Star Wars: The Second Clone Wars (Always Open/Accepting)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

  • clone_sentinel_by_space_out_scout-d5l1vmb.png

    General Of Special Forces Tylan

    Code-Name/Nickname: Sand Viper

    Age: 28

    Clone Type: Arc Trooper

    Personality: Calm and resourceful, Tylan will lead his troops with uncanny ability and vision. Tylan tries to be become friends with his troops, knowing camaraderie will make them fight harder and try to save their comrades. Also he knows the strengths of leading soldiers from the front, giving them a figure head to rally behind. A symbol of all the Republic fights for.

    History: Born of a new breed of clone, Tylan had showed talent for leading. He was shortly then placed into the CC/CO advanced training on Kamino. He had scored top of his training course, but soon after he was deployed and put at the head of a squad of clones. After the his first brush-up with CIS forces he had choked and half of his squad went down in a torrent of fire. After rallying under the fire he then lead a fighting retreat from the area his and five other squads where holding to give the second line time to harden their defenses. The remaining soldiers of the squad where bitter at the soldiers lost and blamed Tylan for his lack of leadership at the time. But outside his personal squad, he was praised as a hero for giving the second line time to bring up more soldiers from the rear guard.

    Military Rank: General Of The Republic
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I see all your troops, and think that maybe it could take on Darius Roy's Fleet, and then realize that with all those ships, Darius Roy's Flagship could take half of them out in the first 5 minutes battle... With minimal amounts of Damage

  • 138daab4-1d71-4fbf-843b-43fe8c9eef50_zpscx9r24jr.jpg

    Admiral Jarvis Sanguinis

    Age: 12
    N/A (Presumably intended to be male.)
    Species: Android
    Place of Residence: Gungnir - Flagship
    Military Rank: Admiral
    Bio:Opening File . . .
    File Opened: Sanguinus, Jarvis . . .
    Start-up sequence initiated . . .

    I am Alive

    Personality: Sanguinus was constructed for the simple purpose of leading and fighting the Seperatist War. A fully sentient and self-aware droid with the capacity to feel emotion stands at the helm of a Flagship with boots square on the deck. A cunning soldier, ruthless and calculative to his enemies and a friend to his allies. An assured asset on the battlefield, whether it be in space or planet side.​

  • GZaob19.png


    Main Weapons: Vibroblades


    Secondary Weapons: DC-17 Blaster Pistol (x2)


    Lightwhip (x2)


    Self-Sustaining Energy Cell

    -Energy Cell capable of recharging without external assistance.

    Cloaking Device

    -Capable of masking his physical presence.

    Compact Universal Jammer

    -Hardware installed within his torso, masking his presence for a short time on electronic devices such as radar, sonar, etc.,

    Cortosis Arms, Legs and Torso.

    -Metal is covered in a thin layer of cortosis weaving.

    Magnetized Boot Soles

    -Allows him to run along metal surfaces

    Palms capable of emitting vibration waves.

    -Allows him to adjust frequency to his Vibroblades, as well as other objects.

    Small ports capable of jetting water

    -Allows the possibility to short a lightsaber unless it is specially made.

    Under Chassis composed of Phrik metal

    - Only surrounding vital components.


    Capable of being deceived
    Progressively weakened against multiple force-wielding opponents (depending on their level)
    Can run out of power quickly depending on circumstances
    Weak to varying levels of force techniques
Hey hey now! We already got an approved Admiral. And you just straight up copied a huge portion of my Fleet section...

I have no clue why this is in a tab.​
Raine is finished. Now for Ocampo, then a jedi. Maybe. Probably.

We'll see.

  • sith_lord_by_maderrin-d4r8zee.jpg

    Riezin Gesack

    Age: 36
    Race: Known to only him and his master.
    Size: 6'5
    Weight: 157
    Place of Residence: Dromund Kaas
    Sith Rank: Darth
    Darth Name: Darth Karlen
    Accepting Acolytes: Yes
    Military Rank: General

    Riezin Gesack, the merciless, cold, heartless and what makes fear tremble. He has a sickening laughing that makes others cringe with each wave that bellows out of him. Despite his fierce appearance and dark aura he has one soft spot that holds sympathy and caring.

