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Waiting for Wit
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
On fairly regularly, every day. I'll notice a PM almost immediately. Replies come randomly.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
High fantasy is my personal favorite, followed closely by modern fantasy and post-apocalyptic, but I can happily play in any genre if the plot is good enough.
Initializing Mission...

Lyle was floating in a sea of seemingly endless darkness, suspended without sensation. No matter how he searched, he couldn't find anything to orient himself, couldn't tell if he was up or down, couldn't tell if his eyes were opened or closed. He was no longer even sure if he was a person, or nothing more than a wisp of consciousness left to drift through time.

Synchronizing Host Soul With Dimension…

Suddenly, he could feel something again, as an electric shiver raced through his mind. Gradually the tingling built up, until Lyle was able to feel his toes, his legs, his fingers… and the pain.

It built like a wave of static, an ache, and then a tingle, and then a stab, and then it felt like something was trying to claw its way out of his chest, and succeeding. Lyle was no stranger to pain. He'd faced more than his share of injuries in his life. But this… this was like nothing he'd ever felt before.

High Stress Detected In Host Body… Analyzing…

For several seconds that seemed to drag on through eternity, Lyle could do nothing but endure in silence. If he'd had lungs, if he could move his tongue and his jaw, he would have been screaming. But with no way to vent all his pain, all he could do was wait through the agony as waves of pain crashed into him like a tsunami.

Tutorial Override In Effect. Reducing Pain Sensation To 35%...

The pain faded then, far from gone entirely, but it had changed from a cataclysm to a wildfire. It was tolerable. Lyle waited as the pain seemed to collect in his chest, burning like he'd swallowed a sun.

Other than the pain, there was nothing but the echoing, robotic voice that surrounded him in the darkness.

Stabilizing Connection With Resident Body…

Connection Stabilized. Finalizing Host Synchronization…

Tutorial Override In Effect. Host Benefit Included With Mission.

Selecting Benefit…

Initializing Bloodthirst Pool…

Apart from the burning pain, another sensation began to build inside Lyle's chest. It was like a swirling tide of molten energy, gathering one drop at a time around his heart. In that moment, he could suddenly feel his heartbeat, pounding away inside his chest. If he'd had air to breathe, Lyle would have gasped in surprise. It was hot, violently so, but somehow not painful. No, it didn't feel painful, but almost friendly, like a massive beast straining at the leash, eager to be released at its master's command, and then swallow the world.

Benefit Initialized. Finalizing Synchronization…



Tutorial Mission. The Game Of Death.

A Dark God Has Stolen Six Souls From Earth To Participate In A Game Of Death, In The Space Between Realms. Six People Were Taken Randomly From Earth, Told If They Could Complete The Five Rounds Of The Game, They Would Be Able To Return Home Safely, Before Starting Round One.

The Six Contestants Were Immediately Confronted By A Monster At The Start Of Round One. To Protect A Teenage Girl, Salaryman Kato Souta Took The Blow From The Monster, Immediately Dying. His Death Should Have Granted The Other Four Sufficient Time To Escape The Starting Area. However, Souta's Wish To Protect His Fellow Contestants Summoned An Ancient Battle Spirit, Which Resurrected His Corpse. Now He Only Has One Goal: See The Other Contestants Home Safely.

Mission Clear Requirements.

Help All Other Participants Return To Earth Alive.

Ten Thousand Points.


The darkness vanished abruptly, and Lyle's eyes flew open, his mouth gaping wide in reflexive shock. However, despite his attempts to gasp in a lungful of air, nothing happened, like something had blocked the back of his throat. The pain burning in his chest was also only getting worse, and as Lyle looked down, his eye went wide in shock.

A horrific creature had latched massive fangs into his chest, and seemed to be doing its best to separate his body into two pieces.

Frankly, it was a miracle the thing hadn't already succeeded in the attempt. The monster looked like something that had crawled right out of a horror movie, with a mouth so large it seemed to run halfway down its neck. If Lyle had to come up with a way to describe it, he would have said it was like a god took a monkey, scorpion, cow, and wolf, and then mashed them all together into some horrific four-legged chimera that was all teeth, fangs, and horns. In that moment, Lyle was certain that, if it wasn't enjoying shaking him around so much, it would certainly have already dismembered him into countless bloody bits.

