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"I don't think I have met a single person that wouldn't want a mini teleporter. I think they sell those there as well, the industries has like an invention gift shop," Orion added.


Zane Jackson

Zane had been on the down low for a while. Between Nathan being in school and Luke being on the downlow, he didn't want to cause any unnecessary attention to himself. That didn't mean that he didn't notice things, like the girl who was always coming to a sleep over in her brother's room. It was weird to see such a close sibling relationship. It was something that he wished that he and his brother had stiil, but well.... things had happened between them, things that couldn't exactly be taken back on the account that his brother had died. It wasn't supposed to have happened like that. The man had done everything in his power to prevent that very thing from happening, but somehow it wasn't enough. He wasn't enough. And of course, even in trying to do the right thing, he managed to fuck it up.

As soon as he had learned that his technopath brother was going to be driving a faulty car, one that his boss had told him to wire from a dealership, he tried to get him to not leave the house. Zane tried his best to make things better, but the bridge and the car were too much and he landed in the water. And in trying to save him, he killed him.

Being a villain was all he ever known and when he tried to bring him to the god of second chances, he had fucked up again and tried to short change the god. In exchange, the man gave his brother half a life- being neither living or dead, a curse that he had caused. Zane was also terrified to go near him in case he short circuited and killed him all over again. And then his brother went down a dark oath.

Zane had been so focused in his own thoughts that he bumped into the sister as he walked down the hallway.

"Hmmmm, well, I'll remember to stop by there and get one," Aiden grinned. "Might be pretty neat, too."
Skylar & Cystal Booker

Alias: Cypher & DragonVines


When her brother put his hands on her perfectly wavy hair that she worked hard on to keep, she growled playfully, " Hey! I don't mess up my hair-!" and pushed his hand away, and as she did, she bumped into the person that was walking past them. From the impact, as she is smaller than the male, she bumped back into her brother, which she felt like a pinball. She gave out a little squeal as Skylar caught her, "Geez, you ok?" He glanced at her, then back at the male. "S-sorry about that-" He said, then let go of her when he felt his little sister moving away from him. "YOU shouldn't be the one saying sorry, Sky!" She said, getting herself together and moving away from her brother as she brushed her skirt and shirt from any dust that might have gotten on to it. She was pretty annoyed by her brother once again with his apologetic ways and the fact just been pinballed to the ground.

Her eyes had turned an almost unnaturally bright green which Skylar noticed and nudged her to make her go back to their blues, but instead, she took as she should say sorry as well, 'Cy calm down..' which she wasn't going to. Usually, she wouldn't care, apologies, be on with her way as she was in the public eyes, but today she was already upset with her and Skylar's fight recently. One is reminded of the thing that can really get under her skin is how small she is. " Excuse you." She said which Skylar palmed his face in embrassement of his sister. "He didn't mean sis so relax..sorry she just in a mood." He said with a awkward smile.

"If I have learned anything from my time in this city, it's that it is filled with a ton of pretty neat things for you to do, like the shops, the school, everything is so beautiful and yet, I still don't know anything."


Zane Jackson

Zane would normally had never been so clumsy when it came to dealing with the other people in the dorms. He already had enough problems without making any more enemies out of the other people who lived in the dorm. Home- well pseudo home was the only place where he felt he and Nathan were safe. Sure, Lucas could come there and blow up his life, but nobody besides him knew what his powers were and that he was a super villain- well not anymore, it seemed that the reset had made it so most people couldn't remember his real self. And the people who did know hadn't bothered to tell him. It was also because of the reset that he had gone from being the father of a young and adorable child to that of a moody teenager. It was the one thing that the reset had done wrong. Not that Nathan wasn't close to him still, the boy was. But the powers he had were greater and he felt he needed to protect him even more.