    Raised from the harsh land Korriban, Riezin has been taught the ways of the force since he was five years old. Striking down every enemy coming his way he aspired to be the greatest sith lords there would ever be. Learning ways of deep emotion he uses fear and hatred for everything in life.
    After he grew to the rank Enforcer he celebrated and feel into a deep affair with with his master they soon fell in love and bore a child. His daughter, Alenia, was his star. He cherished her more than life its self. Those two were the only soft spot he had in the world and he didn't realize that it would be his down fall.
    Nineteen years has past since then and he is now finally becoming a Darth. This moment was the moment he finally been waiting for and now he can celebrate. He celebrated for a week and then he was holocomed to a dire mission. That mission took him three years to finish but it was bloody, putrid and complete. He can finally go back to his family.
    When he arrived everything was in chaos, Korriban was in a great battle and with his great strength he could take them all down. He ran straight for home to find his love shattered to find his wife hanging over the door and her head rolling to his feet from the wind. When he stepped through the threshold he saw a mandalorian holding his daughter by the throat. The man looked at Riezin, stabbed his daughter in the heart and said "Your debt is now repaid."
    Furiously he killed the man and leaned over her deceased daughter. He was too late. With his rage and anger he sworn to kill every and any mandalorian. During his travel he met a jedi master, Maxien Nox, and a jedi knight, Ardana t'arcona. He killed Maxien and took the arms of Ardana but seeing her face reminded him of his daughter and he stopped cold. He came too and ran, fleeing for the first time. He knew what had happened and will continue. For that he could never be count.

  • sith_warship_by_warmaster367-d3i96fp.jpg

    Ship Name: The Carrier

    Ship Type: Warship

    Ship Specialty: Air combat

    Ship Weapons:
    50x Large Turbo blaster turrets
    5x Hyper beam Cannons
    100x Medium turrets
    5,000 Buzz droids

    Ship Equipment:
    Automated turrets
    Blaster doors
    Beam shield

    Ship Crew:
    500 Maintenance Droids
    50 Engineers
    5 Pilots

    Ground Military:
    500,000 B1-Battledroids
    250,000 B2-Battledroids
    10,500 Droideka Mark II
    50,000 Rocket Battledroids
    50,000 B2-HA Battledroids
    20,000 BX-Series Droid Commandos

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Name: Sadina Sarapin


Age: 39

Race: Arkanian

Personality: Like all Arkanians, Sadina is genetically modified in more ways than she can count and strives to do things perfectly. In her case, she deviates from the rhetoric slightly in that she believes in specialization. In her case, her specialization is commanding and tactics, specifically wielding large fleets like a scalpel in all its micromanaging glory. She seems to have two modes of sorts, one for when she is actively commanding and another when she is off duty or doing anything not directly part of a battle. Good natured overall and probably more at home among the clones than surrounded by normal people, she is suited to her job. She is, however, more cold than most in terms of how she handles things. She values life but unlike other generals who allow sentimentality to lead to overvaluing and rash actions, she has no qualms with making the technically correct move once she has accounted for possible independent action and the like. She will not run headlong into a trap to rescue a relatively small group of no major military importance, costing them more men than she'd save. She has been criticized for it before but simply places the facts on the table and allows them to object if they wish. As a matter of practice, she tends to place her safety first, acting almost she's fighting guerilla warfare with a large armada.

History: Sadina acts on a need and ability basis and that's how she came into the service of the Republic. The Arkanians usually tended to mind their own business but in a way, this fight affected them as much as anyone else. The prospect that the CIS would allow them to continue their research as they did or have the patience that they had seemed unlikely given that they prized immediate results and much less things like freedom and whatnot. Sadina had already studied to become a military commander in the first place because she had chosen it as her area of expertise, following along with the idea of playing to her strengths. As need rose, she began to exert herself and made her way up the ranks to the point where she could actually do something.

