OPEN SIGNUPS Strange new arrivals in remnant (rwby multifandom crossover roleplay) sign ups

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Sorry to say bud Stephens a bit strong for what we are going for so you might need to lower his abilities, sorry again
Don't know what your apologizing for but ok. What do you need me to "lower"?
Hes overall too strong, maybe cus of the teansport to remnant alongside being made younger it weakened his mystic powers, him being able to see somewhat into the future and create illusions could work however ^^.
Maybe The Eye can manifest mystic energies. It can become the hilt of an age or sword, and then fire beams of energy. And it would be energy, not a solid construct built around the eye. Maybe something about the world/universe is messing with it
Hes overall too strong, maybe cus of the teansport to remnant alongside being made younger it weakened his mystic powers, him being able to see somewhat into the future and create illusions could work however ^^.
Maybe The Eye can manifest mystic energies. It can become the hilt of an age or sword, and then fire beams of energy. And it would be energy, not a solid construct built around the eye. Maybe something about the world/universe is messing with it
Alright so you want me to make him younger and have his powers weakened right? I could do that. The thing with the universe messing up the Eye and his powers is a plausible idea to use.

Most of what I put in the powers section was my attempt at generalizing his powerset since it's lengthy (Here). Most of the things your suggesting can already be accomplished by Strange alone. The Eye is mostly there to aid him in certain situations where his own magic isn't enough. So more supportive than offensive. Since Strange could create weapons like whips and swords, I didn't think he would need a signiture weapon.
okie dokie, as long as you lower it it should be fine, the wide array of abilities his magic could give him was just a bit much and some would be much on their own lol
im glad ya willing to work with me ^^
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okie dokie, as long as you lower it it should be fine, the wide array of abilities his magic could give him was just a bit much and some would be much on their own lol
im glad ya willing to work with me ^^
Yeah I'm cool. Just go over his powers section on the the wiki here to see if there's any ability in particular you want me not to use, so I would know.

And before I make corrections, make him younger. Like how young are we talking here?
16-18 age wise. Anything related to other dimensions or warping realities are def a no otherwise as long as it slimited to like 2-3 things it should be fine, one issue was just the wide wide array
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Id like to participate. Haven't been in a RWBY rp in decades (kinda died out).
sure just post a sign up form and ill look it over bud
No wait, now I'm done. Deleted some things off
ok so you need to specify what he can create with his magic and how far he can see into the future. its just very vague with what he can do
ok so you need to specify what he can create with his magic and how far he can see into the future. its just very vague with what he can do
Ok, np.
Accepted, seems like itd work better than before
Hi, by any chance is this RP still open for participation?
Got room for one or two more?
Due to past rp experiences with you, I don't think you'd be a good fit with the current group
I don't know what you mean?
Sorry if you dont remember im just not comfortable