It was because of that laser focus that he hadn't even noticed that he had bumped into the girl until she said the word Excuse you. His mind processed the million different reasons she could be saying this to him and it all came back to the same conclusion- he must have bumped into her and he hadn't even noticed. " It's okay- I was the one who bumped into her and I'm sorry for that. Didn't intend to do that in the slightest - I was just so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice where I was going. It's a very rare occasion for me as well. I'm usually very aware of where I am going, so I don't know what else to say. Would you like any more of an apology?"

"Once I get to the dorms, I'm thinking of getting a job somewhere," Aiden said.

Claire Miller | High School Student | Location: Starlight Academy - Dorms

At thirty-five weeks pregnant, Claire was more worried then ever. Just five more weeks and this baby would be out of her belly and in her arms. Well, at least she wasn't the only one. As the thought of it crossed her mind, Claire just continued waddling to her dorm room, which she thankfully had to herself.

-On her way to her dorm room | Open for Interaction-
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" Well, that seems like a smart plan to me. I got funds from my master. He calls this like an allowance for me. "


Maya Brooke- College student, Location: Starlight Academy- Dorms

Maya was surprised that she had gone this long without someone being her dorm mate, but it made sense with everything that had happened. She would look at her card, it was a pregnant girl who was going to be her roommate. She noticed someone walking down the hall. " Are you Claire?" She asked.

@Kawashima Lightning
Claire Miller | College Student | Starlight Academy - Dorms​
As soon as Claire had made it to her dorm room, another young woman had greeted her. At first, the expectant young woman was confused as she thought that she would be getting the room to herself. At the same time though, she didn't mind if she was going to be getting a roommate. Checking her card again, it looks like she had been assigned a roommate. "Yes, I'm Claire. You must be..." She checked her card again. "Maya?" She then placed her hand on her back as it was starting to hurt.

Maya Brooke

Maya was relieved that her roommate wasn't some kind of freak and was a sweet high school student, not that she didn't miss her other roommate. " Well, it's nice to meet you, Claire. You look like you are in pain, come in and lay on the bed. I'm at the school to learn how to be a nurse, but my powers also let me heal people and it looks like you and your baby could use some of that," she replied, gesturing for the girl to come down and lay on the bed. It wasn't her place to judge how the girl had gotten pregnant.

@Kawashima Lightning

Nicholas Harris/Shadow

Location: Superior Industries

Nicholas Harris would stir a bit of his coffee as he would wait for the arms dealer to arrive so they could have this conversation. He had taken the time to even put out some food and maybe a drink. The food was normal, but the drink was not, a type of new product to make some facial hair growth happen. It was a bit of a trust exercise he did with everyone he dealt with. The cure sat on his desk in case the person had a negative reaction. " It's good to be home."

@Samuel W.
Claire Miller | Starlight Academy Dorms​
Maya did seem like a nice lady, so Claire was no longer really bothered about having a roommate and it was probably better then being alone. Soon, the other woman did note that Claire looked like she was in pain. Sadly, she wasn't wrong, Claire kind of was, but it was a part of pregnancy. Lower back pain, a humongous belly and difficulty breathing among other side effects or symptoms that were inherent with carrying an unborn child. So she simply nodded as she set her backpack down by the feet of her bed before laying down on the bed, straightening out her dress as she cradled her belly. "Yeah, though I don't know if it'll help much. I'm eight and a half months pregnant, so back pain, stomachaches and all that are kinda normal for me." She sighed, laying on her side since it was bad for her spine to be laying on her back.

Thankfully, she was laying on her left side, facing Maya, a somber look on her face as her belly tensed up, followed by an uncomfortable back pain.


Brianna Esmerelda Rosario | College Student | Downtown - Hospital​
Now at nine months pregnant, Brianna was now having more frequent visits to the Hospital in Downtown as she was now scheduled to have Doctor's Appointments on a weekly basis all the way up until delivery, which can happen between next week and four weeks from now. Overall, the baby was healthy and so was she. Though since she was currently attending the Academy as a first year college student, she was worried about going into labor in the middle of class and then rushing to the hospital in an ambulance. As these thoughts ran through her mind, she slowly sat down in the waiting room in the Maternity Ward since her appointment was not quite on yet as she arrived with a few minutes to spare. After this appointment though, she was headed back to the Academy to do some homework.


