekeepers, groundskeepers, and beekeepers are on the payroll. (If interested in creating a character tied to Selma and Cin, don't hesitate to @me in the Discord!)

Location: Located in Hollowstead

Days/Hours: Cin can literally never leave, so someone's always home!

The Puck Residence - the one Selma had personally commissioned almost a hundred years ago - lies as a testament to her savvy business skills and her greatest failure. While her only daughter has been cursed to live her remaining days within it's confines, Selma Puck does all she can to ensure that existence is a good one. Tutors come and go out of the house, as do deliverymen and women, and potential partners in business for Hyacinthe's successful online store, the closest.

In truth, the residence is a small castle, made ever bigger by Cin's spatial magic. Linen closets lost to memory are scattered throughout the house, home to lost socks and forgotten towels that only the housekeepers are driven mad by. Experimental rooms and staircases lead to unstable spaces as Cin weaves her magic throughout the house, like a painter decorating his canvas. It's home to ballrooms, bathrooms the size of bath houses, and an indoor pool that moves inconsistently throughout the house.

More precious to Cin, however, are her host of workshops, separated by idea, concept, and completion. Or the library she's been compiling for the past two decades, slowly, gradually filling up, even as she expands the space within. She also has a private space she brings only a select few into, a large circular room with a glass dome roof, where she can feel the sun. Indoor plants litter the area, as do half completed magic items, scattered notes, fluffy blankets, and huggable pillows atop the comfy daybed.
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Sorena Nova Blacke


Nickname(s): Ren, Soren, Sorenova, Princess (In order from most personal to most common)
Birthdate: October 15th
Age: [ Late twenties to late thirties; keeping mutable for my fellow siblings as the youngest! ]

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her

Class: Royalty
Occupation: Princess

Birthplace & Current Residence: Black City

Character Audit

Princess Sorena was red. Red for the blood moon she was born under. Red for the blood she took from her mother's womb. Sorena Nova— a blessing and a curse — is a biokinetic savant tempered only by her father's will and the shred of humanity lingering in the eyes of her blood nurse. Inconstant to all but her immediate family, with eyes aglow as bright and red as the blood moon from which she hails, Sorena is a terrifying creature to go up against, worsened only by the thought of what she'll do to you once caught.

Perception is everything. To the nobles, the royals, the filthy, dirty rebels that dared attempt to break her father's exultance.

At a young age she realized how you were perceived often meant more than how you truly were. Even for a blessed curse like herself, neither one nor the other but some twisted fragment of each. To be perceived the way she wished (the way her father expected) meant everything to her and it still does, though it's tempered by curiosity, fondness for the unknown, and the malice of utter perfection.

To be perfect. To bring her father's rule— or at the very least the Blacke's rule—eternal, she would do anything. Sacrifice anyone.

And with the walls bleeding and every orifice oozing blood, her work has already begun.

Vampiric Abilities

Biokinesis — or biological manipulation.



Components: Somatic — delivered via touch
Duration: 7-10 minutes at max

Thought to be a self-defense mechanism, Distruption was one of the first ways Sorena's biokinesis presented itself. It holds the ability to disrupt the natural flow of energies within the body, regardless of species. Magi's lose access to their mana, effectively disallowing them to cast spells. Vampir and Fae only lose access to their active abilities, though she continues to tweak and twist the limits, egging it deeper, darker, more potent in its disruption. (Think: Chi-blocking from ATLA!)​

Regeneration / Destruction

Components: Somatic — delivered via touch OR proximity
Duration: Instantaneous OR 10 minutes

To those she likes, Princess Sorena Nova can release a regenerative aura, once that allows her to control the healing factor and its speed of everyone within her proximity. This allows her to close wounds, regrow limbs if the wound is FRESH, reverse the growth of tumors, growths, and even infected cells. This application of her biokinetic abilities is extremely taxing and she has often passed out from overuse. It is embarrassing, really, for her to only realize the same should be said in reverse— so far, no go, though, outside of a few already-dead corpses.​

Of the basic abilities every Vampir share, Sorena outmatches almost everyone. Chunks of dungeon walls have fallen beneath her mighty Blood Moon Thirst, and she is capable of clawing her way through flesh, bone, stone— anything, especially to feed. Thankfully, Sorena is mostly in control of her urges, her bloodnurse Aileen, with whom she grew up with, is mostly to thank for that. Outside of her rages, Sorena is still moderately stronger than the typical vampir, but would concede without ego that there are plenty of hardened vampir who could crush her in an instant if she wasn't raging.

Her sense of smell is unlike any other, however, same with her speed.

Of the basic weaknesses listed, Sorena particularly
  • dislikes heat. Strangely enough, the sun is neither here nor there, affecting her as it would any other of her lineage. The heat though— it tends to make her cranky. Even more unlikable, if that's even possible.
  • hates silver. She swears she can smell the foul, accursed metal Aileen keeps on hand in case she loses control, though with her strength it alone is not enough to stop her completely.
  • [ R E D A C T E D ]
  • enjoys the taste of blood. Perhaps its the Blood Moon Thirst or perhaps it was just her nature as a royal Vampir— regardless, be it her bloodnurse or someone else entirely, blood is never far from her lips.