Military Rank: General

(Rookie's start with 17 points to Distribute. Lieutenant's start with 22 points to Distribute. Captain's start with 27 points to Distribute. Commander's start with 32 points to distribute. General's start with 37 points to Distribute.)

Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 40 (34+6)

Knowledge: 15 (12+3)

Finesse: 6

Stamina: 5

Weapon Skill: 7

Vehicle Skill: 5

Spaceship Skill: 5

---Trooper Stats---

General's start with 10 Trooper Points to Distribute.

Stealth: 8 (Ability to Move and Act unnoticed)

Leadership: 8 (Ability to Motivate and Lead troops into battle.)

Engineering: 5 (Ability to Re-arm and Repair. )

Aim: 5 (How well you can aim your weapons.)

Logistics/Planning: 7 (Ability to Plan in all aspects.)

Recon: 7 (Ability to spot un-natural things and observe their surroundings. Encompasses ability to Track Others as well.)

Both stealth and recon do not apply in the personal way but rather as a general in terms of management and picking things out of information.

----Military Info----

Weapons: 1 arkanian heavy pistol and a virboblade (dagger size).

Division: 301st

Skills: Commanding. Sadina specializes in space combat though she can also lead ground missions, albeit with slightly less comparative prowess. Unlike some generals, she believes in the job going to those best suited to do it. Thus, she is perfectly content to lead from the back. Her worth is as a general, not a soldier. She has basic combat training and is a reasonably good fighter outside of that but it is not her main forte. Most specifically, she excels in micromanaging and pinpoint tactics, something she will do avidly. For example, she might position her fleet in a place just next to a major hyperspace lane that she anticipates an enemy fleet to move through, then adjust the position of her interdictors to likely pull out only half of the enemy fleet, not all of them, thus allowing her to pin them down and pick them off. She works best as an independently acting part of the army rather than performing frontal assaults though she is sometimes assigned to do so.

Specialty: I think skills covered this.

Equipment: (What type's of Special Equipment does your character have? Max of 2)

----Personal Spaceship----

Ship Appearance:

Ship Name: Sidewinder

Ship Type: Warship

Ship Specialty: Open combat

Ship Weapons:
Heavy dual turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)[1]
Turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)[1]
Ion cannons (20: 5 fore, 5 aft, 5 port, 5 starboard)[1]
Assault concussion missile tubes (8, turreted) 30 missiles each[3]
Tractor beam projectors (8: 3 fore, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft)

Complement: 88 starfighters, 5 transports

Ship Crew: 6795 crew, 244 gunners

Ship Military: 1000 Basic Infantry Clones, 100 Heavy Trooper Clones, 20 Clone Commanders, 100 jet trooper Clones and 300 Engineer Clones, and 4 Arc Troopers, each with 20 hand picked clones to assist them.

----Military Forces----

MC-80 Home One
Length: 1200 meters
Number of ship in fleet: 1

Ship weapons:
Turbolaser cannons (36)[1]
Heavy ion cannons (36)[1]
Tractor beam projectors (6)[1]

Complement: 60 A-wings, 24 B-wings, and 32 X-wings
Ship crew: 5402, 78 gunners
Ship military: 500 generic clones, 200 engineer clones, 300 basic infantry clones, 100 heavy clones, 100 space marine clones

Nebula-class star destroyer
Length: 1040 meters
Number of ship in fleet: 4+1. The 1 is the flagship but I'm not creating an extra section for it.

Ship Weapons:
Heavy dual turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)[1]
Turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)[1]
Ion cannons (20: 5 fore, 5 aft, 5 port, 5 starboard)[1]
Assault concussion missile tubes (8, turreted) 30 missiles each[3]
Tractor beam projectors (8: 3 fore, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft)

Complement: 40 K-wings, 40 X-wings, 10 A-wings, and 5 transports.

