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the eye of the beholder
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
  2. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Most days, most hours
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Agender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
  6. No Preferences
Adventure. Angels and demons. Apocalyptic. Arthurian. Comedy. Dystopian. Fantasy. Historical. Horror. Post-apocalyptic. Romance. Science fiction. Supernatural.


No one remembers when the world ended. No one even remembers how. All that remains are the legends of the elders and the vast world beneath the waters. Whatever it was that sunk the old world decentralized the new one. Civilizations became scarce and distantly spread, most never interacting with one another. Some float freely above the waves while others remain anchored to the old world. Your home is Luascent, a town built upon a rare peak risen from the water. Aside from its tethered island, there is nothing but endless waves in every direction. However, submerged beneath the waves are the remnants of a foreign mysterious world. Beneath the water, there are resources and history alike, but it isn't the only option. There are other settlements somewhere, and your calling might be across the sea rather than below it.


Hello! This is a roleplay with the potential to go in many different directions depending on the characters and their choices Some for the better and some for the worse. The characters will be inhabitants of the town of Luascent, one of the last known bastions of humanity. It is built branching off a rare island and has prospered as a result of those resources, which are dwindling. While Luascent is a fully functioning town with people of many occupations, the vast majority of inhabitants are fishers, whalers, or divers. With a distinct uptick of demand for the last two in recent years. Technology isn't one-for-one with any real world era, but generally it falls to the late 1800s or early 1900s. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me!

Since this is currently invite only I'm not making a fancy rules list and keeping it simple.
1. Don't be a dick, follow Iwaku rules. Don't god mode or control other characters. Don't make me regret this. :D
2. Semi-realistic artwork or written descriptions for characters preferred. I'm not a stickler but I'd prefer to avoid RL FCs.
3. Relaxed posting speed, relaxed post requirements.
4. Ideally join the Discord, otherwise you might miss out a bit.
5. There are mysterious elements to this RP and I am not putting them in the sign-up to preserve that. If you're concerned about anything specific, you can DM me.

Character Sheet:
You can format this in any way you choose as long as the info is there. Somewhere in the sheet include a goal, desire, or motivation. I'll react to your post once it's accepted.

Role (basically, who you are or what you do)
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Iriena Cauthrik, or Rien, is a veteran sailor who has spent most of her 36 years on the sea. Rien was born as the older of two girls in a small tight-knit family, although they were plagued with troubles. Both her mother and younger sister were of sicklier dispositions and Rien took to working with her father while still fresh-faced, taking to the seas before she'd even gotten a real taste of land. Like Rien, her father was captain and owner of an old but devotedly maintained sailing vessel of modest size. As a girl she never considered another path in life, but she does not resent this decision and sailing has become as much a part of her as her skin. The endless sway of a boat her reality.

But rough weather and dangerous storms hardened her already serious demeanour. A life of troubles have left her tired and with no time for nonsense. She has grown to be a decisive woman with a gruff countenance. Despite that, she is supportive and protective of her friends and crew alike, however, she can display a degree of tactlessness in social situations and is known for her blatant honesty. Others might point out the gloomier side of her personality, which she keeps tightly in check. The more sorrowful portion of her personality took hold after the death of her father to a particularly devastating storm near a decade ago, but even that hasn't swayed her from her position. Rather, the tragedy only solidified her determination as a sailor and captain. Rien offers her services to those seeking the open sea, whatever their reasons, and has worked with people of all professions.​

Lukan Morring is the grandson of one of the currently seated Councillors. His grandmother has served for over three decades with no intention of quitting anytime soon. It is well known that she was born in the underbelly and her appointment was a rather mysterious affair, which resulted in rumours being thrown at her and a general distaste cast on her family among the upper sphere. At 24, Lukan is the baby among her three grandchildren. As a boy, he fell asleep to fables, old stories of ancient times shrouded in as much myth as mystery. These stories filled him with a sense of adventure that has never gone away.

As the youngest, Lukan developed a more carefree attitude than either his brother or sister. He grew to be cheerful and optimistic with a touch of mischievousness. Lukan has his head in the clouds and is quick to laugh. His light-hearted disposition follows him even into grim situations, and he believes those are the most important times to keep a sunny outlook. He is also, to the dismay of many around him, something of a skirt-chaser.