Stephanie 'Tiffany' Hyun/Sentinel | College Student | Unknown Location​
With her hands tied together, Sentinel woke up in a relatively dark room to find herself suspended above the floor, hanging on pipes and unable to talk or scream due to being gagged. As she looked around though, she couldn't see anyone or anything once her vision had cleared. 'Where am I...?' She wondered.

S. W.
He quickly rushed into the building, running a bit late. He noticed Nicholas sitting not too far away, quickly fixing his gas mask and wiping off some blood on his sleeve, muttering something. He walks over and sits down besides Nicholas. "Sorry for running late. I had a problem with a client, i'm pretty sure they were on something. Anyways, how can i help you?"

Maya Brooke

Maya would take a moment to assess what the other woman could possibly be in pain from and it didn't take long to deduce that it was from the pregnancy status that she had. It was hard to believe that so many women bared through the pain, especially when there were so many different safe ways to relieve it. It would take a moment to consider what her options were to offer the girl, but she finally settle on one. "Listen, I know that it probably seems like there is nothing to be done, but there are many things to do when one is in pain. I know that most medications don't go well with pregnancies and I am not going to offer any to you. I have seen women take advantage of the little they had, but natural things, well that is an entirely different story when it comes to things. I'm a bit of a natural healer if you can believe that for a moment."

She would gently touch the other girl's back and use her powers to heal and lessen the pain it was in. She was happy they picked a good roommate for her that she could help.

Julia Star

Julia wasn't surprised to see Brianna be back here after her last doctor's appointment. It was very common to see her often and it was a good time to see that she was keeping her appointment. The only problem that the chief of Staff had was that her doctor had managed to call out sick today and there was nobody to cover and nobody had made the phone call to tell her that. It was a lot of bad things all at once. Luckily, the woman had some time on her hands right now. "I'm so sorry that we couldn't call you advance to let you know that your doctor bis out today, but I got all the details needed to brief you on how you and the baby are doing. The hospital has been a bit busy for the last few days after all. So, let's get you in there and do some of that paperwork that needs to be done first," she replied with a smile on her face.

Steven Lasket/ Tank

It had been a while since he had been with Tamara, but that didn't stop the meta task force from being needed. He had gotten word that somebody had been kidnapped and was at the docks. It took him three tries to find the right place, but he did. "Wow, someone really doesn't like you," he commented, surveying the best approach to rescuing her.

@Kawashima Lightning

Nicholas Harris

Nicholas didn't mind that he was late, or even that he had had blood on his sleeve. It just showed him that he was one who took less time focused on appearance and more on the job. "Well, that is understandable and it shows how much you care about your work. Sit first and enjoy some of the food and drink, it will help you settle in and then we can talk business."

@Samuel W.
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Claire Miller | High School Student, Junior | Starlight Academy Dorms​
Claire continued to rest on the bed while wondering what Maya was going to do to help her with the pregnancy pains. The young woman often powered through the less-then-pleasant parts of it. From the weird food cravings, fatigue to being gassy for a multitude of reasons. Often, the gassiness led to the stomachaches she often had the bigger she got. "A lot of medications are considered unsafe for the babies and can hinder their development, so I do my best to steer clear of them." She replied.

When Maya said that she was a natural healer, Claire found herself a little skeptical, but when she touched Claire's back, the expectant mother could feel the pain slowly going away. Sure, there was still a dull pain, but those were relatively easy to ignore. "So that's what you mean by natural healing. How are you making the pain go away?" She asked, now feeling pretty comfortable as she was laying on her left side, her head on the pillow. "Can you relieve the pain in my belly too?"