Ship Crew: 6795 crew, 244 gunners

Ship Military: 800 generic clones, 250 engineer clones, 100 heavy troopers, 50 sharpshooter clones, and 400 basic infantry clones. 1 Arc trooper

MC-140 Scythe
Length: 500 meters
Number of ships in fleet: 12

Ship weapons:
Heavy turbolaser batteries (30)[2]
Turbolaser batteries (30)[2]
Ion cannon batteries (30)[2]
Proton torpedo batteries (40)[2] 160 Proton torpedoes[2]
Tractor beam batteries (10)[2]

Complement: 12 Y-wings, 48 X-wings. 4 transports

Ship crew: 5200 crew

Ship military: 500 generic clones, 300 clone engineers, 300 basic infantry clone, 100 heavy trooper, and 100 jet trooper clones, and 300 space marine clones. 1 Arc trooper

Majestic-class heavy cruiser
Length: 700 meters
Number of ship in fleet: 15

Ship weapons:
Heavy turbolaser cannons (30) Fire arc: 5 fore, 10 port, 10 starboard, 5 aft[1]
Ion cannons (20) Fire arc: 5 fore, 5 port, 5 starboard, 5 aft[1]
Laser cannons (20) Fire arc: 5 fore, 5 port, 5 starboard, 5 aft[1]
Concussion missile tubes (8) Fire arc: 3 fore, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft[1]
Tractor beam projectors (4) Fire arc: 1 fore, 1 port, 1 starboard, 1 aft[1]
Antimissile octets (20+)[2]

Complement: 20 B-wings, 20 A-wings, 30 E-wings

Ship crew: 4050 crew, 132 gunners

Ship military: 200 generic clones, 100 basic infantry clones, 100 clone engineers

Endurance-class fleet carrier
Length: 1040 meters
Number of ship in fleet: 15

Ship weapons:
Turbolasers (12)[1]
Fire arc: 4 fore, 4 port, 4 starboard

Ion cannons (8)[1]
Fire arc: 5 fore, 1 port, 1 starboard, 1 aft

Laser cannons (20)[1]
Fire arc: 5 fore, 5 port, 5 starboard, 5 aft

Tractor beam projectors (4)[1]
Fire arc: 1 fore, 1 port, 1 starboard, 1 aft

Complement: 24 B-wings, 120 X-wings, and 100 A-wings. 12 transports.

Ship Crew: 6695 crew, 244 gunners

Ship military: 600 generic clones, 300 engineer clones, 300 basic infantry clones, 50 heavy trooper clones, and 100 jet trooper clones

Immobilizer-418 cruiser
Length: 600 meters
Number of ships: 5

SFS G7-x gravity well projectors[6] (4)[7]
Taim & Bak GX-7[source?] quad laser cannons (20)[7]

Complement: 30 A-wings, 1 shuttle

Ship crew: 2807 crew, 24 gunners

Ship military: 40 clone engineers, 40 basic infantry clones

vengeance-class frigate
Length: 200 meters
Number of ships: 50

Armament: 4 mass driver cannons and 2 turbolaser cannons.

Other: cloaking device

Ship crew: 75

Nebulon-B escort frigate
Length: 300 meters
Number of ship: 30

Ship weapons:
Taim & Bak XI7 turbolasers (12)[7]
Borstel RH8 laser cannons (12)[7]
Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (2)[7]

Complement: 24 X-wings

Ship crew: 854 crew, 66 gunners

Ship military: 76 basic infantry clones

2nd Airborne division
28th Airborne division
9th special forces division
192nd Battalion
243rd Recon Corps
241st Attack Battalion
346th Sky Corps
42nd Elite Corps
301st Intelligence division
377th Engineer Corps
635th Space Marine Corps

Seriously, figuring out what is roughly equal to what is a pain.
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@Rion You are quite aware that an extreme military force such as the Seperatists will require more than One Fleet Admiral, right? As for most of the fleet being the same, this is correct. I did in fact copy most of what you had, one because it was 3 in the morning and two because I lacked the patience to genuinely research most of what I was throwing down. Plus, it's most certainly reasonable. Two Admiral's wont have vastly different Fleets.
I have made adjustments to my CIS Admiral, Page 8 please take a look to verify sometime.
Just want everyone to be mindful that CIS Venators and Republic Venators are different in the fact that Republic Venators have the Red Stripes while CIS Venators are bare with no kinds of paint.