Through the sound of the beast's choked growls, Lyle suddenly heard a half-muffled scream coming to the side. His head unconsciously lolled to the side, and he could vaguely make out the silhouettes of five other people, backed against a wall. Already, one of them was edging away, clearing intending to make a break for it as soon as he was far enough away. The others, though, only looked on in horror.

But Lyle didn't have time to worry about them. His vision was already starting to go dark, and if it wasn't for the pain reduction, he was certain he would have already been completely incoherent at the torment of being eaten alive. He had to do something about this situation, and the only thing that came to his mind was the burning pool of energy circling around his heart.

Initializing Side Objective System…


Side Objective One. Tap Into Bloodthirst Pool.

Reward. One Point.

If it wasn't for the fact that his abdomen was currently in the mouth of a monster and he couldn't breathe, Lyle would have laughed. One point. It was about as valuable as someone handing him a dollar to help with rent. Then again, he'd been planning to do exactly that anyways. He might as well consider it a free handout.

Instantly, his attention turned to the swirling power lodged into his chest. And it didn't take more than a thought from him before it burst free, surrounding his body like a haze of heat. The monster, which had been growling playfully as it bit at his organs, abruptly froze, its mouth going limp, allowing Lyle's body to crash heavily to the ground.

As the bloodthirst from the pool flowed through his body, every cell in his body seemed to hum aggressively. He could feel the blood rushing through his veins, the trembling of his muscles as he pushed his way to his feet. In particular, the energy gathered around his chest, and the pain vanished. If he'd looked down, Lyle would have been able to see the injuries on his abdomen closing like someone was playing a film in reverse. However, right now, his eyes were locked onto the beast.

As his heartbeat thundered in his ears, Lyle stared with burning eyes at the monster's slit-eyed pupils. At that moment, it didn't look scary. No, it looked like a toy, something he could rip apart with his bare hands, should he so choose.

The monster hesitated, its rough growls transforming into faint, raspy whimpers. Lyle didn't blink, didn't yield, locking the monster in place with his gaze.

Side Objective One Complete.

One Point Awarded To Host.
Today wasn't the kind of day that Kiki had been planning for. In fact, she doubted anyone currently around her was expecting anything like this. It had started out so quietly that morning, she was on her way to class for her exams, the last semester of her college life coming to a close. However, before she could even walk into the exam door, she felt like something had grabbed her by the neck. It was thick and choking, but it wasn't a hand. More like a force of nature just decided that she wouldn't be allowed to breath. It had been such a terrifying moment that she blacked out, as much as she didn't want to admit to it.

When she woke up, Kiki was in a room with five others. None of them had anything obviously in common. In fact, the only thing that connected them all was that they all had suddenly lost the ability to breathe before blacking out and waking up here in this strange room. For awhile, they all sat together, trying to figure out what was going on and what brought them here. The older people assumed it to be an abduction of some kind, while the younger people played along the idea that aliens had snatched us all up. Of course, Kiki couldn't really commit to any idea, simply because both were so likely at this point. The place was so clinical and cold, but it didn't look like any sort of room that she had known before. There was no way such a strange place could be put together on earth, or would exist without being seen by people who might share it online.

What was even more frightening was the fact everyone could understand each other, even when they shoulder. Kiki, attempting to try and put an air of calm over everyone, had introduced herself and where she was from. However, it only seemed to spark greater concern, as each person was from a different country. She was from America, and the person closest to her was a rather plump teenage girl from Mexico who swore up and down she couldn't speak a single bit of English, even though for Kiki she said it all with clear and accurate wording. Whatever this place was, it seemed to destroy the language barriers and allow them all to understand each other.

In the end, that would be the only kind thing that this place would do for them.

It wasn't long until a disembodied voice spoke, telling them all they were a part of a game. They could go home if they survived all five rounds. A gentleman, who from his accent sounded German, seemed enraged at this idea and demanded to know what was going on more fully. Instead, three walls opened up, revealing three hallways that seemed endless. What was worse, was that there was a freakish being standing in one of them.