A decade ago, Lukan took up an apprenticeship at the apothecary the maternal side of his family owned. Lukan was immediately enchanted by the work and put in his due diligence to earn and keep his place, although he is quick to play off his effort as him having been lucky. Despite enjoying his work, Lukan longs for adventure and dreams of faraway lands and places.​
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Name: Onya Sallow
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Role: Diver

The dauntless diver has been whittled into a fine shape by the relentless beating of the ocean waves. Many salt-stained wind has left her jaundiced skin rough and course, and her build is equally so, not one cell in her body having gone to lay derelict in some fatty deposit. She stands at the unremarkable height of 5'5" with equally unremarkable facial features. She has better things to worry about than chasing delusions of beauty, so the seasoned diver goes entirely free of makeup, jewelry, or any other pretty bauble to hide her common face. She keeps her grey hair in two messy braids at all times.


Were it not for her exploration of the ocean depths, and Onya would have been just another nameless face amongst the tepid masses of Luascent. The hardy woman is not associated with a vivacious spirit; rather, she is its antithesis, a sobering rain in the wake of a fire. Onya champions pragmaticism over frivolities at all times. A mindful, frugal spirit has kept her head above water - literally and figuratively - throughout her life, and she has no intentions of pursuing rash decisions or ridiculous passions of the heart. While it is true she possesses a good heart, the woman can be unscrupulous when it comes to self-preservation. She is not above making a less than savory deal if it means putting food on her table.


There was no mother or father growing up; there was only Auntie, an ancient woman with a line in her withered face for every year she was alive. Auntie raised her and seven other orphans in her pile dwelling at the edge of Luascent. Education was a commodity that ebbed and flowed with Auntie's rapidly deteriorating health, and food came at the behest of sympathetic neighbors and local do-gooders. Onya grew up resentful of many things: resentful of the cold, resentful of ripping crumbs of food from dozens of hands, resentful of begging in the poorest junction of the city, and resentful of her humble upbringing. Poverty was sickness, and it plagued her well into her childhood, continuing even after Auntie finally died.

Onya was sixteen when she joined the diving profession. Warnings about the risks were ignored; a dangerous occupation held little bite to one already poisoned by destitution. She caught on quickly, much to others surprise, and soon she had enough money to leave the tiny pile dwelling behind. She left without so much as a word to her adopted siblings, moving as far away from her former poverty as possible. The simple pleasures in life are enough to soothe her now. There are always meals to be had, and she never again goes cold. Money, such as she'd never seen before, rests in her pockets now, and Onya will do whatever it takes to keep it that way. She is finally beginning to feel something that she'd never dreamed of on those cold nights as a child cradled between the earth and stars.



When the funds begin to wane, Onya is not above picking up odd jobs down at the wharf for local fishermen and vendors. Most know to contact her if something is needed. On occasion, she will even fulfill requests from the illegal black market brewing beneath the eyes of law enforcement.

Onya has one adopted sibling she keeps in contact with, an older woman named Tressinus.

Due to lack of space in the city, the woman currently shares a house with another young couple and their mother. Onya stays on the top floor with her own kitchen and amenities while the other family have the bottom floor. The family routinely extends their hospitality to her, but Onya typically declines.

  • Nice Execution!
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Suvi Blicke
NICKNAME(S): Sue, Sisi
ROLE: Merchant
GENDER: Cis-Female
AGE: 26
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
EYE COLOR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT: 5'11
BUILD: Slender, shapely
HEALTH CONDITIONS/NOTES: Moderate use of alcohol
Charismatic | Warm | Ambitious | Loyal | Observant | Gentle | Adventurous | Easily Amused | Hot Headed | Humorous | Friendly | Independent | Idealistic | Playful | Dedicated | Secretive | Family Oriented
• Artifacts
• Romance
• Adventure
• Flowers
• Cosmetics
• Perfumes
• Jewelry
• Seeing old people eating alone
• Thieves and liars
• Disappointment
• Feeling controlled
• Laziness
• Wasted time
• Wasted food
• Charismatic
• Knives
• Stealthy and agile
• Doesn't let people know her
• Lets her emotions win
• Doesn't sleep well
• Defensive
Suvi came from a large family of fish merchants, whalers and divers. Though she never showed much interest in those things, what really put her off was the frequent accidents that took most of her family from her. She helps to take care of her grandmother with the help of what few family she has left and often feels guilty for wishing for more. She inherited her uncle's small fishing boat and tries to make ends meet, but what she really dreams of is leaving Luascent and finding her own adventure. She's working hard to save up the funds to buy a bigger, nicer ship and pack her things find the life she always knew she wanted.
- Loves sitting at the pub and listening to people tell their stories
- Wants an exciting, romantic life away from here
- Excellent cook
- Hates getting dirty but does what she has to to get by
- Makes dresses out of her family's old clothes
- Trying her best
- Unobtainable Eligible Bachelorette
Code by Jenamos
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  • Love
Reactions: Dusk
Madlock, the Wysper

