Serenity Down- IC Thread

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Corrin drew her sword. "Well, I guess we won't be getting out of this one peacefully." She immediately used it to knock the blaster away from her face. "Let's avoid taking needless lives, alright?" She looked at the group aiming guns at them. "Camilla, help me out here." She shouted to her sister.


Camilla clutched her axe in her hand. "I will, my dearly beloved, precious sister." She drew her axe, and swung it at the nearest person, aiming to knock them down.
After what seemed like an eternity, Sans finally spoke. The humor and lightheartedness that had been in his manner and previously was gone, and eyes were curiously dark, devoid of any pupils.


"Wanna hear a bad skeleton joke? Nevermind I don't have the guts!"

Then, slowly, in the same tone, Sans finished.

"Hey... Buddy. If you don't have the guts to walk away, you're gonna have a..."


"...bad time."

With a casual flick of his hand, he tried to telekinetically shove the human towards a wall of sharpened spikes that had appeared in midair, if succeeding he stopped the human just before he impacted, sending a message rather than trying to kill.​
Three large trucks burst through the city gate, churning up the remaining patches of grass along the city's entrance. They were well armored, their hulls originating from some sort of titanium alloy hardened and tainted with rust. The first trunk paused upon reaching the first group, drifting slightly, and coming to a halt. The second and third vehicles seemed to swoop wide around the crew, meeting on opposing flanks-- the Second Serenity were being herded like cattle at a rodeo.

Leaning out from the window of the first trunk was man no older than 28, his face fresh and his hair saved into a Mohawk. He wore a black arm band on his right shoulder, depicting a white circle encasing nothingness-- no faction, no symbol, no pride.

A blaster hung from this arm, dangling over the side of the vehicle. The grey plastic-metal device would slowly raise itself until it stood parallel to Corrin's face, an energy bullet crackling in its chamber

"Darrin! Macov!- Form a perimeter around the ship" He cried, lunging out of the door. "Flush out anyone inside, and shoot to kill- Evelyn does not need 'em all alive for...interrogation. The rest of you can round up these creep, sedate them if you have to" 12 more men leaped from the back of the respective vans, following Edgar's orders to the letter. The formed an oval around the crew, 2 meters between each man, the trucks filling in any gaps. They too raised their weapons, all of which seemed to be variants of the gun their leader held. They began to advance inwards

"Certainly not yet...certainly not now...but if we can acquire the Clean-slate Antidote, the day may not be far off...That matters at hand must be dealt with first, however"

"Containing the Jedi was far easier than we first anticipated, Crichton" Sate murmured, placing her joined hands onto her lap
"Upon the arrival of Agent Smith, David was able to study the code make-up of his very being. From there, using a variation of the Gallifreyan 'Statis Cubes', we were able to transport the entirety of Tython into a makeshift Matrix. Once the Jedi vanished under suspicious circumstances, SPECTRE, according to the Agent, out ruled the event a genocide, or a natural disaster of sorts"

"Dark aligned Midi-clorians" Smith interjected, breathing deeply "As I recall, work...differently, to that of the Jedi...they are more hostile...harder to manipulate. Only neutral or light aligned midi-clorians of a certain ratio will will suffice-- our scientific advisers confirmed it time and time again. With the 90% of force users working alongside either the Jedi or Sith, approximately 8.9% of the remaining carrying too weak of a ratio, only 1.1% of the remaining neutral force sensitives will provide any use to SPECTRE, many of which are undiscovered"

"Yet" The Jedi Master made a gesture with her left hand, pushing her outstretched palm across the table like a sail "Tracking down the remaining sensitives should be a priority--"

"Da!! My men will handle such a triiiviallll task!!"

Shiro's rambling simply confirmed the Alec's beliefs regarding the councils vote to let the General Join--- they wanted him for his resources, not his mind, and certainly not his personality

The Council of JANUS remained silent for a moment, while all present seemed to contemplate life, the universe and everything, alongside any back up plans they may have failed to discuss

Nothing came to mind

Of course, General White was one of the leaders of the Red Ribbon Army, however he was not the leader ; if they wished to use his forces in an all out war against SPECTRE, they would have to first address the equally stubborn, equally brash and equally stupid council of the Red Ribbon. Such bargains would take decades, if not centuries to complete...and the promises they would have to make

David had forces too, both in Chicago and within his loyalist. They would probably be strong enough to hold their own against SPECTRE forces that planned to attack the faction system, but the loses would be great...If Mr.Daniels would be allowed to 'Cut loose', however, unleashing enough of his "Serums" to turn the skies to gold, they could truly fight their foe head on...

