CHARACTERS Strawberry Vendor-OC Thread

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The Ripest Fruit
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
Romance, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Modern, Sci-fi, Horror, Hetero, Yaoi, Anthro, Drama, Crime, History

Welcome Everyone!!
This is my thread where I make my OCs for everyone to enjoy. If you want, you can pm me if you wish to rp with the characters of your choice.
Important note: Do not post here! Contact me through pms!
Most of the art feature here are credited to the artists that made them
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Rika Ohtomi

Age: 18
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 126 lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Rider Style: Freestyle
Alternate Sport: In-line Skating
Motto: Happy thoughts equals powerful energy
Friends: Jodie, Kevin
Enemy: Mia
Favorite Movie: CGI Animation
Favorite Reading: Shojo Beat
Favorite Music: Nu Disco
Boards: Freestyle-Boardercross-Alpine
Pink Glitter(F)
Funny Bunny(A)
Tropical Mix(F)
Baby Pink(F)
Dance & Disco(F)
Fun Snacks(F)
Orange Wave(BX)
Hearts and Kisses(F)
Ultimate Star(F)


What is your favorite course?

Whitestone Hills since it takes place in Hawaii, where all my family and friends could see me. Its a calming place to board but it does heavily snow there from time to time. Most people think because it is a tropical island that it doesn't snow, but it happens sometimes!

What is your favorite trick and why?
Hehe, have you seen me do the CandyDrop Tailspin? Its my personal favorite, and it took me a lot of practice!

If you didn't snowboard, what would you be doing?
I would probably be a fashion model, my mother is in the industry, so it wouldn't be a problem. If that doesn't work, I have plenty of other paths to take.

Have you made any friends on the tour? Enemies?
Yes, I have! Jodie has been very nice to me, so has Kevin, but I try to nice to everyone I meet. Mia on the other hand is...intense. There is nothing wrong with having a competitive spirit, but she takes it way too seriously, and that doesn't really vibe with me. Plus, it comes with a lot of arrogance on her part.

What is your greatest strength? Weakness?
My strength comes from the support from people that I care about. I know that sounds cliche, but that's the truth! My weakness is not training as much as I should be, i am planning on fixing that in the future to be a better boarder.

Tell us about your worst wipeout.
It was my first time trying out ice skating, you would think that i would be no problem with this since In-Line skating is my other favorite hobby....but little did I know. Ice skating is a challenge for me, and I tried to be positive...but an incorrect spin cost me a broken leg. I had to heal for a couple of weeks, and I haven't been at an ice ring since.

Are you keeping it real? Tell us how.
Keeping it real? I have been doing that as long as I can remember! I know that it is a short description, but keeping it real is being yourself in a positive manner. If you can't be real to yourself, then you aren't real to the world around you!

What do you do when you are not snowboarding?
Oh, i've been doing in-line skating, helping my mom with making clothing ideas and sometimes modeling, and even try a bit of skiing to branch out a little to break the mold. Snowboarding is still my passion, I try to go up to the mountains as often as possible. How could I ignore the call of the alpines when it is right there?
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Regar Thurmaine
Age: 94
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Blood Status: 2nd Class
Birthplace: Ironlands of Mazar
Occupation: Kymetalsmith, Ore Master
Patron: Qhydite the Iron Maiden
Family Line: Dhuke I
Loddeack(Parental Uncle)

Rigar is the only son of Kherral and Rigalatha of Mazar, proud descendants of Dhuke I. He is taught the way of smiting by family tradition, and they mine a specific metal that their family claimed years ago. Because of that, people gather to him for smiting this metal, even making commissions for the heart of the Dwarven lands.

Violettia Valsena
Age: 19(10th of the Verdant Rain Moon, Imperial Year 1161)
Hair: Violet Purple
Eyes: Green
Status: Noble
Birthplace: Andrestian Empire
Crest: Minor Crest of Lisha
House: Black Eagles
Class: Soldier --- Pegasus Knight ---Wyvern Rider
Weapon: Lance