Madlock the Wysper. Madlock the Fool. Madlock the Never Hungry

Tinker turned thief, Madlock promised himself one thing when he left his good-for-nothing guild: I'll never go hungry again.

Desperate to climb the social ladder straight into the Grand Hotel, A Tinkering Delight, a small but profitable guild, storefront and tutelage company took coin and children and used both advantageously to achieve their goals. Madlock was one of these children, his genius with tools and machinery making him stand out among the orphans of the Commons, making him a valuable asset that was never, never properly cared for— even when he helped secure entry to the Grand Hotel.

Madlock learned then, at roughly thirteen, that tinkering was his passion but tinkerers... they were fools.

Tinkerers. Named so for their inherent use of creativity to combat current problems and their rejection of past norms at a baseline for current reconstruction. History was to be learned from, not ever-repeated like a cog in some great big machine. Tinkerers. Bequeathed by the engineers focused in complete totality to retrieving, repairing, and reigniting the past that destroyed the world.

He cared for neither.

Madlock kept his genius but moved on, elsewhere in Luascent, and fell into a ragtag team of mummers. He learned a lot from them, as he fixed their contraptions, improved upon several designs, learned the tools of the trade... and then Emmot disappeared...

To become Madlock, the Wysper, forevermore.

Name: Emmot T. Madlock
Age: Unknown, but no older than 35
Gender: Presumed and presenting male
Role: Dealer of Goods, primarily clandestine whispers, though he also dabbles in a profitable antiques trade, money laundering and counterfeiting, drugs, and fishing equipment.

Madlock's true appearance is anyone's guess. He has a myriad of styles, faces, and accessories on his person and in his possession to completely reinvent himself at a moments notice. Madlock uses color theory in fascinating ways; color theory with fabrics and textiles, a swipe of khol against the eyes or a dab of rouge against the apples of his cheeks.

His tinkering talents and dexterous use of his hands were quite in line with his mummer aficionado, to ensure no one— no one, really knows the true Madlock. Eyes of blue, grey, green... depending on the fabrics and the multi-use-change-color gems he created and wears. Others remember him tall, others short with a limp, and still others remember him thick bodied whereas others would swear he was stick-thin.

His personality, thankfully, his much easier to place. To remember. Bold, inventive. Harsh, never sparring a hard truth. Cruel when necessary. Angry on behalf of the children just trying to survive. Calm, mysterious, with a stark refusal to ever give up.


There are more than a dozen children like Sune, whom Madlock helps keep fed. Perhaps he sees it as his karmic duty. Perhaps it's his bleeding heart, one that's dually capable of heinous acts and simply incapable of seeing a child go hungry. As his infamous title suggests, he uses these children throughout Luascent to gather sensitive information from unsuspecting people ranging from the lowest of scum in the Underbelly, to the elites of Luan within the Grand Hotel.

At fifteen years old and Madlock's longest working informant, Sune is intelligent, quick-witted, and a natural at picking up subtle clues. She was taught to read and write so she could transcribe important information, read through classified documents, and deduce what was important and what wasn't. As the ring-leader of Madlock's merry band of children, she shares what knowledge (and coin) she earns, passing along the wealth for those who were once in her shoes.