They hadn't even had time to scream before the animal pounced at the teen, Kiki rushing to grab the girl and pull her back against the wall. However, she wasn't fast enough or strong enough to get her far, and it seemed like it would be the end for them both. In the end, Kato, a kind and simple salary man, had jumped in the way, allowing them the change to get up and stand against the wall. The horror of what they were witnessing was too much for them, all of the remaining five forced to watch as the monster ripped through his chest and began to attempt to sever the man in half. Kiki wanted to run, but she couldn't leave herself to abandon the others or to pull attention on herself. So, they watched, trapped and frightened for their lives. It seemed as if there would be no way for them to even make it through the first round.

It was then that Kato spazzed, his body convulsing in strange ways before finally his eyes opened again, making all the others gasp and scream in shock. The man wasn't dead! Kiki looked at Kato as he stared at the blankly, his eyes somehow changed. The sounds of shuffling made her turn, seeing another man about her age who looked like he hadn't bathed in a month seeming to make his way towards the hall. They had to take this moment, they had to run. It seemed that Kato's survival even frightened the beast, as it dropped him instantly and started to whimper in fear. Kiki shook her mind as much as she could, soon looking to the other's before giving the teen a shove towards the hall and waving her arm silently at the sneaking man as a rushed sign for him to go. The Teen ran without stopping, as did the greasy creep. The Elderly fellow ran after them, having snatched up what was a thirty old woman who seemed to be from Africa. The shock her face was enough to tell Kiki that she would forever be scarred by this sight. As the others ran, Kiki hovered, looking around for a way to help Kato. Just because the Monster was nervous now doesn't mean it wouldn't take a second shot at him. Looking around, she noticed a part of a pipe that came out of the wall before looping back in. Grabbing it, it seemed weak enough for her to pull down.

She gripped it, yanking with her arms as she put a foot on the wall for support. It creaked and groaned before popping off loudly, a hissing sound following before she brandished the pipe like a weapon and went for the monster. Crying out, she jabbed the rough end of the pipe into the monsters neck, making it screech so horribly she jumped back in fright, leaving the pipe suck inside as dark red started to spray out around the wound, the animal skittering away as it continued to yell in pain and terror.

"Kato! Come on!" Kiki yelled, moving to him and grabbing at his arm. "We gotta go, We gotta go!"
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It felt like he was bound to the abnormal monster through some sort of invisible chain. There was a weight to Lyle's gaze, which held the monster in place. However, it also held Lyle himself static, in a timeless fog that defied interruption.

Behind him, he could vaguely hear the footsteps and hurried breathing of the people behind him. They were using this moment of stillness to move, racing away from this starting room into one of the three corridors that had opened. Lyle didn't break gaze with the monster, unconcerned with their actions. They were alive and without risk for the moment, which meant Lyle didn't need to worry about them for now. The monster was more important, and more interesting.

However, their standoff was not destined to last indefinitely. As four sets of footsteps hurried down the corridor, the final set paused, before turning around. Lyle almost broke eye contact with the monster, simultaneously curious and worried about what this fool was planning to do, before a woman's lithe figure suddenly jumped past him, driving a piece of metal into the monster's neck.

Just like that, the suppressive force between the Lyle and the monster was broken. The monster howled in sudden pain, swaying to the side. It clawed at its neck with a malformed paw, ripping the fragment of pipe out of its flesh with an accompanying spurt of blood.

Lyle shrugged his way out of the hands that had grabbed his arm by reflex, almost pushing the woman away before he caught himself.

"Don't touch me," he growled, eyes turning back to the monster, eagerness to fight still burning within him in time with the pounding of his heart and rushing heat of the bloodthirst. It was weak, and there was a weapon right there. All it would take was...

Accompany Them.

Lyle almost scoffed. What? No pittance of a reward this time?

This Is Not A Side Objective. Accompany Them.

Why should I? The monster's right there.

Do You Think That Is The Only Monster? Accompany Them, Unless You Want To Fail.