For perhaps a week, if they were lucky

CLEANSLATE out manned and out gunned his loyalists to extreme levels; by the time they could produce a formula to eradicate even a fraction of their next invading force, Gero and Davros would have created an antidote, an improved model, and a new element-- both men were far smarter than he was, 20 fold each, not to include the millions upon millions of other scientists they had at their disposal compared to his precious few. David knew this...and feared this...

Smith stood as nothing more than an informant- outside of the Matrix, his 'mortal' form was nothing more than a martial artist; a marital artist strong enough to match Hit's strength, but a martial artist none the less. He too would be unable to take down a battle cruiser, especially without Ki- infiltration, however...

At this point in time, their best bet was Janus' criminal links, security forces/private army and weaponry

"My Jedi..." Shan muttered, breaking through her long, meditative silence "One Jedi can be enough to shift any war, if the force wills it. We currently have hundreds of Jedi training on Tython, alongside several battalions of Republic volunteers. We may not have been able to defeat the Empire in our last war, yet this time, if we combine out forces, we may be able to hold SPECTRE at bay while you initiate further plans-- perhaps even rendezvous with other allies...yet such a plan garanteers the loss of our advantage...SPECTRE will find the blood they search for...."

And with that, Shan retunred to her meditation, searching her thoughts for a greater solution-- in short, the council were starved of a solution...

Jack sat in his chair for a moment, head bowed as he thought. Ragnorak was a manipulator, despite laying claim to the title of god, he wouldn't be much help in a fight. Battler and Lucifer had incredible powers, but they seemed to be limited by their concentration, and could be overwhelmed. The Pact wasn't stable enough to take on a entire fleet, the Organization wouldn't be interested unless SPECTRE made crossed them, the SCP wasn't going to intervene, and there were no other contacts that Crichton could call on.

Crichton had no answers. They were at a shatterpoint, the fate of the universe hanging at a fulcrum in this very room. If they failed, a crusade would cross the multiverse with a ferocity not seen since the coming of the Organization. Subjugation, terror, death. Darkness would fall over the universe, and the Singularity, the point of no return, would come all that sooner.

How did Crichton even end up in this situation? He'd just been rotting in the Kyln for bitch slapping the Nova Prime on one of Ragnorak's assignments gone very wrong, and then that kid had wandered into his and the Count's cell, and then... this. He was unlucky, but not that unlucky. Was there some higher meaning to him being here? Had Ragnorak traced the timeline, or was there some other for reason being here?

Then Jack Crichton did something he'd never done before. He traced his own timeline. Not someone else's in relation to him, but his own in relation to fate. Jack was opening the door to infinity, and looking at his position in it.

The space was staggering, he was nothing, an eternally diminishing speck in an infinitely large universe that didn't care about him. Jack head lolled back in his chair, his eyes rolling into his head. To the others he looked like he was having a seizure, but it wasn't that, he was paralyzed by the magnitude of existence.

Jack simply lay there, his mind shattered looking at all, and thus nothing. There was truly no word to describe other than all. There were words, but nothing could compare to the scale of it. All of the suffering he'd endured, all the things he'd tried so hard to fix, all his attempts to be a hero, it was swallowed into nothing by everything.

But, in looking at the sum of existence, he was forced to swallow one bitter pill. The reason he hadn't died yet, the reason he'd survived to do so much, was that John Crichton never gave up. And he was John Crichton. That was why he was here. Damn cosmic entities. Damn fate. Damn SPECTRE.

Infinity was finite, and John was infinite. His consciousness rolled over all those he'd traveled with, those he'd bonded to over his long life.

I am the Bane of my Reality

Shaitan - The Tyranite Cabal

Space is my body and Time is my blood

Sans - Oracle

I have molded over a thousand futures


Unknown to my friends

Last Order - The Pact

Nor my enemies

John Crichton - The Organization

I have withstood loss to create many timelines Yet these hands will never find peace.