After having been taught from the best, Sune knows when to dress up and when to dress down, when a bit of grease along the edge of one's nose will ensure you get looked at and immediately forgotten and when that will work best, rather than being memorable, to ensure easy access in the future. Over the years she's collected tools of the trade, plenty of fabric materials she can use and reuse in thousands of different ways, as well as mechanical goods, like lockpicks, transcription hardware, and recently, has been learning how to use the typewriter Madlock's been tinkering with for the past three years.

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  • Creative
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Name: Valdeka (Val) Lightvale
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Role: Storyteller, Musician

Personality: Val is a rather calm and quiet individual when he's alone. He likes to sit in silence, usually in corners away from others with a drink in his hand, minding his own business and staying out of others' affairs. At a glance, he would seem like a gloomy, dreary individual. He is a man of many stories, too many of them dark. Sometimes they plague his thoughts and his dreams. Prone to nightmares, he often wakes up crying or screaming in the middle of the night.

He finds it hard to connect to others sometimes, but he isn't at all against the idea of making a friend, meeting someone, sharing tales and smiling with another. It's just the long term to a relationship that he struggles with. So much of his life has been filled with one tragedy after another that he forever fears becoming attached to someone that he could lose. He is equal parts desperate for connections and terrified that he'll inevitably lose them forever.

Val believes himself to be terribly unlucky or possibly cursed. He's seen so much misfortune in his life that surely something must be out to get in in particular, right?

Background: Valdeka lost both of his parents very early in his life in a tragic accident. He hardly had a chance to really get to know either of them and regrets it every day, wishing he'd at least had the time to have gotten to know them, see what they were like, maybe pick up some wisdom from them that could have helped him through life. He wasn't alone, however. He had an older brother who took care of him in place of their parents. The two of them were very close, more like best friends than brothers.

Around the age of seventeen, he lost his brother as well in another unfortunate accident. Now, truly alone with no other family to fall to, Val was forced to learn to survive on his own and get by all by himself. He did well enough. He survived and he did good for himself, though he did ache with loneliness that became filled on occasion with various friends and lovers. They were good for him, they filled any void that gripped at his heart, but no one really lasted all that long. Maybe a few years at most before friends disappeared, died, or fell apart from him over what he sees now as pointless arguments and fights. Much as he wanted to keep trying again, to find connections, some part of him nags at him that maybe he's just meant to be alone.

Turning his pain into creativity, he spends night after night spinning tales to crowds who will listen. Many (if not all) of his stories are at least somewhat pulled from truth. The inspiration for the stories he tells come from his own tragedies, adventures, and life stories... albeit most are seriously embellished into incredibly fantastical tales of heroes and villains and mythical creatures to make them much more entertaining. Telling his stories, he gets very into the mood, throwing arms for flair, mimicking voices or singing, sometimes even using props or light effects and shadow puppets to further catch eyes and ears to listen in and have a good time.

Truly, when telling stories, it's one of the few times where Val feels anything anymore.
  • Sympathy & Compassion
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
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Theadosia Fionne
ROLE: Tavern Owner
GENDER: Cis-Female
AGE: 34
HAIR COLOR: Pale blonde
EYE COLOR: Grayish green
BUILD: Curvaceous, hour glass shaped
SKIN DETAILS: Pale peach toned
OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: A beauty mark on apple of her right cheek
Alcohol use
Social smoker
PERSONALITY: Charming | Observant | Flirtatious | Understanding | Humorous | Strategic | Poised | Elegant | Slightly Materialistic | Driven | Romantic | Difficult to impress | Hot Headed | Easily Bored | Intuitive | Skeptical | Critical | Creative | Dramatic | Squeamish
- Anything sweet
- Drinking
- Perfumes
- Dressing well
- Being praised
- Flirting
- Gifts
- Music
- Getting dirty
- Infatuations
- Empty promises
- Being lied to(she can tell)
- Demands
- Weather that is too hot or too cold
- Not being able to make up her mind
- Slow business
- Boredom
- Intuitive
- Discreet
- Clever
- A romantic
- Distant
- Distrusting

Theadosia grew up in the underbelly, doing dark and disturbing jobs for dark and disturbing people to get by after she ran away from the poor and abusive conditions of the orphanage she resided in. Once she got a bit older, she was officially recruited into a brothel. For the most part she was taken care of and treated well, and she felt much safer in the presence of the older men and women that worked there.