Name: Sadina Sarapin


Age: 39

Race: Arkanian

Personality: Like all Arkanians, Sadina is genetically modified in more ways than she can count and strives to do things perfectly. In her case, she deviates from the rhetoric slightly in that she believes in specialization. In her case, her specialization is commanding and tactics, specifically wielding large fleets like a scalpel in all its micromanaging glory. She seems to have two modes of sorts, one for when she is actively commanding and another when she is off duty or doing anything not directly part of a battle. Good natured overall and probably more at home among the clones than surrounded by normal people, she is suited to her job. She is, however, more cold than most in terms of how she handles things. She values life but unlike other generals who allow sentimentality to lead to overvaluing and rash actions, she has no qualms with making the technically correct move once she has accounted for possible independent action and the like. She will not run headlong into a trap to rescue a relatively small group of no major military importance, costing them more men than she'd save. She has been criticized for it before but simply places the facts on the table and allows them to object if they wish. As a matter of practice, she tends to place her safety first, acting almost she's fighting guerilla warfare with a large armada.

History: Sadina acts on a need and ability basis and that's how she came into the service of the Republic. The Arkanians usually tended to mind their own business but in a way, this fight affected them as much as anyone else. The prospect that the CIS would allow them to continue their research as they did or have the patience that they had seemed unlikely given that they prized immediate results and much less things like freedom and whatnot. Sadina had already studied to become a military commander in the first place because she had chosen it as her area of expertise, following along with the idea of playing to her strengths. As need rose, she began to exert herself and made her way up the ranks to the point where she could actually do something.

Military Rank: General

(Rookie's start with 17 points to Distribute. Lieutenant's start with 22 points to Distribute. Captain's start with 27 points to Distribute. Commander's start with 32 points to distribute. General's start with 37 points to Distribute.)

Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 31

Knowledge: 12

Finesse: 6

Stamina: 5

Weapon Skill: 7

Vehicle Skill: 5

Spaceship Skill: 5

----Military Info----

Weapons: 1 arkanian heavy pistol and a virboblade (dagger size).

Division: 301st

Skills: Commanding. Sadina specializes in space combat though she can also lead ground missions, albeit with slightly less comparative prowess. Unlike some generals, she believes in the job going to those best suited to do it. Thus, she is perfectly content to lead from the back. Her worth is as a general, not a soldier. She has basic combat training and is a reasonably good fighter outside of that but it is not her main forte. Most specifically, she excels in micromanaging and pinpoint tactics, something she will do avidly. For example, she might position her fleet in a place just next to a major hyperspace lane that she anticipates an enemy fleet to move through, then adjust the position of her interdictors to likely pull out only half of the enemy fleet, not all of them, thus allowing her to pin them down and pick them off. She works best as an independently acting part of the army rather than performing frontal assaults though she is sometimes assigned to do so.

Specialty: I think skills covered this.

Equipment: (What type's of Special Equipment does your character have? Max of 2)

----Personal Spaceship----

Ship Appearance:

Ship Name: Sidewinder

Ship Type: Warship

Ship Specialty: Open combat

Ship Weapons:
Heavy dual turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)[1]
Turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)[1]
Ion cannons (20: 5 fore, 5 aft, 5 port, 5 starboard)[1]
Assault concussion missile tubes (8, turreted) 30 missiles each[3]
Tractor beam projectors (8: 3 fore, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft)

Complement: 88 starfighters, 5 transports

Ship Crew: 6795 crew, 244 gunners

Ship Military: 1000 Basic Infantry Clones, 100 Heavy Trooper Clones, 20 Clone Commanders, 100 jet trooper Clones and 300 Engineer Clones, and 4 Arc Troopers, each with 20 hand picked clones to assist them.