Me - The Serenity II

So I pray--

Power wasn't a fleet, it wasn't a miracle formula, it wasn't physical powers, it wasn't any of these, and that was why the power seekers always fell. Power was loyalty. Power was friendship. Power was belief.

Power was trying to be a hero.

Coming out of his seizure, John fixed them with a stare that spoke more of his hardened resolve and determination than any words could. "I have your army."​
"H-hey! What the? Can't we talk this out?" Corrin would say when the gun was shoved into her face. "We don't have to fight!" Corrin's hand reached for her sword as a form of instinct and self-defense. "We don't have to do this!"

Meanwhile, Camilla would notice a gun being pointed at her sister. She grabbed her axe and stepped forward. "My darling, beloved sister, I will protect you!" She said to herself.


She glanced angrily towards the person holding the gun at her sister. "Get away from her, You Dastard!" She shouted.

@Oh, boy. @I'm not ready for what will happen next...
The guards were clearly not in the mood for talking, and definitely not to a bunch of outsiders who had taken a wrong turn after Shakespeare in the park. A small plasma bullet escaped the rifle of one of the taller factionless guards, a burly man with mutton chops. It wizzed through the air, narrowly missing Camilla's axe hilt and flying pass her hip

He let out grunt at his own failure, preparing a follow up strike​
Lucifer sighed. Sometimes he hated it when people came to the party, especially when they arrived to try to capture him. He had already been in prison and didn't have a plan of going back there. He debated what he could say to them and saw they were being cattled, well, what do you know? It was a trap, that came to no shock to dear old Lucifer. " Well, this is certain to be fun, these people have brought guns to a fight against me. I feel like I have seen that before," he said, as he looked at the blaster wit zero fear.

On the other spectrum from completely calm Lucifer, Cameron was breathing heavily in and out. He was going to die here, wasn't he? What could he do now? He didn't have the Devil in him ( boy that sounded wrong) and he was away from the rest of the group. "Can we talk this out?" He asked.


Lucifer decided now was the time to turn on his demon form and he was curious how these mortals were going to react to this. He hoped that it was negative since it wasn't every day he could do that either. He was very silent.

Unlike Lucifer who was calm or Cameron who was sniveling like a little baby, Quill had taken a different approach then either of them. He had pulled out his own blaster and pointed it in turn on them. " I wouldn't point my gun on them, unless you want your own hands blown off, we aren't your typical crash victims, but it is your funeral and you can die if you want too," he added, before he decided to shoot off a warning shot followed by multiple actual ones. He wasn't planning on being killed, he wanted to get back to his team. He wanted to finish this mess and wished that he had taken that fleet ship and went back to them. Hopefully, Lucifer wasn't all talk and brought something to the table.

@Minerva @Thuro 116 Pendragon @Cromartie Sarkissian @others like @Ringmaster @BarrenThin @Mighty Roman @Gibbons @Kaykay @CookieMonster @T.O.M.
Every one of Edgar's men seemed to jump out of their skins at the sight of the demon's second form. They had been warned that the beings from beyond the wall would be mutants, their genetic make up long since being tainted by the decades of fallout and chaos...yet nothing had prepared them for this

3 guards began to retreat away from perimeter, slowly making their way backwards towards the wall. A handful of others made a full retreat, risking the cruelty of the wasteland as opposed to whatever the King of Hell could throw at them


Eric cried, opening fire at Lucifer. Would the bullets harm him? Probably not- he had hoped to keep this one alive regardless...such transformations would prove valuable, especially when trying to prevent another Faction Uprising...

The perimeter was now broken, only the Ex-Dauntless Soldiers helping hold the line​
In the mind of the surrounded, came a mental urge to drop to the ground, now. Shaitan?

And then a voice, long since dead echoed suddenly everywhere.

"Lets Play!"

Followed by the trucks exploding. Each one set with charges deposited by an alien with a cloaking field and while distracted by the circle. Far off, Kiande howled with laughter as his plasmacaster tracked and sniped away those enemies who still stood in the aftermath of the explosion shrapnel.

It wasn't nearly as fun as up close combat, but someone had to be on a roof and monitor radio channels. Down below, a dark blur ran into position.

Armed with a lightsaber.

Shaitan darted in the midst of chaos, fully armored and where he struck, he struck to kill. He was looking to take no prisoners here. He had a good rest, came to terms with what he thought bothered him concerning Sarah and was feeling much like his old self again.