Lyle didn't truly know whether the system voice that rang in his ears was on his side or not. It was the one that had thrown him into this mess, but it had also given him the tools to fight back. However, that didn't mean it was truly on his side. Maybe it simply wanted to watch him suffer. The aching in his chest from the remnants of the monster bite certainly seemed to agree with that assessment.

Almost as though in response to his thoughts, the system spoke one final time.

Your Success Benefits Me.

Lyle turned to look at the woman, barely a second having passed despite the conversation between man and invisible machine. "Fine. Let's go."

Selfishness was far more trustworthy than altruism.

The corridors around them looked like the remnants of a half-finished building. The walls were rough and unfinished, revealing pipes and wires behind wooden planks. Debris and stone littered the floor, making the footing treacherous. However, the hallways were unexpectedly wide, far enough apart that it would be impossible for even a large man to touch both walls at the same time if he spread his arms.

Although Lyle and the woman were running together, the other four people had scattered somewhat. The older man and African woman were running together further ahead, while Lyle could just catch the figure of another man in front of them. However, it didn't take long before Lyle and the woman caught up to a panting teenager, whose steps had already started to slow.

She glanced back at their approach, eyes wide with panic. The sight of Lyle didn't seem to do anything to reassure her, however, and shivers ran up and down her body. She patted both her cheeks somewhat desperately, before finally managing to eke out a few words.

"Thank you for saving me," she all but whispered. Lyle ignored her. That hadn't been him, but the dead man whose body he was currently in.

Instead, his eyes turned towards the three other people in front.

"Stop running," he called after them, voice clipped and sharp. By the sound of it, the monster hadn't started chasing them yet. Maybe it was still dealing with its injury, or perhaps that one stab had been more effective than Lyle would have guessed. Either way, blindly running forward seemed like a great way to accidentally fling themselves into the maw of another beast.
Kato's harsh words had all but shaken Kiki, especially since the look in his eyes almost didn't match the man she had just met. It was odd, but she couldn't imagine anyone who was almost bitten in half by a monster bring in a particularly good mood. No, it irritation was probably a stress reaction, just like everyone else was having when they watched him nearly die. She could barely breathe before, feeling plastered in cement even though there was nothing stopping her from running. All the same, she was glad he eventually got up and followed, allowing the freakish beast to wallow in misery away from them.

Running through the halls, she realized quickly just how much a maze this place could be. It was only dumb luck that they were able to keep up with the other's. Of course, it seemed that one of the group was so far ahead that he couldn't even hear them coming. No doubt panic and survival instinct was running that person's mind. Getting to them was going to be easier said than done. Getting to the Teen was the easiest, Kiki slowing down to keep pace as Kato ran off to catch the other's, she smiled at the younger girl.

"You did good running, but I think we're okay to quickly walk. Think you can do that?" Kiki asked softly, an arm gently landing on the teens back who seemed to sigh with relief and just keep as quick a walking pace as she could muster.

The African woman was the one to hear Kato, instantly yanking back and knocking the Russian man pulling her fly off his feet and onto his butt. He growled, cursing a bit as he sat there, having let go of the woman who them seemed to fuss over him. As Kato approached, she spoke quickly, her voice thick but nervous. "The other one is running ahead! I think he's out of it. You have to stop him before something else does!"

As the group finally started to gather once more, Kiki decided that she'd leave it to Kato to handle the run away, instead focusing on the other's who seemed to be breathing hard and still jumpy at the slightest sound. It would do no one any good if they all would just fly off running at the smallest sound. They had to stick together! With things like that roaming the halls and ready to eat, they could easily get picked off one by one if they split up. Staying in one group would make them all far harder to catch. It was just the law of the hunt really.

"Alright, is everyone okay?" She asked gently.

The teenager was first to nod, leaning up against a wall while still attempting to catch their breath. She looked tired, but also flush. No doubt running for her life had put a bit of power into her moves that hadn't been there before. The African woman gave a weak and shaky smile, attempting to help the Russian man who she had yanked to the group. That man was rubbing his back, but otherwise seemed completely fine if not a bit cranky. So far, they were all okay and there wasn't anything close behind.

