CHARACTERS Sorrel's Charries(no posting please)

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Hufflepuff on the streets, Slytherin in the sheets
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Romance, Yaoi, Modern, Slice of Life, Omegaverse, etc

Face Claim:






Other Notes:

















weird but - to add or take away slides, make sure the amount of [/div] tags right before the [/accordion] tag is one less than the number of slides you have, otherwise it goes super wonky!

find the 'background: grey;' part of the code - for each slide - and that is where you can customize the color!

Please don't use this code. I only put it here so I can have easy access to it when making new charries
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[/div][div=background: transparent; height: 80px; width: 175px!important; font-size: 9px; color: black; font-family: times new roman; padding-left: 15px; padding-top: 20px;][COLOR=#808080][U][B]Occupation:[/U][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#808080][B][U]Face Claim:[/U][/B][/COLOR]

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[COLOR=#808080][B][U]Other Notes:[/U][/B][/COLOR]

[/div][/div][/div]{/slide}{slide=[div= visibility: visible; background-color: grey; margin-top: -15px; padding: 7px;][div=font-family: times new roman; color: black; letter-spacing: 1px;]PERSONALITY[/div][/div]}[div= visibility: visible;][div= background-color: #f4f8fa; height: 200px; margin-top: -10px; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; overflow: hidden;][div=background: transparent; height: 170px; width: 120%; margin-left: 20px; padding-right: 40px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; font-family: times new roman; color: black; overflow-y: scroll;]





{slide=[div= visibility: visible; background-color: grey; margin-top: -15px; padding: 7px;][div=font-family: times new roman; color: black; letter-spacing: 1px;]RELATIONSHIPS[/div][/div]}[div= visibility: visible;][div= background-color: #f4f8fa; height: 200px; margin-top: -10px; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; overflow: hidden;][div=background: transparent; height: 170px; width: 120%; margin-left: 20px; padding-right: 40px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; font-family: times new roman; color: black; overflow-y: scroll;]




[/div][/div]{/slide}{slide=[div= visibility: visible; background-color: grey; margin-top: -15px; padding: 7px;][div=font-family: times new roman; color: black; letter-spacing: 1px;]HISTORY[/div][/div]}[div= visibility: visible;][div= background-color: #f4f8fa; height: 200px; margin-top: -10px; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; overflow: hidden;][div=background: transparent; height: 170px; width: 120%; margin-left: 20px; padding-right: 40px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; font-family: times new roman; color: black; overflow-y: scroll;]

[/div][/div]{/slide}{slide=[div= visibility: visible; background-color: grey; margin-top: -15px; padding: 7px;][div=font-family: times new roman; color: black; letter-spacing: 1px;]EXTRAS[/div][/div]}[div= visibility: visible;][div= background-color: #f4f8fa; height: 200px; margin-top: -10px; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; overflow: hidden;][div=background: transparent; height: 170px; width: 120%; margin-left: 20px; padding-right: 40px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; font-family: times new roman; color: black; overflow-y: scroll;]

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  • Love
Reactions: XIII

Aleksandr Ivankov
Nicknames: Alek
Age: 21
Birthday: July 23rd
Gender: Male
Occupation: Underemployed
Orientation: Homosexual
Face Claim: criedwolves/instagram


Height: 5'2

Hair: Naturally very light blonde, but dyes is occasionally

Eyes: Green/Blue

Build: Slim body, very petite frame to match his height

Other Notes: A few scars from punishments his father did to him as a kid. Clothing style is very pastel, lots of sweaters,etc.


Personality: Due to how he grew up Alek became very wary of anyone he met, even someone who just stares at him too long in the grocery store makes him anxious. Before meeting Tae he was constantly looking over his shoulder, only talking with people with the bare minimum required. Even with Tae his nerves still show through, but he is always calmed down by the other when he catches him starting to panic. He can't handle confrontation at all, just someone mad and yelling at him at the grocery store makes him tear up. Whenever he starts getting upset or panicked his immediate reaction is to search for Tae to calm himself down.