@Cromartie Sarkissian
If Edgar's men were not screwed over enough by Lucifer, the Predator finally sealed their fate. With their only sources of cover removed from the face of the wasteland, the men were forced to shoot blindly, attacking anything in the direction of the fire power

Albeit unsuccessfully

From Shaitan's follow up strike, only 4 solders remained alongside Edgar, only one plasma charge connection with The Predator's shoulder​

"Guess there's no talking around this..." Battler muttered. If they were going to shoot to kill, chances were they weren't going to hear out anything that they had to say. Reluctantly, he held his right arm out, a golden sword materializing into his grasp. Teleporting behind one of the men, he aimed to knock him out with the hilt of the sword before setting up his Endless Nine barrier.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Ringmaster @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9
River was confused. She didn't feel like something was right, like she had missed a big part of the action. The last thing she remembered was the ship.. the light bulbs. Oh! She had to tell them!

She sat up, finding that she was on the cold, hard metal of the floor. Looking around, she was confused. Images seemed to blur and distort around her, probably connected to her memory loss. "What.. happened..?" She managed to say, opening her eyes and then closing them in an attempt to clear the fog. She reached out her hands to try and touch something, but she couldn't feel anything, only air. "Is.. is someone there?" She asked, tilting her head even though she couldn't see.

Battler's barrier seemed to engulf Edgar's line of fire, shielding River from a plasma storm as well as himself. Many of the energy bolts bounced of in all directions, others were absorbed, but none connected

The attack was falling to pieces

"Is that how you want to play? Fine le---"
After what seemed like an eternity, Sans finally spoke. The humor and lightheartedness that had been in his manner and previously was gone, and eyes were curiously dark, devoid of any pupils.


"Wanna hear a bad skeleton joke? Nevermind I don't have the guts!"

Then, slowly, in the same tone, Sans finished.

"Hey... Buddy. If you don't have the guts to walk away, you're gonna have a..."


"...bad time."

With a casual flick of his hand, he tried to telekinetically shove the human towards a wall of sharpened spikes that had appeared in midair, if succeeding he stopped the human just before he impacted, sending a message rather than trying to kill.​
His words were suddenly cut off by the telekinetic strike of the fleshless man, the sudden push forcing the air from his lungs. He dropped his gun, powerless to fight off the pull and the push of the spikes

(Mobile Post)​
Every one of Edgar's men seemed to jump out of their skins at the sight of the demon's second form. They had been warned that the beings from beyond the wall would be mutants, their genetic make up long since being tainted by the decades of fallout and chaos...yet nothing had prepared them for this

3 guards began to retreat away from perimeter, slowly making their way backwards towards the wall. A handful of others made a full retreat, risking the cruelty of the wasteland as opposed to whatever the King of Hell could throw at them


Eric cried, opening fire at Lucifer. Would the bullets harm him? Probably not- he had hoped to keep this one alive regardless...such transformations would prove valuable, especially when trying to prevent another Faction Uprising...

The perimeter was now broken, only the Ex-Dauntless Soldiers helping hold the line​
Lucifer looked at them and noticed that many of them had fallen back behind lines, those men knew what they were doing. He knew that his true face made them nervous, he could tell more than he cared to admit. He rarely used it, unless he was being attacked by someone and wasn't able to be stopped by any way shape or form, he hoped he had't broken Cameron.

Cameron looked at Lucifer when he had done that transformation- and he wasn't sure what to do, he had made a deal with this man, but now he knew what he was. He was the Devil, he had made a deal with the Devil. The clues were there and he had ignored them, he was silent for now.

Quill smirked a bit.

Lucifer stared as he shot the bullets at him. He wasn't affected by guns unless he was in Cameron's body or Decker was near him. " You have made a big mistake," he said, using his own telekinesis on them and then decided to use his charming powers." Why are you doing this?" He had charmed his way up before.

Cameron paused and noticed that there was a difference in Lucifer's question, some sort of charm to it.

@Minerva @Thuro 116 Pendragon @Cromartie Sarkissian @others like @Ringmaster @BarrenThin @Mighty Roman @Gibbons @Kaykay @CookieMonster @T.O.M.
His words were suddenly cut off by the telekinetic strike of the fleshless man, the sudden push forcing the air from his lungs. He dropped his gun, powerless to fight off the pull and the push of the spikes

"Kid, just put your gun down and let's go and get something to eat."