"Good, Good...Let's keep an even pace and stay moving. We don't want the other two getting too far away. We gotta stay in a group." Kiki informed then, starting to push along the people in a nice little pack as she checked behind them once last time.
Lyle brushed past the next set of two people without slowing, or even really acknowledging the woman's words. He moved past her quick enough that he also didn't take note of the strange gleam in her eyes as she stared at his figure.

Instead, Lyle simply focused on running, feeling heat course through his veins with every beat of his heart. It seemed to flow downwards through his chest, as though pulled by gravity down towards his feet. It was like jets had attached to the soles of his shoes, as he sped down the hallway, feet echoing through the empty hallways. He quickly began to gain on the figure in the distance.

The man glanced over his shoulder and almost stumbled, swear word immediately spilling out of his lips. A look of frustration crossed his face, and his speed immediately picked up a notch, but the sudden burst of effort didn't stop Lyle from overtaking him in another couple seconds. The man swore again, glancing back over his shoulder for the monster he seemed certain should be chasing him.

Lyle didn't bother with worrying about the man's behavior, instead skidding on the spot to come to a halt, turning around and spreading his arms out wide. "I said stop running!" he spat out.

"Fucking get lost!"

The other man didn't slow at all, clearly intending to barrel right past Lyle's outstretched arms. However, instead of managing to brush past his figure, it was like he'd ran into a brick wall. He almost immediately crumpled to the ground, while Lyle staggered a couple steps backwards, his heart unconsciously pounding in excitement at the show of strength.

For a second, the man on the ground looked stunned, before he jumped back to his feet. "The fuck's the matter with you?" he cursed, marching right up to stare into Lyle's dark eyes. "There's a monster back there. You want me to get eaten with you, you goddamned ghost?"

Lyle mostly ignored the man's cursing, but a frown still crossed his face. "What makes you so sure you're not running right towards another one?"

The man ran his hand over his short hair, sweat dripping from his nose. He didn't seem to have an answer, but that also didn't seem to slow his momentum in the least. "I'm not gonna…"

Lyle ignored him, instead stepping forward before shoving the other man backwards. Again the other man stumbled, and his hands curled into fists, while rage twisted his face. "You wanna fucking fight?" he shouted, before throwing a punch forward. Lyle side stepped the blow casually, before using the man's arm to toss him back to the ground.

"Go back to the rest of the group," Lyle ordered. "Or I'll knock you out and carry you back myself."

Apparently sensing that Lyle was dead serious with his words, the other man turned around. Teeth and fists clenched in anger, muttering swear words the whole way back to the rest of the group.
So far, everything had calmed from the original shock of the attack. For a small moment, they could think without fear running through their veins. However, Kiki also knew that she really couldn't say that things were going to remain this way. The worry of another monster approaching was now the concern that dominated the minds of everyone. What was even more concerning was Kato's return to life. After all, all of them could easily agree that he had been a limp corpse moments before. Not wanting to think about what that could imply for them all, Kiki decided to not actually bring up that fact to the other's.

Division in such a trying time would be deadly for them all.

Seeing the men in the distance brought a smile to Kiki's face, though she could tell that Jonas was not happy to have been stopped. He was going to be the hardest one to keep with the group. After, he was the one who had jumped off into a run first. Working together was going to prove to be a massive challenge for them all. As the group slowed, the other's seemed to just let themselves collapse on the floor, the silence giving them a small pause to actually come up with some sort of plan. After all, running around blindly was just as likely to get them killed as sitting still. They'd eventually be forced to move again, so taking the time to rest was important.

As they finally rejoined, Kiki was the first to speak.

"Alright, so that was a bit shocking, to say the least. We'll need to stick together if we're going to have a chance to make it through this alive." He tone was calm, but serious. "I'm no survival expert, but we're probably better off together. More people means better odds, or so I assume. Now, is everyone okay? Did anyone get hurt besides Kato?"

"I'm fine..." Rosa called weakly, sitting besides Elna who had taken to helping Rogvolod since she had abruptly thrown the man more or less. The pair of them were currently, tucked together trying to make sure the sudden stop hadn't broken any bones.
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