Likes: sweaters | writing | Tae | stargazing | anything cute/pastel | animals | cuddling | classical music

Dislikes: his father | confrontation | being lied to | strangers | crowds | movies about mobs/the mafia | horror movies | being alone

Fears: His father finding him and forcing him home | Losing Tae

Hobbies: Writing short stories | Drawing up little interior design plans for their house


Mother: Natasha Katya Ivankov | Died in childbirth

Father: Dimitri Igor Ivankov | Alive

Siblings: None

Romantic: Taeyoung Lee | Married





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Charlie Barnes
Nicknames: None
Age: 20
Birthday: Feb. 14th
Gender Male

Occupation: Employee at bookstore
Orientation: Homosexual
Face Claim: Freddie Highmore


Height: 5'2

Hair: Fluffy light brown with a hint of auburn in the sunlight

Eyes: Icy blue

Build: Slim and petite, much shorter than most men his age

Other Notes: Has a tattoo of a corgi lineart on the side of his right index finger. Tends to dress very 'nerdy' with sweater vests and all that jazz.


Personality: Always been a bit of a 'keep to himself' type of person, not antisocial but also won't actively search out new people to talk to. He moved around frequently as a child, so while he was born in Britain he didn't grow up there, his father was/is in the military. Family lived in France, Germany, etc before settling where the story takes place. So he usually didn't waste time making friends he wouldn't see for very long. Spent most of his days playing piano, drawing, or other artsy activities. He knew he was gay from a young age, and came out to his parents when he was a Freshman, they all accepted it, his father with a bit begrudgingly but still accepted him. While he isn't ashamed of his homosexuality he also doesn't run around town flauting it. The first person he told he was gay was his best friend Benjamin, the first person who was ever his friend. They were nothing alike background wise, Ben coming from a very very rich family and Charlie coming from a more just managing/average family. Despite their differences the two quickly became attached at the hip. He had always wanted to have a creative job in life, writing, drawing, anything like that but he knows it is a silly dream as well.

Likes: drawing | corgis | headphones | classical music | pins | time alone | snow | rainbows

Dislikes: planes | confrontation | having to lie | feeling closed in | cringey romantic movies | deep water

Fears: Needles | Losing his hearing | Losing his dogs

Hobbies: Playing piano | Drawing/Writing | Calligraphy | Bird Watching


Mother: Charlotte Eleanor Barnes | Alive

Father: Peter Charles Barnes | Alive

Siblings: Older Brother James Scott Barnes | Alive

Romantic: Very much single





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Toshiro Oishi
Nicknames: Toshi
Age: 18
Birthday: Feb. 28th
Gender Male

Occupation: Student
Orientation: Homosexual/Omega
Face Claim: Yugaro Goto


Height: 5'2

Hair: Fluffy black hair, gets really poofy after he showers

Eyes: Chocolately brown

Build: Slim small build

Other Notes: Absolutely loves pastel clothing, especially in yellow, pink and blue


Personality: A typically shy person at first glance, though he oddly sticks out with his bright clothing choices. He always tries his best to be polite to people, even strangers, and would gladly hold the door open for a group of people if he had the time. Despite being a bit shy and awkward when you first meet him, the shorter male starts to really warm up to people quickly when he trusts them. Once you crack his outer shell you start to realize why he wears such bright colors, showing off his true bubbly nature. Toshi is full of smile, laughs and jokes when he is with people he trusts, smiling until he cheeks hurt sometimes. Friends always joke he is a bit of a light switch, he can go from being super giggly and bubbly with his friends to shy and hiding around strangers or people he doesn't trust.

Likes: Dogs, specifically corgis
Drawing | Piano | The rain, not really being in it though | Pastel colors | Decorating | Being affectionate/affection | Baking

Dislikes: Crowds | Spiders | Really hot weather | Contacts | Being alone | Scary movies