Brianna E. Rosario | College Student | Downtown Hospital​
While in the waiting room, Brianna relaxed while nonchalantly caressing her belly, waiting for her Doctor to come out and call her name. When she looked up to see the Chief of Staff, whom she had seen on occasion when coming for her appointments. This led her to wonder where her Doctor was out for the day. Although she frowned, she perked up a little when the other woman said that she had all the details needed to brief her on how she and her baby were doing before being inform her that the hospital was a bit busy for the last few days. Brianna simply nodded before slowly getting out of her seat. "Mmm, that's understandable. Let's go to your office." She replied as she held her belly.

Sindy M. Tamura/Iron Sparrow | Software Engineer | Downtown, Harbor​
Despite being in the second to last week of her pregnancy, Sindy continued to carry on her vigilante work. Sure, she couldn't run and she had to modify her outfit to accommodate the big pregnant belly. No longer able to really fit into her suit, she now wore a purple floral dress, boots and a leather jacket as well as a quiver and compound bow. There was also tying her hair into a ponytail and wearing a pair of polarized sunglasses to keep at least her eyes concealed. With the Starlight Police Department stretched thin, Sindy, under the moniker 'Iron Sparrow', identified by a large patch that on her arm, decided to take upon herself to handle criminals where Law Enforcement could not. There were others that did the same, but it wasn't very often that Sindy encountered them.

Her latest investigation led her to the Downtown Harbor. Earlier in the week, a pregnant woman was kidnapped. She also hadn't heard from Sentinel in a few days. Could Sentinel have been kidnapped? As she got into the docks, a couple of people surrounded her, prompting her to draw her bow. Grabbing one of her arrows. "Careful now. You wouldn't want anything to happen to that poor baby in your belly, do you?" One of them asked.

"I may be super pregnant, but I can probably still take on all of you." Looking around her, she noticed that some of the men were armed with makeshift melee weapons.

That was just a bluff though. Hopefully there was another vigilante nearby. Maybe someone from the Meta Task Force?

Defender Strange

Stephen had no clue where he was. He intended to create a rift through reality to go to the Gap Junction, but somehow he ended up here. He did try to open rifts to go back home, but every time he does it he always gets spat back here. So he's stuck in an unknown reality for only God knows how long, wonderful. Right now, he only had the Book of the Vishanti hung on his waist, the Eye of Agamotto around his neck, and the Sword of Bone hung on the other side of his waist. He didn't know where to go, so he headed towards the first place he saw, a city. It was big and quite magnificent from afar. It had everything a normal city would have, but its grand scenery eclipsed even New York. As he walked down the streets, he saw a diversity of people, human and supernatural. The sight caught him off guard and made him even more lost. He didn't know where to start, but he knew he needed help navigating this place.

-Wandering around Starlight City | Open for Interaction-
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Marissa Norah Tamura/Nighthawk | Local Baker | Downtown Plaza​
Marissa decided to take a day off from work, wanting to take it easy as the final stages of pregnancy was beginning to take its toll on her. While she wasn't dealing with any major complications or anything, Marissa did find herself very much fatigued and wanting to sit on the couch more often then not. In addition, it was tough operating the ovens and getting things squared away at her bakery as her swollen belly often got in the way, making some tasks more difficult then others. Overall, she powered through it still and got most things done, she just had to be careful and take it slow, so as the pregnancy progressed, the earlier she'd close and the less she'd make for the day, making up for it by opening earlier and closing later on the weekends. But in that event, she'd close for about an hour to take a nap in her office.

As she thought about work, Marissa noticed a man dressed in an interesting robe, almost like a modern wizard. He seemed rather lost, almost unsure of where he was at. He must have been new around here, maybe even one of those people that enters through that weird portal she'd hear her customers talk about. Though she had never seen it for herself, she has seen her fair share of otherworldly beings. She proceeded to approach the lost man, her hand on her back and the other on her belly. "Excuse me sir. Is everything alright? You...Look lost." She said as she approached him.