To emphasize his point, the bones shifted that much closer to the other man's throat.

Sans actually wasn't kidding. He didn't want to kill the kid, but he was more than willing to if it meant protecting the timelines.​
Lucifer looked at them and noticed that many of them had fallen back behind lines, those men knew what they were doing. He knew that his true face made them nervous, he could tell more than he cared to admit. He rarely used it, unless he was being attacked by someone and wasn't able to be stopped by any way shape or form, he hoped he had't broken Cameron.

Cameron looked at Lucifer when he had done that transformation- and he wasn't sure what to do, he had made a deal with this man, but now he knew what he was. He was the Devil, he had made a deal with the Devil. The clues were there and he had ignored them, he was silent for now.

Quill smirked a bit.

Lucifer stared as he shot the bullets at him. He wasn't affected by guns unless he was in Cameron's body or Decker was near him. " You have made a big mistake," he said, using his own telekinesis on them and then decided to use his charming powers." Why are you doing this?" He had charmed his way up before.

Cameron paused and noticed that there was a difference in Lucifer's question, some sort of charm to it.

@Minerva @Thuro 116 Pendragon @Cromartie Sarkissian @others like @Ringmaster @BarrenThin @Mighty Roman @Gibbons @Kaykay @CookieMonster @T.O.M.
Edgar spat through his teeth, apparently immune to the demon's charm. Perhaps it was his genetic impurity, the same defect that has blinded his senses and dulled his mind ever since his exile into the factionless sector-- the genetic abnormality of the ex-dauntless.
"Go to hell!" He cried, without a hint of irony
"Kid, just put your gun down and let's go and get something to eat."

To emphasize his point, the bones shifted that much closer to the other man's throat.

Sans actually wasn't kidding. He didn't want to kill the kid, but he was more than willing to if it meant protecting the timelines.​
"Eat? Getting something to eat here? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!?"
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Edgar spat through his teeth, apparently immune to the demon's charm. Perhaps it was his genetic impurity, the same defect that has blinded his senses and dulled his mind ever since his exile into the factionless sector-- the genetic abnormality of the ex-dauntless.
"Go to hell!" He cried, without a hint of irony

"Eat? Getting something to eat here? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!?"
Shaitan without a word and counting on the gunmans attention on the others, swung his lightsaber to decapitate Eric without a word.

If successful, with the ease of a lifetimes experience he began to rifle through the pockets and various of the body.

Kiande from his viewpoint cloaked and began to monitor all channels as he kept an eye out.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Thuro 116 Pendragon @LuckycoolHawk9 @Others

Edgar spat through his teeth, apparently immune to the demon's charm. Perhaps it was his genetic impurity, the same defect that has blinded his senses and dulled his mind ever since his exile into the factionless sector-- the genetic abnormality of the ex-dauntless.
"Go to hell!" He cried, without a hint of irony
Lucifer sighed, yet another person immune to his charm. He should start making a list of people who didn't fall for his manipulation. It would be a very long list at the end of the day. He looked at the man and wondered what beautifully profound thing he was going to say next to enlighten them. Yup, there it was like always.

" Sorry, I have no intention of returning then, but be very happy to give you a one way trip," he said. He hoped the sith didn't miss.

@Thuro 116 Pendragon @Ringmaster @Cromartie Sarkissian
"Eat? Getting something to eat here? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!?"

"Buddy, I'd say plenty since you are what you eat, but it all passes right throu-..."
Shaitan without a word and counting on the gunmans attention on the others, swung his lightsaber to decapitate Eric without a word.

If successful, with the ease of a lifetimes experience he began to rifle through the pockets and various of the body.

Kiande from his viewpoint cloaked and began to monitor all channels as he kept an eye out.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Thuro 116 Pendragon @LuckycoolHawk9 @Others

The skeleton was silent for a moment, his eyelids blanking out creepily as he stared at the Sith Lord. "I used to not be such a big fan of humans, would have killed him fast as you did. But I met this kid that forced me to realize that they weren't all the same."


"Don't slaughter indiscriminately or you're going to have a very bad time."

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