Fears: House being broken into | Getting stuck in an elevator

Hobbies: Taking pictures | Taking walks


Mother: add later

Father: add later

Siblings: add later

Romantic: Single




+ Always doodling random cute drawings, usually on sticky notes which he then leaves around the place
+ Obsessed with sweaters and more warm clothes, or anything that makes him look like an animal (ie. Cat ear hoodie)
+ Speaks Japanese and English fluently
+ Dreams of getting a corgi puppy one day
+ Has a semi unhealthy obsession with mugs and fleece blankets
+ Favorite season is winter, least favorite is summer
+ Tends to be a bit corny with his shows of love and affection(ie. Heart pancakes)
+ Easily scares himself, especially with home alone, blowing small sounds way out of proportion
+ Bit clumsy, which has led to some embarrassing moments of him knocking over things in front of crowds of people
+ Actually a foreign exchange student from Japan

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Oliver Lundberg
Nicknames: Oli
Age: 18
Birthday: Sept. 24th
Gender Male

Occupation: Student
Orientation: Homosexual
Face Claim: anton.sman insta


Height: 5'3

Hair: Dark brown, naturally super fluffy and wavy but he tries to tame it or hide it under a beanie

Eyes: Deep forest green

Build: Pretty thin and small statued in general

Other Notes: Has a nature themed tattoo wrapping around his upper left arm. Likes to wear clothes he feels cozy in, like sweaters and beanies.


Personality: Oli was always kind of a bit of a loner, growing up as an only child he didn't know how to interact with other kids his age. That and his mother was a bit of a helicopter parent when he was with her and never let him 2 feet from her. He didn't blame her, she gave birth in a country she barely knew so she must've been terrified to let her only child out of her sight. Still it left Oli with a bit of social awkwardness so he tended to avoid new people instead of approaching them and making a fool of himself. Being a loner didn't make him antisocial necessarily, he had a few very close friends whose parents were friends with his, those friends he had no trouble joking around with and showing his true bubbly nature. He wanted to be friends with people and trusted people a bit too much, but he just fumbled a bit when he first met them. Give him a chance and he'll be loyal to the end as your friend.

Likes: Drawing | Baking | Vinyl Records | Books | History | Trains

Dislikes: Sports | Planes | Dancing | Smoking | Drinking | Drama

Fears: Water/Drowning | Spiders | Heights

Hobbies: Violin/Piano | Calligraphy


Mother: Laura Marie Lundberg (nee Bennett) | Alive/Estranged

Father: Viktor Declan Lundberg | Alive/Estranged

Siblings: None | Only child

Romantic: Single


Past: His mother was born and raised in America while his father was born and raised in Sweden. His parents met when his mother took an impromptu trip to Sweden, a gift from her parents for graduating college. Well, as things happened they hit it off quickly, very quickly, within a year they were married and the first year of their marriage they welcomed Oli. Due to his mom being American he carries dual citizenship and speaks both English and Swedish. Unfortunately due to their whole relationship going really quickly neither felt they were really prepared for a child. So when Oli was 5 he was taken to America to live with his maternal grandparents. Occasionally he would fly home to Sweden to visit his parents but then they started canceling them...and the visits became less and less until he just stopped visited. Other than a few cards a year he doesn't really speak to his parents. He has an account they deposit money which is the closest thing to affection he gets.



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Song Minjun
Nicknames: Min, Minnie, Junnie, Jun
Age: 18
Birthday: Jan. 1st
Gender Male

Occupation: Kpop Idol/Vocalist
Orientation: Homosexual | Omega
Face Claim: Han Jinsung


Height: 5'3

Hair: Usually keeps his hair his natural color and style, but does want to dye it a fun color

Eyes: Dark chocolate brown

Build: Very small framed, shorter and smaller than average men his age

Other Notes: Loves to wear oversized sweaters, bright colors, soft things, etc. Been told his clothing style is soft and sweet


Personality: He tries to look at everything with a smile, finding the silver lining in every situation. Often uses his cuteness to make others smile when they're mad or sad. Tends to be a bit over trusting and naive, since he's always trying to see the good in people he tends to miss their true intentions. On stage he's bubbly and upping the cute factor but when he actually meets fans he's surprisingly shy. But he knows they came to see them and he tries his best to get over his shyness and make sure others are happy. His desire to please others and make sure they're happy sometimes leads to him overwhelming himself and stretching himself thin.