She grew close with a man from the upper sphere who promised to take care of her and whisk her away from the cold and scary life she knew. The two were deeply in love and even got engaged. He had promised that they would sail off into the sunset together and live a long, happy life together, but when she went to meet in him the night… She discovered he had left without her.

After that, Thea suffered through handfuls of abusive relationships and destructive behaviors until someone delivered a sack of valuables to her door. It was the man's sister. She had found this stashed away with a note explaining that he was in love and that the valuables were to be given to Thea. She never saw his sister again, and she used a majority of her money on opening up her tavern.

She still finds herself wondering what happened, if he truly left her or if something horrible had happened to him…
But in the meantime, though she seems selfish at times, she hopes to start saving some money to open a decent, safe and loving home for children and people in difficult situations.

- Wants the world to be a better place
- Still believes in true love, despite the horrors she's seen
- Tries not to get her hopes up for much
- Has been known to feed the hungry after hours behind her tavern
- Is slowly working on fixing the upper levels or her building to make livable rooms
- Takes what people tell her with a grain of salt
- Very hard working, even though she complains about it
- Loves gossip
- Not a snitch

Code by Jenamos
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  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Dusk
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Fire In the Heart leads to Smoke in the Head

Underbelly Guardsman

| Girasol Osta | 39 | Male | 6'2" | Underbelly Guard |

| ISTJ | Chaotic Good |

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He's never been described as kind or welcoming, those were descriptors usually reserved for his younger brother. Though perhaps that's why he was such a good fit for a guard in the Underbelly. Girasol is typically described as having a tough, hard to crack exterior and a rather hostile attitude to boot. He's callous, blunt and typically difficult to be around because he'd rather put up walls and deflect others friendly advances than succumb to them.
Gira believes that all people have ulterior motives behind their actions, even his brother.
While he's unkind and rather unwavering in his unkindness, he does possess the ability to open up to people and express genuine kindness and friendliness. (Albeit most of the time it's at his brothers request if he finds himself in his office. Valerian says that his off putting demeanor makes patients unhappy and uneasy, like he's some omen of death.)
Gira is easily irritated and hates having his buttons pushed.
+ + + + +


Girasol and Valerian were born to Calliope, a flighty woman had no impact on their little town beyond being a sailors wife. She was a strange woman who often barely left their small run down home beyond going out to look at plants and buy food for her boys. Calliope, while studying the plant life and its various uses, never sought out want to share any of her information. She studied the plant life that existed out the outskirts of the town and even the plant life within, leaving notebooks filled of information about plants and their various uses.

Their father Caspian was a man of few words and even fewer emotions. His only concerns in life were his wife's happiness and how to get through the day. He, at first, was a sailor until he decided that perhaps it would suit his wife's nature better if he was home. He had no real want to form a relationship with his children but he didn't want them to end up left alone at home while his Wife disappeared to draw her plants.
His father had to take up a job that kept him home, IE he became a handyman for hire and earned what little he could to supply for his boys and take care of his wife.
Girasol never sought out a relationship with his father, knowing that his father never intended on having children and didn't know how to handle them. However, both he and his brother grew very attached to their mother as most of their life was spent with just her.
He never understood her love for plants and their various uses, but he loved to listen to her talk about them and show him and his brother.
As he grew up, he was very stubborn and curious about the town. He'd often have to drag his younger brother with him to go explore parts of the town because neither of his parents had the capacity to watch him on their own. His father was disinterested and would rather look after their mother- around this time he noticed his mother was forgetting more and more…and now he was ashamed to admit he'd taken advantage of it.
As he got older, he'd be so bold as to sneak out in the middle of the night and hope his father and brother didn't wake…god forbid his mother who wouldn't even know who he was.