Violettia is born in the minor noble house of Valsena, a branch house of the larger house of Wallech. She does not bare the responsibility of leading the larger house, but is a servant of the main house since anyone that has a minor or no crest are Valsena instead of Wallech. Since she is in nobility, she has to attend the Officer's Academy to become useful in the future, and she has no other choice but to use her skills and power to protect the main house.
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Hazel Sugarwood
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Race: Ram
Hair: Blonde
Fur: White
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'7
Birthplace: Silver City
Location: Evergreen Glen
Occupation: Herbal Shop Owner
Odette(Half Sister)
Dorean(Brother in Law)
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Sylvia Lennox
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Red
Bloodtype: A
Birthplace: Green Fall, Michigan
Location: Red Ridge City, Michigan
Occupation: Works for Cyno Pharmaceuticals
Mila(Twin, Deceased)


When Slyvia was born, she took the life of her sister, that is how her distraught grandfather told it. He became cold and distant from her because of it, but her parents assured her that it wasn't her fault. Leland left the family, sending the occasional letter every once in a while. She grew up with the knowledge that her grandfather hated her for her sister's death, and that would never mend. She went on with her life, moving to a college town after she graduated, and afterwards into the big city for work.

Kevin Wilder

Age: 19
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 lbs
Nationality: American
Rider Style: Freestyle
Alternate Sport: Sky-Boarding
Motto: Radical, nuff said
Friends: Brady, Rika
Enemy: Jericho
Favorite Movie: Triple X
Favorite Reading: Space Magazines
Favorite Music: Underground Hip-Hop
Boards: Freestyle-Boardercross-Alpine
Golden Tiger(F)
Beat Maker(F)
Root Beer(F)
Fire Starter(F)
Silver Falcon(F)
Saturn's Ring(F)
Bronze Wolf(F)
Ultimate Blast(F)


What is your favorite course?

The Metro Shred of course, have you seen that track? It is off the hook! You have no idea how man rails, jumps, and short cuts there are to take advantage of! Urban snowboarding is the best.

What is your favorite trick and why?
The Falconer is my favorite trick, if you know about sky-boarding I practice this trick in the sky.

If you didn't snowboard, what would you be doing?
A professional sky-boarder, maybe even a pilot since i've been trying to get a licence.

Have you made any friends on the tour? Enemies?
Yeah, Brady is pretty cool. People say that he is nothing but a meat head, but he is a lot more than people give him credit for. I cannot stand Jericho, he is so hoity-toity, i would love to have the change of beating him in a one-on-one.

What about Rika? There are rumors that you two are a thing.
Huh? U-Uh, we are friends. People just like to spread rumors, that's all...

What is your greatest strength? Weakness?
Having confidence that you will win, that's how it goes. Sometimes luck will help along the way. Weakness? I tend to be overconfident.

Tell us about your worst wipeout.
Aw man, I broke my wrist this one time I was shredding down Bear Mountain, I had to get a metal plate for that one. Its a pain going through metal detectors now.

Are you keeping it real? Tell us how.
What else I be doing if I weren't?

What do you do when you are not snowboarding?
Sky sports mostly, its a thrill next to snowboarding, you should try it sometime. If i'm not doing that, then I would thinking about travelling around the world for some action.

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: American
Height: 5'5
Eyes: Green
Hair: Pink
Affiliation: Night Star Clan
Affinity: Inferno
Pact: Madama Saturn, The Sower of Torment
Weapons: Iron Thorns(Swords 2x) Grey Nova(Guns 2x)
Witch Walk-Allows her to defy gravity and walk on walls during a full moon.
Witch Time-Able to slow down time in a fraction of a minute.
Wicked Weave-a type of attack that can be executed by powerful Umbra Witches to summon forth Infernal Demons by using their hair as a conduit.
Torture-An action that punishes the unfortunate soul that is caught by one of many instruments of suffering. Death is instant.
Beast within-Animal transformations
Stella, The Awaken Star
The Night Star Clan are a coven of witches and warlocks living in the New World, doing their duty as practitioners of the dark arts to battle the forces of Heaven. During the Clan Wars in Europe, and the spreading of the Witch Hunts, the clan hidden themselves away and placed in deep slumber for hundreds of years. This young witch named Stella is the first to awaken, finding herself alone in this new world where witches area thing of the past. The rest of her clan are asleep, so she must revive them via powerful magic from killing Angels.
Madama Saturn, The Sower of Torment
In Inferno, there is a garden made of beautiful flowers grown from the damned souls unlucky enough to have been plucked from this demoness. The victim's everlasting torment make her garden even more lovely, as she picks more to join the soil. Those willing to form a pact will gain enormous power and knowledge in the dark arts.
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Ellis Maximilian
Age: 23
Gender: Androgynous Female
Race: Jackal/Fox
Height: 5'2
Hair: Blue and White
Fur: White
Eyes: Green
Occupation: Homemade Crafter
Location: Greenmoss Harbor
Devlin(Twin Brother)