Likes: Cake | Winter | Blankets | Making others happy | Rainbows | Naps

Dislikes: Big crowds | Water | Wearing dark clothes | Scary movies | Spiders | Getting sick

Fears: Disappointing others | People finding out he's an omega

Hobbies: Piano | Baking


Mother: Song Hayoon /Deceased

Father: Song Kang-Dae/Alive

Siblings: Song Soo Jin and Soo Yun/ Alive twin older sisters

Romantic: Single


Past: Min is the youngest in his family, with 2 older twin sisters. Both his sisters are 8 years older than him, the omega was an unplanned pregnancy. His mother was sick during her pregnancy with him, and had to have a c-section before her due date. Min was sickly when he was born and kept under the hospital's care to make sure he was healthy. His mother at the same time only fell more and more ill but eventually was discharged along with him. It was his sisters that took care of him as a baby, his mother too ill to get out of bed often. Around 4 years old his mother went into the hospital again, this time she never left, right after his 5th birthday Min's mother passed. After that his father was a bit more distant with him, and one night after drinking, admitting he blamed the mothers death on Min. The omega tried hard to please his father and make him happy. His sisters continued to care for him, doting on him to make up for their father's attitude. Eventually around 13 or 14 he presented as an omega which only further upset his father. Both his sisters presented as alphas and his father heavily implied he wanted an alpha son, makeup for losing his wife. He made it no secret he was disappointed to have an omega as a son, so he started telling friends his son was a beta, and giving him suppressants. Min grew up believing the only reason people would like him was the fact that he was a beta. He was terrified, and still is, of people finding out about his true nature. Maybe that combined with his childhood was why he tried too hard to please others and make them happy, hoping they would like him. He studied hard in school, wanting to please his father but he always loved singing. His sisters would sing with him often and encouraged him to do what he loved. He secretly would sing songs he wrote or heard at night or when his father wasn't home. It was just another secret for him to keep, just like the truth of him being an omega. Despite being one of the top students in class and on track to go to a good university he decided to audition on this survival show, though he lied and said he was an beta. To his own surprise he got accepted, his sisters were overjoyed when he told them. His father...not so much, he was disappointed in him and angry he wasn't going to a university like he wanted him to. For once the omega was doing something for himself and not just to please his father. But despite the excitement of it all he was still afraid...afraid others would find out about his true nature as an omega. And they would leave him like his mother did, or be disappointed in him like his father.



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Louis Holmes
Nicknames: Lou, Lou Lou
Age: 19
Birthday: Dec. 24th
Gender Male
Occupation: Freelance Writer
Orientation: Homosexual
Face Claim: Louis Tomlinson


Height: 5'4

Hair: Golden Brown hair that wavy and almost curly

Eyes: Light blue almost sea green blue color

Build: Built pretty lanky, he may be short but his legs are the longest part of his body and make up the most of his height.

Other Notes: Has a minimalist style book and quill tattoo on his ankle, likes to dress as his friends say, 'like a young college professor everyone wants to fuck', apparently


Personality: He's quite shy when it comes to new people, not knowing how to approach them. Which usually ends up with him stumbling over his words and getting flustered. His shy attitude is much worse when he is dealing with someone he likes in a romantic sense. He also struggles with standing up for himself, people getting loud to him makes him uncomfortable and he usually caves into what they want. Due to his awkwardness and struggles to interact with people he chose a job that allowed him to stay home and lives in an older apartment. Lou is not a fan of cars and the sounds of lots of people but does love sitting by his window and letting the sights give him inspiration.

Likes: the forest | books | baking | music | being alone | daydreaming | blankets | writing

Dislikes: crowds | the city | parties | uninvited guests | stereotypes | tall shelves | spicy food | bugs

Fears: Working in an office | Living in a neighborhood

Hobbies: Writing | Daydreaming


Mother: Annabelle Harper Holmes | Alive

Father: Harvey Lachlan Holmes | Alive

Siblings: Callum Otto Holmes | Alive | Brother

Romantic: Single as a pringle





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  • Like
Reactions: hendi

Newt Scamander Jr.
Nicknames: Newtie, Newt-Newt
Age: Add later
Birthday: Feb. 24th
Gender: Male

Occupation: Hogwarts Student
Orientation: Questioning, homosexual
Face Claim: Joshua Shea