At age 17, Valerian age 11- he snuck out to go explore the docks at night. Girasol was interested in sailors and often got excited when seeing what went down in the town at night. Gira left his brother behind in their home with their sleeping mother and father- taking himself down to the docks and hiding behind mist-soaked pillars.
An hour went by and nothing interesting was happening, this night was turning out to be a waste.
Though, a sudden onset of voices took his attention from being upset about how bored he was. He quietly followed the trail of voices until he found their owners- a shady looking group of people exchanging something. His curiosity getting the better of him, he slowly crept closer to get a better look at whatever it was this shady group was exchanging. He wasn't watching where he was putting his feet, stopping dead when he knocked against a broken glass bottle and suddenly silence fell over the group and all eyes were on him.
A loud greeting to show they knew he was there, foot steps drawing near and he bolted. Gira was not going to get caught and die in some alley way because he got too curious for his own good.
He wasn't sure how long he'd been running, but he knew that when he came across a shadowed crevice between two buildings, he couldn't pass it up. Girasol slid his way in, placing his hands over his mouth to quiet his breathing as those foot steps ran by and disappeared. Though, the fear of getting caught by them kept him in place.
Girasol woke up to the sounds of people talking and walking, the light of the morning sun pouring in through the crack he hid himself in. He fell asleep and didn't even realize and he had to pray and hope his brother didn't wake up without him there and tell their father.

To his dismay, he did. And needless to say he got his ass handed to him by his father and was forced to start working to earn his place in their home.
+ + + + +

Valerian Osta; Brother

| E X T R A |

Has a secret soft spot for children, he won't be one to deny a child attention.

Men do not intimidate him but women do.

He often finds himself visiting a local tavern to enjoy a drink or two.

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Some things are star crossed, no matter how hard we try to not let them happen, they will.

| Valerian Osta | 33 | Male | 5'10" | Doctor | Human|


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Valerian is someone most would note as an extremely trustworthy and kind being. He's always got this soft yet tight smile on his face and greets everyone as if he's known them for years. While he seems soft-spoken and introverted, he's just as bullheaded and irritable as his brother. However, he almost never resorts to physical violence unless it's his brother. Yet, he's still extremely patient with others up until a certain point- his line is a lot harder to cross than his brothers and he will always make sure people are aware of that.

The man always seeks to know more than he does- spending his off time going through his mothers journals. Valerian has always been the smarter one between him and his brother, one who relies on logic and understanding rather than physical intimidation.

+ + + + +


Girasol and Valerian were born to Calliope, a flighty woman had no impact on their little town beyond being a sailors wife. She was a strange woman who often barely left their small run down home beyond going out to look at plants and buy food for her boys. Calliope, while studying the plant life and its various uses, never sought out want to share any of her information. She studied the plant life that existed out the outskirts of the town and even the plant life within, leaving notebooks filled of information about plants and their various uses.

Their father Caspian was a man of few words and even fewer emotions. His only concerns in life were his wife's happiness and how to get through the day. He, at first, was a sailor until he decided that perhaps it would suit his wife's nature better if he was home. He had no real want to form a relationship with his children but he didn't want them to end up left alone at home while his Wife disappeared to draw her plants.

Valerian strived for attention from both his father and his mother, forever living in the shadow of his older brother who often got more attention. He would often follow their father around in their small house, constantly begging him to read to him or hold him, give him attention, talk to him. More often than not, his father would ignore him and tell him to go bother his mother.

It wasn't until he understood his mothers writings that he began to grow close to her. She would read her journals to him and his brother while they were seated on her lap, telling them the name of the plants and what they could be used for. She even explained to Valerian what the plant he was named after was used for, explaining that she named him that because she never had the same worry about him that she had with his brother. As a child, it bothered him because he felt his parents didn't love him as much as Girasol…though as they got older he realized it was a compliment to his emotional maturity and capability.

He remembers that at a certain point in his life, his mother went from this intelligent and emotional woman to someone so mentally absent..she couldn't even be bothered to remember her own name. Valerian wasn't sure what had happened to her, but at some point she was no longer his mother and had become similar to that of a child. Neither he nor his brother were equipped to care for her, so his father took it upon himself to take care of his wife…forgetting that he had to raise two boys as well.

While Girasol went with a more offensive approach to a livelihood, Valerian took to studying his mothers journals as well as conducting his own research.

+ + + + +


Girasol | Brother

+ + + + +


He loves to seek out information by writing it down, often seeking out sailors or strangers to ask them of their journeys or stories.
Often, he'll write them down to read again later.

He does not enjoy sharing the knowledge of his mothers journals, finding that he's protective of her writing like it's something ultimately precious. As if to share it would be to let her go.

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