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Defender Strange

Stephen was surprised to find a pregnant woman in front of him. It wasn't that he'd never seen a pregnant woman before, but he didn't expect one to be here. Maybe it was just his expectation of every other universe to be alien and abnormal to his own. He frowned his eyebrows in confusion as he replied to the woman, "Uh...yeah, I am lost, I was trying to travel to another universe and ended up here, where I can't seem to leave. Does it have a way out of here?" Strange looked around the street he was on as he asked the pregnant woman, trying to see a way out maybe, he was hoping he would see a big sign saying "hey, here's a portal back to your universe." From his time here, the universe seemed relatively normal and nothing was drastically different, it still had a sun, gravity was normal, and it sure had air. But something he caught up with quickly was that nearby dimensions indeed existed, so he wasn't completely useless in this universe. He didn't know if he could invoke any Principalities from here, but from his experience with other universal traveling, it wasn't a problem he had.

@Kawashima Lightning
Marissa N. Tamura | Local Baker | Downtown Plaza​
The man seemed relatively surprised after Marissa had greeted him. She proceeded to straighten out her dress as they began a conversation. With that being said, Marissa was left a little perplexed, not because this man was lost, but he was trying to travel to another universe. Then again, given the way he was dressed he probably wasn't from around here. But to be from a different universe was a bit too strange for the expectant mother to grasp.
Defender Strange said:
"Uh...yeah, I am lost, I was trying to travel to another universe and ended up here, where I can't seem to leave. Does it have a way out of here?"
"I do not think there's a way out of here. Not one that I am aware of. But you look winded. Traveling between universes sounds like it can be exhausting." She commented, gently caressing her belly. "Oh, right. My name's Marissa by the way." The expectant mother smiled, wanting the stranger to at least feel welcome.

Since he didn't seem hostile at all, Marissa wasn't all that worried. "Come, walk with me, stranger. I could use the company. Perhaps we can go get something to eat and you can tell me more about yourself."

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"I do not think there's a way out of here. Not one that I am aware of. But you look winded. Traveling between universes sounds like it can be exhausting."
Stephen absolutely agree with the pregnant woman that traveling between realities was tiring. Even with America Chavez's powers boosting his condition, he still feels incredibly weary when employing the ability. Upon hearing that there didn't appear to be any way out, he sighed exasperatedly, "Great, now I'm stuck here." Stephen mumbled that under his breath.

"Oh, right. My name's Marissa by the way."

"Come, walk with me, stranger. I could use the company. Perhaps we can go get something to eat and you can tell me more about yourself."
"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange, and I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to assist me," Stephen said gratefully to Melissa. Back where he came from, it was unusual for someone to aid a stranger on the street, so he was surprised when they invited him to eat something, which he gladly accepted. In response to the last query, he nodded and said, "Sure, lead the way."

@Kawashima Lightning
Marissa N. Tamura | Local Baker | Downtown Plaza​
Marissa frowned when she heard the man's reaction to being stuck in this universe with no way out. If there was one, the expectant mother wasn't really aware of it. If she was, she'd tell him. When he introduced himself as Doctor Stephan Strange, Marissa began to wonder what kind of doctor he was. He wasn't dressed like one, and given the look on his face when she had greeted him, there was no way that he was an OBGYN (Obstetrician/Gynecologist). Nonetheless, he was in a slightly better mood, showing gratitude that she was taking time out of her day to assist him. Granted it did seem to surprise him. Strangers helping one another probably wasn't normal in his home universe. It was a rarity here in Starlight City as well given the things that go on throughout the city, Marissa was an over-all kind woman, at least when she's not in her Vigilante Suit. However she wasn't about to mention that to Doctor Strange here at all.

Soon, the pair began walking down the sidewalk, or in Marissa's case, waddling, the expectant mother still kept a hand on her back due to the constant backache that was inherent with the later stages of pregnancy. The other hand continued to rest on top of her swollen belly. Her ankles were starting to hurt as well, meaning that she was on her feet for too long. And it was tough for a pregnant woman to be on her feet for extended periods of time. "You're welcome, Doctor." She replied as she straightened out her hair.