----Military Forces----

1 MC-80 Home One

Nebula-class star destroyer
Length: 1040 meters
Number of ship in fleet: 4+1. The 1 is the flagship but I'm not creating an extra section for it.

Ship Weapons:
Heavy dual turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)[1]
Turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)[1]
Ion cannons (20: 5 fore, 5 aft, 5 port, 5 starboard)[1]
Assault concussion missile tubes (8, turreted) 30 missiles each[3]
Tractor beam projectors (8: 3 fore, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft)

Complement: 40 K-wings, 40 X-wings, 10 A-wings, and 5 transports.

Ship Crew: 6795 crew, 244 gunners

Ship Military: 800 generic clones, 250 engineer clones, 100 heavy troopers, 50 sharpshooter clones, and 400 basic infantry clones

MC-140 Scythe
Length: 500 meters
Number of ships in fleet: 12

Ship weapons:
Heavy turbolaser batteries (30)[2]
Turbolaser batteries (30)[2]
Ion cannon batteries (30)[2]
Proton torpedo batteries (40)[2] 160 Proton torpedoes[2]
Tractor beam batteries (10)[2]

Complement: 12 Y-wings, 48 X-wings. 4 transports

Ship crew: 5200 crew

Ship military: 500 generic clones, 300 clone engineers, 300 basic infantry clone, 100 heavy trooper, and 100 jet trooper clones, and 300 space marine clones

Majestic-class heavy cruiser
Length: 700 meters
Number of ship in fleet: 15

Ship weapons:
Heavy turbolaser cannons (30) Fire arc: 5 fore, 10 port, 10 starboard, 5 aft[1]
Ion cannons (20) Fire arc: 5 fore, 5 port, 5 starboard, 5 aft[1]
Laser cannons (20) Fire arc: 5 fore, 5 port, 5 starboard, 5 aft[1]
Concussion missile tubes (8) Fire arc: 3 fore, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft[1]
Tractor beam projectors (4) Fire arc: 1 fore, 1 port, 1 starboard, 1 aft[1]
Antimissile octets (20+)[2]

Complement: 20 B-wings, 20 A-wings, 30 E-wings

Ship crew: 4050 crew, 132 gunners

Ship military: 200 generic clones, 100 basic infantry clones, 100 clone engineers

Endurance-class fleet carrier
Length: 1040 meters
Number of ship in fleet: 15

Ship weapons:
Turbolasers (12)[1]
Fire arc: 4 fore, 4 port, 4 starboard

Ion cannons (8)[1]
Fire arc: 5 fore, 1 port, 1 starboard, 1 aft

Laser cannons (20)[1]
Fire arc: 5 fore, 5 port, 5 starboard, 5 aft

Tractor beam projectors (4)[1]
Fire arc: 1 fore, 1 port, 1 starboard, 1 aft

Complement: 24 B-wings, 120 X-wings, and 100 A-wings. 12 transports.

Ship Crew: 6695 crew, 244 gunners

Ship military: 600 generic clones, 300 engineer clones, 300 basic infantry clones, 50 heavy trooper clones, and 100 jet trooper clones

3 Interdictor-class star destroyer

30 vengeance-class frigate

Nebulon-B escort frigate
Length: 300 meters
Number of ship: 30

Ship weapons:
Taim & Bak XI7 turbolasers (12)[7]
Borstel RH8 laser cannons (12)[7]
Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (2)[7]

Complement: 24 X-wings

Ship crew: 854 crew, 66 gunners

Ship military: 76 basic infantry clones

(This section is only for Generals and the Count. Ignore this part if you are not a General or Count.)

(List what types of forces you have under your command and how many. For Example, 150,000 Basic Infantry Clones, 50,000 Engineer Clones, 15,000 Heavy Troop Clones, 100 AT-ST's, 15 Carrier Spaceships, 20 Venator Capital Ships.)