In addition,
  • Her biokinetic explorations do not come lightly. Every time she uses her ability she is subjugating life, even on a minute scale. Perhaps this is what led her so quickly down the path to darkness. Or perhaps that's just in her nature as a daughter of the Blood Moon and King and Queen, Orion and Thana Blacke. She is as prone to hurting herself as she is others and if it weren't for her superb healing factor, that fact would be as plain as day.
  • Outside of the psyche related weaknesses, her exploits in biokinesis can and often physically harm her. Especially when she goes on tangents, binges, where nothing, not even sleep, would stand in her way of discovering something new. Sadly, or perhaps happily, Sorena Blacke is often finding and discovering something new.


Mable Somerset


Nickname(s): Mabs
Birthdate: July 2nd
Age: 42

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her

Class: Middle
Occupation: Nursemaid

Birthplace & Current Residence: Unknown / Black City

Character Audit

This 42 year old Fire Magi has died. In the accident that killed Alessio De Luca, Mable lost her life as well. Thanks to Urania's powerful spirit magic and the biological manipulation of Princess Sorena, Mable now lives a half-life, one meant to protect and watch over. And so she does. She is never seen without the tiny De Luca twins at her side or bundled up in her arms or playing outside in the soft, soft grass. It is clear that she cares for them deeply, and will do anything to protect them, even if it means dying all over again.

Before she died she was an alchemy governess who was selected to teach Urania and Alessio the fine arts of alchemical persuasion. While not as fashionable as other types of magic, Mable believed (and still does) that it's knowledge must not be lost.

Due to her fickle situation, there are quite a few drawbacks and consequences she's had to endure: chiefly, needing to spend a few hours in Princess Sorena's private chambers every few days to ensure the rot doesn't grow, the stench of death is hidden, and the most importantly: the loss of her mana. While she can still perform basic alchemy and cast spells with the help of charged conduits, Mable has lost what makes her a Magi: mana. Her familiar disappeared when she died, and his loss weighs heavy on her heart, though she does manage to hide the fact with a little help from Urania.

Magi Ancestry

Species: Magi

House of Ignis

Magic types: Fire, now N/A

Skill Level: Former Master, Master in Alchemy

Familiar: Her original familiar died, but she now uses a tiny black widow, given to her by Urania.

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  • Spicy
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Dusk and MaryGold

Talysta J. Plume


Nickname(s): Talys, TJ, T, Plumebear by her adoptive vampir papa
Birthdate: Unknown, but is celebrated on December 17th-- the day Harrell found her.
Age: Exact age is unknown, but she's somewhere between 25-28. Currently uses the age 27.

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her

Class: Middle
Occupation: Horticulturist / Drug Connoisseur

Birthplace: Unknown
Current Residence: Merrow

Character Audit

Despite being orphaned at a young age, Talysta has little memories of her time before Herrell and she considers this a blessing. She has no desire to search out her birth parents, as she assumes they left her for dead in that park because she was born wingless — deformed. Talys is thankful she was found by someone as loving as Herrell, even if his criminal enterprise has led her down some dark paths, because she feels whole, loved, and most importantly — able to pass that along to others who may not be able to harness such emotions.

Talys is a curious person, one full of contradictions and confusing moralities. She is bright and cheerful and her mindset is one of never-ending positivity, and yet she herself is very calm, methodical, and relaxed, never seeming to expend an abundance of energy to showcase said positivity. She is soft spoken and often quiet, though her presence alone is felt by all. More than anything, however, she is kind, even in her criminal enterprising — she does not sell to anyone below the age of twenty five and will purposefully and meticulously dole out her drugs to frequent customers so there is no possibility of overdose or crippling addiction.

She currently lives at the manse she grew up in, which has a fully enclosed and temperature controlled nursery on the grounds. It was paid for in full by Herrell about five years before he knew he was going to die, and he spared no expense in its construction. There are technically three levels, though the second-floor is more like a loft for plants that like to trail downwards. There is a "secret" downstairs, decked out with a magical hydroponic system, where the more illusive plants are grown. She grows a wide variety of foodstuff, flowering plants, and drugs here, and where most of her income comes from.

Hybrid Ancestry

Species: Magi / Wingless Spiritual Fae

House of Viridi

Magic types: Plant

Skill Level: Nearing master level, Master Empath

Strengths, Weaknesses, & Limitations: Outside of the weaknesses listed for both magi and fae, there are two things of note regarding Talysta Plume's otherworldly abilities: She (or Lulamo) need physical contact in order to accurately read emotions of other people (though this is not the case for reading emotional imprints left in environments or objects) and she has a finite amount of mana compared to the average magi. As such, Talys prefers to stray away from heavily dependent uses of magic like spells and prefers to focus on crafting potions and magical tools, especially for days when she feels magically-weak. She prefers to use a conduit as well and as crafted herself a thin, impossibly long wand made from a fallen stalk from one of her faerie fruit trees.