After about ten minutes of walking, Marissa found the Restaurant she was looking for. Upon entering, she asked for a table for two. Once seated, she asked the server for a glass of water. Shortly after the Server walked away, her stomach let out an eager growl. Thankfully, it wasn't all too loud, only loud enough for Strange to hear. She sighed before contemplating on what to eat while caressing her belly.

Maya Brooke

Maya wished that she had done a better job to explain what her powers were to the girls. It was easy to say that she could heal people, but even her own powers had their limits. And of course, they had the price for what she was. Maya was her mother's daughter. An Undine at birth, unable to feel love until she found the one. It was both a blessing and a curse when it came to her life. It also sucked that it would have to be a man that she had to fall in love with in order to gain the soul, but it was not the other girl's problem.

Maya understood that she would be skeptical as it seemed to be an unbelievable thing to be able to heal powers. It was very easy for someone to disbelieve after all. "Yeah, I do mean that I can naturally heal people. Like my mother, I'm an undine, gifted with the ability to use water to heal, but at the cost of not being able to have a soul until I find love with a man. It's both a blessing and a curse, but yes, I certainly can relieve the pain in your belly," she replied, moving her hand to the woman's belly and started to heal her.

Julia Star

Julia was relieved that the other woman had remembered that she had done these appointments with her before, so she was comfortable with her. It was always difficult when someone wasn't comfortable, and she had to calm them down first. When she had a moment, the Chief of Staff would definitely have to talk to her doctor for using so much of their personal time at a time where they scheduled and not calling the patient in advance. She was thankful she hadn't brought the file with her as the woman wanted to go to her office anyway, taking a deep breath and looking over at her. "Yes, let's head over to my office to discuss this, there's a ton of things to go over to make sure you are prepared."

Steven Lasket

Steven Lasket should have gotten used to all of the new superheroes who appeared in the city he had been born in. The man had been away from his home and in the Marvel universe for a good two to three years, so it would make sense that there were new superheroes who had showed up in the time. It wasn't even shocking to him that they were women to him. What did get him each and every time, most of these superheroes were pregnant. Like, he didn't know what to make of that information he had been given. He wondered if Tamara would also be fighting if she was pregnant, knowing his girlfriend, the answer was probably yes. God, it sucked that the police force was stretched so thin with all of the new heroes and villains popping up all over the place.

From his vantage point, he would hear them threatening the pregnant woman and honestly, sometimes he wondered when villains had gotten so low and despicable. At least back when he was growing up, there had been rules to both being a hero and villain. One was the one where they didn't fight on holidays but the other was that they wouldn't hurt any baby, both born or unborn. When had that changed? Steven was about to help her at the moment.

Somehow, he doubted her words and would land from his point. "I'm so sorry to interrupt you, but I think I can help you with these guys,"he replied, looking at their weapons.

This was definitely going to be fun for the meta-human, but he didn't mind having less of a challenge when it come to fighting.

@Kawashima Lightning

Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln was used to seeing the strange in this city. So, he should have known that even eating at a fairly popular restaurant, he would find someone he recognized. But unlike his usual knowledge, this was less a case of personally knowing the person and more of the case of knowing his reputation. It was impossible in the medical community to have not heard of Stephen Strange. He was pretty sure he remembered the woman across from him coming into the hospital. He watched for now, not sure how to approach this new situation.

@Crytorryk-Sar @Kawashima Lightning

Repost for @Samuel W. (Since I messed the tags up)

Nicholas Harris

Nicholas didn't mind that he was late, or even that he had had blood on his sleeve. It just showed him that he was one who took less time focused on appearance and more on the job. "Well, that is understandable and it shows how much you care about your work. Sit first and enjoy some of the food and drink, it will help you settle in and then we can talk business."
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