Height: 5'3

Hair: Golden reddish brown, wavy and unruly

Eyes: Light blue eyes

Other Notes: Known for looking extremely close to his grandfather when he was younger


Personality: Newt may be a Hufflepuff but the stereotype of them being incredibly social does not apply to him. He likes to keep to a small group of friends or by himself. That doesn't mean he is mean or untalkative however, with friends he is a different person. He will talk his friends ears off if they let him. Even though he excels in classes he hates showing off and will try and avoid answering a question unless he's called on. His teachers are unsure why he scores so highly on tests but is quiet and reserved in class. Like his grandfather he has an extreme love and interest in magical creatures. In his spare time he likes to study whatever creature he can find, Hagrid even lets him come visit his hut and see what creatures he currently has. Newt has notebooks filled with drawings and facts about the creatures he has seen. Since he has an older sister it's not uncommon for teachers to compare the two, something he has always disliked. He would rather be judged on his own merit than by what his sister has done.

Likes: Magical Creatures | Books | Chocolate | Being Alone

Dislikes: Public Speaking | Every Flavor Bean Candy | Being Compared To Family | Messing Up In Front Of Others

Fears: Disappointing Others | Heights

Hobbies: Studying Magical Creatures | Exploring Hogwarts | Reading


Mother: Jane Scamander (née Hemlock)

Father: Artemis Scamander

Siblings: Rose Scamander (Older Sister, Slytherin Alumni)

Grandfather: Newton Artemis Fido Scamander

Grandmother: Porpentina Scamander (née Goldstein)


He was named after his grandpa, of whom he immediately took a liking to as a child. He spent most of his time with his grandpa since his parents were rarely home. His father an auror and his mom a healer at Mungo's. His grandpa showed him every creature he rescued and used to read to him about the adventures he had when he was younger. As a result Newt was deeply in love with magical creatures before he was old enough to go to Hogwarts. By the time he was ready to go to Hogwarts his sister was already in her 5th year a d had established herself among the teachers as a studious student. Which was a reputation Newt didn't like, the pressure to meet their expectations. He was quickly sorted into Hufflepuff, to no one's surprise, and while a smart student he had a habit of using his free time to cause trouble. Mostly because he would find magical creatures that needed to be cared for and once they were healed they ended up running amok in the school. The teachers would give him detention for these incidents but really it was more just like he got private classes with Hagrid in hopes of teaching him to bring the creatures he found to him instead. The teachers all knew that Newt means well, he was just...a bit naive with his love for magical creatures.


House: Hufflepuff

Blood Status: Pureblood

Wand: Chestnut 10' w/Phoenix Core | Slightly Springy

Patronus: Bat


Pet: Bowtruckle named

Favorite Subject(s): Care of Magical Creatures | Astronomy | Transfiguration | Charms | Herbology

Least Favorite Subjects(s): Flying | Divination | History of Magic

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  • Love
Reactions: neptune

Basil Lufiel
Nicknames: Bas(Baz), Basie
Age: 19
Birthday: Oct. 21st
Gender Male

Occupation: College Student
Orientation: Homosexual
Role: Omega Elf


Height: 5'3

Hair: Silverly/Pearly white color, tends to be a bit wavy

Eyes: Light purple color

Build: Like most elves his build is extremely slim/slender, ears are pointed at the ends but his hair covers them most of the time, he is shorter than most elves his age leading to some bullying.

Other Notes: His skin is described as flawless and smooth to the touch, has no body hair anywhere other than his eyebrows and top of his head


Personality: Basil has always been a bit more reclusive than others, being the youngest and only boy in his family didn't help. Everyone always sheltered him and held high expectations at the same time. Being shorter/smaller than other elves also made him an easy target all throughout school. He tried to make friends still and eventually ended up with a good but small group of friends. However, the teen years were less than fun. It wasn't long before he presented as an Omega, which not only was rare for males but also for his family. His three older sisters had all presented as Alpha and it had been expected of him to be one too. Not only in his family life was being an omega hard to adjust to, but also in school. Being an elf Basil was naturally quite attractive and coupling that with an omega made him a prime target for nasty flirting and the likes. Since he couldn't trust anyone liking him for more than his rare status or looks he chose to avoid dating. But underneath his shy exterior lives a bubbly and affectionate person. He has always been on to love cuddles and the sorts. It's just getting him to trust you to get to see that side.