Familiar: Lulamo, an unusually large moth, green and cream in color. They have a unique relationship, one that is beneficial but still irksome, as Lula enjoys showing off and admiring her wings despite (or rather, in spite of) the fact that Talysta does not have any. Regardless, their bond is a strong one. Lu has only recently discovered that she has the magical ability to create and manipulate pollen, which further enhances the plants Talys grows and distributes. Talysta and Lulamo are currently attempting to discover the reach of the manipulation aspect of her pollen generation, in an attempt to mimic the faerie fruit.


- Harrell Plume was a redblood vampir with mind control, sentenced to Merrow after his drug trafficking ring was busted. His punishment was light, unlike some of his fellows, as he had planted seeds and manipulated his own involvement with everyone he hired and or interacted with. After a few years he decided to travel and on his way back north, he found a toddler mingling about a park, unsupervised and all alone, hair tangled with flowers and weeds, and showed clear signs of physical abuse. It pulled at his heartstrings and he decided to take her in and raise her as his own. Before his passing a little over two years ago, he claimed it was destined for them to meet, for her to claim his criminal empire, and pass down his beloved surname. Talys doesn't believe in destiny all that much, but she adores the memories of her father and is thankful of his compassion and care, and the love she grew up with. His death still weighs heavily on her shoulders, but she has a large, sprawling manse filled to the brim with memories and photographs of them together whenever it hurts a little too much. Two days before he died of old age, Harrell gave Talysta his sunlight ring, which she wears on a delicate gold chain around her neck. She knows it'll fetch a pretty penny if the need ever arises, but she does everything in her power to ensure it does not, as it's a family heirloom from the man she called her papa.

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  • Like
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: wren. and Dusk

Aricelly O. Lam


Nickname(s): Celly
Birthdate: November 2nd
Age: 40

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her

Class: Upper
Occupation: Missionary / Heiress

Birthplace & Current Residence: Jasper Town / Oria City

Character Audit

Aricelly Oona Lam is a handful packaged up in a pretty little pastel bow. She is ruled by her emotions and her bleeding heart and if she doesn't have a radiant smile gracing her face, then it's one of sweet and utter confusion and if neither of those, it's definitely one of exaggerated tears. She attempts to love everyone, even those rude and mean, as she has so much love to give. It definitely puts her in some awkward spots, but she doesn't mind all that much-- just means it's an opportunity to make a friend!

Celly grew up sheltered and coddled in Jasper Town, to two supremely wealthy parents. Her father owns and runs a generational shipping company and her mother was a famous play actress before retiring to take care of her daughter. When she was a child, there was a kidnapping attempt and ever since her father became paranoid and suspicious, preferring to keep her locked away in their ocean-side manse or the Eurihin temple, of which he made a generous donation to every Odiep Yiesvofi.

Like a puppy following it's owner, Celly was attached (as best she could with the ever-busy political figure, the hybrid goddess of Eurihin) to Dulcinea, to the power and beauty that radiated off of her. As a child she attended every instrumental lesson Dulcinea gave and despite that, is still rather abysmal at playing her orange-coral harmonica. She practices though and won't ever stop until the harsh notes turn dulcet. It wasn't until a few months ago that Dulcinea told Celly to go help those actually in need down in Oria City that she became (somewhat) independent. She's absolutely awful at money management, so her parents have bought her a house not too far from the ocean, with a large built-in pool, oversized tubs, and a very expensive security system that will alert them to any and all coming and goings.

Merfolk Ancestry

Type: Celestine

Tail: Moon tail. Celly's tail is a very soft pastel blue with shimmering hues of sparkling silver and sea-green. The change is subtle under the light of the moon in the winter months, with the only real noticeable difference being the slight luminescence that it holds. She wishes it was more unique like that of her grandmother's, but beggars can't be choosers with such an auspicious trait.

Power: Like all merfolk, Celly has the ability to commune with aquatic creatures and growing up sheltered and a bit out of touch, these was a tad life-saving, as most of her her friends were those of the aquatic variety. Every time a goldfish died, it was the worst day of her life. Her water manipulation is quite good, albeit focused on smaller scale manipulations versus one big wave or two. She adores creating little bubbles of water to juggle to cheer up young, sickly, children, or creating minute figurines upon the water's surface to dance and glide and even puts on little water shows in imitation from all the plays her and her mother frequented when she was younger.

Like all Celestine, Celly's bodily fluids have the capacity to heal. She routinely donates blood and plasma (though since her move to Oria City is so new, she's yet to get set up with a doctor to do so) and since she's such a cry baby, she often accidentally heals others during hugs. Thankfully she's neither clumsy nor brave, as the Celestine healing potential is lost on her kind.

Limitations: As mentioned previously, Celly's ability to manipulate water is limited to a relatively small scale and it completely drains her to try and make a wave big enough to push someone away. Additionally, she is positively cold-blooded and is almost always shivering if not ladened down in a jacket or two. She is also exceedingly attracted to the musky radiance of ambergris. On top of that (and unbeknownst to her) her father has hired a "bodyguard" of sorts to watch over and protect Aricelly against hunters. Despite the tutelage from Dulcinea, she's only fair at playing her instrument of the sea, and it often makes her cry knowing just how subpar she is at it.

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