Strategic Earth Defense vs Demons

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Jack Robinson

Original poster


You are receiving this message because you are a trusted member of the World Security Association. As you all know by now, the demon invasion of earth has been classified as a CODE BLACK or WORLD ENDING event. Without the prompt response of the WSA, we predict the fall of all world governments by the end of the year (2173) and the total enslavement of mankind in two years (2175). While we are aware of the strong response of WSA chapters worldwide, and we commend you for your efforts, unfortunately, we are losing.

The demon hordes have defeated the Eastern European Empire and advanced into Western Europe. Headquarters, which is located in [REDACTED], Switzerland, is under imminent threat of destruction. In order to preserve the operating body of the World Security Association, we ask that each chapter send its five (5) most skilled agents in order to defend and preserve the safety of the country of Switzerland. Fair warning: Council Member James Hobbes estimates we should expect eighty percent (80%) casualties in the event of a successful defense of our headquarters. We would not send out this transmission and ask for this sacrifice if we did not think it was necessary to the security of the world.

With this in mind, we hereby ask that the North America, South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and Asia sectors send their agents over with all haste. Demonic forces are crossing the Alps into Switzerland at this very moment, and Swiss forces are scrambling to hold them off. All agents who come to aid the defense of the headquarters will be equipped with the very best equipment and, should they survive, will be promoted to the rank of Viceroy in their respective countries (should those countries survive the war).

Head Maestro Harvard, and his Premier Associate, Bruce.

______________________________ [END TRANSMISSION]

Hey guys! So this is essentially an epic, worldwide conflict set in a near future where earth has been invaded by the armies of hell. You play as members of the WSA, a top secret, worldwide organization that is tasked with keeping the world safe from any and all threats. These agents are equipped with the best technology, and many are gifted with certain extraterrestrial/supernatural capabilities. Regardless of how skilled they are, the Association has been sent reeling by this massive invasion. Demons scour the world, enslaving people with their mind powers and toppling world governments. But before you can deal with all that, you have to protect the heart of the Association itself. Should it fall, the world will go down with it.

This is essentially a strategic, sci-fi/fantasy RP. You will make choices in the RP that will decide the fate of nations. You will choose what countries to save , which to leave behind, and which to nuke. You will lead armies from the shadows, depose ineffective rulers, and do whatever it takes to ensure that the world survives. Think XCOM, but with demons.

I am looking for 5-10 players (depending on interest) who are willing to commit to this RP. Posting speed: one to two times a week. No posting order. Post size: four-five paragraphs at least. We're all writers here. At this time, I am only accepting one character per player, although as the RP progresses and characters die, you will be allowed to make a new one if you choose.

(Side note/interesting/crazy idea- the first player to lose a character will have the choice of helping run the demonic forces, if they choose. Could be fun.)

Anyway, I just want this to seem like an epic battle, a crazy and costly struggle as the world's best and most secretive agency tries to save the world from exploding. Let me know if you're interested, have any ideas, or any questions! More info will be posted as more interest is garnered.

Also, do you guys prefer Discord or an OOC on site?
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I LOVED Xcom. I m interested. So what type of characters are supposed to play? I know you mentioned something about agents having supernatural powers, but what type are we talking about here and how strong can they be? (Teleportation, time-stop , time travel etc?)
I LOVED Xcom. I m interested. So what type of characters are supposed to play? I know you mentioned something about agents having supernatural powers, but what type are we talking about here and how strong can they be? (Teleportation, time-stop , time travel etc?)

So the powers are really up to you. You'd just have to run them by me first, but I'm very open to anything so long as it has a logical explanation. Nothing world-ending, as well, nothing too OP, and all powers have to have a sort of cost. Example: someone with telekinesis might have excruciating migraines or even have to use a wheelchair or something. Time manipulation is something I'm going ahead and saying no to as that could cause issues of course, but anything within reason. No snapping your fingers and killing all demons. Just nice, simple stuff.

Your characters can be agents, which is the basic tier of the WSA. You'll be gifted in many areas of combat and espionage, but you won't have the massive powers of say the Head Maestro or members of the Council. As the RP progresses, you'll get better gear as you loot it from demons or learn how to use their own powers against them. Again, think XCOM.

Keep the questions coming! Hope that makes sense. If you have any more specific questions about powers or tech, feel free to DM me. The setting is two hundred years in the future, so there's robots, lasers, all that junk. If you can dream it, it's probably there.
I am not a gamer, so I have no idea what Xcom is or was, but this is a cool idea. You mention alien abilities, is it possible to be an alien? Or half? Or maybe an experiment gone slightly wrong? Just wondering...
I am not a gamer, so I have no idea what Xcom is or was, but this is a cool idea. You mention alien abilities, is it possible to be an alien? Or half? Or maybe an experiment gone slightly wrong? Just wondering...

If there were a half alien lifeform that the WSA had discovered on earth they would be recruited, or at least studied. So yes, that would be a possibility.
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I'm in. Prefer ooc, things tend to get lost via discord.
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Smiles~ Awesome! And yeah Totally prefer an OOC. I have discord but I am almost never on there. Do you have a CS??
Keep the questions coming! Hope that makes sense. If you have any more specific questions about powers or tech, feel free to DM me. The setting is two hundred years in the future, so there's robots, lasers, all that junk. If you can dream it, it's probably there

So a MEC Trooper-like character wouldn't be too far fetched yes? Also, was the WSA ever involved in any other conflicts apart from the current one? (Alien invasion etc.) Is this the first time the humans waged a large scale war with the demons? Will the doomslayer make an appearance?
Smiles~ Awesome! And yeah Totally prefer an OOC. I have discord but I am almost never on there. Do you have a CS??

I will have a character sheet ready to go once we get a few more people interested!

Keep the questions coming! Hope that makes sense. If you have any more specific questions about powers or tech, feel free to DM me. The setting is two hundred years in the future, so there's robots, lasers, all that junk. If you can dream it, it's probably there

So a MEC Trooper-like character wouldn't be too far fetched yes? Also, was the WSA ever involved in any other conflicts apart from the current one? (Alien invasion etc.) Is this the first time the humans waged a large scale war with the demons? Will the doomslayer make an appearance?

Not at all! Considering the whole purpose of the WSA is to be secretive and work from the shadows, you'd probably only use the MEC suit when in combat or whatever, but like a cyborg character or something would be totally plausible.

To answer your next question, yes. They were involved in a war one hundred years ago between the Empire of Wurgen (think Russia + Germany) and the Alliance of Western Powers (NATO, essentially). During this war, they successfully negotiated the destruction of all nuclear weapons. They fought off some aliens who had entered the solar system just thirty years ago and are still unlocking the secrets of their tech. They've been involved in really every war and conflict ever since World War II, sometimes in small ways, other times in big ways, but always with the security of the world in mind.

And demons? This is the first time so many have appeared on earth at once. Demons have appeared in small numbers before and have been dealt with, and a few even live peacefully among humans. One even trains certain agents in arts like telekinesis, telepathy, and other tricks of the mind. As for the Doomslayer, the answer is possibly.
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