Likes: Archery | The Stars | Books | Affection | Sweets

Dislikes: Horror Movies | Social Events | Loud Noises | Sleazy Flirting

Fears: Flying | Crowded Spaces | Public Speaking

Hobbies: Painting | Baking | Decorating


Mother: Estel Lufiel | Alive

Father: Theoden Lufiel | Alive

Siblings: Nessa, Freda and Elanor | Older Sisters

Romantic: Single Bean




- Enhanced Accuracy, Agility, Beauty, Combat, Dexterity, Intelligence, Reflexes, Senses, Swordsmanship and Wisdom
- Semi Immortality/Immortality
- Magic

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Sébastien Toussaint
Nicknames: Seb, Bas, Sebby
Age: 20
Birthday: Jan. 13th
Gender Male

Occupation: Florist
Orientation: Homosexual/Omega
Face Claim: Timothee Chalamet


Height: 5'3

Hair: Dark brown curly/wavy hair that's usually kept at a medium length

Eyes: Green/Hazel

Other Notes:


Personality: Seb has always had an affinity for nature and creative type activities. When his brother was out playing soccer or other sports Seb was inside head buried in a book. He never understood the appeal of sports, he preferred more gentle activities like gardening, reading and coloring. His parents never understood it but they allowed him to choose which activities he wanted. As a teen and even as a young adult he can tend to be a bit naive and idealistic. He likes to see the good in people and can easily been taken advantage of and doesn't realize it.

Likes: Reading | The Smell Of Books | Nature | Affection | Decorating

Dislikes: Closed Spaces | Making Mistakes | Getting Lost | Airplanes |

Fears: Thunderstorms | Spiders | Doctors

Hobbies: Flower Arranging | Thrifting | Soapmaking


Mother: Esme Toussaint

Father: Victor Toussaint

Siblings: Julien Toussaint | Older Brother

Romantic: Single Little Bean


Seb was born and raised in France alongside his older brother Julien and parents. His whole life France was all he knew but he was always curious about America. Eventually his chance came when a family member offered to let him stay in America with him for awhile at his shop in NYC. Needless to say he jumped at the opportunity to see America, his parents were reluctant to let him go but figured it would be a good learning experience. He arrived only a few months ago and is struggling a little bit to get used to the change but he was loving seeing how different America is.


+ Has a pretty thick French accent, struggles with some English words
+ Loves it when it rains, but tends to stay out in it too long and catch a cold
+ Loves affection and is always willing to give hugs, craves physical touch
+ Has gifts from family spread all throughout his place to remind him of home

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Finnegan McIntosh
Nicknames: Finn
Age: 18
Birthday: Feb 19th
Gender: Male
Occupation: Criminology Student
Orientation: Homosexual
Role: Omega
Face Claim: Luke Newberry


Height: Claims he is 5'4 but refuses to have his height measured

Hair: Ginger to the max, his Scottish ancestry really shows in his hair

Eyes: Dark chocolate brown

Build: Slim body, lanky frame, never really filled out like his brothers did

Other Notes: Has freckles scattered all over his body, including his face but not too many there


Personality: Being an omega he was always a bit more shy and to himself, preferring to sit on the sidelines when his brothers were roughhousing. He liked quiet activities which usually lead to him being alone and allowed him to 'people watch' as his grandma called it. He had always been in inquisitive kid, more interested in why people did what they did. His habit of stepping back to observe has lead to him coming off as very quiet and subdued. However he can be quite the chatterbox once you get him to open up to you, it just takes him a bit to feel comfortable enough to do so.