Seriously, figuring out what is roughly equal to what is a pain.
Just so you know, in the Division section, where you put in your Division, that is your Personal Division. In the Military Forces is where you list any other Clone Divisions under your Command, just pointing it out ^^.

  • sith_lord_by_maderrin-d4r8zee.jpg

    Riezin Gesack

    Age: 41
    Race: Known to only him and his master.
    Place of Residence: Korriban
    Sith Rank: Darth
    Accepting Acolytes: Yes
    Military Rank: General

    Riezin Gesack, the merciless, cold, heartless and what makes fear tremble. He has a sickening laughing that makes others cringe with each wave that bellows out of him. Despite his fierce appearance and dark aura he has one soft spot that holds sympathy and caring.

    Raised from the harsh land Korriban, Riezin has been taught the ways of the force since he was five years old. Striking down every enemy coming his way he aspired to be the greatest sith lords there would ever be. Learning ways of deep emotion he uses fear and hatred for everything in life.
    After he grew to the rank Enforcer he celebrated and feel into a deep affair with with his master they soon fell in love and bore a child. His daughter, Alenia, was his star. He cherished her more than life its self. Those two were the only soft spot he had in the world and he didn't realize that it would be his down fall.
    Nineteen years has past since then and he is now finally becoming a Darth. This moment was the moment he finally been waiting for and now he can celebrate. He celebrated for a week and then he was holocomed to a dire mission. That mission took him three years to finish but it was bloody, putrid and complete. He can finally go back to his family.
    When he arrived everything was in chaos, Korriban was in a great battle and with his great strength he could take them all down. He ran straight for home to find his love shattered to find his wife hanging over the door and her head rolling to his feet from the wind. When he stepped through the threshold he saw a mandalorian holding his daughter by the throat. The man looked at Riezin, stabbed his daughter in the heart and said "Your debt is now repaid."
    Furiously he killed the man and leaned over her deceased daughter. He was too late. With his rage and anger he sworn to kill every and any mandalorian. During his travel he met a jedi master, Maxien Nox, and a jedi knight, Ardana t'arcona. He killed Maxien and took the arms of Ardana but seeing her face reminded him of his daughter and he stopped cold. He came too and ran, fleeing for the first time. He knew what had happened and will continue. For that he could never be count.

Lightsaber: Red (in right hand) Blue, taken from a 'special' jedi master he killed, (in left and converted the color to red)
Specialty: Open Combat
Flaw: Can not kill young women or girls
Droid commander
Close Combat
Distant Combat




Strength: 15
Speed: 5
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 9
Knowledge: 11
Finesse: 7
Stamina: 10

Midi-Chlorian Amount:

----Force Stats----

Force Core: 6
Force Control: 6
Force Sense: 5
Force Alter: 5
Force Dark Side: 10
Force Mastery: 8

----Force Powers----

Force Control Pain
Force Shield
Force Dark Aura
Force of Shadow
Force Lightning
Force Illusions


----Personal Spaceship----

Ship Appearance:

Ship Name:
The Penatrator

Ship Type:

Ship Specialty:

Ship Weapons:
10x Large turbo lasers
3x small cannons
50x medium turrets

Ship Equipment:
Hyperdrive, automated turrets
hyper engines
deflection shields

Ship Crew:
15 Maintenance Droids
3 Pilots
5 Engineers
2 medical droids

Ship Military:
100 B2-Battledroids
200 B1-Battledroids
10 Droideka Mark I
10 Droideka Mark II
50 Rocket Battledroids
20 B2-HA Battledroids

Ground Military:
10,000 B1-Battledroids
9,000 B2-Battledroids
1,500 Droideka Mark II
5,000 Rocket Battledroids
5,000 B2-HA Battledroids
2,000 BX-Series Droid Commandos

What's your Darth Title?
@Rion so you changed to Infantry? Lol. That's what Jarvis is, and I'd done it before you