Age: 100
Gender: Male
Race: Cerulean Scale Merman
Height: 6'0
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Silver
Birthplace: City of Pearls, Pacific Ocean Kingdom
Ice Manipulation

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hylian
Height: 5'10
Hair: Sunlight Blonde
Eyes; Blue

Birthplace: Hyrule Castle
Status: Prince, Holder of the Tri-Force of Courage
Weapons: Sword and Shield
Arthur(Father, Deceased)
Ganondorf(Step Father)
Nabooru(Step Aunt)
Alkatar(Half brother)
Jihl(Half Sister)
Jaqson(Half Brother)
Yasring(Half Sister)

Marcus Arelius
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Demon Hybrid
Height: 5'11
Eyes: Light Grey
Hair: White
Occupation: Jewel Hunter
Weapons: Asphodel Virtue(Blade Constructs), Rhadamanthus(Chicago Typewriter)
Devil Trigger: Devil Form
Verus(Half Brother)
Lucilla(Half Sister)
Meridius(Half Brother)

Jodie Hemsley

Age: 23
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'6
Weight: 135 lbs
Nationality: New Zealander
Rider Style: Boardercross
Alternate Sport: BMX Biking
Motto: No pain, no gain
Friends: Rika, Brady
Enemy: Mia
Favorite Movie: Point Break
Favorite Reading: NZ Musician
Favorite Music: Punk Rock
Boards: Freestyle-Boardercross-Alpine

Green Wave(BMX)
Surprise Attack(BMX)
Bomb Rider(A)
Girl Punk(BMX)
Black Boots(BMX)
Liquid Power(BMX)
Elbow Geese(BMX)
Ultimate Rubber(BMX)


N/A for now
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Venus DeLuna
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human with Fairy Ancestry
Height: 5'5
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Occupation: Herbalist

N/A for now

Ryman Vesper

Age: 31
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Scottish
Height: 6'0
Eyes: Purple and Blue
Hair: Brown
Birthplace: Arabath, Scotland
Occupation: Agent of Kingsman
Ryman Vesper is the illegitimate son of a Scottish nobleman who refused to acknowledge his existence even after his mother died. Lord Coleman, his uncle, decided to take care of him as his own, as the man is working as a tailor in London. After graduation, he joined the British Armed Forces and served for a number of years before retiring. His Uncle offers him a job, being recruited into the Kingsman secret service. After passing their trials, he was given the codename Lancelot and has been an agent ever since.

Jericho Bourne

Age: 27
Blood Type: O
Height: 6'3
Weight: 165 lbs
Nationality: Canadian
Rider Style: Boardercross
Alternate Sport: Lacrosse
Motto: Its either flying, or falling with style
Enemy: Kevin
Favorite Movie: Step Up
Favorite Reading: Nuvo Lifestyle
Favorite Music: Club
Boards: Freestyle-Boardercross-Alpine
Freefalling (BMX)
Flashpoint (F)
Black Shades (BMX)
Cash Money (BMX)
Gold Rush (A)
All Action (BMX)
Big Spender (BMX)
Bourne Again (F)
Sky Trust (BMX)
Limitless (BMX)
Ultimate Party (BMX)
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Hanami Hyuuga

Age: 25 (August 30)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5'5
Hair: Black
Eyes: White
Bloodtype: B
Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan
Birthplace: Konohogakure, Fire Country
Clan: Hyuuga
Rank: Chunin
Occupation: Store Owner
Satoko (Mother)
Kuroiya (Brother)

Wang Shan

Age: 25
Gender: Is Genderless, but responds to male pronouns
Race: Omnic
Model: Assassin
Height: 6'7
Base: Temple of Warriors, Hong Kong
Occupation: Assassin (former) Local Hero
Role: DPS

Hand Plasma

Alt Weapon
Arm Blades:


Palm Thrust

Ultimate: Field of War

Aeceon Hartlith
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Silverite Human
Height: 5'9
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde
Birthplace: Harrowlite Castle
Status: Royal
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Dragon: Xycenea

Noriko Kakyion
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height: 5'4
Hair: Red
Eyes: Purple
Bloodtype: B
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Color: Green
Stand: Hierophant Green
Hiroki (Father)
Sumire (Mother)