Likes: fall | books | the rain | sweaters | small groups | observing people |

Dislikes: big crowds | confrontation | being lied to | loud places | ignorance | physical sports |

Fears: People finding out he's an omega | thunderstorms

Hobbies: Daydreaming | Photography | Reading


Mother: Annabel McIntosh| Alive

Father: Angus McIntosh | Alive

Siblings: Older Brothers Callum, Scott and Gavin

Romantic: Single Boi


Text: As a child he was babied quite a bit, especially since he was the baby of four boys. His brothers turning out to be all alphas only added to the babying. He rarely went anywhere without them, his mother always reminding his brothers to watch him. Going into high school he had a chance meeting with a FBI agent who was visiting his nephew from out of the country. Finn knew right then and there that was what he wanted to do, he was going to go into the BAU when he grew up. Main problem was the fact he was an omega, omegas never went into jobs like that. And the more he looked into it the more he realized there were really no omegas in the FBI. They were usually seen as less superior and at risk in a job like that. But Finn was determined and when he graduated he applied to a university in America to study Criminology, under the disguise of a Beta. Suppressants would help keep his true nature a secret, and just maybe he could make it into the FBI program...just maybe.



+ Has a pretty thick Scottish accent, struggles with some English words still, especially when speaking fast
+ Loves curling up when it's raining by a window with a blanket and a cup of coffee
+ Very affection huggy person but is sometimes too afraid to ask
+ Has gifts from family spread all throughout his place to remind him of home
+ Favorite food = Bagels
+ Favorite candy = Reeses
+ Favorite ice cream = Coffee
+ Favorite flower = Ornamental Pepper
+ Favorite color = Burnt Orange, fall colors
+ Favorite movie = N/A
+ Favorite book = Any detective ones
+ Favorite show = Criminal Minds
+ Favorite song = a lullaby his mother sung to him as a kid
+ Music preference = Classical

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Daniel Park
Nicknames: Dan, Danny
Age: 22
Birthday: April 14th
Gender Male

Occupation: Florist
Orientation: Bisexual/Leans more towards men
Role: Omega


Height: 5'5

Hair: Dark Chocolate Brown/Wavy

Eyes: Dark Chocolate Brown

Build: Very slim

Other Notes: Has glasses, very very poor eyesight without them


Personality: Dan has always been a bit of a people pleaser even when he was little, didn't like upsetting people. His sisters ended up defended him since they knew he wouldn't, so it was no surprise when he turned out to be an omega. He likes seeing people smile and likes to think the best of people. Hence why he ends up getting taken advantage of when his sisters aren't around to look out for him. When it comes to his future he doesn't admit it to his family but he is worried about it, worried about what career he wants to go into. His wants in life are a bit naïve, he just wants to be happy and loved.

Likes: Old Books | Rain | Affection | Nature | Making Things

Dislikes: Swimming | Stereotypes | Pushy Alphas | Spiders

Fears: Being Alone | Disappointing Parents

Hobbies: Reading | Crafts | Piano


Mother: Jae Park | Omega

Father: Hwan Park | Alpha

Siblings: Hana + Noelle | Twin Older Sisters/Betas

Romantic: Single boii


Text: Dan's parents moved over to New York from South Korea before he was even born, in hopes of giving their future kids a better life. His parent's had 3 kids, and saved up money to take them back to South Korea to visit their family there a few times. Life was better in America but they weren't exactly well off, his father found an office job to work while his mother started a small florist shop. They didn't have the money to send any of their kids to college so they were hard on them when it came to school, knowing scholarships were their only chance of getting into a good college. Dan wasn't really sure what he wanted to do and didn't want to waste a scholarship, so he decided just to do some of the base core classes to get those out of the way while working at his mother's shop. The omega was fine with working at the shop, he loved flowers and plants, but he knew his parents wanted him to get a job he could have a better life with. His family is a bit protective of him, knowing male omegas aren't that common so that makes him a target.


+ Can speak fluent Korean because of his parents but rarely does unless it's around family
+ Still watches Disney movies, and yes, cries like a baby during them
+ Hates confrontation, would rather avoid it, ends up getting a bit walked on
+ Favorite food = His mom's food
+ Favorite candy = Kitkats, because they're easy to share
+ Favorite ice cream = Mint
+ Favorite flower = Lilies
+ Favorite color = Soft green
+ Favorite movie = N/A
+ Favorite book = Mystery books
+ Favorite song = Changes every few months
+ Music preference = Classical

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